Checks API . accounts . apps . reports

Instance Methods


Close httplib2 connections.

get(name, checksFilter=None, x__xgafv=None)

Gets a report. By default, only the name and results_uri fields are returned. You can include other fields by listing them in the `fields` URL query parameter. For example, `?fields=name,checks` will return the name and checks fields.

list(parent, checksFilter=None, filter=None, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)

Lists reports for the specified app. By default, only the name and results_uri fields are returned. You can include other fields by listing them in the `fields` URL query parameter. For example, `?fields=reports(name,checks)` will return the name and checks fields.


Retrieves the next page of results.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
get(name, checksFilter=None, x__xgafv=None)
Gets a report. By default, only the name and results_uri fields are returned. You can include other fields by listing them in the `fields` URL query parameter. For example, `?fields=name,checks` will return the name and checks fields.

  name: string, Required. Resource name of the report. Example: `accounts/123/apps/456/reports/789` (required)
  checksFilter: string, Optional. An [AIP-160]( filter string to filter checks within the report. Only checks that match the filter string are included in the response. Example: `state = FAILED`
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Privacy report.
  "appBundle": { # Information about the analyzed app bundle. # Information about the analyzed app bundle.
    "bundleId": "A String", # Unique id of the bundle. For example: "".
    "codeReferenceId": "A String", # Git commit hash or changelist number associated with the release.
    "releaseType": "A String", # Identifies the type of release.
    "version": "A String", # The user-visible version of the bundle such as the Android `versionName` or iOS `CFBundleShortVersionString`. For example: "7.21.1".
    "versionId": "A String", # The version used throughout the operating system and store to identify the build such as the Android `versionCode` or iOS `CFBundleVersion`.
  "checks": [ # List of checks that were run on the app bundle.
    { # A check that was run on your app.
      "citations": [ # Regulations and policies that serve as the legal basis for the check.
        { # Regulation or policy that serves as the legal basis for the check.
          "type": "A String", # Citation type.
      "evidence": { # Evidence for a check. # Evidence that substantiates the check result.
        "dataSecurity": { # Evidence concerning data security. # Evidence concerning data security.
          "dataInTransitInfo": [ # Evidence related to data in transit.
            { # Evidence related to data in transit detected in your app.
              "uri": "A String", # The URL contacted by your app. This includes the protocol, domain, and URL parameters.
        "dataTypes": [ # Evidence concerning data types found in your app.
          { # Evidence concerning a data type that was found in your app.
            "dataType": "A String", # The data type that was found in your app.
            "dataTypeEvidence": { # Evidence collected about a data type. # Evidence collected about the data type.
              "endpoints": [ # List of endpoints the data type was sent to.
                { # Evidence based on an endpoint that data was sent to.
                  "attributedSdks": [ # Set of SDKs that are attributed to the exfiltration.
                    { # Details of SDK that is attributed to the exfiltration.
                      "sdk": { # Information about an SDK. # SDK that is attributed to the exfiltration.
                        "id": "A String", # SDK identifier.
                  "endpointDetails": [ # Endpoints the data type was sent to.
                    { # Details of the endpoint the data type was sent to.
                      "endpoint": { # Information about an endpoint. # Endpoint the data type was sent to.
                        "domain": "A String", # Domain name (e.g.
                  "exfiltratedDataType": "A String", # Type of data that was exfiltrated.
              "permissions": [ # List of included permissions that imply collection of the data type.
                { # Evidence based on the inclusion of a permission.
                  "permission": { # Information about a permission. # Permission declared by your app.
                    "id": "A String", # Permission identifier.
              "privacyPolicyTexts": [ # List of privacy policy texts that imply collection of the data type.
                { # Evidence based on information from the privacy policy.
                  "policyFragment": { # Information about a policy fragment. # The privacy policy fragment that implies collection of the data type.
                    "htmlContent": "A String", # HTML content.
                    "sourceUri": "A String", # Policy URL.
        "endpointRestrictionViolations": [ # Evidence collected from endpoint restriction violation analysis.
          { # Evidence collected from endpoint restriction violation analysis.
            "endpointDetails": [ # Endpoints in violation.
              { # Details of the endpoint in violation.
                "endpoint": { # Information about an endpoint. # The endpoint in violation.
                  "domain": "A String", # Domain name (e.g.
        "endpoints": [ # Evidence concerning endpoints that were contacted by your app.
          { # Evidence concerning an endpoint that was contacted by your app.
            "endpoint": { # Information about an endpoint. # The endpoint that was contacted by your app.
              "domain": "A String", # Domain name (e.g.
        "permissionRestrictionViolations": [ # Evidence collected from permission restriction violation analysis.
          { # Evidence collected from permission restriction violation analysis.
            "permissionDetails": [ # Permissions in violation.
              { # Details of the permission in violation.
                "permission": { # Information about a permission. # The permission in violation.
                  "id": "A String", # Permission identifier.
        "permissions": [ # Evidence concerning permissions that were found in your app.
          { # Evidence concerning a permission that was found in your app.
            "permission": { # Information about a permission. # The permission that was found in your app.
              "id": "A String", # Permission identifier.
        "privacyPolicyTexts": [ # Evidence collected from your privacy policy(s).
          { # Evidence collected from your privacy policy(s).
            "policyFragment": { # Information about a policy fragment. # The privacy policy fragment that was used during the check.
              "htmlContent": "A String", # HTML content.
              "sourceUri": "A String", # Policy URL.
        "sdkIssues": [ # Evidence concerning SDK issues.
          { # Evidence concerning an SDK issue.
            "sdk": { # Information about an SDK. # The SDK with an issue.
              "id": "A String", # SDK identifier.
            "sdkVersion": "A String", # The SDK version.
        "sdkRestrictionViolations": [ # Evidence collected from SDK restriction violation analysis.
          { # Evidence collected from SDK restriction violation analysis.
            "sdkDetails": [ # SDKs in violation.
              { # Details of the SDK in violation.
                "sdk": { # Information about an SDK. # The SDK in violation.
                  "id": "A String", # SDK identifier.
        "sdks": [ # Evidence concerning SDKs that were found in your app.
          { # Evidence conerning an SDK that was found in your app.
            "sdk": { # Information about an SDK. # The SDK that was found in your app.
              "id": "A String", # SDK identifier.
      "regionCodes": [ # Regions that are impacted by the check. For more info, see
        "A String",
      "severity": "A String", # The urgency or risk level of the check.
      "state": "A String", # The result after running the check.
      "stateMetadata": { # Additional information about the check state in relation to past reports. # Additional information about the check state in relation to past reports.
        "badges": [ # Indicators related to the check state.
          "A String",
        "firstFailingTime": "A String", # The time when the check first started failing.
        "lastFailingTime": "A String", # The last time the check failed.
      "type": "A String", # The type of check that was run. A type will only appear once in a report's list of checks.
  "dataMonitoring": { # Represents the data monitoring section of the report. # Information related to data monitoring.
    "dataTypes": [ # Data types that your app shares or collects.
      { # Information about a data type that was found in your app.
        "dataType": "A String", # The data type that was shared or collected by your app.
        "dataTypeEvidence": { # Evidence collected about a data type. # Evidence collected about the data type.
          "endpoints": [ # List of endpoints the data type was sent to.
            { # Evidence based on an endpoint that data was sent to.
              "attributedSdks": [ # Set of SDKs that are attributed to the exfiltration.
                { # Details of SDK that is attributed to the exfiltration.
                  "sdk": { # Information about an SDK. # SDK that is attributed to the exfiltration.
                    "id": "A String", # SDK identifier.
              "endpointDetails": [ # Endpoints the data type was sent to.
                { # Details of the endpoint the data type was sent to.
                  "endpoint": { # Information about an endpoint. # Endpoint the data type was sent to.
                    "domain": "A String", # Domain name (e.g.
              "exfiltratedDataType": "A String", # Type of data that was exfiltrated.
          "permissions": [ # List of included permissions that imply collection of the data type.
            { # Evidence based on the inclusion of a permission.
              "permission": { # Information about a permission. # Permission declared by your app.
                "id": "A String", # Permission identifier.
          "privacyPolicyTexts": [ # List of privacy policy texts that imply collection of the data type.
            { # Evidence based on information from the privacy policy.
              "policyFragment": { # Information about a policy fragment. # The privacy policy fragment that implies collection of the data type.
                "htmlContent": "A String", # HTML content.
                "sourceUri": "A String", # Policy URL.
        "metadata": { # Information about a data monitoring result. # Metadata about the result.
          "badges": [ # Badges that apply to this result.
            "A String",
          "firstDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was first detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
          "lastDetectedAppVersion": "A String", # Your app's version name when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
          "lastDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
    "endpoints": [ # Endpoints that were found by dynamic analysis of your app.
      { # Information about an endpoint that was contacted by your app.
        "endpoint": { # Information about an endpoint. # The endpoint that was contacted by your app.
          "domain": "A String", # Domain name (e.g.
        "hitCount": 42, # The number of times this endpoint was contacted by your app.
        "metadata": { # Information about a data monitoring result. # Metadata about the result.
          "badges": [ # Badges that apply to this result.
            "A String",
          "firstDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was first detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
          "lastDetectedAppVersion": "A String", # Your app's version name when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
          "lastDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
    "permissions": [ # Permissions that your app uses.
      { # Information about a permission that was found in your app.
        "metadata": { # Information about a data monitoring result. # Metadata about the result.
          "badges": [ # Badges that apply to this result.
            "A String",
          "firstDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was first detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
          "lastDetectedAppVersion": "A String", # Your app's version name when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
          "lastDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
        "permission": { # Information about a permission. # The permission that was found in your app.
          "id": "A String", # Permission identifier.
    "sdks": [ # SDKs that your app uses.
      { # Information about an SDK that was found in your app.
        "metadata": { # Information about a data monitoring result. # Metadata about the result.
          "badges": [ # Badges that apply to this result.
            "A String",
          "firstDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was first detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
          "lastDetectedAppVersion": "A String", # Your app's version name when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
          "lastDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
        "sdk": { # Information about an SDK. # The SDK that was found in your app.
          "id": "A String", # SDK identifier.
  "name": "A String", # Resource name of the report.
  "resultsUri": "A String", # A URL to view results.
list(parent, checksFilter=None, filter=None, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)
Lists reports for the specified app. By default, only the name and results_uri fields are returned. You can include other fields by listing them in the `fields` URL query parameter. For example, `?fields=reports(name,checks)` will return the name and checks fields.

  parent: string, Required. Resource name of the app. Example: `accounts/123/apps/456` (required)
  checksFilter: string, Optional. An [AIP-160]( filter string to filter checks within reports. Only checks that match the filter string are included in the response. Example: `state = FAILED`
  filter: string, Optional. An [AIP-160]( filter string to filter reports. Example: `appBundle.releaseType = PRE_RELEASE`
  pageSize: integer, Optional. The maximum number of reports to return. If unspecified, at most 10 reports will be returned. The maximum value is 50; values above 50 will be coerced to 50.
  pageToken: string, Optional. A page token received from a previous `ListReports` call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided to `ListReports` must match the call that provided the page token.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # The response message for ReportService.ListReports.
  "nextPageToken": "A String", # A token which can be sent as `page_token` to retrieve the next page. If this field is omitted, there are no subsequent pages.
  "reports": [ # The reports for the specified app.
    { # Privacy report.
      "appBundle": { # Information about the analyzed app bundle. # Information about the analyzed app bundle.
        "bundleId": "A String", # Unique id of the bundle. For example: "".
        "codeReferenceId": "A String", # Git commit hash or changelist number associated with the release.
        "releaseType": "A String", # Identifies the type of release.
        "version": "A String", # The user-visible version of the bundle such as the Android `versionName` or iOS `CFBundleShortVersionString`. For example: "7.21.1".
        "versionId": "A String", # The version used throughout the operating system and store to identify the build such as the Android `versionCode` or iOS `CFBundleVersion`.
      "checks": [ # List of checks that were run on the app bundle.
        { # A check that was run on your app.
          "citations": [ # Regulations and policies that serve as the legal basis for the check.
            { # Regulation or policy that serves as the legal basis for the check.
              "type": "A String", # Citation type.
          "evidence": { # Evidence for a check. # Evidence that substantiates the check result.
            "dataSecurity": { # Evidence concerning data security. # Evidence concerning data security.
              "dataInTransitInfo": [ # Evidence related to data in transit.
                { # Evidence related to data in transit detected in your app.
                  "uri": "A String", # The URL contacted by your app. This includes the protocol, domain, and URL parameters.
            "dataTypes": [ # Evidence concerning data types found in your app.
              { # Evidence concerning a data type that was found in your app.
                "dataType": "A String", # The data type that was found in your app.
                "dataTypeEvidence": { # Evidence collected about a data type. # Evidence collected about the data type.
                  "endpoints": [ # List of endpoints the data type was sent to.
                    { # Evidence based on an endpoint that data was sent to.
                      "attributedSdks": [ # Set of SDKs that are attributed to the exfiltration.
                        { # Details of SDK that is attributed to the exfiltration.
                          "sdk": { # Information about an SDK. # SDK that is attributed to the exfiltration.
                            "id": "A String", # SDK identifier.
                      "endpointDetails": [ # Endpoints the data type was sent to.
                        { # Details of the endpoint the data type was sent to.
                          "endpoint": { # Information about an endpoint. # Endpoint the data type was sent to.
                            "domain": "A String", # Domain name (e.g.
                      "exfiltratedDataType": "A String", # Type of data that was exfiltrated.
                  "permissions": [ # List of included permissions that imply collection of the data type.
                    { # Evidence based on the inclusion of a permission.
                      "permission": { # Information about a permission. # Permission declared by your app.
                        "id": "A String", # Permission identifier.
                  "privacyPolicyTexts": [ # List of privacy policy texts that imply collection of the data type.
                    { # Evidence based on information from the privacy policy.
                      "policyFragment": { # Information about a policy fragment. # The privacy policy fragment that implies collection of the data type.
                        "htmlContent": "A String", # HTML content.
                        "sourceUri": "A String", # Policy URL.
            "endpointRestrictionViolations": [ # Evidence collected from endpoint restriction violation analysis.
              { # Evidence collected from endpoint restriction violation analysis.
                "endpointDetails": [ # Endpoints in violation.
                  { # Details of the endpoint in violation.
                    "endpoint": { # Information about an endpoint. # The endpoint in violation.
                      "domain": "A String", # Domain name (e.g.
            "endpoints": [ # Evidence concerning endpoints that were contacted by your app.
              { # Evidence concerning an endpoint that was contacted by your app.
                "endpoint": { # Information about an endpoint. # The endpoint that was contacted by your app.
                  "domain": "A String", # Domain name (e.g.
            "permissionRestrictionViolations": [ # Evidence collected from permission restriction violation analysis.
              { # Evidence collected from permission restriction violation analysis.
                "permissionDetails": [ # Permissions in violation.
                  { # Details of the permission in violation.
                    "permission": { # Information about a permission. # The permission in violation.
                      "id": "A String", # Permission identifier.
            "permissions": [ # Evidence concerning permissions that were found in your app.
              { # Evidence concerning a permission that was found in your app.
                "permission": { # Information about a permission. # The permission that was found in your app.
                  "id": "A String", # Permission identifier.
            "privacyPolicyTexts": [ # Evidence collected from your privacy policy(s).
              { # Evidence collected from your privacy policy(s).
                "policyFragment": { # Information about a policy fragment. # The privacy policy fragment that was used during the check.
                  "htmlContent": "A String", # HTML content.
                  "sourceUri": "A String", # Policy URL.
            "sdkIssues": [ # Evidence concerning SDK issues.
              { # Evidence concerning an SDK issue.
                "sdk": { # Information about an SDK. # The SDK with an issue.
                  "id": "A String", # SDK identifier.
                "sdkVersion": "A String", # The SDK version.
            "sdkRestrictionViolations": [ # Evidence collected from SDK restriction violation analysis.
              { # Evidence collected from SDK restriction violation analysis.
                "sdkDetails": [ # SDKs in violation.
                  { # Details of the SDK in violation.
                    "sdk": { # Information about an SDK. # The SDK in violation.
                      "id": "A String", # SDK identifier.
            "sdks": [ # Evidence concerning SDKs that were found in your app.
              { # Evidence conerning an SDK that was found in your app.
                "sdk": { # Information about an SDK. # The SDK that was found in your app.
                  "id": "A String", # SDK identifier.
          "regionCodes": [ # Regions that are impacted by the check. For more info, see
            "A String",
          "severity": "A String", # The urgency or risk level of the check.
          "state": "A String", # The result after running the check.
          "stateMetadata": { # Additional information about the check state in relation to past reports. # Additional information about the check state in relation to past reports.
            "badges": [ # Indicators related to the check state.
              "A String",
            "firstFailingTime": "A String", # The time when the check first started failing.
            "lastFailingTime": "A String", # The last time the check failed.
          "type": "A String", # The type of check that was run. A type will only appear once in a report's list of checks.
      "dataMonitoring": { # Represents the data monitoring section of the report. # Information related to data monitoring.
        "dataTypes": [ # Data types that your app shares or collects.
          { # Information about a data type that was found in your app.
            "dataType": "A String", # The data type that was shared or collected by your app.
            "dataTypeEvidence": { # Evidence collected about a data type. # Evidence collected about the data type.
              "endpoints": [ # List of endpoints the data type was sent to.
                { # Evidence based on an endpoint that data was sent to.
                  "attributedSdks": [ # Set of SDKs that are attributed to the exfiltration.
                    { # Details of SDK that is attributed to the exfiltration.
                      "sdk": { # Information about an SDK. # SDK that is attributed to the exfiltration.
                        "id": "A String", # SDK identifier.
                  "endpointDetails": [ # Endpoints the data type was sent to.
                    { # Details of the endpoint the data type was sent to.
                      "endpoint": { # Information about an endpoint. # Endpoint the data type was sent to.
                        "domain": "A String", # Domain name (e.g.
                  "exfiltratedDataType": "A String", # Type of data that was exfiltrated.
              "permissions": [ # List of included permissions that imply collection of the data type.
                { # Evidence based on the inclusion of a permission.
                  "permission": { # Information about a permission. # Permission declared by your app.
                    "id": "A String", # Permission identifier.
              "privacyPolicyTexts": [ # List of privacy policy texts that imply collection of the data type.
                { # Evidence based on information from the privacy policy.
                  "policyFragment": { # Information about a policy fragment. # The privacy policy fragment that implies collection of the data type.
                    "htmlContent": "A String", # HTML content.
                    "sourceUri": "A String", # Policy URL.
            "metadata": { # Information about a data monitoring result. # Metadata about the result.
              "badges": [ # Badges that apply to this result.
                "A String",
              "firstDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was first detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
              "lastDetectedAppVersion": "A String", # Your app's version name when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
              "lastDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
        "endpoints": [ # Endpoints that were found by dynamic analysis of your app.
          { # Information about an endpoint that was contacted by your app.
            "endpoint": { # Information about an endpoint. # The endpoint that was contacted by your app.
              "domain": "A String", # Domain name (e.g.
            "hitCount": 42, # The number of times this endpoint was contacted by your app.
            "metadata": { # Information about a data monitoring result. # Metadata about the result.
              "badges": [ # Badges that apply to this result.
                "A String",
              "firstDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was first detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
              "lastDetectedAppVersion": "A String", # Your app's version name when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
              "lastDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
        "permissions": [ # Permissions that your app uses.
          { # Information about a permission that was found in your app.
            "metadata": { # Information about a data monitoring result. # Metadata about the result.
              "badges": [ # Badges that apply to this result.
                "A String",
              "firstDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was first detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
              "lastDetectedAppVersion": "A String", # Your app's version name when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
              "lastDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
            "permission": { # Information about a permission. # The permission that was found in your app.
              "id": "A String", # Permission identifier.
        "sdks": [ # SDKs that your app uses.
          { # Information about an SDK that was found in your app.
            "metadata": { # Information about a data monitoring result. # Metadata about the result.
              "badges": [ # Badges that apply to this result.
                "A String",
              "firstDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was first detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
              "lastDetectedAppVersion": "A String", # Your app's version name when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
              "lastDetectedTime": "A String", # The timestamp when this result was last detected within the last 8 weeks. If not set, it wasn't detected within the last 8 weeks.
            "sdk": { # Information about an SDK. # The SDK that was found in your app.
              "id": "A String", # SDK identifier.
      "name": "A String", # Resource name of the report.
      "resultsUri": "A String", # A URL to view results.
Retrieves the next page of results.

          previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
          previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

          A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
          page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.