AgentHeaderDescriptorClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Encapsulates the custom GAPIC header information.
ApiExceptionClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Represents an exception thrown during an RPC.
ApiStatusClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
ArrayTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Provides basic array helper methods.
$Parser#acceptProperty in class Parser
$ParserAction#actionProperty in class ParserAction
$ParserCachedAction#actionProperty in class ParserCachedAction
$ParserState#actionsProperty in class ParserState
ParserSymbol::addAction() — Method in class ParserSymbol
AgentHeaderMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware
Middleware which configures headers for the request.
GeneratedTest::assertProtobufEquals() — Method in class GeneratedTest
MockStubTrait::addResponse() — Method in class MockStubTrait
Add a response object, and an optional status, to the list of responses to be returned via _simpleRequest.
AdviceClass in namespace Google\Api
Generated advice about this change, used for providing more information about how a change will affect the existing service.
AuthProviderClass in namespace Google\Api
Configuration for an anthentication provider, including support for JSON Web Token (JWT).
AuthRequirementClass in namespace Google\Api
User-defined authentication requirements, including support for JSON Web Token (JWT).
AuthenticationClass in namespace Google\Api
Authentication defines the authentication configuration for an API.
AuthenticationRuleClass in namespace Google\Api
Authentication rules for the service.
AuthorizationConfigClass in namespace Google\Api
Configuration of authorization.
AuditLogClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Audit
Common audit log format for Google Cloud Platform API operations.
AuthenticationInfoClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Audit
Authentication information for the operation.
AuthorizationInfoClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Audit
Authorization information for the operation.
AliasContextClass in namespace Google\Cloud\DevTools\Source\V1
An alias to a repo revision.
AliasContext_KindClass in namespace Google\Cloud\DevTools\Source\V1
The type of an Alias.
AuditDataClass in namespace Google\Iam\V1\Logging
Audit log information specific to Cloud IAM. This message is serialized as an Any type in the ServiceData message of an AuditLog message.


BidiStreamClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
BidiStream is the response object from a gRPC bidirectional streaming API call.
CredentialsWrapper::build() — Method in class CredentialsWrapper
Factory method to create a CredentialsWrapper from an array of options.
Parser::begin() — Method in class Parser
RequestBuilder::build() — Method in class RequestBuilder
GrpcTransport::build() — Method in class GrpcTransport
Builds a GrpcTransport.
RestTransport::build() — Method in class RestTransport
Builds a RestTransport.
UriTrait::buildUriWithQuery() — Method in class UriTrait
BackendClass in namespace Google\Api
Backend defines the backend configuration for a service.
BackendRuleClass in namespace Google\Api
A backend rule provides configuration for an individual API element.
BillingClass in namespace Google\Api
Billing related configuration of the service.
Billing_BillingDestinationClass in namespace Google\Api
Configuration of a specific billing destination (Currently only support bill against consumer project).
BindingClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Iam\V1
Associates members with a role.
BindingDeltaClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Iam\V1
One delta entry for Binding. Each individual change (only one member in each entry) to a binding will be a separate entry.
BindingDelta_ActionClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Iam\V1
The type of action performed on a Binding in a policy.
BadRequestClass in namespace Google\Rpc
Describes violations in a client request. This error type focuses on the syntactic aspects of the request.
BadRequest_FieldViolationClass in namespace Google\Rpc
A message type used to describe a single bad request field.


ApiException::createFromStdClass() — Method in class ApiException
ApiException::createFromApiResponse() — Method in class ApiException
BidiStream::closeWrite() — Method in class BidiStream
Inform the server that no more requests will be written. The write() function cannot be called after closeWrite() is called.
BidiStream::closeWriteAndReadAll() — Method in class BidiStream
Call closeWrite(), and read all responses from the server, until the streaming call is completed. Throws an ApiException if the streaming call failed.
CallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Contains information necessary to manage a network request.
ClientStreamClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
ClientStream is the response object from a gRPC client streaming API call.
CredentialsWrapperClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
The CredentialsWrapper object provides a wrapper around a FetchAuthTokenInterface.
GapicClientTrait::close() — Method in class GapicClientTrait
Initiates an orderly shutdown in which preexisting calls continue but new calls are immediately cancelled.
$Parser#conditionStackProperty in class Parser
$Parser#conditionStackCountProperty in class Parser
$Parser#conditionsProperty in class Parser
Parser::currentRules() — Method in class Parser
OperationsGapicClient::cancelOperation() — Method in class OperationsGapicClient
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED. Clients can use [Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation, the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1, corresponding to Code.CANCELLED.
CredentialsWrapperMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware
Middleware which adds a CredentialsWrapper object to the call options.
OperationResponse::cancel() — Method in class OperationResponse
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it will throw an ApiException with code \Google\Rpc\Code::UNIMPLEMENTED. Clients can continue to use reload and pollUntilComplete methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the operation completed despite cancellation.
PageStreamingDescriptor::createFromFields() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PathTemplate::count() — Method in class PathTemplate
RetrySettings::constructDefault() — Method in class RetrySettings
$MockStatus#codeProperty in class MockStatus
MockStubTrait::create() — Method in class MockStubTrait
MockStubTrait::createWithResponseSequence() — Method in class MockStubTrait
Creates a sequence such that the responses are returned in order.
MockTransport::close() — Method in class MockTransport
Closes the connection, if one exists.
ForwardingCall::cancel() — Method in class ForwardingCall
Cancels the call.
RestTransport::close() — Method in class RestTransport
Closes the connection, if one exists.
TransportInterface::close() — Method in class TransportInterface
Closes the connection, if one exists.
ChangeTypeClass in namespace Google\Api
Classifies set of possible modifications to an object in the service configuration.
ConfigChangeClass in namespace Google\Api
Output generated from semantically comparing two versions of a service configuration.
ContextClass in namespace Google\Api
Context defines which contexts an API requests.
ContextRuleClass in namespace Google\Api
A context rule provides information about the context for an individual API element.
ControlClass in namespace Google\Api
Selects and configures the service controller used by the service. The service controller handles features like abuse, quota, billing, logging, monitoring, etc.
CustomHttpPatternClass in namespace Google\Api
A custom pattern is used for defining custom HTTP verb.
CloudRepoSourceContextClass in namespace Google\Cloud\DevTools\Source\V1
A CloudRepoSourceContext denotes a particular revision in a cloud repo (a repo hosted by the Google Cloud Platform).
CloudWorkspaceIdClass in namespace Google\Cloud\DevTools\Source\V1
A CloudWorkspaceId is a unique identifier for a cloud workspace.
CloudWorkspaceSourceContextClass in namespace Google\Cloud\DevTools\Source\V1
A CloudWorkspaceSourceContext denotes a workspace at a particular snapshot.
$SourceContext#contextProperty in class SourceContext
CancelOperationRequestClass in namespace Google\LongRunning
The request message for [Operations.CancelOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.CancelOperation].
OperationsGrpcClient::CancelOperation() — Method in class OperationsGrpcClient
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED. Clients can use [Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation, the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1, corresponding to Code.CANCELLED.
CodeClass in namespace Google\Rpc
The canonical error codes for Google APIs.
ColorClass in namespace Google\Type
Represents a color in the RGBA color space. This representation is designed for simplicity of conversion to/from color representations in various languages over compactness; for example, the fields of this representation can be trivially provided to the constructor of "java.awt.Color" in Java; it can also be trivially provided to UIColor's "+colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha" method in iOS; and, with just a little work, it can be easily formatted into a CSS "rgba()" string in JavaScript, as well. Here are some examples: Example (Java): import com.google.type.Color; // .


$Parser#defaultActionsProperty in class Parser
$Parser#debugProperty in class Parser
$Parser#doneProperty in class Parser
Segment::decrementSegmentCount() — Method in class Segment
OperationsGapicClient::deleteOperation() — Method in class OperationsGapicClient
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED.
OperationResponse::delete() — Method in class OperationResponse
Delete the long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the operation.
Serializer::decodeMessage() — Method in class Serializer
Decode PHP array into the specified protobuf message
Serializer::decodeMetadata() — Method in class Serializer
Decode metadata received from gRPC status object
$MockStatus#detailsProperty in class MockStatus
SerializationTrait::deserializeMessage() — Method in class SerializationTrait
DistributionClass in namespace Google\Api
Distribution contains summary statistics for a population of values and, optionally, a histogram representing the distribution of those values across a specified set of histogram buckets.
Distribution_BucketOptionsClass in namespace Google\Api
A Distribution may optionally contain a histogram of the values in the population. The histogram is given in bucket_counts as counts of values that fall into one of a sequence of non-overlapping buckets. The sequence of buckets is described by bucket_options.
Distribution_BucketOptions_ExplicitClass in namespace Google\Api
A set of buckets with arbitrary widths.
Distribution_BucketOptions_ExponentialClass in namespace Google\Api
Specify a sequence of buckets that have a width that is proportional to the value of the lower bound. Each bucket represents a constant relative uncertainty on a specific value in the bucket.
Distribution_BucketOptions_LinearClass in namespace Google\Api
Specify a sequence of buckets that all have the same width (except overflow and underflow). Each bucket represents a constant absolute uncertainty on the specific value in the bucket.
Distribution_RangeClass in namespace Google\Api
The range of the population values.
DocumentationClass in namespace Google\Api
Documentation provides the information for describing a service.
DocumentationRuleClass in namespace Google\Api
A documentation rule provides information about individual API elements.
DeleteOperationRequestClass in namespace Google\LongRunning
The request message for [Operations.DeleteOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.DeleteOperation].
OperationsGrpcClient::DeleteOperation() — Method in class OperationsGrpcClient
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED.
DebugInfoClass in namespace Google\Rpc
Describes additional debugging info.
DateClass in namespace Google\Type
Represents a whole calendar date, e.g. date of birth. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are not significant. The date is relative to the Proleptic Gregorian Calendar. The day may be 0 to represent a year and month where the day is not significant, e.g. credit card expiration date. The year may be 0 to represent a month and day independent of year, e.g. anniversary date. Related types are [google.type.TimeOfDay][google.type.TimeOfDay] and google.protobuf.Timestamp.
DayOfWeekClass in namespace Google\Type
Represents a day of week.


$Parser#eofProperty in class Parser
$ParserError#expectedProperty in class ParserError
Page::expandToFixedSizeCollection() — Method in class Page
Returns a collection of elements with a fixed size set by the collectionSize parameter. The collection will only contain fewer than collectionSize elements if there are no more pages to be retrieved from the server.
PagedListResponse::expandToFixedSizeCollection() — Method in class PagedListResponse
Returns a collection of elements with a fixed size set by the collectionSize parameter. The collection will only contain fewer than collectionSize elements if there are no more pages to be retrieved from the server.
Serializer::encodeMessage() — Method in class Serializer
Encode protobuf message as a PHP array
EndpointClass in namespace Google\Api
Endpoint describes a network endpoint that serves a set of APIs.
ExperimentalClass in namespace Google\Api
Experimental service configuration. These configuration options can only be used by whitelisted users.
ExtendedSourceContextClass in namespace Google\Cloud\DevTools\Source\V1
An ExtendedSourceContext is a SourceContext combined with additional details describing the context.


FixedSizeCollectionClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
A collection of elements retrieved using one or more API calls. The collection will attempt to retrieve a fixed number of elements, and will make API calls until that fixed number is reached, or there are no more elements to retrieve.
$Parser#flexProperty in class Parser
$ParserLocation#firstLineProperty in class ParserLocation
$ParserLocation#firstColumnProperty in class ParserLocation
FixedHeaderMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware
Middleware to add fixed headers to an API call.
ForwardingCallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport\Grpc
Class ForwardingCall wraps a \Grpc\AbstractCall.
ForwardingUnaryCallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport\Grpc
Class ForwardingUnaryCall wraps a \Grpc\UnaryCall.


AgentHeaderDescriptor::getHeader() — Method in class AgentHeaderDescriptor
Returns an associative array that contains GAPIC header metadata.
AgentHeaderDescriptor::getApiCoreVersion() — Method in class AgentHeaderDescriptor
Returns the version string for ApiCore.
ApiException::getStatus() — Method in class ApiException
ApiException::getBasicMessage() — Method in class ApiException
ApiException::getMetadata() — Method in class ApiException
BidiStream::getBidiStreamingCall() — Method in class BidiStream
Return the underlying gRPC call object
Call::getMethod() — Method in class Call
Call::getCallType() — Method in class Call
Call::getDecodeType() — Method in class Call
Call::getMessage() — Method in class Call
Call::getDescriptor() — Method in class Call
ClientStream::getClientStreamingCall() — Method in class ClientStream
Return the underlying gRPC call object
CredentialsWrapper::getBearerString() — Method in class CredentialsWrapper
CredentialsWrapper::getAuthorizationHeaderCallback() — Method in class CredentialsWrapper
FixedSizeCollection::getCollectionSize() — Method in class FixedSizeCollection
Returns the number of elements in the collection. This will be equal to the collectionSize parameter used at construction unless there are no elements remaining to be retrieved.
FixedSizeCollection::getNextPageToken() — Method in class FixedSizeCollection
Returns a page token that can be passed into the API list method to retrieve additional elements.
FixedSizeCollection::getNextCollection() — Method in class FixedSizeCollection
Retrieves the next FixedSizeCollection using one or more API calls.
FixedSizeCollection::getIterator() — Method in class FixedSizeCollection
Returns an iterator over the elements of the collection.
GPBLabelClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Container class for Protobuf label constants. See FieldDescriptorProto.Label in https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto
GPBTypeClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Container class for Protobuf type constants. See FieldDescriptorProto.Type in https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto
GapicClientTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Common functions used to work with various clients.
GapicClientTrait::getTransport() — Method in class GapicClientTrait
Get the transport for the client. This method is protected to support use by customized clients.
GapicClientTrait::getCredentialsWrapper() — Method in class GapicClientTrait
Get the credentials for the client. This method is protected to support use by customized clients.
GrpcSupportTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Provides helper methods for gRPC support.
Segment::getBindingCount() — Method in class Segment
Segment::getSegmentCount() — Method in class Segment
OperationsGapicClient::getOperation() — Method in class OperationsGapicClient
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API service.
RetryMiddleware::getCurrentTimeMs() — Method in class RetryMiddleware
OperationResponse::getName() — Method in class OperationResponse
Get the formatted name of the operation
OperationResponse::getResult() — Method in class OperationResponse
Return the result of the operation. If operationSucceeded() is false, return null.
OperationResponse::getError() — Method in class OperationResponse
If the operation failed, return the status. If operationFailed() is false, return null.
OperationResponse::getDescriptorOptions() — Method in class OperationResponse
Get an array containing the values of 'operationReturnType', 'metadataReturnType', and the polling options initialPollDelayMillis, pollDelayMultiplier, maxPollDelayMillis, and totalPollTimeoutMillis. The array can be passed as the $options argument to the constructor when creating another OperationResponse object.
OperationResponse::getLastProtoResponse() — Method in class OperationResponse
OperationResponse::getOperationsClient() — Method in class OperationResponse
OperationResponse::getMetadata() — Method in class OperationResponse
Get the metadata returned with the last proto response. If a metadata type was provided, then the return value will be of that type - otherwise, the return value will be of type Any. If no metadata object is available, returns null.
Page::getNextPageToken() — Method in class Page
Returns the next page token from the response.
Page::getNextPage() — Method in class Page
Retrieves the next Page object using the next page token.
Page::getPageElementCount() — Method in class Page
Return the number of elements in the response.
Page::getIterator() — Method in class Page
Return an iterator over the elements in the response.
Page::getRequestObject() — Method in class Page
Gets the request object used to generate the Page.
Page::getResponseObject() — Method in class Page
Gets the API response object.
PageStreamingDescriptor::getRequestPageTokenGetMethod() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PageStreamingDescriptor::getRequestPageSizeGetMethod() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PageStreamingDescriptor::getResponsePageTokenGetMethod() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PageStreamingDescriptor::getResourcesGetMethod() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PageStreamingDescriptor::getRequestPageTokenSetMethod() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PageStreamingDescriptor::getRequestPageSizeSetMethod() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PagedListResponse::getPage() — Method in class PagedListResponse
Return the current page of results.
Parser::getSegmentCount() — Method in class Parser
PollingTrait::getCurrentTimeMillis() — Method in class PollingTrait
Protected to allow overriding for tests
RequestParamsHeaderDescriptor::getHeader() — Method in class RequestParamsHeaderDescriptor
Returns an associative array that contains request params header metadata.
RetrySettings::getNoRetriesRpcTimeoutMillis() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getRetryableCodes() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getInitialRetryDelayMillis() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getRetryDelayMultiplier() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getMaxRetryDelayMillis() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getInitialRpcTimeoutMillis() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getRpcTimeoutMultiplier() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getMaxRpcTimeoutMillis() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getTotalTimeoutMillis() — Method in class RetrySettings
Serializer::getGetter() — Method in class Serializer
Serializer::getSetter() — Method in class Serializer
ServerStream::getServerStreamingCall() — Method in class ServerStream
Return the underlying gRPC call object
GeneratedTestClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
MockBidiStreamingCall::getStatus() — Method in class MockBidiStreamingCall
MockGrpcTransport::getRequestArguments() — Method in class MockGrpcTransport
MockRequest::getPageToken() — Method in class MockRequest
Generated from protobuf field string page_token = 1;
MockRequest::getPageSize() — Method in class MockRequest
Generated from protobuf field uint64 page_size = 2;
MockRequestBody::getName() — Method in class MockRequestBody
Generated from protobuf field string name = 1;
MockRequestBody::getNumber() — Method in class MockRequestBody
Generated from protobuf field uint64 number = 2;
MockRequestBody::getRepeatedField() — Method in class MockRequestBody
Generated from protobuf field repeated string repeated_field = 3;
MockRequestBody::getNestedMessage() — Method in class MockRequestBody
Generated from protobuf field .google.apicore.testing.MockRequestBody nested_message = 4;
MockRequestBody::getFieldMask() — Method in class MockRequestBody
Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.FieldMask field_mask = 5;
MockRequestBody::getStringValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.StringValue string_value = 6;
MockResponse::getName() — Method in class MockResponse
Generated from protobuf field string name = 1;
MockResponse::getNumber() — Method in class MockResponse
Generated from protobuf field uint64 number = 2;
MockResponse::getResourcesList() — Method in class MockResponse
Generated from protobuf field repeated string resources_list = 3;
MockResponse::getNextPageToken() — Method in class MockResponse
Generated from protobuf field string next_page_token = 4;
MockServerStreamingCall::getStatus() — Method in class MockServerStreamingCall
MockStubTrait::getReceivedCallCount() — Method in class MockStubTrait
ReceivedRequest::getArray() — Method in class ReceivedRequest
ReceivedRequest::getFuncCall() — Method in class ReceivedRequest
ReceivedRequest::getRequestObject() — Method in class ReceivedRequest
ReceivedRequest::getMetadata() — Method in class ReceivedRequest
ReceivedRequest::getOptions() — Method in class ReceivedRequest
GrpcTransportClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport
A gRPC based transport implementation.
ForwardingCall::getMetadata() — Method in class ForwardingCall
ForwardingCall::getTrailingMetadata() — Method in class ForwardingCall
ForwardingCall::getPeer() — Method in class ForwardingCall
Version::getApiCoreVersion() — Method in class Version
Advice::getDescription() — Method in class Advice
Useful description for why this advice was applied and what actions should be taken to mitigate any implied risks.
AuthProvider::getId() — Method in class AuthProvider
The unique identifier of the auth provider. It will be referred to by AuthRequirement.provider_id.
AuthProvider::getIssuer() — Method in class AuthProvider
Identifies the principal that issued the JWT. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-32#section-4.1.1 Usually a URL or an email address.
AuthProvider::getJwksUri() — Method in class AuthProvider
URL of the provider's public key set to validate signature of the JWT. See OpenID Discovery.
AuthProvider::getAudiences() — Method in class AuthProvider
The list of JWT audiences.
AuthProvider::getAuthorizationUrl() — Method in class AuthProvider
Redirect URL if JWT token is required but no present or is expired.
AuthRequirement::getProviderId() — Method in class AuthRequirement
[id][google.api.AuthProvider.id] from authentication provider.
AuthRequirement::getAudiences() — Method in class AuthRequirement
NOTE: This will be deprecated soon, once AuthProvider.audiences is implemented and accepted in all the runtime components.
Authentication::getRules() — Method in class Authentication
A list of authentication rules that apply to individual API methods.
Authentication::getProviders() — Method in class Authentication
Defines a set of authentication providers that a service supports.
AuthenticationRule::getSelector() — Method in class AuthenticationRule
Selects the methods to which this rule applies.
AuthenticationRule::getOauth() — Method in class AuthenticationRule
The requirements for OAuth credentials.
AuthenticationRule::getAllowWithoutCredential() — Method in class AuthenticationRule
Whether to allow requests without a credential. The credential can be an OAuth token, Google cookies (first-party auth) or EndUserCreds.
AuthenticationRule::getRequirements() — Method in class AuthenticationRule
Requirements for additional authentication providers.
AuthorizationConfig::getProvider() — Method in class AuthorizationConfig
The name of the authorization provider, such as firebaserules.googleapis.com.
Backend::getRules() — Method in class Backend
A list of API backend rules that apply to individual API methods.
BackendRule::getSelector() — Method in class BackendRule
Selects the methods to which this rule applies.
BackendRule::getAddress() — Method in class BackendRule
The address of the API backend.
BackendRule::getDeadline() — Method in class BackendRule
The number of seconds to wait for a response from a request. The default depends on the deployment context.
Billing::getConsumerDestinations() — Method in class Billing
Billing configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
Billing_BillingDestination::getMonitoredResource() — Method in class Billing_BillingDestination
The monitored resource type. The type must be defined in [Service.monitored_resources][google.api.Service.monitored_resources] section.
Billing_BillingDestination::getMetrics() — Method in class Billing_BillingDestination
Names of the metrics to report to this billing destination.
ConfigChange::getElement() — Method in class ConfigChange
Object hierarchy path to the change, with levels separated by a '.' character. For repeated fields, an applicable unique identifier field is used for the index (usually selector, name, or id). For maps, the term 'key' is used. If the field has no unique identifier, the numeric index is used.
ConfigChange::getOldValue() — Method in class ConfigChange
Value of the changed object in the old Service configuration, in JSON format. This field will not be populated if ChangeType == ADDED.
ConfigChange::getNewValue() — Method in class ConfigChange
Value of the changed object in the new Service configuration, in JSON format. This field will not be populated if ChangeType == REMOVED.
ConfigChange::getChangeType() — Method in class ConfigChange
The type for this change, either ADDED, REMOVED, or MODIFIED.
ConfigChange::getAdvices() — Method in class ConfigChange
Collection of advice provided for this change, useful for determining the possible impact of this change.
Context::getRules() — Method in class Context
A list of RPC context rules that apply to individual API methods.
ContextRule::getSelector() — Method in class ContextRule
Selects the methods to which this rule applies.
ContextRule::getRequested() — Method in class ContextRule
A list of full type names of requested contexts.
ContextRule::getProvided() — Method in class ContextRule
A list of full type names of provided contexts.
Control::getEnvironment() — Method in class Control
The service control environment to use. If empty, no control plane feature (like quota and billing) will be enabled.
CustomHttpPattern::getKind() — Method in class CustomHttpPattern
The name of this custom HTTP verb.
CustomHttpPattern::getPath() — Method in class CustomHttpPattern
The path matched by this custom verb.
Distribution::getCount() — Method in class Distribution
The number of values in the population. Must be non-negative.
Distribution::getMean() — Method in class Distribution
The arithmetic mean of the values in the population. If count is zero then this field must be zero.
Distribution::getSumOfSquaredDeviation() — Method in class Distribution
The sum of squared deviations from the mean of the values in the population. For values x_i this is: Sum[i=1.
Distribution::getRange() — Method in class Distribution
If specified, contains the range of the population values. The field must not be present if the count is zero.
Distribution::getBucketOptions() — Method in class Distribution
Defines the histogram bucket boundaries.
Distribution::getBucketCounts() — Method in class Distribution
If bucket_options is given, then the sum of the values in bucket_counts must equal the value in count. If bucket_options is not given, no bucket_counts fields may be given.
Distribution_BucketOptions::getLinearBuckets() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions
The linear bucket.
Distribution_BucketOptions::getExponentialBuckets() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions
The exponential buckets.
Distribution_BucketOptions::getExplicitBuckets() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions
The explicit buckets.
Distribution_BucketOptions::getOptions() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions
Distribution_BucketOptions_Explicit::getBounds() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Explicit
The values must be monotonically increasing.
Distribution_BucketOptions_Exponential::getNumFiniteBuckets() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Exponential
Must be greater than 0.
Distribution_BucketOptions_Exponential::getGrowthFactor() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Exponential
Must be greater than 1.
Distribution_BucketOptions_Exponential::getScale() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Exponential
Must be greater than 0.
Distribution_BucketOptions_Linear::getNumFiniteBuckets() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Linear
Must be greater than 0.
Distribution_BucketOptions_Linear::getWidth() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Linear
Must be greater than 0.
Distribution_BucketOptions_Linear::getOffset() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Linear
Lower bound of the first bucket.
Distribution_Range::getMin() — Method in class Distribution_Range
The minimum of the population values.
Distribution_Range::getMax() — Method in class Distribution_Range
The maximum of the population values.
Documentation::getSummary() — Method in class Documentation
A short summary of what the service does. Can only be provided by plain text.
Documentation::getPages() — Method in class Documentation
The top level pages for the documentation set.
Documentation::getRules() — Method in class Documentation
A list of documentation rules that apply to individual API elements.
Documentation::getDocumentationRootUrl() — Method in class Documentation
The URL to the root of documentation.
Documentation::getOverview() — Method in class Documentation
Declares a single overview page. For example:


pre>documentation: summary: .

DocumentationRule::getSelector() — Method in class DocumentationRule
The selector is a comma-separated list of patterns. Each pattern is a qualified name of the element which may end in "*", indicating a wildcard.
DocumentationRule::getDescription() — Method in class DocumentationRule
Description of the selected API(s).
DocumentationRule::getDeprecationDescription() — Method in class DocumentationRule
Deprecation description of the selected element(s). It can be provided if an element is marked as deprecated.
Endpoint::getName() — Method in class Endpoint
The canonical name of this endpoint.
Endpoint::getAliases() — Method in class Endpoint
DEPRECATED: This field is no longer supported. Instead of using aliases, please specify multiple [google.api.Endpoint][google.api.Endpoint] for each of the intented alias.
Endpoint::getApis() — Method in class Endpoint
The list of APIs served by this endpoint.
Endpoint::getFeatures() — Method in class Endpoint
The list of features enabled on this endpoint.
Endpoint::getTarget() — Method in class Endpoint
The specification of an Internet routable address of API frontend that will handle requests to this API Endpoint.
Endpoint::getAllowCors() — Method in class Endpoint
Allowing CORS, aka cross-domain traffic, would allow the backends served from this endpoint to receive and respond to HTTP OPTIONS requests. The response will be used by the browser to determine whether the subsequent cross-origin request is allowed to proceed.
Experimental::getAuthorization() — Method in class Experimental
Authorization configuration.
Http::getRules() — Method in class Http
A list of HTTP configuration rules that apply to individual API methods.
HttpBody::getContentType() — Method in class HttpBody
The HTTP Content-Type string representing the content type of the body.
HttpBody::getData() — Method in class HttpBody
HTTP body binary data.
HttpRule::getSelector() — Method in class HttpRule
Selects methods to which this rule applies.
HttpRule::getGet() — Method in class HttpRule
Used for listing and getting information about resources.
HttpRule::getPut() — Method in class HttpRule
Used for updating a resource.
HttpRule::getPost() — Method in class HttpRule
Used for creating a resource.
HttpRule::getDelete() — Method in class HttpRule
Used for deleting a resource.
HttpRule::getPatch() — Method in class HttpRule
Used for updating a resource.
HttpRule::getCustom() — Method in class HttpRule
Custom pattern is used for defining custom verbs.
HttpRule::getBody() — Method in class HttpRule
The name of the request field whose value is mapped to the HTTP body, or * for mapping all fields not captured by the path pattern to the HTTP body. NOTE: the referred field must not be a repeated field and must be present at the top-level of request message type.
HttpRule::getAdditionalBindings() — Method in class HttpRule
Additional HTTP bindings for the selector. Nested bindings must not contain an additional_bindings field themselves (that is, the nesting may only be one level deep).
HttpRule::getPattern() — Method in class HttpRule
LabelDescriptor::getKey() — Method in class LabelDescriptor
The label key.
LabelDescriptor::getValueType() — Method in class LabelDescriptor
The type of data that can be assigned to the label.
LabelDescriptor::getDescription() — Method in class LabelDescriptor
A human-readable description for the label.
LogDescriptor::getName() — Method in class LogDescriptor
The name of the log. It must be less than 512 characters long and can include the following characters: upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters [A-Za-z0-9], and punctuation characters including slash, underscore, hyphen, period [/_-.].
LogDescriptor::getLabels() — Method in class LogDescriptor
The set of labels that are available to describe a specific log entry.
LogDescriptor::getDescription() — Method in class LogDescriptor
A human-readable description of this log. This information appears in the documentation and can contain details.
LogDescriptor::getDisplayName() — Method in class LogDescriptor
The human-readable name for this log. This information appears on the user interface and should be concise.
Logging::getProducerDestinations() — Method in class Logging
Logging configurations for sending logs to the producer project.
Logging::getConsumerDestinations() — Method in class Logging
Logging configurations for sending logs to the consumer project.
Logging_LoggingDestination::getMonitoredResource() — Method in class Logging_LoggingDestination
The monitored resource type. The type must be defined in the [Service.monitored_resources][google.api.Service.monitored_resources] section.
Logging_LoggingDestination::getLogs() — Method in class Logging_LoggingDestination
Names of the logs to be sent to this destination. Each name must be defined in the [Service.logs][google.api.Service.logs] section. If the log name is not a domain scoped name, it will be automatically prefixed with the service name followed by "/".
Metric::getType() — Method in class Metric
An existing metric type, see [google.api.MetricDescriptor][google.api.MetricDescriptor].
Metric::getLabels() — Method in class Metric
The set of label values that uniquely identify this metric. All labels listed in the MetricDescriptor must be assigned values.
MetricDescriptor::getName() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
The resource name of the metric descriptor. Depending on the implementation, the name typically includes: (1) the parent resource name that defines the scope of the metric type or of its data; and (2) the metric's URL-encoded type, which also appears in the type field of this descriptor. For example, following is the resource name of a custom metric within the GCP project my-project-id: "projects/my-project-id/metricDescriptors/custom.googleapis.com%2Finvoice%2Fpaid%2Famount"
MetricDescriptor::getType() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
The metric type, including its DNS name prefix. The type is not URL-encoded. All user-defined custom metric types have the DNS name custom.googleapis.com. Metric types should use a natural hierarchical grouping. For example: "custom.googleapis.com/invoice/paid/amount" "appengine.googleapis.com/http/server/response_latencies"
MetricDescriptor::getLabels() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
The set of labels that can be used to describe a specific instance of this metric type. For example, the appengine.googleapis.com/http/server/response_latencies metric type has a label for the HTTP response code, response_code, so you can look at latencies for successful responses or just for responses that failed.
MetricDescriptor::getMetricKind() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
Whether the metric records instantaneous values, changes to a value, etc.
MetricDescriptor::getValueType() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
Whether the measurement is an integer, a floating-point number, etc.
MetricDescriptor::getUnit() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
The unit in which the metric value is reported. It is only applicable if the value_type is INT64, DOUBLE, or DISTRIBUTION. The supported units are a subset of The Unified Code for Units of Measure standard: Basic units (UNIT) * bit bit * By byte * s second * min minute * h hour * d day Prefixes (PREFIX) * k kilo (103) * M mega (106) * G giga (109) * T tera (1012) * P peta (1015) * E exa (1018) * Z zetta (1021) * Y yotta (1024) * m milli (10-3) * u micro (10-6) * n nano (10-9) * p pico (10-12) * f femto (10-15) * a atto (10-18) * z zepto (10-21) * y yocto (10-24) * Ki kibi (210) * Mi mebi (220) * Gi gibi (230) * Ti tebi (240) Grammar The grammar includes the dimensionless unit 1, such as 1/s.
MetricDescriptor::getDescription() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
A detailed description of the metric, which can be used in documentation.
MetricDescriptor::getDisplayName() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
A concise name for the metric, which can be displayed in user interfaces.
MetricRule::getSelector() — Method in class MetricRule
Selects the methods to which this rule applies.
MetricRule::getMetricCosts() — Method in class MetricRule
Metrics to update when the selected methods are called, and the associated cost applied to each metric.
MonitoredResource::getType() — Method in class MonitoredResource
Required. The monitored resource type. This field must match the type field of a [MonitoredResourceDescriptor][google.api.MonitoredResourceDescriptor] object. For example, the type of a Cloud SQL database is "cloudsql_database".
MonitoredResource::getLabels() — Method in class MonitoredResource
Required. Values for all of the labels listed in the associated monitored resource descriptor. For example, Cloud SQL databases use the labels "database_id" and "zone".
MonitoredResourceDescriptor::getName() — Method in class MonitoredResourceDescriptor
Optional. The resource name of the monitored resource descriptor: "projects/{project_id}/monitoredResourceDescriptors/{type}" where {type} is the value of the type field in this object and {project_id} is a project ID that provides API-specific context for accessing the type. APIs that do not use project information can use the resource name format "monitoredResourceDescriptors/{type}".
MonitoredResourceDescriptor::getType() — Method in class MonitoredResourceDescriptor
Required. The monitored resource type. For example, the type "cloudsql_database" represents databases in Google Cloud SQL.
MonitoredResourceDescriptor::getDisplayName() — Method in class MonitoredResourceDescriptor
Optional. A concise name for the monitored resource type that might be displayed in user interfaces. It should be a Title Cased Noun Phrase, without any article or other determiners. For example, "Google Cloud SQL Database".
MonitoredResourceDescriptor::getDescription() — Method in class MonitoredResourceDescriptor
Optional. A detailed description of the monitored resource type that might be used in documentation.
MonitoredResourceDescriptor::getLabels() — Method in class MonitoredResourceDescriptor
Required. A set of labels used to describe instances of this monitored resource type. For example, an individual Google Cloud SQL database is identified by values for the labels "database_id" and "zone".
Monitoring::getProducerDestinations() — Method in class Monitoring
Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
Monitoring::getConsumerDestinations() — Method in class Monitoring
Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
Monitoring_MonitoringDestination::getMonitoredResource() — Method in class Monitoring_MonitoringDestination
The monitored resource type. The type must be defined in [Service.monitored_resources][google.api.Service.monitored_resources] section.
Monitoring_MonitoringDestination::getMetrics() — Method in class Monitoring_MonitoringDestination
Names of the metrics to report to this monitoring destination.
OAuthRequirements::getCanonicalScopes() — Method in class OAuthRequirements
The list of publicly documented OAuth scopes that are allowed access. An OAuth token containing any of these scopes will be accepted.
Page::getName() — Method in class Page
The name of the page. It will be used as an identity of the page to generate URI of the page, text of the link to this page in navigation, etc. The full page name (start from the root page name to this page concatenated with .) can be used as reference to the page in your documentation. For example:

- name: Tutorial
  content: (== include tutorial.md ==)
  - name: Java
    content: (== include tutorial_java.md ==)

You can reference Java page using Markdown reference link syntax: [Java][Tutorial.Java].

Page::getContent() — Method in class Page
The Markdown content of the page. You can use (== include {path} ==) to include content from a Markdown file.
Page::getSubpages() — Method in class Page
Subpages of this page. The order of subpages specified here will be honored in the generated docset.
ProjectProperties::getProperties() — Method in class ProjectProperties
List of per consumer project-specific properties.
Property::getName() — Method in class Property
The name of the property (a.k.a key).
Property::getType() — Method in class Property
The type of this property.
Property::getDescription() — Method in class Property
The description of the property
Quota::getLimits() — Method in class Quota
List of QuotaLimit definitions for the service.
Quota::getMetricRules() — Method in class Quota
List of MetricRule definitions, each one mapping a selected method to one or more metrics.
QuotaLimit::getName() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Name of the quota limit. The name is used to refer to the limit when overriding the default limit on per-consumer basis.
QuotaLimit::getDescription() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Optional. User-visible, extended description for this quota limit.
QuotaLimit::getDefaultLimit() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Default number of tokens that can be consumed during the specified duration. This is the number of tokens assigned when a client application developer activates the service for his/her project.
QuotaLimit::getMaxLimit() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Maximum number of tokens that can be consumed during the specified duration. Client application developers can override the default limit up to this maximum. If specified, this value cannot be set to a value less than the default limit. If not specified, it is set to the default limit.
QuotaLimit::getFreeTier() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Free tier value displayed in the Developers Console for this limit.
QuotaLimit::getDuration() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Duration of this limit in textual notation. Example: "100s", "24h", "1d".
QuotaLimit::getMetric() — Method in class QuotaLimit
The name of the metric this quota limit applies to. The quota limits with the same metric will be checked together during runtime. The metric must be defined within the service config.
QuotaLimit::getUnit() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Specify the unit of the quota limit. It uses the same syntax as [Metric.unit][]. The supported unit kinds are determined by the quota backend system.
QuotaLimit::getValues() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Tiered limit values. Also allows for regional or zone overrides for these values if "/{region}" or "/{zone}" is specified in the unit field.
QuotaLimit::getDisplayName() — Method in class QuotaLimit
User-visible display name for this limit.
Service::getConfigVersion() — Method in class Service
The semantic version of the service configuration. The config version affects the interpretation of the service configuration. For example, certain features are enabled by default for certain config versions.
Service::getName() — Method in class Service
The DNS address at which this service is available, e.g. calendar.googleapis.com.
Service::getId() — Method in class Service
A unique ID for a specific instance of this message, typically assigned by the client for tracking purpose. If empty, the server may choose to generate one instead.
Service::getTitle() — Method in class Service
The product title for this service.
Service::getProducerProjectId() — Method in class Service
The Google project that owns this service.
Service::getApis() — Method in class Service
A list of API interfaces exported by this service. Only the name field of the [google.protobuf.Api][google.protobuf.Api] needs to be provided by the configuration author, as the remaining fields will be derived from the IDL during the normalization process. It is an error to specify an API interface here which cannot be resolved against the associated IDL files.
Service::getTypes() — Method in class Service
A list of all proto message types included in this API service.
Service::getEnums() — Method in class Service
A list of all enum types included in this API service. Enums referenced directly or indirectly by the apis are automatically included. Enums which are not referenced but shall be included should be listed here by name. Example: enums: - name: google.someapi.v1.SomeEnum
Service::getDocumentation() — Method in class Service
Additional API documentation.
Service::getBackend() — Method in class Service
API backend configuration.
Service::getHttp() — Method in class Service
HTTP configuration.
Service::getQuota() — Method in class Service
Quota configuration.
Service::getAuthentication() — Method in class Service
Auth configuration.
Service::getContext() — Method in class Service
Context configuration.
Service::getUsage() — Method in class Service
Configuration controlling usage of this service.
Service::getEndpoints() — Method in class Service
Configuration for network endpoints. If this is empty, then an endpoint with the same name as the service is automatically generated to service all defined APIs.
Service::getControl() — Method in class Service
Configuration for the service control plane.
Service::getLogs() — Method in class Service
Defines the logs used by this service.
Service::getMetrics() — Method in class Service
Defines the metrics used by this service.
Service::getMonitoredResources() — Method in class Service
Defines the monitored resources used by this service. This is required by the [Service.monitoring][google.api.Service.monitoring] and [Service.logging][google.api.Service.logging] configurations.
Service::getBilling() — Method in class Service
Billing configuration.
Service::getLogging() — Method in class Service
Logging configuration.
Service::getMonitoring() — Method in class Service
Monitoring configuration.
Service::getSystemParameters() — Method in class Service
System parameter configuration.
Service::getSourceInfo() — Method in class Service
Output only. The source information for this configuration if available.
Service::getExperimental() — Method in class Service
Experimental configuration.
SourceInfo::getSourceFiles() — Method in class SourceInfo
All files used during config generation.
SystemParameter::getName() — Method in class SystemParameter
Define the name of the parameter, such as "api_key" . It is case sensitive.
SystemParameter::getHttpHeader() — Method in class SystemParameter
Define the HTTP header name to use for the parameter. It is case insensitive.
SystemParameter::getUrlQueryParameter() — Method in class SystemParameter
Define the URL query parameter name to use for the parameter. It is case sensitive.
SystemParameterRule::getSelector() — Method in class SystemParameterRule
Selects the methods to which this rule applies. Use '*' to indicate all methods in all APIs.
SystemParameterRule::getParameters() — Method in class SystemParameterRule
Define parameters. Multiple names may be defined for a parameter.
SystemParameters::getRules() — Method in class SystemParameters
Define system parameters.
Usage::getRequirements() — Method in class Usage
Requirements that must be satisfied before a consumer project can use the service. Each requirement is of the form <service.name>/; for example 'serviceusage.googleapis.com/billing-enabled'.
Usage::getRules() — Method in class Usage
A list of usage rules that apply to individual API methods.
Usage::getProducerNotificationChannel() — Method in class Usage
The full resource name of a channel used for sending notifications to the service producer.
UsageRule::getSelector() — Method in class UsageRule
Selects the methods to which this rule applies. Use '*' to indicate all methods in all APIs.
UsageRule::getAllowUnregisteredCalls() — Method in class UsageRule
True, if the method allows unregistered calls; false otherwise.
UsageRule::getSkipServiceControl() — Method in class UsageRule
True, if the method should skip service control. If so, no control plane feature (like quota and billing) will be enabled.
AuditLog::getServiceName() — Method in class AuditLog
The name of the API service performing the operation. For example, "datastore.googleapis.com".
AuditLog::getMethodName() — Method in class AuditLog
The name of the service method or operation.
AuditLog::getResourceName() — Method in class AuditLog
The resource or collection that is the target of the operation.
AuditLog::getNumResponseItems() — Method in class AuditLog
The number of items returned from a List or Query API method, if applicable.
AuditLog::getStatus() — Method in class AuditLog
The status of the overall operation.
AuditLog::getAuthenticationInfo() — Method in class AuditLog
Authentication information.
AuditLog::getAuthorizationInfo() — Method in class AuditLog
Authorization information. If there are multiple resources or permissions involved, then there is one AuthorizationInfo element for each {resource, permission} tuple.
AuditLog::getRequestMetadata() — Method in class AuditLog
Metadata about the operation.
AuditLog::getRequest() — Method in class AuditLog
The operation request. This may not include all request parameters, such as those that are too large, privacy-sensitive, or duplicated elsewhere in the log record.
AuditLog::getResponse() — Method in class AuditLog
The operation response. This may not include all response elements, such as those that are too large, privacy-sensitive, or duplicated elsewhere in the log record.
AuditLog::getServiceData() — Method in class AuditLog
Other service-specific data about the request, response, and other activities.
AuthenticationInfo::getPrincipalEmail() — Method in class AuthenticationInfo
The email address of the authenticated user making the request.
AuthorizationInfo::getResource() — Method in class AuthorizationInfo
The resource being accessed, as a REST-style string. For example: bigquery.googlapis.com/projects/PROJECTID/datasets/DATASETID
AuthorizationInfo::getPermission() — Method in class AuthorizationInfo
The required IAM permission.
AuthorizationInfo::getGranted() — Method in class AuthorizationInfo
Whether or not authorization for resource and permission was granted.
RequestMetadata::getCallerIp() — Method in class RequestMetadata
The IP address of the caller.
RequestMetadata::getCallerSuppliedUserAgent() — Method in class RequestMetadata
The user agent of the caller.
AliasContext::getKind() — Method in class AliasContext
The alias kind.
AliasContext::getName() — Method in class AliasContext
The alias name.
CloudRepoSourceContext::getRepoId() — Method in class CloudRepoSourceContext
The ID of the repo.
CloudRepoSourceContext::getRevisionId() — Method in class CloudRepoSourceContext
A revision ID.
CloudRepoSourceContext::getAliasName() — Method in class CloudRepoSourceContext
The name of an alias (branch, tag, etc.).
CloudRepoSourceContext::getAliasContext() — Method in class CloudRepoSourceContext
An alias, which may be a branch or tag.
CloudRepoSourceContext::getRevision() — Method in class CloudRepoSourceContext
CloudWorkspaceId::getRepoId() — Method in class CloudWorkspaceId
The ID of the repo containing the workspace.
CloudWorkspaceId::getName() — Method in class CloudWorkspaceId
The unique name of the workspace within the repo. This is the name chosen by the client in the Source API's CreateWorkspace method.
CloudWorkspaceSourceContext::getWorkspaceId() — Method in class CloudWorkspaceSourceContext
The ID of the workspace.
CloudWorkspaceSourceContext::getSnapshotId() — Method in class CloudWorkspaceSourceContext
The ID of the snapshot.
ExtendedSourceContext::getContext() — Method in class ExtendedSourceContext
Any source context.
ExtendedSourceContext::getLabels() — Method in class ExtendedSourceContext
Labels with user defined metadata.
GerritSourceContextClass in namespace Google\Cloud\DevTools\Source\V1
A SourceContext referring to a Gerrit project.
GerritSourceContext::getHostUri() — Method in class GerritSourceContext
The URI of a running Gerrit instance.
GerritSourceContext::getGerritProject() — Method in class GerritSourceContext
The full project name within the host. Projects may be nested, so "project/subproject" is a valid project name.
GerritSourceContext::getRevisionId() — Method in class GerritSourceContext
A revision (commit) ID.
GerritSourceContext::getAliasName() — Method in class GerritSourceContext
The name of an alias (branch, tag, etc.).
GerritSourceContext::getAliasContext() — Method in class GerritSourceContext
An alias, which may be a branch or tag.
GerritSourceContext::getRevision() — Method in class GerritSourceContext
GitSourceContextClass in namespace Google\Cloud\DevTools\Source\V1
A GitSourceContext denotes a particular revision in a third party Git repository (e.g. GitHub).
GitSourceContext::getUrl() — Method in class GitSourceContext
Git repository URL.
GitSourceContext::getRevisionId() — Method in class GitSourceContext
Git commit hash.
ProjectRepoId::getProjectId() — Method in class ProjectRepoId
The ID of the project.
ProjectRepoId::getRepoName() — Method in class ProjectRepoId
The name of the repo. Leave empty for the default repo.
RepoId::getProjectRepoId() — Method in class RepoId
A combination of a project ID and a repo name.
RepoId::getUid() — Method in class RepoId
A server-assigned, globally unique identifier.
RepoId::getId() — Method in class RepoId
SourceContext::getCloudRepo() — Method in class SourceContext
A SourceContext referring to a revision in a cloud repo.
SourceContext::getCloudWorkspace() — Method in class SourceContext
A SourceContext referring to a snapshot in a cloud workspace.
SourceContext::getGerrit() — Method in class SourceContext
A SourceContext referring to a Gerrit project.
SourceContext::getGit() — Method in class SourceContext
A SourceContext referring to any third party Git repo (e.g. GitHub).
SourceContext::getContext() — Method in class SourceContext
Binding::getRole() — Method in class Binding
Role that is assigned to members.
Binding::getMembers() — Method in class Binding
Specifies the identities requesting access for a Cloud Platform resource.
BindingDelta::getAction() — Method in class BindingDelta
The action that was performed on a Binding.
BindingDelta::getRole() — Method in class BindingDelta
Role that is assigned to members.
BindingDelta::getMember() — Method in class BindingDelta
A single identity requesting access for a Cloud Platform resource.
GetIamPolicyRequestClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Iam\V1
Request message for GetIamPolicy method.
GetIamPolicyRequest::getResource() — Method in class GetIamPolicyRequest
REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested.
IAMPolicyGrpcClient::GetIamPolicy() — Method in class IAMPolicyGrpcClient
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
Policy::getVersion() — Method in class Policy
Version of the Policy. The default version is 0.
Policy::getBindings() — Method in class Policy
Associates a list of members to a role.
Policy::getEtag() — Method in class Policy
etag is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help prevent simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other.
PolicyDelta::getBindingDeltas() — Method in class PolicyDelta
The delta for Bindings between two policies.
SetIamPolicyRequest::getResource() — Method in class SetIamPolicyRequest
REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being specified.
SetIamPolicyRequest::getPolicy() — Method in class SetIamPolicyRequest
REQUIRED: The complete policy to be applied to the resource. The size of the policy is limited to a few 10s of KB. An empty policy is a valid policy but certain Cloud Platform services (such as Projects) might reject them.
TestIamPermissionsRequest::getResource() — Method in class TestIamPermissionsRequest
REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested.
TestIamPermissionsRequest::getPermissions() — Method in class TestIamPermissionsRequest
The set of permissions to check for the resource. Permissions with wildcards (such as '' or 'storage.') are not allowed. For more information see IAM Overview.
TestIamPermissionsResponse::getPermissions() — Method in class TestIamPermissionsResponse
A subset of TestPermissionsRequest.permissions that the caller is allowed.
HttpRequest::getRequestMethod() — Method in class HttpRequest
The request method. Examples: "GET", "HEAD", "PUT", "POST".
HttpRequest::getRequestUrl() — Method in class HttpRequest
The scheme (http, https), the host name, the path and the query portion of the URL that was requested.
HttpRequest::getRequestSize() — Method in class HttpRequest
The size of the HTTP request message in bytes, including the request headers and the request body.
HttpRequest::getStatus() — Method in class HttpRequest
The response code indicating the status of response.
HttpRequest::getResponseSize() — Method in class HttpRequest
The size of the HTTP response message sent back to the client, in bytes, including the response headers and the response body.
HttpRequest::getUserAgent() — Method in class HttpRequest
The user agent sent by the client. Example: "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Q312461; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)".
HttpRequest::getRemoteIp() — Method in class HttpRequest
The IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the client that issued the HTTP request. Examples: "", "FE80::0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329".
HttpRequest::getServerIp() — Method in class HttpRequest
The IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the origin server that the request was sent to.
HttpRequest::getReferer() — Method in class HttpRequest
The referer URL of the request, as defined in HTTP/1.1 Header Field Definitions.
HttpRequest::getLatency() — Method in class HttpRequest
The request processing latency on the server, from the time the request was received until the response was sent.
HttpRequest::getCacheLookup() — Method in class HttpRequest
Whether or not a cache lookup was attempted.
HttpRequest::getCacheHit() — Method in class HttpRequest
Whether or not an entity was served from cache (with or without validation).
HttpRequest::getCacheValidatedWithOriginServer() — Method in class HttpRequest
Whether or not the response was validated with the origin server before being served from cache. This field is only meaningful if cache_hit is True.
HttpRequest::getCacheFillBytes() — Method in class HttpRequest
The number of HTTP response bytes inserted into cache. Set only when a cache fill was attempted.
HttpRequest::getProtocol() — Method in class HttpRequest
Protocol used for the request. Examples: "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/2", "websocket"
AuditData::getPolicyDelta() — Method in class AuditData
Policy delta between the original policy and the newly set policy.
CancelOperationRequest::getName() — Method in class CancelOperationRequest
The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.
DeleteOperationRequest::getName() — Method in class DeleteOperationRequest
The name of the operation resource to be deleted.
GetOperationRequestClass in namespace Google\LongRunning
The request message for [Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation].
GetOperationRequest::getName() — Method in class GetOperationRequest
The name of the operation resource.
ListOperationsRequest::getName() — Method in class ListOperationsRequest
The name of the operation collection.
ListOperationsRequest::getFilter() — Method in class ListOperationsRequest
The standard list filter.
ListOperationsRequest::getPageSize() — Method in class ListOperationsRequest
The standard list page size.
ListOperationsRequest::getPageToken() — Method in class ListOperationsRequest
The standard list page token.
ListOperationsResponse::getOperations() — Method in class ListOperationsResponse
A list of operations that matches the specified filter in the request.
ListOperationsResponse::getNextPageToken() — Method in class ListOperationsResponse
The standard List next-page token.
Operation::getName() — Method in class Operation
The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same service that originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP mapping, the name should have the format of operations/some/unique/name.
Operation::getMetadata() — Method in class Operation
Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains progress information and common metadata such as create time.
Operation::getDone() — Method in class Operation
If the value is false, it means the operation is still in progress.
Operation::getError() — Method in class Operation
The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation.
Operation::getResponse() — Method in class Operation
The normal response of the operation in case of success. If the original method returns no data on success, such as Delete, the response is google.protobuf.Empty. If the original method is standard Get/Create/Update, the response should be the resource. For other methods, the response should have the type XxxResponse, where Xxx is the original method name. For example, if the original method name is TakeSnapshot(), the inferred response type is TakeSnapshotResponse.
Operation::getResult() — Method in class Operation
OperationsGrpcClient::GetOperation() — Method in class OperationsGrpcClient
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API service.
BadRequest::getFieldViolations() — Method in class BadRequest
Describes all violations in a client request.
BadRequest_FieldViolation::getField() — Method in class BadRequest_FieldViolation
A path leading to a field in the request body. The value will be a sequence of dot-separated identifiers that identify a protocol buffer field. E.g., "field_violations.field" would identify this field.
BadRequest_FieldViolation::getDescription() — Method in class BadRequest_FieldViolation
A description of why the request element is bad.
DebugInfo::getStackEntries() — Method in class DebugInfo
The stack trace entries indicating where the error occurred.
DebugInfo::getDetail() — Method in class DebugInfo
Additional debugging information provided by the server.
Help::getLinks() — Method in class Help
URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
Help_Link::getDescription() — Method in class Help_Link
Describes what the link offers.
Help_Link::getUrl() — Method in class Help_Link
The URL of the link.
LocalizedMessage::getLocale() — Method in class LocalizedMessage
The locale used following the specification defined at http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt.
LocalizedMessage::getMessage() — Method in class LocalizedMessage
The localized error message in the above locale.
PreconditionFailure::getViolations() — Method in class PreconditionFailure
Describes all precondition violations.
PreconditionFailure_Violation::getType() — Method in class PreconditionFailure_Violation
The type of PreconditionFailure. We recommend using a service-specific enum type to define the supported precondition violation types. For example, "TOS" for "Terms of Service violation".
PreconditionFailure_Violation::getSubject() — Method in class PreconditionFailure_Violation
The subject, relative to the type, that failed.
PreconditionFailure_Violation::getDescription() — Method in class PreconditionFailure_Violation
A description of how the precondition failed. Developers can use this description to understand how to fix the failure.
QuotaFailure::getViolations() — Method in class QuotaFailure
Describes all quota violations.
QuotaFailure_Violation::getSubject() — Method in class QuotaFailure_Violation
The subject on which the quota check failed.
QuotaFailure_Violation::getDescription() — Method in class QuotaFailure_Violation
A description of how the quota check failed. Clients can use this description to find more about the quota configuration in the service's public documentation, or find the relevant quota limit to adjust through developer console.
RequestInfo::getRequestId() — Method in class RequestInfo
An opaque string that should only be interpreted by the service generating it. For example, it can be used to identify requests in the service's logs.
RequestInfo::getServingData() — Method in class RequestInfo
Any data that was used to serve this request. For example, an encrypted stack trace that can be sent back to the service provider for debugging.
ResourceInfo::getResourceType() — Method in class ResourceInfo
A name for the type of resource being accessed, e.g. "sql table", "cloud storage bucket", "file", "Google calendar"; or the type URL of the resource: e.g. "type.googleapis.com/google.pubsub.v1.Topic".
ResourceInfo::getResourceName() — Method in class ResourceInfo
The name of the resource being accessed. For example, a shared calendar name: "example.com_4fghdhgsrgh@group.calendar.google.com", if the current error is [google.rpc.Code.PERMISSION_DENIED][google.rpc.Code.PERMISSION_DENIED].
ResourceInfo::getOwner() — Method in class ResourceInfo
The owner of the resource (optional).
ResourceInfo::getDescription() — Method in class ResourceInfo
Describes what error is encountered when accessing this resource.
RetryInfo::getRetryDelay() — Method in class RetryInfo
Clients should wait at least this long between retrying the same request.
Status::getCode() — Method in class Status
The status code, which should be an enum value of [google.rpc.Code][google.rpc.Code].
Status::getMessage() — Method in class Status
A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the [google.rpc.Status.details][google.rpc.Status.details] field, or localized by the client.
Status::getDetails() — Method in class Status
A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
Color::getRed() — Method in class Color
The amount of red in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1].
Color::getGreen() — Method in class Color
The amount of green in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1].
Color::getBlue() — Method in class Color
The amount of blue in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1].
Color::getAlpha() — Method in class Color
The fraction of this color that should be applied to the pixel. That is, the final pixel color is defined by the equation: pixel color = alpha * (this color) + (1.0 - alpha) * (background color) This means that a value of 1.0 corresponds to a solid color, whereas a value of 0.0 corresponds to a completely transparent color. This uses a wrapper message rather than a simple float scalar so that it is possible to distinguish between a default value and the value being unset.
Date::getYear() — Method in class Date
Year of date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 if specifying a date without a year.
Date::getMonth() — Method in class Date
Month of year. Must be from 1 to 12.
Date::getDay() — Method in class Date
Day of month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 if specifying a year/month where the day is not significant.
LatLng::getLatitude() — Method in class LatLng
The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
LatLng::getLongitude() — Method in class LatLng
The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
Money::getCurrencyCode() — Method in class Money
The 3-letter currency code defined in ISO 4217.
Money::getUnits() — Method in class Money
The whole units of the amount.
Money::getNanos() — Method in class Money
Number of nano (10^-9) units of the amount.
PostalAddress::getRevision() — Method in class PostalAddress
The schema revision of the PostalAddress.
PostalAddress::getRegionCode() — Method in class PostalAddress
Required. CLDR region code of the country/region of the address. This is never inferred and it is up to the user to ensure the value is correct. See http://cldr.unicode.org/ and http://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/30/supplemental/territory_information.html for details. Example: "CH" for Switzerland.
PostalAddress::getLanguageCode() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. BCP-47 language code of the contents of this address (if known). This is often the UI language of the input form or is expected to match one of the languages used in the address' country/region, or their transliterated equivalents.
PostalAddress::getPostalCode() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. Postal code of the address. Not all countries use or require postal codes to be present, but where they are used, they may trigger additional validation with other parts of the address (e.g. state/zip validation in the U.S.A.).
PostalAddress::getSortingCode() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. Additional, country-specific, sorting code. This is not used in most regions. Where it is used, the value is either a string like "CEDEX", optionally followed by a number (e.g. "CEDEX 7"), or just a number alone, representing the "sector code" (Jamaica), "delivery area indicator" (Malawi) or "post office indicator" (e.g. Côte d'Ivoire).
PostalAddress::getAdministrativeArea() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. Highest administrative subdivision which is used for postal addresses of a country or region.
PostalAddress::getLocality() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. Generally refers to the city/town portion of the address.
PostalAddress::getSublocality() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. Sublocality of the address.
PostalAddress::getAddressLines() — Method in class PostalAddress
Unstructured address lines describing the lower levels of an address.
PostalAddress::getRecipients() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. The recipient at the address.
PostalAddress::getOrganization() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. The name of the organization at the address.
TimeOfDay::getHours() — Method in class TimeOfDay
Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose to allow the value "24:00:00" for scenarios like business closing time.
TimeOfDay::getMinutes() — Method in class TimeOfDay
Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
TimeOfDay::getSeconds() — Method in class TimeOfDay
Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may allow the value 60 if it allows leap-seconds.
TimeOfDay::getNanos() — Method in class TimeOfDay
Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.


FixedSizeCollection::hasNextCollection() — Method in class FixedSizeCollection
Returns true if there are more elements that can be retrieved from the API.
Page::hasNextPage() — Method in class Page
Returns true if there are more pages that can be retrieved from the API.
HttpClass in namespace Google\Api
Defines the HTTP configuration for a service. It contains a list of [HttpRule][google.api.HttpRule], each specifying the mapping of an RPC method to one or more HTTP REST API methods.
HttpBodyClass in namespace Google\Api
Message that represents an arbitrary HTTP body. It should only be used for payload formats that can't be represented as JSON, such as raw binary or an HTML page.
HttpRuleClass in namespace Google\Api
HttpRule defines the mapping of an RPC method to one or more HTTP REST APIs. The mapping determines what portions of the request message are populated from the path, query parameters, or body of the HTTP request. The mapping is typically specified as an google.api.http annotation, see "google/api/annotations.proto" for details.
HttpRequestClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Logging\Type
A common proto for logging HTTP requests. Only contains semantics defined by the HTTP specification. Product-specific logging information MUST be defined in a separate message.
HelpClass in namespace Google\Rpc
Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action.
Help_LinkClass in namespace Google\Rpc
Describes a URL link.


ApiStatus::isValidStatus() — Method in class ApiStatus
FixedSizeCollection::iterateCollections() — Method in class FixedSizeCollection
Returns an iterator over FixedSizeCollections, starting with this and making API calls as required until all of the elements have been retrieved.
$LexerConditions#inclusiveProperty in class LexerConditions
$Parser#inputProperty in class Parser
Parser::input() — Method in class Parser
$ParserState#indexProperty in class ParserState
$ParserSymbol#indexProperty in class ParserSymbol
Segment::incrementBindingCount() — Method in class Segment
Segment::incrementSegmentCount() — Method in class Segment
OperationResponse::isDone() — Method in class OperationResponse
Check whether the operation has completed.
Page::iteratePages() — Method in class Page
Return an iterator over Page objects, beginning with this object.
PagedListResponse::iterateAllElements() — Method in class PagedListResponse
Returns an iterator over the full list of elements. Elements of the list are retrieved lazily using the underlying API.
PagedListResponse::iteratePages() — Method in class PagedListResponse
Returns an iterator over pages of results. The pages are retrieved lazily from the underlying API.
PagedListResponse::iterateFixedSizeCollections() — Method in class PagedListResponse
Returns an iterator over fixed size collections of results.
MockStubTrait::isExhausted() — Method in class MockStubTrait
$ForwardingCall#innerCallProperty in class ForwardingCall
UnaryInterceptorInterface::interceptUnaryUnary() — Method in class UnaryInterceptorInterface
$RepoId#idProperty in class RepoId
IAMPolicyGrpcClientClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Iam\V1

API Overview


$Segment#kindProperty in class Segment


LexerConditionsClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Jison
LexerErrorClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Jison
$LexerError#lineNoProperty in class LexerError
$Parser#lessProperty in class Parser
Parser::lexerError() — Method in class Parser
Parser::lexerLex() — Method in class Parser
Parser::LexerPerformAction() — Method in class Parser
$ParserError#lineNoProperty in class ParserError
$ParserError#locProperty in class ParserError
$ParserLocation#lastLineProperty in class ParserLocation
$ParserLocation#lastColumnProperty in class ParserLocation
$ParserProduction#lenProperty in class ParserProduction
$ParserValue#lengProperty in class ParserValue
$ParserValue#locProperty in class ParserValue
$ParserValue#lineNoProperty in class ParserValue
$Segment#literalProperty in class Segment
OperationsGapicClient::listOperations() — Method in class OperationsGapicClient
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns UNIMPLEMENTED.
RetrySettings::load() — Method in class RetrySettings
Constructs an array mapping method names to CallSettings.
LabelDescriptorClass in namespace Google\Api
A description of a label.
LabelDescriptor_ValueTypeClass in namespace Google\Api
Value types that can be used as label values.
LogDescriptorClass in namespace Google\Api
A description of a log type. Example in YAML format: - name: library.googleapis.com/activity_history description: The history of borrowing and returning library items.
LoggingClass in namespace Google\Api
Logging configuration of the service.
Logging_LoggingDestinationClass in namespace Google\Api
Configuration of a specific logging destination (the producer project or the consumer project).
LogSeverityClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Logging\Type
The severity of the event described in a log entry, expressed as one of the standard severity levels listed below. For your reference, the levels are assigned the listed numeric values. The effect of using numeric values other than those listed is undefined.
ListOperationsRequestClass in namespace Google\LongRunning
The request message for [Operations.ListOperations][google.longrunning.Operations.ListOperations].
ListOperationsResponseClass in namespace Google\LongRunning
The response message for [Operations.ListOperations][google.longrunning.Operations.ListOperations].
OperationsGrpcClient::ListOperations() — Method in class OperationsGrpcClient
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns UNIMPLEMENTED.
LocalizedMessageClass in namespace Google\Rpc
Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
LatLngClass in namespace Google\Type
An object representing a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles representing degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges.


GapicClientTrait::modifyClientOptions() — Method in class GapicClientTrait
Modify options passed to the client before calling setClientOptions.
GapicClientTrait::modifyUnaryCallable() — Method in class GapicClientTrait
Modify the unary callable.
GapicClientTrait::modifyStreamingCallable() — Method in class GapicClientTrait
Modify the streaming callable.
$Parser#matchProperty in class Parser
$Parser#matchedProperty in class Parser
$Parser#moreProperty in class Parser
Parser::more() — Method in class Parser
PathTemplate::match() — Method in class PathTemplate
Matches a fully qualified path template string.
MockBidiStreamingCallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
The MockBidiStreamingCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\BidiStreamingCall class (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/BidiStreamingCall.php)
MockClientStreamingCallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
The MockClientStreamingCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\ClientStreamingCall class (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/ClientStreamingCall.php)
MockGrpcTransportClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
MockRequestClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
Generated from protobuf message google.apicore.testing.MockRequest
MockRequestBodyClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
Generated from protobuf message google.apicore.testing.MockRequestBody
MockResponseClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
Generated from protobuf message google.apicore.testing.MockResponse
MockServerStreamingCallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
The MockServerStreamingCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\ServerStreamingCall class (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/ServerStreamingCall.php)
MockStatusClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
$MockStatus#metadataProperty in class MockStatus
MockStubTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
The MockStubTrait is used by generated mock stub classes which extent \Grpc\BaseStub (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/BaseStub.php) It provides functionality to add responses, get received calls, and overrides the _simpleRequest method so that the elements of $responses are returned instead of making a call to the API.
MockTransportClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
MockUnaryCallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
The MockUnaryCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\UnaryCall class (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/UnaryCall.php)
MetricClass in namespace Google\Api
A specific metric, identified by specifying values for all of the labels of a [MetricDescriptor][google.api.MetricDescriptor].
MetricDescriptorClass in namespace Google\Api
Defines a metric type and its schema. Once a metric descriptor is created, deleting or altering it stops data collection and makes the metric type's existing data unusable.
MetricDescriptor_MetricKindClass in namespace Google\Api
The kind of measurement. It describes how the data is reported.
MetricDescriptor_ValueTypeClass in namespace Google\Api
The value type of a metric.
MetricRuleClass in namespace Google\Api
Bind API methods to metrics. Binding a method to a metric causes that metric's configured quota, billing, and monitoring behaviors to apply to the method call.
MonitoredResourceClass in namespace Google\Api
An object representing a resource that can be used for monitoring, logging, billing, or other purposes. Examples include virtual machine instances, databases, and storage devices such as disks. The type field identifies a [MonitoredResourceDescriptor][google.api.MonitoredResourceDescriptor] object that describes the resource's schema. Information in the labels field identifies the actual resource and its attributes according to the schema. For example, a particular Compute Engine VM instance could be represented by the following object, because the [MonitoredResourceDescriptor][google.api.MonitoredResourceDescriptor] for "gce_instance" has labels "instance_id" and "zone": { "type": "gce_instance", "labels": { "instance_id": "12345678901234", "zone": "us-central1-a" }}
MonitoredResourceDescriptorClass in namespace Google\Api
An object that describes the schema of a [MonitoredResource][google.api.MonitoredResource] object using a type name and a set of labels. For example, the monitored resource descriptor for Google Compute Engine VM instances has a type of "gce_instance" and specifies the use of the labels "instance_id" and "zone" to identify particular VM instances.
MonitoringClass in namespace Google\Api
Monitoring configuration of the service.
Monitoring_MonitoringDestinationClass in namespace Google\Api
Configuration of a specific monitoring destination (the producer project or the consumer project).
MoneyClass in namespace Google\Type
Represents an amount of money with its currency type.


$Parser#noneProperty in class Parser
Parser::next() — Method in class Parser
$ParserSymbol#nameProperty in class ParserSymbol


$Parser#offsetProperty in class Parser
OperationsGapicClientClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\LongRunning\Gapic
Service Description: Manages long-running operations with an API service.
OperationsClientClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\LongRunning
OperationsMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware
Middleware which wraps the response in an OperationResponse object.
OptionsFilterMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware
Middleware which filters the $options array.
OperationResponseClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Response object from a long running API method.
OperationResponse::operationSucceeded() — Method in class OperationResponse
Check whether the operation completed successfully. If the operation is not complete, or if the operation failed, return false.
OperationResponse::operationFailed() — Method in class OperationResponse
Check whether the operation failed. If the operation is not complete, or if the operation succeeded, return false.
$Distribution_BucketOptions#optionsProperty in class Distribution_BucketOptions
OAuthRequirementsClass in namespace Google\Api
OAuth scopes are a way to define data and permissions on data. For example, there are scopes defined for "Read-only access to Google Calendar" and "Access to Cloud Platform". Users can consent to a scope for an application, giving it permission to access that data on their behalf.
OperationClass in namespace Google\LongRunning
This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
OperationsGrpcClientClass in namespace Google\LongRunning
Manages long-running operations with an API service.


ParserClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Jison
$Parser#productionsProperty in class Parser
Parser::parserPerformAction() — Method in class Parser
Parser::parserLex() — Method in class Parser
Parser::parseError() — Method in class Parser
Parser::parse() — Method in class Parser
Parser::pastInput() — Method in class Parser
Parser::popState() — Method in class Parser
ParserActionClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Jison
ParserCachedActionClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Jison
ParserErrorClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Jison
ParserLocationClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Jison
ParserProductionClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Jison
ParserRangeClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Jison
ParserStateClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Jison
ParserSymbolClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Jison
ParserValueClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Jison
PagedMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware
Middleware which wraps the response in an PagedListResponses object.
OperationResponse::pollUntilComplete() — Method in class OperationResponse
Poll the server in a loop until the operation is complete.
PageClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
A Page object wraps an API list method response and provides methods to retrieve additional pages using the page token.
PageStreamingDescriptorClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Holds the description information used for page streaming.
PagedListResponseClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Response object for paged results from a list API method
ParserClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Parser used by {see PathTemplate} to parse path template strings
Parser::parse() — Method in class Parser
Returns an array of path template segments parsed from data.
PathTemplateClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Represents a path template.
PollingTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
MockBidiStreamingCall::popReceivedCalls() — Method in class MockBidiStreamingCall
Return a list of calls made to write(), and clear $receivedFuncCalls.
MockClientStreamingCall::popReceivedCalls() — Method in class MockClientStreamingCall
Return a list of calls made to write(), and clear $receivedFuncCalls.
MockStubTrait::popReceivedCalls() — Method in class MockStubTrait
Return a list of calls made to _simpleRequest, and clear $receivedFuncCalls.
MockStubTrait::popCallObjects() — Method in class MockStubTrait
$HttpRule#patternProperty in class HttpRule
PageClass in namespace Google\Api
Represents a documentation page. A page can contain subpages to represent nested documentation set structure.
ProjectPropertiesClass in namespace Google\Api
A descriptor for defining project properties for a service. One service may have many consumer projects, and the service may want to behave differently depending on some properties on the project. For example, a project may be associated with a school, or a business, or a government agency, a business type property on the project may affect how a service responds to the client.
PropertyClass in namespace Google\Api
Defines project properties.
Property_PropertyTypeClass in namespace Google\Api
Supported data type of the property values
ProjectRepoIdClass in namespace Google\Cloud\DevTools\Source\V1
Selects a repo using a Google Cloud Platform project ID (e.g. winged-cargo-31) and a repo name within that project.
PolicyClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Iam\V1
Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. It is used to specify access control policies for Cloud Platform resources.
PolicyDeltaClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Iam\V1
The difference delta between two policies.
PreconditionFailureClass in namespace Google\Rpc
Describes what preconditions have failed.
PreconditionFailure_ViolationClass in namespace Google\Rpc
A message type used to describe a single precondition failure.
PostalAddressClass in namespace Google\Type
Represents a postal address, e.g. for postal delivery or payments addresses.


QuotaClass in namespace Google\Api
Quota configuration helps to achieve fairness and budgeting in service usage.
QuotaLimitClass in namespace Google\Api
QuotaLimit defines a specific limit that applies over a specified duration for a limit type. There can be at most one limit for a duration and limit type combination defined within a QuotaGroup.
QuotaFailureClass in namespace Google\Rpc
Describes how a quota check failed.
QuotaFailure_ViolationClass in namespace Google\Rpc
A message type used to describe a single quota violation. For example, a daily quota or a custom quota that was exceeded.


ApiStatus::rpcCodeFromStatus() — Method in class ApiStatus
ApiStatus::rpcCodeFromHttpStatusCode() — Method in class ApiStatus
Maps HTTP status codes to Google\Rpc\Code codes.
BidiStream::read() — Method in class BidiStream
Read the next response from the server. Returns null if the streaming call completed successfully. Throws an ApiException if the streaming call failed.
ClientStream::readResponse() — Method in class ClientStream
Read the response from the server, completing the streaming call.
$LexerConditions#rulesProperty in class LexerConditions
$Parser#reduceProperty in class Parser
$Parser#rulesProperty in class Parser
$Parser#rangesProperty in class Parser
$ParserLocation#rangeProperty in class ParserLocation
ParserLocation::Range() — Method in class ParserLocation
Segment::resetBindingCount() — Method in class Segment
Segment::resetSegmentCount() — Method in class Segment
ResponseMetadataMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware
Middleware which transforms $response into [$response, $metadata]
RetryMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware
Middleware that adds retry functionality.
OperationResponse::reload() — Method in class OperationResponse
Reload the status of the operation with a request to the service.
PageStreamingDescriptor::requestHasPageSizeField() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PathTemplate::render() — Method in class PathTemplate
Renders a path template using the provided bindings.
RequestBuilderClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Builds a PSR-7 request from a set of request information.
RequestParamsHeaderDescriptorClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Encapsulates request params header metadata.
RetrySettingsClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
The RetrySettings class is used to configure retrying and timeouts for RPCs.
RetrySettings::retriesEnabled() — Method in class RetrySettings
ServerStream::readAll() — Method in class ServerStream
A generator which yields results from the server until the streaming call completes. Throws an ApiException if the streaming call failed.
MockBidiStreamingCall::read() — Method in class MockBidiStreamingCall
MockServerStreamingCall::responses() — Method in class MockServerStreamingCall
ReceivedRequestClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
Class ReceivedRequest used to hold the function name and request object of a call make to a mock gRPC stub.
RestTransportClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport
A REST based transport implementation.
RequestMetadataClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Audit
Metadata about the request.
$CloudRepoSourceContext#revisionProperty in class CloudRepoSourceContext
$GerritSourceContext#revisionProperty in class GerritSourceContext
RepoIdClass in namespace Google\Cloud\DevTools\Source\V1
A unique identifier for a cloud repo.
$Operation#resultProperty in class Operation
RequestInfoClass in namespace Google\Rpc
Contains metadata about the request that clients can attach when filing a bug or providing other forms of feedback.
ResourceInfoClass in namespace Google\Rpc
Describes the resource that is being accessed.
RetryInfoClass in namespace Google\Rpc
Describes when the clients can retry a failed request. Clients could ignore the recommendation here or retry when this information is missing from error responses.


ApiStatus::statusFromRpcCode() — Method in class ApiStatus
$Parser#symbolsProperty in class Parser
$Parser#shiftProperty in class Parser
Parser::setInput() — Method in class Parser
Parser::showPosition() — Method in class Parser
$ParserAction#stateProperty in class ParserAction
$ParserAction#symbolProperty in class ParserAction
$ParserCachedAction#symbolProperty in class ParserCachedAction
$ParserError#stateProperty in class ParserError
$ParserError#symbolProperty in class ParserError
$ParserProduction#symbolProperty in class ParserProduction
ParserState::setActions() — Method in class ParserState
$ParserSymbol#symbolsProperty in class ParserSymbol
$ParserSymbol#symbolsByNameProperty in class ParserSymbol
SegmentClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Jison
This class represents a segment in a path template.
PollingTrait::sleepMillis() — Method in class PollingTrait
Protected to allow overriding for tests
SerializerClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Collection of methods to help with serialization of protobuf objects
Serializer::serializeToJson() — Method in class Serializer
Serializer::serializeToPhpArray() — Method in class Serializer
ServerStreamClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
ServerStream is the response object from a gRPC server streaming API call.
ServiceAddressTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Provides helper methods for service address handling.
MockRequest::setPageToken() — Method in class MockRequest
Generated from protobuf field string page_token = 1;
MockRequest::setPageSize() — Method in class MockRequest
Generated from protobuf field uint64 page_size = 2;
MockRequestBody::setName() — Method in class MockRequestBody
Generated from protobuf field string name = 1;
MockRequestBody::setNumber() — Method in class MockRequestBody
Generated from protobuf field uint64 number = 2;
MockRequestBody::setRepeatedField() — Method in class MockRequestBody
Generated from protobuf field repeated string repeated_field = 3;
MockRequestBody::setNestedMessage() — Method in class MockRequestBody
Generated from protobuf field .google.apicore.testing.MockRequestBody nested_message = 4;
MockRequestBody::setFieldMask() — Method in class MockRequestBody
Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.FieldMask field_mask = 5;
MockRequestBody::setStringValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.StringValue string_value = 6;
MockResponse::setName() — Method in class MockResponse
Generated from protobuf field string name = 1;
MockResponse::setNumber() — Method in class MockResponse
Generated from protobuf field uint64 number = 2;
MockResponse::setResourcesList() — Method in class MockResponse
Generated from protobuf field repeated string resources_list = 3;
MockResponse::setNextPageToken() — Method in class MockResponse
Generated from protobuf field string next_page_token = 4;
MockStubTrait::stripStatusFromResponses() — Method in class MockStubTrait
MockStubTrait::setStreamingStatus() — Method in class MockStubTrait
Set the status object to be used when creating streaming calls.
MockTransport::setAgentHeaderDescriptor() — Method in class MockTransport
MockTransport::startUnaryCall() — Method in class MockTransport
Returns a promise used to execute network requests.
MockTransport::startBidiStreamingCall() — Method in class MockTransport
Starts a bidi streaming call.
MockTransport::startClientStreamingCall() — Method in class MockTransport
Starts a client streaming call.
MockTransport::startServerStreamingCall() — Method in class MockTransport
Starts a server streaming call.
SerializationTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
GrpcTransport::startBidiStreamingCall() — Method in class GrpcTransport
Starts a bidi streaming call.
GrpcTransport::startClientStreamingCall() — Method in class GrpcTransport
Starts a client streaming call.
GrpcTransport::startServerStreamingCall() — Method in class GrpcTransport
Starts a server streaming call.
GrpcTransport::startUnaryCall() — Method in class GrpcTransport
Returns a promise used to execute network requests.
RestTransport::startClientStreamingCall() — Method in class RestTransport
Starts a client streaming call.
RestTransport::startServerStreamingCall() — Method in class RestTransport
Starts a server streaming call.
RestTransport::startBidiStreamingCall() — Method in class RestTransport
Starts a bidi streaming call.
RestTransport::startUnaryCall() — Method in class RestTransport
Returns a promise used to execute network requests.
TransportInterface::startBidiStreamingCall() — Method in class TransportInterface
Starts a bidi streaming call.
TransportInterface::startClientStreamingCall() — Method in class TransportInterface
Starts a client streaming call.
TransportInterface::startServerStreamingCall() — Method in class TransportInterface
Starts a server streaming call.
TransportInterface::startUnaryCall() — Method in class TransportInterface
Returns a promise used to execute network requests.
Advice::setDescription() — Method in class Advice
Useful description for why this advice was applied and what actions should be taken to mitigate any implied risks.
AuthProvider::setId() — Method in class AuthProvider
The unique identifier of the auth provider. It will be referred to by AuthRequirement.provider_id.
AuthProvider::setIssuer() — Method in class AuthProvider
Identifies the principal that issued the JWT. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-32#section-4.1.1 Usually a URL or an email address.
AuthProvider::setJwksUri() — Method in class AuthProvider
URL of the provider's public key set to validate signature of the JWT. See OpenID Discovery.
AuthProvider::setAudiences() — Method in class AuthProvider
The list of JWT audiences.
AuthProvider::setAuthorizationUrl() — Method in class AuthProvider
Redirect URL if JWT token is required but no present or is expired.
AuthRequirement::setProviderId() — Method in class AuthRequirement
[id][google.api.AuthProvider.id] from authentication provider.
AuthRequirement::setAudiences() — Method in class AuthRequirement
NOTE: This will be deprecated soon, once AuthProvider.audiences is implemented and accepted in all the runtime components.
Authentication::setRules() — Method in class Authentication
A list of authentication rules that apply to individual API methods.
Authentication::setProviders() — Method in class Authentication
Defines a set of authentication providers that a service supports.
AuthenticationRule::setSelector() — Method in class AuthenticationRule
Selects the methods to which this rule applies.
AuthenticationRule::setOauth() — Method in class AuthenticationRule
The requirements for OAuth credentials.
AuthenticationRule::setAllowWithoutCredential() — Method in class AuthenticationRule
Whether to allow requests without a credential. The credential can be an OAuth token, Google cookies (first-party auth) or EndUserCreds.
AuthenticationRule::setRequirements() — Method in class AuthenticationRule
Requirements for additional authentication providers.
AuthorizationConfig::setProvider() — Method in class AuthorizationConfig
The name of the authorization provider, such as firebaserules.googleapis.com.
Backend::setRules() — Method in class Backend
A list of API backend rules that apply to individual API methods.
BackendRule::setSelector() — Method in class BackendRule
Selects the methods to which this rule applies.
BackendRule::setAddress() — Method in class BackendRule
The address of the API backend.
BackendRule::setDeadline() — Method in class BackendRule
The number of seconds to wait for a response from a request. The default depends on the deployment context.
Billing::setConsumerDestinations() — Method in class Billing
Billing configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
Billing_BillingDestination::setMonitoredResource() — Method in class Billing_BillingDestination
The monitored resource type. The type must be defined in [Service.monitored_resources][google.api.Service.monitored_resources] section.
Billing_BillingDestination::setMetrics() — Method in class Billing_BillingDestination
Names of the metrics to report to this billing destination.
ConfigChange::setElement() — Method in class ConfigChange
Object hierarchy path to the change, with levels separated by a '.' character. For repeated fields, an applicable unique identifier field is used for the index (usually selector, name, or id). For maps, the term 'key' is used. If the field has no unique identifier, the numeric index is used.
ConfigChange::setOldValue() — Method in class ConfigChange
Value of the changed object in the old Service configuration, in JSON format. This field will not be populated if ChangeType == ADDED.
ConfigChange::setNewValue() — Method in class ConfigChange
Value of the changed object in the new Service configuration, in JSON format. This field will not be populated if ChangeType == REMOVED.
ConfigChange::setChangeType() — Method in class ConfigChange
The type for this change, either ADDED, REMOVED, or MODIFIED.
ConfigChange::setAdvices() — Method in class ConfigChange
Collection of advice provided for this change, useful for determining the possible impact of this change.
Context::setRules() — Method in class Context
A list of RPC context rules that apply to individual API methods.
ContextRule::setSelector() — Method in class ContextRule
Selects the methods to which this rule applies.
ContextRule::setRequested() — Method in class ContextRule
A list of full type names of requested contexts.
ContextRule::setProvided() — Method in class ContextRule
A list of full type names of provided contexts.
Control::setEnvironment() — Method in class Control
The service control environment to use. If empty, no control plane feature (like quota and billing) will be enabled.
CustomHttpPattern::setKind() — Method in class CustomHttpPattern
The name of this custom HTTP verb.
CustomHttpPattern::setPath() — Method in class CustomHttpPattern
The path matched by this custom verb.
Distribution::setCount() — Method in class Distribution
The number of values in the population. Must be non-negative.
Distribution::setMean() — Method in class Distribution
The arithmetic mean of the values in the population. If count is zero then this field must be zero.
Distribution::setSumOfSquaredDeviation() — Method in class Distribution
The sum of squared deviations from the mean of the values in the population. For values x_i this is: Sum[i=1.
Distribution::setRange() — Method in class Distribution
If specified, contains the range of the population values. The field must not be present if the count is zero.
Distribution::setBucketOptions() — Method in class Distribution
Defines the histogram bucket boundaries.
Distribution::setBucketCounts() — Method in class Distribution
If bucket_options is given, then the sum of the values in bucket_counts must equal the value in count. If bucket_options is not given, no bucket_counts fields may be given.
Distribution_BucketOptions::setLinearBuckets() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions
The linear bucket.
Distribution_BucketOptions::setExponentialBuckets() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions
The exponential buckets.
Distribution_BucketOptions::setExplicitBuckets() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions
The explicit buckets.
Distribution_BucketOptions_Explicit::setBounds() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Explicit
The values must be monotonically increasing.
Distribution_BucketOptions_Exponential::setNumFiniteBuckets() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Exponential
Must be greater than 0.
Distribution_BucketOptions_Exponential::setGrowthFactor() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Exponential
Must be greater than 1.
Distribution_BucketOptions_Exponential::setScale() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Exponential
Must be greater than 0.
Distribution_BucketOptions_Linear::setNumFiniteBuckets() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Linear
Must be greater than 0.
Distribution_BucketOptions_Linear::setWidth() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Linear
Must be greater than 0.
Distribution_BucketOptions_Linear::setOffset() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Linear
Lower bound of the first bucket.
Distribution_Range::setMin() — Method in class Distribution_Range
The minimum of the population values.
Distribution_Range::setMax() — Method in class Distribution_Range
The maximum of the population values.
Documentation::setSummary() — Method in class Documentation
A short summary of what the service does. Can only be provided by plain text.
Documentation::setPages() — Method in class Documentation
The top level pages for the documentation set.
Documentation::setRules() — Method in class Documentation
A list of documentation rules that apply to individual API elements.
Documentation::setDocumentationRootUrl() — Method in class Documentation
The URL to the root of documentation.
Documentation::setOverview() — Method in class Documentation
Declares a single overview page. For example:


pre>documentation: summary: .

DocumentationRule::setSelector() — Method in class DocumentationRule
The selector is a comma-separated list of patterns. Each pattern is a qualified name of the element which may end in "*", indicating a wildcard.
DocumentationRule::setDescription() — Method in class DocumentationRule
Description of the selected API(s).
DocumentationRule::setDeprecationDescription() — Method in class DocumentationRule
Deprecation description of the selected element(s). It can be provided if an element is marked as deprecated.
Endpoint::setName() — Method in class Endpoint
The canonical name of this endpoint.
Endpoint::setAliases() — Method in class Endpoint
DEPRECATED: This field is no longer supported. Instead of using aliases, please specify multiple [google.api.Endpoint][google.api.Endpoint] for each of the intented alias.
Endpoint::setApis() — Method in class Endpoint
The list of APIs served by this endpoint.
Endpoint::setFeatures() — Method in class Endpoint
The list of features enabled on this endpoint.
Endpoint::setTarget() — Method in class Endpoint
The specification of an Internet routable address of API frontend that will handle requests to this API Endpoint.
Endpoint::setAllowCors() — Method in class Endpoint
Allowing CORS, aka cross-domain traffic, would allow the backends served from this endpoint to receive and respond to HTTP OPTIONS requests. The response will be used by the browser to determine whether the subsequent cross-origin request is allowed to proceed.
Experimental::setAuthorization() — Method in class Experimental
Authorization configuration.
Http::setRules() — Method in class Http
A list of HTTP configuration rules that apply to individual API methods.
HttpBody::setContentType() — Method in class HttpBody
The HTTP Content-Type string representing the content type of the body.
HttpBody::setData() — Method in class HttpBody
HTTP body binary data.
HttpRule::setSelector() — Method in class HttpRule
Selects methods to which this rule applies.
HttpRule::setGet() — Method in class HttpRule
Used for listing and getting information about resources.
HttpRule::setPut() — Method in class HttpRule
Used for updating a resource.
HttpRule::setPost() — Method in class HttpRule
Used for creating a resource.
HttpRule::setDelete() — Method in class HttpRule
Used for deleting a resource.
HttpRule::setPatch() — Method in class HttpRule
Used for updating a resource.
HttpRule::setCustom() — Method in class HttpRule
Custom pattern is used for defining custom verbs.
HttpRule::setBody() — Method in class HttpRule
The name of the request field whose value is mapped to the HTTP body, or * for mapping all fields not captured by the path pattern to the HTTP body. NOTE: the referred field must not be a repeated field and must be present at the top-level of request message type.
HttpRule::setAdditionalBindings() — Method in class HttpRule
Additional HTTP bindings for the selector. Nested bindings must not contain an additional_bindings field themselves (that is, the nesting may only be one level deep).
LabelDescriptor::setKey() — Method in class LabelDescriptor
The label key.
LabelDescriptor::setValueType() — Method in class LabelDescriptor
The type of data that can be assigned to the label.
LabelDescriptor::setDescription() — Method in class LabelDescriptor
A human-readable description for the label.
LogDescriptor::setName() — Method in class LogDescriptor
The name of the log. It must be less than 512 characters long and can include the following characters: upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters [A-Za-z0-9], and punctuation characters including slash, underscore, hyphen, period [/_-.].
LogDescriptor::setLabels() — Method in class LogDescriptor
The set of labels that are available to describe a specific log entry.
LogDescriptor::setDescription() — Method in class LogDescriptor
A human-readable description of this log. This information appears in the documentation and can contain details.
LogDescriptor::setDisplayName() — Method in class LogDescriptor
The human-readable name for this log. This information appears on the user interface and should be concise.
Logging::setProducerDestinations() — Method in class Logging
Logging configurations for sending logs to the producer project.
Logging::setConsumerDestinations() — Method in class Logging
Logging configurations for sending logs to the consumer project.
Logging_LoggingDestination::setMonitoredResource() — Method in class Logging_LoggingDestination
The monitored resource type. The type must be defined in the [Service.monitored_resources][google.api.Service.monitored_resources] section.
Logging_LoggingDestination::setLogs() — Method in class Logging_LoggingDestination
Names of the logs to be sent to this destination. Each name must be defined in the [Service.logs][google.api.Service.logs] section. If the log name is not a domain scoped name, it will be automatically prefixed with the service name followed by "/".
Metric::setType() — Method in class Metric
An existing metric type, see [google.api.MetricDescriptor][google.api.MetricDescriptor].
Metric::setLabels() — Method in class Metric
The set of label values that uniquely identify this metric. All labels listed in the MetricDescriptor must be assigned values.
MetricDescriptor::setName() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
The resource name of the metric descriptor. Depending on the implementation, the name typically includes: (1) the parent resource name that defines the scope of the metric type or of its data; and (2) the metric's URL-encoded type, which also appears in the type field of this descriptor. For example, following is the resource name of a custom metric within the GCP project my-project-id: "projects/my-project-id/metricDescriptors/custom.googleapis.com%2Finvoice%2Fpaid%2Famount"
MetricDescriptor::setType() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
The metric type, including its DNS name prefix. The type is not URL-encoded. All user-defined custom metric types have the DNS name custom.googleapis.com. Metric types should use a natural hierarchical grouping. For example: "custom.googleapis.com/invoice/paid/amount" "appengine.googleapis.com/http/server/response_latencies"
MetricDescriptor::setLabels() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
The set of labels that can be used to describe a specific instance of this metric type. For example, the appengine.googleapis.com/http/server/response_latencies metric type has a label for the HTTP response code, response_code, so you can look at latencies for successful responses or just for responses that failed.
MetricDescriptor::setMetricKind() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
Whether the metric records instantaneous values, changes to a value, etc.
MetricDescriptor::setValueType() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
Whether the measurement is an integer, a floating-point number, etc.
MetricDescriptor::setUnit() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
The unit in which the metric value is reported. It is only applicable if the value_type is INT64, DOUBLE, or DISTRIBUTION. The supported units are a subset of The Unified Code for Units of Measure standard: Basic units (UNIT) * bit bit * By byte * s second * min minute * h hour * d day Prefixes (PREFIX) * k kilo (103) * M mega (106) * G giga (109) * T tera (1012) * P peta (1015) * E exa (1018) * Z zetta (1021) * Y yotta (1024) * m milli (10-3) * u micro (10-6) * n nano (10-9) * p pico (10-12) * f femto (10-15) * a atto (10-18) * z zepto (10-21) * y yocto (10-24) * Ki kibi (210) * Mi mebi (220) * Gi gibi (230) * Ti tebi (240) Grammar The grammar includes the dimensionless unit 1, such as 1/s.
MetricDescriptor::setDescription() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
A detailed description of the metric, which can be used in documentation.
MetricDescriptor::setDisplayName() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
A concise name for the metric, which can be displayed in user interfaces.
MetricRule::setSelector() — Method in class MetricRule
Selects the methods to which this rule applies.
MetricRule::setMetricCosts() — Method in class MetricRule
Metrics to update when the selected methods are called, and the associated cost applied to each metric.
MonitoredResource::setType() — Method in class MonitoredResource
Required. The monitored resource type. This field must match the type field of a [MonitoredResourceDescriptor][google.api.MonitoredResourceDescriptor] object. For example, the type of a Cloud SQL database is "cloudsql_database".
MonitoredResource::setLabels() — Method in class MonitoredResource
Required. Values for all of the labels listed in the associated monitored resource descriptor. For example, Cloud SQL databases use the labels "database_id" and "zone".
MonitoredResourceDescriptor::setName() — Method in class MonitoredResourceDescriptor
Optional. The resource name of the monitored resource descriptor: "projects/{project_id}/monitoredResourceDescriptors/{type}" where {type} is the value of the type field in this object and {project_id} is a project ID that provides API-specific context for accessing the type. APIs that do not use project information can use the resource name format "monitoredResourceDescriptors/{type}".
MonitoredResourceDescriptor::setType() — Method in class MonitoredResourceDescriptor
Required. The monitored resource type. For example, the type "cloudsql_database" represents databases in Google Cloud SQL.
MonitoredResourceDescriptor::setDisplayName() — Method in class MonitoredResourceDescriptor
Optional. A concise name for the monitored resource type that might be displayed in user interfaces. It should be a Title Cased Noun Phrase, without any article or other determiners. For example, "Google Cloud SQL Database".
MonitoredResourceDescriptor::setDescription() — Method in class MonitoredResourceDescriptor
Optional. A detailed description of the monitored resource type that might be used in documentation.
MonitoredResourceDescriptor::setLabels() — Method in class MonitoredResourceDescriptor
Required. A set of labels used to describe instances of this monitored resource type. For example, an individual Google Cloud SQL database is identified by values for the labels "database_id" and "zone".
Monitoring::setProducerDestinations() — Method in class Monitoring
Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
Monitoring::setConsumerDestinations() — Method in class Monitoring
Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
Monitoring_MonitoringDestination::setMonitoredResource() — Method in class Monitoring_MonitoringDestination
The monitored resource type. The type must be defined in [Service.monitored_resources][google.api.Service.monitored_resources] section.
Monitoring_MonitoringDestination::setMetrics() — Method in class Monitoring_MonitoringDestination
Names of the metrics to report to this monitoring destination.
OAuthRequirements::setCanonicalScopes() — Method in class OAuthRequirements
The list of publicly documented OAuth scopes that are allowed access. An OAuth token containing any of these scopes will be accepted.
Page::setName() — Method in class Page
The name of the page. It will be used as an identity of the page to generate URI of the page, text of the link to this page in navigation, etc. The full page name (start from the root page name to this page concatenated with .) can be used as reference to the page in your documentation. For example:

- name: Tutorial
  content: (== include tutorial.md ==)
  - name: Java
    content: (== include tutorial_java.md ==)

You can reference Java page using Markdown reference link syntax: [Java][Tutorial.Java].

Page::setContent() — Method in class Page
The Markdown content of the page. You can use (== include {path} ==) to include content from a Markdown file.
Page::setSubpages() — Method in class Page
Subpages of this page. The order of subpages specified here will be honored in the generated docset.
ProjectProperties::setProperties() — Method in class ProjectProperties
List of per consumer project-specific properties.
Property::setName() — Method in class Property
The name of the property (a.k.a key).
Property::setType() — Method in class Property
The type of this property.
Property::setDescription() — Method in class Property
The description of the property
Quota::setLimits() — Method in class Quota
List of QuotaLimit definitions for the service.
Quota::setMetricRules() — Method in class Quota
List of MetricRule definitions, each one mapping a selected method to one or more metrics.
QuotaLimit::setName() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Name of the quota limit. The name is used to refer to the limit when overriding the default limit on per-consumer basis.
QuotaLimit::setDescription() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Optional. User-visible, extended description for this quota limit.
QuotaLimit::setDefaultLimit() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Default number of tokens that can be consumed during the specified duration. This is the number of tokens assigned when a client application developer activates the service for his/her project.
QuotaLimit::setMaxLimit() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Maximum number of tokens that can be consumed during the specified duration. Client application developers can override the default limit up to this maximum. If specified, this value cannot be set to a value less than the default limit. If not specified, it is set to the default limit.
QuotaLimit::setFreeTier() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Free tier value displayed in the Developers Console for this limit.
QuotaLimit::setDuration() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Duration of this limit in textual notation. Example: "100s", "24h", "1d".
QuotaLimit::setMetric() — Method in class QuotaLimit
The name of the metric this quota limit applies to. The quota limits with the same metric will be checked together during runtime. The metric must be defined within the service config.
QuotaLimit::setUnit() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Specify the unit of the quota limit. It uses the same syntax as [Metric.unit][]. The supported unit kinds are determined by the quota backend system.
QuotaLimit::setValues() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Tiered limit values. Also allows for regional or zone overrides for these values if "/{region}" or "/{zone}" is specified in the unit field.
QuotaLimit::setDisplayName() — Method in class QuotaLimit
User-visible display name for this limit.
ServiceClass in namespace Google\Api
Service is the root object of Google service configuration schema. It describes basic information about a service, such as the name and the title, and delegates other aspects to sub-sections. Each sub-section is either a proto message or a repeated proto message that configures a specific aspect, such as auth. See each proto message definition for details.
Service::setConfigVersion() — Method in class Service
The semantic version of the service configuration. The config version affects the interpretation of the service configuration. For example, certain features are enabled by default for certain config versions.
Service::setName() — Method in class Service
The DNS address at which this service is available, e.g. calendar.googleapis.com.
Service::setId() — Method in class Service
A unique ID for a specific instance of this message, typically assigned by the client for tracking purpose. If empty, the server may choose to generate one instead.
Service::setTitle() — Method in class Service
The product title for this service.
Service::setProducerProjectId() — Method in class Service
The Google project that owns this service.
Service::setApis() — Method in class Service
A list of API interfaces exported by this service. Only the name field of the [google.protobuf.Api][google.protobuf.Api] needs to be provided by the configuration author, as the remaining fields will be derived from the IDL during the normalization process. It is an error to specify an API interface here which cannot be resolved against the associated IDL files.
Service::setTypes() — Method in class Service
A list of all proto message types included in this API service.
Service::setEnums() — Method in class Service
A list of all enum types included in this API service. Enums referenced directly or indirectly by the apis are automatically included. Enums which are not referenced but shall be included should be listed here by name. Example: enums: - name: google.someapi.v1.SomeEnum
Service::setDocumentation() — Method in class Service
Additional API documentation.
Service::setBackend() — Method in class Service
API backend configuration.
Service::setHttp() — Method in class Service
HTTP configuration.
Service::setQuota() — Method in class Service
Quota configuration.
Service::setAuthentication() — Method in class Service
Auth configuration.
Service::setContext() — Method in class Service
Context configuration.
Service::setUsage() — Method in class Service
Configuration controlling usage of this service.
Service::setEndpoints() — Method in class Service
Configuration for network endpoints. If this is empty, then an endpoint with the same name as the service is automatically generated to service all defined APIs.
Service::setControl() — Method in class Service
Configuration for the service control plane.
Service::setLogs() — Method in class Service
Defines the logs used by this service.
Service::setMetrics() — Method in class Service
Defines the metrics used by this service.
Service::setMonitoredResources() — Method in class Service
Defines the monitored resources used by this service. This is required by the [Service.monitoring][google.api.Service.monitoring] and [Service.logging][google.api.Service.logging] configurations.
Service::setBilling() — Method in class Service
Billing configuration.
Service::setLogging() — Method in class Service
Logging configuration.
Service::setMonitoring() — Method in class Service
Monitoring configuration.
Service::setSystemParameters() — Method in class Service
System parameter configuration.
Service::setSourceInfo() — Method in class Service
Output only. The source information for this configuration if available.
Service::setExperimental() — Method in class Service
Experimental configuration.
SourceInfoClass in namespace Google\Api
Source information used to create a Service Config
SourceInfo::setSourceFiles() — Method in class SourceInfo
All files used during config generation.
SystemParameterClass in namespace Google\Api
Define a parameter's name and location. The parameter may be passed as either an HTTP header or a URL query parameter, and if both are passed the behavior is implementation-dependent.
SystemParameter::setName() — Method in class SystemParameter
Define the name of the parameter, such as "api_key" . It is case sensitive.
SystemParameter::setHttpHeader() — Method in class SystemParameter
Define the HTTP header name to use for the parameter. It is case insensitive.
SystemParameter::setUrlQueryParameter() — Method in class SystemParameter
Define the URL query parameter name to use for the parameter. It is case sensitive.
SystemParameterRuleClass in namespace Google\Api
Define a system parameter rule mapping system parameter definitions to methods.
SystemParameterRule::setSelector() — Method in class SystemParameterRule
Selects the methods to which this rule applies. Use '*' to indicate all methods in all APIs.
SystemParameterRule::setParameters() — Method in class SystemParameterRule
Define parameters. Multiple names may be defined for a parameter.
SystemParametersClass in namespace Google\Api

System parameter configuration

A system parameter is a special kind of parameter defined by the API system, not by an individual API. It is typically mapped to an HTTP header and/or a URL query parameter. This configuration specifies which methods change the names of the system parameters.

SystemParameters::setRules() — Method in class SystemParameters
Define system parameters.
Usage::setRequirements() — Method in class Usage
Requirements that must be satisfied before a consumer project can use the service. Each requirement is of the form <service.name>/; for example 'serviceusage.googleapis.com/billing-enabled'.
Usage::setRules() — Method in class Usage
A list of usage rules that apply to individual API methods.
Usage::setProducerNotificationChannel() — Method in class Usage
The full resource name of a channel used for sending notifications to the service producer.
UsageRule::setSelector() — Method in class UsageRule
Selects the methods to which this rule applies. Use '*' to indicate all methods in all APIs.
UsageRule::setAllowUnregisteredCalls() — Method in class UsageRule
True, if the method allows unregistered calls; false otherwise.
UsageRule::setSkipServiceControl() — Method in class UsageRule
True, if the method should skip service control. If so, no control plane feature (like quota and billing) will be enabled.
AuditLog::setServiceName() — Method in class AuditLog
The name of the API service performing the operation. For example, "datastore.googleapis.com".
AuditLog::setMethodName() — Method in class AuditLog
The name of the service method or operation.
AuditLog::setResourceName() — Method in class AuditLog
The resource or collection that is the target of the operation.
AuditLog::setNumResponseItems() — Method in class AuditLog
The number of items returned from a List or Query API method, if applicable.
AuditLog::setStatus() — Method in class AuditLog
The status of the overall operation.
AuditLog::setAuthenticationInfo() — Method in class AuditLog
Authentication information.
AuditLog::setAuthorizationInfo() — Method in class AuditLog
Authorization information. If there are multiple resources or permissions involved, then there is one AuthorizationInfo element for each {resource, permission} tuple.
AuditLog::setRequestMetadata() — Method in class AuditLog
Metadata about the operation.
AuditLog::setRequest() — Method in class AuditLog
The operation request. This may not include all request parameters, such as those that are too large, privacy-sensitive, or duplicated elsewhere in the log record.
AuditLog::setResponse() — Method in class AuditLog
The operation response. This may not include all response elements, such as those that are too large, privacy-sensitive, or duplicated elsewhere in the log record.
AuditLog::setServiceData() — Method in class AuditLog
Other service-specific data about the request, response, and other activities.
AuthenticationInfo::setPrincipalEmail() — Method in class AuthenticationInfo
The email address of the authenticated user making the request.
AuthorizationInfo::setResource() — Method in class AuthorizationInfo
The resource being accessed, as a REST-style string. For example: bigquery.googlapis.com/projects/PROJECTID/datasets/DATASETID
AuthorizationInfo::setPermission() — Method in class AuthorizationInfo
The required IAM permission.
AuthorizationInfo::setGranted() — Method in class AuthorizationInfo
Whether or not authorization for resource and permission was granted.
RequestMetadata::setCallerIp() — Method in class RequestMetadata
The IP address of the caller.
RequestMetadata::setCallerSuppliedUserAgent() — Method in class RequestMetadata
The user agent of the caller.
AliasContext::setKind() — Method in class AliasContext
The alias kind.
AliasContext::setName() — Method in class AliasContext
The alias name.
CloudRepoSourceContext::setRepoId() — Method in class CloudRepoSourceContext
The ID of the repo.
CloudRepoSourceContext::setRevisionId() — Method in class CloudRepoSourceContext
A revision ID.
CloudRepoSourceContext::setAliasName() — Method in class CloudRepoSourceContext
The name of an alias (branch, tag, etc.).
CloudRepoSourceContext::setAliasContext() — Method in class CloudRepoSourceContext
An alias, which may be a branch or tag.
CloudWorkspaceId::setRepoId() — Method in class CloudWorkspaceId
The ID of the repo containing the workspace.
CloudWorkspaceId::setName() — Method in class CloudWorkspaceId
The unique name of the workspace within the repo. This is the name chosen by the client in the Source API's CreateWorkspace method.
CloudWorkspaceSourceContext::setWorkspaceId() — Method in class CloudWorkspaceSourceContext
The ID of the workspace.
CloudWorkspaceSourceContext::setSnapshotId() — Method in class CloudWorkspaceSourceContext
The ID of the snapshot.
ExtendedSourceContext::setContext() — Method in class ExtendedSourceContext
Any source context.
ExtendedSourceContext::setLabels() — Method in class ExtendedSourceContext
Labels with user defined metadata.
GerritSourceContext::setHostUri() — Method in class GerritSourceContext
The URI of a running Gerrit instance.
GerritSourceContext::setGerritProject() — Method in class GerritSourceContext
The full project name within the host. Projects may be nested, so "project/subproject" is a valid project name.
GerritSourceContext::setRevisionId() — Method in class GerritSourceContext
A revision (commit) ID.
GerritSourceContext::setAliasName() — Method in class GerritSourceContext
The name of an alias (branch, tag, etc.).
GerritSourceContext::setAliasContext() — Method in class GerritSourceContext
An alias, which may be a branch or tag.
GitSourceContext::setUrl() — Method in class GitSourceContext
Git repository URL.
GitSourceContext::setRevisionId() — Method in class GitSourceContext
Git commit hash.
ProjectRepoId::setProjectId() — Method in class ProjectRepoId
The ID of the project.
ProjectRepoId::setRepoName() — Method in class ProjectRepoId
The name of the repo. Leave empty for the default repo.
RepoId::setProjectRepoId() — Method in class RepoId
A combination of a project ID and a repo name.
RepoId::setUid() — Method in class RepoId
A server-assigned, globally unique identifier.
SourceContextClass in namespace Google\Cloud\DevTools\Source\V1
A SourceContext is a reference to a tree of files. A SourceContext together with a path point to a unique revision of a single file or directory.
SourceContext::setCloudRepo() — Method in class SourceContext
A SourceContext referring to a revision in a cloud repo.
SourceContext::setCloudWorkspace() — Method in class SourceContext
A SourceContext referring to a snapshot in a cloud workspace.
SourceContext::setGerrit() — Method in class SourceContext
A SourceContext referring to a Gerrit project.
SourceContext::setGit() — Method in class SourceContext
A SourceContext referring to any third party Git repo (e.g. GitHub).
Binding::setRole() — Method in class Binding
Role that is assigned to members.
Binding::setMembers() — Method in class Binding
Specifies the identities requesting access for a Cloud Platform resource.
BindingDelta::setAction() — Method in class BindingDelta
The action that was performed on a Binding.
BindingDelta::setRole() — Method in class BindingDelta
Role that is assigned to members.
BindingDelta::setMember() — Method in class BindingDelta
A single identity requesting access for a Cloud Platform resource.
GetIamPolicyRequest::setResource() — Method in class GetIamPolicyRequest
REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested.
IAMPolicyGrpcClient::SetIamPolicy() — Method in class IAMPolicyGrpcClient
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy.
Policy::setVersion() — Method in class Policy
Version of the Policy. The default version is 0.
Policy::setBindings() — Method in class Policy
Associates a list of members to a role.
Policy::setEtag() — Method in class Policy
etag is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help prevent simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other.
PolicyDelta::setBindingDeltas() — Method in class PolicyDelta
The delta for Bindings between two policies.
SetIamPolicyRequestClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Iam\V1
Request message for SetIamPolicy method.
SetIamPolicyRequest::setResource() — Method in class SetIamPolicyRequest
REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being specified.
SetIamPolicyRequest::setPolicy() — Method in class SetIamPolicyRequest
REQUIRED: The complete policy to be applied to the resource. The size of the policy is limited to a few 10s of KB. An empty policy is a valid policy but certain Cloud Platform services (such as Projects) might reject them.
TestIamPermissionsRequest::setResource() — Method in class TestIamPermissionsRequest
REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested.
TestIamPermissionsRequest::setPermissions() — Method in class TestIamPermissionsRequest
The set of permissions to check for the resource. Permissions with wildcards (such as '' or 'storage.') are not allowed. For more information see IAM Overview.
TestIamPermissionsResponse::setPermissions() — Method in class TestIamPermissionsResponse
A subset of TestPermissionsRequest.permissions that the caller is allowed.
HttpRequest::setRequestMethod() — Method in class HttpRequest
The request method. Examples: "GET", "HEAD", "PUT", "POST".
HttpRequest::setRequestUrl() — Method in class HttpRequest
The scheme (http, https), the host name, the path and the query portion of the URL that was requested.
HttpRequest::setRequestSize() — Method in class HttpRequest
The size of the HTTP request message in bytes, including the request headers and the request body.
HttpRequest::setStatus() — Method in class HttpRequest
The response code indicating the status of response.
HttpRequest::setResponseSize() — Method in class HttpRequest
The size of the HTTP response message sent back to the client, in bytes, including the response headers and the response body.
HttpRequest::setUserAgent() — Method in class HttpRequest
The user agent sent by the client. Example: "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Q312461; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)".
HttpRequest::setRemoteIp() — Method in class HttpRequest
The IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the client that issued the HTTP request. Examples: "", "FE80::0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329".
HttpRequest::setServerIp() — Method in class HttpRequest
The IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the origin server that the request was sent to.
HttpRequest::setReferer() — Method in class HttpRequest
The referer URL of the request, as defined in HTTP/1.1 Header Field Definitions.
HttpRequest::setLatency() — Method in class HttpRequest
The request processing latency on the server, from the time the request was received until the response was sent.
HttpRequest::setCacheLookup() — Method in class HttpRequest
Whether or not a cache lookup was attempted.
HttpRequest::setCacheHit() — Method in class HttpRequest
Whether or not an entity was served from cache (with or without validation).
HttpRequest::setCacheValidatedWithOriginServer() — Method in class HttpRequest
Whether or not the response was validated with the origin server before being served from cache. This field is only meaningful if cache_hit is True.
HttpRequest::setCacheFillBytes() — Method in class HttpRequest
The number of HTTP response bytes inserted into cache. Set only when a cache fill was attempted.
HttpRequest::setProtocol() — Method in class HttpRequest
Protocol used for the request. Examples: "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/2", "websocket"
AuditData::setPolicyDelta() — Method in class AuditData
Policy delta between the original policy and the newly set policy.
CancelOperationRequest::setName() — Method in class CancelOperationRequest
The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.
DeleteOperationRequest::setName() — Method in class DeleteOperationRequest
The name of the operation resource to be deleted.
GetOperationRequest::setName() — Method in class GetOperationRequest
The name of the operation resource.
ListOperationsRequest::setName() — Method in class ListOperationsRequest
The name of the operation collection.
ListOperationsRequest::setFilter() — Method in class ListOperationsRequest
The standard list filter.
ListOperationsRequest::setPageSize() — Method in class ListOperationsRequest
The standard list page size.
ListOperationsRequest::setPageToken() — Method in class ListOperationsRequest
The standard list page token.
ListOperationsResponse::setOperations() — Method in class ListOperationsResponse
A list of operations that matches the specified filter in the request.
ListOperationsResponse::setNextPageToken() — Method in class ListOperationsResponse
The standard List next-page token.
Operation::setName() — Method in class Operation
The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same service that originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP mapping, the name should have the format of operations/some/unique/name.
Operation::setMetadata() — Method in class Operation
Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains progress information and common metadata such as create time.
Operation::setDone() — Method in class Operation
If the value is false, it means the operation is still in progress.
Operation::setError() — Method in class Operation
The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation.
Operation::setResponse() — Method in class Operation
The normal response of the operation in case of success. If the original method returns no data on success, such as Delete, the response is google.protobuf.Empty. If the original method is standard Get/Create/Update, the response should be the resource. For other methods, the response should have the type XxxResponse, where Xxx is the original method name. For example, if the original method name is TakeSnapshot(), the inferred response type is TakeSnapshotResponse.
BadRequest::setFieldViolations() — Method in class BadRequest
Describes all violations in a client request.
BadRequest_FieldViolation::setField() — Method in class BadRequest_FieldViolation
A path leading to a field in the request body. The value will be a sequence of dot-separated identifiers that identify a protocol buffer field. E.g., "field_violations.field" would identify this field.
BadRequest_FieldViolation::setDescription() — Method in class BadRequest_FieldViolation
A description of why the request element is bad.
DebugInfo::setStackEntries() — Method in class DebugInfo
The stack trace entries indicating where the error occurred.
DebugInfo::setDetail() — Method in class DebugInfo
Additional debugging information provided by the server.
Help::setLinks() — Method in class Help
URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
Help_Link::setDescription() — Method in class Help_Link
Describes what the link offers.
Help_Link::setUrl() — Method in class Help_Link
The URL of the link.
LocalizedMessage::setLocale() — Method in class LocalizedMessage
The locale used following the specification defined at http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt.
LocalizedMessage::setMessage() — Method in class LocalizedMessage
The localized error message in the above locale.
PreconditionFailure::setViolations() — Method in class PreconditionFailure
Describes all precondition violations.
PreconditionFailure_Violation::setType() — Method in class PreconditionFailure_Violation
The type of PreconditionFailure. We recommend using a service-specific enum type to define the supported precondition violation types. For example, "TOS" for "Terms of Service violation".
PreconditionFailure_Violation::setSubject() — Method in class PreconditionFailure_Violation
The subject, relative to the type, that failed.
PreconditionFailure_Violation::setDescription() — Method in class PreconditionFailure_Violation
A description of how the precondition failed. Developers can use this description to understand how to fix the failure.
QuotaFailure::setViolations() — Method in class QuotaFailure
Describes all quota violations.
QuotaFailure_Violation::setSubject() — Method in class QuotaFailure_Violation
The subject on which the quota check failed.
QuotaFailure_Violation::setDescription() — Method in class QuotaFailure_Violation
A description of how the quota check failed. Clients can use this description to find more about the quota configuration in the service's public documentation, or find the relevant quota limit to adjust through developer console.
RequestInfo::setRequestId() — Method in class RequestInfo
An opaque string that should only be interpreted by the service generating it. For example, it can be used to identify requests in the service's logs.
RequestInfo::setServingData() — Method in class RequestInfo
Any data that was used to serve this request. For example, an encrypted stack trace that can be sent back to the service provider for debugging.
ResourceInfo::setResourceType() — Method in class ResourceInfo
A name for the type of resource being accessed, e.g. "sql table", "cloud storage bucket", "file", "Google calendar"; or the type URL of the resource: e.g. "type.googleapis.com/google.pubsub.v1.Topic".
ResourceInfo::setResourceName() — Method in class ResourceInfo
The name of the resource being accessed. For example, a shared calendar name: "example.com_4fghdhgsrgh@group.calendar.google.com", if the current error is [google.rpc.Code.PERMISSION_DENIED][google.rpc.Code.PERMISSION_DENIED].
ResourceInfo::setOwner() — Method in class ResourceInfo
The owner of the resource (optional).
ResourceInfo::setDescription() — Method in class ResourceInfo
Describes what error is encountered when accessing this resource.
RetryInfo::setRetryDelay() — Method in class RetryInfo
Clients should wait at least this long between retrying the same request.
StatusClass in namespace Google\Rpc
The Status type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by gRPC. The error model is designed to be: - Simple to use and understand for most users - Flexible enough to meet unexpected needs


The Status message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. The error code should be an enum value of [google.rpc.Code][google.rpc.Code], but it may accept additional error codes if needed. The error message should be a developer-facing English message that helps developers understand and resolve the error. If a localized user-facing error message is needed, put the localized message in the error details or localize it in the client. The optional error details may contain arbitrary information about the error. There is a predefined set of error detail types in the package google.rpc that can be used for common error conditions.

Status::setCode() — Method in class Status
The status code, which should be an enum value of [google.rpc.Code][google.rpc.Code].
Status::setMessage() — Method in class Status
A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the [google.rpc.Status.details][google.rpc.Status.details] field, or localized by the client.
Status::setDetails() — Method in class Status
A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
Color::setRed() — Method in class Color
The amount of red in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1].
Color::setGreen() — Method in class Color
The amount of green in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1].
Color::setBlue() — Method in class Color
The amount of blue in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1].
Color::setAlpha() — Method in class Color
The fraction of this color that should be applied to the pixel. That is, the final pixel color is defined by the equation: pixel color = alpha * (this color) + (1.0 - alpha) * (background color) This means that a value of 1.0 corresponds to a solid color, whereas a value of 0.0 corresponds to a completely transparent color. This uses a wrapper message rather than a simple float scalar so that it is possible to distinguish between a default value and the value being unset.
Date::setYear() — Method in class Date
Year of date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 if specifying a date without a year.
Date::setMonth() — Method in class Date
Month of year. Must be from 1 to 12.
Date::setDay() — Method in class Date
Day of month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 if specifying a year/month where the day is not significant.
LatLng::setLatitude() — Method in class LatLng
The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
LatLng::setLongitude() — Method in class LatLng
The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
Money::setCurrencyCode() — Method in class Money
The 3-letter currency code defined in ISO 4217.
Money::setUnits() — Method in class Money
The whole units of the amount.
Money::setNanos() — Method in class Money
Number of nano (10^-9) units of the amount.
PostalAddress::setRevision() — Method in class PostalAddress
The schema revision of the PostalAddress.
PostalAddress::setRegionCode() — Method in class PostalAddress
Required. CLDR region code of the country/region of the address. This is never inferred and it is up to the user to ensure the value is correct. See http://cldr.unicode.org/ and http://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/30/supplemental/territory_information.html for details. Example: "CH" for Switzerland.
PostalAddress::setLanguageCode() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. BCP-47 language code of the contents of this address (if known). This is often the UI language of the input form or is expected to match one of the languages used in the address' country/region, or their transliterated equivalents.
PostalAddress::setPostalCode() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. Postal code of the address. Not all countries use or require postal codes to be present, but where they are used, they may trigger additional validation with other parts of the address (e.g. state/zip validation in the U.S.A.).
PostalAddress::setSortingCode() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. Additional, country-specific, sorting code. This is not used in most regions. Where it is used, the value is either a string like "CEDEX", optionally followed by a number (e.g. "CEDEX 7"), or just a number alone, representing the "sector code" (Jamaica), "delivery area indicator" (Malawi) or "post office indicator" (e.g. Côte d'Ivoire).
PostalAddress::setAdministrativeArea() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. Highest administrative subdivision which is used for postal addresses of a country or region.
PostalAddress::setLocality() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. Generally refers to the city/town portion of the address.
PostalAddress::setSublocality() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. Sublocality of the address.
PostalAddress::setAddressLines() — Method in class PostalAddress
Unstructured address lines describing the lower levels of an address.
PostalAddress::setRecipients() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. The recipient at the address.
PostalAddress::setOrganization() — Method in class PostalAddress
Optional. The name of the organization at the address.
TimeOfDay::setHours() — Method in class TimeOfDay
Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose to allow the value "24:00:00" for scenarios like business closing time.
TimeOfDay::setMinutes() — Method in class TimeOfDay
Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
TimeOfDay::setSeconds() — Method in class TimeOfDay
Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may allow the value 60 if it allows leap-seconds.
TimeOfDay::setNanos() — Method in class TimeOfDay
Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.


$LexerError#textProperty in class LexerError
$LexerError#tokenProperty in class LexerError
$Parser#terminalsProperty in class Parser
$Parser#tableProperty in class Parser
Parser::trace() — Method in class Parser
$ParserError#textProperty in class ParserError
$ParserValue#textProperty in class ParserValue
Serializer::toSnakeCase() — Method in class Serializer
Convert string from camelCase to snake_case
Serializer::toCamelCase() — Method in class Serializer
Convert string from snake_case to camelCase
TransportInterfaceClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport
IAMPolicyGrpcClient::TestIamPermissions() — Method in class IAMPolicyGrpcClient
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.
TestIamPermissionsRequestClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Iam\V1
Request message for TestIamPermissions method.
TestIamPermissionsResponseClass in namespace Google\Cloud\Iam\V1
Response message for TestIamPermissions method.
TimeOfDayClass in namespace Google\Type
Represents a time of day. The date and time zone are either not significant or are specified elsewhere. An API may chose to allow leap seconds. Related types are [google.type.Date][google.type.Date] and google.protobuf.Timestamp.


Parser::unput() — Method in class Parser
Parser::upcomingInput() — Method in class Parser
UnaryInterceptorInterfaceClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport\Grpc
Temporary class to support an interceptor-like interface until gRPC interceptor support is available.
UriTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
Provides a light wrapper around often used URI related functions.
UsageClass in namespace Google\Api
Configuration controlling usage of a service.
UsageRuleClass in namespace Google\Api
Usage configuration rules for the service.


$Parser#versionProperty in class Parser
ValidationExceptionClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
ValidationException represents a local error (i.e. not during an RPC call).
ValidationTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
ValidationTrait::validate() — Method in class ValidationTrait
ValidationTrait::validateNotNull() — Method in class ValidationTrait
VersionClass in namespace Google\ApiCore


BidiStream::write() — Method in class BidiStream
Write request to the server.
BidiStream::writeAll() — Method in class BidiStream
Write all requests in $requests.
Call::withMessage() — Method in class Call
ClientStream::write() — Method in class ClientStream
Write request to the server.
ClientStream::writeAllAndReadResponse() — Method in class ClientStream
Write all data in $dataArray and read the response from the server, completing the streaming call.
RetrySettings::with() — Method in class RetrySettings
Creates a new instance of RetrySettings that updates the settings in the existing instance with the settings specified in the $settings parameter.
MockBidiStreamingCall::write() — Method in class MockBidiStreamingCall
Save the request object, to be retrieved via getReceivedCalls()
MockBidiStreamingCall::writesDone() — Method in class MockBidiStreamingCall
Set writesDone to true
MockClientStreamingCall::wait() — Method in class MockClientStreamingCall
Immediately return the preset response object and status.
MockClientStreamingCall::write() — Method in class MockClientStreamingCall
Save the request object, to be retrieved via getReceivedCalls()
MockUnaryCall::wait() — Method in class MockUnaryCall
Immediately return the preset response object and status.
ForwardingUnaryCall::wait() — Method in class ForwardingUnaryCall
Wait for the server to respond with data and a status.


$ParserRange#xProperty in class ParserRange


$Parser#yyProperty in class Parser
$ParserRange#yProperty in class ParserRange


AgentHeaderDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class AgentHeaderDescriptor
ApiException::__construct() — Method in class ApiException
ApiException constructor.
ApiException::__toString() — Method in class ApiException
String representation of ApiException
BidiStream::__construct() — Method in class BidiStream
BidiStream constructor.
Call::__construct() — Method in class Call
ClientStream::__construct() — Method in class ClientStream
ClientStream constructor.
CredentialsWrapper::__construct() — Method in class CredentialsWrapper
CredentialsWrapper constructor.
FixedSizeCollection::__construct() — Method in class FixedSizeCollection
FixedSizeCollection constructor.
LexerConditions::__construct() — Method in class LexerConditions
LexerError::__construct() — Method in class LexerError
Parser::__construct() — Method in class Parser
ParserAction::__construct() — Method in class ParserAction
ParserCachedAction::__construct() — Method in class ParserCachedAction
ParserError::__construct() — Method in class ParserError
ParserLocation::__construct() — Method in class ParserLocation
ParserLocation::__clone() — Method in class ParserLocation
ParserProduction::__construct() — Method in class ParserProduction
ParserRange::__construct() — Method in class ParserRange
ParserState::__construct() — Method in class ParserState
ParserSymbol::__construct() — Method in class ParserSymbol
ParserValue::__clone() — Method in class ParserValue
Segment::__construct() — Method in class Segment
OperationsGapicClient::__construct() — Method in class OperationsGapicClient
AgentHeaderMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class AgentHeaderMiddleware
AgentHeaderMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class AgentHeaderMiddleware
CredentialsWrapperMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class CredentialsWrapperMiddleware
CredentialsWrapperMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class CredentialsWrapperMiddleware
FixedHeaderMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class FixedHeaderMiddleware
FixedHeaderMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class FixedHeaderMiddleware
OperationsMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class OperationsMiddleware
OperationsMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class OperationsMiddleware
OptionsFilterMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class OptionsFilterMiddleware
OptionsFilterMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class OptionsFilterMiddleware
PagedMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class PagedMiddleware
PagedMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class PagedMiddleware
ResponseMetadataMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class ResponseMetadataMiddleware
ResponseMetadataMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class ResponseMetadataMiddleware
RetryMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class RetryMiddleware
RetryMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class RetryMiddleware
OperationResponse::__construct() — Method in class OperationResponse
OperationResponse constructor.
Page::__construct() — Method in class Page
Page constructor.
PageStreamingDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PagedListResponse::__construct() — Method in class PagedListResponse
PagedListResponse constructor.
Parser::__construct() — Method in class Parser
Parser constructor.
PathTemplate::__construct() — Method in class PathTemplate
PathTemplate constructor.
PathTemplate::__toString() — Method in class PathTemplate
RequestBuilder::__construct() — Method in class RequestBuilder
RequestParamsHeaderDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class RequestParamsHeaderDescriptor
RequestParamsHeaderDescriptor constructor.
RetrySettings::__construct() — Method in class RetrySettings
Constructs an instance.
Serializer::__construct() — Method in class Serializer
Serializer constructor.
ServerStream::__construct() — Method in class ServerStream
ServerStream constructor.
MockBidiStreamingCall::__construct() — Method in class MockBidiStreamingCall
MockBidiStreamingCall constructor.
MockClientStreamingCall::__construct() — Method in class MockClientStreamingCall
MockClientStreamingCall constructor.
MockGrpcTransport::__construct() — Method in class MockGrpcTransport
MockGrpcTransport::_simpleRequest() — Method in class MockGrpcTransport
MockGrpcTransport::_clientStreamRequest() — Method in class MockGrpcTransport
MockGrpcTransport::_serverStreamRequest() — Method in class MockGrpcTransport
MockGrpcTransport::_bidiRequest() — Method in class MockGrpcTransport
MockRequest::__construct() — Method in class MockRequest
MockRequestBody::__construct() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockResponse::__construct() — Method in class MockResponse
MockServerStreamingCall::__construct() — Method in class MockServerStreamingCall
MockServerStreamingCall constructor.
MockStatus::__construct() — Method in class MockStatus
MockStubTrait::__construct() — Method in class MockStubTrait
MockStubTrait::_simpleRequest() — Method in class MockStubTrait
Overrides the _simpleRequest method in \Grpc\BaseStub (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/BaseStub.php) Returns a MockUnaryCall object that will return the first item from $responses
MockStubTrait::_clientStreamRequest() — Method in class MockStubTrait
Overrides the _clientStreamRequest method in \Grpc\BaseStub (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/BaseStub.php) Returns a MockClientStreamingCall object that will return the first item from $responses
MockStubTrait::_serverStreamRequest() — Method in class MockStubTrait
Overrides the _serverStreamRequest method in \Grpc\BaseStub (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/BaseStub.php) Returns a MockServerStreamingCall object that will stream items from $responses, and return a final status of $serverStreamingStatus.
MockStubTrait::_bidiRequest() — Method in class MockStubTrait
Overrides the _bidiRequest method in \Grpc\BaseStub (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/BaseStub.php) Returns a MockBidiStreamingCall object that will stream items from $responses, and return a final status of $serverStreamingStatus.
MockTransport::__call() — Method in class MockTransport
MockUnaryCall::__construct() — Method in class MockUnaryCall
MockUnaryCall constructor.
ReceivedRequest::__construct() — Method in class ReceivedRequest
GrpcTransport::__construct() — Method in class GrpcTransport
GrpcTransport::_simpleRequest() — Method in class GrpcTransport
ForwardingCall::__construct() — Method in class ForwardingCall
ForwardingCall constructor.
RestTransport::__construct() — Method in class RestTransport
Advice::__construct() — Method in class Advice
AuthProvider::__construct() — Method in class AuthProvider
AuthRequirement::__construct() — Method in class AuthRequirement
Authentication::__construct() — Method in class Authentication
AuthenticationRule::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticationRule
AuthorizationConfig::__construct() — Method in class AuthorizationConfig
Backend::__construct() — Method in class Backend
BackendRule::__construct() — Method in class BackendRule
Billing::__construct() — Method in class Billing
Billing_BillingDestination::__construct() — Method in class Billing_BillingDestination
ConfigChange::__construct() — Method in class ConfigChange
Context::__construct() — Method in class Context
ContextRule::__construct() — Method in class ContextRule
Control::__construct() — Method in class Control
CustomHttpPattern::__construct() — Method in class CustomHttpPattern
Distribution::__construct() — Method in class Distribution
Distribution_BucketOptions::__construct() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions
Distribution_BucketOptions_Explicit::__construct() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Explicit
Distribution_BucketOptions_Exponential::__construct() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Exponential
Distribution_BucketOptions_Linear::__construct() — Method in class Distribution_BucketOptions_Linear
Distribution_Range::__construct() — Method in class Distribution_Range
Documentation::__construct() — Method in class Documentation
DocumentationRule::__construct() — Method in class DocumentationRule
Endpoint::__construct() — Method in class Endpoint
Experimental::__construct() — Method in class Experimental
Http::__construct() — Method in class Http
HttpBody::__construct() — Method in class HttpBody
HttpRule::__construct() — Method in class HttpRule
LabelDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class LabelDescriptor
LogDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class LogDescriptor
Logging::__construct() — Method in class Logging
Logging_LoggingDestination::__construct() — Method in class Logging_LoggingDestination
Metric::__construct() — Method in class Metric
MetricDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class MetricDescriptor
MetricRule::__construct() — Method in class MetricRule
MonitoredResource::__construct() — Method in class MonitoredResource
MonitoredResourceDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class MonitoredResourceDescriptor
Monitoring::__construct() — Method in class Monitoring
Monitoring_MonitoringDestination::__construct() — Method in class Monitoring_MonitoringDestination
OAuthRequirements::__construct() — Method in class OAuthRequirements
Page::__construct() — Method in class Page
ProjectProperties::__construct() — Method in class ProjectProperties
Property::__construct() — Method in class Property
Quota::__construct() — Method in class Quota
QuotaLimit::__construct() — Method in class QuotaLimit
Service::__construct() — Method in class Service
SourceInfo::__construct() — Method in class SourceInfo
SystemParameter::__construct() — Method in class SystemParameter
SystemParameterRule::__construct() — Method in class SystemParameterRule
SystemParameters::__construct() — Method in class SystemParameters
Usage::__construct() — Method in class Usage
UsageRule::__construct() — Method in class UsageRule
AuditLog::__construct() — Method in class AuditLog
AuthenticationInfo::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticationInfo
AuthorizationInfo::__construct() — Method in class AuthorizationInfo
RequestMetadata::__construct() — Method in class RequestMetadata
AliasContext::__construct() — Method in class AliasContext
CloudRepoSourceContext::__construct() — Method in class CloudRepoSourceContext
CloudWorkspaceId::__construct() — Method in class CloudWorkspaceId
CloudWorkspaceSourceContext::__construct() — Method in class CloudWorkspaceSourceContext
ExtendedSourceContext::__construct() — Method in class ExtendedSourceContext
GerritSourceContext::__construct() — Method in class GerritSourceContext
GitSourceContext::__construct() — Method in class GitSourceContext
ProjectRepoId::__construct() — Method in class ProjectRepoId
RepoId::__construct() — Method in class RepoId
SourceContext::__construct() — Method in class SourceContext
Binding::__construct() — Method in class Binding
BindingDelta::__construct() — Method in class BindingDelta
GetIamPolicyRequest::__construct() — Method in class GetIamPolicyRequest
IAMPolicyGrpcClient::__construct() — Method in class IAMPolicyGrpcClient
Policy::__construct() — Method in class Policy
PolicyDelta::__construct() — Method in class PolicyDelta
SetIamPolicyRequest::__construct() — Method in class SetIamPolicyRequest
TestIamPermissionsRequest::__construct() — Method in class TestIamPermissionsRequest
TestIamPermissionsResponse::__construct() — Method in class TestIamPermissionsResponse
HttpRequest::__construct() — Method in class HttpRequest
AuditData::__construct() — Method in class AuditData
CancelOperationRequest::__construct() — Method in class CancelOperationRequest
DeleteOperationRequest::__construct() — Method in class DeleteOperationRequest
GetOperationRequest::__construct() — Method in class GetOperationRequest
ListOperationsRequest::__construct() — Method in class ListOperationsRequest
ListOperationsResponse::__construct() — Method in class ListOperationsResponse
Operation::__construct() — Method in class Operation
OperationsGrpcClient::__construct() — Method in class OperationsGrpcClient
BadRequest::__construct() — Method in class BadRequest
BadRequest_FieldViolation::__construct() — Method in class BadRequest_FieldViolation
DebugInfo::__construct() — Method in class DebugInfo
Help::__construct() — Method in class Help
Help_Link::__construct() — Method in class Help_Link
LocalizedMessage::__construct() — Method in class LocalizedMessage
PreconditionFailure::__construct() — Method in class PreconditionFailure
PreconditionFailure_Violation::__construct() — Method in class PreconditionFailure_Violation
QuotaFailure::__construct() — Method in class QuotaFailure
QuotaFailure_Violation::__construct() — Method in class QuotaFailure_Violation
RequestInfo::__construct() — Method in class RequestInfo
ResourceInfo::__construct() — Method in class ResourceInfo
RetryInfo::__construct() — Method in class RetryInfo
Status::__construct() — Method in class Status
Color::__construct() — Method in class Color
Date::__construct() — Method in class Date
LatLng::__construct() — Method in class LatLng
Money::__construct() — Method in class Money
PostalAddress::__construct() — Method in class PostalAddress
TimeOfDay::__construct() — Method in class TimeOfDay