class RpcLogEvent (View source)


A class that contains all the required information for logging.


string $timestamp

Timestamp in format RFC3339 representing when this event ocurred

float $milliseconds

The time in milliseconds at time on creation for calculating latency

null|string $method

Rest method type

null|string $url

URL representing the rest URL endpoint

null|array $headers

An array that contains the headers for the response or request

null|string $payload

An array representation of JSON for the response or request

null|int|string $status

Status code for REST or gRPC methods

null|int $latency

The latency in milliseconds

null|int $retryAttempt

The retry attempt number

null|string $rpcName

The name of the gRPC method being called

null|string $serviceName

The Service Name of the gRPC

null|int $processId

The Process ID for tracing logs

null|int $requestId

The Request id for tracing logs


__construct(null|float $startTime = null)

Creates an object with all the fields required for logging Passing a string representation of a timestamp calculates the difference between these two times and sets the latency field with the result.


__construct(null|float $startTime = null)

Creates an object with all the fields required for logging Passing a string representation of a timestamp calculates the difference between these two times and sets the latency field with the result.


null|float $startTime

(Optional) Parameter to calculate the latency