Google Analytics Admin API . properties . audiences

Instance Methods

archive(name, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Archives an Audience on a property.


Close httplib2 connections.

create(parent, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Creates an Audience.

get(name, x__xgafv=None)

Lookup for a single Audience. Audiences created before 2020 may not be supported. Default audiences will not show filter definitions.

list(parent, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)

Lists Audiences on a property. Audiences created before 2020 may not be supported. Default audiences will not show filter definitions.


Retrieves the next page of results.

patch(name, body=None, updateMask=None, x__xgafv=None)

Updates an Audience on a property.

Method Details

archive(name, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Archives an Audience on a property.

  name: string, Required. Example format: properties/1234/audiences/5678 (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Request message for ArchiveAudience RPC.

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); }
Close httplib2 connections.
create(parent, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Creates an Audience.

  parent: string, Required. Example format: properties/1234 (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # A resource message representing a GA4 Audience.
  "adsPersonalizationEnabled": True or False, # Output only. It is automatically set by GA to false if this is an NPA Audience and is excluded from ads personalization.
  "description": "A String", # Required. The description of the Audience.
  "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the Audience.
  "eventTrigger": { # Specifies an event to log when a user joins the Audience. # Optional. Specifies an event to log when a user joins the Audience. If not set, no event is logged when a user joins the Audience.
    "eventName": "A String", # Required. The event name that will be logged.
    "logCondition": "A String", # Required. When to log the event.
  "exclusionDurationMode": "A String", # Immutable. Specifies how long an exclusion lasts for users that meet the exclusion filter. It is applied to all EXCLUDE filter clauses and is ignored when there is no EXCLUDE filter clause in the Audience.
  "filterClauses": [ # Required. Immutable. Unordered list. Filter clauses that define the Audience. All clauses will be AND’ed together.
    { # A clause for defining either a simple or sequence filter. A filter can be inclusive (For example, users satisfying the filter clause are included in the Audience) or exclusive (For example, users satisfying the filter clause are excluded from the Audience).
      "clauseType": "A String", # Required. Specifies whether this is an include or exclude filter clause.
      "sequenceFilter": { # Defines filters that must occur in a specific order for the user to be a member of the Audience. # Filters that must occur in a specific order for the user to be a member of the Audience.
        "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this filter.
        "sequenceMaximumDuration": "A String", # Optional. Defines the time period in which the whole sequence must occur.
        "sequenceSteps": [ # Required. An ordered sequence of steps. A user must complete each step in order to join the sequence filter.
          { # A condition that must occur in the specified step order for this user to match the sequence.
            "constraintDuration": "A String", # Optional. When set, this step must be satisfied within the constraint_duration of the previous step (For example, t[i] - t[i-1] <= constraint_duration). If not set, there is no duration requirement (the duration is effectively unlimited). It is ignored for the first step.
            "filterExpression": { # A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters. # Required. Immutable. A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters in each step.
              "andGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to be AND’ed together. It can only contain AudienceFilterExpressions with or_group. This must be set for the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
                  # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
              "dimensionOrMetricFilter": { # A specific filter for a single dimension or metric. # A filter on a single dimension or metric. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "atAnyPointInTime": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether this filter needs dynamic evaluation or not. If set to true, users join the Audience if they ever met the condition (static evaluation). If unset or set to false, user evaluation for an Audience is dynamic; users are added to an Audience when they meet the conditions and then removed when they no longer meet them. This can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS.
                "betweenFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric.
                  "fromValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Begins with this number, inclusive.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                  "toValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Ends with this number, inclusive.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                "fieldName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The dimension name or metric name to filter. If the field name refers to a custom dimension or metric, a scope prefix will be added to the front of the custom dimensions or metric name. For more on scope prefixes or custom dimensions/metrics, reference the [Google Analytics Data API documentation] (
                "inAnyNDayPeriod": 42, # Optional. If set, specifies the time window for which to evaluate data in number of days. If not set, then audience data is evaluated against lifetime data (For example, infinite time window). For example, if set to 1 day, only the current day's data is evaluated. The reference point is the current day when at_any_point_in_time is unset or false. It can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS and cannot be greater than 60 days.
                "inListFilter": { # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options. # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options.
                  "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
                  "values": [ # Required. The list of possible string values to match against. Must be non-empty.
                    "A String",
                "numericFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric.
                  "operation": "A String", # Required. The operation applied to a numeric filter.
                  "value": { # To represent a number. # Required. The numeric or date value to match against.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                "stringFilter": { # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern. # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern.
                  "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
                  "matchType": "A String", # Required. The match type for the string filter.
                  "value": "A String", # Required. The string value to be matched against.
              "eventFilter": { # A filter that matches events of a single event name. If an event parameter is specified, only the subset of events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions match this event filter. # Creates a filter that matches a specific event. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "eventName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The name of the event to match against.
                "eventParameterFilterExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # Optional. If specified, this filter matches events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions. AudienceEventFilter inside the parameter filter expression cannot be set (For example, nested event filters are not supported). This should be a single and_group of dimension_or_metric_filter or not_expression; ANDs of ORs are not supported. Also, if it includes a filter for "eventCount", only that one will be considered; all the other filters will be ignored.
              "notExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # A filter expression to be NOT'ed (For example, inverted, complemented). It can only include a dimension_or_metric_filter. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
              "orGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to OR’ed together. It cannot contain AudienceFilterExpressions with and_group or or_group.
                "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
                  # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
            "immediatelyFollows": True or False, # Optional. If true, the event satisfying this step must be the very next event after the event satisfying the last step. If unset or false, this step indirectly follows the prior step; for example, there may be events between the prior step and this step. It is ignored for the first step.
            "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this step.
      "simpleFilter": { # Defines a simple filter that a user must satisfy to be a member of the Audience. # A simple filter that a user must satisfy to be a member of the Audience.
        "filterExpression": { # A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters. # Required. Immutable. A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters.
          "andGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to be AND’ed together. It can only contain AudienceFilterExpressions with or_group. This must be set for the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
              # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
          "dimensionOrMetricFilter": { # A specific filter for a single dimension or metric. # A filter on a single dimension or metric. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "atAnyPointInTime": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether this filter needs dynamic evaluation or not. If set to true, users join the Audience if they ever met the condition (static evaluation). If unset or set to false, user evaluation for an Audience is dynamic; users are added to an Audience when they meet the conditions and then removed when they no longer meet them. This can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS.
            "betweenFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric.
              "fromValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Begins with this number, inclusive.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
              "toValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Ends with this number, inclusive.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
            "fieldName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The dimension name or metric name to filter. If the field name refers to a custom dimension or metric, a scope prefix will be added to the front of the custom dimensions or metric name. For more on scope prefixes or custom dimensions/metrics, reference the [Google Analytics Data API documentation] (
            "inAnyNDayPeriod": 42, # Optional. If set, specifies the time window for which to evaluate data in number of days. If not set, then audience data is evaluated against lifetime data (For example, infinite time window). For example, if set to 1 day, only the current day's data is evaluated. The reference point is the current day when at_any_point_in_time is unset or false. It can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS and cannot be greater than 60 days.
            "inListFilter": { # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options. # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options.
              "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
              "values": [ # Required. The list of possible string values to match against. Must be non-empty.
                "A String",
            "numericFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric.
              "operation": "A String", # Required. The operation applied to a numeric filter.
              "value": { # To represent a number. # Required. The numeric or date value to match against.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
            "stringFilter": { # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern. # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern.
              "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
              "matchType": "A String", # Required. The match type for the string filter.
              "value": "A String", # Required. The string value to be matched against.
          "eventFilter": { # A filter that matches events of a single event name. If an event parameter is specified, only the subset of events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions match this event filter. # Creates a filter that matches a specific event. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "eventName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The name of the event to match against.
            "eventParameterFilterExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # Optional. If specified, this filter matches events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions. AudienceEventFilter inside the parameter filter expression cannot be set (For example, nested event filters are not supported). This should be a single and_group of dimension_or_metric_filter or not_expression; ANDs of ORs are not supported. Also, if it includes a filter for "eventCount", only that one will be considered; all the other filters will be ignored.
          "notExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # A filter expression to be NOT'ed (For example, inverted, complemented). It can only include a dimension_or_metric_filter. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
          "orGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to OR’ed together. It cannot contain AudienceFilterExpressions with and_group or or_group.
            "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
              # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
        "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this filter.
  "membershipDurationDays": 42, # Required. Immutable. The duration a user should stay in an Audience. It cannot be set to more than 540 days.
  "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name for this Audience resource. Format: properties/{propertyId}/audiences/{audienceId}

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # A resource message representing a GA4 Audience.
  "adsPersonalizationEnabled": True or False, # Output only. It is automatically set by GA to false if this is an NPA Audience and is excluded from ads personalization.
  "description": "A String", # Required. The description of the Audience.
  "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the Audience.
  "eventTrigger": { # Specifies an event to log when a user joins the Audience. # Optional. Specifies an event to log when a user joins the Audience. If not set, no event is logged when a user joins the Audience.
    "eventName": "A String", # Required. The event name that will be logged.
    "logCondition": "A String", # Required. When to log the event.
  "exclusionDurationMode": "A String", # Immutable. Specifies how long an exclusion lasts for users that meet the exclusion filter. It is applied to all EXCLUDE filter clauses and is ignored when there is no EXCLUDE filter clause in the Audience.
  "filterClauses": [ # Required. Immutable. Unordered list. Filter clauses that define the Audience. All clauses will be AND’ed together.
    { # A clause for defining either a simple or sequence filter. A filter can be inclusive (For example, users satisfying the filter clause are included in the Audience) or exclusive (For example, users satisfying the filter clause are excluded from the Audience).
      "clauseType": "A String", # Required. Specifies whether this is an include or exclude filter clause.
      "sequenceFilter": { # Defines filters that must occur in a specific order for the user to be a member of the Audience. # Filters that must occur in a specific order for the user to be a member of the Audience.
        "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this filter.
        "sequenceMaximumDuration": "A String", # Optional. Defines the time period in which the whole sequence must occur.
        "sequenceSteps": [ # Required. An ordered sequence of steps. A user must complete each step in order to join the sequence filter.
          { # A condition that must occur in the specified step order for this user to match the sequence.
            "constraintDuration": "A String", # Optional. When set, this step must be satisfied within the constraint_duration of the previous step (For example, t[i] - t[i-1] <= constraint_duration). If not set, there is no duration requirement (the duration is effectively unlimited). It is ignored for the first step.
            "filterExpression": { # A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters. # Required. Immutable. A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters in each step.
              "andGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to be AND’ed together. It can only contain AudienceFilterExpressions with or_group. This must be set for the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
                  # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
              "dimensionOrMetricFilter": { # A specific filter for a single dimension or metric. # A filter on a single dimension or metric. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "atAnyPointInTime": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether this filter needs dynamic evaluation or not. If set to true, users join the Audience if they ever met the condition (static evaluation). If unset or set to false, user evaluation for an Audience is dynamic; users are added to an Audience when they meet the conditions and then removed when they no longer meet them. This can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS.
                "betweenFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric.
                  "fromValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Begins with this number, inclusive.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                  "toValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Ends with this number, inclusive.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                "fieldName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The dimension name or metric name to filter. If the field name refers to a custom dimension or metric, a scope prefix will be added to the front of the custom dimensions or metric name. For more on scope prefixes or custom dimensions/metrics, reference the [Google Analytics Data API documentation] (
                "inAnyNDayPeriod": 42, # Optional. If set, specifies the time window for which to evaluate data in number of days. If not set, then audience data is evaluated against lifetime data (For example, infinite time window). For example, if set to 1 day, only the current day's data is evaluated. The reference point is the current day when at_any_point_in_time is unset or false. It can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS and cannot be greater than 60 days.
                "inListFilter": { # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options. # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options.
                  "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
                  "values": [ # Required. The list of possible string values to match against. Must be non-empty.
                    "A String",
                "numericFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric.
                  "operation": "A String", # Required. The operation applied to a numeric filter.
                  "value": { # To represent a number. # Required. The numeric or date value to match against.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                "stringFilter": { # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern. # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern.
                  "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
                  "matchType": "A String", # Required. The match type for the string filter.
                  "value": "A String", # Required. The string value to be matched against.
              "eventFilter": { # A filter that matches events of a single event name. If an event parameter is specified, only the subset of events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions match this event filter. # Creates a filter that matches a specific event. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "eventName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The name of the event to match against.
                "eventParameterFilterExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # Optional. If specified, this filter matches events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions. AudienceEventFilter inside the parameter filter expression cannot be set (For example, nested event filters are not supported). This should be a single and_group of dimension_or_metric_filter or not_expression; ANDs of ORs are not supported. Also, if it includes a filter for "eventCount", only that one will be considered; all the other filters will be ignored.
              "notExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # A filter expression to be NOT'ed (For example, inverted, complemented). It can only include a dimension_or_metric_filter. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
              "orGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to OR’ed together. It cannot contain AudienceFilterExpressions with and_group or or_group.
                "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
                  # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
            "immediatelyFollows": True or False, # Optional. If true, the event satisfying this step must be the very next event after the event satisfying the last step. If unset or false, this step indirectly follows the prior step; for example, there may be events between the prior step and this step. It is ignored for the first step.
            "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this step.
      "simpleFilter": { # Defines a simple filter that a user must satisfy to be a member of the Audience. # A simple filter that a user must satisfy to be a member of the Audience.
        "filterExpression": { # A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters. # Required. Immutable. A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters.
          "andGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to be AND’ed together. It can only contain AudienceFilterExpressions with or_group. This must be set for the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
              # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
          "dimensionOrMetricFilter": { # A specific filter for a single dimension or metric. # A filter on a single dimension or metric. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "atAnyPointInTime": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether this filter needs dynamic evaluation or not. If set to true, users join the Audience if they ever met the condition (static evaluation). If unset or set to false, user evaluation for an Audience is dynamic; users are added to an Audience when they meet the conditions and then removed when they no longer meet them. This can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS.
            "betweenFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric.
              "fromValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Begins with this number, inclusive.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
              "toValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Ends with this number, inclusive.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
            "fieldName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The dimension name or metric name to filter. If the field name refers to a custom dimension or metric, a scope prefix will be added to the front of the custom dimensions or metric name. For more on scope prefixes or custom dimensions/metrics, reference the [Google Analytics Data API documentation] (
            "inAnyNDayPeriod": 42, # Optional. If set, specifies the time window for which to evaluate data in number of days. If not set, then audience data is evaluated against lifetime data (For example, infinite time window). For example, if set to 1 day, only the current day's data is evaluated. The reference point is the current day when at_any_point_in_time is unset or false. It can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS and cannot be greater than 60 days.
            "inListFilter": { # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options. # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options.
              "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
              "values": [ # Required. The list of possible string values to match against. Must be non-empty.
                "A String",
            "numericFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric.
              "operation": "A String", # Required. The operation applied to a numeric filter.
              "value": { # To represent a number. # Required. The numeric or date value to match against.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
            "stringFilter": { # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern. # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern.
              "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
              "matchType": "A String", # Required. The match type for the string filter.
              "value": "A String", # Required. The string value to be matched against.
          "eventFilter": { # A filter that matches events of a single event name. If an event parameter is specified, only the subset of events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions match this event filter. # Creates a filter that matches a specific event. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "eventName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The name of the event to match against.
            "eventParameterFilterExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # Optional. If specified, this filter matches events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions. AudienceEventFilter inside the parameter filter expression cannot be set (For example, nested event filters are not supported). This should be a single and_group of dimension_or_metric_filter or not_expression; ANDs of ORs are not supported. Also, if it includes a filter for "eventCount", only that one will be considered; all the other filters will be ignored.
          "notExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # A filter expression to be NOT'ed (For example, inverted, complemented). It can only include a dimension_or_metric_filter. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
          "orGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to OR’ed together. It cannot contain AudienceFilterExpressions with and_group or or_group.
            "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
              # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
        "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this filter.
  "membershipDurationDays": 42, # Required. Immutable. The duration a user should stay in an Audience. It cannot be set to more than 540 days.
  "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name for this Audience resource. Format: properties/{propertyId}/audiences/{audienceId}
get(name, x__xgafv=None)
Lookup for a single Audience. Audiences created before 2020 may not be supported. Default audiences will not show filter definitions.

  name: string, Required. The name of the Audience to get. Example format: properties/1234/audiences/5678 (required)
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # A resource message representing a GA4 Audience.
  "adsPersonalizationEnabled": True or False, # Output only. It is automatically set by GA to false if this is an NPA Audience and is excluded from ads personalization.
  "description": "A String", # Required. The description of the Audience.
  "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the Audience.
  "eventTrigger": { # Specifies an event to log when a user joins the Audience. # Optional. Specifies an event to log when a user joins the Audience. If not set, no event is logged when a user joins the Audience.
    "eventName": "A String", # Required. The event name that will be logged.
    "logCondition": "A String", # Required. When to log the event.
  "exclusionDurationMode": "A String", # Immutable. Specifies how long an exclusion lasts for users that meet the exclusion filter. It is applied to all EXCLUDE filter clauses and is ignored when there is no EXCLUDE filter clause in the Audience.
  "filterClauses": [ # Required. Immutable. Unordered list. Filter clauses that define the Audience. All clauses will be AND’ed together.
    { # A clause for defining either a simple or sequence filter. A filter can be inclusive (For example, users satisfying the filter clause are included in the Audience) or exclusive (For example, users satisfying the filter clause are excluded from the Audience).
      "clauseType": "A String", # Required. Specifies whether this is an include or exclude filter clause.
      "sequenceFilter": { # Defines filters that must occur in a specific order for the user to be a member of the Audience. # Filters that must occur in a specific order for the user to be a member of the Audience.
        "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this filter.
        "sequenceMaximumDuration": "A String", # Optional. Defines the time period in which the whole sequence must occur.
        "sequenceSteps": [ # Required. An ordered sequence of steps. A user must complete each step in order to join the sequence filter.
          { # A condition that must occur in the specified step order for this user to match the sequence.
            "constraintDuration": "A String", # Optional. When set, this step must be satisfied within the constraint_duration of the previous step (For example, t[i] - t[i-1] <= constraint_duration). If not set, there is no duration requirement (the duration is effectively unlimited). It is ignored for the first step.
            "filterExpression": { # A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters. # Required. Immutable. A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters in each step.
              "andGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to be AND’ed together. It can only contain AudienceFilterExpressions with or_group. This must be set for the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
                  # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
              "dimensionOrMetricFilter": { # A specific filter for a single dimension or metric. # A filter on a single dimension or metric. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "atAnyPointInTime": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether this filter needs dynamic evaluation or not. If set to true, users join the Audience if they ever met the condition (static evaluation). If unset or set to false, user evaluation for an Audience is dynamic; users are added to an Audience when they meet the conditions and then removed when they no longer meet them. This can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS.
                "betweenFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric.
                  "fromValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Begins with this number, inclusive.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                  "toValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Ends with this number, inclusive.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                "fieldName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The dimension name or metric name to filter. If the field name refers to a custom dimension or metric, a scope prefix will be added to the front of the custom dimensions or metric name. For more on scope prefixes or custom dimensions/metrics, reference the [Google Analytics Data API documentation] (
                "inAnyNDayPeriod": 42, # Optional. If set, specifies the time window for which to evaluate data in number of days. If not set, then audience data is evaluated against lifetime data (For example, infinite time window). For example, if set to 1 day, only the current day's data is evaluated. The reference point is the current day when at_any_point_in_time is unset or false. It can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS and cannot be greater than 60 days.
                "inListFilter": { # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options. # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options.
                  "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
                  "values": [ # Required. The list of possible string values to match against. Must be non-empty.
                    "A String",
                "numericFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric.
                  "operation": "A String", # Required. The operation applied to a numeric filter.
                  "value": { # To represent a number. # Required. The numeric or date value to match against.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                "stringFilter": { # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern. # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern.
                  "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
                  "matchType": "A String", # Required. The match type for the string filter.
                  "value": "A String", # Required. The string value to be matched against.
              "eventFilter": { # A filter that matches events of a single event name. If an event parameter is specified, only the subset of events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions match this event filter. # Creates a filter that matches a specific event. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "eventName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The name of the event to match against.
                "eventParameterFilterExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # Optional. If specified, this filter matches events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions. AudienceEventFilter inside the parameter filter expression cannot be set (For example, nested event filters are not supported). This should be a single and_group of dimension_or_metric_filter or not_expression; ANDs of ORs are not supported. Also, if it includes a filter for "eventCount", only that one will be considered; all the other filters will be ignored.
              "notExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # A filter expression to be NOT'ed (For example, inverted, complemented). It can only include a dimension_or_metric_filter. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
              "orGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to OR’ed together. It cannot contain AudienceFilterExpressions with and_group or or_group.
                "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
                  # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
            "immediatelyFollows": True or False, # Optional. If true, the event satisfying this step must be the very next event after the event satisfying the last step. If unset or false, this step indirectly follows the prior step; for example, there may be events between the prior step and this step. It is ignored for the first step.
            "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this step.
      "simpleFilter": { # Defines a simple filter that a user must satisfy to be a member of the Audience. # A simple filter that a user must satisfy to be a member of the Audience.
        "filterExpression": { # A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters. # Required. Immutable. A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters.
          "andGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to be AND’ed together. It can only contain AudienceFilterExpressions with or_group. This must be set for the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
              # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
          "dimensionOrMetricFilter": { # A specific filter for a single dimension or metric. # A filter on a single dimension or metric. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "atAnyPointInTime": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether this filter needs dynamic evaluation or not. If set to true, users join the Audience if they ever met the condition (static evaluation). If unset or set to false, user evaluation for an Audience is dynamic; users are added to an Audience when they meet the conditions and then removed when they no longer meet them. This can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS.
            "betweenFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric.
              "fromValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Begins with this number, inclusive.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
              "toValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Ends with this number, inclusive.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
            "fieldName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The dimension name or metric name to filter. If the field name refers to a custom dimension or metric, a scope prefix will be added to the front of the custom dimensions or metric name. For more on scope prefixes or custom dimensions/metrics, reference the [Google Analytics Data API documentation] (
            "inAnyNDayPeriod": 42, # Optional. If set, specifies the time window for which to evaluate data in number of days. If not set, then audience data is evaluated against lifetime data (For example, infinite time window). For example, if set to 1 day, only the current day's data is evaluated. The reference point is the current day when at_any_point_in_time is unset or false. It can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS and cannot be greater than 60 days.
            "inListFilter": { # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options. # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options.
              "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
              "values": [ # Required. The list of possible string values to match against. Must be non-empty.
                "A String",
            "numericFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric.
              "operation": "A String", # Required. The operation applied to a numeric filter.
              "value": { # To represent a number. # Required. The numeric or date value to match against.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
            "stringFilter": { # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern. # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern.
              "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
              "matchType": "A String", # Required. The match type for the string filter.
              "value": "A String", # Required. The string value to be matched against.
          "eventFilter": { # A filter that matches events of a single event name. If an event parameter is specified, only the subset of events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions match this event filter. # Creates a filter that matches a specific event. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "eventName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The name of the event to match against.
            "eventParameterFilterExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # Optional. If specified, this filter matches events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions. AudienceEventFilter inside the parameter filter expression cannot be set (For example, nested event filters are not supported). This should be a single and_group of dimension_or_metric_filter or not_expression; ANDs of ORs are not supported. Also, if it includes a filter for "eventCount", only that one will be considered; all the other filters will be ignored.
          "notExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # A filter expression to be NOT'ed (For example, inverted, complemented). It can only include a dimension_or_metric_filter. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
          "orGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to OR’ed together. It cannot contain AudienceFilterExpressions with and_group or or_group.
            "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
              # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
        "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this filter.
  "membershipDurationDays": 42, # Required. Immutable. The duration a user should stay in an Audience. It cannot be set to more than 540 days.
  "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name for this Audience resource. Format: properties/{propertyId}/audiences/{audienceId}
list(parent, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)
Lists Audiences on a property. Audiences created before 2020 may not be supported. Default audiences will not show filter definitions.

  parent: string, Required. Example format: properties/1234 (required)
  pageSize: integer, The maximum number of resources to return. If unspecified, at most 50 resources will be returned. The maximum value is 200 (higher values will be coerced to the maximum).
  pageToken: string, A page token, received from a previous `ListAudiences` call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided to `ListAudiences` must match the call that provided the page token.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Response message for ListAudiences RPC.
  "audiences": [ # List of Audiences.
    { # A resource message representing a GA4 Audience.
      "adsPersonalizationEnabled": True or False, # Output only. It is automatically set by GA to false if this is an NPA Audience and is excluded from ads personalization.
      "description": "A String", # Required. The description of the Audience.
      "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the Audience.
      "eventTrigger": { # Specifies an event to log when a user joins the Audience. # Optional. Specifies an event to log when a user joins the Audience. If not set, no event is logged when a user joins the Audience.
        "eventName": "A String", # Required. The event name that will be logged.
        "logCondition": "A String", # Required. When to log the event.
      "exclusionDurationMode": "A String", # Immutable. Specifies how long an exclusion lasts for users that meet the exclusion filter. It is applied to all EXCLUDE filter clauses and is ignored when there is no EXCLUDE filter clause in the Audience.
      "filterClauses": [ # Required. Immutable. Unordered list. Filter clauses that define the Audience. All clauses will be AND’ed together.
        { # A clause for defining either a simple or sequence filter. A filter can be inclusive (For example, users satisfying the filter clause are included in the Audience) or exclusive (For example, users satisfying the filter clause are excluded from the Audience).
          "clauseType": "A String", # Required. Specifies whether this is an include or exclude filter clause.
          "sequenceFilter": { # Defines filters that must occur in a specific order for the user to be a member of the Audience. # Filters that must occur in a specific order for the user to be a member of the Audience.
            "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this filter.
            "sequenceMaximumDuration": "A String", # Optional. Defines the time period in which the whole sequence must occur.
            "sequenceSteps": [ # Required. An ordered sequence of steps. A user must complete each step in order to join the sequence filter.
              { # A condition that must occur in the specified step order for this user to match the sequence.
                "constraintDuration": "A String", # Optional. When set, this step must be satisfied within the constraint_duration of the previous step (For example, t[i] - t[i-1] <= constraint_duration). If not set, there is no duration requirement (the duration is effectively unlimited). It is ignored for the first step.
                "filterExpression": { # A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters. # Required. Immutable. A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters in each step.
                  "andGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to be AND’ed together. It can only contain AudienceFilterExpressions with or_group. This must be set for the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                    "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
                      # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
                  "dimensionOrMetricFilter": { # A specific filter for a single dimension or metric. # A filter on a single dimension or metric. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                    "atAnyPointInTime": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether this filter needs dynamic evaluation or not. If set to true, users join the Audience if they ever met the condition (static evaluation). If unset or set to false, user evaluation for an Audience is dynamic; users are added to an Audience when they meet the conditions and then removed when they no longer meet them. This can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS.
                    "betweenFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric.
                      "fromValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Begins with this number, inclusive.
                        "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                        "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                      "toValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Ends with this number, inclusive.
                        "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                        "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                    "fieldName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The dimension name or metric name to filter. If the field name refers to a custom dimension or metric, a scope prefix will be added to the front of the custom dimensions or metric name. For more on scope prefixes or custom dimensions/metrics, reference the [Google Analytics Data API documentation] (
                    "inAnyNDayPeriod": 42, # Optional. If set, specifies the time window for which to evaluate data in number of days. If not set, then audience data is evaluated against lifetime data (For example, infinite time window). For example, if set to 1 day, only the current day's data is evaluated. The reference point is the current day when at_any_point_in_time is unset or false. It can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS and cannot be greater than 60 days.
                    "inListFilter": { # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options. # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options.
                      "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
                      "values": [ # Required. The list of possible string values to match against. Must be non-empty.
                        "A String",
                    "numericFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric.
                      "operation": "A String", # Required. The operation applied to a numeric filter.
                      "value": { # To represent a number. # Required. The numeric or date value to match against.
                        "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                        "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                    "stringFilter": { # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern. # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern.
                      "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
                      "matchType": "A String", # Required. The match type for the string filter.
                      "value": "A String", # Required. The string value to be matched against.
                  "eventFilter": { # A filter that matches events of a single event name. If an event parameter is specified, only the subset of events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions match this event filter. # Creates a filter that matches a specific event. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                    "eventName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The name of the event to match against.
                    "eventParameterFilterExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # Optional. If specified, this filter matches events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions. AudienceEventFilter inside the parameter filter expression cannot be set (For example, nested event filters are not supported). This should be a single and_group of dimension_or_metric_filter or not_expression; ANDs of ORs are not supported. Also, if it includes a filter for "eventCount", only that one will be considered; all the other filters will be ignored.
                  "notExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # A filter expression to be NOT'ed (For example, inverted, complemented). It can only include a dimension_or_metric_filter. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                  "orGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to OR’ed together. It cannot contain AudienceFilterExpressions with and_group or or_group.
                    "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
                      # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
                "immediatelyFollows": True or False, # Optional. If true, the event satisfying this step must be the very next event after the event satisfying the last step. If unset or false, this step indirectly follows the prior step; for example, there may be events between the prior step and this step. It is ignored for the first step.
                "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this step.
          "simpleFilter": { # Defines a simple filter that a user must satisfy to be a member of the Audience. # A simple filter that a user must satisfy to be a member of the Audience.
            "filterExpression": { # A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters. # Required. Immutable. A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters.
              "andGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to be AND’ed together. It can only contain AudienceFilterExpressions with or_group. This must be set for the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
                  # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
              "dimensionOrMetricFilter": { # A specific filter for a single dimension or metric. # A filter on a single dimension or metric. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "atAnyPointInTime": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether this filter needs dynamic evaluation or not. If set to true, users join the Audience if they ever met the condition (static evaluation). If unset or set to false, user evaluation for an Audience is dynamic; users are added to an Audience when they meet the conditions and then removed when they no longer meet them. This can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS.
                "betweenFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric.
                  "fromValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Begins with this number, inclusive.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                  "toValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Ends with this number, inclusive.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                "fieldName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The dimension name or metric name to filter. If the field name refers to a custom dimension or metric, a scope prefix will be added to the front of the custom dimensions or metric name. For more on scope prefixes or custom dimensions/metrics, reference the [Google Analytics Data API documentation] (
                "inAnyNDayPeriod": 42, # Optional. If set, specifies the time window for which to evaluate data in number of days. If not set, then audience data is evaluated against lifetime data (For example, infinite time window). For example, if set to 1 day, only the current day's data is evaluated. The reference point is the current day when at_any_point_in_time is unset or false. It can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS and cannot be greater than 60 days.
                "inListFilter": { # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options. # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options.
                  "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
                  "values": [ # Required. The list of possible string values to match against. Must be non-empty.
                    "A String",
                "numericFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric.
                  "operation": "A String", # Required. The operation applied to a numeric filter.
                  "value": { # To represent a number. # Required. The numeric or date value to match against.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                "stringFilter": { # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern. # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern.
                  "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
                  "matchType": "A String", # Required. The match type for the string filter.
                  "value": "A String", # Required. The string value to be matched against.
              "eventFilter": { # A filter that matches events of a single event name. If an event parameter is specified, only the subset of events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions match this event filter. # Creates a filter that matches a specific event. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "eventName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The name of the event to match against.
                "eventParameterFilterExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # Optional. If specified, this filter matches events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions. AudienceEventFilter inside the parameter filter expression cannot be set (For example, nested event filters are not supported). This should be a single and_group of dimension_or_metric_filter or not_expression; ANDs of ORs are not supported. Also, if it includes a filter for "eventCount", only that one will be considered; all the other filters will be ignored.
              "notExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # A filter expression to be NOT'ed (For example, inverted, complemented). It can only include a dimension_or_metric_filter. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
              "orGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to OR’ed together. It cannot contain AudienceFilterExpressions with and_group or or_group.
                "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
                  # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
            "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this filter.
      "membershipDurationDays": 42, # Required. Immutable. The duration a user should stay in an Audience. It cannot be set to more than 540 days.
      "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name for this Audience resource. Format: properties/{propertyId}/audiences/{audienceId}
  "nextPageToken": "A String", # A token, which can be sent as `page_token` to retrieve the next page. If this field is omitted, there are no subsequent pages.
Retrieves the next page of results.

          previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
          previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

          A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
          page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
patch(name, body=None, updateMask=None, x__xgafv=None)
Updates an Audience on a property.

  name: string, Output only. The resource name for this Audience resource. Format: properties/{propertyId}/audiences/{audienceId} (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # A resource message representing a GA4 Audience.
  "adsPersonalizationEnabled": True or False, # Output only. It is automatically set by GA to false if this is an NPA Audience and is excluded from ads personalization.
  "description": "A String", # Required. The description of the Audience.
  "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the Audience.
  "eventTrigger": { # Specifies an event to log when a user joins the Audience. # Optional. Specifies an event to log when a user joins the Audience. If not set, no event is logged when a user joins the Audience.
    "eventName": "A String", # Required. The event name that will be logged.
    "logCondition": "A String", # Required. When to log the event.
  "exclusionDurationMode": "A String", # Immutable. Specifies how long an exclusion lasts for users that meet the exclusion filter. It is applied to all EXCLUDE filter clauses and is ignored when there is no EXCLUDE filter clause in the Audience.
  "filterClauses": [ # Required. Immutable. Unordered list. Filter clauses that define the Audience. All clauses will be AND’ed together.
    { # A clause for defining either a simple or sequence filter. A filter can be inclusive (For example, users satisfying the filter clause are included in the Audience) or exclusive (For example, users satisfying the filter clause are excluded from the Audience).
      "clauseType": "A String", # Required. Specifies whether this is an include or exclude filter clause.
      "sequenceFilter": { # Defines filters that must occur in a specific order for the user to be a member of the Audience. # Filters that must occur in a specific order for the user to be a member of the Audience.
        "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this filter.
        "sequenceMaximumDuration": "A String", # Optional. Defines the time period in which the whole sequence must occur.
        "sequenceSteps": [ # Required. An ordered sequence of steps. A user must complete each step in order to join the sequence filter.
          { # A condition that must occur in the specified step order for this user to match the sequence.
            "constraintDuration": "A String", # Optional. When set, this step must be satisfied within the constraint_duration of the previous step (For example, t[i] - t[i-1] <= constraint_duration). If not set, there is no duration requirement (the duration is effectively unlimited). It is ignored for the first step.
            "filterExpression": { # A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters. # Required. Immutable. A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters in each step.
              "andGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to be AND’ed together. It can only contain AudienceFilterExpressions with or_group. This must be set for the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
                  # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
              "dimensionOrMetricFilter": { # A specific filter for a single dimension or metric. # A filter on a single dimension or metric. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "atAnyPointInTime": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether this filter needs dynamic evaluation or not. If set to true, users join the Audience if they ever met the condition (static evaluation). If unset or set to false, user evaluation for an Audience is dynamic; users are added to an Audience when they meet the conditions and then removed when they no longer meet them. This can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS.
                "betweenFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric.
                  "fromValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Begins with this number, inclusive.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                  "toValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Ends with this number, inclusive.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                "fieldName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The dimension name or metric name to filter. If the field name refers to a custom dimension or metric, a scope prefix will be added to the front of the custom dimensions or metric name. For more on scope prefixes or custom dimensions/metrics, reference the [Google Analytics Data API documentation] (
                "inAnyNDayPeriod": 42, # Optional. If set, specifies the time window for which to evaluate data in number of days. If not set, then audience data is evaluated against lifetime data (For example, infinite time window). For example, if set to 1 day, only the current day's data is evaluated. The reference point is the current day when at_any_point_in_time is unset or false. It can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS and cannot be greater than 60 days.
                "inListFilter": { # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options. # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options.
                  "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
                  "values": [ # Required. The list of possible string values to match against. Must be non-empty.
                    "A String",
                "numericFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric.
                  "operation": "A String", # Required. The operation applied to a numeric filter.
                  "value": { # To represent a number. # Required. The numeric or date value to match against.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                "stringFilter": { # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern. # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern.
                  "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
                  "matchType": "A String", # Required. The match type for the string filter.
                  "value": "A String", # Required. The string value to be matched against.
              "eventFilter": { # A filter that matches events of a single event name. If an event parameter is specified, only the subset of events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions match this event filter. # Creates a filter that matches a specific event. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "eventName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The name of the event to match against.
                "eventParameterFilterExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # Optional. If specified, this filter matches events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions. AudienceEventFilter inside the parameter filter expression cannot be set (For example, nested event filters are not supported). This should be a single and_group of dimension_or_metric_filter or not_expression; ANDs of ORs are not supported. Also, if it includes a filter for "eventCount", only that one will be considered; all the other filters will be ignored.
              "notExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # A filter expression to be NOT'ed (For example, inverted, complemented). It can only include a dimension_or_metric_filter. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
              "orGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to OR’ed together. It cannot contain AudienceFilterExpressions with and_group or or_group.
                "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
                  # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
            "immediatelyFollows": True or False, # Optional. If true, the event satisfying this step must be the very next event after the event satisfying the last step. If unset or false, this step indirectly follows the prior step; for example, there may be events between the prior step and this step. It is ignored for the first step.
            "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this step.
      "simpleFilter": { # Defines a simple filter that a user must satisfy to be a member of the Audience. # A simple filter that a user must satisfy to be a member of the Audience.
        "filterExpression": { # A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters. # Required. Immutable. A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters.
          "andGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to be AND’ed together. It can only contain AudienceFilterExpressions with or_group. This must be set for the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
              # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
          "dimensionOrMetricFilter": { # A specific filter for a single dimension or metric. # A filter on a single dimension or metric. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "atAnyPointInTime": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether this filter needs dynamic evaluation or not. If set to true, users join the Audience if they ever met the condition (static evaluation). If unset or set to false, user evaluation for an Audience is dynamic; users are added to an Audience when they meet the conditions and then removed when they no longer meet them. This can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS.
            "betweenFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric.
              "fromValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Begins with this number, inclusive.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
              "toValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Ends with this number, inclusive.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
            "fieldName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The dimension name or metric name to filter. If the field name refers to a custom dimension or metric, a scope prefix will be added to the front of the custom dimensions or metric name. For more on scope prefixes or custom dimensions/metrics, reference the [Google Analytics Data API documentation] (
            "inAnyNDayPeriod": 42, # Optional. If set, specifies the time window for which to evaluate data in number of days. If not set, then audience data is evaluated against lifetime data (For example, infinite time window). For example, if set to 1 day, only the current day's data is evaluated. The reference point is the current day when at_any_point_in_time is unset or false. It can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS and cannot be greater than 60 days.
            "inListFilter": { # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options. # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options.
              "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
              "values": [ # Required. The list of possible string values to match against. Must be non-empty.
                "A String",
            "numericFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric.
              "operation": "A String", # Required. The operation applied to a numeric filter.
              "value": { # To represent a number. # Required. The numeric or date value to match against.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
            "stringFilter": { # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern. # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern.
              "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
              "matchType": "A String", # Required. The match type for the string filter.
              "value": "A String", # Required. The string value to be matched against.
          "eventFilter": { # A filter that matches events of a single event name. If an event parameter is specified, only the subset of events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions match this event filter. # Creates a filter that matches a specific event. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "eventName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The name of the event to match against.
            "eventParameterFilterExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # Optional. If specified, this filter matches events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions. AudienceEventFilter inside the parameter filter expression cannot be set (For example, nested event filters are not supported). This should be a single and_group of dimension_or_metric_filter or not_expression; ANDs of ORs are not supported. Also, if it includes a filter for "eventCount", only that one will be considered; all the other filters will be ignored.
          "notExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # A filter expression to be NOT'ed (For example, inverted, complemented). It can only include a dimension_or_metric_filter. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
          "orGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to OR’ed together. It cannot contain AudienceFilterExpressions with and_group or or_group.
            "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
              # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
        "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this filter.
  "membershipDurationDays": 42, # Required. Immutable. The duration a user should stay in an Audience. It cannot be set to more than 540 days.
  "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name for this Audience resource. Format: properties/{propertyId}/audiences/{audienceId}

  updateMask: string, Required. The list of fields to be updated. Field names must be in snake case (e.g., "field_to_update"). Omitted fields will not be updated. To replace the entire entity, use one path with the string "*" to match all fields.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # A resource message representing a GA4 Audience.
  "adsPersonalizationEnabled": True or False, # Output only. It is automatically set by GA to false if this is an NPA Audience and is excluded from ads personalization.
  "description": "A String", # Required. The description of the Audience.
  "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the Audience.
  "eventTrigger": { # Specifies an event to log when a user joins the Audience. # Optional. Specifies an event to log when a user joins the Audience. If not set, no event is logged when a user joins the Audience.
    "eventName": "A String", # Required. The event name that will be logged.
    "logCondition": "A String", # Required. When to log the event.
  "exclusionDurationMode": "A String", # Immutable. Specifies how long an exclusion lasts for users that meet the exclusion filter. It is applied to all EXCLUDE filter clauses and is ignored when there is no EXCLUDE filter clause in the Audience.
  "filterClauses": [ # Required. Immutable. Unordered list. Filter clauses that define the Audience. All clauses will be AND’ed together.
    { # A clause for defining either a simple or sequence filter. A filter can be inclusive (For example, users satisfying the filter clause are included in the Audience) or exclusive (For example, users satisfying the filter clause are excluded from the Audience).
      "clauseType": "A String", # Required. Specifies whether this is an include or exclude filter clause.
      "sequenceFilter": { # Defines filters that must occur in a specific order for the user to be a member of the Audience. # Filters that must occur in a specific order for the user to be a member of the Audience.
        "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this filter.
        "sequenceMaximumDuration": "A String", # Optional. Defines the time period in which the whole sequence must occur.
        "sequenceSteps": [ # Required. An ordered sequence of steps. A user must complete each step in order to join the sequence filter.
          { # A condition that must occur in the specified step order for this user to match the sequence.
            "constraintDuration": "A String", # Optional. When set, this step must be satisfied within the constraint_duration of the previous step (For example, t[i] - t[i-1] <= constraint_duration). If not set, there is no duration requirement (the duration is effectively unlimited). It is ignored for the first step.
            "filterExpression": { # A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters. # Required. Immutable. A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters in each step.
              "andGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to be AND’ed together. It can only contain AudienceFilterExpressions with or_group. This must be set for the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
                  # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
              "dimensionOrMetricFilter": { # A specific filter for a single dimension or metric. # A filter on a single dimension or metric. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "atAnyPointInTime": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether this filter needs dynamic evaluation or not. If set to true, users join the Audience if they ever met the condition (static evaluation). If unset or set to false, user evaluation for an Audience is dynamic; users are added to an Audience when they meet the conditions and then removed when they no longer meet them. This can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS.
                "betweenFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric.
                  "fromValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Begins with this number, inclusive.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                  "toValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Ends with this number, inclusive.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                "fieldName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The dimension name or metric name to filter. If the field name refers to a custom dimension or metric, a scope prefix will be added to the front of the custom dimensions or metric name. For more on scope prefixes or custom dimensions/metrics, reference the [Google Analytics Data API documentation] (
                "inAnyNDayPeriod": 42, # Optional. If set, specifies the time window for which to evaluate data in number of days. If not set, then audience data is evaluated against lifetime data (For example, infinite time window). For example, if set to 1 day, only the current day's data is evaluated. The reference point is the current day when at_any_point_in_time is unset or false. It can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS and cannot be greater than 60 days.
                "inListFilter": { # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options. # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options.
                  "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
                  "values": [ # Required. The list of possible string values to match against. Must be non-empty.
                    "A String",
                "numericFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric.
                  "operation": "A String", # Required. The operation applied to a numeric filter.
                  "value": { # To represent a number. # Required. The numeric or date value to match against.
                    "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                    "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
                "stringFilter": { # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern. # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern.
                  "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
                  "matchType": "A String", # Required. The match type for the string filter.
                  "value": "A String", # Required. The string value to be matched against.
              "eventFilter": { # A filter that matches events of a single event name. If an event parameter is specified, only the subset of events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions match this event filter. # Creates a filter that matches a specific event. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
                "eventName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The name of the event to match against.
                "eventParameterFilterExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # Optional. If specified, this filter matches events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions. AudienceEventFilter inside the parameter filter expression cannot be set (For example, nested event filters are not supported). This should be a single and_group of dimension_or_metric_filter or not_expression; ANDs of ORs are not supported. Also, if it includes a filter for "eventCount", only that one will be considered; all the other filters will be ignored.
              "notExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # A filter expression to be NOT'ed (For example, inverted, complemented). It can only include a dimension_or_metric_filter. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
              "orGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to OR’ed together. It cannot contain AudienceFilterExpressions with and_group or or_group.
                "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
                  # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
            "immediatelyFollows": True or False, # Optional. If true, the event satisfying this step must be the very next event after the event satisfying the last step. If unset or false, this step indirectly follows the prior step; for example, there may be events between the prior step and this step. It is ignored for the first step.
            "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this step.
      "simpleFilter": { # Defines a simple filter that a user must satisfy to be a member of the Audience. # A simple filter that a user must satisfy to be a member of the Audience.
        "filterExpression": { # A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters. # Required. Immutable. A logical expression of Audience dimension, metric, or event filters.
          "andGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to be AND’ed together. It can only contain AudienceFilterExpressions with or_group. This must be set for the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
              # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
          "dimensionOrMetricFilter": { # A specific filter for a single dimension or metric. # A filter on a single dimension or metric. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "atAnyPointInTime": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether this filter needs dynamic evaluation or not. If set to true, users join the Audience if they ever met the condition (static evaluation). If unset or set to false, user evaluation for an Audience is dynamic; users are added to an Audience when they meet the conditions and then removed when they no longer meet them. This can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS.
            "betweenFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values between certain values on a dimension or metric.
              "fromValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Begins with this number, inclusive.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
              "toValue": { # To represent a number. # Required. Ends with this number, inclusive.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
            "fieldName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The dimension name or metric name to filter. If the field name refers to a custom dimension or metric, a scope prefix will be added to the front of the custom dimensions or metric name. For more on scope prefixes or custom dimensions/metrics, reference the [Google Analytics Data API documentation] (
            "inAnyNDayPeriod": 42, # Optional. If set, specifies the time window for which to evaluate data in number of days. If not set, then audience data is evaluated against lifetime data (For example, infinite time window). For example, if set to 1 day, only the current day's data is evaluated. The reference point is the current day when at_any_point_in_time is unset or false. It can only be set when Audience scope is ACROSS_ALL_SESSIONS and cannot be greater than 60 days.
            "inListFilter": { # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options. # A filter for a string dimension that matches a particular list of options.
              "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
              "values": [ # Required. The list of possible string values to match against. Must be non-empty.
                "A String",
            "numericFilter": { # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric. # A filter for numeric or date values on a dimension or metric.
              "operation": "A String", # Required. The operation applied to a numeric filter.
              "value": { # To represent a number. # Required. The numeric or date value to match against.
                "doubleValue": 3.14, # Double value.
                "int64Value": "A String", # Integer value.
            "stringFilter": { # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern. # A filter for a string-type dimension that matches a particular pattern.
              "caseSensitive": True or False, # Optional. If true, the match is case-sensitive. If false, the match is case-insensitive.
              "matchType": "A String", # Required. The match type for the string filter.
              "value": "A String", # Required. The string value to be matched against.
          "eventFilter": { # A filter that matches events of a single event name. If an event parameter is specified, only the subset of events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions match this event filter. # Creates a filter that matches a specific event. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
            "eventName": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The name of the event to match against.
            "eventParameterFilterExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # Optional. If specified, this filter matches events that match both the single event name and the parameter filter expressions. AudienceEventFilter inside the parameter filter expression cannot be set (For example, nested event filters are not supported). This should be a single and_group of dimension_or_metric_filter or not_expression; ANDs of ORs are not supported. Also, if it includes a filter for "eventCount", only that one will be considered; all the other filters will be ignored.
          "notExpression": # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression # A filter expression to be NOT'ed (For example, inverted, complemented). It can only include a dimension_or_metric_filter. This cannot be set on the top level AudienceFilterExpression.
          "orGroup": { # A list of Audience filter expressions. # A list of expressions to OR’ed together. It cannot contain AudienceFilterExpressions with and_group or or_group.
            "filterExpressions": [ # A list of Audience filter expressions.
              # Object with schema name: GoogleAnalyticsAdminV1alphaAudienceFilterExpression
        "scope": "A String", # Required. Immutable. Specifies the scope for this filter.
  "membershipDurationDays": 42, # Required. Immutable. The duration a user should stay in an Audience. It cannot be set to more than 540 days.
  "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name for this Audience resource. Format: properties/{propertyId}/audiences/{audienceId}