AdSense Host API . accounts . adclients

Instance Methods


Close httplib2 connections.

get(accountId, adClientId)

Get information about one of the ad clients in the specified publisher's AdSense account.

list(accountId, maxResults=None, pageToken=None)

List all hosted ad clients in the specified hosted account.


Retrieves the next page of results.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
get(accountId, adClientId)
Get information about one of the ad clients in the specified publisher's AdSense account.

  accountId: string, Account which contains the ad client. (required)
  adClientId: string, Ad client to get. (required)

  An object of the form:

  "arcOptIn": True or False, # Whether this ad client is opted in to ARC.
  "id": "A String", # Unique identifier of this ad client.
  "kind": "adsensehost#adClient", # Kind of resource this is, in this case adsensehost#adClient.
  "productCode": "A String", # This ad client's product code, which corresponds to the PRODUCT_CODE report dimension.
  "supportsReporting": True or False, # Whether this ad client supports being reported on.
list(accountId, maxResults=None, pageToken=None)
List all hosted ad clients in the specified hosted account.

  accountId: string, Account for which to list ad clients. (required)
  maxResults: integer, The maximum number of ad clients to include in the response, used for paging.
  pageToken: string, A continuation token, used to page through ad clients. To retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken" from the previous response.

  An object of the form:

  "etag": "A String", # ETag of this response for caching purposes.
  "items": [ # The ad clients returned in this list response.
      "arcOptIn": True or False, # Whether this ad client is opted in to ARC.
      "id": "A String", # Unique identifier of this ad client.
      "kind": "adsensehost#adClient", # Kind of resource this is, in this case adsensehost#adClient.
      "productCode": "A String", # This ad client's product code, which corresponds to the PRODUCT_CODE report dimension.
      "supportsReporting": True or False, # Whether this ad client supports being reported on.
  "kind": "adsensehost#adClients", # Kind of list this is, in this case adsensehost#adClients.
  "nextPageToken": "A String", # Continuation token used to page through ad clients. To retrieve the next page of results, set the next request's "pageToken" value to this.
Retrieves the next page of results.

          previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
          previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

          A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
          page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.