class AnalyticsData extends Service (View source)

Service definition for AnalyticsData (v1beta).

Accesses report data in Google Analytics. Warning: Creating multiple Customer Applications, Accounts, or Projects to simulate or act as a single Customer Application, Account, or Project (respectively) or to circumvent Service- specific usage limits or quotas is a direct violation of Google Cloud Platform Terms of Service as well as Google APIs Terms of Service. These actions can result in immediate termination of your GCP project(s) without any warning.

For more information about this service, see the API Documentation



View and manage your Google Analytics data.


See and download your Google Analytics data.




__construct(Client|array $clientOrConfig = [], string $rootUrl = null)

Constructs the internal representation of the AnalyticsData service.


__construct(Client|array $clientOrConfig = [], string $rootUrl = null)

Constructs the internal representation of the AnalyticsData service.


Client|array $clientOrConfig

The client used to deliver requests, or a config array to pass to a new Client instance.

string $rootUrl

The root URL used for requests to the service.