class AcmeChallengeSets extends Resource (View source)
The "acmeChallengeSets" collection of methods.
Typical usage is:
$acmednsService = new Google\Service\ACMEDNS(...);
$acmeChallengeSets = $acmednsService->acmeChallengeSets;
Gets the ACME challenge set for a given domain name. Domain names must be provided in Punycode. (acmeChallengeSets.get)
Rotate the ACME challenges for a given domain name. By default, removes any challenges that are older than 30 days. Domain names must be provided in Punycode. (acmeChallengeSets.rotateChallenges)
get(string $rootDomain, array $optParams = [])
Gets the ACME challenge set for a given domain name. Domain names must be provided in Punycode. (acmeChallengeSets.get)
rotateChallenges(string $rootDomain, RotateChallengesRequest $postBody, array $optParams = [])
Rotate the ACME challenges for a given domain name. By default, removes any challenges that are older than 30 days. Domain names must be provided in Punycode. (acmeChallengeSets.rotateChallenges)