AdMob API . accounts . adSources

Instance Methods


Returns the adapters Resource.


Close httplib2 connections.

list(parent, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)

List the ad sources.


Retrieves the next page of results.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
list(parent, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)
List the ad sources.

  parent: string, Required. The parent which owns this collection of ad sources. Format: accounts/{publisher_id} (required)
  pageSize: integer, The maximum number of ad sources to return. If unspecified or 0, at most 10,000 ad sources will be returned. The maximum value is 20,000; values above 10,000 will be coerced to 20,000.
  pageToken: string, A page token, received from a previous `ListAdSources` call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Response for the ListAdSourcesRequest.
  "adSources": [ # The ad sources.
    { # Definition of a mediation ad source.
      "adSourceId": "A String", # ID of this ad source.
      "name": "A String", # Resource name of this ad source. Format is: accounts/{publisher_id}/adSources/{ad_source_id}
      "title": "A String", # Display name of this ad source.
  "nextPageToken": "A String", # Used to set the `page_token` in the `ListAdSourcesRequest` to retrieve the next page. If this field is omitted, there are no subsequent pages.
Retrieves the next page of results.

          previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
          previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

          A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
          page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.