class BuyersClientsUsers extends Resource (View source)
The "users" collection of methods.
Typical usage is:
$authorizedbuyersmarketplaceService = new Google\Service\AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace(...);
$users = $authorizedbuyersmarketplaceService->buyers_clients_users;
Activates an existing client user. The state of the client user will be updated from "INACTIVE" to "ACTIVE". This method has no effect if the client user is already in "ACTIVE" state. An error will be returned if the client user to activate is still in "INVITED" state. (users.activate)
Creates a new client user in "INVITED" state. An email invitation will be sent to the new user, once accepted the user will become active.
Deactivates an existing client user. The state of the client user will be updated from "ACTIVE" to "INACTIVE". This method has no effect if the client user is already in "INACTIVE" state. An error will be returned if the client user to deactivate is still in "INVITED" state. (users.deactivate)
Deletes an existing client user. The client user will lose access to the Authorized Buyers UI. Note that if a client user is deleted, the user's access to the UI can't be restored unless a new client user is created and activated. (users.delete)
Retrieves an existing client user. (users.get)
Lists all client users for a specified client. (users.listBuyersClientsUsers)
activate(string $name, ActivateClientUserRequest $postBody, array $optParams = [])
Activates an existing client user. The state of the client user will be updated from "INACTIVE" to "ACTIVE". This method has no effect if the client user is already in "ACTIVE" state. An error will be returned if the client user to activate is still in "INVITED" state. (users.activate)
create(string $parent, ClientUser $postBody, array $optParams = [])
Creates a new client user in "INVITED" state. An email invitation will be sent to the new user, once accepted the user will become active.
deactivate(string $name, DeactivateClientUserRequest $postBody, array $optParams = [])
Deactivates an existing client user. The state of the client user will be updated from "ACTIVE" to "INACTIVE". This method has no effect if the client user is already in "INACTIVE" state. An error will be returned if the client user to deactivate is still in "INVITED" state. (users.deactivate)
delete(string $name, array $optParams = [])
Deletes an existing client user. The client user will lose access to the Authorized Buyers UI. Note that if a client user is deleted, the user's access to the UI can't be restored unless a new client user is created and activated. (users.delete)
get(string $name, array $optParams = [])
Retrieves an existing client user. (users.get)
listBuyersClientsUsers(string $parent, array $optParams = [])
Lists all client users for a specified client. (users.listBuyersClientsUsers)