class ThreatLists extends Resource (View source)

The "threatLists" collection of methods.

Typical usage is:

 $webriskService = new Google\Service\WebRisk(...);
 $threatLists = $webriskService->threatLists;


computeDiff(array $optParams = [])

Gets the most recent threat list diffs. These diffs should be applied to a local database of hashes to keep it up-to-date. If the local database is empty or excessively out-of-date, a complete snapshot of the database will be returned. This Method only updates a single ThreatList at a time. To update multiple ThreatList databases, this method needs to be called once for each list. (threatLists.computeDiff)


GoogleCloudWebriskV1ComputeThreatListDiffResponse computeDiff(array $optParams = [])

Gets the most recent threat list diffs. These diffs should be applied to a local database of hashes to keep it up-to-date. If the local database is empty or excessively out-of-date, a complete snapshot of the database will be returned. This Method only updates a single ThreatList at a time. To update multiple ThreatList databases, this method needs to be called once for each list. (threatLists.computeDiff)


array $optParams

Optional parameters.

Return Value


