Service definition for ACMEDNS (v1).

The "acmeChallengeSets" collection of methods.

Service definition for AIPlatformNotebooks (v2).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "environments" collection of methods.

The "executions" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "runtimes" collection of methods.

The "schedules" collection of methods.

Service definition for APIManagement (v1alpha).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "observationJobs" collection of methods.

The "apiObservations" collection of methods.

The "apiOperations" collection of methods.

The "observationSources" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for AbusiveExperienceReport (v1).

The "sites" collection of methods.

The "violatingSites" collection of methods.

Service definition for Acceleratedmobilepageurl (v1).

The "ampUrls" collection of methods.

Service definition for AccessApproval (v1).

The "folders" collection of methods.

The "approvalRequests" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "approvalRequests" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "approvalRequests" collection of methods.

Service definition for AccessContextManager (v1).

The "accessPolicies" collection of methods.

The "accessLevels" collection of methods.

The "authorizedOrgsDescs" collection of methods.

The "servicePerimeters" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "gcpUserAccessBindings" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

Service definition for AdExchangeBuyer (v1.4).

Service definition for AdExchangeBuyerII (v2beta1).

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "clients" collection of methods.

The "invitations" collection of methods.

The "users" collection of methods.

The "creatives" collection of methods.

The "dealAssociations" collection of methods.

The "finalizedProposals" collection of methods.

The "products" collection of methods.

The "proposals" collection of methods.

The "publisherProfiles" collection of methods.

The "bidders" collection of methods.

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "filterSets" collection of methods.

The "bidMetrics" collection of methods.

The "bidResponseErrors" collection of methods.

The "bidResponsesWithoutBids" collection of methods.

The "filteredBidRequests" collection of methods.

The "filteredBids" collection of methods.

The "creatives" collection of methods.

The "details" collection of methods.

The "impressionMetrics" collection of methods.

The "losingBids" collection of methods.

The "nonBillableWinningBids" collection of methods.

The "filterSets" collection of methods.

The "bidMetrics" collection of methods.

The "bidResponseErrors" collection of methods.

The "bidResponsesWithoutBids" collection of methods.

The "filteredBidRequests" collection of methods.

The "filteredBids" collection of methods.

The "creatives" collection of methods.

The "details" collection of methods.

The "impressionMetrics" collection of methods.

The "losingBids" collection of methods.

The "nonBillableWinningBids" collection of methods.

The "buyers" collection of methods.

The "filterSets" collection of methods.

The "bidMetrics" collection of methods.

The "bidResponseErrors" collection of methods.

The "bidResponsesWithoutBids" collection of methods.

The "filteredBidRequests" collection of methods.

The "filteredBids" collection of methods.

The "creatives" collection of methods.

The "details" collection of methods.

The "impressionMetrics" collection of methods.

The "losingBids" collection of methods.

The "nonBillableWinningBids" collection of methods.

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "billingInfo" collection of methods.

The "budget" collection of methods.

The "creatives" collection of methods.

The "marketplacedeals" collection of methods.

The "marketplacenotes" collection of methods.

The "marketplaceprivateauction" collection of methods.

The "performanceReport" collection of methods.

The "pretargetingConfig" collection of methods.

The "products" collection of methods.

The "proposals" collection of methods.

The "pubprofiles" collection of methods.

Service definition for AdExperienceReport (v1).

The "sites" collection of methods.

The "violatingSites" collection of methods.

Service definition for AdMob (v1).


The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "adUnits" collection of methods.

The "apps" collection of methods.

The "mediationReport" collection of methods.

The "networkReport" collection of methods.

Service definition for AdSenseHost (v4.1).

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "adclients" collection of methods.

The "adunits" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "adclients" collection of methods.

The "associationsessions" collection of methods.

The "customchannels" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "urlchannels" collection of methods.

Service definition for AdSensePlatform (v1).

The "platforms" collection of methods.

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "events" collection of methods.

The "sites" collection of methods.

Service definition for AddressValidation (v1).


The "v1" collection of methods.

Service definition for Adsense (v2).

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "adclients" collection of methods.

The "adunits" collection of methods.

The "customchannels" collection of methods.

The "urlchannels" collection of methods.

The "alerts" collection of methods.

The "payments" collection of methods.

The "policyIssues" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "saved" collection of methods.

The "sites" collection of methods.


Service definition for Advisorynotifications (v1).

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "notifications" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "notifications" collection of methods.

Service definition for Aiplatform (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "batchPredictionJobs" collection of methods.

The "customJobs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "dataLabelingJobs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "datasets" collection of methods.

The "annotationSpecs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "dataItems" collection of methods.

The "annotations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "datasetVersions" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "savedQueries" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "deploymentResourcePools" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "endpoints" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "featureGroups" collection of methods.

The "features" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "featureOnlineStores" collection of methods.

The "featureViews" collection of methods.

The "featureViewSyncs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "featurestores" collection of methods.

The "entityTypes" collection of methods.

The "features" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "hyperparameterTuningJobs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "indexEndpoints" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "indexes" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "metadataStores" collection of methods.

The "artifacts" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "contexts" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "executions" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "metadataSchemas" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "migratableResources" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "modelDeploymentMonitoringJobs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "models" collection of methods.

The "evaluations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "slices" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "nasJobs" collection of methods.

The "nasTrialDetails" collection of methods.

The "notebookExecutionJobs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "notebookRuntimeTemplates" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "notebookRuntimes" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "persistentResources" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "pipelineJobs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "publishers" collection of methods.

The "models" collection of methods.

The "schedules" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "specialistPools" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "studies" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "trials" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "tensorboards" collection of methods.

The "experiments" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "runs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "timeSeries" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "trainingPipelines" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "tuningJobs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "publishers" collection of methods.

The "models" collection of methods.

Service definition for AirQuality (v1).

The "currentConditions" collection of methods.

The "forecast" collection of methods.

The "history" collection of methods.

The "mapTypes" collection of methods.

The "heatmapTiles" collection of methods.

Service definition for AlertCenter (v1beta1).


The "alerts" collection of methods.

The "feedback" collection of methods.

The "v1beta1" collection of methods.

Service definition for Analytics (v3).

Service definition for AnalyticsData (v1beta).

The "properties" collection of methods.

The "audienceExports" collection of methods.


Service definition for AnalyticsHub (v1).

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "dataExchanges" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "dataExchanges" collection of methods.

The "listings" collection of methods.

The "subscriptions" collection of methods.

Service definition for AnalyticsReporting (v4).

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "userActivity" collection of methods.

The "data" collection of methods.

The "ga" collection of methods.

The "mcf" collection of methods.

The "realtime" collection of methods.

The "management" collection of methods.

The "accountSummaries" collection of methods.

The "accountUserLinks" collection of methods.

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "clientId" collection of methods.

The "customDataSources" collection of methods.

The "customDimensions" collection of methods.

The "customMetrics" collection of methods.

The "experiments" collection of methods.

The "filters" collection of methods.

The "goals" collection of methods.

The "profileFilterLinks" collection of methods.

The "profileUserLinks" collection of methods.

The "profiles" collection of methods.

The "remarketingAudience" collection of methods.

The "segments" collection of methods.

The "unsampledReports" collection of methods.

The "uploads" collection of methods.

The "webPropertyAdWordsLinks" collection of methods.

The "webproperties" collection of methods.

The "webpropertyUserLinks" collection of methods.

The "metadata" collection of methods.

The "columns" collection of methods.

The "provisioning" collection of methods.

The "userDeletion" collection of methods.

The "userDeletionRequest" collection of methods.

Service definition for AndroidEnterprise (v1).

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "enterprises" collection of methods.

The "entitlements" collection of methods.

The "grouplicenses" collection of methods.

The "grouplicenseusers" collection of methods.

The "installs" collection of methods.

The "managedconfigurationsfordevice" collection of methods.

The "managedconfigurationsforuser" collection of methods.

The "managedconfigurationssettings" collection of methods.

The "permissions" collection of methods.

The "products" collection of methods.

The "serviceaccountkeys" collection of methods.

The "storelayoutclusters" collection of methods.

The "storelayoutpages" collection of methods.

The "users" collection of methods.

The "webapps" collection of methods.

Service definition for AndroidManagement (v1).

The "enterprises" collection of methods.

The "applications" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "enrollmentTokens" collection of methods.

The "migrationTokens" collection of methods.

The "policies" collection of methods.

The "webApps" collection of methods.

The "webTokens" collection of methods.

The "provisioningInfo" collection of methods.

The "signupUrls" collection of methods.

Service definition for AndroidProvisioningPartner (v1).


The "customers" collection of methods.

The "configurations" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "dpcs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "partners" collection of methods.

The "customers" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "vendors" collection of methods.

The "customers" collection of methods.

Service definition for AndroidPublisher (v3).


The "applications" collection of methods.

The "deviceTierConfigs" collection of methods.

The "pricing" collection of methods.

The "apprecovery" collection of methods.

The "edits" collection of methods.

The "apks" collection of methods.

The "bundles" collection of methods.

The "countryavailability" collection of methods.

The "deobfuscationfiles" collection of methods.

The "details" collection of methods.

The "expansionfiles" collection of methods.

The "images" collection of methods.

The "listings" collection of methods.

The "testers" collection of methods.

The "tracks" collection of methods.

The "externaltransactions" collection of methods.

The "generatedapks" collection of methods.

The "grants" collection of methods.

The "inappproducts" collection of methods.

The "internalappsharingartifacts" collection of methods.

The "monetization" collection of methods.

The "subscriptions" collection of methods.

The "basePlans" collection of methods.

The "offers" collection of methods.

The "orders" collection of methods.

The "purchases" collection of methods.

The "products" collection of methods.

The "subscriptions" collection of methods.

The "subscriptionsv2" collection of methods.

The "voidedpurchases" collection of methods.

The "reviews" collection of methods.

The "systemapks" collection of methods.

The "variants" collection of methods.

The "users" collection of methods.

Service definition for ApiKeysService (v2).

The "keys" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "keys" collection of methods.

Service definition for Apigateway (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "apis" collection of methods.

The "configs" collection of methods.

The "gateways" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for Apigee (v1).

Service definition for ApigeeRegistry (v1).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "apis" collection of methods.

The "artifacts" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "artifacts" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

The "artifacts" collection of methods.

The "specs" collection of methods.

The "artifacts" collection of methods.

The "artifacts" collection of methods.

The "documents" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "runtime" collection of methods.

The "hybrid" collection of methods.

The "issuers" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "analytics" collection of methods.

The "datastores" collection of methods.

The "apiproducts" collection of methods.

The "attributes" collection of methods.

The "rateplans" collection of methods.

The "apis" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "keyvaluemaps" collection of methods.

The "entries" collection of methods.

The "revisions" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "appgroups" collection of methods.

The "apps" collection of methods.

The "keys" collection of methods.

The "apiproducts" collection of methods.

The "apps" collection of methods.

The "datacollectors" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "developers" collection of methods.

The "apps" collection of methods.

The "attributes" collection of methods.

The "keys" collection of methods.

The "apiproducts" collection of methods.

The "create" collection of methods.

The "attributes" collection of methods.

The "balance" collection of methods.

The "subscriptions" collection of methods.

The "endpointAttachments" collection of methods.

The "envgroups" collection of methods.

The "attachments" collection of methods.

The "environments" collection of methods.

The "addonsConfig" collection of methods.

The "analytics" collection of methods.

The "admin" collection of methods.

The "exports" collection of methods.

The "apis" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "revisions" collection of methods.

The "debugsessions" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "archiveDeployments" collection of methods.

The "caches" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "flowhooks" collection of methods.

The "keystores" collection of methods.

The "aliases" collection of methods.

The "keyvaluemaps" collection of methods.

The "entries" collection of methods.

The "optimizedStats" collection of methods.

The "queries" collection of methods.

The "references" collection of methods.

The "resourcefiles" collection of methods.

The "securityActions" collection of methods.

The "securityIncidents" collection of methods.

The "securityReports" collection of methods.

The "securityStats" collection of methods.

The "sharedflows" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "revisions" collection of methods.

The "stats" collection of methods.

The "targetservers" collection of methods.

The "traceConfig" collection of methods.

The "overrides" collection of methods.

The "hostQueries" collection of methods.

The "hostSecurityReports" collection of methods.

The "hostStats" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "attachments" collection of methods.

The "canaryevaluations" collection of methods.

The "natAddresses" collection of methods.

The "keyvaluemaps" collection of methods.

The "entries" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "optimizedHostStats" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "securityAssessmentResults" collection of methods.

The "securityProfiles" collection of methods.

The "environments" collection of methods.

The "sharedflows" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "revisions" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "sites" collection of methods.

The "apicategories" collection of methods.

The "apidocs" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

Service definition for AppHub (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "applications" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

The "workloads" collection of methods.

The "discoveredServices" collection of methods.

The "discoveredWorkloads" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "serviceProjectAttachments" collection of methods.

Service definition for Appengine (v1).

The "apps" collection of methods.

The "authorizedCertificates" collection of methods.

The "authorizedDomains" collection of methods.

The "domainMappings" collection of methods.

The "firewall" collection of methods.

The "ingressRules" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "applications" collection of methods.

The "authorizedDomains" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

Service definition for Area120Tables (v1alpha1).

The "tables" collection of methods.

The "rows" collection of methods.

The "workspaces" collection of methods.


Service definition for ArtifactRegistry (v1).

The "media" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "repositories" collection of methods.

The "aptArtifacts" collection of methods.

The "dockerImages" collection of methods.

The "files" collection of methods.

The "genericArtifacts" collection of methods.

The "goModules" collection of methods.

The "googetArtifacts" collection of methods.

The "kfpArtifacts" collection of methods.

The "mavenArtifacts" collection of methods.

The "npmPackages" collection of methods.

The "packages" collection of methods.

The "tags" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

The "pythonPackages" collection of methods.

The "yumArtifacts" collection of methods.


Service definition for Assuredworkloads (v1).

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "workloads" collection of methods.

The "violations" collection of methods.

Service definition for AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace (v1).

The "bidders" collection of methods.

The "auctionPackages" collection of methods.

The "finalizedDeals" collection of methods.

The "buyers" collection of methods.

The "auctionPackages" collection of methods.

The "clients" collection of methods.

The "users" collection of methods.

The "finalizedDeals" collection of methods.

The "proposals" collection of methods.

The "deals" collection of methods.

The "publisherProfiles" collection of methods.

Service definition for Backupdr (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "backupPlanAssociations" collection of methods.

The "backupPlans" collection of methods.

The "backupVaults" collection of methods.

The "dataSources" collection of methods.

The "backups" collection of methods.

The "managementServers" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for BackupforGKE (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "backupPlans" collection of methods.

The "backups" collection of methods.

The "volumeBackups" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "restorePlans" collection of methods.

The "restores" collection of methods.

The "volumeRestores" collection of methods.

Service definition for Baremetalsolution (v2).


The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "instanceProvisioningSettings" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "networks" collection of methods.

The "nfsShares" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "osImages" collection of methods.

The "provisioningConfigs" collection of methods.

The "provisioningQuotas" collection of methods.

The "snapshotSchedulePolicies" collection of methods.

The "sshKeys" collection of methods.

The "volumes" collection of methods.

The "luns" collection of methods.

The "snapshots" collection of methods.


Service definition for Batch (v1).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "jobs" collection of methods.

The "taskGroups" collection of methods.

The "tasks" collection of methods.

The "nodes" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "state" collection of methods.

The "tasks" collection of methods.

Service definition for BeyondCorp (v1).

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "global" collection of methods.

The "partnerTenants" collection of methods.

The "browserDlpRules" collection of methods.

The "proxyConfigs" collection of methods.

The "tenants" collection of methods.

The "proxyConfigs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "appConnections" collection of methods.

The "appConnectors" collection of methods.

The "appGateways" collection of methods.

The "clientConnectorServices" collection of methods.

The "clientGateways" collection of methods.

The "connections" collection of methods.

The "connectors" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for BigLakeService (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "catalogs" collection of methods.

The "databases" collection of methods.

The "tables" collection of methods.

Service definition for BigQueryConnectionService (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "connections" collection of methods.

Service definition for BigQueryDataPolicyService (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "dataPolicies" collection of methods.

Service definition for BigQueryDataTransfer (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "dataSources" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "dataSources" collection of methods.

The "transferConfigs" collection of methods.

The "runs" collection of methods.

The "transferLogs" collection of methods.

The "transferConfigs" collection of methods.

The "runs" collection of methods.

The "transferLogs" collection of methods.

Service definition for BigQueryReservation (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "capacityCommitments" collection of methods.

The "reservations" collection of methods.

The "assignments" collection of methods.

Service definition for Bigquery (v2).


The "datasets" collection of methods.

The "jobs" collection of methods.

The "models" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "routines" collection of methods.

The "rowAccessPolicies" collection of methods.

The "tabledata" collection of methods.

The "tables" collection of methods.


Service definition for BigtableAdmin (v2).

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "appProfiles" collection of methods.

The "clusters" collection of methods.

The "backups" collection of methods.

The "hotTablets" collection of methods.

The "tables" collection of methods.

The "authorizedViews" collection of methods.

The "views" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

Service definition for BinaryAuthorization (v1).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "attestors" collection of methods.

The "platforms" collection of methods.

The "gke" collection of methods.

The "policies" collection of methods.

The "policies" collection of methods.

The "policy" collection of methods.

The "systempolicy" collection of methods.

Service definition for BlockchainNodeEngine (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "blockchainNodes" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for Blogger (v3).

The "blogUserInfos" collection of methods.

The "blogs" collection of methods.

The "comments" collection of methods.

The "pageViews" collection of methods.

The "pages" collection of methods.

The "postUserInfos" collection of methods.

The "posts" collection of methods.

The "users" collection of methods.

Service definition for Books (v1).

The "bookshelves" collection of methods.

The "volumes" collection of methods.

The "cloudloading" collection of methods.

The "dictionary" collection of methods.

The "familysharing" collection of methods.

The "layers" collection of methods.

The "annotationData" collection of methods.

The "volumeAnnotations" collection of methods.

The "myconfig" collection of methods.

The "mylibrary" collection of methods.

The "annotations" collection of methods.

The "bookshelves" collection of methods.

The "volumes" collection of methods.

The "readingpositions" collection of methods.

The "notification" collection of methods.

The "onboarding" collection of methods.

The "personalizedstream" collection of methods.

The "promooffer" collection of methods.

The "series" collection of methods.

The "membership" collection of methods.

The "volumes" collection of methods.

The "associated" collection of methods.

The "mybooks" collection of methods.

The "recommended" collection of methods.

The "useruploaded" collection of methods.

Service definition for BusinessProfilePerformance (v1).

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "searchkeywords" collection of methods.

The "impressions" collection of methods.

The "monthly" collection of methods.

Service definition for CCAIPlatform (v1alpha1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "contactCenters" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for Calendar (v3).


The "acl" collection of methods.

The "calendarList" collection of methods.

The "calendars" collection of methods.

The "channels" collection of methods.

The "colors" collection of methods.

The "events" collection of methods.

The "freebusy" collection of methods.

The "settings" collection of methods.

Service definition for CertificateAuthorityService (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "caPools" collection of methods.

The "certificateAuthorities" collection of methods.

The "certificateRevocationLists" collection of methods.

The "certificates" collection of methods.

The "certificateTemplates" collection of methods.

The "managedPkis" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for CertificateManager (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "certificateIssuanceConfigs" collection of methods.

The "certificateMaps" collection of methods.

The "certificateMapEntries" collection of methods.

The "certificates" collection of methods.

The "dnsAuthorizations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "trustConfigs" collection of methods.

Service definition for ChecksService (v1alpha).

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "apps" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "media" collection of methods.

The "privacypolicy" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "privacyPolicies" collection of methods.

The "privacypolicy" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for ChromeManagement (v1).

The "customers" collection of methods.

The "apps" collection of methods.

The "android" collection of methods.

The "chrome" collection of methods.

The "web" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "telemetry" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "events" collection of methods.

The "notificationConfigs" collection of methods.

The "users" collection of methods.

Service definition for ChromePolicy (v1).

The "customers" collection of methods.

The "policies" collection of methods.

The "groups" collection of methods.

The "networks" collection of methods.

The "orgunits" collection of methods.

The "policySchemas" collection of methods.

The "media" collection of methods.

Service definition for ChromeUXReport (v1).


The "records" collection of methods.

Service definition for CivicInfo (v2).

The "divisions" collection of methods.

The "elections" collection of methods.

The "representatives" collection of methods.

Service definition for Classroom (v1).

The "courses" collection of methods.

The "aliases" collection of methods.

The "announcements" collection of methods.

The "addOnAttachments" collection of methods.

The "courseWork" collection of methods.

The "addOnAttachments" collection of methods.

The "studentSubmissions" collection of methods.

The "courseWorkMaterials" collection of methods.

The "addOnAttachments" collection of methods.

The "studentSubmissions" collection of methods.

The "posts" collection of methods.

The "addOnAttachments" collection of methods.

The "studentSubmissions" collection of methods.

The "students" collection of methods.

The "teachers" collection of methods.

The "topics" collection of methods.

The "invitations" collection of methods.

The "registrations" collection of methods.

The "userProfiles" collection of methods.

The "guardianInvitations" collection of methods.

The "guardians" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudAlloyDBAdmin (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "backups" collection of methods.

The "clusters" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "users" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "supportedDatabaseFlags" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudAsset (v1).

The "assets" collection of methods.

The "effectiveIamPolicies" collection of methods.

The "feeds" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "savedQueries" collection of methods.


The "v1" collection of methods.


Service definition for CloudBillingBudget (v1).

The "billingAccounts" collection of methods.

The "budgets" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudBuild (v2).

The "githubDotComWebhook" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "builds" collection of methods.

The "githubEnterpriseConfigs" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "bitbucketServerConfigs" collection of methods.

The "connectedRepositories" collection of methods.

The "repos" collection of methods.

The "builds" collection of methods.

The "connections" collection of methods.

The "repositories" collection of methods.

The "gitLabConfigs" collection of methods.

The "connectedRepositories" collection of methods.

The "repos" collection of methods.

The "githubEnterpriseConfigs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "triggers" collection of methods.

The "workerPools" collection of methods.

The "triggers" collection of methods.


The "v1" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudCommercePartnerProcurementService (v1).

The "providers" collection of methods.

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "entitlements" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudComposer (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "environments" collection of methods.

The "userWorkloadsConfigMaps" collection of methods.

The "userWorkloadsSecrets" collection of methods.

The "workloads" collection of methods.

The "imageVersions" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudControlsPartnerService (v1).

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "customers" collection of methods.

The "workloads" collection of methods.

The "accessApprovalRequests" collection of methods.

The "violations" collection of methods.


Service definition for CloudDataplex (v1).

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "encryptionConfigs" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "aspectTypes" collection of methods.

The "dataAttributeBindings" collection of methods.

The "dataScans" collection of methods.

The "jobs" collection of methods.

The "dataTaxonomies" collection of methods.

The "attributes" collection of methods.

The "entryGroups" collection of methods.

The "entries" collection of methods.

The "entryTypes" collection of methods.

The "glossaries" collection of methods.

The "governanceRules" collection of methods.

The "lakes" collection of methods.

The "actions" collection of methods.

The "content" collection of methods.

The "contentitems" collection of methods.

The "environments" collection of methods.

The "sessions" collection of methods.

The "tasks" collection of methods.

The "jobs" collection of methods.

The "zones" collection of methods.

The "actions" collection of methods.

The "assets" collection of methods.

The "actions" collection of methods.

The "entities" collection of methods.

The "partitions" collection of methods.

The "metadataJobs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudDebugger (v2).

The "controller" collection of methods.

The "debuggees" collection of methods.

The "breakpoints" collection of methods.

The "debugger" collection of methods.

The "debuggees" collection of methods.

The "breakpoints" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudDeploy (v1).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "customTargetTypes" collection of methods.

The "deliveryPipelines" collection of methods.

The "automationRuns" collection of methods.

The "automations" collection of methods.

The "releases" collection of methods.

The "rollouts" collection of methods.

The "jobRuns" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "targets" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudDomains (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "registrations" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudFilestore (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "backups" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "snapshots" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudFunctions (v2).

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "functions" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "runtimes" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudHealthcare (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "datasets" collection of methods.

The "consentStores" collection of methods.

The "attributeDefinitions" collection of methods.

The "consentArtifacts" collection of methods.

The "consents" collection of methods.

The "userDataMappings" collection of methods.

The "dataMapperWorkspaces" collection of methods.

The "dicomStores" collection of methods.

The "dicomWeb" collection of methods.

The "studies" collection of methods.

The "series" collection of methods.

The "studies" collection of methods.

The "series" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "fhirStores" collection of methods.

The "fhir" collection of methods.

The "hl7V2Stores" collection of methods.

The "messages" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

The "nlp" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudIAP (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "brands" collection of methods.

The "identityAwareProxyClients" collection of methods.

The "iap_tunnel" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "destGroups" collection of methods.


The "v1" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudIdentity (v1).

The "customers" collection of methods.

The "userinvitations" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "deviceUsers" collection of methods.

The "clientStates" collection of methods.

The "groups" collection of methods.

The "memberships" collection of methods.

The "inboundSamlSsoProfiles" collection of methods.

The "idpCredentials" collection of methods.

The "inboundSsoAssignments" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudIot (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "registries" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "configVersions" collection of methods.

The "states" collection of methods.

The "groups" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudKMS (v1).

The "folders" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "ekmConfig" collection of methods.

The "ekmConnections" collection of methods.

The "keyHandles" collection of methods.

The "keyRings" collection of methods.

The "cryptoKeys" collection of methods.

The "cryptoKeyVersions" collection of methods.

The "importJobs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudLifeSciences (v2beta).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "pipelines" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudMachineLearningEngine (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "jobs" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "studies" collection of methods.

The "trials" collection of methods.

The "models" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudMemorystoreforMemcached (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudNaturalLanguage (v2).

The "documents" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudOSLogin (v1).

The "users" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "sshPublicKey" collection of methods.

The "sshPublicKeys" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudProfiler (v2).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "profiles" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudRedis (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "clusters" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudResourceManager (v3).

The "effectiveTags" collection of methods.

The "folders" collection of methods.

The "liens" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "tagBindings" collection of methods.

The "tagKeys" collection of methods.

The "tagValues" collection of methods.

The "tagHolds" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudRetail (v2).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "catalogs" collection of methods.

The "attributesConfig" collection of methods.

The "branches" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "products" collection of methods.

The "completionData" collection of methods.

The "controls" collection of methods.

The "models" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "placements" collection of methods.

The "servingConfigs" collection of methods.

The "userEvents" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudRun (v2).

The "namespaces" collection of methods.

The "authorizeddomains" collection of methods.

The "configurations" collection of methods.

The "domainmappings" collection of methods.

The "revisions" collection of methods.

The "routes" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "authorizeddomains" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "authorizeddomains" collection of methods.

The "configurations" collection of methods.

The "domainmappings" collection of methods.

The "jobs" collection of methods.

The "executions" collection of methods.

The "tasks" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "revisions" collection of methods.

The "routes" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

The "revisions" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudRuntimeConfig (v1).

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudScheduler (v1).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "jobs" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudSearch (v1).


The "debug" collection of methods.

The "datasources" collection of methods.

The "items" collection of methods.

The "unmappedids" collection of methods.

The "identitysources" collection of methods.

The "items" collection of methods.

The "unmappedids" collection of methods.

The "indexing" collection of methods.

The "datasources" collection of methods.

The "items" collection of methods.

The "media" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "lro" collection of methods.

The "query" collection of methods.

The "sources" collection of methods.

The "settings" collection of methods.

The "datasources" collection of methods.

The "searchapplications" collection of methods.

The "stats" collection of methods.

The "index" collection of methods.

The "datasources" collection of methods.

The "query" collection of methods.

The "searchapplications" collection of methods.

The "session" collection of methods.

The "searchapplications" collection of methods.

The "user" collection of methods.

The "searchapplications" collection of methods.


The "v1" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudSecurityToken (v1).


The "v1" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudShell (v1).

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "users" collection of methods.

The "environments" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudSourceRepositories (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "repos" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudSupport (v2).

The "attachments" collection of methods.

The "caseClassifications" collection of methods.

The "cases" collection of methods.

The "attachments" collection of methods.

The "comments" collection of methods.

The "customers" collection of methods.

The "cases" collection of methods.

The "comments" collection of methods.

The "media" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "cases" collection of methods.

The "comments" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "cases" collection of methods.

The "comments" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudTalentSolution (v4).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "tenants" collection of methods.

The "clientEvents" collection of methods.

The "companies" collection of methods.

The "jobs" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudTasks (v2).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "queues" collection of methods.

The "tasks" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudTrace (v2).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "traces" collection of methods.

The "spans" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudVideoIntelligence (v1).

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "videos" collection of methods.

Service definition for CloudWorkstations (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "workstationClusters" collection of methods.

The "workstationConfigs" collection of methods.

The "workstations" collection of methods.

Service definition for Cloudbilling (v1).

The "billingAccounts" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "subAccounts" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "billingAccounts" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

The "skus" collection of methods.


Service definition for Cloudchannel (v1).

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "channelPartnerLinks" collection of methods.

The "channelPartnerRepricingConfigs" collection of methods.

The "customers" collection of methods.

The "customers" collection of methods.

The "customerRepricingConfigs" collection of methods.

The "entitlements" collection of methods.

The "offers" collection of methods.

The "reportJobs" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "skuGroups" collection of methods.

The "billableSkus" collection of methods.

The "integrators" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "products" collection of methods.

The "skus" collection of methods.

Service definition for Clouderrorreporting (v1beta1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "events" collection of methods.

The "groupStats" collection of methods.

The "groups" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "events" collection of methods.

The "groupStats" collection of methods.

The "groups" collection of methods.

Service definition for Compute (v1).

The "acceleratorTypes" collection of methods.

The "addresses" collection of methods.

The "autoscalers" collection of methods.

The "backendBuckets" collection of methods.

The "backendServices" collection of methods.

The "diskTypes" collection of methods.

The "disks" collection of methods.

The "externalVpnGateways" collection of methods.

The "firewallPolicies" collection of methods.

The "firewalls" collection of methods.

The "forwardingRules" collection of methods.

The "futureReservations" collection of methods.

The "globalAddresses" collection of methods.

The "globalForwardingRules" collection of methods.

The "globalNetworkEndpointGroups" collection of methods.

The "globalOperations" collection of methods.

The "globalOrganizationOperations" collection of methods.

The "globalPublicDelegatedPrefixes" collection of methods.

The "healthChecks" collection of methods.

The "httpHealthChecks" collection of methods.

The "httpsHealthChecks" collection of methods.

The "imageFamilyViews" collection of methods.

The "images" collection of methods.

The "instanceGroupManagerResizeRequests" collection of methods.

The "instanceGroupManagers" collection of methods.

The "instanceGroups" collection of methods.

The "instanceSettings" collection of methods.

The "instanceTemplates" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "instantSnapshots" collection of methods.

The "interconnectAttachments" collection of methods.

The "interconnectLocations" collection of methods.

The "interconnectRemoteLocations" collection of methods.

The "interconnects" collection of methods.

The "licenseCodes" collection of methods.

The "licenses" collection of methods.

The "machineImages" collection of methods.

The "machineTypes" collection of methods.

The "networkAttachments" collection of methods.

The "networkEdgeSecurityServices" collection of methods.

The "networkEndpointGroups" collection of methods.

The "networkFirewallPolicies" collection of methods.

The "networks" collection of methods.

The "nodeGroups" collection of methods.

The "nodeTemplates" collection of methods.

The "nodeTypes" collection of methods.

The "packetMirrorings" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "publicAdvertisedPrefixes" collection of methods.

The "publicDelegatedPrefixes" collection of methods.

The "regionAutoscalers" collection of methods.

The "regionBackendServices" collection of methods.

The "regionCommitments" collection of methods.

The "regionDiskTypes" collection of methods.

The "regionDisks" collection of methods.

The "regionHealthCheckServices" collection of methods.

The "regionHealthChecks" collection of methods.

The "regionInstanceGroupManagers" collection of methods.

The "regionInstanceGroups" collection of methods.

The "regionInstanceTemplates" collection of methods.

The "regionInstances" collection of methods.

The "regionInstantSnapshots" collection of methods.

The "regionNetworkEndpointGroups" collection of methods.

The "regionNetworkFirewallPolicies" collection of methods.

The "regionNotificationEndpoints" collection of methods.

The "regionOperations" collection of methods.

The "regionSecurityPolicies" collection of methods.

The "regionSslCertificates" collection of methods.

The "regionSslPolicies" collection of methods.

The "regionTargetHttpProxies" collection of methods.

The "regionTargetHttpsProxies" collection of methods.

The "regionTargetTcpProxies" collection of methods.

The "regionUrlMaps" collection of methods.

The "regionZones" collection of methods.

The "regions" collection of methods.

The "reservations" collection of methods.

The "resourcePolicies" collection of methods.

The "routers" collection of methods.

The "routes" collection of methods.

The "securityPolicies" collection of methods.

The "serviceAttachments" collection of methods.

The "snapshotSettings" collection of methods.

The "snapshots" collection of methods.

The "sslCertificates" collection of methods.

The "sslPolicies" collection of methods.

The "storagePoolTypes" collection of methods.

The "storagePools" collection of methods.

The "subnetworks" collection of methods.

The "targetGrpcProxies" collection of methods.

The "targetHttpProxies" collection of methods.

The "targetHttpsProxies" collection of methods.

The "targetInstances" collection of methods.

The "targetPools" collection of methods.

The "targetSslProxies" collection of methods.

The "targetTcpProxies" collection of methods.

The "targetVpnGateways" collection of methods.

The "urlMaps" collection of methods.

The "vpnGateways" collection of methods.

The "vpnTunnels" collection of methods.

The "zoneOperations" collection of methods.

The "zones" collection of methods.

Service definition for Config (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "revisions" collection of methods.

The "resources" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "previews" collection of methods.

The "terraformVersions" collection of methods.

Service definition for Connectors (v2).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "connections" collection of methods.

The "actions" collection of methods.

The "entityTypes" collection of methods.

The "entities" collection of methods.

The "entitieswithacls" collection of methods.

The "runtimeActionSchemas" collection of methods.

The "runtimeEntitySchemas" collection of methods.

The "global" collection of methods.

The "providers" collection of methods.

The "connectors" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "providers" collection of methods.

Service definition for Contactcenterinsights (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "conversations" collection of methods.

The "analyses" collection of methods.

The "encryptionSpec" collection of methods.

The "insightsdata" collection of methods.

The "issueModels" collection of methods.

The "issues" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "phraseMatchers" collection of methods.

The "views" collection of methods.

Service definition for Container (v1).

Service definition for ContainerAnalysis (v1).


The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "notes" collection of methods.

The "occurrences" collection of methods.

The "occurrences" collection of methods.

The "resources" collection of methods.

The "notes" collection of methods.

The "occurrences" collection of methods.

The "occurrences" collection of methods.

The "resources" collection of methods.

The "scanConfigs" collection of methods.


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "aggregated" collection of methods.

The "usableSubnetworks" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "clusters" collection of methods.

The "nodePools" collection of methods.

The "well-known" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "zones" collection of methods.

The "clusters" collection of methods.

The "nodePools" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for Contentwarehouse (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "documentSchemas" collection of methods.

The "documents" collection of methods.

The "documentLinks" collection of methods.

The "referenceId" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "ruleSets" collection of methods.

The "synonymSets" collection of methods.


Service definition for Css (v1).

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "cssProductInputs" collection of methods.

The "cssProducts" collection of methods.

The "labels" collection of methods.

Service definition for CustomSearchAPI (v1).


The "cse" collection of methods.

The "siterestrict" collection of methods.


Service definition for DLP (v2).

The "infoTypes" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "infoTypes" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "deidentifyTemplates" collection of methods.

The "inspectTemplates" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "columnDataProfiles" collection of methods.

The "connections" collection of methods.

The "deidentifyTemplates" collection of methods.

The "discoveryConfigs" collection of methods.

The "dlpJobs" collection of methods.

The "fileStoreDataProfiles" collection of methods.

The "inspectTemplates" collection of methods.

The "jobTriggers" collection of methods.

The "projectDataProfiles" collection of methods.

The "storedInfoTypes" collection of methods.

The "tableDataProfiles" collection of methods.

The "storedInfoTypes" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "content" collection of methods.

The "deidentifyTemplates" collection of methods.

The "dlpJobs" collection of methods.

The "image" collection of methods.

The "inspectTemplates" collection of methods.

The "jobTriggers" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "columnDataProfiles" collection of methods.

The "connections" collection of methods.

The "content" collection of methods.

The "deidentifyTemplates" collection of methods.

The "discoveryConfigs" collection of methods.

The "dlpJobs" collection of methods.

The "fileStoreDataProfiles" collection of methods.

The "image" collection of methods.

The "inspectTemplates" collection of methods.

The "jobTriggers" collection of methods.

The "projectDataProfiles" collection of methods.

The "storedInfoTypes" collection of methods.

The "tableDataProfiles" collection of methods.

The "storedInfoTypes" collection of methods.

Service definition for DataCatalog (v1).

The "catalog" collection of methods.

The "entries" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "entryGroups" collection of methods.

The "entries" collection of methods.

The "tags" collection of methods.

The "tags" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "tagTemplates" collection of methods.

The "fields" collection of methods.

The "enumValues" collection of methods.

The "taxonomies" collection of methods.

The "policyTags" collection of methods.

Service definition for DataFusion (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "dnsPeerings" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

Service definition for DataLabeling (v1beta1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "annotationSpecSets" collection of methods.

The "datasets" collection of methods.

The "annotatedDatasets" collection of methods.

The "dataItems" collection of methods.

The "examples" collection of methods.

The "feedbackThreads" collection of methods.

The "feedbackMessages" collection of methods.

The "dataItems" collection of methods.

The "evaluations" collection of methods.

The "exampleComparisons" collection of methods.

The "image" collection of methods.

The "text" collection of methods.

The "video" collection of methods.

The "evaluationJobs" collection of methods.

The "evaluations" collection of methods.

The "instructions" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for DataPortability (v1).

The "archiveJobs" collection of methods.

The "authorization" collection of methods.

The "portabilityArchive" collection of methods.

Service definition for DataTransfer (datatransfer_v1).

The "applications" collection of methods.

The "transfers" collection of methods.

Service definition for DatabaseMigrationService (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "connectionProfiles" collection of methods.

The "conversionWorkspaces" collection of methods.

The "mappingRules" collection of methods.

The "migrationJobs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "privateConnections" collection of methods.

Service definition for Dataflow (v1b3).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "jobs" collection of methods.

The "debug" collection of methods.

The "messages" collection of methods.

The "workItems" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "flexTemplates" collection of methods.

The "jobs" collection of methods.

The "debug" collection of methods.

The "messages" collection of methods.

The "snapshots" collection of methods.

The "stages" collection of methods.

The "workItems" collection of methods.

The "snapshots" collection of methods.

The "sql" collection of methods.

The "templates" collection of methods.

The "snapshots" collection of methods.

The "templates" collection of methods.

Service definition for Dataform (v1beta1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "collections" collection of methods.

The "repositories" collection of methods.

The "commentThreads" collection of methods.

The "comments" collection of methods.

The "compilationResults" collection of methods.

The "releaseConfigs" collection of methods.

The "workflowConfigs" collection of methods.

The "workflowInvocations" collection of methods.

The "workspaces" collection of methods.

Service definition for Datalineage (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "processes" collection of methods.

The "runs" collection of methods.

The "lineageEvents" collection of methods.

Service definition for Datapipelines (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "pipelines" collection of methods.

The "jobs" collection of methods.

The "transformDescriptions" collection of methods.

Service definition for Dataproc (v1).

Service definition for DataprocMetastore (v1).

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "federations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

The "backups" collection of methods.

The "databases" collection of methods.

The "tables" collection of methods.

The "metadataImports" collection of methods.

The "migrationExecutions" collection of methods.


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "autoscalingPolicies" collection of methods.

The "batches" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "sessionTemplates" collection of methods.

The "sessions" collection of methods.

The "workflowTemplates" collection of methods.

The "regions" collection of methods.

The "autoscalingPolicies" collection of methods.

The "clusters" collection of methods.

The "nodeGroups" collection of methods.

The "jobs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "workflowTemplates" collection of methods.

Service definition for Datastore (v1).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "indexes" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.


Service definition for Datastream (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "connectionProfiles" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "privateConnections" collection of methods.

The "routes" collection of methods.

The "streams" collection of methods.

The "objects" collection of methods.

Service definition for DeploymentManager (v2).

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "manifests" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "resources" collection of methods.

The "types" collection of methods.

Service definition for DeveloperConnect (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "connections" collection of methods.

The "gitRepositoryLinks" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for Dfareporting (v4).


The "accountActiveAdSummaries" collection of methods.

The "accountPermissionGroups" collection of methods.

The "accountPermissions" collection of methods.

The "accountUserProfiles" collection of methods.

The "accounts" collection of methods.


The "ads" collection of methods.

The "advertiserGroups" collection of methods.

The "advertiserInvoices" collection of methods.

The "advertiserLandingPages" collection of methods.

The "advertisers" collection of methods.

The "billingAssignments" collection of methods.

The "billingProfiles" collection of methods.

The "billingRates" collection of methods.

The "browsers" collection of methods.

The "campaignCreativeAssociations" collection of methods.

The "campaigns" collection of methods.

The "changeLogs" collection of methods.

The "cities" collection of methods.

The "connectionTypes" collection of methods.

The "contentCategories" collection of methods.

The "conversions" collection of methods.

The "countries" collection of methods.

The "creativeAssets" collection of methods.

The "creativeFieldValues" collection of methods.

The "creativeFields" collection of methods.

The "creativeGroups" collection of methods.

The "creatives" collection of methods.

The "dimensionValues" collection of methods.

The "directorySites" collection of methods.

The "dynamicTargetingKeys" collection of methods.

The "eventTags" collection of methods.

The "files" collection of methods.

The "floodlightActivities" collection of methods.

The "floodlightActivityGroups" collection of methods.

The "floodlightConfigurations" collection of methods.

The "inventoryItems" collection of methods.

The "languages" collection of methods.

The "metros" collection of methods.

The "mobileApps" collection of methods.

The "mobileCarriers" collection of methods.

The "operatingSystemVersions" collection of methods.

The "operatingSystems" collection of methods.

The "orderDocuments" collection of methods.

The "orders" collection of methods.

The "placementGroups" collection of methods.

The "placementStrategies" collection of methods.

The "placements" collection of methods.

The "platformTypes" collection of methods.

The "postalCodes" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "regions" collection of methods.

The "remarketingListShares" collection of methods.

The "remarketingLists" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "compatibleFields" collection of methods.

The "files" collection of methods.

The "sites" collection of methods.

The "sizes" collection of methods.

The "subaccounts" collection of methods.

The "targetableRemarketingLists" collection of methods.

The "targetingTemplates" collection of methods.

The "userProfiles" collection of methods.

The "userRolePermissionGroups" collection of methods.

The "userRolePermissions" collection of methods.

The "userRoles" collection of methods.

The "videoFormats" collection of methods.

Service definition for Dialogflow (v3).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "agents" collection of methods.

The "changelogs" collection of methods.

The "entityTypes" collection of methods.

The "environments" collection of methods.

The "continuousTestResults" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "experiments" collection of methods.

The "sessions" collection of methods.

The "entityTypes" collection of methods.

The "flows" collection of methods.

The "pages" collection of methods.

The "transitionRouteGroups" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

The "generators" collection of methods.

The "intents" collection of methods.

The "sessions" collection of methods.

The "entityTypes" collection of methods.

The "testCases" collection of methods.

The "results" collection of methods.

The "transitionRouteGroups" collection of methods.

The "webhooks" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "securitySettings" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for Digitalassetlinks (v1).

The "assetlinks" collection of methods.

The "statements" collection of methods.

Service definition for Directory (directory_v1).


The "asps" collection of methods.

The "channels" collection of methods.

The "chromeosdevices" collection of methods.

The "customer" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "chromeos" collection of methods.

The "commands" collection of methods.

The "customers" collection of methods.

The "chrome" collection of methods.

The "printServers" collection of methods.

The "printers" collection of methods.

The "domainAliases" collection of methods.

The "domains" collection of methods.

The "groups" collection of methods.

The "aliases" collection of methods.

The "members" collection of methods.

The "mobiledevices" collection of methods.

The "orgunits" collection of methods.

The "privileges" collection of methods.

The "resources" collection of methods.

The "buildings" collection of methods.

The "calendars" collection of methods.

The "features" collection of methods.

The "roleAssignments" collection of methods.

The "roles" collection of methods.

The "schemas" collection of methods.

The "tokens" collection of methods.

The "twoStepVerification" collection of methods.

The "users" collection of methods.

The "aliases" collection of methods.

The "photos" collection of methods.

The "verificationCodes" collection of methods.

Service definition for DiscoveryEngine (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "collections" collection of methods.

The "dataConnector" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "dataStores" collection of methods.

The "branches" collection of methods.

The "documents" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "completionSuggestions" collection of methods.

The "controls" collection of methods.

The "conversations" collection of methods.

The "models" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "schemas" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "servingConfigs" collection of methods.

The "sessions" collection of methods.

The "answers" collection of methods.

The "siteSearchEngine" collection of methods.

The "suggestionDenyListEntries" collection of methods.

The "userEvents" collection of methods.

The "engines" collection of methods.

The "controls" collection of methods.

The "conversations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "servingConfigs" collection of methods.

The "sessions" collection of methods.

The "answers" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "dataStores" collection of methods.

The "branches" collection of methods.

The "documents" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "completionSuggestions" collection of methods.

The "controls" collection of methods.

The "conversations" collection of methods.

The "models" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "schemas" collection of methods.

The "servingConfigs" collection of methods.

The "sessions" collection of methods.

The "answers" collection of methods.

The "siteSearchEngine" collection of methods.

The "targetSites" collection of methods.

The "suggestionDenyListEntries" collection of methods.

The "userEvents" collection of methods.

The "groundingConfigs" collection of methods.

The "identity_mapping_stores" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "rankingConfigs" collection of methods.

The "userEvents" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for DisplayVideo (v3).


The "advertisers" collection of methods.

The "adGroupAds" collection of methods.

The "adGroups" collection of methods.

The "targetingTypes" collection of methods.

The "assignedTargetingOptions" collection of methods.

The "assets" collection of methods.

The "campaigns" collection of methods.

The "targetingTypes" collection of methods.

The "assignedTargetingOptions" collection of methods.

The "channels" collection of methods.

The "sites" collection of methods.

The "creatives" collection of methods.

The "insertionOrders" collection of methods.

The "targetingTypes" collection of methods.

The "assignedTargetingOptions" collection of methods.

The "invoices" collection of methods.

The "lineItems" collection of methods.

The "targetingTypes" collection of methods.

The "assignedTargetingOptions" collection of methods.

The "locationLists" collection of methods.

The "assignedLocations" collection of methods.

The "manualTriggers" collection of methods.

The "negativeKeywordLists" collection of methods.

The "negativeKeywords" collection of methods.

The "targetingTypes" collection of methods.

The "assignedTargetingOptions" collection of methods.

The "youtubeAdGroupAds" collection of methods.

The "youtubeAdGroups" collection of methods.

The "targetingTypes" collection of methods.

The "assignedTargetingOptions" collection of methods.

The "combinedAudiences" collection of methods.

The "customBiddingAlgorithms" collection of methods.

The "rules" collection of methods.

The "scripts" collection of methods.

The "customLists" collection of methods.

The "firstAndThirdPartyAudiences" collection of methods.

The "floodlightGroups" collection of methods.

The "floodlightActivities" collection of methods.

The "googleAudiences" collection of methods.

The "guaranteedOrders" collection of methods.

The "inventorySourceGroups" collection of methods.

The "assignedInventorySources" collection of methods.

The "inventorySources" collection of methods.

The "media" collection of methods.

The "partners" collection of methods.

The "channels" collection of methods.

The "sites" collection of methods.

The "targetingTypes" collection of methods.

The "assignedTargetingOptions" collection of methods.

The "sdfdownloadtasks" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "targetingTypes" collection of methods.

The "targetingOptions" collection of methods.

The "users" collection of methods.


Service definition for Dns (v1).

The "changes" collection of methods.

The "dnsKeys" collection of methods.

The "managedZoneOperations" collection of methods.

The "managedZones" collection of methods.

The "policies" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "managedZones" collection of methods.

The "rrsets" collection of methods.

The "resourceRecordSets" collection of methods.

The "responsePolicies" collection of methods.

The "responsePolicyRules" collection of methods.

Service definition for Docs (v1).

The "documents" collection of methods.


Service definition for Document (v1).

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "processorTypes" collection of methods.

The "processors" collection of methods.

The "humanReviewConfig" collection of methods.

The "processorVersions" collection of methods.

The "evaluations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "uiv1beta3" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for DomainsRDAP (v1).

The "autnum" collection of methods.

The "domain" collection of methods.

The "entity" collection of methods.


The "ip" collection of methods.

The "nameserver" collection of methods.


The "v1" collection of methods.

Service definition for DoubleClickBidManager (v2).

The "queries" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

Service definition for Doubleclicksearch (v2).

The "conversion" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "savedColumns" collection of methods.

Service definition for Drive (v3).

Service definition for DriveActivity (v2).

The "activity" collection of methods.

Service definition for DriveLabels (v2).

The "labels" collection of methods.

The "locks" collection of methods.

The "permissions" collection of methods.

The "revisions" collection of methods.

The "locks" collection of methods.

The "permissions" collection of methods.

The "limits" collection of methods.

The "users" collection of methods.


The "about" collection of methods.

The "apps" collection of methods.

The "changes" collection of methods.

The "channels" collection of methods.

The "comments" collection of methods.

The "drives" collection of methods.

The "files" collection of methods.

The "permissions" collection of methods.

The "replies" collection of methods.

The "revisions" collection of methods.

The "teamdrives" collection of methods.

Service definition for Essentialcontacts (v1).

The "folders" collection of methods.

The "contacts" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "contacts" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "contacts" collection of methods.

Service definition for Eventarc (v1).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "channelConnections" collection of methods.

The "channels" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "providers" collection of methods.

The "triggers" collection of methods.

Service definition for FactCheckTools (v1alpha1).

The "claims" collection of methods.

The "pages" collection of methods.

Service definition for Fcmdata (v1beta1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "androidApps" collection of methods.

The "deliveryData" collection of methods.

Service definition for FirebaseAppDistribution (v1).

The "media" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "apps" collection of methods.

The "releases" collection of methods.

The "feedbackReports" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "groups" collection of methods.

The "testers" collection of methods.

Service definition for FirebaseCloudMessaging (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "messages" collection of methods.

Service definition for FirebaseDynamicLinks (v1).

The "managedShortLinks" collection of methods.

The "shortLinks" collection of methods.


The "v1" collection of methods.

Service definition for FirebaseHosting (v1).

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "sites" collection of methods.

The "customDomains" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for FirebaseML (v1).

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for FirebaseManagement (v1beta1).

The "availableProjects" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "androidApps" collection of methods.

The "sha" collection of methods.

The "availableLocations" collection of methods.

The "defaultLocation" collection of methods.

The "iosApps" collection of methods.

The "webApps" collection of methods.

Service definition for FirebaseRealtimeDatabase (v1beta).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

Service definition for FirebaseRules (v1).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "releases" collection of methods.

The "rulesets" collection of methods.

Service definition for Firebaseappcheck (v1).

The "jwks" collection of methods.

The "oauthClients" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "apps" collection of methods.

The "appAttestConfig" collection of methods.

The "debugTokens" collection of methods.

The "deviceCheckConfig" collection of methods.

The "playIntegrityConfig" collection of methods.

The "recaptchaConfig" collection of methods.

The "recaptchaEnterpriseConfig" collection of methods.

The "recaptchaV3Config" collection of methods.

The "safetyNetConfig" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

The "resourcePolicies" collection of methods.

Service definition for Firebasestorage (v1beta).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "buckets" collection of methods.

Service definition for Firestore (v1).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "databases" collection of methods.

The "backupSchedules" collection of methods.

The "collectionGroups" collection of methods.

The "fields" collection of methods.

The "indexes" collection of methods.

The "documents" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "backups" collection of methods.


Service definition for Fitness (v1).

The "users" collection of methods.

The "dataSources" collection of methods.

The "dataPointChanges" collection of methods.

The "datasets" collection of methods.

The "dataset" collection of methods.

The "sessions" collection of methods.

Service definition for Forms (v1).

The "forms" collection of methods.

The "responses" collection of methods.

The "watches" collection of methods.

Service definition for GKEHub (v1).

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "fleets" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "features" collection of methods.

The "fleets" collection of methods.

The "memberships" collection of methods.

The "bindings" collection of methods.

The "rbacrolebindings" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "scopes" collection of methods.

The "namespaces" collection of methods.

The "rbacrolebindings" collection of methods.

Service definition for GKEOnPrem (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "bareMetalAdminClusters" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "bareMetalClusters" collection of methods.

The "bareMetalNodePools" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "bareMetalStandaloneClusters" collection of methods.

The "bareMetalStandaloneNodePools" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "vmwareAdminClusters" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "vmwareClusters" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "vmwareNodePools" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for GameServices (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "gameServerDeployments" collection of methods.

The "configs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "realms" collection of methods.

The "gameServerClusters" collection of methods.

Service definition for Games (v1).

Service definition for GamesConfiguration (v1configuration).

The "achievementConfigurations" collection of methods.

The "imageConfigurations" collection of methods.

The "leaderboardConfigurations" collection of methods.

Service definition for GamesManagement (v1management).

The "achievements" collection of methods.

The "applications" collection of methods.

The "events" collection of methods.

The "players" collection of methods.

The "scores" collection of methods.

The "accesstokens" collection of methods.

The "achievementDefinitions" collection of methods.

The "achievements" collection of methods.

The "applications" collection of methods.

The "events" collection of methods.

The "leaderboards" collection of methods.

The "metagame" collection of methods.

The "players" collection of methods.

The "recall" collection of methods.

The "revisions" collection of methods.

The "scores" collection of methods.

The "snapshots" collection of methods.

The "stats" collection of methods.

Service definition for Genomics (v2alpha1).

The "pipelines" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "workers" collection of methods.

The "workers" collection of methods.

Service definition for Gmail (v1).

The "users" collection of methods.

The "drafts" collection of methods.

The "history" collection of methods.

The "labels" collection of methods.

The "messages" collection of methods.

The "attachments" collection of methods.

The "settings" collection of methods.

The "cse" collection of methods.

The "identities" collection of methods.

The "keypairs" collection of methods.

The "delegates" collection of methods.

The "filters" collection of methods.

The "forwardingAddresses" collection of methods.

The "sendAs" collection of methods.

The "smimeInfo" collection of methods.

The "threads" collection of methods.

Service definition for GoogleAnalyticsAdmin (v1beta).

The "accountSummaries" collection of methods.

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "userLinks" collection of methods.

The "properties" collection of methods.

The "androidAppDataStreams" collection of methods.

The "measurementProtocolSecrets" collection of methods.

The "audiences" collection of methods.

The "conversionEvents" collection of methods.

The "customDimensions" collection of methods.

The "customMetrics" collection of methods.

The "dataStreams" collection of methods.

The "eventEditRules" collection of methods.

The "measurementProtocolSecrets" collection of methods.

The "displayVideo360AdvertiserLinkProposals" collection of methods.

The "displayVideo360AdvertiserLinks" collection of methods.

The "firebaseLinks" collection of methods.

The "googleAdsLinks" collection of methods.

The "iosAppDataStreams" collection of methods.

The "measurementProtocolSecrets" collection of methods.

The "keyEvents" collection of methods.

The "searchAds360Links" collection of methods.

The "userLinks" collection of methods.

The "webDataStreams" collection of methods.

The "measurementProtocolSecrets" collection of methods.

Service definition for GoogleMarketingPlatformAdminAPI (v1alpha).

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "analyticsAccountLinks" collection of methods.

Service definition for GroupsMigration (v1).

The "archive" collection of methods.

Service definition for Groupssettings (v1).

The "groups" collection of methods.

Service definition for HangoutsChat (v1).


The "dms" collection of methods.

The "conversations" collection of methods.

The "media" collection of methods.

The "rooms" collection of methods.

The "conversations" collection of methods.

The "spaces" collection of methods.

The "members" collection of methods.

The "messages" collection of methods.

The "attachments" collection of methods.

The "reactions" collection of methods.

The "spaceEvents" collection of methods.

The "users" collection of methods.

The "spaces" collection of methods.

The "threads" collection of methods.

Service definition for HomeGraphService (v1).

The "agentUsers" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

Service definition for IAMCredentials (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "serviceAccounts" collection of methods.


Service definition for IDS (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "endpoints" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.


Service definition for Iam (v2).


The "iamPolicies" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "workforcePools" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "providers" collection of methods.

The "keys" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "subjects" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "roles" collection of methods.

The "permissions" collection of methods.

The "policies" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "workloadIdentityPools" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "providers" collection of methods.

The "keys" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "roles" collection of methods.

The "serviceAccounts" collection of methods.

The "keys" collection of methods.

The "roles" collection of methods.

Service definition for Ideahub (v1beta).

The "ideas" collection of methods.

The "platforms" collection of methods.

The "properties" collection of methods.

The "ideaActivities" collection of methods.

The "ideaStates" collection of methods.

The "ideas" collection of methods.

The "locales" collection of methods.

The "topicStates" collection of methods.

Service definition for IdentityToolkit (v3).

The "relyingparty" collection of methods.

Service definition for Indexing (v3).

The "urlNotifications" collection of methods.

Service definition for Integrations (v1).

The "callback" collection of methods.

The "connectorPlatformRegions" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "appsScriptProjects" collection of methods.

The "authConfigs" collection of methods.

The "certificates" collection of methods.

The "clients" collection of methods.

The "cloudFunctions" collection of methods.

The "connections" collection of methods.

The "runtimeActionSchemas" collection of methods.

The "runtimeEntitySchemas" collection of methods.

The "integrations" collection of methods.

The "executions" collection of methods.

The "suspensions" collection of methods.

The "executionsnapshots" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

The "testCases" collection of methods.

The "products" collection of methods.

The "authConfigs" collection of methods.

The "certificates" collection of methods.

The "cloudFunctions" collection of methods.

The "integrations" collection of methods.

The "executions" collection of methods.

The "suspensions" collection of methods.

The "executionsnapshots" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

The "testCases" collection of methods.

The "integrationtemplates" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

The "sfdcInstances" collection of methods.

The "sfdcChannels" collection of methods.

The "sfdcInstances" collection of methods.

The "sfdcChannels" collection of methods.

The "templates" collection of methods.

Service definition for Keep (v1).

The "media" collection of methods.

The "notes" collection of methods.

The "permissions" collection of methods.

Service definition for Kgsearch (v1).

The "entities" collection of methods.

Service definition for Kmsinventory (v1).

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "protectedResources" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "cryptoKeys" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "keyRings" collection of methods.

The "cryptoKeys" collection of methods.

Service definition for Libraryagent (v1).

The "shelves" collection of methods.

The "books" collection of methods.

Service definition for Licensing (v1).

The "licenseAssignments" collection of methods.

Service definition for Localservices (v1).

The "accountReports" collection of methods.

The "detailedLeadReports" collection of methods.

Service definition for Logging (v2).

The "billingAccounts" collection of methods.

The "buckets" collection of methods.

The "views" collection of methods.

The "exclusions" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "buckets" collection of methods.

The "links" collection of methods.

The "views" collection of methods.

The "logs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "recentQueries" collection of methods.

The "savedQueries" collection of methods.

The "logs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "sinks" collection of methods.

The "entries" collection of methods.

The "exclusions" collection of methods.

The "folders" collection of methods.

The "exclusions" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "buckets" collection of methods.

The "links" collection of methods.

The "views" collection of methods.

The "logs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "recentQueries" collection of methods.

The "savedQueries" collection of methods.

The "logs" collection of methods.

The "sinks" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "buckets" collection of methods.

The "links" collection of methods.

The "views" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "logs" collection of methods.

The "monitoredResourceDescriptors" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "exclusions" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "buckets" collection of methods.

The "links" collection of methods.

The "views" collection of methods.

The "logs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "recentQueries" collection of methods.

The "savedQueries" collection of methods.

The "logs" collection of methods.

The "sinks" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "exclusions" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "buckets" collection of methods.

The "links" collection of methods.

The "views" collection of methods.

The "logs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "recentQueries" collection of methods.

The "savedQueries" collection of methods.

The "logs" collection of methods.

The "metrics" collection of methods.

The "sinks" collection of methods.

The "sinks" collection of methods.


The "v2" collection of methods.

Service definition for Looker (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "backups" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for ManagedServiceforMicrosoftActiveDirectoryConsumerAPI (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "global" collection of methods.

The "domains" collection of methods.

The "backups" collection of methods.

The "sqlIntegrations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "peerings" collection of methods.

Service definition for ManufacturerCenter (v1).

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "languages" collection of methods.

The "productCertifications" collection of methods.

The "products" collection of methods.

Service definition for MapsPlaces (v1).

The "places" collection of methods.

The "photos" collection of methods.

The "Text" collection of methods.

Service definition for Meet (v2).

The "conferenceRecords" collection of methods.

The "participants" collection of methods.

The "participantSessions" collection of methods.

The "recordings" collection of methods.

The "transcripts" collection of methods.

The "entries" collection of methods.

The "spaces" collection of methods.

Service definition for Merchant (reports_v1beta).

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

Service definition for MigrationCenterAPI (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "assets" collection of methods.

The "discoveryClients" collection of methods.

The "groups" collection of methods.

The "importJobs" collection of methods.

The "importDataFiles" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "preferenceSets" collection of methods.

The "reportConfigs" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "sources" collection of methods.

The "errorFrames" collection of methods.

Service definition for Monitoring (v3).

The "folders" collection of methods.

The "timeSeries" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "timeSeries" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "alertPolicies" collection of methods.

The "collectdTimeSeries" collection of methods.

The "groups" collection of methods.

The "members" collection of methods.

The "metricDescriptors" collection of methods.

The "monitoredResourceDescriptors" collection of methods.

The "notificationChannelDescriptors" collection of methods.

The "notificationChannels" collection of methods.

The "snoozes" collection of methods.

The "timeSeries" collection of methods.

The "uptimeCheckConfigs" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

The "serviceLevelObjectives" collection of methods.

The "uptimeCheckIps" collection of methods.

Service definition for MyBusinessAccountManagement (v1).

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "admins" collection of methods.

The "invitations" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "admins" collection of methods.

Service definition for MyBusinessBusinessCalls (v1).

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "businesscallsinsights" collection of methods.

Service definition for MyBusinessBusinessInformation (v1).

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "attributes" collection of methods.

The "categories" collection of methods.

The "chains" collection of methods.

The "googleLocations" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "attributes" collection of methods.

Service definition for MyBusinessLodging (v1).

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "lodging" collection of methods.

Service definition for MyBusinessNotificationSettings (v1).

The "accounts" collection of methods.

Service definition for MyBusinessPlaceActions (v1).

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "placeActionLinks" collection of methods.

The "placeActionTypeMetadata" collection of methods.

Service definition for MyBusinessQA (v1).

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "questions" collection of methods.

The "answers" collection of methods.

Service definition for MyBusinessVerifications (v1).

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "verifications" collection of methods.

The "verificationTokens" collection of methods.

Service definition for NetworkManagement (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "global" collection of methods.

The "connectivityTests" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for NetworkSecurity (v1).

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "addressGroups" collection of methods.

The "firewallEndpoints" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "securityProfileGroups" collection of methods.

The "securityProfiles" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "addressGroups" collection of methods.

The "authorizationPolicies" collection of methods.

The "authzPolicies" collection of methods.

The "clientTlsPolicies" collection of methods.

The "firewallEndpointAssociations" collection of methods.

The "gatewaySecurityPolicies" collection of methods.

The "rules" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "serverTlsPolicies" collection of methods.

The "tlsInspectionPolicies" collection of methods.

The "urlLists" collection of methods.

Service definition for NetworkServices (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "edgeCacheKeysets" collection of methods.

The "edgeCacheOrigins" collection of methods.

The "edgeCacheServices" collection of methods.

The "endpointPolicies" collection of methods.

The "gateways" collection of methods.

The "grpcRoutes" collection of methods.

The "httpRoutes" collection of methods.

The "lbRouteExtensions" collection of methods.

The "lbTrafficExtensions" collection of methods.

The "meshes" collection of methods.

The "multicastConsumerAssociations" collection of methods.

The "multicastDomainActivations" collection of methods.

The "multicastDomains" collection of methods.

The "multicastGroupDefinitions" collection of methods.

The "multicastGroups" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "serviceBindings" collection of methods.

The "serviceLbPolicies" collection of methods.

The "tcpRoutes" collection of methods.

The "tlsRoutes" collection of methods.

Service definition for Networkconnectivity (v1).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "internalRanges" collection of methods.

The "global" collection of methods.

The "hubs" collection of methods.

The "groups" collection of methods.

The "routeTables" collection of methods.

The "policyBasedRoutes" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "regionalEndpoints" collection of methods.

The "serviceClasses" collection of methods.

The "serviceConnectionMaps" collection of methods.

The "serviceConnectionPolicies" collection of methods.

The "serviceConnectionTokens" collection of methods.

The "spokes" collection of methods.

Service definition for OSConfig (v1).

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "inventories" collection of methods.

The "osPolicyAssignments" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "vulnerabilityReports" collection of methods.

The "osPolicyAssignments" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "global" collection of methods.

The "patchDeployments" collection of methods.

The "patchJobs" collection of methods.

The "instanceDetails" collection of methods.

Service definition for Oauth2 (v2).

The "userinfo" collection of methods.

The "v2" collection of methods.

The "me" collection of methods.

Service definition for OnDemandScanning (v1).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "scans" collection of methods.

The "vulnerabilities" collection of methods.

Service definition for OrgPolicyAPI (v2).

The "folders" collection of methods.

The "constraints" collection of methods.

The "policies" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "constraints" collection of methods.

The "customConstraints" collection of methods.

The "policies" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "constraints" collection of methods.

The "policies" collection of methods.

Service definition for PagespeedInsights (v5).

The "pagespeedapi" collection of methods.

Service definition for PaymentsResellerSubscription (v1).

The "partners" collection of methods.

The "products" collection of methods.

The "promotions" collection of methods.

The "subscriptions" collection of methods.

Service definition for PeopleService (v1).

The "contactGroups" collection of methods.

The "members" collection of methods.

The "otherContacts" collection of methods.

The "people" collection of methods.

The "connections" collection of methods.


Service definition for PlayGrouping (v1alpha1).

The "apps" collection of methods.

The "tokens" collection of methods.

The "tags" collection of methods.


Service definition for PlayIntegrity (v1).

The "deviceRecall" collection of methods.


The "v1" collection of methods.

Service definition for PlayableLocations (v3).


The "v3" collection of methods.

Service definition for Playcustomapp (v1).

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "customApps" collection of methods.

Service definition for Playdeveloperreporting (v1beta1).

The "anomalies" collection of methods.

The "apps" collection of methods.

The "vitals" collection of methods.

The "anrrate" collection of methods.

The "crashrate" collection of methods.

The "errors" collection of methods.

The "counts" collection of methods.

The "issues" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "excessivewakeuprate" collection of methods.

The "slowrenderingrate" collection of methods.

The "slowstartrate" collection of methods.

The "stuckbackgroundwakelockrate" collection of methods.

Service definition for PolicyAnalyzer (v1).

The "folders" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "activityTypes" collection of methods.

The "activities" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "activityTypes" collection of methods.

The "activities" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "activityTypes" collection of methods.

The "activities" collection of methods.

Service definition for PolicySimulator (v1).

The "folders" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "orgPolicyViolationsPreviews" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "replays" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "results" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "orgPolicyViolationsPreviews" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "orgPolicyViolations" collection of methods.

The "replays" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "results" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "orgPolicyViolationsPreviews" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "replays" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "results" collection of methods.

Service definition for PolicyTroubleshooter (v1).


The "iam" collection of methods.

Service definition for Pollen (v1).

The "forecast" collection of methods.

The "mapTypes" collection of methods.

The "heatmapTiles" collection of methods.

Service definition for PolyService (v1).

The "assets" collection of methods.

The "users" collection of methods.

The "assets" collection of methods.

The "likedassets" collection of methods.

Service definition for PostmasterTools (v1).

The "domains" collection of methods.

The "trafficStats" collection of methods.

Service definition for PublicCertificateAuthority (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "externalAccountKeys" collection of methods.

Service definition for Pubsub (v1).

Service definition for PubsubLite (v1).

The "admin" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "reservations" collection of methods.

The "topics" collection of methods.

The "subscriptions" collection of methods.

The "topics" collection of methods.

The "subscriptions" collection of methods.

The "cursor" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "subscriptions" collection of methods.

The "cursors" collection of methods.

The "topicStats" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "topics" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "schemas" collection of methods.

The "snapshots" collection of methods.

The "subscriptions" collection of methods.

The "topics" collection of methods.

The "snapshots" collection of methods.

The "subscriptions" collection of methods.

Service definition for RapidMigrationAssessment (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "annotations" collection of methods.

The "collectors" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for RealTimeBidding (v1).

The "bidders" collection of methods.

The "creatives" collection of methods.

The "endpoints" collection of methods.

The "pretargetingConfigs" collection of methods.

The "publisherConnections" collection of methods.

The "buyers" collection of methods.

The "creatives" collection of methods.

The "userLists" collection of methods.

Service definition for RecaptchaEnterprise (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "assessments" collection of methods.

The "firewallpolicies" collection of methods.

The "keys" collection of methods.

The "relatedaccountgroupmemberships" collection of methods.

The "relatedaccountgroups" collection of methods.

The "memberships" collection of methods.

Service definition for RecommendationsAI (v1beta1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "catalogs" collection of methods.

The "catalogItems" collection of methods.

The "eventStores" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "placements" collection of methods.

The "predictionApiKeyRegistrations" collection of methods.

The "userEvents" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for Recommender (v1).

The "billingAccounts" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "insightTypes" collection of methods.

The "insights" collection of methods.

The "recommenders" collection of methods.

The "recommendations" collection of methods.

The "folders" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "insightTypes" collection of methods.

The "insights" collection of methods.

The "recommenders" collection of methods.

The "recommendations" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "insightTypes" collection of methods.

The "insights" collection of methods.

The "recommenders" collection of methods.

The "recommendations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "insightTypes" collection of methods.

The "insights" collection of methods.

The "recommenders" collection of methods.

The "recommendations" collection of methods.

Service definition for RemoteBuildExecution (v2).

The "actionResults" collection of methods.

The "actions" collection of methods.

The "blobs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.


The "v2" collection of methods.

Service definition for Reports (reports_v1).

The "activities" collection of methods.

The "channels" collection of methods.

The "customerUsageReports" collection of methods.

The "entityUsageReports" collection of methods.

The "userUsageReport" collection of methods.

Service definition for Reseller (v1).

The "customers" collection of methods.

The "resellernotify" collection of methods.

The "subscriptions" collection of methods.

Service definition for ResourceSettings (v1).

The "folders" collection of methods.

The "settings" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "settings" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "settings" collection of methods.

Service definition for SA360 (v0).

The "customers" collection of methods.

The "customColumns" collection of methods.

The "searchAds360" collection of methods.

The "searchAds360Fields" collection of methods.

Service definition for SASPortalTesting (v1alpha1).

The "customers" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "nodes" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "nodes" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "installer" collection of methods.

The "nodes" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "nodes" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "nodes" collection of methods.

The "policies" collection of methods.

The "provisioning" collection of methods.

Service definition for SQLAdmin (v1).

The "backupRuns" collection of methods.

The "connect" collection of methods.

The "databases" collection of methods.

The "flags" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "createEphemeral" collection of methods.

The "sslCerts" collection of methods.

The "tiers" collection of methods.

The "users" collection of methods.

Service definition for Safebrowsing (v5).

The "encodedFullHashes" collection of methods.

The "encodedUpdates" collection of methods.

The "fullHashes" collection of methods.

The "hashes" collection of methods.

The "threatHits" collection of methods.

The "threatListUpdates" collection of methods.

The "threatLists" collection of methods.

The "threatMatches" collection of methods.

Service definition for Sasportal (v1alpha1).

The "customers" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "nodes" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "nodes" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "installer" collection of methods.

The "nodes" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "nodes" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "nodes" collection of methods.

The "policies" collection of methods.

Service definition for Script (v1).

The "processes" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "deployments" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

The "scripts" collection of methods.

Service definition for SearchConsole (v1).

The "searchanalytics" collection of methods.

The "sitemaps" collection of methods.

The "sites" collection of methods.

The "urlInspection" collection of methods.

The "index" collection of methods.

The "urlTestingTools" collection of methods.

The "mobileFriendlyTest" collection of methods.

Service definition for SecretManager (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "secrets" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

The "secrets" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

Service definition for SecurityCommandCenter (v1).


The "folders" collection of methods.

The "assets" collection of methods.

The "bigQueryExports" collection of methods.

The "eventThreatDetectionSettings" collection of methods.

The "customModules" collection of methods.

The "effectiveCustomModules" collection of methods.

The "findings" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "muteConfigs" collection of methods.

The "muteConfigs" collection of methods.

The "notificationConfigs" collection of methods.

The "securityHealthAnalyticsSettings" collection of methods.

The "customModules" collection of methods.

The "effectiveCustomModules" collection of methods.

The "sources" collection of methods.

The "findings" collection of methods.

The "externalSystems" collection of methods.

The "organizations" collection of methods.

The "assets" collection of methods.

The "bigQueryExports" collection of methods.

The "eventThreatDetectionSettings" collection of methods.

The "customModules" collection of methods.

The "effectiveCustomModules" collection of methods.

The "findings" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "muteConfigs" collection of methods.

The "muteConfigs" collection of methods.

The "notificationConfigs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "resourceValueConfigs" collection of methods.

The "securityHealthAnalyticsSettings" collection of methods.

The "customModules" collection of methods.

The "effectiveCustomModules" collection of methods.

The "simulations" collection of methods.

The "attackExposureResults" collection of methods.

The "attackPaths" collection of methods.

The "valuedResources" collection of methods.

The "attackPaths" collection of methods.

The "valuedResources" collection of methods.

The "attackPaths" collection of methods.

The "sources" collection of methods.

The "findings" collection of methods.

The "externalSystems" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "assets" collection of methods.

The "bigQueryExports" collection of methods.

The "eventThreatDetectionSettings" collection of methods.

The "customModules" collection of methods.

The "effectiveCustomModules" collection of methods.

The "findings" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "muteConfigs" collection of methods.

The "muteConfigs" collection of methods.

The "notificationConfigs" collection of methods.

The "securityHealthAnalyticsSettings" collection of methods.

The "customModules" collection of methods.

The "effectiveCustomModules" collection of methods.

The "sources" collection of methods.

The "findings" collection of methods.

The "externalSystems" collection of methods.

Service definition for SemanticTile (v1).

The "featuretiles" collection of methods.

The "terraintiles" collection of methods.


Service definition for ServerlessVPCAccess (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "connectors" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for ServiceConsumerManagement (v1).


The "operations" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

The "tenancyUnits" collection of methods.

Service definition for ServiceControl (v2).


The "services" collection of methods.

Service definition for ServiceDirectory (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "namespaces" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

The "endpoints" collection of methods.

Service definition for ServiceManagement (v1).


The "operations" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

The "configs" collection of methods.

The "consumers" collection of methods.

The "rollouts" collection of methods.

Service definition for ServiceNetworking (v1).


The "operations" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

The "connections" collection of methods.

The "dnsRecordSet" collection of methods.

The "dnsRecordSets" collection of methods.

The "dnsZone" collection of methods.

The "dnsZones" collection of methods.

The "dnsZone" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "global" collection of methods.

The "networks" collection of methods.

The "dnsZones" collection of methods.

The "peeredDnsDomains" collection of methods.

The "zones" collection of methods.

The "dnsRecordSet" collection of methods.

The "roles" collection of methods.

Service definition for ServiceUsage (v1).


The "operations" collection of methods.

The "services" collection of methods.

Service definition for Sheets (v4).

The "spreadsheets" collection of methods.

The "developerMetadata" collection of methods.

The "sheets" collection of methods.

The "values" collection of methods.

Service definition for ShoppingContent (v2.1).


The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "businessmessageslinks" collection of methods.

The "credentials" collection of methods.

The "labels" collection of methods.

The "returncarrier" collection of methods.

The "accountsbyexternalsellerid" collection of methods.

The "accountstatuses" collection of methods.

The "accountstatusesbyexternalsellerid" collection of methods.

The "accounttax" collection of methods.

The "buyongoogleprograms" collection of methods.

The "collections" collection of methods.

The "collectionstatuses" collection of methods.

The "conversionsources" collection of methods.

The "csses" collection of methods.

The "customers" collection of methods.

The "datafeeds" collection of methods.

The "datafeedstatuses" collection of methods.

The "freelistingsprogram" collection of methods.

The "checkoutsettings" collection of methods.

The "liasettings" collection of methods.

The "localinventory" collection of methods.

The "merchantsupport" collection of methods.

The "orderinvoices" collection of methods.

The "orderreports" collection of methods.

The "orderreturns" collection of methods.

The "labels" collection of methods.

The "orders" collection of methods.

The "ordertrackingsignals" collection of methods.


The "pos" collection of methods.

The "productdeliverytime" collection of methods.

The "products" collection of methods.

The "productstatuses" collection of methods.

The "repricingreports" collection of methods.

The "promotions" collection of methods.

The "pubsubnotificationsettings" collection of methods.

The "quotas" collection of methods.

The "recommendations" collection of methods.

The "regionalinventory" collection of methods.

The "regions" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "repricingrules" collection of methods.

The "repricingreports" collection of methods.

The "returnaddress" collection of methods.

The "returnpolicy" collection of methods.

The "returnpolicyonline" collection of methods.

The "settlementreports" collection of methods.

The "settlementtransactions" collection of methods.

The "shippingsettings" collection of methods.

The "shoppingadsprogram" collection of methods.


Service definition for SiteVerification (v1).

The "webResource" collection of methods.

Service definition for Slides (v1).

The "presentations" collection of methods.

The "pages" collection of methods.

Service definition for SmartDeviceManagement (v1).

The "enterprises" collection of methods.

The "devices" collection of methods.

The "structures" collection of methods.

The "rooms" collection of methods.

Service definition for Solar (v1).

The "buildingInsights" collection of methods.

The "dataLayers" collection of methods.

The "geoTiff" collection of methods.

Service definition for Spanner (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "instanceConfigOperations" collection of methods.

The "instanceConfigs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "ssdCaches" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "instances" collection of methods.

The "backupOperations" collection of methods.

The "backups" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "databaseOperations" collection of methods.

The "databases" collection of methods.

The "backupSchedules" collection of methods.

The "databaseRoles" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "sessions" collection of methods.

The "instancePartitionOperations" collection of methods.

The "instancePartitions" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "scans" collection of methods.

Service definition for Speech (v1).

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "customClasses" collection of methods.

The "phraseSets" collection of methods.

The "speech" collection of methods.

Service definition for Storage (v1).

The "anywhereCache" collection of methods.

The "anywhereCaches" collection of methods.

The "bucketAccessControls" collection of methods.

The "buckets" collection of methods.

The "channels" collection of methods.

The "defaultObjectAccessControls" collection of methods.

The "folders" collection of methods.

The "managedFolders" collection of methods.

The "notifications" collection of methods.

The "objectAccessControls" collection of methods.

The "objects" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "hmacKeys" collection of methods.

The "serviceAccount" collection of methods.

Service definition for Storagetransfer (v1).

The "googleServiceAccounts" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "agentPools" collection of methods.

The "transferJobs" collection of methods.

The "transferOperations" collection of methods.

Service definition for StreetViewPublish (v1).


The "photo" collection of methods.

The "photoSequence" collection of methods.

The "photoSequences" collection of methods.

The "photos" collection of methods.

Service definition for SubscriptionLinking (v1).

The "publications" collection of methods.

The "readers" collection of methods.


Service definition for TPU (v2).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "acceleratorTypes" collection of methods.

The "nodes" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "queuedResources" collection of methods.

The "runtimeVersions" collection of methods.

The "tensorflowVersions" collection of methods.


Service definition for TagManager (v2).

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "containers" collection of methods.

The "destinations" collection of methods.

The "environments" collection of methods.

The "version_headers" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

The "workspaces" collection of methods.

The "built_in_variables" collection of methods.

The "clients" collection of methods.

The "folders" collection of methods.

The "gtag_config" collection of methods.

The "tags" collection of methods.

The "templates" collection of methods.

The "transformations" collection of methods.

The "triggers" collection of methods.

The "variables" collection of methods.

The "zones" collection of methods.

The "user_permissions" collection of methods.


Service definition for Tasks (v1).

The "tasklists" collection of methods.

The "tasks" collection of methods.

Service definition for Testing (v1).


The "applicationDetailService" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "deviceSessions" collection of methods.

The "testMatrices" collection of methods.

The "testEnvironmentCatalog" collection of methods.

Service definition for Texttospeech (v1).

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "datasets" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "voices" collection of methods.

The "text" collection of methods.

The "voices" collection of methods.

Service definition for ToolResults (v1beta3).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "histories" collection of methods.

The "executions" collection of methods.

The "clusters" collection of methods.

The "environments" collection of methods.

The "steps" collection of methods.

The "perfMetricsSummary" collection of methods.

The "perfSampleSeries" collection of methods.

The "samples" collection of methods.

The "testCases" collection of methods.

The "thumbnails" collection of methods.

Service definition for TrafficDirectorService (v3).

The "discovery" collection of methods.

Service definition for Transcoder (v1).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "jobTemplates" collection of methods.

The "jobs" collection of methods.

Service definition for Translate (v3).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "adaptiveMtDatasets" collection of methods.

The "adaptiveMtFiles" collection of methods.

The "adaptiveMtSentences" collection of methods.

The "adaptiveMtSentences" collection of methods.

The "datasets" collection of methods.

The "examples" collection of methods.

The "glossaries" collection of methods.

The "glossaryEntries" collection of methods.

The "models" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for TravelImpactModel (v1).

The "flights" collection of methods.

Service definition for VMMigrationService (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "groups" collection of methods.

The "imageImports" collection of methods.

The "imageImportJobs" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "sources" collection of methods.

The "datacenterConnectors" collection of methods.

The "diskMigrationJobs" collection of methods.

The "migratingVms" collection of methods.

The "cloneJobs" collection of methods.

The "cutoverJobs" collection of methods.

The "replicationCycles" collection of methods.

The "utilizationReports" collection of methods.

The "targetProjects" collection of methods.


Service definition for VMwareEngine (v1).


The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "dnsBindPermission" collection of methods.

The "networkPeerings" collection of methods.

The "peeringRoutes" collection of methods.

The "networkPolicies" collection of methods.

The "externalAccessRules" collection of methods.

The "nodeTypes" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "privateClouds" collection of methods.

The "clusters" collection of methods.

The "nodes" collection of methods.

The "externalAddresses" collection of methods.

The "hcxActivationKeys" collection of methods.

The "loggingServers" collection of methods.

The "managementDnsZoneBindings" collection of methods.

The "subnets" collection of methods.

The "privateConnections" collection of methods.

The "peeringRoutes" collection of methods.

The "vmwareEngineNetworks" collection of methods.

The "global" collection of methods.

The "dnsBindPermission" collection of methods.

The "networkPeerings" collection of methods.

The "peeringRoutes" collection of methods.

Service definition for Vault (v1).

The "matters" collection of methods.

The "exports" collection of methods.

The "holds" collection of methods.

The "accounts" collection of methods.

The "savedQueries" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for Verifiedaccess (v2).

The "challenge" collection of methods.

Service definition for VersionHistory (v1).

The "platforms" collection of methods.

The "channels" collection of methods.

The "versions" collection of methods.

The "releases" collection of methods.

Service definition for Vision (v1).

The "files" collection of methods.

The "images" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "files" collection of methods.

The "images" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "files" collection of methods.

The "images" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "productSets" collection of methods.

The "products" collection of methods.

The "products" collection of methods.

The "referenceImages" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

Service definition for Walletobjects (v1).

The "eventticketclass" collection of methods.

The "eventticketobject" collection of methods.

The "flightclass" collection of methods.

The "flightobject" collection of methods.

The "genericclass" collection of methods.

The "genericobject" collection of methods.

The "giftcardclass" collection of methods.

The "giftcardobject" collection of methods.

The "issuer" collection of methods.


The "jwt" collection of methods.

The "loyaltyclass" collection of methods.

The "loyaltyobject" collection of methods.

The "media" collection of methods.

The "offerclass" collection of methods.

The "offerobject" collection of methods.

The "permissions" collection of methods.

The "smarttap" collection of methods.

The "transitclass" collection of methods.

The "transitobject" collection of methods.

The "walletobjects" collection of methods.

The "v1" collection of methods.

The "privateContent" collection of methods.


Service definition for WebRisk (v1).

The "hashes" collection of methods.

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "submissions" collection of methods.

The "uris" collection of methods.

The "threatLists" collection of methods.

The "uris" collection of methods.

Service definition for Webfonts (v1).

The "webfonts" collection of methods.

Service definition for Webmasters (v3).

The "searchanalytics" collection of methods.

The "sitemaps" collection of methods.

The "sites" collection of methods.

Service definition for WorkflowExecutions (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "workflows" collection of methods.

The "executions" collection of methods.

The "callbacks" collection of methods.

The "stepEntries" collection of methods.

Service definition for Workflows (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "workflows" collection of methods.

Service definition for WorkloadManager (v1).

The "projects" collection of methods.

The "locations" collection of methods.

The "evaluations" collection of methods.

The "executions" collection of methods.

The "results" collection of methods.

The "scannedResources" collection of methods.

The "insights" collection of methods.

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "rules" collection of methods.

The "workloadProfiles" collection of methods.

Service definition for WorkspaceEvents (v1).

The "operations" collection of methods.

The "subscriptions" collection of methods.

Service definition for YouTube (v3).

Service definition for YouTubeAnalytics (v2).

The "groupItems" collection of methods.

The "groups" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

Service definition for YouTubeReporting (v1).


The "jobs" collection of methods.

The "reports" collection of methods.

The "media" collection of methods.

The "reportTypes" collection of methods.

The "abuseReports" collection of methods.

The "activities" collection of methods.

The "captions" collection of methods.

The "channelBanners" collection of methods.

The "channelSections" collection of methods.

The "channels" collection of methods.

The "commentThreads" collection of methods.

The "comments" collection of methods.

The "i18nLanguages" collection of methods.

The "i18nRegions" collection of methods.

The "liveBroadcasts" collection of methods.

The "liveChatBans" collection of methods.

The "liveChatMessages" collection of methods.

The "liveChatModerators" collection of methods.

The "liveStreams" collection of methods.

The "members" collection of methods.

The "membershipsLevels" collection of methods.

The "playlistImages" collection of methods.

The "playlistItems" collection of methods.

The "playlists" collection of methods.

The "search" collection of methods.

The "subscriptions" collection of methods.

The "superChatEvents" collection of methods.

The "tests" collection of methods.

The "thirdPartyLinks" collection of methods.

The "thumbnails" collection of methods.

The "videoAbuseReportReasons" collection of methods.

The "videoCategories" collection of methods.

The "videos" collection of methods.

The "watermarks" collection of methods.

The "youtube" collection of methods.

The "v3" collection of methods.

The "liveBroadcasts" collection of methods.

The "cuepoint" collection of methods.

The "liveChat" collection of methods.

The "messages" collection of methods.