class OrganizationsEnvironmentsSharedflowsRevisions extends Resource (View source)

The "revisions" collection of methods.

Typical usage is:

 $apigeeService = new Google\Service\Apigee(...);
 $revisions = $apigeeService->organizations_environments_sharedflows_revisions;


deploy(string $name, array $optParams = [])

Deploys a revision of a shared flow. If another revision of the same shared flow is currently deployed, set the override parameter to true to have this revision replace the currently deployed revision. You cannot use a shared flow until it has been deployed to an environment. For a request path organizations/{org}/environments/{env}/sharedflows/{sf}/revisions/{rev}/depl oyments, two permissions are required: apigee.deployments.create on the resource organizations/{org}/environments/{env} apigee.sharedflowrevisions.deploy on the resource organizations/{org}/sharedflows/{sf}/revisions/{rev} (revisions.deploy)

getDeployments(string $name, array $optParams = [])

Gets the deployment of a shared flow revision and actual state reported by runtime pods. (revisions.getDeployments)

undeploy(string $name, array $optParams = [])

Undeploys a shared flow revision from an environment. For a request path org anizations/{org}/environments/{env}/sharedflows/{sf}/revisions/{rev}/deployme nts, two permissions are required: apigee.deployments.delete on the resource organizations/{org}/environments/{env} apigee.sharedflowrevisions.undeploy on the resource organizations/{org}/sharedflows/{sf}/revisions/{rev} (revisions.undeploy)


GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment deploy(string $name, array $optParams = [])

Deploys a revision of a shared flow. If another revision of the same shared flow is currently deployed, set the override parameter to true to have this revision replace the currently deployed revision. You cannot use a shared flow until it has been deployed to an environment. For a request path organizations/{org}/environments/{env}/sharedflows/{sf}/revisions/{rev}/depl oyments, two permissions are required: apigee.deployments.create on the resource organizations/{org}/environments/{env} apigee.sharedflowrevisions.deploy on the resource organizations/{org}/sharedflows/{sf}/revisions/{rev} (revisions.deploy)


string $name

Required. Name of the shared flow revision to deploy in the following format: organizations/{org}/environments/{env}/sharedflows/{sh aredflow}/revisions/{rev}

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment getDeployments(string $name, array $optParams = [])

Gets the deployment of a shared flow revision and actual state reported by runtime pods. (revisions.getDeployments)


string $name

Required. Name representing a shared flow in an environment in the following format: organizations/{org}/environments/{env}/ sharedflows/{sharedflow}/revisions/{rev}

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




GoogleProtobufEmpty undeploy(string $name, array $optParams = [])

Undeploys a shared flow revision from an environment. For a request path org anizations/{org}/environments/{env}/sharedflows/{sf}/revisions/{rev}/deployme nts, two permissions are required: apigee.deployments.delete on the resource organizations/{org}/environments/{env} apigee.sharedflowrevisions.undeploy on the resource organizations/{org}/sharedflows/{sf}/revisions/{rev} (revisions.undeploy)


string $name

Required. Name of the shared flow revision to undeploy in the following format: organizations/{org}/environments/{env}/sharedflows/{sh aredflow}/revisions/{rev}

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value


