Google Analytics API . management . filters

Instance Methods


Close httplib2 connections.

delete(accountId, filterId)

Delete a filter.

get(accountId, filterId)

Returns filters to which the user has access.

insert(accountId, body=None)

Create a new filter.

list(accountId, max_results=None, start_index=None)

Lists all filters for an account

patch(accountId, filterId, body=None)

Updates an existing filter. This method supports patch semantics.

update(accountId, filterId, body=None)

Updates an existing filter.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
delete(accountId, filterId)
Delete a filter.

  accountId: string, Account ID to delete the filter for. (required)
  filterId: string, ID of the filter to be deleted. (required)

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON template for an Analytics account filter.
  "accountId": "A String", # Account ID to which this filter belongs.
  "advancedDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type ADVANCED.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Indicates if the filter expressions are case sensitive.
    "extractA": "A String", # Expression to extract from field A.
    "extractB": "A String", # Expression to extract from field B.
    "fieldA": "A String", # Field A.
    "fieldAIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldARequired": True or False, # Indicates if field A is required to match.
    "fieldB": "A String", # Field B.
    "fieldBIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldBRequired": True or False, # Indicates if field B is required to match.
    "outputConstructor": "A String", # Expression used to construct the output value.
    "outputToField": "A String", # Output field.
    "outputToFieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "overrideOutputField": True or False, # Indicates if the existing value of the output field, if any, should be overridden by the output expression.
  "created": "A String", # Time this filter was created.
  "excludeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type EXCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "id": "A String", # Filter ID.
  "includeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type INCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "kind": "analytics#filter", # Resource type for Analytics filter.
  "lowercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type LOWER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
  "name": "A String", # Name of this filter.
  "parentLink": { # Parent link for this filter. Points to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "href": "A String", # Link to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "type": "analytics#account", # Value is "analytics#account".
  "searchAndReplaceDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type SEARCH_AND_REPLACE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "replaceString": "A String", # Term to replace the search term with.
    "searchString": "A String", # Term to search.
  "selfLink": "A String", # Link for this filter.
  "type": "A String", # Type of this filter. Possible values are INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, LOWERCASE, UPPERCASE, SEARCH_AND_REPLACE and ADVANCED.
  "updated": "A String", # Time this filter was last modified.
  "uppercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type UPPER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
get(accountId, filterId)
Returns filters to which the user has access.

  accountId: string, Account ID to retrieve filters for. (required)
  filterId: string, Filter ID to retrieve filters for. (required)

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON template for an Analytics account filter.
  "accountId": "A String", # Account ID to which this filter belongs.
  "advancedDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type ADVANCED.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Indicates if the filter expressions are case sensitive.
    "extractA": "A String", # Expression to extract from field A.
    "extractB": "A String", # Expression to extract from field B.
    "fieldA": "A String", # Field A.
    "fieldAIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldARequired": True or False, # Indicates if field A is required to match.
    "fieldB": "A String", # Field B.
    "fieldBIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldBRequired": True or False, # Indicates if field B is required to match.
    "outputConstructor": "A String", # Expression used to construct the output value.
    "outputToField": "A String", # Output field.
    "outputToFieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "overrideOutputField": True or False, # Indicates if the existing value of the output field, if any, should be overridden by the output expression.
  "created": "A String", # Time this filter was created.
  "excludeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type EXCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "id": "A String", # Filter ID.
  "includeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type INCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "kind": "analytics#filter", # Resource type for Analytics filter.
  "lowercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type LOWER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
  "name": "A String", # Name of this filter.
  "parentLink": { # Parent link for this filter. Points to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "href": "A String", # Link to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "type": "analytics#account", # Value is "analytics#account".
  "searchAndReplaceDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type SEARCH_AND_REPLACE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "replaceString": "A String", # Term to replace the search term with.
    "searchString": "A String", # Term to search.
  "selfLink": "A String", # Link for this filter.
  "type": "A String", # Type of this filter. Possible values are INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, LOWERCASE, UPPERCASE, SEARCH_AND_REPLACE and ADVANCED.
  "updated": "A String", # Time this filter was last modified.
  "uppercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type UPPER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
insert(accountId, body=None)
Create a new filter.

  accountId: string, Account ID to create filter for. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # JSON template for an Analytics account filter.
  "accountId": "A String", # Account ID to which this filter belongs.
  "advancedDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type ADVANCED.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Indicates if the filter expressions are case sensitive.
    "extractA": "A String", # Expression to extract from field A.
    "extractB": "A String", # Expression to extract from field B.
    "fieldA": "A String", # Field A.
    "fieldAIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldARequired": True or False, # Indicates if field A is required to match.
    "fieldB": "A String", # Field B.
    "fieldBIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldBRequired": True or False, # Indicates if field B is required to match.
    "outputConstructor": "A String", # Expression used to construct the output value.
    "outputToField": "A String", # Output field.
    "outputToFieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "overrideOutputField": True or False, # Indicates if the existing value of the output field, if any, should be overridden by the output expression.
  "created": "A String", # Time this filter was created.
  "excludeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type EXCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "id": "A String", # Filter ID.
  "includeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type INCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "kind": "analytics#filter", # Resource type for Analytics filter.
  "lowercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type LOWER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
  "name": "A String", # Name of this filter.
  "parentLink": { # Parent link for this filter. Points to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "href": "A String", # Link to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "type": "analytics#account", # Value is "analytics#account".
  "searchAndReplaceDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type SEARCH_AND_REPLACE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "replaceString": "A String", # Term to replace the search term with.
    "searchString": "A String", # Term to search.
  "selfLink": "A String", # Link for this filter.
  "type": "A String", # Type of this filter. Possible values are INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, LOWERCASE, UPPERCASE, SEARCH_AND_REPLACE and ADVANCED.
  "updated": "A String", # Time this filter was last modified.
  "uppercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type UPPER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON template for an Analytics account filter.
  "accountId": "A String", # Account ID to which this filter belongs.
  "advancedDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type ADVANCED.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Indicates if the filter expressions are case sensitive.
    "extractA": "A String", # Expression to extract from field A.
    "extractB": "A String", # Expression to extract from field B.
    "fieldA": "A String", # Field A.
    "fieldAIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldARequired": True or False, # Indicates if field A is required to match.
    "fieldB": "A String", # Field B.
    "fieldBIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldBRequired": True or False, # Indicates if field B is required to match.
    "outputConstructor": "A String", # Expression used to construct the output value.
    "outputToField": "A String", # Output field.
    "outputToFieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "overrideOutputField": True or False, # Indicates if the existing value of the output field, if any, should be overridden by the output expression.
  "created": "A String", # Time this filter was created.
  "excludeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type EXCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "id": "A String", # Filter ID.
  "includeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type INCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "kind": "analytics#filter", # Resource type for Analytics filter.
  "lowercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type LOWER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
  "name": "A String", # Name of this filter.
  "parentLink": { # Parent link for this filter. Points to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "href": "A String", # Link to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "type": "analytics#account", # Value is "analytics#account".
  "searchAndReplaceDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type SEARCH_AND_REPLACE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "replaceString": "A String", # Term to replace the search term with.
    "searchString": "A String", # Term to search.
  "selfLink": "A String", # Link for this filter.
  "type": "A String", # Type of this filter. Possible values are INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, LOWERCASE, UPPERCASE, SEARCH_AND_REPLACE and ADVANCED.
  "updated": "A String", # Time this filter was last modified.
  "uppercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type UPPER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
list(accountId, max_results=None, start_index=None)
Lists all filters for an account

  accountId: string, Account ID to retrieve filters for. (required)
  max_results: integer, The maximum number of filters to include in this response.
  start_index: integer, An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.

  An object of the form:

    { # A filter collection lists filters created by users in an Analytics account. Each resource in the collection corresponds to a filter.
  "items": [ # A list of filters.
    { # JSON template for an Analytics account filter.
      "accountId": "A String", # Account ID to which this filter belongs.
      "advancedDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type ADVANCED.
        "caseSensitive": True or False, # Indicates if the filter expressions are case sensitive.
        "extractA": "A String", # Expression to extract from field A.
        "extractB": "A String", # Expression to extract from field B.
        "fieldA": "A String", # Field A.
        "fieldAIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
        "fieldARequired": True or False, # Indicates if field A is required to match.
        "fieldB": "A String", # Field B.
        "fieldBIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
        "fieldBRequired": True or False, # Indicates if field B is required to match.
        "outputConstructor": "A String", # Expression used to construct the output value.
        "outputToField": "A String", # Output field.
        "outputToFieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
        "overrideOutputField": True or False, # Indicates if the existing value of the output field, if any, should be overridden by the output expression.
      "created": "A String", # Time this filter was created.
      "excludeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type EXCLUDE.
        "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
        "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
        "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
            # - Content and Traffic
            # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
            # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
            # - PAGE_TITLE,
            # - REFERRAL,
            # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
            # - HIT_TYPE,
            # - INTERNAL_SEARCH_TERM,
            # - INTERNAL_SEARCH_TYPE,
            # - Campaign or AdGroup
            # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
            # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
            # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
            # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
            # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
            # - CAMPAIGN_CONTENT,
            # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
            # - E-Commerce
            # - TRANSACTION_COUNTRY,
            # - TRANSACTION_REGION,
            # - TRANSACTION_CITY,
            # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
            # - ITEM_NAME,
            # - ITEM_CODE,
            # - ITEM_VARIATION,
            # - TRANSACTION_ID,
            # - PRODUCT_ACTION_TYPE,
            # - Audience/Users
            # - BROWSER,
            # - BROWSER_VERSION,
            # - BROWSER_SIZE,
            # - PLATFORM,
            # - PLATFORM_VERSION,
            # - LANGUAGE,
            # - SCREEN_RESOLUTION,
            # - SCREEN_COLORS,
            # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
            # - FLASH_VERSION,
            # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
            # - VISITOR_TYPE,
            # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
            # - GEO_DOMAIN,
            # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
            # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
            # - Location
            # - GEO_COUNTRY,
            # - GEO_REGION,
            # - GEO_CITY,
            # - Event
            # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
            # - EVENT_ACTION,
            # - EVENT_LABEL,
            # - Other
            # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
            # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
            # - USER_DEFINED_VALUE,
            # - Application
            # - APP_ID,
            # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
            # - APP_NAME,
            # - APP_VERSION,
            # - SCREEN,
            # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
            # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
            # - Mobile device
            # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
            # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
            # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
            # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
            # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
            # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
            # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
            # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
            # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
            # - MOBILE_MARKETING_NAME,
            # - Social
            # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
            # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
            # - SOCIAL_ACTION_TARGET,
            # - Custom dimension
            # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
        "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
        "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
        "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
      "id": "A String", # Filter ID.
      "includeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type INCLUDE.
        "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
        "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
        "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
            # - Content and Traffic
            # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
            # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
            # - PAGE_TITLE,
            # - REFERRAL,
            # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
            # - HIT_TYPE,
            # - INTERNAL_SEARCH_TERM,
            # - INTERNAL_SEARCH_TYPE,
            # - Campaign or AdGroup
            # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
            # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
            # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
            # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
            # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
            # - CAMPAIGN_CONTENT,
            # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
            # - E-Commerce
            # - TRANSACTION_COUNTRY,
            # - TRANSACTION_REGION,
            # - TRANSACTION_CITY,
            # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
            # - ITEM_NAME,
            # - ITEM_CODE,
            # - ITEM_VARIATION,
            # - TRANSACTION_ID,
            # - PRODUCT_ACTION_TYPE,
            # - Audience/Users
            # - BROWSER,
            # - BROWSER_VERSION,
            # - BROWSER_SIZE,
            # - PLATFORM,
            # - PLATFORM_VERSION,
            # - LANGUAGE,
            # - SCREEN_RESOLUTION,
            # - SCREEN_COLORS,
            # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
            # - FLASH_VERSION,
            # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
            # - VISITOR_TYPE,
            # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
            # - GEO_DOMAIN,
            # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
            # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
            # - Location
            # - GEO_COUNTRY,
            # - GEO_REGION,
            # - GEO_CITY,
            # - Event
            # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
            # - EVENT_ACTION,
            # - EVENT_LABEL,
            # - Other
            # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
            # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
            # - USER_DEFINED_VALUE,
            # - Application
            # - APP_ID,
            # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
            # - APP_NAME,
            # - APP_VERSION,
            # - SCREEN,
            # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
            # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
            # - Mobile device
            # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
            # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
            # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
            # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
            # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
            # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
            # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
            # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
            # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
            # - MOBILE_MARKETING_NAME,
            # - Social
            # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
            # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
            # - SOCIAL_ACTION_TARGET,
            # - Custom dimension
            # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
        "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
        "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
        "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
      "kind": "analytics#filter", # Resource type for Analytics filter.
      "lowercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type LOWER.
        "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
        "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
      "name": "A String", # Name of this filter.
      "parentLink": { # Parent link for this filter. Points to the account to which this filter belongs.
        "href": "A String", # Link to the account to which this filter belongs.
        "type": "analytics#account", # Value is "analytics#account".
      "searchAndReplaceDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type SEARCH_AND_REPLACE.
        "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
        "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
        "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
        "replaceString": "A String", # Term to replace the search term with.
        "searchString": "A String", # Term to search.
      "selfLink": "A String", # Link for this filter.
      "type": "A String", # Type of this filter. Possible values are INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, LOWERCASE, UPPERCASE, SEARCH_AND_REPLACE and ADVANCED.
      "updated": "A String", # Time this filter was last modified.
      "uppercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type UPPER.
        "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
        "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
  "itemsPerPage": 42, # The maximum number of resources the response can contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its value ranges from 1 to 1,000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.
  "kind": "analytics#filters", # Collection type.
  "nextLink": "A String", # Link to next page for this filter collection.
  "previousLink": "A String", # Link to previous page for this filter collection.
  "startIndex": 42, # The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.
  "totalResults": 42, # The total number of results for the query, regardless of the number of results in the response.
  "username": "A String", # Email ID of the authenticated user
patch(accountId, filterId, body=None)
Updates an existing filter. This method supports patch semantics.

  accountId: string, Account ID to which the filter belongs. (required)
  filterId: string, ID of the filter to be updated. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # JSON template for an Analytics account filter.
  "accountId": "A String", # Account ID to which this filter belongs.
  "advancedDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type ADVANCED.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Indicates if the filter expressions are case sensitive.
    "extractA": "A String", # Expression to extract from field A.
    "extractB": "A String", # Expression to extract from field B.
    "fieldA": "A String", # Field A.
    "fieldAIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldARequired": True or False, # Indicates if field A is required to match.
    "fieldB": "A String", # Field B.
    "fieldBIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldBRequired": True or False, # Indicates if field B is required to match.
    "outputConstructor": "A String", # Expression used to construct the output value.
    "outputToField": "A String", # Output field.
    "outputToFieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "overrideOutputField": True or False, # Indicates if the existing value of the output field, if any, should be overridden by the output expression.
  "created": "A String", # Time this filter was created.
  "excludeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type EXCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "id": "A String", # Filter ID.
  "includeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type INCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "kind": "analytics#filter", # Resource type for Analytics filter.
  "lowercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type LOWER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
  "name": "A String", # Name of this filter.
  "parentLink": { # Parent link for this filter. Points to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "href": "A String", # Link to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "type": "analytics#account", # Value is "analytics#account".
  "searchAndReplaceDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type SEARCH_AND_REPLACE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "replaceString": "A String", # Term to replace the search term with.
    "searchString": "A String", # Term to search.
  "selfLink": "A String", # Link for this filter.
  "type": "A String", # Type of this filter. Possible values are INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, LOWERCASE, UPPERCASE, SEARCH_AND_REPLACE and ADVANCED.
  "updated": "A String", # Time this filter was last modified.
  "uppercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type UPPER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON template for an Analytics account filter.
  "accountId": "A String", # Account ID to which this filter belongs.
  "advancedDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type ADVANCED.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Indicates if the filter expressions are case sensitive.
    "extractA": "A String", # Expression to extract from field A.
    "extractB": "A String", # Expression to extract from field B.
    "fieldA": "A String", # Field A.
    "fieldAIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldARequired": True or False, # Indicates if field A is required to match.
    "fieldB": "A String", # Field B.
    "fieldBIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldBRequired": True or False, # Indicates if field B is required to match.
    "outputConstructor": "A String", # Expression used to construct the output value.
    "outputToField": "A String", # Output field.
    "outputToFieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "overrideOutputField": True or False, # Indicates if the existing value of the output field, if any, should be overridden by the output expression.
  "created": "A String", # Time this filter was created.
  "excludeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type EXCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "id": "A String", # Filter ID.
  "includeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type INCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "kind": "analytics#filter", # Resource type for Analytics filter.
  "lowercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type LOWER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
  "name": "A String", # Name of this filter.
  "parentLink": { # Parent link for this filter. Points to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "href": "A String", # Link to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "type": "analytics#account", # Value is "analytics#account".
  "searchAndReplaceDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type SEARCH_AND_REPLACE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "replaceString": "A String", # Term to replace the search term with.
    "searchString": "A String", # Term to search.
  "selfLink": "A String", # Link for this filter.
  "type": "A String", # Type of this filter. Possible values are INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, LOWERCASE, UPPERCASE, SEARCH_AND_REPLACE and ADVANCED.
  "updated": "A String", # Time this filter was last modified.
  "uppercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type UPPER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
update(accountId, filterId, body=None)
Updates an existing filter.

  accountId: string, Account ID to which the filter belongs. (required)
  filterId: string, ID of the filter to be updated. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # JSON template for an Analytics account filter.
  "accountId": "A String", # Account ID to which this filter belongs.
  "advancedDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type ADVANCED.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Indicates if the filter expressions are case sensitive.
    "extractA": "A String", # Expression to extract from field A.
    "extractB": "A String", # Expression to extract from field B.
    "fieldA": "A String", # Field A.
    "fieldAIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldARequired": True or False, # Indicates if field A is required to match.
    "fieldB": "A String", # Field B.
    "fieldBIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldBRequired": True or False, # Indicates if field B is required to match.
    "outputConstructor": "A String", # Expression used to construct the output value.
    "outputToField": "A String", # Output field.
    "outputToFieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "overrideOutputField": True or False, # Indicates if the existing value of the output field, if any, should be overridden by the output expression.
  "created": "A String", # Time this filter was created.
  "excludeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type EXCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "id": "A String", # Filter ID.
  "includeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type INCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "kind": "analytics#filter", # Resource type for Analytics filter.
  "lowercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type LOWER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
  "name": "A String", # Name of this filter.
  "parentLink": { # Parent link for this filter. Points to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "href": "A String", # Link to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "type": "analytics#account", # Value is "analytics#account".
  "searchAndReplaceDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type SEARCH_AND_REPLACE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "replaceString": "A String", # Term to replace the search term with.
    "searchString": "A String", # Term to search.
  "selfLink": "A String", # Link for this filter.
  "type": "A String", # Type of this filter. Possible values are INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, LOWERCASE, UPPERCASE, SEARCH_AND_REPLACE and ADVANCED.
  "updated": "A String", # Time this filter was last modified.
  "uppercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type UPPER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON template for an Analytics account filter.
  "accountId": "A String", # Account ID to which this filter belongs.
  "advancedDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type ADVANCED.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Indicates if the filter expressions are case sensitive.
    "extractA": "A String", # Expression to extract from field A.
    "extractB": "A String", # Expression to extract from field B.
    "fieldA": "A String", # Field A.
    "fieldAIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldARequired": True or False, # Indicates if field A is required to match.
    "fieldB": "A String", # Field B.
    "fieldBIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "fieldBRequired": True or False, # Indicates if field B is required to match.
    "outputConstructor": "A String", # Expression used to construct the output value.
    "outputToField": "A String", # Output field.
    "outputToFieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "overrideOutputField": True or False, # Indicates if the existing value of the output field, if any, should be overridden by the output expression.
  "created": "A String", # Time this filter was created.
  "excludeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type EXCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "id": "A String", # Filter ID.
  "includeDetails": { # JSON template for an Analytics filter expression. # Details for the filter of the type INCLUDE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "expressionValue": "A String", # Filter expression value
    "field": "A String", # Field to filter. Possible values:
        # - Content and Traffic
        # - PAGE_REQUEST_URI,
        # - PAGE_HOSTNAME,
        # - PAGE_TITLE,
        # - REFERRAL,
        # - COST_DATA_URI (Campaign target URL),
        # - HIT_TYPE,
        # - Campaign or AdGroup
        # - CAMPAIGN_SOURCE,
        # - CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_NAME,
        # - CAMPAIGN_AD_GROUP,
        # - CAMPAIGN_TERM,
        # - CAMPAIGN_CODE,
        # - E-Commerce
        # - TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION (Store or order location),
        # - ITEM_NAME,
        # - ITEM_CODE,
        # - ITEM_VARIATION,
        # - TRANSACTION_ID,
        # - Audience/Users
        # - BROWSER,
        # - BROWSER_VERSION,
        # - BROWSER_SIZE,
        # - PLATFORM,
        # - LANGUAGE,
        # - SCREEN_COLORS,
        # - JAVA_ENABLED (Boolean Field),
        # - FLASH_VERSION,
        # - GEO_SPEED (Connection speed),
        # - VISITOR_TYPE,
        # - GEO_ORGANIZATION (ISP organization),
        # - GEO_DOMAIN,
        # - GEO_IP_ADDRESS,
        # - GEO_IP_VERSION,
        # - Location
        # - GEO_COUNTRY,
        # - GEO_REGION,
        # - GEO_CITY,
        # - Event
        # - EVENT_CATEGORY,
        # - EVENT_ACTION,
        # - EVENT_LABEL,
        # - Other
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_1,
        # - CUSTOM_FIELD_2,
        # - Application
        # - APP_ID,
        # - APP_INSTALLER_ID,
        # - APP_NAME,
        # - APP_VERSION,
        # - SCREEN,
        # - IS_APP (Boolean Field),
        # - IS_FATAL_EXCEPTION (Boolean Field),
        # - Mobile device
        # - IS_MOBILE (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=mobile),
        # - IS_TABLET (Boolean Field, Deprecated. Use DEVICE_CATEGORY=tablet),
        # - DEVICE_CATEGORY,
        # - MOBILE_HAS_QWERTY_KEYBOARD (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_NFC_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_CELLULAR_RADIO (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_HAS_WIFI_SUPPORT (Boolean Field),
        # - MOBILE_BRAND_NAME,
        # - MOBILE_MODEL_NAME,
        # - Social
        # - SOCIAL_NETWORK,
        # - SOCIAL_ACTION,
        # - Custom dimension
        # - CUSTOM_DIMENSION (See accompanying field index),
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Set only if the field is a is CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "kind": "analytics#filterExpression", # Kind value for filter expression
    "matchType": "A String", # Match type for this filter. Possible values are BEGINS_WITH, EQUAL, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, or MATCHES. GEO_DOMAIN, GEO_IP_ADDRESS, PAGE_REQUEST_URI, or PAGE_HOSTNAME filters can use any match type; all other filters must use MATCHES.
  "kind": "analytics#filter", # Resource type for Analytics filter.
  "lowercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type LOWER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
  "name": "A String", # Name of this filter.
  "parentLink": { # Parent link for this filter. Points to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "href": "A String", # Link to the account to which this filter belongs.
    "type": "analytics#account", # Value is "analytics#account".
  "searchAndReplaceDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type SEARCH_AND_REPLACE.
    "caseSensitive": True or False, # Determines if the filter is case sensitive.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.
    "replaceString": "A String", # Term to replace the search term with.
    "searchString": "A String", # Term to search.
  "selfLink": "A String", # Link for this filter.
  "type": "A String", # Type of this filter. Possible values are INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, LOWERCASE, UPPERCASE, SEARCH_AND_REPLACE and ADVANCED.
  "updated": "A String", # Time this filter was last modified.
  "uppercaseDetails": { # Details for the filter of the type UPPER.
    "field": "A String", # Field to use in the filter.
    "fieldIndex": 42, # The Index of the custom dimension. Required if field is a CUSTOM_DIMENSION.