interface MiddlewareInterface (View source)

Middlewares must take a MiddlewareInterface as their first constructor argument {Google\ApiCore\Middleware\ResponseMetadataMiddleware}, which represents the next middleware in the chain. This next middleware MUST be invoked by this MiddlewareInterface, and the result must be returned as part of the __invoke method implementation.

To create your own middleware, first implement the interface, as well as pass the handler in through the constructor:

use Google\ApiCore\Call;
use Google\ApiCore\Middleware\MiddlewareInterface;

class MyTestMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface
    public function __construct(MiddlewareInterface $handler)
.         $this->handler = $handler;
     public function __invoke(Call $call, array $options)
         echo "Logging info about the call: " . $call->getMethod();
         return ($this->handler)($call, $options);

Next, add the middleware to any class implementing GapicClientTrait by passing in a callable which returns the new middleware:

$client = new ExampleGoogleApiServiceClient();
$client->addMiddleware(function (MiddlewareInterface $handler) {
    return new MyTestMiddleware($handler);


__invoke(Call $call, array $options)

Modify or observe the API call request and response.


PromiseInterface|ClientStream|ServerStream|BidiStream __invoke(Call $call, array $options)

Modify or observe the API call request and response.

The returned value must include the result of the next MiddlewareInterface invocation in the chain.


Call $call
array $options

Return Value
