class GroupsMemberships extends Resource (View source)

The "memberships" collection of methods.

Typical usage is:

 $cloudidentityService = new Google\Service\CloudIdentity(...);
 $memberships = $cloudidentityService->groups_memberships;


checkTransitiveMembership(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Check a potential member for membership in a group. Note: This feature is only available to Google Workspace Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, and Enterprise for Education; and Cloud Identity Premium accounts. If the account of the member is not one of these, a 403 (PERMISSION_DENIED) HTTP status code will be returned. A member has membership to a group as long as there is a single viewable transitive membership between the group and the member. The actor must have view permissions to at least one transitive membership between the member and group. (memberships.checkTransitiveMembership)

create(string $parent, Membership $postBody, array $optParams = [])

Creates a Membership. (memberships.create)

delete(string $name, array $optParams = [])

Deletes a Membership. (memberships.delete)

get(string $name, array $optParams = [])

Retrieves a Membership. (memberships.get)

getMembershipGraph(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Get a membership graph of just a member or both a member and a group.

listGroupsMemberships(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Lists the Memberships within a Group. (memberships.listGroupsMemberships)

lookup(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Looks up the resource name of a Membership by its EntityKey. (memberships.lookup)

modifyMembershipRoles(string $name, ModifyMembershipRolesRequest $postBody, array $optParams = [])

Modifies the MembershipRoles of a Membership.

searchDirectGroups(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Searches direct groups of a member. (memberships.searchDirectGroups)

searchTransitiveGroups(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Search transitive groups of a member. Note: This feature is only available to Google Workspace Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, and Enterprise for Education; and Cloud Identity Premium accounts. If the account of the member is not one of these, a 403 (PERMISSION_DENIED) HTTP status code will be returned. A transitive group is any group that has a direct or indirect membership to the member. Actor must have view permissions all transitive groups. (memberships.searchTransitiveGroups)

searchTransitiveMemberships(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Search transitive memberships of a group. Note: This feature is only available to Google Workspace Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, and Enterprise for Education; and Cloud Identity Premium accounts. If the account of the group is not one of these, a 403 (PERMISSION_DENIED) HTTP status code will be returned. A transitive membership is any direct or indirect membership of a group. Actor must have view permissions to all transitive memberships. (memberships.searchTransitiveMemberships)


CheckTransitiveMembershipResponse checkTransitiveMembership(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Check a potential member for membership in a group. Note: This feature is only available to Google Workspace Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, and Enterprise for Education; and Cloud Identity Premium accounts. If the account of the member is not one of these, a 403 (PERMISSION_DENIED) HTTP status code will be returned. A member has membership to a group as long as there is a single viewable transitive membership between the group and the member. The actor must have view permissions to at least one transitive membership between the member and group. (memberships.checkTransitiveMembership)


string $parent

Resource name of the group to check the transitive membership in. Format: groups/{group}, where group is the unique id assigned to the Group to which the Membership belongs to.

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




Operation create(string $parent, Membership $postBody, array $optParams = [])

Creates a Membership. (memberships.create)


string $parent

Required. The parent Group resource under which to create the Membership. Must be of the form groups/{group}.

Membership $postBody
array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




Operation delete(string $name, array $optParams = [])

Deletes a Membership. (memberships.delete)


string $name

Required. The resource name of the Membership to delete. Must be of the form groups/{group}/memberships/{membership}

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




Membership get(string $name, array $optParams = [])

Retrieves a Membership. (memberships.get)


string $name

Required. The resource name of the Membership to retrieve. Must be of the form groups/{group}/memberships/{membership}.

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




Operation getMembershipGraph(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Get a membership graph of just a member or both a member and a group.

Note: This feature is only available to Google Workspace Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, and Enterprise for Education; and Cloud Identity Premium accounts. If the account of the member is not one of these, a 403 (PERMISSION_DENIED) HTTP status code will be returned. Given a member, the response will contain all membership paths from the member. Given both a group and a member, the response will contain all membership paths between the group and the member. (memberships.getMembershipGraph)


string $parent

Required. Resource name of the group to search transitive memberships in. Format: groups/{group}, where group is the unique ID assigned to the Group to which the Membership belongs to. group can be a wildcard collection id "-". When a group is specified, the membership graph will be constrained to paths between the member (defined in the query) and the parent. If a wildcard collection is provided, all membership paths connected to the member will be returned.

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




ListMembershipsResponse listGroupsMemberships(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Lists the Memberships within a Group. (memberships.listGroupsMemberships)


string $parent

Required. The parent Group resource under which to lookup the Membership name. Must be of the form groups/{group}.

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




LookupMembershipNameResponse lookup(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Looks up the resource name of a Membership by its EntityKey. (memberships.lookup)


string $parent

Required. The parent Group resource under which to lookup the Membership name. Must be of the form groups/{group}.

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




ModifyMembershipRolesResponse modifyMembershipRoles(string $name, ModifyMembershipRolesRequest $postBody, array $optParams = [])

Modifies the MembershipRoles of a Membership.



string $name

Required. The resource name of the Membership whose roles are to be modified. Must be of the form groups/{group}/memberships/{membership}.

ModifyMembershipRolesRequest $postBody
array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




SearchDirectGroupsResponse searchDirectGroups(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Searches direct groups of a member. (memberships.searchDirectGroups)


string $parent

Resource name of the group to search transitive memberships in. Format: groups/{group_id}, where group_id is always '-' as this API will search across all groups for a given member.

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




SearchTransitiveGroupsResponse searchTransitiveGroups(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Search transitive groups of a member. Note: This feature is only available to Google Workspace Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, and Enterprise for Education; and Cloud Identity Premium accounts. If the account of the member is not one of these, a 403 (PERMISSION_DENIED) HTTP status code will be returned. A transitive group is any group that has a direct or indirect membership to the member. Actor must have view permissions all transitive groups. (memberships.searchTransitiveGroups)


string $parent

Resource name of the group to search transitive memberships in. Format: groups/{group}, where group is always '-' as this API will search across all groups for a given member.

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




SearchTransitiveMembershipsResponse searchTransitiveMemberships(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Search transitive memberships of a group. Note: This feature is only available to Google Workspace Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, and Enterprise for Education; and Cloud Identity Premium accounts. If the account of the group is not one of these, a 403 (PERMISSION_DENIED) HTTP status code will be returned. A transitive membership is any direct or indirect membership of a group. Actor must have view permissions to all transitive memberships. (memberships.searchTransitiveMemberships)


string $parent

Resource name of the group to search transitive memberships in. Format: groups/{group}, where group is the unique ID assigned to the Group.

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value


