class HttpBody extends Message

Message that represents an arbitrary HTTP body. It should only be used for payload formats that can't be represented as JSON, such as raw binary or an HTML page.

This message can be used both in streaming and non-streaming API methods in the request as well as the response. It can be used as a top-level request field, which is convenient if one wants to extract parameters from either the URL or HTTP template into the request fields and also want access to the raw HTTP body. Example: message GetResourceRequest { // A unique request id. string request_id = 1; // The raw HTTP body is bound to this field. google.api.HttpBody http_body = 2; } service ResourceService { rpc GetResource(GetResourceRequest) returns (google.api.HttpBody); rpc UpdateResource(google.api.HttpBody) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); } Example with streaming methods: service CaldavService { rpc GetCalendar(stream google.api.HttpBody) returns (stream google.api.HttpBody); rpc UpdateCalendar(stream google.api.HttpBody) returns (stream google.api.HttpBody); } Use of this type only changes how the request and response bodies are handled, all other features will continue to work unchanged.

Generated from protobuf message google.api.HttpBody



No description


The HTTP Content-Type string representing the content type of the body.

setContentType(string $var)

The HTTP Content-Type string representing the content type of the body.


HTTP body binary data.

setData(string $var)

HTTP body binary data.


at line 58

at line 69
string getContentType()

The HTTP Content-Type string representing the content type of the body.

Generated from protobuf field string content_type = 1;

Return Value


at line 81
$this setContentType(string $var)

The HTTP Content-Type string representing the content type of the body.

Generated from protobuf field string content_type = 1;


string $var

Return Value


at line 95
string getData()

HTTP body binary data.

Generated from protobuf field bytes data = 2;

Return Value


at line 107
$this setData(string $var)

HTTP body binary data.

Generated from protobuf field bytes data = 2;


string $var

Return Value
