Cloud Controls Partner API . organizations . locations

Instance Methods


Returns the customers Resource.


Close httplib2 connections.

getPartner(name, x__xgafv=None)

Get details of a Partner.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
getPartner(name, x__xgafv=None)
Get details of a Partner.

  name: string, Required. Format: `organizations/{organization}/locations/{location}/partner` (required)
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Message describing Partner resource
  "createTime": "A String", # Output only. Time the resource was created
  "ekmSolutions": [ # List of Google Cloud supported EKM partners supported by the partner
    { # Holds information needed by Mudbray to use partner EKMs for workloads.
      "ekmEndpointUri": "A String", # Endpoint for sending requests to the EKM for key provisioning during Assured Workload creation.
      "ekmSolution": "A String", # The Cloud EKM partner.
  "name": "A String", # Identifier. The resource name of the partner. Format: `organizations/{organization}/locations/{location}/partner` Example: "organizations/123456/locations/us-central1/partner"
  "operatedCloudRegions": [ # List of Google Cloud regions that the partner sells services to customers. Valid Google Cloud regions found here:
    "A String",
  "partnerProjectId": "A String", # Google Cloud project ID in the partner's Google Cloud organization for receiving enhanced Logs for Partners.
  "skus": [ # List of SKUs the partner is offering
    { # Represents the SKU a partner owns inside Google Cloud to sell to customers.
      "displayName": "A String", # Display name of the product identified by the SKU. A partner may want to show partner branded names for their offerings such as local sovereign cloud solutions.
      "id": "A String", # Argentum product SKU, that is associated with the partner offerings to customers used by Syntro for billing purposes. SKUs can represent resold Google products or support services.
  "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The last time the resource was updated