class CoursesPosts extends Resource (View source)

The "posts" collection of methods.

Typical usage is:

 $classroomService = new Google\Service\Classroom(...);
 $posts = $classroomService->courses_posts;


getAddOnContext(string $courseId, string $postId, array $optParams = [])

Gets metadata for Classroom add-ons in the context of a specific post. To maintain the integrity of its own data and permissions model, an add-on should call this to validate query parameters and the requesting user's role whenever the add-on is opened in an iframe. This method returns the following error codes: PERMISSION_DENIED for access errors. INVALID_ARGUMENT if the request is malformed. * NOT_FOUND if one of the identified resources does not exist. (posts.getAddOnContext)


AddOnContext getAddOnContext(string $courseId, string $postId, array $optParams = [])

Gets metadata for Classroom add-ons in the context of a specific post. To maintain the integrity of its own data and permissions model, an add-on should call this to validate query parameters and the requesting user's role whenever the add-on is opened in an iframe. This method returns the following error codes: PERMISSION_DENIED for access errors. INVALID_ARGUMENT if the request is malformed. * NOT_FOUND if one of the identified resources does not exist. (posts.getAddOnContext)


string $courseId

Required. Identifier of the course.

string $postId

Optional. Deprecated, use item_id instead.

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value


