Vertex AI API . endpoints

Instance Methods


Close httplib2 connections.

computeTokens(endpoint, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Return a list of tokens based on the input text.

countTokens(endpoint, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Perform a token counting.

generateContent(model, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Generate content with multimodal inputs.

streamGenerateContent(model, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Generate content with multimodal inputs with streaming support.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
computeTokens(endpoint, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Return a list of tokens based on the input text.

  endpoint: string, Required. The name of the Endpoint requested to get lists of tokens and token ids. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Request message for ComputeTokens RPC call.
  "contents": [ # Optional. Input content.
    { # The base structured datatype containing multi-part content of a message. A `Content` includes a `role` field designating the producer of the `Content` and a `parts` field containing multi-part data that contains the content of the message turn.
      "parts": [ # Required. Ordered `Parts` that constitute a single message. Parts may have different IANA MIME types.
        { # A datatype containing media that is part of a multi-part `Content` message. A `Part` consists of data which has an associated datatype. A `Part` can only contain one of the accepted types in ``. A `Part` must have a fixed IANA MIME type identifying the type and subtype of the media if `inline_data` or `file_data` field is filled with raw bytes.
          "fileData": { # URI based data. # Optional. URI based data.
            "fileUri": "A String", # Required. URI.
            "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
          "functionCall": { # A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing the parameters and their values. # Optional. A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] with the parameters and their values.
            "args": { # Optional. Required. The function parameters and values in JSON object format. See [FunctionDeclaration.parameters] for parameter details.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
            "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [].
          "functionResponse": { # The result output from a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function is used as context to the model. This should contain the result of a [FunctionCall] made based on model prediction. # Optional. The result output of a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function call. It is used as context to the model.
            "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [] and [].
            "response": { # Required. The function response in JSON object format. Use "output" key to specify function output and "error" key to specify error details (if any). If "output" and "error" keys are not specified, then whole "response" is treated as function output.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
          "inlineData": { # Content blob. It's preferred to send as text directly rather than raw bytes. # Optional. Inlined bytes data.
            "data": "A String", # Required. Raw bytes.
            "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
          "text": "A String", # Optional. Text part (can be code).
          "videoMetadata": { # Metadata describes the input video content. # Optional. Video metadata. The metadata should only be specified while the video data is presented in inline_data or file_data.
            "endOffset": "A String", # Optional. The end offset of the video.
            "startOffset": "A String", # Optional. The start offset of the video.
      "role": "A String", # Optional. The producer of the content. Must be either 'user' or 'model'. Useful to set for multi-turn conversations, otherwise can be left blank or unset.
  "instances": [ # Optional. The instances that are the input to token computing API call. Schema is identical to the prediction schema of the text model, even for the non-text models, like chat models, or Codey models.
  "model": "A String", # Optional. The name of the publisher model requested to serve the prediction. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/publishers/*/models/*

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Response message for ComputeTokens RPC call.
  "tokensInfo": [ # Lists of tokens info from the input. A ComputeTokensRequest could have multiple instances with a prompt in each instance. We also need to return lists of tokens info for the request with multiple instances.
    { # Tokens info with a list of tokens and the corresponding list of token ids.
      "role": "A String", # Optional. Optional fields for the role from the corresponding Content.
      "tokenIds": [ # A list of token ids from the input.
        "A String",
      "tokens": [ # A list of tokens from the input.
        "A String",
countTokens(endpoint, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Perform a token counting.

  endpoint: string, Required. The name of the Endpoint requested to perform token counting. Format: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/endpoints/{endpoint}` (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Request message for PredictionService.CountTokens.
  "contents": [ # Optional. Input content.
    { # The base structured datatype containing multi-part content of a message. A `Content` includes a `role` field designating the producer of the `Content` and a `parts` field containing multi-part data that contains the content of the message turn.
      "parts": [ # Required. Ordered `Parts` that constitute a single message. Parts may have different IANA MIME types.
        { # A datatype containing media that is part of a multi-part `Content` message. A `Part` consists of data which has an associated datatype. A `Part` can only contain one of the accepted types in ``. A `Part` must have a fixed IANA MIME type identifying the type and subtype of the media if `inline_data` or `file_data` field is filled with raw bytes.
          "fileData": { # URI based data. # Optional. URI based data.
            "fileUri": "A String", # Required. URI.
            "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
          "functionCall": { # A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing the parameters and their values. # Optional. A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] with the parameters and their values.
            "args": { # Optional. Required. The function parameters and values in JSON object format. See [FunctionDeclaration.parameters] for parameter details.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
            "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [].
          "functionResponse": { # The result output from a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function is used as context to the model. This should contain the result of a [FunctionCall] made based on model prediction. # Optional. The result output of a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function call. It is used as context to the model.
            "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [] and [].
            "response": { # Required. The function response in JSON object format. Use "output" key to specify function output and "error" key to specify error details (if any). If "output" and "error" keys are not specified, then whole "response" is treated as function output.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
          "inlineData": { # Content blob. It's preferred to send as text directly rather than raw bytes. # Optional. Inlined bytes data.
            "data": "A String", # Required. Raw bytes.
            "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
          "text": "A String", # Optional. Text part (can be code).
          "videoMetadata": { # Metadata describes the input video content. # Optional. Video metadata. The metadata should only be specified while the video data is presented in inline_data or file_data.
            "endOffset": "A String", # Optional. The end offset of the video.
            "startOffset": "A String", # Optional. The start offset of the video.
      "role": "A String", # Optional. The producer of the content. Must be either 'user' or 'model'. Useful to set for multi-turn conversations, otherwise can be left blank or unset.
  "instances": [ # Optional. The instances that are the input to token counting call. Schema is identical to the prediction schema of the underlying model.
  "model": "A String", # Optional. The name of the publisher model requested to serve the prediction. Format: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/publishers/*/models/*`
  "systemInstruction": { # The base structured datatype containing multi-part content of a message. A `Content` includes a `role` field designating the producer of the `Content` and a `parts` field containing multi-part data that contains the content of the message turn. # Optional. The user provided system instructions for the model. Note: only text should be used in parts and content in each part will be in a separate paragraph.
    "parts": [ # Required. Ordered `Parts` that constitute a single message. Parts may have different IANA MIME types.
      { # A datatype containing media that is part of a multi-part `Content` message. A `Part` consists of data which has an associated datatype. A `Part` can only contain one of the accepted types in ``. A `Part` must have a fixed IANA MIME type identifying the type and subtype of the media if `inline_data` or `file_data` field is filled with raw bytes.
        "fileData": { # URI based data. # Optional. URI based data.
          "fileUri": "A String", # Required. URI.
          "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
        "functionCall": { # A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing the parameters and their values. # Optional. A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] with the parameters and their values.
          "args": { # Optional. Required. The function parameters and values in JSON object format. See [FunctionDeclaration.parameters] for parameter details.
            "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
          "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [].
        "functionResponse": { # The result output from a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function is used as context to the model. This should contain the result of a [FunctionCall] made based on model prediction. # Optional. The result output of a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function call. It is used as context to the model.
          "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [] and [].
          "response": { # Required. The function response in JSON object format. Use "output" key to specify function output and "error" key to specify error details (if any). If "output" and "error" keys are not specified, then whole "response" is treated as function output.
            "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
        "inlineData": { # Content blob. It's preferred to send as text directly rather than raw bytes. # Optional. Inlined bytes data.
          "data": "A String", # Required. Raw bytes.
          "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
        "text": "A String", # Optional. Text part (can be code).
        "videoMetadata": { # Metadata describes the input video content. # Optional. Video metadata. The metadata should only be specified while the video data is presented in inline_data or file_data.
          "endOffset": "A String", # Optional. The end offset of the video.
          "startOffset": "A String", # Optional. The start offset of the video.
    "role": "A String", # Optional. The producer of the content. Must be either 'user' or 'model'. Useful to set for multi-turn conversations, otherwise can be left blank or unset.
  "tools": [ # Optional. A list of `Tools` the model may use to generate the next response. A `Tool` is a piece of code that enables the system to interact with external systems to perform an action, or set of actions, outside of knowledge and scope of the model.
    { # Tool details that the model may use to generate response. A `Tool` is a piece of code that enables the system to interact with external systems to perform an action, or set of actions, outside of knowledge and scope of the model. A Tool object should contain exactly one type of Tool (e.g FunctionDeclaration, Retrieval or GoogleSearchRetrieval).
      "functionDeclarations": [ # Optional. Function tool type. One or more function declarations to be passed to the model along with the current user query. Model may decide to call a subset of these functions by populating FunctionCall in the response. User should provide a FunctionResponse for each function call in the next turn. Based on the function responses, Model will generate the final response back to the user. Maximum 64 function declarations can be provided.
        { # Structured representation of a function declaration as defined by the [OpenAPI 3.0 specification]( Included in this declaration are the function name and parameters. This FunctionDeclaration is a representation of a block of code that can be used as a `Tool` by the model and executed by the client.
          "description": "A String", # Optional. Description and purpose of the function. Model uses it to decide how and whether to call the function.
          "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Must start with a letter or an underscore. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores, dots and dashes, with a maximum length of 64.
          "parameters": { # Schema is used to define the format of input/output data. Represents a select subset of an [OpenAPI 3.0 schema object]( More fields may be added in the future as needed. # Optional. Describes the parameters to this function in JSON Schema Object format. Reflects the Open API 3.03 Parameter Object. string Key: the name of the parameter. Parameter names are case sensitive. Schema Value: the Schema defining the type used for the parameter. For function with no parameters, this can be left unset. Parameter names must start with a letter or an underscore and must only contain chars a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or underscores with a maximum length of 64. Example with 1 required and 1 optional parameter: type: OBJECT properties: param1: type: STRING param2: type: INTEGER required: - param1
            "default": "", # Optional. Default value of the data.
            "description": "A String", # Optional. The description of the data.
            "enum": [ # Optional. Possible values of the element of Type.STRING with enum format. For example we can define an Enum Direction as : {type:STRING, format:enum, enum:["EAST", NORTH", "SOUTH", "WEST"]}
              "A String",
            "example": "", # Optional. Example of the object. Will only populated when the object is the root.
            "format": "A String", # Optional. The format of the data. Supported formats: for NUMBER type: "float", "double" for INTEGER type: "int32", "int64" for STRING type: "email", "byte", etc
            "items": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE ARRAY Schema of the elements of Type.ARRAY.
            "maxItems": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
            "maxLength": "A String", # Optional. Maximum length of the Type.STRING
            "maxProperties": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
            "maximum": 3.14, # Optional. Maximum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
            "minItems": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
            "minLength": "A String", # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE STRING Minimum length of the Type.STRING
            "minProperties": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
            "minimum": 3.14, # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE INTEGER and NUMBER Minimum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
            "nullable": True or False, # Optional. Indicates if the value may be null.
            "pattern": "A String", # Optional. Pattern of the Type.STRING to restrict a string to a regular expression.
            "properties": { # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE OBJECT Properties of Type.OBJECT.
              "a_key": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema
            "required": [ # Optional. Required properties of Type.OBJECT.
              "A String",
            "title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the Schema.
            "type": "A String", # Optional. The type of the data.
          "response": { # Schema is used to define the format of input/output data. Represents a select subset of an [OpenAPI 3.0 schema object]( More fields may be added in the future as needed. # Optional. Describes the output from this function in JSON Schema format. Reflects the Open API 3.03 Response Object. The Schema defines the type used for the response value of the function.
            "default": "", # Optional. Default value of the data.
            "description": "A String", # Optional. The description of the data.
            "enum": [ # Optional. Possible values of the element of Type.STRING with enum format. For example we can define an Enum Direction as : {type:STRING, format:enum, enum:["EAST", NORTH", "SOUTH", "WEST"]}
              "A String",
            "example": "", # Optional. Example of the object. Will only populated when the object is the root.
            "format": "A String", # Optional. The format of the data. Supported formats: for NUMBER type: "float", "double" for INTEGER type: "int32", "int64" for STRING type: "email", "byte", etc
            "items": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE ARRAY Schema of the elements of Type.ARRAY.
            "maxItems": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
            "maxLength": "A String", # Optional. Maximum length of the Type.STRING
            "maxProperties": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
            "maximum": 3.14, # Optional. Maximum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
            "minItems": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
            "minLength": "A String", # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE STRING Minimum length of the Type.STRING
            "minProperties": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
            "minimum": 3.14, # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE INTEGER and NUMBER Minimum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
            "nullable": True or False, # Optional. Indicates if the value may be null.
            "pattern": "A String", # Optional. Pattern of the Type.STRING to restrict a string to a regular expression.
            "properties": { # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE OBJECT Properties of Type.OBJECT.
              "a_key": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema
            "required": [ # Optional. Required properties of Type.OBJECT.
              "A String",
            "title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the Schema.
            "type": "A String", # Optional. The type of the data.
      "googleSearchRetrieval": { # Tool to retrieve public web data for grounding, powered by Google. # Optional. GoogleSearchRetrieval tool type. Specialized retrieval tool that is powered by Google search.
      "retrieval": { # Defines a retrieval tool that model can call to access external knowledge. # Optional. Retrieval tool type. System will always execute the provided retrieval tool(s) to get external knowledge to answer the prompt. Retrieval results are presented to the model for generation.
        "disableAttribution": True or False, # Optional. Deprecated. This option is no longer supported.
        "vertexAiSearch": { # Retrieve from Vertex AI Search datastore for grounding. See # Set to use data source powered by Vertex AI Search.
          "datastore": "A String", # Required. Fully-qualified Vertex AI Search data store resource ID. Format: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/collections/{collection}/dataStores/{dataStore}`
        "vertexRagStore": { # Retrieve from Vertex RAG Store for grounding. # Set to use data source powered by Vertex RAG store. User data is uploaded via the VertexRagDataService.
          "ragCorpora": [ # Optional. Deprecated. Please use rag_resources instead.
            "A String",
          "ragResources": [ # Optional. The representation of the rag source. It can be used to specify corpus only or ragfiles. Currently only support one corpus or multiple files from one corpus. In the future we may open up multiple corpora support.
            { # The definition of the Rag resource.
              "ragCorpus": "A String", # Optional. RagCorpora resource name. Format: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/ragCorpora/{rag_corpus}`
              "ragFileIds": [ # Optional. rag_file_id. The files should be in the same rag_corpus set in rag_corpus field.
                "A String",
          "similarityTopK": 42, # Optional. Number of top k results to return from the selected corpora.
          "vectorDistanceThreshold": 3.14, # Optional. Only return results with vector distance smaller than the threshold.

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Response message for PredictionService.CountTokens.
  "totalBillableCharacters": 42, # The total number of billable characters counted across all instances from the request.
  "totalTokens": 42, # The total number of tokens counted across all instances from the request.
generateContent(model, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Generate content with multimodal inputs.

  model: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the publisher model or tuned model endpoint to use. Publisher model format: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/publishers/*/models/*` Tuned model endpoint format: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/endpoints/{endpoint}` (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Request message for [PredictionService.GenerateContent].
  "contents": [ # Required. The content of the current conversation with the model. For single-turn queries, this is a single instance. For multi-turn queries, this is a repeated field that contains conversation history + latest request.
    { # The base structured datatype containing multi-part content of a message. A `Content` includes a `role` field designating the producer of the `Content` and a `parts` field containing multi-part data that contains the content of the message turn.
      "parts": [ # Required. Ordered `Parts` that constitute a single message. Parts may have different IANA MIME types.
        { # A datatype containing media that is part of a multi-part `Content` message. A `Part` consists of data which has an associated datatype. A `Part` can only contain one of the accepted types in ``. A `Part` must have a fixed IANA MIME type identifying the type and subtype of the media if `inline_data` or `file_data` field is filled with raw bytes.
          "fileData": { # URI based data. # Optional. URI based data.
            "fileUri": "A String", # Required. URI.
            "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
          "functionCall": { # A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing the parameters and their values. # Optional. A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] with the parameters and their values.
            "args": { # Optional. Required. The function parameters and values in JSON object format. See [FunctionDeclaration.parameters] for parameter details.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
            "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [].
          "functionResponse": { # The result output from a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function is used as context to the model. This should contain the result of a [FunctionCall] made based on model prediction. # Optional. The result output of a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function call. It is used as context to the model.
            "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [] and [].
            "response": { # Required. The function response in JSON object format. Use "output" key to specify function output and "error" key to specify error details (if any). If "output" and "error" keys are not specified, then whole "response" is treated as function output.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
          "inlineData": { # Content blob. It's preferred to send as text directly rather than raw bytes. # Optional. Inlined bytes data.
            "data": "A String", # Required. Raw bytes.
            "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
          "text": "A String", # Optional. Text part (can be code).
          "videoMetadata": { # Metadata describes the input video content. # Optional. Video metadata. The metadata should only be specified while the video data is presented in inline_data or file_data.
            "endOffset": "A String", # Optional. The end offset of the video.
            "startOffset": "A String", # Optional. The start offset of the video.
      "role": "A String", # Optional. The producer of the content. Must be either 'user' or 'model'. Useful to set for multi-turn conversations, otherwise can be left blank or unset.
  "generationConfig": { # Generation config. # Optional. Generation config.
    "candidateCount": 42, # Optional. Number of candidates to generate.
    "frequencyPenalty": 3.14, # Optional. Frequency penalties.
    "maxOutputTokens": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of output tokens to generate per message.
    "presencePenalty": 3.14, # Optional. Positive penalties.
    "responseMimeType": "A String", # Optional. Output response mimetype of the generated candidate text. Supported mimetype: - `text/plain`: (default) Text output. - `application/json`: JSON response in the candidates. The model needs to be prompted to output the appropriate response type, otherwise the behavior is undefined. This is a preview feature.
    "responseSchema": { # Schema is used to define the format of input/output data. Represents a select subset of an [OpenAPI 3.0 schema object]( More fields may be added in the future as needed. # Optional. The `Schema` object allows the definition of input and output data types. These types can be objects, but also primitives and arrays. Represents a select subset of an [OpenAPI 3.0 schema object]( If set, a compatible response_mime_type must also be set. Compatible mimetypes: `application/json`: Schema for JSON response.
      "default": "", # Optional. Default value of the data.
      "description": "A String", # Optional. The description of the data.
      "enum": [ # Optional. Possible values of the element of Type.STRING with enum format. For example we can define an Enum Direction as : {type:STRING, format:enum, enum:["EAST", NORTH", "SOUTH", "WEST"]}
        "A String",
      "example": "", # Optional. Example of the object. Will only populated when the object is the root.
      "format": "A String", # Optional. The format of the data. Supported formats: for NUMBER type: "float", "double" for INTEGER type: "int32", "int64" for STRING type: "email", "byte", etc
      "items": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE ARRAY Schema of the elements of Type.ARRAY.
      "maxItems": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
      "maxLength": "A String", # Optional. Maximum length of the Type.STRING
      "maxProperties": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
      "maximum": 3.14, # Optional. Maximum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
      "minItems": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
      "minLength": "A String", # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE STRING Minimum length of the Type.STRING
      "minProperties": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
      "minimum": 3.14, # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE INTEGER and NUMBER Minimum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
      "nullable": True or False, # Optional. Indicates if the value may be null.
      "pattern": "A String", # Optional. Pattern of the Type.STRING to restrict a string to a regular expression.
      "properties": { # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE OBJECT Properties of Type.OBJECT.
        "a_key": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema
      "required": [ # Optional. Required properties of Type.OBJECT.
        "A String",
      "title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the Schema.
      "type": "A String", # Optional. The type of the data.
    "routingConfig": { # The configuration for routing the request to a specific model. # Optional. Routing configuration.
      "autoMode": { # When automated routing is specified, the routing will be determined by the pretrained routing model and customer provided model routing preference. # Automated routing.
        "modelRoutingPreference": "A String", # The model routing preference.
      "manualMode": { # When manual routing is set, the specified model will be used directly. # Manual routing.
        "modelName": "A String", # The model name to use. Only the public LLM models are accepted. e.g. 'gemini-1.5-pro-001'.
    "seed": 42, # Optional. Seed.
    "stopSequences": [ # Optional. Stop sequences.
      "A String",
    "temperature": 3.14, # Optional. Controls the randomness of predictions.
    "topK": 3.14, # Optional. If specified, top-k sampling will be used.
    "topP": 3.14, # Optional. If specified, nucleus sampling will be used.
  "safetySettings": [ # Optional. Per request settings for blocking unsafe content. Enforced on GenerateContentResponse.candidates.
    { # Safety settings.
      "category": "A String", # Required. Harm category.
      "method": "A String", # Optional. Specify if the threshold is used for probability or severity score. If not specified, the threshold is used for probability score.
      "threshold": "A String", # Required. The harm block threshold.
  "systemInstruction": { # The base structured datatype containing multi-part content of a message. A `Content` includes a `role` field designating the producer of the `Content` and a `parts` field containing multi-part data that contains the content of the message turn. # Optional. The user provided system instructions for the model. Note: only text should be used in parts and content in each part will be in a separate paragraph.
    "parts": [ # Required. Ordered `Parts` that constitute a single message. Parts may have different IANA MIME types.
      { # A datatype containing media that is part of a multi-part `Content` message. A `Part` consists of data which has an associated datatype. A `Part` can only contain one of the accepted types in ``. A `Part` must have a fixed IANA MIME type identifying the type and subtype of the media if `inline_data` or `file_data` field is filled with raw bytes.
        "fileData": { # URI based data. # Optional. URI based data.
          "fileUri": "A String", # Required. URI.
          "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
        "functionCall": { # A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing the parameters and their values. # Optional. A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] with the parameters and their values.
          "args": { # Optional. Required. The function parameters and values in JSON object format. See [FunctionDeclaration.parameters] for parameter details.
            "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
          "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [].
        "functionResponse": { # The result output from a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function is used as context to the model. This should contain the result of a [FunctionCall] made based on model prediction. # Optional. The result output of a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function call. It is used as context to the model.
          "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [] and [].
          "response": { # Required. The function response in JSON object format. Use "output" key to specify function output and "error" key to specify error details (if any). If "output" and "error" keys are not specified, then whole "response" is treated as function output.
            "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
        "inlineData": { # Content blob. It's preferred to send as text directly rather than raw bytes. # Optional. Inlined bytes data.
          "data": "A String", # Required. Raw bytes.
          "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
        "text": "A String", # Optional. Text part (can be code).
        "videoMetadata": { # Metadata describes the input video content. # Optional. Video metadata. The metadata should only be specified while the video data is presented in inline_data or file_data.
          "endOffset": "A String", # Optional. The end offset of the video.
          "startOffset": "A String", # Optional. The start offset of the video.
    "role": "A String", # Optional. The producer of the content. Must be either 'user' or 'model'. Useful to set for multi-turn conversations, otherwise can be left blank or unset.
  "toolConfig": { # Tool config. This config is shared for all tools provided in the request. # Optional. Tool config. This config is shared for all tools provided in the request.
    "functionCallingConfig": { # Function calling config. # Optional. Function calling config.
      "allowedFunctionNames": [ # Optional. Function names to call. Only set when the Mode is ANY. Function names should match []. With mode set to ANY, model will predict a function call from the set of function names provided.
        "A String",
      "mode": "A String", # Optional. Function calling mode.
  "tools": [ # Optional. A list of `Tools` the model may use to generate the next response. A `Tool` is a piece of code that enables the system to interact with external systems to perform an action, or set of actions, outside of knowledge and scope of the model.
    { # Tool details that the model may use to generate response. A `Tool` is a piece of code that enables the system to interact with external systems to perform an action, or set of actions, outside of knowledge and scope of the model. A Tool object should contain exactly one type of Tool (e.g FunctionDeclaration, Retrieval or GoogleSearchRetrieval).
      "functionDeclarations": [ # Optional. Function tool type. One or more function declarations to be passed to the model along with the current user query. Model may decide to call a subset of these functions by populating FunctionCall in the response. User should provide a FunctionResponse for each function call in the next turn. Based on the function responses, Model will generate the final response back to the user. Maximum 64 function declarations can be provided.
        { # Structured representation of a function declaration as defined by the [OpenAPI 3.0 specification]( Included in this declaration are the function name and parameters. This FunctionDeclaration is a representation of a block of code that can be used as a `Tool` by the model and executed by the client.
          "description": "A String", # Optional. Description and purpose of the function. Model uses it to decide how and whether to call the function.
          "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Must start with a letter or an underscore. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores, dots and dashes, with a maximum length of 64.
          "parameters": { # Schema is used to define the format of input/output data. Represents a select subset of an [OpenAPI 3.0 schema object]( More fields may be added in the future as needed. # Optional. Describes the parameters to this function in JSON Schema Object format. Reflects the Open API 3.03 Parameter Object. string Key: the name of the parameter. Parameter names are case sensitive. Schema Value: the Schema defining the type used for the parameter. For function with no parameters, this can be left unset. Parameter names must start with a letter or an underscore and must only contain chars a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or underscores with a maximum length of 64. Example with 1 required and 1 optional parameter: type: OBJECT properties: param1: type: STRING param2: type: INTEGER required: - param1
            "default": "", # Optional. Default value of the data.
            "description": "A String", # Optional. The description of the data.
            "enum": [ # Optional. Possible values of the element of Type.STRING with enum format. For example we can define an Enum Direction as : {type:STRING, format:enum, enum:["EAST", NORTH", "SOUTH", "WEST"]}
              "A String",
            "example": "", # Optional. Example of the object. Will only populated when the object is the root.
            "format": "A String", # Optional. The format of the data. Supported formats: for NUMBER type: "float", "double" for INTEGER type: "int32", "int64" for STRING type: "email", "byte", etc
            "items": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE ARRAY Schema of the elements of Type.ARRAY.
            "maxItems": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
            "maxLength": "A String", # Optional. Maximum length of the Type.STRING
            "maxProperties": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
            "maximum": 3.14, # Optional. Maximum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
            "minItems": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
            "minLength": "A String", # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE STRING Minimum length of the Type.STRING
            "minProperties": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
            "minimum": 3.14, # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE INTEGER and NUMBER Minimum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
            "nullable": True or False, # Optional. Indicates if the value may be null.
            "pattern": "A String", # Optional. Pattern of the Type.STRING to restrict a string to a regular expression.
            "properties": { # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE OBJECT Properties of Type.OBJECT.
              "a_key": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema
            "required": [ # Optional. Required properties of Type.OBJECT.
              "A String",
            "title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the Schema.
            "type": "A String", # Optional. The type of the data.
          "response": { # Schema is used to define the format of input/output data. Represents a select subset of an [OpenAPI 3.0 schema object]( More fields may be added in the future as needed. # Optional. Describes the output from this function in JSON Schema format. Reflects the Open API 3.03 Response Object. The Schema defines the type used for the response value of the function.
            "default": "", # Optional. Default value of the data.
            "description": "A String", # Optional. The description of the data.
            "enum": [ # Optional. Possible values of the element of Type.STRING with enum format. For example we can define an Enum Direction as : {type:STRING, format:enum, enum:["EAST", NORTH", "SOUTH", "WEST"]}
              "A String",
            "example": "", # Optional. Example of the object. Will only populated when the object is the root.
            "format": "A String", # Optional. The format of the data. Supported formats: for NUMBER type: "float", "double" for INTEGER type: "int32", "int64" for STRING type: "email", "byte", etc
            "items": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE ARRAY Schema of the elements of Type.ARRAY.
            "maxItems": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
            "maxLength": "A String", # Optional. Maximum length of the Type.STRING
            "maxProperties": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
            "maximum": 3.14, # Optional. Maximum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
            "minItems": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
            "minLength": "A String", # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE STRING Minimum length of the Type.STRING
            "minProperties": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
            "minimum": 3.14, # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE INTEGER and NUMBER Minimum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
            "nullable": True or False, # Optional. Indicates if the value may be null.
            "pattern": "A String", # Optional. Pattern of the Type.STRING to restrict a string to a regular expression.
            "properties": { # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE OBJECT Properties of Type.OBJECT.
              "a_key": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema
            "required": [ # Optional. Required properties of Type.OBJECT.
              "A String",
            "title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the Schema.
            "type": "A String", # Optional. The type of the data.
      "googleSearchRetrieval": { # Tool to retrieve public web data for grounding, powered by Google. # Optional. GoogleSearchRetrieval tool type. Specialized retrieval tool that is powered by Google search.
      "retrieval": { # Defines a retrieval tool that model can call to access external knowledge. # Optional. Retrieval tool type. System will always execute the provided retrieval tool(s) to get external knowledge to answer the prompt. Retrieval results are presented to the model for generation.
        "disableAttribution": True or False, # Optional. Deprecated. This option is no longer supported.
        "vertexAiSearch": { # Retrieve from Vertex AI Search datastore for grounding. See # Set to use data source powered by Vertex AI Search.
          "datastore": "A String", # Required. Fully-qualified Vertex AI Search data store resource ID. Format: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/collections/{collection}/dataStores/{dataStore}`
        "vertexRagStore": { # Retrieve from Vertex RAG Store for grounding. # Set to use data source powered by Vertex RAG store. User data is uploaded via the VertexRagDataService.
          "ragCorpora": [ # Optional. Deprecated. Please use rag_resources instead.
            "A String",
          "ragResources": [ # Optional. The representation of the rag source. It can be used to specify corpus only or ragfiles. Currently only support one corpus or multiple files from one corpus. In the future we may open up multiple corpora support.
            { # The definition of the Rag resource.
              "ragCorpus": "A String", # Optional. RagCorpora resource name. Format: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/ragCorpora/{rag_corpus}`
              "ragFileIds": [ # Optional. rag_file_id. The files should be in the same rag_corpus set in rag_corpus field.
                "A String",
          "similarityTopK": 42, # Optional. Number of top k results to return from the selected corpora.
          "vectorDistanceThreshold": 3.14, # Optional. Only return results with vector distance smaller than the threshold.

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Response message for [PredictionService.GenerateContent].
  "candidates": [ # Output only. Generated candidates.
    { # A response candidate generated from the model.
      "avgLogprobs": 3.14, # Output only. Average log probability score of the candidate.
      "citationMetadata": { # A collection of source attributions for a piece of content. # Output only. Source attribution of the generated content.
        "citations": [ # Output only. List of citations.
          { # Source attributions for content.
            "endIndex": 42, # Output only. End index into the content.
            "license": "A String", # Output only. License of the attribution.
            "publicationDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # Output only. Publication date of the attribution.
              "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
              "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
              "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
            "startIndex": 42, # Output only. Start index into the content.
            "title": "A String", # Output only. Title of the attribution.
            "uri": "A String", # Output only. Url reference of the attribution.
      "content": { # The base structured datatype containing multi-part content of a message. A `Content` includes a `role` field designating the producer of the `Content` and a `parts` field containing multi-part data that contains the content of the message turn. # Output only. Content parts of the candidate.
        "parts": [ # Required. Ordered `Parts` that constitute a single message. Parts may have different IANA MIME types.
          { # A datatype containing media that is part of a multi-part `Content` message. A `Part` consists of data which has an associated datatype. A `Part` can only contain one of the accepted types in ``. A `Part` must have a fixed IANA MIME type identifying the type and subtype of the media if `inline_data` or `file_data` field is filled with raw bytes.
            "fileData": { # URI based data. # Optional. URI based data.
              "fileUri": "A String", # Required. URI.
              "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
            "functionCall": { # A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing the parameters and their values. # Optional. A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] with the parameters and their values.
              "args": { # Optional. Required. The function parameters and values in JSON object format. See [FunctionDeclaration.parameters] for parameter details.
                "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
              "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [].
            "functionResponse": { # The result output from a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function is used as context to the model. This should contain the result of a [FunctionCall] made based on model prediction. # Optional. The result output of a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function call. It is used as context to the model.
              "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [] and [].
              "response": { # Required. The function response in JSON object format. Use "output" key to specify function output and "error" key to specify error details (if any). If "output" and "error" keys are not specified, then whole "response" is treated as function output.
                "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
            "inlineData": { # Content blob. It's preferred to send as text directly rather than raw bytes. # Optional. Inlined bytes data.
              "data": "A String", # Required. Raw bytes.
              "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
            "text": "A String", # Optional. Text part (can be code).
            "videoMetadata": { # Metadata describes the input video content. # Optional. Video metadata. The metadata should only be specified while the video data is presented in inline_data or file_data.
              "endOffset": "A String", # Optional. The end offset of the video.
              "startOffset": "A String", # Optional. The start offset of the video.
        "role": "A String", # Optional. The producer of the content. Must be either 'user' or 'model'. Useful to set for multi-turn conversations, otherwise can be left blank or unset.
      "finishMessage": "A String", # Output only. Describes the reason the mode stopped generating tokens in more detail. This is only filled when `finish_reason` is set.
      "finishReason": "A String", # Output only. The reason why the model stopped generating tokens. If empty, the model has not stopped generating the tokens.
      "groundingMetadata": { # Metadata returned to client when grounding is enabled. # Output only. Metadata specifies sources used to ground generated content.
        "groundingChunks": [ # List of supporting references retrieved from specified grounding source.
          { # Grounding chunk.
            "retrievedContext": { # Chunk from context retrieved by the retrieval tools. # Grounding chunk from context retrieved by the retrieval tools.
              "title": "A String", # Title of the attribution.
              "uri": "A String", # URI reference of the attribution.
            "web": { # Chunk from the web. # Grounding chunk from the web.
              "title": "A String", # Title of the chunk.
              "uri": "A String", # URI reference of the chunk.
        "groundingSupports": [ # Optional. List of grounding support.
          { # Grounding support.
            "confidenceScores": [ # Confidence score of the support references. Ranges from 0 to 1. 1 is the most confident. This list must have the same size as the grounding_chunk_indices.
            "groundingChunkIndices": [ # A list of indices (into 'grounding_chunk') specifying the citations associated with the claim. For instance [1,3,4] means that grounding_chunk[1], grounding_chunk[3], grounding_chunk[4] are the retrieved content attributed to the claim.
            "segment": { # Segment of the content. # Segment of the content this support belongs to.
              "endIndex": 42, # Output only. End index in the given Part, measured in bytes. Offset from the start of the Part, exclusive, starting at zero.
              "partIndex": 42, # Output only. The index of a Part object within its parent Content object.
              "startIndex": 42, # Output only. Start index in the given Part, measured in bytes. Offset from the start of the Part, inclusive, starting at zero.
              "text": "A String", # Output only. The text corresponding to the segment from the response.
        "searchEntryPoint": { # Google search entry point. # Optional. Google search entry for the following-up web searches.
          "renderedContent": "A String", # Optional. Web content snippet that can be embedded in a web page or an app webview.
          "sdkBlob": "A String", # Optional. Base64 encoded JSON representing array of tuple.
        "webSearchQueries": [ # Optional. Web search queries for the following-up web search.
          "A String",
      "index": 42, # Output only. Index of the candidate.
      "safetyRatings": [ # Output only. List of ratings for the safety of a response candidate. There is at most one rating per category.
        { # Safety rating corresponding to the generated content.
          "blocked": True or False, # Output only. Indicates whether the content was filtered out because of this rating.
          "category": "A String", # Output only. Harm category.
          "probability": "A String", # Output only. Harm probability levels in the content.
          "probabilityScore": 3.14, # Output only. Harm probability score.
          "severity": "A String", # Output only. Harm severity levels in the content.
          "severityScore": 3.14, # Output only. Harm severity score.
  "promptFeedback": { # Content filter results for a prompt sent in the request. # Output only. Content filter results for a prompt sent in the request. Note: Sent only in the first stream chunk. Only happens when no candidates were generated due to content violations.
    "blockReason": "A String", # Output only. Blocked reason.
    "blockReasonMessage": "A String", # Output only. A readable block reason message.
    "safetyRatings": [ # Output only. Safety ratings.
      { # Safety rating corresponding to the generated content.
        "blocked": True or False, # Output only. Indicates whether the content was filtered out because of this rating.
        "category": "A String", # Output only. Harm category.
        "probability": "A String", # Output only. Harm probability levels in the content.
        "probabilityScore": 3.14, # Output only. Harm probability score.
        "severity": "A String", # Output only. Harm severity levels in the content.
        "severityScore": 3.14, # Output only. Harm severity score.
  "usageMetadata": { # Usage metadata about response(s). # Usage metadata about the response(s).
    "candidatesTokenCount": 42, # Number of tokens in the response(s).
    "promptTokenCount": 42, # Number of tokens in the request. When `cached_content` is set, this is still the total effective prompt size meaning this includes the number of tokens in the cached content.
    "totalTokenCount": 42, # Total token count for prompt and response candidates.
streamGenerateContent(model, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Generate content with multimodal inputs with streaming support.

  model: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the publisher model or tuned model endpoint to use. Publisher model format: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/publishers/*/models/*` Tuned model endpoint format: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/endpoints/{endpoint}` (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Request message for [PredictionService.GenerateContent].
  "contents": [ # Required. The content of the current conversation with the model. For single-turn queries, this is a single instance. For multi-turn queries, this is a repeated field that contains conversation history + latest request.
    { # The base structured datatype containing multi-part content of a message. A `Content` includes a `role` field designating the producer of the `Content` and a `parts` field containing multi-part data that contains the content of the message turn.
      "parts": [ # Required. Ordered `Parts` that constitute a single message. Parts may have different IANA MIME types.
        { # A datatype containing media that is part of a multi-part `Content` message. A `Part` consists of data which has an associated datatype. A `Part` can only contain one of the accepted types in ``. A `Part` must have a fixed IANA MIME type identifying the type and subtype of the media if `inline_data` or `file_data` field is filled with raw bytes.
          "fileData": { # URI based data. # Optional. URI based data.
            "fileUri": "A String", # Required. URI.
            "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
          "functionCall": { # A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing the parameters and their values. # Optional. A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] with the parameters and their values.
            "args": { # Optional. Required. The function parameters and values in JSON object format. See [FunctionDeclaration.parameters] for parameter details.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
            "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [].
          "functionResponse": { # The result output from a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function is used as context to the model. This should contain the result of a [FunctionCall] made based on model prediction. # Optional. The result output of a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function call. It is used as context to the model.
            "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [] and [].
            "response": { # Required. The function response in JSON object format. Use "output" key to specify function output and "error" key to specify error details (if any). If "output" and "error" keys are not specified, then whole "response" is treated as function output.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
          "inlineData": { # Content blob. It's preferred to send as text directly rather than raw bytes. # Optional. Inlined bytes data.
            "data": "A String", # Required. Raw bytes.
            "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
          "text": "A String", # Optional. Text part (can be code).
          "videoMetadata": { # Metadata describes the input video content. # Optional. Video metadata. The metadata should only be specified while the video data is presented in inline_data or file_data.
            "endOffset": "A String", # Optional. The end offset of the video.
            "startOffset": "A String", # Optional. The start offset of the video.
      "role": "A String", # Optional. The producer of the content. Must be either 'user' or 'model'. Useful to set for multi-turn conversations, otherwise can be left blank or unset.
  "generationConfig": { # Generation config. # Optional. Generation config.
    "candidateCount": 42, # Optional. Number of candidates to generate.
    "frequencyPenalty": 3.14, # Optional. Frequency penalties.
    "maxOutputTokens": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of output tokens to generate per message.
    "presencePenalty": 3.14, # Optional. Positive penalties.
    "responseMimeType": "A String", # Optional. Output response mimetype of the generated candidate text. Supported mimetype: - `text/plain`: (default) Text output. - `application/json`: JSON response in the candidates. The model needs to be prompted to output the appropriate response type, otherwise the behavior is undefined. This is a preview feature.
    "responseSchema": { # Schema is used to define the format of input/output data. Represents a select subset of an [OpenAPI 3.0 schema object]( More fields may be added in the future as needed. # Optional. The `Schema` object allows the definition of input and output data types. These types can be objects, but also primitives and arrays. Represents a select subset of an [OpenAPI 3.0 schema object]( If set, a compatible response_mime_type must also be set. Compatible mimetypes: `application/json`: Schema for JSON response.
      "default": "", # Optional. Default value of the data.
      "description": "A String", # Optional. The description of the data.
      "enum": [ # Optional. Possible values of the element of Type.STRING with enum format. For example we can define an Enum Direction as : {type:STRING, format:enum, enum:["EAST", NORTH", "SOUTH", "WEST"]}
        "A String",
      "example": "", # Optional. Example of the object. Will only populated when the object is the root.
      "format": "A String", # Optional. The format of the data. Supported formats: for NUMBER type: "float", "double" for INTEGER type: "int32", "int64" for STRING type: "email", "byte", etc
      "items": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE ARRAY Schema of the elements of Type.ARRAY.
      "maxItems": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
      "maxLength": "A String", # Optional. Maximum length of the Type.STRING
      "maxProperties": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
      "maximum": 3.14, # Optional. Maximum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
      "minItems": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
      "minLength": "A String", # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE STRING Minimum length of the Type.STRING
      "minProperties": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
      "minimum": 3.14, # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE INTEGER and NUMBER Minimum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
      "nullable": True or False, # Optional. Indicates if the value may be null.
      "pattern": "A String", # Optional. Pattern of the Type.STRING to restrict a string to a regular expression.
      "properties": { # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE OBJECT Properties of Type.OBJECT.
        "a_key": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema
      "required": [ # Optional. Required properties of Type.OBJECT.
        "A String",
      "title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the Schema.
      "type": "A String", # Optional. The type of the data.
    "routingConfig": { # The configuration for routing the request to a specific model. # Optional. Routing configuration.
      "autoMode": { # When automated routing is specified, the routing will be determined by the pretrained routing model and customer provided model routing preference. # Automated routing.
        "modelRoutingPreference": "A String", # The model routing preference.
      "manualMode": { # When manual routing is set, the specified model will be used directly. # Manual routing.
        "modelName": "A String", # The model name to use. Only the public LLM models are accepted. e.g. 'gemini-1.5-pro-001'.
    "seed": 42, # Optional. Seed.
    "stopSequences": [ # Optional. Stop sequences.
      "A String",
    "temperature": 3.14, # Optional. Controls the randomness of predictions.
    "topK": 3.14, # Optional. If specified, top-k sampling will be used.
    "topP": 3.14, # Optional. If specified, nucleus sampling will be used.
  "safetySettings": [ # Optional. Per request settings for blocking unsafe content. Enforced on GenerateContentResponse.candidates.
    { # Safety settings.
      "category": "A String", # Required. Harm category.
      "method": "A String", # Optional. Specify if the threshold is used for probability or severity score. If not specified, the threshold is used for probability score.
      "threshold": "A String", # Required. The harm block threshold.
  "systemInstruction": { # The base structured datatype containing multi-part content of a message. A `Content` includes a `role` field designating the producer of the `Content` and a `parts` field containing multi-part data that contains the content of the message turn. # Optional. The user provided system instructions for the model. Note: only text should be used in parts and content in each part will be in a separate paragraph.
    "parts": [ # Required. Ordered `Parts` that constitute a single message. Parts may have different IANA MIME types.
      { # A datatype containing media that is part of a multi-part `Content` message. A `Part` consists of data which has an associated datatype. A `Part` can only contain one of the accepted types in ``. A `Part` must have a fixed IANA MIME type identifying the type and subtype of the media if `inline_data` or `file_data` field is filled with raw bytes.
        "fileData": { # URI based data. # Optional. URI based data.
          "fileUri": "A String", # Required. URI.
          "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
        "functionCall": { # A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing the parameters and their values. # Optional. A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] with the parameters and their values.
          "args": { # Optional. Required. The function parameters and values in JSON object format. See [FunctionDeclaration.parameters] for parameter details.
            "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
          "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [].
        "functionResponse": { # The result output from a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function is used as context to the model. This should contain the result of a [FunctionCall] made based on model prediction. # Optional. The result output of a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function call. It is used as context to the model.
          "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [] and [].
          "response": { # Required. The function response in JSON object format. Use "output" key to specify function output and "error" key to specify error details (if any). If "output" and "error" keys are not specified, then whole "response" is treated as function output.
            "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
        "inlineData": { # Content blob. It's preferred to send as text directly rather than raw bytes. # Optional. Inlined bytes data.
          "data": "A String", # Required. Raw bytes.
          "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
        "text": "A String", # Optional. Text part (can be code).
        "videoMetadata": { # Metadata describes the input video content. # Optional. Video metadata. The metadata should only be specified while the video data is presented in inline_data or file_data.
          "endOffset": "A String", # Optional. The end offset of the video.
          "startOffset": "A String", # Optional. The start offset of the video.
    "role": "A String", # Optional. The producer of the content. Must be either 'user' or 'model'. Useful to set for multi-turn conversations, otherwise can be left blank or unset.
  "toolConfig": { # Tool config. This config is shared for all tools provided in the request. # Optional. Tool config. This config is shared for all tools provided in the request.
    "functionCallingConfig": { # Function calling config. # Optional. Function calling config.
      "allowedFunctionNames": [ # Optional. Function names to call. Only set when the Mode is ANY. Function names should match []. With mode set to ANY, model will predict a function call from the set of function names provided.
        "A String",
      "mode": "A String", # Optional. Function calling mode.
  "tools": [ # Optional. A list of `Tools` the model may use to generate the next response. A `Tool` is a piece of code that enables the system to interact with external systems to perform an action, or set of actions, outside of knowledge and scope of the model.
    { # Tool details that the model may use to generate response. A `Tool` is a piece of code that enables the system to interact with external systems to perform an action, or set of actions, outside of knowledge and scope of the model. A Tool object should contain exactly one type of Tool (e.g FunctionDeclaration, Retrieval or GoogleSearchRetrieval).
      "functionDeclarations": [ # Optional. Function tool type. One or more function declarations to be passed to the model along with the current user query. Model may decide to call a subset of these functions by populating FunctionCall in the response. User should provide a FunctionResponse for each function call in the next turn. Based on the function responses, Model will generate the final response back to the user. Maximum 64 function declarations can be provided.
        { # Structured representation of a function declaration as defined by the [OpenAPI 3.0 specification]( Included in this declaration are the function name and parameters. This FunctionDeclaration is a representation of a block of code that can be used as a `Tool` by the model and executed by the client.
          "description": "A String", # Optional. Description and purpose of the function. Model uses it to decide how and whether to call the function.
          "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Must start with a letter or an underscore. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores, dots and dashes, with a maximum length of 64.
          "parameters": { # Schema is used to define the format of input/output data. Represents a select subset of an [OpenAPI 3.0 schema object]( More fields may be added in the future as needed. # Optional. Describes the parameters to this function in JSON Schema Object format. Reflects the Open API 3.03 Parameter Object. string Key: the name of the parameter. Parameter names are case sensitive. Schema Value: the Schema defining the type used for the parameter. For function with no parameters, this can be left unset. Parameter names must start with a letter or an underscore and must only contain chars a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or underscores with a maximum length of 64. Example with 1 required and 1 optional parameter: type: OBJECT properties: param1: type: STRING param2: type: INTEGER required: - param1
            "default": "", # Optional. Default value of the data.
            "description": "A String", # Optional. The description of the data.
            "enum": [ # Optional. Possible values of the element of Type.STRING with enum format. For example we can define an Enum Direction as : {type:STRING, format:enum, enum:["EAST", NORTH", "SOUTH", "WEST"]}
              "A String",
            "example": "", # Optional. Example of the object. Will only populated when the object is the root.
            "format": "A String", # Optional. The format of the data. Supported formats: for NUMBER type: "float", "double" for INTEGER type: "int32", "int64" for STRING type: "email", "byte", etc
            "items": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE ARRAY Schema of the elements of Type.ARRAY.
            "maxItems": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
            "maxLength": "A String", # Optional. Maximum length of the Type.STRING
            "maxProperties": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
            "maximum": 3.14, # Optional. Maximum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
            "minItems": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
            "minLength": "A String", # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE STRING Minimum length of the Type.STRING
            "minProperties": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
            "minimum": 3.14, # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE INTEGER and NUMBER Minimum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
            "nullable": True or False, # Optional. Indicates if the value may be null.
            "pattern": "A String", # Optional. Pattern of the Type.STRING to restrict a string to a regular expression.
            "properties": { # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE OBJECT Properties of Type.OBJECT.
              "a_key": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema
            "required": [ # Optional. Required properties of Type.OBJECT.
              "A String",
            "title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the Schema.
            "type": "A String", # Optional. The type of the data.
          "response": { # Schema is used to define the format of input/output data. Represents a select subset of an [OpenAPI 3.0 schema object]( More fields may be added in the future as needed. # Optional. Describes the output from this function in JSON Schema format. Reflects the Open API 3.03 Response Object. The Schema defines the type used for the response value of the function.
            "default": "", # Optional. Default value of the data.
            "description": "A String", # Optional. The description of the data.
            "enum": [ # Optional. Possible values of the element of Type.STRING with enum format. For example we can define an Enum Direction as : {type:STRING, format:enum, enum:["EAST", NORTH", "SOUTH", "WEST"]}
              "A String",
            "example": "", # Optional. Example of the object. Will only populated when the object is the root.
            "format": "A String", # Optional. The format of the data. Supported formats: for NUMBER type: "float", "double" for INTEGER type: "int32", "int64" for STRING type: "email", "byte", etc
            "items": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE ARRAY Schema of the elements of Type.ARRAY.
            "maxItems": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
            "maxLength": "A String", # Optional. Maximum length of the Type.STRING
            "maxProperties": "A String", # Optional. Maximum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
            "maximum": 3.14, # Optional. Maximum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
            "minItems": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the elements for Type.ARRAY.
            "minLength": "A String", # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE STRING Minimum length of the Type.STRING
            "minProperties": "A String", # Optional. Minimum number of the properties for Type.OBJECT.
            "minimum": 3.14, # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE INTEGER and NUMBER Minimum value of the Type.INTEGER and Type.NUMBER
            "nullable": True or False, # Optional. Indicates if the value may be null.
            "pattern": "A String", # Optional. Pattern of the Type.STRING to restrict a string to a regular expression.
            "properties": { # Optional. SCHEMA FIELDS FOR TYPE OBJECT Properties of Type.OBJECT.
              "a_key": # Object with schema name: GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema
            "required": [ # Optional. Required properties of Type.OBJECT.
              "A String",
            "title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the Schema.
            "type": "A String", # Optional. The type of the data.
      "googleSearchRetrieval": { # Tool to retrieve public web data for grounding, powered by Google. # Optional. GoogleSearchRetrieval tool type. Specialized retrieval tool that is powered by Google search.
      "retrieval": { # Defines a retrieval tool that model can call to access external knowledge. # Optional. Retrieval tool type. System will always execute the provided retrieval tool(s) to get external knowledge to answer the prompt. Retrieval results are presented to the model for generation.
        "disableAttribution": True or False, # Optional. Deprecated. This option is no longer supported.
        "vertexAiSearch": { # Retrieve from Vertex AI Search datastore for grounding. See # Set to use data source powered by Vertex AI Search.
          "datastore": "A String", # Required. Fully-qualified Vertex AI Search data store resource ID. Format: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/collections/{collection}/dataStores/{dataStore}`
        "vertexRagStore": { # Retrieve from Vertex RAG Store for grounding. # Set to use data source powered by Vertex RAG store. User data is uploaded via the VertexRagDataService.
          "ragCorpora": [ # Optional. Deprecated. Please use rag_resources instead.
            "A String",
          "ragResources": [ # Optional. The representation of the rag source. It can be used to specify corpus only or ragfiles. Currently only support one corpus or multiple files from one corpus. In the future we may open up multiple corpora support.
            { # The definition of the Rag resource.
              "ragCorpus": "A String", # Optional. RagCorpora resource name. Format: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/ragCorpora/{rag_corpus}`
              "ragFileIds": [ # Optional. rag_file_id. The files should be in the same rag_corpus set in rag_corpus field.
                "A String",
          "similarityTopK": 42, # Optional. Number of top k results to return from the selected corpora.
          "vectorDistanceThreshold": 3.14, # Optional. Only return results with vector distance smaller than the threshold.

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Response message for [PredictionService.GenerateContent].
  "candidates": [ # Output only. Generated candidates.
    { # A response candidate generated from the model.
      "avgLogprobs": 3.14, # Output only. Average log probability score of the candidate.
      "citationMetadata": { # A collection of source attributions for a piece of content. # Output only. Source attribution of the generated content.
        "citations": [ # Output only. List of citations.
          { # Source attributions for content.
            "endIndex": 42, # Output only. End index into the content.
            "license": "A String", # Output only. License of the attribution.
            "publicationDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # Output only. Publication date of the attribution.
              "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
              "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
              "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
            "startIndex": 42, # Output only. Start index into the content.
            "title": "A String", # Output only. Title of the attribution.
            "uri": "A String", # Output only. Url reference of the attribution.
      "content": { # The base structured datatype containing multi-part content of a message. A `Content` includes a `role` field designating the producer of the `Content` and a `parts` field containing multi-part data that contains the content of the message turn. # Output only. Content parts of the candidate.
        "parts": [ # Required. Ordered `Parts` that constitute a single message. Parts may have different IANA MIME types.
          { # A datatype containing media that is part of a multi-part `Content` message. A `Part` consists of data which has an associated datatype. A `Part` can only contain one of the accepted types in ``. A `Part` must have a fixed IANA MIME type identifying the type and subtype of the media if `inline_data` or `file_data` field is filled with raw bytes.
            "fileData": { # URI based data. # Optional. URI based data.
              "fileUri": "A String", # Required. URI.
              "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
            "functionCall": { # A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing the parameters and their values. # Optional. A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] with the parameters and their values.
              "args": { # Optional. Required. The function parameters and values in JSON object format. See [FunctionDeclaration.parameters] for parameter details.
                "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
              "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [].
            "functionResponse": { # The result output from a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function is used as context to the model. This should contain the result of a [FunctionCall] made based on model prediction. # Optional. The result output of a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function call. It is used as context to the model.
              "name": "A String", # Required. The name of the function to call. Matches [] and [].
              "response": { # Required. The function response in JSON object format. Use "output" key to specify function output and "error" key to specify error details (if any). If "output" and "error" keys are not specified, then whole "response" is treated as function output.
                "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
            "inlineData": { # Content blob. It's preferred to send as text directly rather than raw bytes. # Optional. Inlined bytes data.
              "data": "A String", # Required. Raw bytes.
              "mimeType": "A String", # Required. The IANA standard MIME type of the source data.
            "text": "A String", # Optional. Text part (can be code).
            "videoMetadata": { # Metadata describes the input video content. # Optional. Video metadata. The metadata should only be specified while the video data is presented in inline_data or file_data.
              "endOffset": "A String", # Optional. The end offset of the video.
              "startOffset": "A String", # Optional. The start offset of the video.
        "role": "A String", # Optional. The producer of the content. Must be either 'user' or 'model'. Useful to set for multi-turn conversations, otherwise can be left blank or unset.
      "finishMessage": "A String", # Output only. Describes the reason the mode stopped generating tokens in more detail. This is only filled when `finish_reason` is set.
      "finishReason": "A String", # Output only. The reason why the model stopped generating tokens. If empty, the model has not stopped generating the tokens.
      "groundingMetadata": { # Metadata returned to client when grounding is enabled. # Output only. Metadata specifies sources used to ground generated content.
        "groundingChunks": [ # List of supporting references retrieved from specified grounding source.
          { # Grounding chunk.
            "retrievedContext": { # Chunk from context retrieved by the retrieval tools. # Grounding chunk from context retrieved by the retrieval tools.
              "title": "A String", # Title of the attribution.
              "uri": "A String", # URI reference of the attribution.
            "web": { # Chunk from the web. # Grounding chunk from the web.
              "title": "A String", # Title of the chunk.
              "uri": "A String", # URI reference of the chunk.
        "groundingSupports": [ # Optional. List of grounding support.
          { # Grounding support.
            "confidenceScores": [ # Confidence score of the support references. Ranges from 0 to 1. 1 is the most confident. This list must have the same size as the grounding_chunk_indices.
            "groundingChunkIndices": [ # A list of indices (into 'grounding_chunk') specifying the citations associated with the claim. For instance [1,3,4] means that grounding_chunk[1], grounding_chunk[3], grounding_chunk[4] are the retrieved content attributed to the claim.
            "segment": { # Segment of the content. # Segment of the content this support belongs to.
              "endIndex": 42, # Output only. End index in the given Part, measured in bytes. Offset from the start of the Part, exclusive, starting at zero.
              "partIndex": 42, # Output only. The index of a Part object within its parent Content object.
              "startIndex": 42, # Output only. Start index in the given Part, measured in bytes. Offset from the start of the Part, inclusive, starting at zero.
              "text": "A String", # Output only. The text corresponding to the segment from the response.
        "searchEntryPoint": { # Google search entry point. # Optional. Google search entry for the following-up web searches.
          "renderedContent": "A String", # Optional. Web content snippet that can be embedded in a web page or an app webview.
          "sdkBlob": "A String", # Optional. Base64 encoded JSON representing array of tuple.
        "webSearchQueries": [ # Optional. Web search queries for the following-up web search.
          "A String",
      "index": 42, # Output only. Index of the candidate.
      "safetyRatings": [ # Output only. List of ratings for the safety of a response candidate. There is at most one rating per category.
        { # Safety rating corresponding to the generated content.
          "blocked": True or False, # Output only. Indicates whether the content was filtered out because of this rating.
          "category": "A String", # Output only. Harm category.
          "probability": "A String", # Output only. Harm probability levels in the content.
          "probabilityScore": 3.14, # Output only. Harm probability score.
          "severity": "A String", # Output only. Harm severity levels in the content.
          "severityScore": 3.14, # Output only. Harm severity score.
  "promptFeedback": { # Content filter results for a prompt sent in the request. # Output only. Content filter results for a prompt sent in the request. Note: Sent only in the first stream chunk. Only happens when no candidates were generated due to content violations.
    "blockReason": "A String", # Output only. Blocked reason.
    "blockReasonMessage": "A String", # Output only. A readable block reason message.
    "safetyRatings": [ # Output only. Safety ratings.
      { # Safety rating corresponding to the generated content.
        "blocked": True or False, # Output only. Indicates whether the content was filtered out because of this rating.
        "category": "A String", # Output only. Harm category.
        "probability": "A String", # Output only. Harm probability levels in the content.
        "probabilityScore": 3.14, # Output only. Harm probability score.
        "severity": "A String", # Output only. Harm severity levels in the content.
        "severityScore": 3.14, # Output only. Harm severity score.
  "usageMetadata": { # Usage metadata about response(s). # Usage metadata about the response(s).
    "candidatesTokenCount": 42, # Number of tokens in the response(s).
    "promptTokenCount": 42, # Number of tokens in the request. When `cached_content` is set, this is still the total effective prompt size meaning this includes the number of tokens in the cached content.
    "totalTokenCount": 42, # Total token count for prompt and response candidates.