class Help extends Message

Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action.

For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.

Generated from protobuf message google.rpc.Help



No description


URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.

setLinks(Help_Link[]|RepeatedField $var)

URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.


at line 28

URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.rpc.Help.Link links = 1;

Return Value


URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.rpc.Help.Link links = 1;


Help_Link[]|RepeatedField $var

Return Value
