class Creatives extends Resource (View source)
The "creatives" collection of methods.
Typical usage is:
$adexchangebuyerService = new Google\Service\AdExchangeBuyer(...);
$creatives = $adexchangebuyerService->creatives;
Add a deal id association for the creative. (creatives.addDeal)
Gets the status for a single creative. A creative will be available 30-40 minutes after submission. (creatives.get)
Retrieves a list of the authenticated user's active creatives. A creative will be available 30-40 minutes after submission. (creatives.listCreatives)
Lists the external deal ids associated with the creative.
Remove a deal id associated with the creative. (creatives.removeDeal)
addDeal(int $accountId, string $buyerCreativeId, string $dealId, array $optParams = [])
Add a deal id association for the creative. (creatives.addDeal)
get(int $accountId, string $buyerCreativeId, array $optParams = [])
Gets the status for a single creative. A creative will be available 30-40 minutes after submission. (creatives.get)
insert(Creative $postBody, array $optParams = [])
Submit a new creative. (creatives.insert)
listCreatives(array $optParams = [])
Retrieves a list of the authenticated user's active creatives. A creative will be available 30-40 minutes after submission. (creatives.listCreatives)
listDeals(int $accountId, string $buyerCreativeId, array $optParams = [])
Lists the external deal ids associated with the creative.
removeDeal(int $accountId, string $buyerCreativeId, string $dealId, array $optParams = [])
Remove a deal id associated with the creative. (creatives.removeDeal)