Google Drive API . about

Instance Methods


Close httplib2 connections.

get(includeSubscribed=None, maxChangeIdCount=None, startChangeId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Gets the information about the current user along with Drive API settings

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
get(includeSubscribed=None, maxChangeIdCount=None, startChangeId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Gets the information about the current user along with Drive API settings

  includeSubscribed: boolean, Whether to count changes outside the My Drive hierarchy. When set to false, changes to files such as those in the Application Data folder or shared files which have not been added to My Drive will be omitted from the `maxChangeIdCount`.
  maxChangeIdCount: string, Maximum number of remaining change IDs to count
  startChangeId: string, Change ID to start counting from when calculating number of remaining change IDs
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # An item with user information and settings.
  "additionalRoleInfo": [ # Information about supported additional roles per file type. The most specific type takes precedence.
      "roleSets": [ # The supported additional roles per primary role.
          "additionalRoles": [ # The supported additional roles with the primary role.
            "A String",
          "primaryRole": "A String", # A primary permission role.
      "type": "A String", # The content type that this additional role info applies to.
  "canCreateDrives": True or False, # Whether the user can create shared drives.
  "canCreateTeamDrives": True or False, # Deprecated: Use `canCreateDrives` instead.
  "domainSharingPolicy": "A String", # The domain sharing policy for the current user. Possible values are: * `allowed` * `allowedWithWarning` * `incomingOnly` * `disallowed`
  "driveThemes": [ # A list of themes that are supported for shared drives.
      "backgroundImageLink": "A String", # A link to this theme's background image.
      "colorRgb": "A String", # The color of this theme as an RGB hex string.
      "id": "A String", # The ID of the theme.
  "etag": "A String", # The ETag of the item.
  "exportFormats": [ # The allowable export formats.
      "source": "A String", # The content type to convert from.
      "targets": [ # The possible content types to convert to.
        "A String",
  "features": [ # List of additional features enabled on this account.
      "featureName": "A String", # The name of the feature.
      "featureRate": 3.14, # The request limit rate for this feature, in queries per second.
  "folderColorPalette": [ # The palette of allowable folder colors as RGB hex strings.
    "A String",
  "importFormats": [ # The allowable import formats.
      "source": "A String", # The imported file's content type to convert from.
      "targets": [ # The possible content types to convert to.
        "A String",
  "isCurrentAppInstalled": True or False, # A boolean indicating whether the authenticated app is installed by the authenticated user.
  "kind": "drive#about", # This is always `drive#about`.
  "languageCode": "A String", # The user's language or locale code, as defined by BCP 47, with some extensions from Unicode's LDML format (
  "largestChangeId": "A String", # The largest change id.
  "maxUploadSizes": [ # List of max upload sizes for each file type. The most specific type takes precedence.
      "size": "A String", # The max upload size for this type.
      "type": "A String", # The file type.
  "name": "A String", # The name of the current user.
  "permissionId": "A String", # The current user's ID as visible in the permissions collection.
  "quotaBytesByService": [ # The amount of storage quota used by different Google services.
      "bytesUsed": "A String", # The storage quota bytes used by the service.
      "serviceName": "A String", # The service's name, e.g. DRIVE, GMAIL, or PHOTOS.
  "quotaBytesTotal": "A String", # The total number of quota bytes. This is only relevant when quotaType is LIMITED.
  "quotaBytesUsed": "A String", # The number of quota bytes used by Google Drive.
  "quotaBytesUsedAggregate": "A String", # The number of quota bytes used by all Google apps (Drive, Picasa, etc.).
  "quotaBytesUsedInTrash": "A String", # The number of quota bytes used by trashed items.
  "quotaType": "A String", # The type of the user's storage quota. Possible values are: * `LIMITED` * `UNLIMITED`
  "remainingChangeIds": "A String", # The number of remaining change ids, limited to no more than 2500.
  "rootFolderId": "A String", # The id of the root folder.
  "selfLink": "A String", # A link back to this item.
  "teamDriveThemes": [ # Deprecated: Use `driveThemes` instead.
      "backgroundImageLink": "A String", # Deprecated: Use `driveThemes/backgroundImageLink` instead.
      "colorRgb": "A String", # Deprecated: Use `driveThemes/colorRgb` instead.
      "id": "A String", # Deprecated: Use `driveThemes/id` instead.
  "user": { # Information about a Drive user. # The authenticated user.
    "displayName": "A String", # Output only. A plain text displayable name for this user.
    "emailAddress": "A String", # Output only. The email address of the user.
    "isAuthenticatedUser": True or False, # Output only. Whether this user is the same as the authenticated user for whom the request was made.
    "kind": "drive#user", # Output only. This is always `drive#user`.
    "permissionId": "A String", # Output only. The user's ID as visible in the permissions collection.
    "picture": { # Output only. The user's profile picture.
      "url": "A String", # Output Only. A URL that points to a profile picture of this user.