class ProjectsIosApps extends Resource (View source)

The "iosApps" collection of methods.

Typical usage is:

 $firebaseService = new Google\Service\FirebaseManagement(...);
 $iosApps = $firebaseService->projects_iosApps;


create(string $parent, IosApp $postBody, array $optParams = [])

Requests the creation of a new IosApp in the specified FirebaseProject. The result of this call is an Operation which can be used to track the provisioning process. The Operation is automatically deleted after completion, so there is no need to call DeleteOperation. (iosApps.create)

get(string $name, array $optParams = [])

Gets the specified IosApp. (iosApps.get)

getConfig(string $name, array $optParams = [])

Gets the configuration artifact associated with the specified IosApp.

listProjectsIosApps(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Lists each IosApp associated with the specified FirebaseProject. The elements are returned in no particular order, but will be a consistent view of the Apps when additional requests are made with a pageToken.

patch(string $name, IosApp $postBody, array $optParams = [])

Updates the attributes of the specified IosApp. (iosApps.patch)

remove(string $name, RemoveIosAppRequest $postBody, array $optParams = [])

Removes the specified IosApp from the FirebaseProject. (iosApps.remove)

undelete(string $name, UndeleteIosAppRequest $postBody, array $optParams = [])

Restores the specified IosApp to the FirebaseProject. (iosApps.undelete)


Operation create(string $parent, IosApp $postBody, array $optParams = [])

Requests the creation of a new IosApp in the specified FirebaseProject. The result of this call is an Operation which can be used to track the provisioning process. The Operation is automatically deleted after completion, so there is no need to call DeleteOperation. (iosApps.create)


string $parent

The resource name of the parent FirebaseProject in which to create an IosApp, in the format: projects/PROJECT_IDENTIFIER/iosApps Refer to the FirebaseProject name field for details about PROJECT_IDENTIFIER values.

IosApp $postBody
array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




IosApp get(string $name, array $optParams = [])

Gets the specified IosApp. (iosApps.get)


string $name

The resource name of the IosApp, in the format: projects/PROJECT_IDENTIFIER /iosApps/APP_ID Since an APP_ID is a unique identifier, the Unique Resource from Sub-Collection access pattern may be used here, in the format: projects/-/iosApps/APP_ID Refer to the IosApp name field for details about PROJECT_IDENTIFIER and APP_ID values.

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




IosAppConfig getConfig(string $name, array $optParams = [])

Gets the configuration artifact associated with the specified IosApp.



string $name

The resource name of the App configuration to download, in the format: projects/PROJECT_IDENTIFIER/iosApps/APP_ID/config Since an APP_ID is a unique identifier, the Unique Resource from Sub-Collection access pattern may be used here, in the format: projects/-/iosApps/APP_ID Refer to the IosApp name field for details about PROJECT_IDENTIFIER and APP_ID values.

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




ListIosAppsResponse listProjectsIosApps(string $parent, array $optParams = [])

Lists each IosApp associated with the specified FirebaseProject. The elements are returned in no particular order, but will be a consistent view of the Apps when additional requests are made with a pageToken.



string $parent

The resource name of the parent FirebaseProject for which to list each associated IosApp, in the format: projects/PROJECT_IDENTIFIER/iosApps Refer to the FirebaseProject name field for details about PROJECT_IDENTIFIER values.

array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




IosApp patch(string $name, IosApp $postBody, array $optParams = [])

Updates the attributes of the specified IosApp. (iosApps.patch)


string $name

The resource name of the IosApp, in the format: projects/PROJECT_IDENTIFIER /iosApps/APP_ID * PROJECT_IDENTIFIER: the parent Project's ProjectNumber (recommended) or its ProjectId. Learn more about using project identifiers in Google's AIP 2510 standard. Note that the value for PROJECT_IDENTIFIER in any response body will be the ProjectId. * APP_ID: the globally unique, Firebase-assigned identifier for the App (see appId).

IosApp $postBody
array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




Operation remove(string $name, RemoveIosAppRequest $postBody, array $optParams = [])

Removes the specified IosApp from the FirebaseProject. (iosApps.remove)


string $name

Required. The resource name of the IosApp, in the format: projects/ PROJECT_IDENTIFIER/iosApps/APP_ID Since an APP_ID is a unique identifier, the Unique Resource from Sub-Collection access pattern may be used here, in the format: projects/-/iosApps/APP_ID Refer to the IosApp name field for details about PROJECT_IDENTIFIER and APP_ID values.

RemoveIosAppRequest $postBody
array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value




Operation undelete(string $name, UndeleteIosAppRequest $postBody, array $optParams = [])

Restores the specified IosApp to the FirebaseProject. (iosApps.undelete)


string $name

Required. The resource name of the IosApp, in the format: projects/ PROJECT_IDENTIFIER/iosApps/APP_ID Since an APP_ID is a unique identifier, the Unique Resource from Sub-Collection access pattern may be used here, in the format: projects/-/iosApps/APP_ID Refer to the IosApp name field for details about PROJECT_IDENTIFIER and APP_ID values.

UndeleteIosAppRequest $postBody
array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value


