Class containing functions used to build the Agent header.

Represents an exception thrown during an RPC.

Provides basic array helper methods.

BidiStream is the response object from a gRPC bidirectional streaming API call.

Contains information necessary to manage a network request.

ClientStream is the response object from a gRPC client streaming API call.

The CredentialsWrapper object provides a wrapper around a FetchAuthTokenInterface.

A collection of elements retrieved using one or more API calls. The collection will attempt to retrieve a fixed number of elements, and will make API calls until that fixed number is reached, or there are no more elements to retrieve.

Container class for Protobuf label constants. See FieldDescriptorProto.Label in

Container class for Protobuf type constants. See FieldDescriptorProto.Type in

Common functions used to work with various clients.

Provides helper methods for gRPC support.

Middleware which adds a CredentialsWrapper object to the call options.

Middleware to add fixed headers to an API call.

Middleware which wraps the response in an OperationResponse object.

Middleware which filters the $options array.

Middleware which wraps the response in an PagedListResponses object.

Middleware which transforms $response into [$response, $metadata]

Middleware that adds retry functionality.

Response object from a long running API method.

The CallOptions class provides typing to the associative array of options passed to transport RPC methods. See {TransportInterface::startUnaryCall()}, {@see TransportInterface::startBidiStreamingCall()}, {TransportInterface::startClientStreamingCall()}, and {TransportInterface::startServerStreamingCall()}.

The ClientOptions class adds typing to the associative array of options passed into each API client constructor. To use this class directly, pass the result of {ClientOptions::toArray} to the client constructor:

Trait implemented by any class representing an associative array of PHP options.

The GrpcFallbackTransportOptions class provides typing to the associative array of options used to configure {\Google\ApiCore\Transport\GrpcFallbackTransport}.

The GrpcTransportOptions class provides typing to the associative array of options used to configure {\Google\ApiCore\Transport\GrpcTransport}.

The RestTransportOptions class provides typing to the associative array of options used to configure {\Google\ApiCore\Transport\RestTransport}.

A Page object wraps an API list method response and provides methods to retrieve additional pages using the page token.

Holds the description information used for page streaming.

Response object for paged results from a list API method

Represents a path template.

Builds a PSR-7 request from a set of request information.

Encapsulates request params header metadata.

Provides functionality for loading a resource name template map from a descriptor config, retrieving a PathTemplate, and parsing values using registered templates.

Represents an absolute resource template, meaning that it will always contain a leading slash, and may contain a trailing verb (":").

Collection of methods for parsing Segments.

Represents a relative resource template, meaning that it will never contain a leading slash or trailing verb (":").

Represents a resource template that may or may not contain a leading slash, and if a leading slash is present may contain a trailing verb (":"). (Note that a trailing verb without a leading slash is not permitted).

Represents a segment in a resource template. This is used internally by RelativeResourceTemplate, but is not intended for public use and may change without notice.

The RetrySettings class is used to configure retrying and timeouts for RPCs.

Collection of methods to help with serialization of protobuf objects

ServerStream is the response object from a server streaming API call.

Provides helper methods for service address handling.

The MockBidiStreamingCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\BidiStreamingCall class (

The MockClientStreamingCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\ClientStreamingCall class (

Generated from protobuf message google.apicore.testing.MockRequest

Generated from protobuf message google.apicore.testing.MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf message google.apicore.testing.MockResponse

The MockServerStreamingCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\ServerStreamingCall class (

The MockStubTrait is used by generated mock stub classes which extent \Grpc\BaseStub ( It provides functionality to add responses, get received calls, and overrides the _simpleRequest method so that the elements of $responses are returned instead of making a call to the API.

The MockUnaryCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\UnaryCall class (

Class ReceivedRequest used to hold the function name and request object of a call make to a mock gRPC stub.

A transport that sends protobuf over HTTP 1.1 that can be used when full gRPC support is not available.

A gRPC based transport implementation.

Class ForwardingCall wraps a \Grpc\AbstractCall.

Class ForwardingServerStreamingCall wraps a \Grpc\ServerStreamingCall.

Class ForwardingUnaryCall wraps a \Grpc\UnaryCall.

Class ServerStreamingCallWrapper implements \Google\ApiCore\ServerStreamingCallInterface.

Temporary class to support an interceptor-like interface until gRPC interceptor support is available.

A trait for shared functionality between transports that support only unary RPCs using simple HTTP requests.

A REST based transport implementation.

Class RestServerStreamingCall implements \Google\ApiCore\ServerStreamingCallInterface.

Provides a light wrapper around often used URI related functions.

ValidationException represents a local error (i.e. not during an RPC call).