Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle5AuthHandler::attachCredentials() — Method in class Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle5AuthHandler
Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle5AuthHandler::attachToken() — Method in class Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle5AuthHandler
Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle5AuthHandler::attachKey() — Method in class Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle5AuthHandler
Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler::attachCredentials() — Method in class Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler
Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler::attachToken() — Method in class Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler
Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler::attachKey() — Method in class Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler
Google_Client::authenticate() — Method in class Google_Client

For backwards compatibility alias for fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode

Google_Client::authorize() — Method in class Google_Client

Adds auth listeners to the HTTP client based on the credentials set in the Google API Client object

Google_Client::addScope() — Method in class Google_Client

This functions adds a scope to be requested as part of the OAuth2.0 flow.

Google_Http_Batch::add() — Method in class Google_Http_Batch
Google_Model::assertIsArray() — Method in class Google_Model

Verify if $obj is an array.

$ Google_Service#availableScopesProperty in class Google_Service
Google_Task_Runner::attempt() — Method in class Google_Task_Runner

Runs a task once, if possible. This is useful for bypassing the run() loop.

Google_Task_Runner::allowedRetries() — Method in class Google_Task_Runner

Gets the number of times the associated task can be retried.


Google_AuthHandler_AuthHandlerFactory::build() — Method in class Google_AuthHandler_AuthHandlerFactory

Builds out a default http handler for the installed version of guzzle.

$ Google_Service#batchPathProperty in class Google_Service


$ Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle5AuthHandler#cacheProperty in class Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle5AuthHandler
$ Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle5AuthHandler#cacheConfigProperty in class Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle5AuthHandler
$ Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler#cacheProperty in class Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler
$ Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler#cacheConfigProperty in class Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler
Google_Client::createAuthUrl() — Method in class Google_Client

Create a URL to obtain user authorization.

Google_Client::createOAuth2Service() — Method in class Google_Client

create a default google auth object

Google_Client::createDefaultLogger() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::createDefaultCache() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::createDefaultHttpClient() — Method in class Google_Client
$ Google_Collection#collection_keyProperty in class Google_Collection
Google_Collection::current() — Method in class Google_Collection
Google_Collection::count() — Method in class Google_Collection
Google_Service::createBatch() — Method in class Google_Service

Create a new HTTP Batch handler for this service

Google_Service_Resource::call() — Method in class Google_Service_Resource

TODO: This function needs simplifying.

Google_Service_Resource::convertToArrayAndStripNulls() — Method in class Google_Service_Resource
Google_Service_Resource::createRequestUri() — Method in class Google_Service_Resource

Parse/expand request parameters and create a fully qualified request uri.

Google_Task_Runner::canAttempt() — Method in class Google_Task_Runner

Checks if a retry can be attempted.

Google_Utils_UriTemplate::combine() — Method in class Google_Utils_UriTemplate


Google_Http_REST::doExecute() — Method in class Google_Http_REST

Executes a Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface

Google_Http_REST::decodeHttpResponse() — Method in class Google_Http_REST

Decode an HTTP Response.

Google_Model::dataType() — Method in class Google_Model


Google_Client::execute() — Method in class Google_Client

Helper method to execute deferred HTTP requests.

Google_Http_Batch::execute() — Method in class Google_Http_Batch
Google_Http_REST::execute() — Method in class Google_Http_REST

Executes a Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface and (if applicable) automatically retries when errors occur.

$ Google_Service_Exception#errorsProperty in class Google_Service_Exception

Optional list of errors returned in a JSON body of an HTTP error response.


Google_Client::fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode() — Method in class Google_Client

Attempt to exchange a code for an valid authentication token.

Google_Client::fetchAccessTokenWithAssertion() — Method in class Google_Client

Fetches a fresh access token with a given assertion token.

Google_Client::fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken() — Method in class Google_Client

Fetches a fresh OAuth 2.0 access token with the given refresh token.



Wrapper around Google Access Tokens which provides convenience functions


Wrapper around Google Access Tokens which provides convenience functions


This supports Guzzle 6


This supports Guzzle 7


The Google API Client https://github.com/google/google-api-php-client

Google_Client::getLibraryVersion() — Method in class Google_Client

Get a string containing the version of the library.

Google_Client::getAccessToken() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::getRefreshToken() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::getAuth() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::getClientId() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::getClientSecret() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::getRedirectUri() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::getScopes() — Method in class Google_Client

Returns the list of scopes requested by the client

Google_Client::getConfig() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::getOAuth2Service() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::getCache() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::getLogger() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::getHttpClient() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::getAuthHandler() — Method in class Google_Client

Extension to the regular Google_Model that automatically exposes the items array for iteration, so you can just iterate over the object rather than a reference inside.


Class to handle batched requests to the Google API service.


Manage large file uploads, which may be media but can be any type of sizable data.

Google_Http_MediaFileUpload::getProgress() — Method in class Google_Http_MediaFileUpload

Return the progress on the upload

Google_Http_MediaFileUpload::getHttpResultCode() — Method in class Google_Http_MediaFileUpload

Return the HTTP result code from the last call made.

Google_Http_MediaFileUpload::getUploadType() — Method in class Google_Http_MediaFileUpload

Valid upload types:

Google_Http_MediaFileUpload::getResumeUri() — Method in class Google_Http_MediaFileUpload
Google_Http_MediaFileUpload::getRequest() — Method in class Google_Http_MediaFileUpload

This class implements the RESTful transport of apiServiceRequest()'s


This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated from a given json schema.

Google_Model::gapiInit() — Method in class Google_Model

Blank initialiser to be used in subclasses to do post-construction initialisation - this avoids the need for subclasses to have to implement the variadics handling in their constructors.

Google_Service::getClient() — Method in class Google_Service

Return the associated Google_Client class.

Google_Service_Exception::getErrors() — Method in class Google_Service_Exception

An example of the possible errors returned.


Implements the actual methods/resources of the discovered Google API using magic function calling overloading (__call()), which on call will see if the method name (plus.activities.list) is available in this service, and if so construct an apiHttpRequest representing it.


Interface for checking how many times a given task can be retried following a failure.


A task runner with exponential backoff support.


Implementation of levels 1-3 of the URI Template spec.


Google_Client::isUsingApplicationDefaultCredentials() — Method in class Google_Client

To prevent useApplicationDefaultCredentials from inappropriately being called in a conditional

Google_Client::isAccessTokenExpired() — Method in class Google_Client

Returns if the access_token is expired.

Google_Client::isAppEngine() — Method in class Google_Client

Are we running in Google AppEngine? return bool

$ Google_Model#internal_gapi_mappingsProperty in class Google_Model
Google_Model::isAssociativeArray() — Method in class Google_Model

Returns true only if the array is associative.


Google_Collection::key() — Method in class Google_Collection
Google_Model::keyType() — Method in class Google_Model


$ Google_Model#modelDataProperty in class Google_Model
Google_Model::mapTypes() — Method in class Google_Model

Initialize this object's properties from an array.


Google_Collection::next() — Method in class Google_Collection
Google_Http_MediaFileUpload::nextChunk() — Method in class Google_Http_MediaFileUpload

Send the next part of the file to upload.


Google_Collection::offsetExists() — Method in class Google_Collection
Google_Collection::offsetGet() — Method in class Google_Collection
Google_Collection::offsetSet() — Method in class Google_Collection
Google_Collection::offsetUnset() — Method in class Google_Collection
Google_Model::offsetExists() — Method in class Google_Model
Google_Model::offsetGet() — Method in class Google_Model
Google_Model::offsetSet() — Method in class Google_Model
Google_Model::offsetUnset() — Method in class Google_Model


Google_Client::prepareScopes() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Http_Batch::parseResponse() — Method in class Google_Http_Batch
$ Google_Model#processedProperty in class Google_Model
Google_Utils_UriTemplate::parse() — Method in class Google_Utils_UriTemplate


Google_AccessToken_Revoke::revokeToken() — Method in class Google_AccessToken_Revoke

Revoke an OAuth2 access token or refresh token. This method will revoke the current access token, if a token isn't provided.

$ Google_Client#requestedScopesProperty in class Google_Client
Google_Client::refreshTokenWithAssertion() — Method in class Google_Client

For backwards compatibility alias for fetchAccessTokenWithAssertion

Google_Client::refreshToken() — Method in class Google_Client

For backwards compatibility alias for fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken

Google_Client::revokeToken() — Method in class Google_Client

Revoke an OAuth2 access token or refresh token. This method will revoke the current access token, if a token isn't provided.

Google_Collection::rewind() — Method in class Google_Collection
Google_Http_MediaFileUpload::resume() — Method in class Google_Http_MediaFileUpload

Resume a previously unfinished upload

$ Google_Service#rootUrlProperty in class Google_Service
$ Google_Service#resourceProperty in class Google_Service
$ Google_Task_Runner#retryMapProperty in class Google_Task_Runner
Google_Task_Runner::run() — Method in class Google_Task_Runner

Runs the task and (if applicable) automatically retries when errors occur.


Google_Client::setAccessToken() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the access token used for requests.

Google_Client::setAuth() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::setClientId() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the OAuth 2.0 Client ID.

Google_Client::setClientSecret() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the OAuth 2.0 Client Secret.

Google_Client::setRedirectUri() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URI.

Google_Client::setState() — Method in class Google_Client

Set OAuth 2.0 "state" parameter to achieve per-request customization.

Google_Client::setAccessType() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::setApprovalPrompt() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::setLoginHint() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the login hint, email address or sub id.

Google_Client::setApplicationName() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the application name, this is included in the User-Agent HTTP header.

Google_Client::setRequestVisibleActions() — Method in class Google_Client

If 'plus.login' is included in the list of requested scopes, you can use this method to define types of app activities that your app will write.

Google_Client::setDeveloperKey() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the developer key to use, these are obtained through the API Console.

Google_Client::setHostedDomain() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the hd (hosted domain) parameter streamlines the login process for Google Apps hosted accounts. By including the domain of the user, you restrict sign-in to accounts at that domain.

Google_Client::setPrompt() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the prompt hint. Valid values are none, consent and select_account.

Google_Client::setOpenidRealm() — Method in class Google_Client

openid.realm is a parameter from the OpenID 2.0 protocol, not from OAuth 2.0. It is used in OpenID 2.0 requests to signify the URL-space for which an authentication request is valid.

Google_Client::setIncludeGrantedScopes() — Method in class Google_Client

If this is provided with the value true, and the authorization request is granted, the authorization will include any previous authorizations granted to this user/application combination for other scopes.

Google_Client::setTokenCallback() — Method in class Google_Client

sets function to be called when an access token is fetched

Google_Client::setScopes() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the scopes to be requested. Must be called before createAuthUrl().

Google_Client::setUseBatch() — Method in class Google_Client

Declare whether batch calls should be used. This may increase throughput by making multiple requests in one connection.

Google_Client::setConfig() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::setAuthConfigFile() — Method in class Google_Client

For backwards compatibility alias for setAuthConfig

Google_Client::setAuthConfig() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the auth config from new or deprecated JSON config.

Google_Client::setSubject() — Method in class Google_Client

Use when the service account has been delegated domain wide access.

Google_Client::setDefer() — Method in class Google_Client

Declare whether making API calls should make the call immediately, or return a request which can be called with ->execute();

Google_Client::shouldDefer() — Method in class Google_Client

Whether or not to return raw requests

Google_Client::setCache() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the Cache object

Google_Client::setCacheConfig() — Method in class Google_Client
Google_Client::setLogger() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the Logger object

Google_Client::setHttpClient() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the Http Client object

Google_Client::setApiFormatV2() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the API format version.

Google_Http_MediaFileUpload::setFileSize() — Method in class Google_Http_MediaFileUpload

Set the size of the file that is being uploaded.

Google_Http_MediaFileUpload::setChunkSize() — Method in class Google_Http_MediaFileUpload
$ Google_Service#servicePathProperty in class Google_Service
Google_Task_Runner::setRetryMap() — Method in class Google_Task_Runner


Google_Model::toSimpleObject() — Method in class Google_Model

Create a simplified object suitable for straightforward conversion to JSON. This is relatively expensive due to the usage of reflection, but shouldn't be called a whole lot, and is the most straightforward way to filter.


Google_Client::useApplicationDefaultCredentials() — Method in class Google_Client

Set the configuration to use application default credentials for authentication


Google_AccessToken_Verify::verifyIdToken() — Method in class Google_AccessToken_Verify

Verifies an id token and returns the authenticated apiLoginTicket.

Google_Client::verifyIdToken() — Method in class Google_Client

Verify an id_token. This method will verify the current id_token, if one isn't provided.

Google_Collection::valid() — Method in class Google_Collection
$ Google_Service#versionProperty in class Google_Service


Google_AccessToken_Revoke::__construct() — Method in class Google_AccessToken_Revoke

Instantiates the class, but does not initiate the login flow, leaving it to the discretion of the caller.

Google_AccessToken_Verify::__construct() — Method in class Google_AccessToken_Verify

Instantiates the class, but does not initiate the login flow, leaving it to the discretion of the caller.

Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle5AuthHandler::__construct() — Method in class Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle5AuthHandler
Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler::__construct() — Method in class Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler
Google_Client::__construct() — Method in class Google_Client

Construct the Google Client.

Google_Http_Batch::__construct() — Method in class Google_Http_Batch
Google_Http_MediaFileUpload::__construct() — Method in class Google_Http_MediaFileUpload
Google_Model::__construct() — Method in class Google_Model

Polymorphic - accepts a variable number of arguments dependent on the type of the model subclass.

Google_Model::__get() — Method in class Google_Model

Getter that handles passthrough access to the data array, and lazy object creation.

Google_Model::__isset() — Method in class Google_Model
Google_Model::__unset() — Method in class Google_Model
Google_Service::__construct() — Method in class Google_Service
Google_Service_Exception::__construct() — Method in class Google_Service_Exception

Override default constructor to add the ability to set $errors and a retry map.

Google_Service_Resource::__construct() — Method in class Google_Service_Resource
Google_Task_Runner::__construct() — Method in class Google_Task_Runner

Creates a new task runner with exponential backoff support.