class ProjectsGroups extends Resource (View source)

The "groups" collection of methods.

Typical usage is:

 $clouderrorreportingService = new Google\Service\Clouderrorreporting(...);
 $groups = $clouderrorreportingService->projects_groups;


get(string $groupName, array $optParams = [])

Get the specified group. (groups.get)

update(string $name, ErrorGroup $postBody, array $optParams = [])

Replace the data for the specified group. Fails if the group does not exist.


ErrorGroup get(string $groupName, array $optParams = [])

Get the specified group. (groups.get)


string $groupName

Required. The group resource name. Written as either projects/{projectID}/groups/{group_id} or projects/{projectID}/locations/{location}/groups/{group_id}. Call groupStats.list to return a list of groups belonging to this project. Examples: projects/my-project-123/groups/my-group, projects/my- project-123/locations/global/groups/my-group In the group resource name, the group_id is a unique identifier for a particular error group. The identifier is derived from key parts of the error-log content and is treated as Service Data. For information about how Service Data is handled, see Google Cloud Privacy Notice. For a list of supported locations, see Supported Regions. global is the default when unspecified.

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




ErrorGroup update(string $name, ErrorGroup $postBody, array $optParams = [])

Replace the data for the specified group. Fails if the group does not exist.



string $name

The group resource name. Written as projects/{projectID}/groups/{group_id} or projects/{projectID}/locations/{location}/groups/{group_id} Examples: projects/my-project-123/groups/my-group, projects/my- project-123/locations/us-central1/groups/my-group In the group resource name, the group_id is a unique identifier for a particular error group. The identifier is derived from key parts of the error-log content and is treated as Service Data. For information about how Service Data is handled, see Google Cloud Privacy Notice. For a list of supported locations, see Supported Regions. global is the default when unspecified.

ErrorGroup $postBody
array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value


