Ad Exchange Buyer API . performanceReport

Instance Methods


Close httplib2 connections.

list(accountId, endDateTime, startDateTime, maxResults=None, pageToken=None)

Retrieves the authenticated user's list of performance metrics.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
list(accountId, endDateTime, startDateTime, maxResults=None, pageToken=None)
Retrieves the authenticated user's list of performance metrics.

  accountId: string, The account id to get the reports. (required)
  endDateTime: string, The end time of the report in ISO 8601 timestamp format using UTC. (required)
  startDateTime: string, The start time of the report in ISO 8601 timestamp format using UTC. (required)
  maxResults: integer, Maximum number of entries returned on one result page. If not set, the default is 100. Optional.
  pageToken: string, A continuation token, used to page through performance reports. To retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken" from the previous response. Optional.

  An object of the form:

    { # The configuration data for an Ad Exchange performance report list.
  "kind": "adexchangebuyer#performanceReportList", # Resource type.
  "performanceReport": [ # A list of performance reports relevant for the account.
    { # The configuration data for an Ad Exchange performance report list.
      "bidRate": 3.14, # The number of bid responses with an ad.
      "bidRequestRate": 3.14, # The number of bid requests sent to your bidder.
      "calloutStatusRate": [ # Rate of various prefiltering statuses per match. Please refer to the callout-status-codes.txt file for different statuses.
      "cookieMatcherStatusRate": [ # Average QPS for cookie matcher operations.
      "creativeStatusRate": [ # Rate of ads with a given status. Please refer to the creative-status-codes.txt file for different statuses.
      "filteredBidRate": 3.14, # The number of bid responses that were filtered due to a policy violation or other errors.
      "hostedMatchStatusRate": [ # Average QPS for hosted match operations.
      "inventoryMatchRate": 3.14, # The number of potential queries based on your pretargeting settings.
      "kind": "adexchangebuyer#performanceReport", # Resource type.
      "latency50thPercentile": 3.14, # The 50th percentile round trip latency(ms) as perceived from Google servers for the duration period covered by the report.
      "latency85thPercentile": 3.14, # The 85th percentile round trip latency(ms) as perceived from Google servers for the duration period covered by the report.
      "latency95thPercentile": 3.14, # The 95th percentile round trip latency(ms) as perceived from Google servers for the duration period covered by the report.
      "noQuotaInRegion": 3.14, # Rate of various quota account statuses per quota check.
      "outOfQuota": 3.14, # Rate of various quota account statuses per quota check.
      "pixelMatchRequests": 3.14, # Average QPS for pixel match requests from clients.
      "pixelMatchResponses": 3.14, # Average QPS for pixel match responses from clients.
      "quotaConfiguredLimit": 3.14, # The configured quota limits for this account.
      "quotaThrottledLimit": 3.14, # The throttled quota limits for this account.
      "region": "A String", # The trading location of this data.
      "successfulRequestRate": 3.14, # The number of properly formed bid responses received by our servers within the deadline.
      "timestamp": "A String", # The unix timestamp of the starting time of this performance data.
      "unsuccessfulRequestRate": 3.14, # The number of bid responses that were unsuccessful due to timeouts, incorrect formatting, etc.