class TestEnvironmentCatalog extends Resource (View source)
The "testEnvironmentCatalog" collection of methods.
Typical usage is:
$testingService = new Google\Service\Testing(...);
$testEnvironmentCatalog = $testingService->testEnvironmentCatalog;
get(string $environmentType, array $optParams = [])
Gets the catalog of supported test environments. May return any of the following canonical error codes: - INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the request is malformed - NOT_FOUND - if the environment type does not exist - INTERNAL - if an internal error occurred (testEnvironmentCatalog.get)
get(string $environmentType, array $optParams = [])
Gets the catalog of supported test environments. May return any of the following canonical error codes: - INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the request is malformed - NOT_FOUND - if the environment type does not exist - INTERNAL - if an internal error occurred (testEnvironmentCatalog.get)