Compute Engine API . instances

Instance Methods

addAccessConfig(project, zone, instance, networkInterface, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Adds an access config to an instance's network interface.

addNetworkInterface(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Adds one dynamic network interface to an active instance.

addResourcePolicies(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Adds existing resource policies to an instance. You can only add one policy right now which will be applied to this instance for scheduling live migrations.

aggregatedList(project, filter=None, includeAllScopes=None, maxResults=None, orderBy=None, pageToken=None, returnPartialSuccess=None, serviceProjectNumber=None, x__xgafv=None)

Retrieves an aggregated list of all of the instances in your project across all regions and zones. The performance of this method degrades when a filter is specified on a project that has a very large number of instances. To prevent failure, Google recommends that you set the `returnPartialSuccess` parameter to `true`.


Retrieves the next page of results.

attachDisk(project, zone, instance, body=None, forceAttach=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Attaches an existing Disk resource to an instance. You must first create the disk before you can attach it. It is not possible to create and attach a disk at the same time. For more information, read Adding a persistent disk to your instance.

bulkInsert(project, zone, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Creates multiple instances. Count specifies the number of instances to create. For more information, see About bulk creation of VMs.


Close httplib2 connections.

delete(project, zone, instance, noGracefulShutdown=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Deletes the specified Instance resource. For more information, see Deleting an instance.

deleteAccessConfig(project, zone, instance, accessConfig, networkInterface, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Deletes an access config from an instance's network interface.

deleteNetworkInterface(project, zone, instance, networkInterfaceName, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Deletes one dynamic network interface from an active instance. InstancesDeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest indicates: - instance from which to delete, using project+zone+resource_id fields; - dynamic network interface to be deleted, using network_interface_name field;

detachDisk(project, zone, instance, deviceName, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Detaches a disk from an instance.

get(project, zone, instance, view=None, x__xgafv=None)

Returns the specified Instance resource.

getEffectiveFirewalls(project, zone, instance, networkInterface, x__xgafv=None)

Returns effective firewalls applied to an interface of the instance.

getGuestAttributes(project, zone, instance, queryPath=None, variableKey=None, x__xgafv=None)

Returns the specified guest attributes entry.

getIamPolicy(project, zone, resource, optionsRequestedPolicyVersion=None, x__xgafv=None)

Gets the access control policy for a resource. May be empty if no such policy or resource exists.

getPartnerMetadata(project, zone, instance, namespaces=None, x__xgafv=None)

Gets partner metadata of the specified instance and namespaces.

getScreenshot(project, zone, instance, x__xgafv=None)

Returns the screenshot from the specified instance.

getSerialPortOutput(project, zone, instance, port=None, start=None, x__xgafv=None)

Returns the last 1 MB of serial port output from the specified instance.

getShieldedInstanceIdentity(project, zone, instance, x__xgafv=None)

Returns the Shielded Instance Identity of an instance

getShieldedVmIdentity(project, zone, instance, x__xgafv=None)

Returns the Shielded VM Identity of an instance

insert(project, zone, body=None, requestId=None, sourceInstanceTemplate=None, sourceMachineImage=None, x__xgafv=None)

Creates an instance resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.

list(project, zone, filter=None, maxResults=None, orderBy=None, pageToken=None, returnPartialSuccess=None, view=None, x__xgafv=None)

Retrieves the list of instances contained within the specified zone.

listReferrers(project, zone, instance, filter=None, maxResults=None, orderBy=None, pageToken=None, returnPartialSuccess=None, x__xgafv=None)

Retrieves a list of resources that refer to the VM instance specified in the request. For example, if the VM instance is part of a managed or unmanaged instance group, the referrers list includes the instance group. For more information, read Viewing referrers to VM instances.


Retrieves the next page of results.


Retrieves the next page of results.

patchPartnerMetadata(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Patches partner metadata of the specified instance.

performMaintenance(project, zone, instance, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Perform a manual maintenance on the instance.

removeResourcePolicies(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Removes resource policies from an instance.

reportHostAsFaulty(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Mark the host as faulty and try to restart the instance on a new host.

reset(project, zone, instance, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Performs a reset on the instance. This is a hard reset. The VM does not do a graceful shutdown. For more information, see Resetting an instance.

resume(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Resumes an instance that was suspended using the instances().suspend method.

sendDiagnosticInterrupt(project, zone, instance, x__xgafv=None)

Sends diagnostic interrupt to the instance.

setDeletionProtection(project, zone, resource, deletionProtection=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Sets deletion protection on the instance.

setDiskAutoDelete(project, zone, instance, autoDelete, deviceName, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Sets the auto-delete flag for a disk attached to an instance.

setIamPolicy(project, zone, resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy.

setLabels(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Sets labels on an instance. To learn more about labels, read the Labeling Resources documentation.

setMachineResources(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Changes the number and/or type of accelerator for a stopped instance to the values specified in the request.

setMachineType(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Changes the machine type for a stopped instance to the machine type specified in the request.

setMetadata(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Sets metadata for the specified instance to the data included in the request.

setMinCpuPlatform(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Changes the minimum CPU platform that this instance should use. This method can only be called on a stopped instance. For more information, read Specifying a Minimum CPU Platform.

setName(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Sets name of an instance.

setScheduling(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Sets an instance's scheduling options. You can only call this method on a stopped instance, that is, a VM instance that is in a `TERMINATED` state. See Instance Life Cycle for more information on the possible instance states. For more information about setting scheduling options for a VM, see Set VM host maintenance policy.

setSecurityPolicy(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Sets the Google Cloud Armor security policy for the specified instance. For more information, see Google Cloud Armor Overview

setServiceAccount(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Sets the service account on the instance. For more information, read Changing the service account and access scopes for an instance.

setShieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Sets the Shielded Instance integrity policy for an instance. You can only use this method on a running instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.

setShieldedVmIntegrityPolicy(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Sets the Shielded VM integrity policy for a VM instance. You can only use this method on a running VM instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.

setTags(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Sets network tags for the specified instance to the data included in the request.

simulateMaintenanceEvent(project, zone, instance, requestId=None, withExtendedNotifications=None, x__xgafv=None)

Simulates a host maintenance event on a VM. For more information, see Simulate a host maintenance event.

start(project, zone, instance, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Starts an instance that was stopped using the instances().stop method. For more information, see Restart an instance.

startWithEncryptionKey(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Starts an instance that was stopped using the instances().stop method. For more information, see Restart an instance.

stop(project, zone, instance, discardLocalSsd=None, noGracefulShutdown=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Stops a running instance, shutting it down cleanly, and allows you to restart the instance at a later time. Stopped instances do not incur VM usage charges while they are stopped. However, resources that the VM is using, such as persistent disks and static IP addresses, will continue to be charged until they are deleted. For more information, see Stopping an instance.

suspend(project, zone, instance, discardLocalSsd=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

This method suspends a running instance, saving its state to persistent storage, and allows you to resume the instance at a later time. Suspended instances have no compute costs (cores or RAM), and incur only storage charges for the saved VM memory and localSSD data. Any charged resources the virtual machine was using, such as persistent disks and static IP addresses, will continue to be charged while the instance is suspended. For more information, see Suspending and resuming an instance.

testIamPermissions(project, zone, resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.

update(project, zone, instance, body=None, minimalAction=None, mostDisruptiveAllowedAction=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Updates an instance only if the necessary resources are available. This method can update only a specific set of instance properties. See Updating a running instance for a list of updatable instance properties.

updateAccessConfig(project, zone, instance, networkInterface, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Updates the specified access config from an instance's network interface with the data included in the request. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.

updateDisplayDevice(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Updates the Display config for a VM instance. You can only use this method on a stopped VM instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.

updateNetworkInterface(project, zone, instance, networkInterface, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Updates an instance's network interface. This method can only update an interface's alias IP range and attached network. See Modifying alias IP ranges for an existing instance for instructions on changing alias IP ranges. See Migrating a VM between networks for instructions on migrating an interface. This method follows PATCH semantics.

updateShieldedInstanceConfig(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Updates the Shielded Instance config for an instance. You can only use this method on a stopped instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.

updateShieldedVmConfig(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Updates the Shielded VM config for a VM instance. You can only use this method on a stopped VM instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.

Method Details

addAccessConfig(project, zone, instance, networkInterface, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Adds an access config to an instance's network interface.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, The instance name for this request. (required)
  networkInterface: string, The name of the network interface to add to this instance. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
  "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
  "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
  "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
  "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
  "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
  "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
  "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
  "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
  "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
  "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
addNetworkInterface(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Adds one dynamic network interface to an active instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, The instance name for this request stored as resource_id. Name should conform to RFC1035 or be an unsigned long integer. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # A network interface resource attached to an instance.
  "accessConfigs": [ # An array of configurations for this interface. Currently, only one access config, ONE_TO_ONE_NAT, is supported. If there are no accessConfigs specified, then this instance will have no external internet access.
    { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
      "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
      "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
      "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
      "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
      "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
      "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
      "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
      "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
      "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
      "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
  "aliasIpRanges": [ # An array of alias IP ranges for this network interface. You can only specify this field for network interfaces in VPC networks.
    { # An alias IP range attached to an instance's network interface.
      "ipCidrRange": "A String", # The IP alias ranges to allocate for this interface. This IP CIDR range must belong to the specified subnetwork and cannot contain IP addresses reserved by system or used by other network interfaces. This range may be a single IP address (such as, a netmask (such as /24) or a CIDR-formatted string (such as
      "subnetworkRangeName": "A String", # The name of a subnetwork secondary IP range from which to allocate an IP alias range. If not specified, the primary range of the subnetwork is used.
  "fingerprint": "A String", # Fingerprint hash of contents stored in this network interface. This field will be ignored when inserting an Instance or adding a NetworkInterface. An up-to-date fingerprint must be provided in order to update the NetworkInterface. The request will fail with error 400 Bad Request if the fingerprint is not provided, or 412 Precondition Failed if the fingerprint is out of date.
  "internalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # The prefix length of the primary internal IPv6 range.
  "ipv6AccessConfigs": [ # An array of IPv6 access configurations for this interface. Currently, only one IPv6 access config, DIRECT_IPV6, is supported. If there is no ipv6AccessConfig specified, then this instance will have no external IPv6 Internet access.
    { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
      "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
      "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
      "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
      "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
      "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
      "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
      "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
      "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
      "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
      "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
  "ipv6AccessType": "A String", # [Output Only] One of EXTERNAL, INTERNAL to indicate whether the IP can be accessed from the Internet. This field is always inherited from its subnetwork. Valid only if stackType is IPV4_IPV6.
  "ipv6Address": "A String", # An IPv6 internal network address for this network interface. To use a static internal IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an internal IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
  "kind": "compute#networkInterface", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#networkInterface for network interfaces.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] The name of the network interface, which is generated by the server. For a VM, the network interface uses the nicN naming format. Where N is a value between 0 and 7. The default interface value is nic0.
  "network": "A String", # URL of the VPC network resource for this instance. When creating an instance, if neither the network nor the subnetwork is specified, the default network global/networks/default is used. If the selected project doesn't have the default network, you must specify a network or subnet. If the network is not specified but the subnetwork is specified, the network is inferred. If you specify this property, you can specify the network as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - network - projects/project/global/networks/network - global/networks/default
  "networkAttachment": "A String", # The URL of the network attachment that this interface should connect to in the following format: projects/{project_number}/regions/{region_name}/networkAttachments/{network_attachment_name}.
  "networkIP": "A String", # An IPv4 internal IP address to assign to the instance for this network interface. If not specified by the user, an unused internal IP is assigned by the system.
  "nicType": "A String", # The type of vNIC to be used on this interface. This may be gVNIC or VirtioNet.
  "parentNicName": "A String", # Name of the parent network interface of a dynamic network interface.
  "queueCount": 42, # The networking queue count that's specified by users for the network interface. Both Rx and Tx queues will be set to this number. It'll be empty if not specified by the users.
  "stackType": "A String", # The stack type for this network interface. To assign only IPv4 addresses, use IPV4_ONLY. To assign both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, use IPV4_IPV6. If not specified, IPV4_ONLY is used. This field can be both set at instance creation and update network interface operations.
  "subnetwork": "A String", # The URL of the Subnetwork resource for this instance. If the network resource is in legacy mode, do not specify this field. If the network is in auto subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is optional. If the network is in custom subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is required. If you specify this field, you can specify the subnetwork as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - /subnetworks/subnetwork - regions/region/subnetworks/subnetwork
  "vlan": 42, # VLAN tag of a dynamic network interface, must be an integer in the range from 2 to 255 inclusively.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
addResourcePolicies(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Adds existing resource policies to an instance. You can only add one policy right now which will be applied to this instance for scheduling live migrations.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, The instance name for this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

  "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies to be added to this instance.
    "A String",

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
aggregatedList(project, filter=None, includeAllScopes=None, maxResults=None, orderBy=None, pageToken=None, returnPartialSuccess=None, serviceProjectNumber=None, x__xgafv=None)
Retrieves an aggregated list of all of the instances in your project across all regions and zones. The performance of this method degrades when a filter is specified on a project that has a very large number of instances. To prevent failure, Google recommends that you set the `returnPartialSuccess` parameter to `true`.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  filter: string, A filter expression that filters resources listed in the response. Most Compute resources support two types of filter expressions: expressions that support regular expressions and expressions that follow API improvement proposal AIP-160. These two types of filter expressions cannot be mixed in one request. If you want to use AIP-160, your expression must specify the field name, an operator, and the value that you want to use for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, or a boolean. The operator must be either `=`, `!=`, `>`, `<`, `<=`, `>=` or `:`. For example, if you are filtering Compute Engine instances, you can exclude instances named `example-instance` by specifying `name != example-instance`. The `:*` comparison can be used to test whether a key has been defined. For example, to find all objects with `owner` label use: ``` labels.owner:* ``` You can also filter nested fields. For example, you could specify `scheduling.automaticRestart = false` to include instances only if they are not scheduled for automatic restarts. You can use filtering on nested fields to filter based on resource labels. To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example: ``` (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") ``` By default, each expression is an `AND` expression. However, you can include `AND` and `OR` expressions explicitly. For example: ``` (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") OR (cpuPlatform = "Intel Broadwell") AND (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) ``` If you want to use a regular expression, use the `eq` (equal) or `ne` (not equal) operator against a single un-parenthesized expression with or without quotes or against multiple parenthesized expressions. Examples: `fieldname eq unquoted literal` `fieldname eq 'single quoted literal'` `fieldname eq "double quoted literal"` `(fieldname1 eq literal) (fieldname2 ne "literal")` The literal value is interpreted as a regular expression using Google RE2 library syntax. The literal value must match the entire field. For example, to filter for instances that do not end with name "instance", you would use `name ne .*instance`. You cannot combine constraints on multiple fields using regular expressions.
  includeAllScopes: boolean, Indicates whether every visible scope for each scope type (zone, region, global) should be included in the response. For new resource types added after this field, the flag has no effect as new resource types will always include every visible scope for each scope type in response. For resource types which predate this field, if this flag is omitted or false, only scopes of the scope types where the resource type is expected to be found will be included.
  maxResults: integer, The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available results is larger than `maxResults`, Compute Engine returns a `nextPageToken` that can be used to get the next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are `0` to `500`, inclusive. (Default: `500`)
  orderBy: string, Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order based on the resource name. You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using `orderBy="creationTimestamp desc"`. This sorts results based on the `creationTimestamp` field in reverse chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest operation is returned first. Currently, only sorting by `name` or `creationTimestamp desc` is supported.
  pageToken: string, Specifies a page token to use. Set `pageToken` to the `nextPageToken` returned by a previous list request to get the next page of results.
  returnPartialSuccess: boolean, Opt-in for partial success behavior which provides partial results in case of failure. The default value is false. For example, when partial success behavior is enabled, aggregatedList for a single zone scope either returns all resources in the zone or no resources, with an error code.
  serviceProjectNumber: string, The Shared VPC service project id or service project number for which aggregated list request is invoked for subnetworks list-usable api.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.
  "items": { # An object that contains a list of instances scoped by zone.
    "a_key": { # [Output Only] Name of the scope containing this set of instances.
      "instances": [ # [Output Only] A list of instances contained in this scope.
        { # Represents an Instance resource. An instance is a virtual machine that is hosted on Google Cloud Platform. For more information, read Virtual Machine Instances.
          "advancedMachineFeatures": { # Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features. Options that would traditionally be configured in a BIOS belong here. Features that require operating system support may have corresponding entries in the GuestOsFeatures of an Image (e.g., whether or not the OS in the Image supports nested virtualization being enabled or disabled). # Controls for advanced machine-related behavior features.
            "enableNestedVirtualization": True or False, # Whether to enable nested virtualization or not (default is false).
            "enableUefiNetworking": True or False, # Whether to enable UEFI networking for instance creation.
            "performanceMonitoringUnit": "A String", # Type of Performance Monitoring Unit requested on instance.
            "threadsPerCore": 42, # The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
            "turboMode": "A String", # Turbo frequency mode to use for the instance. Supported modes include: * ALL_CORE_MAX Using empty string or not setting this field will use the platform-specific default turbo mode.
            "visibleCoreCount": 42, # The number of physical cores to expose to an instance. Multiply by the number of threads per core to compute the total number of virtual CPUs to expose to the instance. If unset, the number of cores is inferred from the instance's nominal CPU count and the underlying platform's SMT width.
          "canIpForward": True or False, # Allows this instance to send and receive packets with non-matching destination or source IPs. This is required if you plan to use this instance to forward routes. For more information, see Enabling IP Forwarding .
          "confidentialInstanceConfig": { # A set of Confidential Instance options.
            "confidentialInstanceType": "A String", # Defines the type of technology used by the confidential instance.
            "enableConfidentialCompute": True or False, # Defines whether the instance should have confidential compute enabled.
          "cpuPlatform": "A String", # [Output Only] The CPU platform used by this instance.
          "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
          "deletionProtection": True or False, # Whether the resource should be protected against deletion.
          "description": "A String", # An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
          "disks": [ # Array of disks associated with this instance. Persistent disks must be created before you can assign them.
            { # An instance-attached disk resource.
              "architecture": "A String", # [Output Only] The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are ARM64 or X86_64.
              "autoDelete": True or False, # Specifies whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted (but not when the disk is detached from the instance).
              "boot": True or False, # Indicates that this is a boot disk. The virtual machine will use the first partition of the disk for its root filesystem.
              "deviceName": "A String", # Specifies a unique device name of your choice that is reflected into the /dev/disk/by-id/google-* tree of a Linux operating system running within the instance. This name can be used to reference the device for mounting, resizing, and so on, from within the instance. If not specified, the server chooses a default device name to apply to this disk, in the form persistent-disk-x, where x is a number assigned by Google Compute Engine. This field is only applicable for persistent disks.
              "diskEncryptionKey": { # Encrypts or decrypts a disk using a customer-supplied encryption key. If you are creating a new disk, this field encrypts the new disk using an encryption key that you provide. If you are attaching an existing disk that is already encrypted, this field decrypts the disk using the customer-supplied encryption key. If you encrypt a disk using a customer-supplied key, you must provide the same key again when you attempt to use this resource at a later time. For example, you must provide the key when you create a snapshot or an image from the disk or when you attach the disk to a virtual machine instance. If you do not provide an encryption key, then the disk will be encrypted using an automatically generated key and you do not need to provide a key to use the disk later. Note: Instance templates do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot use your own keys to encrypt disks in a managed instance group. You cannot create VMs that have disks with customer-supplied keys using the bulk insert method.
                "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
                "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
                "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
                "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
                "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
              "diskSizeGb": "A String", # The size of the disk in GB.
              "forceAttach": True or False, # [Input Only] Whether to force attach the regional disk even if it's currently attached to another instance. If you try to force attach a zonal disk to an instance, you will receive an error.
              "guestOsFeatures": [ # A list of features to enable on the guest operating system. Applicable only for bootable images. Read Enabling guest operating system features to see a list of available options.
                { # Guest OS features.
                  "type": "A String", # The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE - TDX_CAPABLE - IDPF For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
              "index": 42, # [Output Only] A zero-based index to this disk, where 0 is reserved for the boot disk. If you have many disks attached to an instance, each disk would have a unique index number.
              "initializeParams": { # [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This field is persisted and returned for instanceTemplate and not returned in the context of instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both. # [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both.
                "architecture": "A String", # The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are arm64 or x86_64.
                "description": "A String", # An optional description. Provide this property when creating the disk.
                "diskName": "A String", # Specifies the disk name. If not specified, the default is to use the name of the instance. If a disk with the same name already exists in the given region, the existing disk is attached to the new instance and the new disk is not created.
                "diskSizeGb": "A String", # Specifies the size of the disk in base-2 GB. The size must be at least 10 GB. If you specify a sourceImage, which is required for boot disks, the default size is the size of the sourceImage. If you do not specify a sourceImage, the default disk size is 500 GB.
                "diskType": "A String", # Specifies the disk type to use to create the instance. If not specified, the default is pd-standard, specified using the full URL. For example: /diskTypes/pd-standard For a full list of acceptable values, see Persistent disk types. If you specify this field when creating a VM, you can provide either the full or partial URL. For example, the following values are valid: - /diskTypes/diskType - projects/project/zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType - zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType If you specify this field when creating or updating an instance template or all-instances configuration, specify the type of the disk, not the URL. For example: pd-standard.
                "enableConfidentialCompute": True or False, # Whether this disk is using confidential compute mode.
                "guestOsFeatures": [ # A list of features to enable on the guest operating system. Applicable only for bootable images. Read Enabling guest operating system features to see a list of available options. Guest OS features are applied by merging initializeParams.guestOsFeatures and disks.guestOsFeatures
                  { # Guest OS features.
                    "type": "A String", # The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE - TDX_CAPABLE - IDPF For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
                "labels": { # Labels to apply to this disk. These can be later modified by the disks.setLabels method. This field is only applicable for persistent disks.
                  "a_key": "A String",
                "licenses": [ # A list of publicly visible licenses. Reserved for Google's use.
                  "A String",
                "multiWriter": True or False, # Indicates whether or not the disk can be read/write attached to more than one instance.
                "onUpdateAction": "A String", # Specifies which action to take on instance update with this disk. Default is to use the existing disk.
                "provisionedIops": "A String", # Indicates how many IOPS to provision for the disk. This sets the number of I/O operations per second that the disk can handle. Values must be between 10,000 and 120,000. For more details, see the Extreme persistent disk documentation.
                "provisionedThroughput": "A String", # Indicates how much throughput to provision for the disk. This sets the number of throughput mb per second that the disk can handle. Values must greater than or equal to 1.
                "replicaZones": [ # Required for each regional disk associated with the instance. Specify the URLs of the zones where the disk should be replicated to. You must provide exactly two replica zones, and one zone must be the same as the instance zone.
                  "A String",
                "resourceManagerTags": { # Resource manager tags to be bound to the disk. Tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format `tagKeys/{tag_key_id}`, and values are in the format `tagValues/456`. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
                  "a_key": "A String",
                "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies applied to this disk for automatic snapshot creations. Specified using the full or partial URL. For instance template, specify only the resource policy name.
                  "A String",
                "sourceImage": "A String", # The source image to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or disks.source is required. To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the image by its family name. For example, specify family/debian-9 to use the latest Debian 9 image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-9 Alternatively, use a specific version of a public operating system image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-9-stretch-vYYYYMMDD To create a disk with a custom image that you created, specify the image name in the following format: global/images/my-custom-image You can also specify a custom image by its image family, which returns the latest version of the image in that family. Replace the image name with family/family-name: global/images/family/my-image-family If the source image is deleted later, this field will not be set.
                "sourceImageEncryptionKey": { # The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image. Required if the source image is protected by a customer-supplied encryption key. InstanceTemplate and InstancePropertiesPatch do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot create disks for instances in a managed instance group if the source images are encrypted with your own keys.
                  "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
                  "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
                  "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
                  "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
                  "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
                "sourceInstantSnapshot": "A String", # The source instant-snapshot to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or initializeParams.sourceInstantSnapshot initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with a snapshot that you created, specify the snapshot name in the following format: us-central1-a/instantSnapshots/my-backup If the source instant-snapshot is deleted later, this field will not be set.
                "sourceSnapshot": "A String", # The source snapshot to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with a snapshot that you created, specify the snapshot name in the following format: global/snapshots/my-backup If the source snapshot is deleted later, this field will not be set. Note: You cannot create VMs in bulk using a snapshot as the source. Use an image instead when you create VMs using the bulk insert method.
                "sourceSnapshotEncryptionKey": { # The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot.
                  "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
                  "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
                  "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
                  "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
                  "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
                "storagePool": "A String", # The storage pool in which the new disk is created. You can provide this as a partial or full URL to the resource. For example, the following are valid values: - /storagePools/storagePool - projects/project/zones/zone/storagePools/storagePool - zones/zone/storagePools/storagePool
              "interface": "A String", # Specifies the disk interface to use for attaching this disk, which is either SCSI or NVME. For most machine types, the default is SCSI. Local SSDs can use either NVME or SCSI. In certain configurations, persistent disks can use NVMe. For more information, see About persistent disks.
              "kind": "compute#attachedDisk", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#attachedDisk for attached disks.
              "licenses": [ # [Output Only] Any valid publicly visible licenses.
                "A String",
              "locked": True or False, # [Output Only] Whether to indicate the attached disk is locked. The locked disk is not allowed to be detached from the instance, or to be used as the source of the snapshot creation, and the image creation. The instance with at least one locked attached disk is not allow to be used as source of machine image creation, instant snapshot creation, and not allowed to be deleted with --keep-disk parameter set to true for locked disks.
              "mode": "A String", # The mode in which to attach this disk, either READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY. If not specified, the default is to attach the disk in READ_WRITE mode.
              "savedState": "A String", # For LocalSSD disks on VM Instances in STOPPED or SUSPENDED state, this field is set to PRESERVED if the LocalSSD data has been saved to a persistent location by customer request. (see the discard_local_ssd option on Stop/Suspend). Read-only in the api.
              "shieldedInstanceInitialState": { # Initial State for shielded instance, these are public keys which are safe to store in public # [Output Only] shielded vm initial state stored on disk
                "dbs": [ # The Key Database (db).
                    "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
                    "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
                "dbxs": [ # The forbidden key database (dbx).
                    "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
                    "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
                "keks": [ # The Key Exchange Key (KEK).
                    "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
                    "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
                "pk": { # The Platform Key (PK).
                  "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
                  "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
              "source": "A String", # Specifies a valid partial or full URL to an existing Persistent Disk resource. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or disks.source is required. If desired, you can also attach existing non-root persistent disks using this property. This field is only applicable for persistent disks. Note that for InstanceTemplate, specify the disk name for zonal disk, and the URL for regional disk.
              "type": "A String", # Specifies the type of the disk, either SCRATCH or PERSISTENT. If not specified, the default is PERSISTENT.
              "userLicenses": [ # [Output Only] A list of user provided licenses. It represents a list of URLs to the license resource. Unlike regular licenses, user provided licenses can be modified after the disk is created.
                "A String",
          "displayDevice": { # A set of Display Device options # Enables display device for the instance.
            "enableDisplay": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Display enabled.
          "eraseWindowsVssSignature": True or False, # Specifies whether the disks restored from source snapshots or source machine image should erase Windows specific VSS signature.
          "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this resource, which is essentially a hash of the instance's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update the instance. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update the instance. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
          "guestAccelerators": [ # A list of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
            { # A specification of the type and number of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
              "acceleratorCount": 42, # The number of the guest accelerator cards exposed to this instance.
              "acceleratorType": "A String", # Full or partial URL of the accelerator type resource to attach to this instance. For example: projects/my-project/zones/us-central1-c/acceleratorTypes/nvidia-tesla-p100 If you are creating an instance template, specify only the accelerator name. See GPUs on Compute Engine for a full list of accelerator types.
          "hostname": "A String", # Specifies the hostname of the instance. The specified hostname must be RFC1035 compliant. If hostname is not specified, the default hostname is [INSTANCE_NAME].c.[PROJECT_ID].internal when using the global DNS, and [INSTANCE_NAME].[ZONE].c.[PROJECT_ID].internal when using zonal DNS.
          "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.
          "instanceEncryptionKey": { # Encrypts suspended data for an instance with a customer-managed encryption key. If you are creating a new instance, this field will encrypt the local SSD and in-memory contents of the instance during the suspend operation. If you do not provide an encryption key when creating the instance, then the local SSD and in-memory contents will be encrypted using an automatically generated key during the suspend operation.
            "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
            "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
            "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
            "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
            "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
          "keyRevocationActionType": "A String", # KeyRevocationActionType of the instance. Supported options are "STOP" and "NONE". The default value is "NONE" if it is not specified.
          "kind": "compute#instance", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#instance for instances.
          "labelFingerprint": "A String", # A fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the label's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update labels. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change labels. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
          "labels": { # Labels to apply to this instance. These can be later modified by the setLabels method.
            "a_key": "A String",
          "lastStartTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last start timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
          "lastStopTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last stop timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
          "lastSuspendedTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last suspended timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
          "machineType": "A String", # Full or partial URL of the machine type resource to use for this instance, in the format: zones/zone/machineTypes/machine-type. This is provided by the client when the instance is created. For example, the following is a valid partial url to a predefined machine type: zones/us-central1-f/machineTypes/n1-standard-1 To create a custom machine type, provide a URL to a machine type in the following format, where CPUS is 1 or an even number up to 32 (2, 4, 6, ... 24, etc), and MEMORY is the total memory for this instance. Memory must be a multiple of 256 MB and must be supplied in MB (e.g. 5 GB of memory is 5120 MB): zones/zone/machineTypes/custom-CPUS-MEMORY For example: zones/us-central1-f/machineTypes/custom-4-5120 For a full list of restrictions, read the Specifications for custom machine types.
          "metadata": { # A metadata key/value entry. # The metadata key/value pairs assigned to this instance. This includes custom metadata and predefined keys.
            "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the metadata's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change metadata, otherwise the request will fail with error 412 conditionNotMet. To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve the resource.
            "items": [ # Array of key/value pairs. The total size of all keys and values must be less than 512 KB.
              { # Metadata
                "key": "A String", # Key for the metadata entry. Keys must conform to the following regexp: [a-zA-Z0-9-_]+, and be less than 128 bytes in length. This is reflected as part of a URL in the metadata server. Additionally, to avoid ambiguity, keys must not conflict with any other metadata keys for the project.
                "value": "A String", # Value for the metadata entry. These are free-form strings, and only have meaning as interpreted by the image running in the instance. The only restriction placed on values is that their size must be less than or equal to 262144 bytes (256 KiB).
            "kind": "compute#metadata", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#metadata for metadata.
          "minCpuPlatform": "A String", # Specifies a minimum CPU platform for the VM instance. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU platforms, such as minCpuPlatform: "Intel Haswell" or minCpuPlatform: "Intel Sandy Bridge".
          "name": "A String", # The name of the resource, provided by the client when initially creating the resource. The resource name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?` which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
          "networkInterfaces": [ # An array of network configurations for this instance. These specify how interfaces are configured to interact with other network services, such as connecting to the internet. Multiple interfaces are supported per instance.
            { # A network interface resource attached to an instance.
              "accessConfigs": [ # An array of configurations for this interface. Currently, only one access config, ONE_TO_ONE_NAT, is supported. If there are no accessConfigs specified, then this instance will have no external internet access.
                { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
                  "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
                  "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
                  "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
                  "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
                  "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
                  "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
                  "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
                  "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
                  "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
                  "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
              "aliasIpRanges": [ # An array of alias IP ranges for this network interface. You can only specify this field for network interfaces in VPC networks.
                { # An alias IP range attached to an instance's network interface.
                  "ipCidrRange": "A String", # The IP alias ranges to allocate for this interface. This IP CIDR range must belong to the specified subnetwork and cannot contain IP addresses reserved by system or used by other network interfaces. This range may be a single IP address (such as, a netmask (such as /24) or a CIDR-formatted string (such as
                  "subnetworkRangeName": "A String", # The name of a subnetwork secondary IP range from which to allocate an IP alias range. If not specified, the primary range of the subnetwork is used.
              "fingerprint": "A String", # Fingerprint hash of contents stored in this network interface. This field will be ignored when inserting an Instance or adding a NetworkInterface. An up-to-date fingerprint must be provided in order to update the NetworkInterface. The request will fail with error 400 Bad Request if the fingerprint is not provided, or 412 Precondition Failed if the fingerprint is out of date.
              "internalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # The prefix length of the primary internal IPv6 range.
              "ipv6AccessConfigs": [ # An array of IPv6 access configurations for this interface. Currently, only one IPv6 access config, DIRECT_IPV6, is supported. If there is no ipv6AccessConfig specified, then this instance will have no external IPv6 Internet access.
                { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
                  "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
                  "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
                  "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
                  "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
                  "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
                  "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
                  "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
                  "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
                  "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
                  "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
              "ipv6AccessType": "A String", # [Output Only] One of EXTERNAL, INTERNAL to indicate whether the IP can be accessed from the Internet. This field is always inherited from its subnetwork. Valid only if stackType is IPV4_IPV6.
              "ipv6Address": "A String", # An IPv6 internal network address for this network interface. To use a static internal IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an internal IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
              "kind": "compute#networkInterface", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#networkInterface for network interfaces.
              "name": "A String", # [Output Only] The name of the network interface, which is generated by the server. For a VM, the network interface uses the nicN naming format. Where N is a value between 0 and 7. The default interface value is nic0.
              "network": "A String", # URL of the VPC network resource for this instance. When creating an instance, if neither the network nor the subnetwork is specified, the default network global/networks/default is used. If the selected project doesn't have the default network, you must specify a network or subnet. If the network is not specified but the subnetwork is specified, the network is inferred. If you specify this property, you can specify the network as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - network - projects/project/global/networks/network - global/networks/default
              "networkAttachment": "A String", # The URL of the network attachment that this interface should connect to in the following format: projects/{project_number}/regions/{region_name}/networkAttachments/{network_attachment_name}.
              "networkIP": "A String", # An IPv4 internal IP address to assign to the instance for this network interface. If not specified by the user, an unused internal IP is assigned by the system.
              "nicType": "A String", # The type of vNIC to be used on this interface. This may be gVNIC or VirtioNet.
              "parentNicName": "A String", # Name of the parent network interface of a dynamic network interface.
              "queueCount": 42, # The networking queue count that's specified by users for the network interface. Both Rx and Tx queues will be set to this number. It'll be empty if not specified by the users.
              "stackType": "A String", # The stack type for this network interface. To assign only IPv4 addresses, use IPV4_ONLY. To assign both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, use IPV4_IPV6. If not specified, IPV4_ONLY is used. This field can be both set at instance creation and update network interface operations.
              "subnetwork": "A String", # The URL of the Subnetwork resource for this instance. If the network resource is in legacy mode, do not specify this field. If the network is in auto subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is optional. If the network is in custom subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is required. If you specify this field, you can specify the subnetwork as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - /subnetworks/subnetwork - regions/region/subnetworks/subnetwork
              "vlan": 42, # VLAN tag of a dynamic network interface, must be an integer in the range from 2 to 255 inclusively.
          "networkPerformanceConfig": {
            "totalEgressBandwidthTier": "A String",
          "params": { # Additional instance params. # Input only. [Input Only] Additional params passed with the request, but not persisted as part of resource payload.
            "resourceManagerTags": { # Resource manager tags to be bound to the instance. Tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format `tagKeys/{tag_key_id}`, and values are in the format `tagValues/456`. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
              "a_key": "A String",
          "partnerMetadata": { # Partner Metadata assigned to the instance. A map from a subdomain (namespace) to entries map.
            "a_key": {
              "entries": { # Map of a partner metadata that belong to the same subdomain. It accepts any value including google.protobuf.Struct.
                "a_key": "",
          "postKeyRevocationActionType": "A String", # PostKeyRevocationActionType of the instance.
          "privateIpv6GoogleAccess": "A String", # The private IPv6 google access type for the VM. If not specified, use INHERIT_FROM_SUBNETWORK as default.
          "reservationAffinity": { # Specifies the reservations that this instance can consume from. # Specifies the reservations that this instance can consume from.
            "consumeReservationType": "A String", # Specifies the type of reservation from which this instance can consume resources: ANY_RESERVATION (default), SPECIFIC_RESERVATION, or NO_RESERVATION. See Consuming reserved instances for examples.
            "key": "A String", # Corresponds to the label key of a reservation resource. To target a SPECIFIC_RESERVATION by name, specify as the key and specify the name of your reservation as its value.
            "values": [ # Corresponds to the label values of a reservation resource. This can be either a name to a reservation in the same project or "projects/different-project/reservations/some-reservation-name" to target a shared reservation in the same zone but in a different project.
              "A String",
          "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies applied to this instance.
            "A String",
          "resourceStatus": { # Contains output only fields. Use this sub-message for actual values set on Instance attributes as compared to the value requested by the user (intent) in their instance CRUD calls. # [Output Only] Specifies values set for instance attributes as compared to the values requested by user in the corresponding input only field.
            "physicalHost": "A String", # [Output Only] The precise location of your instance within the zone's data center, including the block, sub-block, and host. The field is formatted as follows: blockId/subBlockId/hostId.
            "physicalHostTopology": { # Represents the physical host topology of the host on which the VM is running. # [Output Only] A series of fields containing the global name of the Compute Engine cluster, as well as the ID of the block, sub-block, and host on which the running instance is located.
              "block": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the block in which the running instance is located. Instances within the same block experience low network latency.
              "cluster": "A String", # [Output Only] The global name of the Compute Engine cluster where the running instance is located.
              "host": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the host on which the running instance is located. Instances on the same host experience the lowest possible network latency.
              "subblock": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the sub-block in which the running instance is located. Instances in the same sub-block experience lower network latency than instances in the same block.
            "scheduling": {
              "availabilityDomain": 42, # Specifies the availability domain to place the instance in. The value must be a number between 1 and the number of availability domains specified in the spread placement policy attached to the instance.
              "terminationTimestamp": "A String", # Time in future when the instance will be terminated in RFC3339 text format.
            "shutdownDetails": { # [Output Only] Details about the instance stopping state.
              "maxDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years.
                "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
                "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
              "requestTimestamp": "A String",
              "stopState": "A String",
              "targetState": "A String",
            "upcomingMaintenance": { # Upcoming Maintenance notification information.
              "canReschedule": True or False, # Indicates if the maintenance can be customer triggered.
              "latestWindowStartTime": "A String", # The latest time for the planned maintenance window to start. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
              "maintenanceStatus": "A String",
              "type": "A String", # Defines the type of maintenance.
              "windowEndTime": "A String", # The time by which the maintenance disruption will be completed. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
              "windowStartTime": "A String", # The current start time of the maintenance window. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
          "satisfiesPzi": True or False, # [Output Only] Reserved for future use.
          "satisfiesPzs": True or False, # [Output Only] Reserved for future use.
          "scheduling": { # Sets the scheduling options for an Instance. # Sets the scheduling options for this instance.
            "automaticRestart": True or False, # Specifies whether the instance should be automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine (not terminated by a user). You can only set the automatic restart option for standard instances. Preemptible instances cannot be automatically restarted. By default, this is set to true so an instance is automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine.
            "availabilityDomain": 42, # Specifies the availability domain to place the instance in. The value must be a number between 1 and the number of availability domains specified in the spread placement policy attached to the instance.
            "gracefulShutdown": { # The configuration for gracefully shutting down the instance.
              "enabled": True or False, # Opts-in for graceful shutdown.
              "maxDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # The time allotted for the instance to gracefully shut down. If the graceful shutdown isn't complete after this time, then the instance transitions to the STOPPING state.
                "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
                "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
            "hostErrorTimeoutSeconds": 42, # Specify the time in seconds for host error detection, the value must be within the range of [90, 330] with the increment of 30, if unset, the default behavior of host error recovery will be used.
            "instanceTerminationAction": "A String", # Specifies the termination action for the instance.
            "localSsdRecoveryTimeout": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Specifies the maximum amount of time a Local Ssd Vm should wait while recovery of the Local Ssd state is attempted. Its value should be in between 0 and 168 hours with hour granularity and the default value being 1 hour.
              "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
              "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
            "locationHint": "A String", # An opaque location hint used to place the instance close to other resources. This field is for use by internal tools that use the public API.
            "maintenanceFreezeDurationHours": 42, # Specifies the number of hours after VM instance creation where the VM won't be scheduled for maintenance.
            "maintenanceInterval": "A String", # Specifies the frequency of planned maintenance events. The accepted values are: `PERIODIC`.
            "maxRunDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Specifies the max run duration for the given instance. If specified, the instance termination action will be performed at the end of the run duration.
              "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
              "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
            "minNodeCpus": 42, # The minimum number of virtual CPUs this instance will consume when running on a sole-tenant node.
            "nodeAffinities": [ # A set of node affinity and anti-affinity configurations. Refer to Configuring node affinity for more information. Overrides reservationAffinity.
              { # Node Affinity: the configuration of desired nodes onto which this Instance could be scheduled.
                "key": "A String", # Corresponds to the label key of Node resource.
                "operator": "A String", # Defines the operation of node selection. Valid operators are IN for affinity and NOT_IN for anti-affinity.
                "values": [ # Corresponds to the label values of Node resource.
                  "A String",
            "onHostMaintenance": "A String", # Defines the maintenance behavior for this instance. For standard instances, the default behavior is MIGRATE. For preemptible instances, the default and only possible behavior is TERMINATE. For more information, see Set VM host maintenance policy.
            "onInstanceStopAction": { # Defines the behaviour for instances with the instance_termination_action STOP.
              "discardLocalSsd": True or False, # If true, the contents of any attached Local SSD disks will be discarded else, the Local SSD data will be preserved when the instance is stopped at the end of the run duration/termination time.
            "preemptible": True or False, # Defines whether the instance is preemptible. This can only be set during instance creation or while the instance is stopped and therefore, in a `TERMINATED` state. See Instance Life Cycle for more information on the possible instance states.
            "provisioningModel": "A String", # Specifies the provisioning model of the instance.
            "terminationTime": "A String", # Specifies the timestamp, when the instance will be terminated, in RFC3339 text format. If specified, the instance termination action will be performed at the termination time.
          "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.
          "serviceAccounts": [ # A list of service accounts, with their specified scopes, authorized for this instance. Only one service account per VM instance is supported. Service accounts generate access tokens that can be accessed through the metadata server and used to authenticate applications on the instance. See Service Accounts for more information.
            { # A service account.
              "email": "A String", # Email address of the service account.
              "scopes": [ # The list of scopes to be made available for this service account.
                "A String",
          "shieldedInstanceConfig": { # A set of Shielded Instance options.
            "enableIntegrityMonitoring": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled. Enabled by default.
            "enableSecureBoot": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled. Disabled by default.
            "enableVtpm": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled. Enabled by default.
          "shieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy": { # The policy describes the baseline against which Instance boot integrity is measured.
            "updateAutoLearnPolicy": True or False, # Updates the integrity policy baseline using the measurements from the VM instance's most recent boot.
          "shieldedVmConfig": { # A set of Shielded VM options. # Deprecating, please use shielded_instance_config.
            "enableIntegrityMonitoring": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
            "enableSecureBoot": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
            "enableVtpm": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled.
          "shieldedVmIntegrityPolicy": { # The policy describes the baseline against which VM instance boot integrity is measured. # Deprecating, please use shielded_instance_integrity_policy.
            "updateAutoLearnPolicy": True or False, # Updates the integrity policy baseline using the measurements from the VM instance's most recent boot.
          "sourceMachineImage": "A String", # Source machine image
          "sourceMachineImageEncryptionKey": { # Source machine image encryption key when creating an instance from a machine image.
            "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
            "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
            "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
            "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
            "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
          "startRestricted": True or False, # [Output Only] Whether a VM has been restricted for start because Compute Engine has detected suspicious activity.
          "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the instance. One of the following values: PROVISIONING, STAGING, RUNNING, STOPPING, SUSPENDING, SUSPENDED, REPAIRING, and TERMINATED. For more information about the status of the instance, see Instance life cycle.
          "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable explanation of the status.
          "tags": { # A set of instance tags. # Tags to apply to this instance. Tags are used to identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls and are specified by the client during instance creation. The tags can be later modified by the setTags method. Each tag within the list must comply with RFC1035. Multiple tags can be specified via the 'tags.items' field.
            "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the tags' contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update tags. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change tags. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
            "items": [ # An array of tags. Each tag must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.
              "A String",
          "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] URL of the zone where the instance resides. You must specify this field as part of the HTTP request URL. It is not settable as a field in the request body.
      "warning": { # [Output Only] Informational warning which replaces the list of instances when the list is empty.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
        "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
            "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
            "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "kind": "compute#instanceAggregatedList", # [Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#instanceAggregatedList for aggregated lists of Instance resources.
  "nextPageToken": "A String", # [Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue paging through the results.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.
  "unreachables": [ # [Output Only] Unreachable resources.
    "A String",
  "warning": { # [Output Only] Informational warning message.
    "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
    "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
        "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
        "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
    "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
Retrieves the next page of results.

          previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
          previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

          A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
          page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
attachDisk(project, zone, instance, body=None, forceAttach=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Attaches an existing Disk resource to an instance. You must first create the disk before you can attach it. It is not possible to create and attach a disk at the same time. For more information, read Adding a persistent disk to your instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, The instance name for this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # An instance-attached disk resource.
  "architecture": "A String", # [Output Only] The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are ARM64 or X86_64.
  "autoDelete": True or False, # Specifies whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted (but not when the disk is detached from the instance).
  "boot": True or False, # Indicates that this is a boot disk. The virtual machine will use the first partition of the disk for its root filesystem.
  "deviceName": "A String", # Specifies a unique device name of your choice that is reflected into the /dev/disk/by-id/google-* tree of a Linux operating system running within the instance. This name can be used to reference the device for mounting, resizing, and so on, from within the instance. If not specified, the server chooses a default device name to apply to this disk, in the form persistent-disk-x, where x is a number assigned by Google Compute Engine. This field is only applicable for persistent disks.
  "diskEncryptionKey": { # Encrypts or decrypts a disk using a customer-supplied encryption key. If you are creating a new disk, this field encrypts the new disk using an encryption key that you provide. If you are attaching an existing disk that is already encrypted, this field decrypts the disk using the customer-supplied encryption key. If you encrypt a disk using a customer-supplied key, you must provide the same key again when you attempt to use this resource at a later time. For example, you must provide the key when you create a snapshot or an image from the disk or when you attach the disk to a virtual machine instance. If you do not provide an encryption key, then the disk will be encrypted using an automatically generated key and you do not need to provide a key to use the disk later. Note: Instance templates do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot use your own keys to encrypt disks in a managed instance group. You cannot create VMs that have disks with customer-supplied keys using the bulk insert method.
    "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
    "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
    "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
    "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
    "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
  "diskSizeGb": "A String", # The size of the disk in GB.
  "forceAttach": True or False, # [Input Only] Whether to force attach the regional disk even if it's currently attached to another instance. If you try to force attach a zonal disk to an instance, you will receive an error.
  "guestOsFeatures": [ # A list of features to enable on the guest operating system. Applicable only for bootable images. Read Enabling guest operating system features to see a list of available options.
    { # Guest OS features.
      "type": "A String", # The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE - TDX_CAPABLE - IDPF For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
  "index": 42, # [Output Only] A zero-based index to this disk, where 0 is reserved for the boot disk. If you have many disks attached to an instance, each disk would have a unique index number.
  "initializeParams": { # [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This field is persisted and returned for instanceTemplate and not returned in the context of instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both. # [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both.
    "architecture": "A String", # The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are arm64 or x86_64.
    "description": "A String", # An optional description. Provide this property when creating the disk.
    "diskName": "A String", # Specifies the disk name. If not specified, the default is to use the name of the instance. If a disk with the same name already exists in the given region, the existing disk is attached to the new instance and the new disk is not created.
    "diskSizeGb": "A String", # Specifies the size of the disk in base-2 GB. The size must be at least 10 GB. If you specify a sourceImage, which is required for boot disks, the default size is the size of the sourceImage. If you do not specify a sourceImage, the default disk size is 500 GB.
    "diskType": "A String", # Specifies the disk type to use to create the instance. If not specified, the default is pd-standard, specified using the full URL. For example: /diskTypes/pd-standard For a full list of acceptable values, see Persistent disk types. If you specify this field when creating a VM, you can provide either the full or partial URL. For example, the following values are valid: - /diskTypes/diskType - projects/project/zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType - zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType If you specify this field when creating or updating an instance template or all-instances configuration, specify the type of the disk, not the URL. For example: pd-standard.
    "enableConfidentialCompute": True or False, # Whether this disk is using confidential compute mode.
    "guestOsFeatures": [ # A list of features to enable on the guest operating system. Applicable only for bootable images. Read Enabling guest operating system features to see a list of available options. Guest OS features are applied by merging initializeParams.guestOsFeatures and disks.guestOsFeatures
      { # Guest OS features.
        "type": "A String", # The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE - TDX_CAPABLE - IDPF For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
    "labels": { # Labels to apply to this disk. These can be later modified by the disks.setLabels method. This field is only applicable for persistent disks.
      "a_key": "A String",
    "licenses": [ # A list of publicly visible licenses. Reserved for Google's use.
      "A String",
    "multiWriter": True or False, # Indicates whether or not the disk can be read/write attached to more than one instance.
    "onUpdateAction": "A String", # Specifies which action to take on instance update with this disk. Default is to use the existing disk.
    "provisionedIops": "A String", # Indicates how many IOPS to provision for the disk. This sets the number of I/O operations per second that the disk can handle. Values must be between 10,000 and 120,000. For more details, see the Extreme persistent disk documentation.
    "provisionedThroughput": "A String", # Indicates how much throughput to provision for the disk. This sets the number of throughput mb per second that the disk can handle. Values must greater than or equal to 1.
    "replicaZones": [ # Required for each regional disk associated with the instance. Specify the URLs of the zones where the disk should be replicated to. You must provide exactly two replica zones, and one zone must be the same as the instance zone.
      "A String",
    "resourceManagerTags": { # Resource manager tags to be bound to the disk. Tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format `tagKeys/{tag_key_id}`, and values are in the format `tagValues/456`. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
      "a_key": "A String",
    "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies applied to this disk for automatic snapshot creations. Specified using the full or partial URL. For instance template, specify only the resource policy name.
      "A String",
    "sourceImage": "A String", # The source image to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or disks.source is required. To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the image by its family name. For example, specify family/debian-9 to use the latest Debian 9 image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-9 Alternatively, use a specific version of a public operating system image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-9-stretch-vYYYYMMDD To create a disk with a custom image that you created, specify the image name in the following format: global/images/my-custom-image You can also specify a custom image by its image family, which returns the latest version of the image in that family. Replace the image name with family/family-name: global/images/family/my-image-family If the source image is deleted later, this field will not be set.
    "sourceImageEncryptionKey": { # The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image. Required if the source image is protected by a customer-supplied encryption key. InstanceTemplate and InstancePropertiesPatch do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot create disks for instances in a managed instance group if the source images are encrypted with your own keys.
      "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
      "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
      "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
      "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
      "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    "sourceInstantSnapshot": "A String", # The source instant-snapshot to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or initializeParams.sourceInstantSnapshot initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with a snapshot that you created, specify the snapshot name in the following format: us-central1-a/instantSnapshots/my-backup If the source instant-snapshot is deleted later, this field will not be set.
    "sourceSnapshot": "A String", # The source snapshot to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with a snapshot that you created, specify the snapshot name in the following format: global/snapshots/my-backup If the source snapshot is deleted later, this field will not be set. Note: You cannot create VMs in bulk using a snapshot as the source. Use an image instead when you create VMs using the bulk insert method.
    "sourceSnapshotEncryptionKey": { # The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot.
      "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
      "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
      "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
      "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
      "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    "storagePool": "A String", # The storage pool in which the new disk is created. You can provide this as a partial or full URL to the resource. For example, the following are valid values: - /storagePools/storagePool - projects/project/zones/zone/storagePools/storagePool - zones/zone/storagePools/storagePool
  "interface": "A String", # Specifies the disk interface to use for attaching this disk, which is either SCSI or NVME. For most machine types, the default is SCSI. Local SSDs can use either NVME or SCSI. In certain configurations, persistent disks can use NVMe. For more information, see About persistent disks.
  "kind": "compute#attachedDisk", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#attachedDisk for attached disks.
  "licenses": [ # [Output Only] Any valid publicly visible licenses.
    "A String",
  "locked": True or False, # [Output Only] Whether to indicate the attached disk is locked. The locked disk is not allowed to be detached from the instance, or to be used as the source of the snapshot creation, and the image creation. The instance with at least one locked attached disk is not allow to be used as source of machine image creation, instant snapshot creation, and not allowed to be deleted with --keep-disk parameter set to true for locked disks.
  "mode": "A String", # The mode in which to attach this disk, either READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY. If not specified, the default is to attach the disk in READ_WRITE mode.
  "savedState": "A String", # For LocalSSD disks on VM Instances in STOPPED or SUSPENDED state, this field is set to PRESERVED if the LocalSSD data has been saved to a persistent location by customer request. (see the discard_local_ssd option on Stop/Suspend). Read-only in the api.
  "shieldedInstanceInitialState": { # Initial State for shielded instance, these are public keys which are safe to store in public # [Output Only] shielded vm initial state stored on disk
    "dbs": [ # The Key Database (db).
        "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
        "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
    "dbxs": [ # The forbidden key database (dbx).
        "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
        "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
    "keks": [ # The Key Exchange Key (KEK).
        "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
        "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
    "pk": { # The Platform Key (PK).
      "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
      "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
  "source": "A String", # Specifies a valid partial or full URL to an existing Persistent Disk resource. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or disks.source is required. If desired, you can also attach existing non-root persistent disks using this property. This field is only applicable for persistent disks. Note that for InstanceTemplate, specify the disk name for zonal disk, and the URL for regional disk.
  "type": "A String", # Specifies the type of the disk, either SCRATCH or PERSISTENT. If not specified, the default is PERSISTENT.
  "userLicenses": [ # [Output Only] A list of user provided licenses. It represents a list of URLs to the license resource. Unlike regular licenses, user provided licenses can be modified after the disk is created.
    "A String",

  forceAttach: boolean, Whether to force attach the regional disk even if it's currently attached to another instance. If you try to force attach a zonal disk to an instance, you will receive an error.
  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
bulkInsert(project, zone, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Creates multiple instances. Count specifies the number of instances to create. For more information, see About bulk creation of VMs.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # A transient resource used in compute.instances.bulkInsert and compute.regionInstances.bulkInsert . This resource is not persisted anywhere, it is used only for processing the requests.
  "count": "A String", # The maximum number of instances to create.
  "instanceProperties": { # The instance properties defining the VM instances to be created. Required if sourceInstanceTemplate is not provided.
    "advancedMachineFeatures": { # Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features. Options that would traditionally be configured in a BIOS belong here. Features that require operating system support may have corresponding entries in the GuestOsFeatures of an Image (e.g., whether or not the OS in the Image supports nested virtualization being enabled or disabled). # Controls for advanced machine-related behavior features. Note that for MachineImage, this is not supported yet.
      "enableNestedVirtualization": True or False, # Whether to enable nested virtualization or not (default is false).
      "enableUefiNetworking": True or False, # Whether to enable UEFI networking for instance creation.
      "performanceMonitoringUnit": "A String", # Type of Performance Monitoring Unit requested on instance.
      "threadsPerCore": 42, # The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
      "turboMode": "A String", # Turbo frequency mode to use for the instance. Supported modes include: * ALL_CORE_MAX Using empty string or not setting this field will use the platform-specific default turbo mode.
      "visibleCoreCount": 42, # The number of physical cores to expose to an instance. Multiply by the number of threads per core to compute the total number of virtual CPUs to expose to the instance. If unset, the number of cores is inferred from the instance's nominal CPU count and the underlying platform's SMT width.
    "canIpForward": True or False, # Enables instances created based on these properties to send packets with source IP addresses other than their own and receive packets with destination IP addresses other than their own. If these instances will be used as an IP gateway or it will be set as the next-hop in a Route resource, specify true. If unsure, leave this set to false. See the Enable IP forwarding documentation for more information.
    "confidentialInstanceConfig": { # A set of Confidential Instance options. # Specifies the Confidential Instance options. Note that for MachineImage, this is not supported yet.
      "confidentialInstanceType": "A String", # Defines the type of technology used by the confidential instance.
      "enableConfidentialCompute": True or False, # Defines whether the instance should have confidential compute enabled.
    "description": "A String", # An optional text description for the instances that are created from these properties.
    "disks": [ # An array of disks that are associated with the instances that are created from these properties.
      { # An instance-attached disk resource.
        "architecture": "A String", # [Output Only] The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are ARM64 or X86_64.
        "autoDelete": True or False, # Specifies whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted (but not when the disk is detached from the instance).
        "boot": True or False, # Indicates that this is a boot disk. The virtual machine will use the first partition of the disk for its root filesystem.
        "deviceName": "A String", # Specifies a unique device name of your choice that is reflected into the /dev/disk/by-id/google-* tree of a Linux operating system running within the instance. This name can be used to reference the device for mounting, resizing, and so on, from within the instance. If not specified, the server chooses a default device name to apply to this disk, in the form persistent-disk-x, where x is a number assigned by Google Compute Engine. This field is only applicable for persistent disks.
        "diskEncryptionKey": { # Encrypts or decrypts a disk using a customer-supplied encryption key. If you are creating a new disk, this field encrypts the new disk using an encryption key that you provide. If you are attaching an existing disk that is already encrypted, this field decrypts the disk using the customer-supplied encryption key. If you encrypt a disk using a customer-supplied key, you must provide the same key again when you attempt to use this resource at a later time. For example, you must provide the key when you create a snapshot or an image from the disk or when you attach the disk to a virtual machine instance. If you do not provide an encryption key, then the disk will be encrypted using an automatically generated key and you do not need to provide a key to use the disk later. Note: Instance templates do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot use your own keys to encrypt disks in a managed instance group. You cannot create VMs that have disks with customer-supplied keys using the bulk insert method.
          "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
          "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
          "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
          "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
          "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
        "diskSizeGb": "A String", # The size of the disk in GB.
        "forceAttach": True or False, # [Input Only] Whether to force attach the regional disk even if it's currently attached to another instance. If you try to force attach a zonal disk to an instance, you will receive an error.
        "guestOsFeatures": [ # A list of features to enable on the guest operating system. Applicable only for bootable images. Read Enabling guest operating system features to see a list of available options.
          { # Guest OS features.
            "type": "A String", # The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE - TDX_CAPABLE - IDPF For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
        "index": 42, # [Output Only] A zero-based index to this disk, where 0 is reserved for the boot disk. If you have many disks attached to an instance, each disk would have a unique index number.
        "initializeParams": { # [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This field is persisted and returned for instanceTemplate and not returned in the context of instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both. # [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both.
          "architecture": "A String", # The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are arm64 or x86_64.
          "description": "A String", # An optional description. Provide this property when creating the disk.
          "diskName": "A String", # Specifies the disk name. If not specified, the default is to use the name of the instance. If a disk with the same name already exists in the given region, the existing disk is attached to the new instance and the new disk is not created.
          "diskSizeGb": "A String", # Specifies the size of the disk in base-2 GB. The size must be at least 10 GB. If you specify a sourceImage, which is required for boot disks, the default size is the size of the sourceImage. If you do not specify a sourceImage, the default disk size is 500 GB.
          "diskType": "A String", # Specifies the disk type to use to create the instance. If not specified, the default is pd-standard, specified using the full URL. For example: /diskTypes/pd-standard For a full list of acceptable values, see Persistent disk types. If you specify this field when creating a VM, you can provide either the full or partial URL. For example, the following values are valid: - /diskTypes/diskType - projects/project/zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType - zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType If you specify this field when creating or updating an instance template or all-instances configuration, specify the type of the disk, not the URL. For example: pd-standard.
          "enableConfidentialCompute": True or False, # Whether this disk is using confidential compute mode.
          "guestOsFeatures": [ # A list of features to enable on the guest operating system. Applicable only for bootable images. Read Enabling guest operating system features to see a list of available options. Guest OS features are applied by merging initializeParams.guestOsFeatures and disks.guestOsFeatures
            { # Guest OS features.
              "type": "A String", # The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE - TDX_CAPABLE - IDPF For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
          "labels": { # Labels to apply to this disk. These can be later modified by the disks.setLabels method. This field is only applicable for persistent disks.
            "a_key": "A String",
          "licenses": [ # A list of publicly visible licenses. Reserved for Google's use.
            "A String",
          "multiWriter": True or False, # Indicates whether or not the disk can be read/write attached to more than one instance.
          "onUpdateAction": "A String", # Specifies which action to take on instance update with this disk. Default is to use the existing disk.
          "provisionedIops": "A String", # Indicates how many IOPS to provision for the disk. This sets the number of I/O operations per second that the disk can handle. Values must be between 10,000 and 120,000. For more details, see the Extreme persistent disk documentation.
          "provisionedThroughput": "A String", # Indicates how much throughput to provision for the disk. This sets the number of throughput mb per second that the disk can handle. Values must greater than or equal to 1.
          "replicaZones": [ # Required for each regional disk associated with the instance. Specify the URLs of the zones where the disk should be replicated to. You must provide exactly two replica zones, and one zone must be the same as the instance zone.
            "A String",
          "resourceManagerTags": { # Resource manager tags to be bound to the disk. Tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format `tagKeys/{tag_key_id}`, and values are in the format `tagValues/456`. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
            "a_key": "A String",
          "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies applied to this disk for automatic snapshot creations. Specified using the full or partial URL. For instance template, specify only the resource policy name.
            "A String",
          "sourceImage": "A String", # The source image to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or disks.source is required. To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the image by its family name. For example, specify family/debian-9 to use the latest Debian 9 image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-9 Alternatively, use a specific version of a public operating system image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-9-stretch-vYYYYMMDD To create a disk with a custom image that you created, specify the image name in the following format: global/images/my-custom-image You can also specify a custom image by its image family, which returns the latest version of the image in that family. Replace the image name with family/family-name: global/images/family/my-image-family If the source image is deleted later, this field will not be set.
          "sourceImageEncryptionKey": { # The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image. Required if the source image is protected by a customer-supplied encryption key. InstanceTemplate and InstancePropertiesPatch do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot create disks for instances in a managed instance group if the source images are encrypted with your own keys.
            "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
            "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
            "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
            "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
            "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
          "sourceInstantSnapshot": "A String", # The source instant-snapshot to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or initializeParams.sourceInstantSnapshot initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with a snapshot that you created, specify the snapshot name in the following format: us-central1-a/instantSnapshots/my-backup If the source instant-snapshot is deleted later, this field will not be set.
          "sourceSnapshot": "A String", # The source snapshot to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with a snapshot that you created, specify the snapshot name in the following format: global/snapshots/my-backup If the source snapshot is deleted later, this field will not be set. Note: You cannot create VMs in bulk using a snapshot as the source. Use an image instead when you create VMs using the bulk insert method.
          "sourceSnapshotEncryptionKey": { # The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot.
            "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
            "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
            "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
            "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
            "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
          "storagePool": "A String", # The storage pool in which the new disk is created. You can provide this as a partial or full URL to the resource. For example, the following are valid values: - /storagePools/storagePool - projects/project/zones/zone/storagePools/storagePool - zones/zone/storagePools/storagePool
        "interface": "A String", # Specifies the disk interface to use for attaching this disk, which is either SCSI or NVME. For most machine types, the default is SCSI. Local SSDs can use either NVME or SCSI. In certain configurations, persistent disks can use NVMe. For more information, see About persistent disks.
        "kind": "compute#attachedDisk", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#attachedDisk for attached disks.
        "licenses": [ # [Output Only] Any valid publicly visible licenses.
          "A String",
        "locked": True or False, # [Output Only] Whether to indicate the attached disk is locked. The locked disk is not allowed to be detached from the instance, or to be used as the source of the snapshot creation, and the image creation. The instance with at least one locked attached disk is not allow to be used as source of machine image creation, instant snapshot creation, and not allowed to be deleted with --keep-disk parameter set to true for locked disks.
        "mode": "A String", # The mode in which to attach this disk, either READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY. If not specified, the default is to attach the disk in READ_WRITE mode.
        "savedState": "A String", # For LocalSSD disks on VM Instances in STOPPED or SUSPENDED state, this field is set to PRESERVED if the LocalSSD data has been saved to a persistent location by customer request. (see the discard_local_ssd option on Stop/Suspend). Read-only in the api.
        "shieldedInstanceInitialState": { # Initial State for shielded instance, these are public keys which are safe to store in public # [Output Only] shielded vm initial state stored on disk
          "dbs": [ # The Key Database (db).
              "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
              "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
          "dbxs": [ # The forbidden key database (dbx).
              "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
              "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
          "keks": [ # The Key Exchange Key (KEK).
              "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
              "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
          "pk": { # The Platform Key (PK).
            "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
            "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
        "source": "A String", # Specifies a valid partial or full URL to an existing Persistent Disk resource. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or disks.source is required. If desired, you can also attach existing non-root persistent disks using this property. This field is only applicable for persistent disks. Note that for InstanceTemplate, specify the disk name for zonal disk, and the URL for regional disk.
        "type": "A String", # Specifies the type of the disk, either SCRATCH or PERSISTENT. If not specified, the default is PERSISTENT.
        "userLicenses": [ # [Output Only] A list of user provided licenses. It represents a list of URLs to the license resource. Unlike regular licenses, user provided licenses can be modified after the disk is created.
          "A String",
    "displayDevice": { # A set of Display Device options # Display Device properties to enable support for remote display products like: Teradici, VNC and TeamViewer Note that for MachineImage, this is not supported yet.
      "enableDisplay": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Display enabled.
    "guestAccelerators": [ # A list of guest accelerator cards' type and count to use for instances created from these properties.
      { # A specification of the type and number of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
        "acceleratorCount": 42, # The number of the guest accelerator cards exposed to this instance.
        "acceleratorType": "A String", # Full or partial URL of the accelerator type resource to attach to this instance. For example: projects/my-project/zones/us-central1-c/acceleratorTypes/nvidia-tesla-p100 If you are creating an instance template, specify only the accelerator name. See GPUs on Compute Engine for a full list of accelerator types.
    "keyRevocationActionType": "A String", # KeyRevocationActionType of the instance. Supported options are "STOP" and "NONE". The default value is "NONE" if it is not specified.
    "labels": { # Labels to apply to instances that are created from these properties.
      "a_key": "A String",
    "machineType": "A String", # The machine type to use for instances that are created from these properties. This field only accepts a machine type name, for example `n2-standard-4`. If you use the machine type full or partial URL, for example `projects/my-l7ilb-project/zones/us-central1-a/machineTypes/n2-standard-4`, the request will result in an `INTERNAL_ERROR`.
    "metadata": { # A metadata key/value entry. # The metadata key/value pairs to assign to instances that are created from these properties. These pairs can consist of custom metadata or predefined keys. See Project and instance metadata for more information.
      "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the metadata's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change metadata, otherwise the request will fail with error 412 conditionNotMet. To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve the resource.
      "items": [ # Array of key/value pairs. The total size of all keys and values must be less than 512 KB.
        { # Metadata
          "key": "A String", # Key for the metadata entry. Keys must conform to the following regexp: [a-zA-Z0-9-_]+, and be less than 128 bytes in length. This is reflected as part of a URL in the metadata server. Additionally, to avoid ambiguity, keys must not conflict with any other metadata keys for the project.
          "value": "A String", # Value for the metadata entry. These are free-form strings, and only have meaning as interpreted by the image running in the instance. The only restriction placed on values is that their size must be less than or equal to 262144 bytes (256 KiB).
      "kind": "compute#metadata", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#metadata for metadata.
    "minCpuPlatform": "A String", # Minimum cpu/platform to be used by instances. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer cpu/platform. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU platforms, such as minCpuPlatform: "Intel Haswell" or minCpuPlatform: "Intel Sandy Bridge". For more information, read Specifying a Minimum CPU Platform.
    "networkInterfaces": [ # An array of network access configurations for this interface.
      { # A network interface resource attached to an instance.
        "accessConfigs": [ # An array of configurations for this interface. Currently, only one access config, ONE_TO_ONE_NAT, is supported. If there are no accessConfigs specified, then this instance will have no external internet access.
          { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
            "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
            "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
            "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
            "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
            "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
            "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
            "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
            "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
            "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
            "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
        "aliasIpRanges": [ # An array of alias IP ranges for this network interface. You can only specify this field for network interfaces in VPC networks.
          { # An alias IP range attached to an instance's network interface.
            "ipCidrRange": "A String", # The IP alias ranges to allocate for this interface. This IP CIDR range must belong to the specified subnetwork and cannot contain IP addresses reserved by system or used by other network interfaces. This range may be a single IP address (such as, a netmask (such as /24) or a CIDR-formatted string (such as
            "subnetworkRangeName": "A String", # The name of a subnetwork secondary IP range from which to allocate an IP alias range. If not specified, the primary range of the subnetwork is used.
        "fingerprint": "A String", # Fingerprint hash of contents stored in this network interface. This field will be ignored when inserting an Instance or adding a NetworkInterface. An up-to-date fingerprint must be provided in order to update the NetworkInterface. The request will fail with error 400 Bad Request if the fingerprint is not provided, or 412 Precondition Failed if the fingerprint is out of date.
        "internalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # The prefix length of the primary internal IPv6 range.
        "ipv6AccessConfigs": [ # An array of IPv6 access configurations for this interface. Currently, only one IPv6 access config, DIRECT_IPV6, is supported. If there is no ipv6AccessConfig specified, then this instance will have no external IPv6 Internet access.
          { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
            "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
            "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
            "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
            "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
            "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
            "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
            "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
            "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
            "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
            "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
        "ipv6AccessType": "A String", # [Output Only] One of EXTERNAL, INTERNAL to indicate whether the IP can be accessed from the Internet. This field is always inherited from its subnetwork. Valid only if stackType is IPV4_IPV6.
        "ipv6Address": "A String", # An IPv6 internal network address for this network interface. To use a static internal IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an internal IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
        "kind": "compute#networkInterface", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#networkInterface for network interfaces.
        "name": "A String", # [Output Only] The name of the network interface, which is generated by the server. For a VM, the network interface uses the nicN naming format. Where N is a value between 0 and 7. The default interface value is nic0.
        "network": "A String", # URL of the VPC network resource for this instance. When creating an instance, if neither the network nor the subnetwork is specified, the default network global/networks/default is used. If the selected project doesn't have the default network, you must specify a network or subnet. If the network is not specified but the subnetwork is specified, the network is inferred. If you specify this property, you can specify the network as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - network - projects/project/global/networks/network - global/networks/default
        "networkAttachment": "A String", # The URL of the network attachment that this interface should connect to in the following format: projects/{project_number}/regions/{region_name}/networkAttachments/{network_attachment_name}.
        "networkIP": "A String", # An IPv4 internal IP address to assign to the instance for this network interface. If not specified by the user, an unused internal IP is assigned by the system.
        "nicType": "A String", # The type of vNIC to be used on this interface. This may be gVNIC or VirtioNet.
        "parentNicName": "A String", # Name of the parent network interface of a dynamic network interface.
        "queueCount": 42, # The networking queue count that's specified by users for the network interface. Both Rx and Tx queues will be set to this number. It'll be empty if not specified by the users.
        "stackType": "A String", # The stack type for this network interface. To assign only IPv4 addresses, use IPV4_ONLY. To assign both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, use IPV4_IPV6. If not specified, IPV4_ONLY is used. This field can be both set at instance creation and update network interface operations.
        "subnetwork": "A String", # The URL of the Subnetwork resource for this instance. If the network resource is in legacy mode, do not specify this field. If the network is in auto subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is optional. If the network is in custom subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is required. If you specify this field, you can specify the subnetwork as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - /subnetworks/subnetwork - regions/region/subnetworks/subnetwork
        "vlan": 42, # VLAN tag of a dynamic network interface, must be an integer in the range from 2 to 255 inclusively.
    "networkPerformanceConfig": { # Note that for MachineImage, this is not supported yet.
      "totalEgressBandwidthTier": "A String",
    "partnerMetadata": { # Partner Metadata assigned to the instance properties. A map from a subdomain (namespace) to entries map.
      "a_key": {
        "entries": { # Map of a partner metadata that belong to the same subdomain. It accepts any value including google.protobuf.Struct.
          "a_key": "",
    "postKeyRevocationActionType": "A String", # PostKeyRevocationActionType of the instance.
    "privateIpv6GoogleAccess": "A String", # The private IPv6 google access type for VMs. If not specified, use INHERIT_FROM_SUBNETWORK as default. Note that for MachineImage, this is not supported yet.
    "reservationAffinity": { # Specifies the reservations that this instance can consume from. # Specifies the reservations that instances can consume from. Note that for MachineImage, this is not supported yet.
      "consumeReservationType": "A String", # Specifies the type of reservation from which this instance can consume resources: ANY_RESERVATION (default), SPECIFIC_RESERVATION, or NO_RESERVATION. See Consuming reserved instances for examples.
      "key": "A String", # Corresponds to the label key of a reservation resource. To target a SPECIFIC_RESERVATION by name, specify as the key and specify the name of your reservation as its value.
      "values": [ # Corresponds to the label values of a reservation resource. This can be either a name to a reservation in the same project or "projects/different-project/reservations/some-reservation-name" to target a shared reservation in the same zone but in a different project.
        "A String",
    "resourceManagerTags": { # Resource manager tags to be bound to the instance. Tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format `tagKeys/{tag_key_id}`, and values are in the format `tagValues/456`. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
      "a_key": "A String",
    "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies (names, not URLs) applied to instances created from these properties. Note that for MachineImage, this is not supported yet.
      "A String",
    "scheduling": { # Sets the scheduling options for an Instance. # Specifies the scheduling options for the instances that are created from these properties.
      "automaticRestart": True or False, # Specifies whether the instance should be automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine (not terminated by a user). You can only set the automatic restart option for standard instances. Preemptible instances cannot be automatically restarted. By default, this is set to true so an instance is automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine.
      "availabilityDomain": 42, # Specifies the availability domain to place the instance in. The value must be a number between 1 and the number of availability domains specified in the spread placement policy attached to the instance.
      "gracefulShutdown": { # The configuration for gracefully shutting down the instance.
        "enabled": True or False, # Opts-in for graceful shutdown.
        "maxDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # The time allotted for the instance to gracefully shut down. If the graceful shutdown isn't complete after this time, then the instance transitions to the STOPPING state.
          "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
          "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
      "hostErrorTimeoutSeconds": 42, # Specify the time in seconds for host error detection, the value must be within the range of [90, 330] with the increment of 30, if unset, the default behavior of host error recovery will be used.
      "instanceTerminationAction": "A String", # Specifies the termination action for the instance.
      "localSsdRecoveryTimeout": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Specifies the maximum amount of time a Local Ssd Vm should wait while recovery of the Local Ssd state is attempted. Its value should be in between 0 and 168 hours with hour granularity and the default value being 1 hour.
        "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
        "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
      "locationHint": "A String", # An opaque location hint used to place the instance close to other resources. This field is for use by internal tools that use the public API.
      "maintenanceFreezeDurationHours": 42, # Specifies the number of hours after VM instance creation where the VM won't be scheduled for maintenance.
      "maintenanceInterval": "A String", # Specifies the frequency of planned maintenance events. The accepted values are: `PERIODIC`.
      "maxRunDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Specifies the max run duration for the given instance. If specified, the instance termination action will be performed at the end of the run duration.
        "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
        "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
      "minNodeCpus": 42, # The minimum number of virtual CPUs this instance will consume when running on a sole-tenant node.
      "nodeAffinities": [ # A set of node affinity and anti-affinity configurations. Refer to Configuring node affinity for more information. Overrides reservationAffinity.
        { # Node Affinity: the configuration of desired nodes onto which this Instance could be scheduled.
          "key": "A String", # Corresponds to the label key of Node resource.
          "operator": "A String", # Defines the operation of node selection. Valid operators are IN for affinity and NOT_IN for anti-affinity.
          "values": [ # Corresponds to the label values of Node resource.
            "A String",
      "onHostMaintenance": "A String", # Defines the maintenance behavior for this instance. For standard instances, the default behavior is MIGRATE. For preemptible instances, the default and only possible behavior is TERMINATE. For more information, see Set VM host maintenance policy.
      "onInstanceStopAction": { # Defines the behaviour for instances with the instance_termination_action STOP.
        "discardLocalSsd": True or False, # If true, the contents of any attached Local SSD disks will be discarded else, the Local SSD data will be preserved when the instance is stopped at the end of the run duration/termination time.
      "preemptible": True or False, # Defines whether the instance is preemptible. This can only be set during instance creation or while the instance is stopped and therefore, in a `TERMINATED` state. See Instance Life Cycle for more information on the possible instance states.
      "provisioningModel": "A String", # Specifies the provisioning model of the instance.
      "terminationTime": "A String", # Specifies the timestamp, when the instance will be terminated, in RFC3339 text format. If specified, the instance termination action will be performed at the termination time.
    "serviceAccounts": [ # A list of service accounts with specified scopes. Access tokens for these service accounts are available to the instances that are created from these properties. Use metadata queries to obtain the access tokens for these instances.
      { # A service account.
        "email": "A String", # Email address of the service account.
        "scopes": [ # The list of scopes to be made available for this service account.
          "A String",
    "shieldedInstanceConfig": { # A set of Shielded Instance options. # Note that for MachineImage, this is not supported yet.
      "enableIntegrityMonitoring": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled. Enabled by default.
      "enableSecureBoot": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled. Disabled by default.
      "enableVtpm": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled. Enabled by default.
    "shieldedVmConfig": { # A set of Shielded VM options. # Specifies the Shielded VM options for the instances that are created from these properties.
      "enableIntegrityMonitoring": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
      "enableSecureBoot": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
      "enableVtpm": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled.
    "tags": { # A set of instance tags. # A list of tags to apply to the instances that are created from these properties. The tags identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls. The setTags method can modify this list of tags. Each tag within the list must comply with RFC1035.
      "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the tags' contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update tags. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change tags. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
      "items": [ # An array of tags. Each tag must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.
        "A String",
  "locationPolicy": { # Configuration for location policy among multiple possible locations (e.g. preferences for zone selection among zones in a single region). # Policy for choosing target zone. For more information, see Create VMs in bulk.
    "locations": { # Location configurations mapped by location name. Currently only zone names are supported and must be represented as valid internal URLs, such as zones/us-central1-a.
      "a_key": {
        "constraints": { # Per-zone constraints on location policy for this zone. # Constraints that the caller requires on the result distribution in this zone.
          "maxCount": 42, # Maximum number of items that are allowed to be placed in this zone. The value must be non-negative.
        "preference": "A String", # Preference for a given location. Set to either ALLOW or DENY.
    "targetShape": "A String", # Strategy for distributing VMs across zones in a region.
  "minCount": "A String", # The minimum number of instances to create. If no min_count is specified then count is used as the default value. If min_count instances cannot be created, then no instances will be created and instances already created will be deleted.
  "namePattern": "A String", # The string pattern used for the names of the VMs. Either name_pattern or per_instance_properties must be set. The pattern must contain one continuous sequence of placeholder hash characters (#) with each character corresponding to one digit of the generated instance name. Example: a name_pattern of inst-#### generates instance names such as inst-0001 and inst-0002. If existing instances in the same project and zone have names that match the name pattern then the generated instance numbers start after the biggest existing number. For example, if there exists an instance with name inst-0050, then instance names generated using the pattern inst-#### begin with inst-0051. The name pattern placeholder #...# can contain up to 18 characters.
  "perInstanceProperties": { # Per-instance properties to be set on individual instances. Keys of this map specify requested instance names. Can be empty if name_pattern is used.
    "a_key": { # Per-instance properties to be set on individual instances. To be extended in the future.
      "hostname": "A String", # Specifies the hostname of the instance. More details in:
      "name": "A String", # This field is only temporary. It will be removed. Do not use it.
  "sourceInstanceTemplate": "A String", # Specifies the instance template from which to create instances. You may combine sourceInstanceTemplate with instanceProperties to override specific values from an existing instance template. Bulk API follows the semantics of JSON Merge Patch described by RFC 7396. It can be a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs to an instance template: - /global/instanceTemplates/instanceTemplate - projects/project/global/instanceTemplates/instanceTemplate - global/instanceTemplates/instanceTemplate This field is optional.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
Close httplib2 connections.
delete(project, zone, instance, noGracefulShutdown=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Deletes the specified Instance resource. For more information, see Deleting an instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance resource to delete. (required)
  noGracefulShutdown: boolean, If set to true, Graceful Shutdown is skipped.
  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
deleteAccessConfig(project, zone, instance, accessConfig, networkInterface, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Deletes an access config from an instance's network interface.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, The instance name for this request. (required)
  accessConfig: string, The name of the access config to delete. (required)
  networkInterface: string, The name of the network interface. (required)
  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
deleteNetworkInterface(project, zone, instance, networkInterfaceName, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Deletes one dynamic network interface from an active instance. InstancesDeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest indicates: - instance from which to delete, using project+zone+resource_id fields; - dynamic network interface to be deleted, using network_interface_name field;

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, The instance name for this request stored as resource_id. Name should conform to RFC1035 or be an unsigned long integer. (required)
  networkInterfaceName: string, The name of the dynamic network interface to be deleted from the instance. (required)
  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
detachDisk(project, zone, instance, deviceName, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Detaches a disk from an instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Instance name for this request. (required)
  deviceName: string, The device name of the disk to detach. Make a get() request on the instance to view currently attached disks and device names. (required)
  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
get(project, zone, instance, view=None, x__xgafv=None)
Returns the specified Instance resource.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance resource to return. (required)
  view: string, View of the instance.
    Allowed values
      BASIC - Include everything except Partner Metadata.
      FULL - Include everything.
      INSTANCE_VIEW_UNSPECIFIED - The default / unset value. The API will default to the BASIC view.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Instance resource. An instance is a virtual machine that is hosted on Google Cloud Platform. For more information, read Virtual Machine Instances.
  "advancedMachineFeatures": { # Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features. Options that would traditionally be configured in a BIOS belong here. Features that require operating system support may have corresponding entries in the GuestOsFeatures of an Image (e.g., whether or not the OS in the Image supports nested virtualization being enabled or disabled). # Controls for advanced machine-related behavior features.
    "enableNestedVirtualization": True or False, # Whether to enable nested virtualization or not (default is false).
    "enableUefiNetworking": True or False, # Whether to enable UEFI networking for instance creation.
    "performanceMonitoringUnit": "A String", # Type of Performance Monitoring Unit requested on instance.
    "threadsPerCore": 42, # The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
    "turboMode": "A String", # Turbo frequency mode to use for the instance. Supported modes include: * ALL_CORE_MAX Using empty string or not setting this field will use the platform-specific default turbo mode.
    "visibleCoreCount": 42, # The number of physical cores to expose to an instance. Multiply by the number of threads per core to compute the total number of virtual CPUs to expose to the instance. If unset, the number of cores is inferred from the instance's nominal CPU count and the underlying platform's SMT width.
  "canIpForward": True or False, # Allows this instance to send and receive packets with non-matching destination or source IPs. This is required if you plan to use this instance to forward routes. For more information, see Enabling IP Forwarding .
  "confidentialInstanceConfig": { # A set of Confidential Instance options.
    "confidentialInstanceType": "A String", # Defines the type of technology used by the confidential instance.
    "enableConfidentialCompute": True or False, # Defines whether the instance should have confidential compute enabled.
  "cpuPlatform": "A String", # [Output Only] The CPU platform used by this instance.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
  "deletionProtection": True or False, # Whether the resource should be protected against deletion.
  "description": "A String", # An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
  "disks": [ # Array of disks associated with this instance. Persistent disks must be created before you can assign them.
    { # An instance-attached disk resource.
      "architecture": "A String", # [Output Only] The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are ARM64 or X86_64.
      "autoDelete": True or False, # Specifies whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted (but not when the disk is detached from the instance).
      "boot": True or False, # Indicates that this is a boot disk. The virtual machine will use the first partition of the disk for its root filesystem.
      "deviceName": "A String", # Specifies a unique device name of your choice that is reflected into the /dev/disk/by-id/google-* tree of a Linux operating system running within the instance. This name can be used to reference the device for mounting, resizing, and so on, from within the instance. If not specified, the server chooses a default device name to apply to this disk, in the form persistent-disk-x, where x is a number assigned by Google Compute Engine. This field is only applicable for persistent disks.
      "diskEncryptionKey": { # Encrypts or decrypts a disk using a customer-supplied encryption key. If you are creating a new disk, this field encrypts the new disk using an encryption key that you provide. If you are attaching an existing disk that is already encrypted, this field decrypts the disk using the customer-supplied encryption key. If you encrypt a disk using a customer-supplied key, you must provide the same key again when you attempt to use this resource at a later time. For example, you must provide the key when you create a snapshot or an image from the disk or when you attach the disk to a virtual machine instance. If you do not provide an encryption key, then the disk will be encrypted using an automatically generated key and you do not need to provide a key to use the disk later. Note: Instance templates do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot use your own keys to encrypt disks in a managed instance group. You cannot create VMs that have disks with customer-supplied keys using the bulk insert method.
        "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
        "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
        "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
        "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
        "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
      "diskSizeGb": "A String", # The size of the disk in GB.
      "forceAttach": True or False, # [Input Only] Whether to force attach the regional disk even if it's currently attached to another instance. If you try to force attach a zonal disk to an instance, you will receive an error.
      "guestOsFeatures": [ # A list of features to enable on the guest operating system. Applicable only for bootable images. Read Enabling guest operating system features to see a list of available options.
        { # Guest OS features.
          "type": "A String", # The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE - TDX_CAPABLE - IDPF For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
      "index": 42, # [Output Only] A zero-based index to this disk, where 0 is reserved for the boot disk. If you have many disks attached to an instance, each disk would have a unique index number.
      "initializeParams": { # [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This field is persisted and returned for instanceTemplate and not returned in the context of instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both. # [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both.
        "architecture": "A String", # The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are arm64 or x86_64.
        "description": "A String", # An optional description. Provide this property when creating the disk.
        "diskName": "A String", # Specifies the disk name. If not specified, the default is to use the name of the instance. If a disk with the same name already exists in the given region, the existing disk is attached to the new instance and the new disk is not created.
        "diskSizeGb": "A String", # Specifies the size of the disk in base-2 GB. The size must be at least 10 GB. If you specify a sourceImage, which is required for boot disks, the default size is the size of the sourceImage. If you do not specify a sourceImage, the default disk size is 500 GB.
        "diskType": "A String", # Specifies the disk type to use to create the instance. If not specified, the default is pd-standard, specified using the full URL. For example: /diskTypes/pd-standard For a full list of acceptable values, see Persistent disk types. If you specify this field when creating a VM, you can provide either the full or partial URL. For example, the following values are valid: - /diskTypes/diskType - projects/project/zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType - zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType If you specify this field when creating or updating an instance template or all-instances configuration, specify the type of the disk, not the URL. For example: pd-standard.
        "enableConfidentialCompute": True or False, # Whether this disk is using confidential compute mode.
        "guestOsFeatures": [ # A list of features to enable on the guest operating system. Applicable only for bootable images. Read Enabling guest operating system features to see a list of available options. Guest OS features are applied by merging initializeParams.guestOsFeatures and disks.guestOsFeatures
          { # Guest OS features.
            "type": "A String", # The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE - TDX_CAPABLE - IDPF For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
        "labels": { # Labels to apply to this disk. These can be later modified by the disks.setLabels method. This field is only applicable for persistent disks.
          "a_key": "A String",
        "licenses": [ # A list of publicly visible licenses. Reserved for Google's use.
          "A String",
        "multiWriter": True or False, # Indicates whether or not the disk can be read/write attached to more than one instance.
        "onUpdateAction": "A String", # Specifies which action to take on instance update with this disk. Default is to use the existing disk.
        "provisionedIops": "A String", # Indicates how many IOPS to provision for the disk. This sets the number of I/O operations per second that the disk can handle. Values must be between 10,000 and 120,000. For more details, see the Extreme persistent disk documentation.
        "provisionedThroughput": "A String", # Indicates how much throughput to provision for the disk. This sets the number of throughput mb per second that the disk can handle. Values must greater than or equal to 1.
        "replicaZones": [ # Required for each regional disk associated with the instance. Specify the URLs of the zones where the disk should be replicated to. You must provide exactly two replica zones, and one zone must be the same as the instance zone.
          "A String",
        "resourceManagerTags": { # Resource manager tags to be bound to the disk. Tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format `tagKeys/{tag_key_id}`, and values are in the format `tagValues/456`. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
          "a_key": "A String",
        "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies applied to this disk for automatic snapshot creations. Specified using the full or partial URL. For instance template, specify only the resource policy name.
          "A String",
        "sourceImage": "A String", # The source image to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or disks.source is required. To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the image by its family name. For example, specify family/debian-9 to use the latest Debian 9 image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-9 Alternatively, use a specific version of a public operating system image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-9-stretch-vYYYYMMDD To create a disk with a custom image that you created, specify the image name in the following format: global/images/my-custom-image You can also specify a custom image by its image family, which returns the latest version of the image in that family. Replace the image name with family/family-name: global/images/family/my-image-family If the source image is deleted later, this field will not be set.
        "sourceImageEncryptionKey": { # The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image. Required if the source image is protected by a customer-supplied encryption key. InstanceTemplate and InstancePropertiesPatch do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot create disks for instances in a managed instance group if the source images are encrypted with your own keys.
          "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
          "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
          "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
          "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
          "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
        "sourceInstantSnapshot": "A String", # The source instant-snapshot to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or initializeParams.sourceInstantSnapshot initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with a snapshot that you created, specify the snapshot name in the following format: us-central1-a/instantSnapshots/my-backup If the source instant-snapshot is deleted later, this field will not be set.
        "sourceSnapshot": "A String", # The source snapshot to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with a snapshot that you created, specify the snapshot name in the following format: global/snapshots/my-backup If the source snapshot is deleted later, this field will not be set. Note: You cannot create VMs in bulk using a snapshot as the source. Use an image instead when you create VMs using the bulk insert method.
        "sourceSnapshotEncryptionKey": { # The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot.
          "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
          "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
          "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
          "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
          "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
        "storagePool": "A String", # The storage pool in which the new disk is created. You can provide this as a partial or full URL to the resource. For example, the following are valid values: - /storagePools/storagePool - projects/project/zones/zone/storagePools/storagePool - zones/zone/storagePools/storagePool
      "interface": "A String", # Specifies the disk interface to use for attaching this disk, which is either SCSI or NVME. For most machine types, the default is SCSI. Local SSDs can use either NVME or SCSI. In certain configurations, persistent disks can use NVMe. For more information, see About persistent disks.
      "kind": "compute#attachedDisk", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#attachedDisk for attached disks.
      "licenses": [ # [Output Only] Any valid publicly visible licenses.
        "A String",
      "locked": True or False, # [Output Only] Whether to indicate the attached disk is locked. The locked disk is not allowed to be detached from the instance, or to be used as the source of the snapshot creation, and the image creation. The instance with at least one locked attached disk is not allow to be used as source of machine image creation, instant snapshot creation, and not allowed to be deleted with --keep-disk parameter set to true for locked disks.
      "mode": "A String", # The mode in which to attach this disk, either READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY. If not specified, the default is to attach the disk in READ_WRITE mode.
      "savedState": "A String", # For LocalSSD disks on VM Instances in STOPPED or SUSPENDED state, this field is set to PRESERVED if the LocalSSD data has been saved to a persistent location by customer request. (see the discard_local_ssd option on Stop/Suspend). Read-only in the api.
      "shieldedInstanceInitialState": { # Initial State for shielded instance, these are public keys which are safe to store in public # [Output Only] shielded vm initial state stored on disk
        "dbs": [ # The Key Database (db).
            "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
            "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
        "dbxs": [ # The forbidden key database (dbx).
            "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
            "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
        "keks": [ # The Key Exchange Key (KEK).
            "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
            "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
        "pk": { # The Platform Key (PK).
          "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
          "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
      "source": "A String", # Specifies a valid partial or full URL to an existing Persistent Disk resource. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or disks.source is required. If desired, you can also attach existing non-root persistent disks using this property. This field is only applicable for persistent disks. Note that for InstanceTemplate, specify the disk name for zonal disk, and the URL for regional disk.
      "type": "A String", # Specifies the type of the disk, either SCRATCH or PERSISTENT. If not specified, the default is PERSISTENT.
      "userLicenses": [ # [Output Only] A list of user provided licenses. It represents a list of URLs to the license resource. Unlike regular licenses, user provided licenses can be modified after the disk is created.
        "A String",
  "displayDevice": { # A set of Display Device options # Enables display device for the instance.
    "enableDisplay": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Display enabled.
  "eraseWindowsVssSignature": True or False, # Specifies whether the disks restored from source snapshots or source machine image should erase Windows specific VSS signature.
  "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this resource, which is essentially a hash of the instance's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update the instance. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update the instance. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
  "guestAccelerators": [ # A list of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    { # A specification of the type and number of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
      "acceleratorCount": 42, # The number of the guest accelerator cards exposed to this instance.
      "acceleratorType": "A String", # Full or partial URL of the accelerator type resource to attach to this instance. For example: projects/my-project/zones/us-central1-c/acceleratorTypes/nvidia-tesla-p100 If you are creating an instance template, specify only the accelerator name. See GPUs on Compute Engine for a full list of accelerator types.
  "hostname": "A String", # Specifies the hostname of the instance. The specified hostname must be RFC1035 compliant. If hostname is not specified, the default hostname is [INSTANCE_NAME].c.[PROJECT_ID].internal when using the global DNS, and [INSTANCE_NAME].[ZONE].c.[PROJECT_ID].internal when using zonal DNS.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "instanceEncryptionKey": { # Encrypts suspended data for an instance with a customer-managed encryption key. If you are creating a new instance, this field will encrypt the local SSD and in-memory contents of the instance during the suspend operation. If you do not provide an encryption key when creating the instance, then the local SSD and in-memory contents will be encrypted using an automatically generated key during the suspend operation.
    "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
    "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
    "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
    "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
    "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
  "keyRevocationActionType": "A String", # KeyRevocationActionType of the instance. Supported options are "STOP" and "NONE". The default value is "NONE" if it is not specified.
  "kind": "compute#instance", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#instance for instances.
  "labelFingerprint": "A String", # A fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the label's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update labels. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change labels. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
  "labels": { # Labels to apply to this instance. These can be later modified by the setLabels method.
    "a_key": "A String",
  "lastStartTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last start timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
  "lastStopTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last stop timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
  "lastSuspendedTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last suspended timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
  "machineType": "A String", # Full or partial URL of the machine type resource to use for this instance, in the format: zones/zone/machineTypes/machine-type. This is provided by the client when the instance is created. For example, the following is a valid partial url to a predefined machine type: zones/us-central1-f/machineTypes/n1-standard-1 To create a custom machine type, provide a URL to a machine type in the following format, where CPUS is 1 or an even number up to 32 (2, 4, 6, ... 24, etc), and MEMORY is the total memory for this instance. Memory must be a multiple of 256 MB and must be supplied in MB (e.g. 5 GB of memory is 5120 MB): zones/zone/machineTypes/custom-CPUS-MEMORY For example: zones/us-central1-f/machineTypes/custom-4-5120 For a full list of restrictions, read the Specifications for custom machine types.
  "metadata": { # A metadata key/value entry. # The metadata key/value pairs assigned to this instance. This includes custom metadata and predefined keys.
    "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the metadata's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change metadata, otherwise the request will fail with error 412 conditionNotMet. To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve the resource.
    "items": [ # Array of key/value pairs. The total size of all keys and values must be less than 512 KB.
      { # Metadata
        "key": "A String", # Key for the metadata entry. Keys must conform to the following regexp: [a-zA-Z0-9-_]+, and be less than 128 bytes in length. This is reflected as part of a URL in the metadata server. Additionally, to avoid ambiguity, keys must not conflict with any other metadata keys for the project.
        "value": "A String", # Value for the metadata entry. These are free-form strings, and only have meaning as interpreted by the image running in the instance. The only restriction placed on values is that their size must be less than or equal to 262144 bytes (256 KiB).
    "kind": "compute#metadata", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#metadata for metadata.
  "minCpuPlatform": "A String", # Specifies a minimum CPU platform for the VM instance. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU platforms, such as minCpuPlatform: "Intel Haswell" or minCpuPlatform: "Intel Sandy Bridge".
  "name": "A String", # The name of the resource, provided by the client when initially creating the resource. The resource name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?` which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
  "networkInterfaces": [ # An array of network configurations for this instance. These specify how interfaces are configured to interact with other network services, such as connecting to the internet. Multiple interfaces are supported per instance.
    { # A network interface resource attached to an instance.
      "accessConfigs": [ # An array of configurations for this interface. Currently, only one access config, ONE_TO_ONE_NAT, is supported. If there are no accessConfigs specified, then this instance will have no external internet access.
        { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
          "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
          "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
          "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
          "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
          "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
          "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
          "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
          "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
          "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
          "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
      "aliasIpRanges": [ # An array of alias IP ranges for this network interface. You can only specify this field for network interfaces in VPC networks.
        { # An alias IP range attached to an instance's network interface.
          "ipCidrRange": "A String", # The IP alias ranges to allocate for this interface. This IP CIDR range must belong to the specified subnetwork and cannot contain IP addresses reserved by system or used by other network interfaces. This range may be a single IP address (such as, a netmask (such as /24) or a CIDR-formatted string (such as
          "subnetworkRangeName": "A String", # The name of a subnetwork secondary IP range from which to allocate an IP alias range. If not specified, the primary range of the subnetwork is used.
      "fingerprint": "A String", # Fingerprint hash of contents stored in this network interface. This field will be ignored when inserting an Instance or adding a NetworkInterface. An up-to-date fingerprint must be provided in order to update the NetworkInterface. The request will fail with error 400 Bad Request if the fingerprint is not provided, or 412 Precondition Failed if the fingerprint is out of date.
      "internalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # The prefix length of the primary internal IPv6 range.
      "ipv6AccessConfigs": [ # An array of IPv6 access configurations for this interface. Currently, only one IPv6 access config, DIRECT_IPV6, is supported. If there is no ipv6AccessConfig specified, then this instance will have no external IPv6 Internet access.
        { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
          "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
          "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
          "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
          "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
          "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
          "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
          "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
          "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
          "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
          "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
      "ipv6AccessType": "A String", # [Output Only] One of EXTERNAL, INTERNAL to indicate whether the IP can be accessed from the Internet. This field is always inherited from its subnetwork. Valid only if stackType is IPV4_IPV6.
      "ipv6Address": "A String", # An IPv6 internal network address for this network interface. To use a static internal IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an internal IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
      "kind": "compute#networkInterface", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#networkInterface for network interfaces.
      "name": "A String", # [Output Only] The name of the network interface, which is generated by the server. For a VM, the network interface uses the nicN naming format. Where N is a value between 0 and 7. The default interface value is nic0.
      "network": "A String", # URL of the VPC network resource for this instance. When creating an instance, if neither the network nor the subnetwork is specified, the default network global/networks/default is used. If the selected project doesn't have the default network, you must specify a network or subnet. If the network is not specified but the subnetwork is specified, the network is inferred. If you specify this property, you can specify the network as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - network - projects/project/global/networks/network - global/networks/default
      "networkAttachment": "A String", # The URL of the network attachment that this interface should connect to in the following format: projects/{project_number}/regions/{region_name}/networkAttachments/{network_attachment_name}.
      "networkIP": "A String", # An IPv4 internal IP address to assign to the instance for this network interface. If not specified by the user, an unused internal IP is assigned by the system.
      "nicType": "A String", # The type of vNIC to be used on this interface. This may be gVNIC or VirtioNet.
      "parentNicName": "A String", # Name of the parent network interface of a dynamic network interface.
      "queueCount": 42, # The networking queue count that's specified by users for the network interface. Both Rx and Tx queues will be set to this number. It'll be empty if not specified by the users.
      "stackType": "A String", # The stack type for this network interface. To assign only IPv4 addresses, use IPV4_ONLY. To assign both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, use IPV4_IPV6. If not specified, IPV4_ONLY is used. This field can be both set at instance creation and update network interface operations.
      "subnetwork": "A String", # The URL of the Subnetwork resource for this instance. If the network resource is in legacy mode, do not specify this field. If the network is in auto subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is optional. If the network is in custom subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is required. If you specify this field, you can specify the subnetwork as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - /subnetworks/subnetwork - regions/region/subnetworks/subnetwork
      "vlan": 42, # VLAN tag of a dynamic network interface, must be an integer in the range from 2 to 255 inclusively.
  "networkPerformanceConfig": {
    "totalEgressBandwidthTier": "A String",
  "params": { # Additional instance params. # Input only. [Input Only] Additional params passed with the request, but not persisted as part of resource payload.
    "resourceManagerTags": { # Resource manager tags to be bound to the instance. Tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format `tagKeys/{tag_key_id}`, and values are in the format `tagValues/456`. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
      "a_key": "A String",
  "partnerMetadata": { # Partner Metadata assigned to the instance. A map from a subdomain (namespace) to entries map.
    "a_key": {
      "entries": { # Map of a partner metadata that belong to the same subdomain. It accepts any value including google.protobuf.Struct.
        "a_key": "",
  "postKeyRevocationActionType": "A String", # PostKeyRevocationActionType of the instance.
  "privateIpv6GoogleAccess": "A String", # The private IPv6 google access type for the VM. If not specified, use INHERIT_FROM_SUBNETWORK as default.
  "reservationAffinity": { # Specifies the reservations that this instance can consume from. # Specifies the reservations that this instance can consume from.
    "consumeReservationType": "A String", # Specifies the type of reservation from which this instance can consume resources: ANY_RESERVATION (default), SPECIFIC_RESERVATION, or NO_RESERVATION. See Consuming reserved instances for examples.
    "key": "A String", # Corresponds to the label key of a reservation resource. To target a SPECIFIC_RESERVATION by name, specify as the key and specify the name of your reservation as its value.
    "values": [ # Corresponds to the label values of a reservation resource. This can be either a name to a reservation in the same project or "projects/different-project/reservations/some-reservation-name" to target a shared reservation in the same zone but in a different project.
      "A String",
  "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies applied to this instance.
    "A String",
  "resourceStatus": { # Contains output only fields. Use this sub-message for actual values set on Instance attributes as compared to the value requested by the user (intent) in their instance CRUD calls. # [Output Only] Specifies values set for instance attributes as compared to the values requested by user in the corresponding input only field.
    "physicalHost": "A String", # [Output Only] The precise location of your instance within the zone's data center, including the block, sub-block, and host. The field is formatted as follows: blockId/subBlockId/hostId.
    "physicalHostTopology": { # Represents the physical host topology of the host on which the VM is running. # [Output Only] A series of fields containing the global name of the Compute Engine cluster, as well as the ID of the block, sub-block, and host on which the running instance is located.
      "block": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the block in which the running instance is located. Instances within the same block experience low network latency.
      "cluster": "A String", # [Output Only] The global name of the Compute Engine cluster where the running instance is located.
      "host": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the host on which the running instance is located. Instances on the same host experience the lowest possible network latency.
      "subblock": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the sub-block in which the running instance is located. Instances in the same sub-block experience lower network latency than instances in the same block.
    "scheduling": {
      "availabilityDomain": 42, # Specifies the availability domain to place the instance in. The value must be a number between 1 and the number of availability domains specified in the spread placement policy attached to the instance.
      "terminationTimestamp": "A String", # Time in future when the instance will be terminated in RFC3339 text format.
    "shutdownDetails": { # [Output Only] Details about the instance stopping state.
      "maxDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years.
        "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
        "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
      "requestTimestamp": "A String",
      "stopState": "A String",
      "targetState": "A String",
    "upcomingMaintenance": { # Upcoming Maintenance notification information.
      "canReschedule": True or False, # Indicates if the maintenance can be customer triggered.
      "latestWindowStartTime": "A String", # The latest time for the planned maintenance window to start. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
      "maintenanceStatus": "A String",
      "type": "A String", # Defines the type of maintenance.
      "windowEndTime": "A String", # The time by which the maintenance disruption will be completed. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
      "windowStartTime": "A String", # The current start time of the maintenance window. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "satisfiesPzi": True or False, # [Output Only] Reserved for future use.
  "satisfiesPzs": True or False, # [Output Only] Reserved for future use.
  "scheduling": { # Sets the scheduling options for an Instance. # Sets the scheduling options for this instance.
    "automaticRestart": True or False, # Specifies whether the instance should be automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine (not terminated by a user). You can only set the automatic restart option for standard instances. Preemptible instances cannot be automatically restarted. By default, this is set to true so an instance is automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine.
    "availabilityDomain": 42, # Specifies the availability domain to place the instance in. The value must be a number between 1 and the number of availability domains specified in the spread placement policy attached to the instance.
    "gracefulShutdown": { # The configuration for gracefully shutting down the instance.
      "enabled": True or False, # Opts-in for graceful shutdown.
      "maxDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # The time allotted for the instance to gracefully shut down. If the graceful shutdown isn't complete after this time, then the instance transitions to the STOPPING state.
        "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
        "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
    "hostErrorTimeoutSeconds": 42, # Specify the time in seconds for host error detection, the value must be within the range of [90, 330] with the increment of 30, if unset, the default behavior of host error recovery will be used.
    "instanceTerminationAction": "A String", # Specifies the termination action for the instance.
    "localSsdRecoveryTimeout": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Specifies the maximum amount of time a Local Ssd Vm should wait while recovery of the Local Ssd state is attempted. Its value should be in between 0 and 168 hours with hour granularity and the default value being 1 hour.
      "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
      "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
    "locationHint": "A String", # An opaque location hint used to place the instance close to other resources. This field is for use by internal tools that use the public API.
    "maintenanceFreezeDurationHours": 42, # Specifies the number of hours after VM instance creation where the VM won't be scheduled for maintenance.
    "maintenanceInterval": "A String", # Specifies the frequency of planned maintenance events. The accepted values are: `PERIODIC`.
    "maxRunDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Specifies the max run duration for the given instance. If specified, the instance termination action will be performed at the end of the run duration.
      "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
      "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
    "minNodeCpus": 42, # The minimum number of virtual CPUs this instance will consume when running on a sole-tenant node.
    "nodeAffinities": [ # A set of node affinity and anti-affinity configurations. Refer to Configuring node affinity for more information. Overrides reservationAffinity.
      { # Node Affinity: the configuration of desired nodes onto which this Instance could be scheduled.
        "key": "A String", # Corresponds to the label key of Node resource.
        "operator": "A String", # Defines the operation of node selection. Valid operators are IN for affinity and NOT_IN for anti-affinity.
        "values": [ # Corresponds to the label values of Node resource.
          "A String",
    "onHostMaintenance": "A String", # Defines the maintenance behavior for this instance. For standard instances, the default behavior is MIGRATE. For preemptible instances, the default and only possible behavior is TERMINATE. For more information, see Set VM host maintenance policy.
    "onInstanceStopAction": { # Defines the behaviour for instances with the instance_termination_action STOP.
      "discardLocalSsd": True or False, # If true, the contents of any attached Local SSD disks will be discarded else, the Local SSD data will be preserved when the instance is stopped at the end of the run duration/termination time.
    "preemptible": True or False, # Defines whether the instance is preemptible. This can only be set during instance creation or while the instance is stopped and therefore, in a `TERMINATED` state. See Instance Life Cycle for more information on the possible instance states.
    "provisioningModel": "A String", # Specifies the provisioning model of the instance.
    "terminationTime": "A String", # Specifies the timestamp, when the instance will be terminated, in RFC3339 text format. If specified, the instance termination action will be performed at the termination time.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.
  "serviceAccounts": [ # A list of service accounts, with their specified scopes, authorized for this instance. Only one service account per VM instance is supported. Service accounts generate access tokens that can be accessed through the metadata server and used to authenticate applications on the instance. See Service Accounts for more information.
    { # A service account.
      "email": "A String", # Email address of the service account.
      "scopes": [ # The list of scopes to be made available for this service account.
        "A String",
  "shieldedInstanceConfig": { # A set of Shielded Instance options.
    "enableIntegrityMonitoring": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled. Enabled by default.
    "enableSecureBoot": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled. Disabled by default.
    "enableVtpm": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled. Enabled by default.
  "shieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy": { # The policy describes the baseline against which Instance boot integrity is measured.
    "updateAutoLearnPolicy": True or False, # Updates the integrity policy baseline using the measurements from the VM instance's most recent boot.
  "shieldedVmConfig": { # A set of Shielded VM options. # Deprecating, please use shielded_instance_config.
    "enableIntegrityMonitoring": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    "enableSecureBoot": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    "enableVtpm": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled.
  "shieldedVmIntegrityPolicy": { # The policy describes the baseline against which VM instance boot integrity is measured. # Deprecating, please use shielded_instance_integrity_policy.
    "updateAutoLearnPolicy": True or False, # Updates the integrity policy baseline using the measurements from the VM instance's most recent boot.
  "sourceMachineImage": "A String", # Source machine image
  "sourceMachineImageEncryptionKey": { # Source machine image encryption key when creating an instance from a machine image.
    "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
    "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
    "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
    "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
    "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
  "startRestricted": True or False, # [Output Only] Whether a VM has been restricted for start because Compute Engine has detected suspicious activity.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the instance. One of the following values: PROVISIONING, STAGING, RUNNING, STOPPING, SUSPENDING, SUSPENDED, REPAIRING, and TERMINATED. For more information about the status of the instance, see Instance life cycle.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable explanation of the status.
  "tags": { # A set of instance tags. # Tags to apply to this instance. Tags are used to identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls and are specified by the client during instance creation. The tags can be later modified by the setTags method. Each tag within the list must comply with RFC1035. Multiple tags can be specified via the 'tags.items' field.
    "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the tags' contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update tags. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change tags. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
    "items": [ # An array of tags. Each tag must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.
      "A String",
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] URL of the zone where the instance resides. You must specify this field as part of the HTTP request URL. It is not settable as a field in the request body.
getEffectiveFirewalls(project, zone, instance, networkInterface, x__xgafv=None)
Returns effective firewalls applied to an interface of the instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  networkInterface: string, The name of the network interface to get the effective firewalls. (required)
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

  "firewallPolicys": [ # [Output Only] Effective firewalls from firewall policies.
      "displayName": "A String", # [Output Only] Deprecated, please use short name instead. The display name of the firewall policy.
      "name": "A String", # [Output Only] The name of the firewall policy.
      "packetMirroringRules": [ # [Output Only] The packet mirroring rules that apply to the instance.
        { # Represents a rule that describes one or more match conditions along with the action to be taken when traffic matches this condition (allow or deny).
          "action": "A String", # The Action to perform when the client connection triggers the rule. Valid actions for firewall rules are: "allow", "deny", "apply_security_profile_group" and "goto_next". Valid actions for packet mirroring rules are: "mirror", "do_not_mirror" and "goto_next".
          "description": "A String", # An optional description for this resource.
          "direction": "A String", # The direction in which this rule applies.
          "disabled": True or False, # Denotes whether the firewall policy rule is disabled. When set to true, the firewall policy rule is not enforced and traffic behaves as if it did not exist. If this is unspecified, the firewall policy rule will be enabled.
          "enableLogging": True or False, # Denotes whether to enable logging for a particular rule. If logging is enabled, logs will be exported to the configured export destination in Stackdriver. Logs may be exported to BigQuery or Pub/Sub. Note: you cannot enable logging on "goto_next" rules.
          "kind": "compute#firewallPolicyRule", # [Output only] Type of the resource. Returns compute#firewallPolicyRule for firewall rules and compute#packetMirroringRule for packet mirroring rules.
          "match": { # Represents a match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against. Exactly one field must be specified. # A match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against. If it evaluates to true, the corresponding 'action' is enforced.
            "destAddressGroups": [ # Address groups which should be matched against the traffic destination. Maximum number of destination address groups is 10.
              "A String",
            "destFqdns": [ # Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) which should be matched against traffic destination. Maximum number of destination fqdn allowed is 100.
              "A String",
            "destIpRanges": [ # CIDR IP address range. Maximum number of destination CIDR IP ranges allowed is 5000.
              "A String",
            "destNetworkScope": "A String", # Network scope of the traffic destination.
            "destRegionCodes": [ # Region codes whose IP addresses will be used to match for destination of traffic. Should be specified as 2 letter country code defined as per ISO 3166 alpha-2 country codes. ex."US" Maximum number of dest region codes allowed is 5000.
              "A String",
            "destThreatIntelligences": [ # Names of Network Threat Intelligence lists. The IPs in these lists will be matched against traffic destination.
              "A String",
            "layer4Configs": [ # Pairs of IP protocols and ports that the rule should match.
                "ipProtocol": "A String", # The IP protocol to which this rule applies. The protocol type is required when creating a firewall rule. This value can either be one of the following well known protocol strings (tcp, udp, icmp, esp, ah, ipip, sctp), or the IP protocol number.
                "ports": [ # An optional list of ports to which this rule applies. This field is only applicable for UDP or TCP protocol. Each entry must be either an integer or a range. If not specified, this rule applies to connections through any port. Example inputs include: ["22"], ["80","443"], and ["12345-12349"].
                  "A String",
            "srcAddressGroups": [ # Address groups which should be matched against the traffic source. Maximum number of source address groups is 10.
              "A String",
            "srcFqdns": [ # Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) which should be matched against traffic source. Maximum number of source fqdn allowed is 100.
              "A String",
            "srcIpRanges": [ # CIDR IP address range. Maximum number of source CIDR IP ranges allowed is 5000.
              "A String",
            "srcNetworkScope": "A String", # Network scope of the traffic source.
            "srcNetworks": [ # Networks of the traffic source. It can be either a full or partial url.
              "A String",
            "srcRegionCodes": [ # Region codes whose IP addresses will be used to match for source of traffic. Should be specified as 2 letter country code defined as per ISO 3166 alpha-2 country codes. ex."US" Maximum number of source region codes allowed is 5000.
              "A String",
            "srcSecureTags": [ # List of secure tag values, which should be matched at the source of the traffic. For INGRESS rule, if all the srcSecureTag are INEFFECTIVE, and there is no srcIpRange, this rule will be ignored. Maximum number of source tag values allowed is 256.
                "name": "A String", # Name of the secure tag, created with TagManager's TagValue API.
                "state": "A String", # [Output Only] State of the secure tag, either `EFFECTIVE` or `INEFFECTIVE`. A secure tag is `INEFFECTIVE` when it is deleted or its network is deleted.
            "srcThreatIntelligences": [ # Names of Network Threat Intelligence lists. The IPs in these lists will be matched against traffic source.
              "A String",
          "priority": 42, # An integer indicating the priority of a rule in the list. The priority must be a positive value between 0 and 2147483647. Rules are evaluated from highest to lowest priority where 0 is the highest priority and 2147483647 is the lowest priority.
          "ruleName": "A String", # An optional name for the rule. This field is not a unique identifier and can be updated.
          "ruleTupleCount": 42, # [Output Only] Calculation of the complexity of a single firewall policy rule.
          "securityProfileGroup": "A String", # A fully-qualified URL of a SecurityProfile resource instance. Example:{project}/locations/{location}/securityProfileGroups/my-security-profile-group Must be specified if action is one of 'apply_security_profile_group' or 'mirror'. Cannot be specified for other actions.
          "targetResources": [ # A list of network resource URLs to which this rule applies. This field allows you to control which network's VMs get this rule. If this field is left blank, all VMs within the organization will receive the rule.
            "A String",
          "targetSecureTags": [ # A list of secure tags that controls which instances the firewall rule applies to. If targetSecureTag are specified, then the firewall rule applies only to instances in the VPC network that have one of those EFFECTIVE secure tags, if all the target_secure_tag are in INEFFECTIVE state, then this rule will be ignored. targetSecureTag may not be set at the same time as targetServiceAccounts. If neither targetServiceAccounts nor targetSecureTag are specified, the firewall rule applies to all instances on the specified network. Maximum number of target label tags allowed is 256.
              "name": "A String", # Name of the secure tag, created with TagManager's TagValue API.
              "state": "A String", # [Output Only] State of the secure tag, either `EFFECTIVE` or `INEFFECTIVE`. A secure tag is `INEFFECTIVE` when it is deleted or its network is deleted.
          "targetServiceAccounts": [ # A list of service accounts indicating the sets of instances that are applied with this rule.
            "A String",
          "tlsInspect": True or False, # Boolean flag indicating if the traffic should be TLS decrypted. Can be set only if action = 'apply_security_profile_group' and cannot be set for other actions.
      "priority": 42, # [Output only] Priority of firewall policy association. Not applicable for type=HIERARCHY.
      "rules": [ # [Output Only] The rules that apply to the instance. Only rules that target the specific VM instance are returned if target service accounts or target secure tags are specified in the rules.
        { # Represents a rule that describes one or more match conditions along with the action to be taken when traffic matches this condition (allow or deny).
          "action": "A String", # The Action to perform when the client connection triggers the rule. Valid actions for firewall rules are: "allow", "deny", "apply_security_profile_group" and "goto_next". Valid actions for packet mirroring rules are: "mirror", "do_not_mirror" and "goto_next".
          "description": "A String", # An optional description for this resource.
          "direction": "A String", # The direction in which this rule applies.
          "disabled": True or False, # Denotes whether the firewall policy rule is disabled. When set to true, the firewall policy rule is not enforced and traffic behaves as if it did not exist. If this is unspecified, the firewall policy rule will be enabled.
          "enableLogging": True or False, # Denotes whether to enable logging for a particular rule. If logging is enabled, logs will be exported to the configured export destination in Stackdriver. Logs may be exported to BigQuery or Pub/Sub. Note: you cannot enable logging on "goto_next" rules.
          "kind": "compute#firewallPolicyRule", # [Output only] Type of the resource. Returns compute#firewallPolicyRule for firewall rules and compute#packetMirroringRule for packet mirroring rules.
          "match": { # Represents a match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against. Exactly one field must be specified. # A match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against. If it evaluates to true, the corresponding 'action' is enforced.
            "destAddressGroups": [ # Address groups which should be matched against the traffic destination. Maximum number of destination address groups is 10.
              "A String",
            "destFqdns": [ # Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) which should be matched against traffic destination. Maximum number of destination fqdn allowed is 100.
              "A String",
            "destIpRanges": [ # CIDR IP address range. Maximum number of destination CIDR IP ranges allowed is 5000.
              "A String",
            "destNetworkScope": "A String", # Network scope of the traffic destination.
            "destRegionCodes": [ # Region codes whose IP addresses will be used to match for destination of traffic. Should be specified as 2 letter country code defined as per ISO 3166 alpha-2 country codes. ex."US" Maximum number of dest region codes allowed is 5000.
              "A String",
            "destThreatIntelligences": [ # Names of Network Threat Intelligence lists. The IPs in these lists will be matched against traffic destination.
              "A String",
            "layer4Configs": [ # Pairs of IP protocols and ports that the rule should match.
                "ipProtocol": "A String", # The IP protocol to which this rule applies. The protocol type is required when creating a firewall rule. This value can either be one of the following well known protocol strings (tcp, udp, icmp, esp, ah, ipip, sctp), or the IP protocol number.
                "ports": [ # An optional list of ports to which this rule applies. This field is only applicable for UDP or TCP protocol. Each entry must be either an integer or a range. If not specified, this rule applies to connections through any port. Example inputs include: ["22"], ["80","443"], and ["12345-12349"].
                  "A String",
            "srcAddressGroups": [ # Address groups which should be matched against the traffic source. Maximum number of source address groups is 10.
              "A String",
            "srcFqdns": [ # Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) which should be matched against traffic source. Maximum number of source fqdn allowed is 100.
              "A String",
            "srcIpRanges": [ # CIDR IP address range. Maximum number of source CIDR IP ranges allowed is 5000.
              "A String",
            "srcNetworkScope": "A String", # Network scope of the traffic source.
            "srcNetworks": [ # Networks of the traffic source. It can be either a full or partial url.
              "A String",
            "srcRegionCodes": [ # Region codes whose IP addresses will be used to match for source of traffic. Should be specified as 2 letter country code defined as per ISO 3166 alpha-2 country codes. ex."US" Maximum number of source region codes allowed is 5000.
              "A String",
            "srcSecureTags": [ # List of secure tag values, which should be matched at the source of the traffic. For INGRESS rule, if all the srcSecureTag are INEFFECTIVE, and there is no srcIpRange, this rule will be ignored. Maximum number of source tag values allowed is 256.
                "name": "A String", # Name of the secure tag, created with TagManager's TagValue API.
                "state": "A String", # [Output Only] State of the secure tag, either `EFFECTIVE` or `INEFFECTIVE`. A secure tag is `INEFFECTIVE` when it is deleted or its network is deleted.
            "srcThreatIntelligences": [ # Names of Network Threat Intelligence lists. The IPs in these lists will be matched against traffic source.
              "A String",
          "priority": 42, # An integer indicating the priority of a rule in the list. The priority must be a positive value between 0 and 2147483647. Rules are evaluated from highest to lowest priority where 0 is the highest priority and 2147483647 is the lowest priority.
          "ruleName": "A String", # An optional name for the rule. This field is not a unique identifier and can be updated.
          "ruleTupleCount": 42, # [Output Only] Calculation of the complexity of a single firewall policy rule.
          "securityProfileGroup": "A String", # A fully-qualified URL of a SecurityProfile resource instance. Example:{project}/locations/{location}/securityProfileGroups/my-security-profile-group Must be specified if action is one of 'apply_security_profile_group' or 'mirror'. Cannot be specified for other actions.
          "targetResources": [ # A list of network resource URLs to which this rule applies. This field allows you to control which network's VMs get this rule. If this field is left blank, all VMs within the organization will receive the rule.
            "A String",
          "targetSecureTags": [ # A list of secure tags that controls which instances the firewall rule applies to. If targetSecureTag are specified, then the firewall rule applies only to instances in the VPC network that have one of those EFFECTIVE secure tags, if all the target_secure_tag are in INEFFECTIVE state, then this rule will be ignored. targetSecureTag may not be set at the same time as targetServiceAccounts. If neither targetServiceAccounts nor targetSecureTag are specified, the firewall rule applies to all instances on the specified network. Maximum number of target label tags allowed is 256.
              "name": "A String", # Name of the secure tag, created with TagManager's TagValue API.
              "state": "A String", # [Output Only] State of the secure tag, either `EFFECTIVE` or `INEFFECTIVE`. A secure tag is `INEFFECTIVE` when it is deleted or its network is deleted.
          "targetServiceAccounts": [ # A list of service accounts indicating the sets of instances that are applied with this rule.
            "A String",
          "tlsInspect": True or False, # Boolean flag indicating if the traffic should be TLS decrypted. Can be set only if action = 'apply_security_profile_group' and cannot be set for other actions.
      "shortName": "A String", # [Output Only] The short name of the firewall policy.
      "type": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of the firewall policy. Can be one of HIERARCHY, NETWORK, NETWORK_REGIONAL, SYSTEM_GLOBAL, SYSTEM_REGIONAL.
  "firewalls": [ # Effective firewalls on the instance.
    { # Represents a Firewall Rule resource. Firewall rules allow or deny ingress traffic to, and egress traffic from your instances. For more information, read Firewall rules.
      "allowed": [ # The list of ALLOW rules specified by this firewall. Each rule specifies a protocol and port-range tuple that describes a permitted connection.
          "IPProtocol": "A String", # The IP protocol to which this rule applies. The protocol type is required when creating a firewall rule. This value can either be one of the following well known protocol strings (tcp, udp, icmp, esp, ah, ipip, sctp) or the IP protocol number.
          "ports": [ # An optional list of ports to which this rule applies. This field is only applicable for the UDP or TCP protocol. Each entry must be either an integer or a range. If not specified, this rule applies to connections through any port. Example inputs include: ["22"], ["80","443"], and ["12345-12349"].
            "A String",
      "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
      "denied": [ # The list of DENY rules specified by this firewall. Each rule specifies a protocol and port-range tuple that describes a denied connection.
          "IPProtocol": "A String", # The IP protocol to which this rule applies. The protocol type is required when creating a firewall rule. This value can either be one of the following well known protocol strings (tcp, udp, icmp, esp, ah, ipip, sctp) or the IP protocol number.
          "ports": [ # An optional list of ports to which this rule applies. This field is only applicable for the UDP or TCP protocol. Each entry must be either an integer or a range. If not specified, this rule applies to connections through any port. Example inputs include: ["22"], ["80","443"], and ["12345-12349"].
            "A String",
      "description": "A String", # An optional description of this resource. Provide this field when you create the resource.
      "destinationRanges": [ # If destination ranges are specified, the firewall rule applies only to traffic that has destination IP address in these ranges. These ranges must be expressed in CIDR format. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.
        "A String",
      "direction": "A String", # Direction of traffic to which this firewall applies, either `INGRESS` or `EGRESS`. The default is `INGRESS`. For `EGRESS` traffic, you cannot specify the sourceTags fields.
      "disabled": True or False, # Denotes whether the firewall rule is disabled. When set to true, the firewall rule is not enforced and the network behaves as if it did not exist. If this is unspecified, the firewall rule will be enabled.
      "enableLogging": True or False, # Deprecated in favor of enable in LogConfig. This field denotes whether to enable logging for a particular firewall rule. If logging is enabled, logs will be exported t Cloud Logging.
      "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.
      "kind": "compute#firewall", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#firewall for firewall rules.
      "logConfig": { # The available logging options for a firewall rule. # This field denotes the logging options for a particular firewall rule. If logging is enabled, logs will be exported to Cloud Logging.
        "enable": True or False, # This field denotes whether to enable logging for a particular firewall rule.
        "metadata": "A String", # This field can only be specified for a particular firewall rule if logging is enabled for that rule. This field denotes whether to include or exclude metadata for firewall logs.
      "name": "A String", # Name of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?`. The first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters (except for the last character) must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit. The last character must be a lowercase letter or digit.
      "network": "A String", # URL of the network resource for this firewall rule. If not specified when creating a firewall rule, the default network is used: global/networks/default If you choose to specify this field, you can specify the network as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - - projects/myproject/global/networks/my-network - global/networks/default
      "priority": 42, # Priority for this rule. This is an integer between `0` and `65535`, both inclusive. The default value is `1000`. Relative priorities determine which rule takes effect if multiple rules apply. Lower values indicate higher priority. For example, a rule with priority `0` has higher precedence than a rule with priority `1`. DENY rules take precedence over ALLOW rules if they have equal priority. Note that VPC networks have implied rules with a priority of `65535`. To avoid conflicts with the implied rules, use a priority number less than `65535`.
      "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
      "sourceRanges": [ # If source ranges are specified, the firewall rule applies only to traffic that has a source IP address in these ranges. These ranges must be expressed in CIDR format. One or both of sourceRanges and sourceTags may be set. If both fields are set, the rule applies to traffic that has a source IP address within sourceRanges OR a source IP from a resource with a matching tag listed in the sourceTags field. The connection does not need to match both fields for the rule to apply. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.
        "A String",
      "sourceServiceAccounts": [ # If source service accounts are specified, the firewall rules apply only to traffic originating from an instance with a service account in this list. Source service accounts cannot be used to control traffic to an instance's external IP address because service accounts are associated with an instance, not an IP address. sourceRanges can be set at the same time as sourceServiceAccounts. If both are set, the firewall applies to traffic that has a source IP address within the sourceRanges OR a source IP that belongs to an instance with service account listed in sourceServiceAccount. The connection does not need to match both fields for the firewall to apply. sourceServiceAccounts cannot be used at the same time as sourceTags or targetTags.
        "A String",
      "sourceTags": [ # If source tags are specified, the firewall rule applies only to traffic with source IPs that match the primary network interfaces of VM instances that have the tag and are in the same VPC network. Source tags cannot be used to control traffic to an instance's external IP address, it only applies to traffic between instances in the same virtual network. Because tags are associated with instances, not IP addresses. One or both of sourceRanges and sourceTags may be set. If both fields are set, the firewall applies to traffic that has a source IP address within sourceRanges OR a source IP from a resource with a matching tag listed in the sourceTags field. The connection does not need to match both fields for the firewall to apply.
        "A String",
      "targetServiceAccounts": [ # A list of service accounts indicating sets of instances located in the network that may make network connections as specified in allowed[]. targetServiceAccounts cannot be used at the same time as targetTags or sourceTags. If neither targetServiceAccounts nor targetTags are specified, the firewall rule applies to all instances on the specified network.
        "A String",
      "targetTags": [ # A list of tags that controls which instances the firewall rule applies to. If targetTags are specified, then the firewall rule applies only to instances in the VPC network that have one of those tags. If no targetTags are specified, the firewall rule applies to all instances on the specified network.
        "A String",
  "organizationFirewalls": [ # Effective firewalls from organization policies.
    { # A pruned SecurityPolicy containing ID and any applicable firewall rules.
      "id": "A String", # The unique identifier for the security policy. This identifier is defined by the server.
      "rules": [ # The rules that apply to the network.
        { # Represents a rule that describes one or more match conditions along with the action to be taken when traffic matches this condition (allow or deny).
          "action": "A String", # The Action to perform when the rule is matched. The following are the valid actions: - allow: allow access to target. - deny(STATUS): deny access to target, returns the HTTP response code specified. Valid values for `STATUS` are 403, 404, and 502. - rate_based_ban: limit client traffic to the configured threshold and ban the client if the traffic exceeds the threshold. Configure parameters for this action in RateLimitOptions. Requires rate_limit_options to be set. - redirect: redirect to a different target. This can either be an internal reCAPTCHA redirect, or an external URL-based redirect via a 302 response. Parameters for this action can be configured via redirectOptions. This action is only supported in Global Security Policies of type CLOUD_ARMOR. - throttle: limit client traffic to the configured threshold. Configure parameters for this action in rateLimitOptions. Requires rate_limit_options to be set for this.
          "description": "A String", # An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
          "direction": "A String", # The direction in which this rule applies. This field may only be specified when versioned_expr is set to FIREWALL.
          "enableLogging": True or False, # Denotes whether to enable logging for a particular rule. If logging is enabled, logs will be exported to the configured export destination in Stackdriver. Logs may be exported to BigQuery or Pub/Sub. Note: you cannot enable logging on "goto_next" rules. This field may only be specified when the versioned_expr is set to FIREWALL.
          "headerAction": { # Optional, additional actions that are performed on headers. This field is only supported in Global Security Policies of type CLOUD_ARMOR.
            "requestHeadersToAdds": [ # The list of request headers to add or overwrite if they're already present.
                "headerName": "A String", # The name of the header to set.
                "headerValue": "A String", # The value to set the named header to.
          "kind": "compute#securityPolicyRule", # [Output only] Type of the resource. Always compute#securityPolicyRule for security policy rules
          "match": { # Represents a match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against. Exactly one field must be specified. # A match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against. If it evaluates to true, the corresponding 'action' is enforced.
            "config": { # The configuration options available when specifying versioned_expr. This field must be specified if versioned_expr is specified and cannot be specified if versioned_expr is not specified.
              "destIpRanges": [ # CIDR IP address range. This field may only be specified when versioned_expr is set to FIREWALL.
                "A String",
              "layer4Configs": [ # Pairs of IP protocols and ports that the rule should match. This field may only be specified when versioned_expr is set to FIREWALL.
                  "ipProtocol": "A String", # The IP protocol to which this rule applies. The protocol type is required when creating a firewall rule. This value can either be one of the following well known protocol strings (tcp, udp, icmp, esp, ah, ipip, sctp), or the IP protocol number.
                  "ports": [ # An optional list of ports to which this rule applies. This field is only applicable for UDP or TCP protocol. Each entry must be either an integer or a range. If not specified, this rule applies to connections through any port. Example inputs include: ["22"], ["80","443"], and ["12345-12349"]. This field may only be specified when versioned_expr is set to FIREWALL.
                    "A String",
              "srcIpRanges": [ # CIDR IP address range. Maximum number of src_ip_ranges allowed is 10.
                "A String",
            "expr": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner ==" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # User defined CEVAL expression. A CEVAL expression is used to specify match criteria such as origin.ip, source.region_code and contents in the request header. Expressions containing `evaluateThreatIntelligence` require Cloud Armor Managed Protection Plus tier and are not supported in Edge Policies nor in Regional Policies. Expressions containing `evaluatePreconfiguredExpr('sourceiplist-*')` require Cloud Armor Managed Protection Plus tier and are only supported in Global Security Policies.
              "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
              "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
              "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
              "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
            "exprOptions": { # The configuration options available when specifying a user defined CEVAL expression (i.e., 'expr').
              "recaptchaOptions": { # reCAPTCHA configuration options to be applied for the rule. If the rule does not evaluate reCAPTCHA tokens, this field has no effect.
                "actionTokenSiteKeys": [ # A list of site keys to be used during the validation of reCAPTCHA action-tokens. The provided site keys need to be created from reCAPTCHA API under the same project where the security policy is created.
                  "A String",
                "sessionTokenSiteKeys": [ # A list of site keys to be used during the validation of reCAPTCHA session-tokens. The provided site keys need to be created from reCAPTCHA API under the same project where the security policy is created.
                  "A String",
            "versionedExpr": "A String", # Preconfigured versioned expression. If this field is specified, config must also be specified. Available preconfigured expressions along with their requirements are: SRC_IPS_V1 - must specify the corresponding src_ip_range field in config.
          "networkMatch": { # Represents a match condition that incoming network traffic is evaluated against. # A match condition that incoming packets are evaluated against for CLOUD_ARMOR_NETWORK security policies. If it matches, the corresponding 'action' is enforced. The match criteria for a rule consists of built-in match fields (like 'srcIpRanges') and potentially multiple user-defined match fields ('userDefinedFields'). Field values may be extracted directly from the packet or derived from it (e.g. 'srcRegionCodes'). Some fields may not be present in every packet (e.g. 'srcPorts'). A user-defined field is only present if the base header is found in the packet and the entire field is in bounds. Each match field may specify which values can match it, listing one or more ranges, prefixes, or exact values that are considered a match for the field. A field value must be present in order to match a specified match field. If no match values are specified for a match field, then any field value is considered to match it, and it's not required to be present. For strings specifying '*' is also equivalent to match all. For a packet to match a rule, all specified match fields must match the corresponding field values derived from the packet. Example: networkMatch: srcIpRanges: - "" - "" userDefinedFields: - name: "ipv4_fragment_offset" values: - "1-0x1fff" The above match condition matches packets with a source IP in or and a user-defined field named "ipv4_fragment_offset" with a value between 1 and 0x1fff inclusive.
            "destIpRanges": [ # Destination IPv4/IPv6 addresses or CIDR prefixes, in standard text format.
              "A String",
            "destPorts": [ # Destination port numbers for TCP/UDP/SCTP. Each element can be a 16-bit unsigned decimal number (e.g. "80") or range (e.g. "0-1023").
              "A String",
            "ipProtocols": [ # IPv4 protocol / IPv6 next header (after extension headers). Each element can be an 8-bit unsigned decimal number (e.g. "6"), range (e.g. "253-254"), or one of the following protocol names: "tcp", "udp", "icmp", "esp", "ah", "ipip", or "sctp".
              "A String",
            "srcAsns": [ # BGP Autonomous System Number associated with the source IP address.
            "srcIpRanges": [ # Source IPv4/IPv6 addresses or CIDR prefixes, in standard text format.
              "A String",
            "srcPorts": [ # Source port numbers for TCP/UDP/SCTP. Each element can be a 16-bit unsigned decimal number (e.g. "80") or range (e.g. "0-1023").
              "A String",
            "srcRegionCodes": [ # Two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code associated with the source IP address.
              "A String",
            "userDefinedFields": [ # User-defined fields. Each element names a defined field and lists the matching values for that field.
                "name": "A String", # Name of the user-defined field, as given in the definition.
                "values": [ # Matching values of the field. Each element can be a 32-bit unsigned decimal or hexadecimal (starting with "0x") number (e.g. "64") or range (e.g. "0x400-0x7ff").
                  "A String",
          "preconfiguredWafConfig": { # Preconfigured WAF configuration to be applied for the rule. If the rule does not evaluate preconfigured WAF rules, i.e., if evaluatePreconfiguredWaf() is not used, this field will have no effect.
            "exclusions": [ # A list of exclusions to apply during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
                "requestCookiesToExclude": [ # A list of request cookie names whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
                    "op": "A String", # The match operator for the field.
                    "val": "A String", # The value of the field.
                "requestHeadersToExclude": [ # A list of request header names whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
                    "op": "A String", # The match operator for the field.
                    "val": "A String", # The value of the field.
                "requestQueryParamsToExclude": [ # A list of request query parameter names whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. Note that the parameter can be in the query string or in the POST body.
                    "op": "A String", # The match operator for the field.
                    "val": "A String", # The value of the field.
                "requestUrisToExclude": [ # A list of request URIs from the request line to be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. When specifying this field, the query or fragment part should be excluded.
                    "op": "A String", # The match operator for the field.
                    "val": "A String", # The value of the field.
                "targetRuleIds": [ # A list of target rule IDs under the WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion. If omitted, it refers to all the rule IDs under the WAF rule set.
                  "A String",
                "targetRuleSet": "A String", # Target WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion.
          "preview": True or False, # If set to true, the specified action is not enforced.
          "priority": 42, # An integer indicating the priority of a rule in the list. The priority must be a positive value between 0 and 2147483647. Rules are evaluated from highest to lowest priority where 0 is the highest priority and 2147483647 is the lowest priority.
          "rateLimitOptions": { # Must be specified if the action is "rate_based_ban" or "throttle". Cannot be specified for any other actions.
            "banDurationSec": 42, # Can only be specified if the action for the rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, determines the time (in seconds) the traffic will continue to be banned by the rate limit after the rate falls below the threshold.
            "banThreshold": { # Can only be specified if the action for the rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, the key will be banned for the configured 'ban_duration_sec' when the number of requests that exceed the 'rate_limit_threshold' also exceed this 'ban_threshold'.
              "count": 42, # Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold.
              "intervalSec": 42, # Interval over which the threshold is computed.
            "conformAction": "A String", # Action to take for requests that are under the configured rate limit threshold. Valid option is "allow" only.
            "enforceOnKey": "A String", # Determines the key to enforce the rate_limit_threshold on. Possible values are: - ALL: A single rate limit threshold is applied to all the requests matching this rule. This is the default value if "enforceOnKey" is not configured. - IP: The source IP address of the request is the key. Each IP has this limit enforced separately. - HTTP_HEADER: The value of the HTTP header whose name is configured under "enforceOnKeyName". The key value is truncated to the first 128 bytes of the header value. If no such header is present in the request, the key type defaults to ALL. - XFF_IP: The first IP address (i.e. the originating client IP address) specified in the list of IPs under X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. If no such header is present or the value is not a valid IP, the key defaults to the source IP address of the request i.e. key type IP. - HTTP_COOKIE: The value of the HTTP cookie whose name is configured under "enforceOnKeyName". The key value is truncated to the first 128 bytes of the cookie value. If no such cookie is present in the request, the key type defaults to ALL. - HTTP_PATH: The URL path of the HTTP request. The key value is truncated to the first 128 bytes. - SNI: Server name indication in the TLS session of the HTTPS request. The key value is truncated to the first 128 bytes. The key type defaults to ALL on a HTTP session. - REGION_CODE: The country/region from which the request originates. - TLS_JA3_FINGERPRINT: JA3 TLS/SSL fingerprint if the client connects using HTTPS, HTTP/2 or HTTP/3. If not available, the key type defaults to ALL. - USER_IP: The IP address of the originating client, which is resolved based on "userIpRequestHeaders" configured with the security policy. If there is no "userIpRequestHeaders" configuration or an IP address cannot be resolved from it, the key type defaults to IP. - TLS_JA4_FINGERPRINT: JA4 TLS/SSL fingerprint if the client connects using HTTPS, HTTP/2 or HTTP/3. If not available, the key type defaults to ALL.
            "enforceOnKeyConfigs": [ # If specified, any combination of values of enforce_on_key_type/enforce_on_key_name is treated as the key on which ratelimit threshold/action is enforced. You can specify up to 3 enforce_on_key_configs. If enforce_on_key_configs is specified, enforce_on_key must not be specified.
                "enforceOnKeyName": "A String", # Rate limit key name applicable only for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.
                "enforceOnKeyType": "A String", # Determines the key to enforce the rate_limit_threshold on. Possible values are: - ALL: A single rate limit threshold is applied to all the requests matching this rule. This is the default value if "enforceOnKeyConfigs" is not configured. - IP: The source IP address of the request is the key. Each IP has this limit enforced separately. - HTTP_HEADER: The value of the HTTP header whose name is configured under "enforceOnKeyName". The key value is truncated to the first 128 bytes of the header value. If no such header is present in the request, the key type defaults to ALL. - XFF_IP: The first IP address (i.e. the originating client IP address) specified in the list of IPs under X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. If no such header is present or the value is not a valid IP, the key defaults to the source IP address of the request i.e. key type IP. - HTTP_COOKIE: The value of the HTTP cookie whose name is configured under "enforceOnKeyName". The key value is truncated to the first 128 bytes of the cookie value. If no such cookie is present in the request, the key type defaults to ALL. - HTTP_PATH: The URL path of the HTTP request. The key value is truncated to the first 128 bytes. - SNI: Server name indication in the TLS session of the HTTPS request. The key value is truncated to the first 128 bytes. The key type defaults to ALL on a HTTP session. - REGION_CODE: The country/region from which the request originates. - TLS_JA3_FINGERPRINT: JA3 TLS/SSL fingerprint if the client connects using HTTPS, HTTP/2 or HTTP/3. If not available, the key type defaults to ALL. - USER_IP: The IP address of the originating client, which is resolved based on "userIpRequestHeaders" configured with the security policy. If there is no "userIpRequestHeaders" configuration or an IP address cannot be resolved from it, the key type defaults to IP. - TLS_JA4_FINGERPRINT: JA4 TLS/SSL fingerprint if the client connects using HTTPS, HTTP/2 or HTTP/3. If not available, the key type defaults to ALL.
            "enforceOnKeyName": "A String", # Rate limit key name applicable only for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.
            "exceedAction": "A String", # Action to take for requests that are above the configured rate limit threshold, to either deny with a specified HTTP response code, or redirect to a different endpoint. Valid options are `deny(STATUS)`, where valid values for `STATUS` are 403, 404, 429, and 502, and `redirect`, where the redirect parameters come from `exceedRedirectOptions` below. The `redirect` action is only supported in Global Security Policies of type CLOUD_ARMOR.
            "exceedRedirectOptions": { # Parameters defining the redirect action that is used as the exceed action. Cannot be specified if the exceed action is not redirect. This field is only supported in Global Security Policies of type CLOUD_ARMOR.
              "target": "A String", # Target for the redirect action. This is required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
              "type": "A String", # Type of the redirect action.
            "rateLimitThreshold": { # Threshold at which to begin ratelimiting.
              "count": 42, # Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold.
              "intervalSec": 42, # Interval over which the threshold is computed.
          "redirectOptions": { # Parameters defining the redirect action. Cannot be specified for any other actions. This field is only supported in Global Security Policies of type CLOUD_ARMOR.
            "target": "A String", # Target for the redirect action. This is required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
            "type": "A String", # Type of the redirect action.
          "ruleNumber": "A String", # Identifier for the rule. This is only unique within the given security policy. This can only be set during rule creation, if rule number is not specified it will be generated by the server.
          "ruleTupleCount": 42, # [Output Only] Calculation of the complexity of a single firewall security policy rule.
          "targetResources": [ # A list of network resource URLs to which this rule applies. This field allows you to control which network's VMs get this rule. If this field is left blank, all VMs within the organization will receive the rule. This field may only be specified when versioned_expr is set to FIREWALL.
            "A String",
          "targetServiceAccounts": [ # A list of service accounts indicating the sets of instances that are applied with this rule.
            "A String",
getGuestAttributes(project, zone, instance, queryPath=None, variableKey=None, x__xgafv=None)
Returns the specified guest attributes entry.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  queryPath: string, Specifies the guest attributes path to be queried.
  variableKey: string, Specifies the key for the guest attributes entry.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # A guest attributes entry.
  "kind": "compute#guestAttributes", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#guestAttributes for guest attributes entry.
  "queryPath": "A String", # The path to be queried. This can be the default namespace ('') or a nested namespace ('\/') or a specified key ('\/\').
  "queryValue": { # Array of guest attribute namespace/key/value tuples. # [Output Only] The value of the requested queried path.
    "items": [
      { # A guest attributes namespace/key/value entry.
        "key": "A String", # Key for the guest attribute entry.
        "namespace": "A String", # Namespace for the guest attribute entry.
        "value": "A String", # Value for the guest attribute entry.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.
  "variableKey": "A String", # The key to search for.
  "variableValue": "A String", # [Output Only] The value found for the requested key.
getIamPolicy(project, zone, resource, optionsRequestedPolicyVersion=None, x__xgafv=None)
Gets the access control policy for a resource. May be empty if no such policy or resource exists.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  resource: string, Name or id of the resource for this request. (required)
  optionsRequestedPolicyVersion: integer, Requested IAM Policy version.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access controls for Google Cloud resources. A `Policy` is a collection of `bindings`. A `binding` binds one or more `members`, or principals, to a single `role`. Principals can be user accounts, service accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). A `role` is a named list of permissions; each `role` can be an IAM predefined role or a user-created custom role. For some types of Google Cloud resources, a `binding` can also specify a `condition`, which is a logical expression that allows access to a resource only if the expression evaluates to `true`. A condition can add constraints based on attributes of the request, the resource, or both. To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the [IAM documentation]( **JSON example:** ``` { "bindings": [ { "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", "members": [ "", "", "", "" ] }, { "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", "members": [ "" ], "condition": { "title": "expirable access", "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", "expression": "request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", } } ], "etag": "BwWWja0YfJA=", "version": 3 } ``` **YAML example:** ``` bindings: - members: - - - - role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin - members: - role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer condition: title: expirable access description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') etag: BwWWja0YfJA= version: 3 ``` For a description of IAM and its features, see the [IAM documentation](
  "auditConfigs": [ # Specifies cloud audit logging configuration for this policy.
    { # Specifies the audit configuration for a service. The configuration determines which permission types are logged, and what identities, if any, are exempted from logging. An AuditConfig must have one or more AuditLogConfigs. If there are AuditConfigs for both `allServices` and a specific service, the union of the two AuditConfigs is used for that service: the log_types specified in each AuditConfig are enabled, and the exempted_members in each AuditLogConfig are exempted. Example Policy with multiple AuditConfigs: { "audit_configs": [ { "service": "allServices", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": [ "" ] }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" }, { "log_type": "ADMIN_READ" } ] }, { "service": "", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE", "exempted_members": [ "" ] } ] } ] } For sampleservice, this policy enables DATA_READ, DATA_WRITE and ADMIN_READ logging. It also exempts `` from DATA_READ logging, and `` from DATA_WRITE logging.
      "auditLogConfigs": [ # The configuration for logging of each type of permission.
        { # Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions. Example: { "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": [ "" ] }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" } ] } This enables 'DATA_READ' and 'DATA_WRITE' logging, while exempting from DATA_READ logging.
          "exemptedMembers": [ # Specifies the identities that do not cause logging for this type of permission. Follows the same format of Binding.members.
            "A String",
          "logType": "A String", # The log type that this config enables.
      "service": "A String", # Specifies a service that will be enabled for audit logging. For example, ``, ``. `allServices` is a special value that covers all services.
  "bindings": [ # Associates a list of `members`, or principals, with a `role`. Optionally, may specify a `condition` that determines how and when the `bindings` are applied. Each of the `bindings` must contain at least one principal. The `bindings` in a `Policy` can refer to up to 1,500 principals; up to 250 of these principals can be Google groups. Each occurrence of a principal counts towards these limits. For example, if the `bindings` grant 50 different roles to ``, and not to any other principal, then you can add another 1,450 principals to the `bindings` in the `Policy`.
    { # Associates `members`, or principals, with a `role`.
      "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner ==" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # The condition that is associated with this binding. If the condition evaluates to `true`, then this binding applies to the current request. If the condition evaluates to `false`, then this binding does not apply to the current request. However, a different role binding might grant the same role to one or more of the principals in this binding. To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the [IAM documentation](
        "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
        "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
        "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
        "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
      "members": [ # Specifies the principals requesting access for a Google Cloud resource. `members` can have the following values: * `allUsers`: A special identifier that represents anyone who is on the internet; with or without a Google account. * `allAuthenticatedUsers`: A special identifier that represents anyone who is authenticated with a Google account or a service account. Does not include identities that come from external identity providers (IdPs) through identity federation. * `user:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a specific Google account. For example, `` . * `serviceAccount:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a Google service account. For example, ``. * `serviceAccount:{projectid}[{namespace}/{kubernetes-sa}]`: An identifier for a [Kubernetes service account]( For example, `[my-namespace/my-kubernetes-sa]`. * `group:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a Google group. For example, ``. * `domain:{domain}`: The G Suite domain (primary) that represents all the users of that domain. For example, `` or ``. * `principal://{pool_id}/subject/{subject_attribute_value}`: A single identity in a workforce identity pool. * `principalSet://{pool_id}/group/{group_id}`: All workforce identities in a group. * `principalSet://{pool_id}/attribute.{attribute_name}/{attribute_value}`: All workforce identities with a specific attribute value. * `principalSet://{pool_id}/*`: All identities in a workforce identity pool. * `principal://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/subject/{subject_attribute_value}`: A single identity in a workload identity pool. * `principalSet://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/group/{group_id}`: A workload identity pool group. * `principalSet://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/attribute.{attribute_name}/{attribute_value}`: All identities in a workload identity pool with a certain attribute. * `principalSet://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/*`: All identities in a workload identity pool. * `deleted:user:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: An email address (plus unique identifier) representing a user that has been recently deleted. For example, ``. If the user is recovered, this value reverts to `user:{emailid}` and the recovered user retains the role in the binding. * `deleted:serviceAccount:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: An email address (plus unique identifier) representing a service account that has been recently deleted. For example, ``. If the service account is undeleted, this value reverts to `serviceAccount:{emailid}` and the undeleted service account retains the role in the binding. * `deleted:group:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: An email address (plus unique identifier) representing a Google group that has been recently deleted. For example, ``. If the group is recovered, this value reverts to `group:{emailid}` and the recovered group retains the role in the binding. * `deleted:principal://{pool_id}/subject/{subject_attribute_value}`: Deleted single identity in a workforce identity pool. For example, `deleted:principal://`.
        "A String",
      "role": "A String", # Role that is assigned to the list of `members`, or principals. For example, `roles/viewer`, `roles/editor`, or `roles/owner`. For an overview of the IAM roles and permissions, see the [IAM documentation]( For a list of the available pre-defined roles, see [here](
  "etag": "A String", # `etag` is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help prevent simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other. It is strongly suggested that systems make use of the `etag` in the read-modify-write cycle to perform policy updates in order to avoid race conditions: An `etag` is returned in the response to `getIamPolicy`, and systems are expected to put that etag in the request to `setIamPolicy` to ensure that their change will be applied to the same version of the policy. **Important:** If you use IAM Conditions, you must include the `etag` field whenever you call `setIamPolicy`. If you omit this field, then IAM allows you to overwrite a version `3` policy with a version `1` policy, and all of the conditions in the version `3` policy are lost.
  "version": 42, # Specifies the format of the policy. Valid values are `0`, `1`, and `3`. Requests that specify an invalid value are rejected. Any operation that affects conditional role bindings must specify version `3`. This requirement applies to the following operations: * Getting a policy that includes a conditional role binding * Adding a conditional role binding to a policy * Changing a conditional role binding in a policy * Removing any role binding, with or without a condition, from a policy that includes conditions **Important:** If you use IAM Conditions, you must include the `etag` field whenever you call `setIamPolicy`. If you omit this field, then IAM allows you to overwrite a version `3` policy with a version `1` policy, and all of the conditions in the version `3` policy are lost. If a policy does not include any conditions, operations on that policy may specify any valid version or leave the field unset. To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the [IAM documentation](
getPartnerMetadata(project, zone, instance, namespaces=None, x__xgafv=None)
Gets partner metadata of the specified instance and namespaces.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  namespaces: string, Comma separated partner metadata namespaces.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Model definition of partner_metadata field. To be used in dedicated Partner Metadata methods and to be inlined in the Instance and InstanceTemplate resources.
  "fingerprint": "A String", # Instance-level hash to be used for optimistic locking.
  "partnerMetadata": { # Partner Metadata assigned to the instance. A map from a subdomain to entries map. Subdomain name must be compliant with RFC1035 definition. The total size of all keys and values must be less than 2MB. Subdomain '' is reserverd for instance's metadata.
    "a_key": {
      "entries": { # Map of a partner metadata that belong to the same subdomain. It accepts any value including google.protobuf.Struct.
        "a_key": "",
getScreenshot(project, zone, instance, x__xgafv=None)
Returns the screenshot from the specified instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # An instance's screenshot.
  "contents": "A String", # [Output Only] The Base64-encoded screenshot data.
  "kind": "compute#screenshot", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#screenshot for the screenshots.
getSerialPortOutput(project, zone, instance, port=None, start=None, x__xgafv=None)
Returns the last 1 MB of serial port output from the specified instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance for this request. (required)
  port: integer, Specifies which COM or serial port to retrieve data from.
  start: string, Specifies the starting byte position of the output to return. To start with the first byte of output to the specified port, omit this field or set it to `0`. If the output for that byte position is available, this field matches the `start` parameter sent with the request. If the amount of serial console output exceeds the size of the buffer (1 MB), the oldest output is discarded and is no longer available. If the requested start position refers to discarded output, the start position is adjusted to the oldest output still available, and the adjusted start position is returned as the `start` property value. You can also provide a negative start position, which translates to the most recent number of bytes written to the serial port. For example, -3 is interpreted as the most recent 3 bytes written to the serial console. Note that the negative start is bounded by the retained buffer size, and the returned serial console output will not exceed the max buffer size.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # An instance serial console output.
  "contents": "A String", # [Output Only] The contents of the console output.
  "kind": "compute#serialPortOutput", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#serialPortOutput for serial port output.
  "next": "A String", # [Output Only] The position of the next byte of content, regardless of whether the content exists, following the output returned in the `contents` property. Use this value in the next request as the start parameter.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.
  "start": "A String", # The starting byte position of the output that was returned. This should match the start parameter sent with the request. If the serial console output exceeds the size of the buffer (1 MB), older output is overwritten by newer content. The output start value will indicate the byte position of the output that was returned, which might be different than the `start` value that was specified in the request.
getShieldedInstanceIdentity(project, zone, instance, x__xgafv=None)
Returns the Shielded Instance Identity of an instance

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name or id of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # A Shielded Instance Identity.
  "encryptionKey": { # A Shielded Instance Identity Entry. # An Endorsement Key (EK) made by the RSA 2048 algorithm issued to the Shielded Instance's vTPM.
    "ekCert": "A String", # A PEM-encoded X.509 certificate. This field can be empty.
    "ekPub": "A String", # A PEM-encoded public key.
  "kind": "compute#shieldedInstanceIdentity", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#shieldedInstanceIdentity for shielded Instance identity entry.
  "signingKey": { # A Shielded Instance Identity Entry. # An Attestation Key (AK) made by the RSA 2048 algorithm issued to the Shielded Instance's vTPM.
    "ekCert": "A String", # A PEM-encoded X.509 certificate. This field can be empty.
    "ekPub": "A String", # A PEM-encoded public key.
getShieldedVmIdentity(project, zone, instance, x__xgafv=None)
Returns the Shielded VM Identity of an instance

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # A Shielded VM Identity.
  "encryptionKey": { # A Shielded Instance Identity Entry. # An Endorsement Key (EK) issued to the Shielded VM's vTPM.
    "ekCert": "A String", # A PEM-encoded X.509 certificate. This field can be empty.
    "ekPub": "A String", # A PEM-encoded public key.
  "kind": "compute#shieldedVmIdentity", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#shieldedVmIdentity for shielded VM identity entry.
  "signingKey": { # A Shielded Instance Identity Entry. # An Attestation Key (AK) issued to the Shielded VM's vTPM.
    "ekCert": "A String", # A PEM-encoded X.509 certificate. This field can be empty.
    "ekPub": "A String", # A PEM-encoded public key.
insert(project, zone, body=None, requestId=None, sourceInstanceTemplate=None, sourceMachineImage=None, x__xgafv=None)
Creates an instance resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Represents an Instance resource. An instance is a virtual machine that is hosted on Google Cloud Platform. For more information, read Virtual Machine Instances.
  "advancedMachineFeatures": { # Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features. Options that would traditionally be configured in a BIOS belong here. Features that require operating system support may have corresponding entries in the GuestOsFeatures of an Image (e.g., whether or not the OS in the Image supports nested virtualization being enabled or disabled). # Controls for advanced machine-related behavior features.
    "enableNestedVirtualization": True or False, # Whether to enable nested virtualization or not (default is false).
    "enableUefiNetworking": True or False, # Whether to enable UEFI networking for instance creation.
    "performanceMonitoringUnit": "A String", # Type of Performance Monitoring Unit requested on instance.
    "threadsPerCore": 42, # The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
    "turboMode": "A String", # Turbo frequency mode to use for the instance. Supported modes include: * ALL_CORE_MAX Using empty string or not setting this field will use the platform-specific default turbo mode.
    "visibleCoreCount": 42, # The number of physical cores to expose to an instance. Multiply by the number of threads per core to compute the total number of virtual CPUs to expose to the instance. If unset, the number of cores is inferred from the instance's nominal CPU count and the underlying platform's SMT width.
  "canIpForward": True or False, # Allows this instance to send and receive packets with non-matching destination or source IPs. This is required if you plan to use this instance to forward routes. For more information, see Enabling IP Forwarding .
  "confidentialInstanceConfig": { # A set of Confidential Instance options.
    "confidentialInstanceType": "A String", # Defines the type of technology used by the confidential instance.
    "enableConfidentialCompute": True or False, # Defines whether the instance should have confidential compute enabled.
  "cpuPlatform": "A String", # [Output Only] The CPU platform used by this instance.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
  "deletionProtection": True or False, # Whether the resource should be protected against deletion.
  "description": "A String", # An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
  "disks": [ # Array of disks associated with this instance. Persistent disks must be created before you can assign them.
    { # An instance-attached disk resource.
      "architecture": "A String", # [Output Only] The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are ARM64 or X86_64.
      "autoDelete": True or False, # Specifies whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted (but not when the disk is detached from the instance).
      "boot": True or False, # Indicates that this is a boot disk. The virtual machine will use the first partition of the disk for its root filesystem.
      "deviceName": "A String", # Specifies a unique device name of your choice that is reflected into the /dev/disk/by-id/google-* tree of a Linux operating system running within the instance. This name can be used to reference the device for mounting, resizing, and so on, from within the instance. If not specified, the server chooses a default device name to apply to this disk, in the form persistent-disk-x, where x is a number assigned by Google Compute Engine. This field is only applicable for persistent disks.
      "diskEncryptionKey": { # Encrypts or decrypts a disk using a customer-supplied encryption key. If you are creating a new disk, this field encrypts the new disk using an encryption key that you provide. If you are attaching an existing disk that is already encrypted, this field decrypts the disk using the customer-supplied encryption key. If you encrypt a disk using a customer-supplied key, you must provide the same key again when you attempt to use this resource at a later time. For example, you must provide the key when you create a snapshot or an image from the disk or when you attach the disk to a virtual machine instance. If you do not provide an encryption key, then the disk will be encrypted using an automatically generated key and you do not need to provide a key to use the disk later. Note: Instance templates do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot use your own keys to encrypt disks in a managed instance group. You cannot create VMs that have disks with customer-supplied keys using the bulk insert method.
        "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
        "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
        "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
        "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
        "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
      "diskSizeGb": "A String", # The size of the disk in GB.
      "forceAttach": True or False, # [Input Only] Whether to force attach the regional disk even if it's currently attached to another instance. If you try to force attach a zonal disk to an instance, you will receive an error.
      "guestOsFeatures": [ # A list of features to enable on the guest operating system. Applicable only for bootable images. Read Enabling guest operating system features to see a list of available options.
        { # Guest OS features.
          "type": "A String", # The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE - TDX_CAPABLE - IDPF For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
      "index": 42, # [Output Only] A zero-based index to this disk, where 0 is reserved for the boot disk. If you have many disks attached to an instance, each disk would have a unique index number.
      "initializeParams": { # [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This field is persisted and returned for instanceTemplate and not returned in the context of instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both. # [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both.
        "architecture": "A String", # The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are arm64 or x86_64.
        "description": "A String", # An optional description. Provide this property when creating the disk.
        "diskName": "A String", # Specifies the disk name. If not specified, the default is to use the name of the instance. If a disk with the same name already exists in the given region, the existing disk is attached to the new instance and the new disk is not created.
        "diskSizeGb": "A String", # Specifies the size of the disk in base-2 GB. The size must be at least 10 GB. If you specify a sourceImage, which is required for boot disks, the default size is the size of the sourceImage. If you do not specify a sourceImage, the default disk size is 500 GB.
        "diskType": "A String", # Specifies the disk type to use to create the instance. If not specified, the default is pd-standard, specified using the full URL. For example: /diskTypes/pd-standard For a full list of acceptable values, see Persistent disk types. If you specify this field when creating a VM, you can provide either the full or partial URL. For example, the following values are valid: - /diskTypes/diskType - projects/project/zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType - zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType If you specify this field when creating or updating an instance template or all-instances configuration, specify the type of the disk, not the URL. For example: pd-standard.
        "enableConfidentialCompute": True or False, # Whether this disk is using confidential compute mode.
        "guestOsFeatures": [ # A list of features to enable on the guest operating system. Applicable only for bootable images. Read Enabling guest operating system features to see a list of available options. Guest OS features are applied by merging initializeParams.guestOsFeatures and disks.guestOsFeatures
          { # Guest OS features.
            "type": "A String", # The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE - TDX_CAPABLE - IDPF For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
        "labels": { # Labels to apply to this disk. These can be later modified by the disks.setLabels method. This field is only applicable for persistent disks.
          "a_key": "A String",
        "licenses": [ # A list of publicly visible licenses. Reserved for Google's use.
          "A String",
        "multiWriter": True or False, # Indicates whether or not the disk can be read/write attached to more than one instance.
        "onUpdateAction": "A String", # Specifies which action to take on instance update with this disk. Default is to use the existing disk.
        "provisionedIops": "A String", # Indicates how many IOPS to provision for the disk. This sets the number of I/O operations per second that the disk can handle. Values must be between 10,000 and 120,000. For more details, see the Extreme persistent disk documentation.
        "provisionedThroughput": "A String", # Indicates how much throughput to provision for the disk. This sets the number of throughput mb per second that the disk can handle. Values must greater than or equal to 1.
        "replicaZones": [ # Required for each regional disk associated with the instance. Specify the URLs of the zones where the disk should be replicated to. You must provide exactly two replica zones, and one zone must be the same as the instance zone.
          "A String",
        "resourceManagerTags": { # Resource manager tags to be bound to the disk. Tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format `tagKeys/{tag_key_id}`, and values are in the format `tagValues/456`. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
          "a_key": "A String",
        "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies applied to this disk for automatic snapshot creations. Specified using the full or partial URL. For instance template, specify only the resource policy name.
          "A String",
        "sourceImage": "A String", # The source image to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or disks.source is required. To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the image by its family name. For example, specify family/debian-9 to use the latest Debian 9 image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-9 Alternatively, use a specific version of a public operating system image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-9-stretch-vYYYYMMDD To create a disk with a custom image that you created, specify the image name in the following format: global/images/my-custom-image You can also specify a custom image by its image family, which returns the latest version of the image in that family. Replace the image name with family/family-name: global/images/family/my-image-family If the source image is deleted later, this field will not be set.
        "sourceImageEncryptionKey": { # The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image. Required if the source image is protected by a customer-supplied encryption key. InstanceTemplate and InstancePropertiesPatch do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot create disks for instances in a managed instance group if the source images are encrypted with your own keys.
          "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
          "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
          "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
          "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
          "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
        "sourceInstantSnapshot": "A String", # The source instant-snapshot to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or initializeParams.sourceInstantSnapshot initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with a snapshot that you created, specify the snapshot name in the following format: us-central1-a/instantSnapshots/my-backup If the source instant-snapshot is deleted later, this field will not be set.
        "sourceSnapshot": "A String", # The source snapshot to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with a snapshot that you created, specify the snapshot name in the following format: global/snapshots/my-backup If the source snapshot is deleted later, this field will not be set. Note: You cannot create VMs in bulk using a snapshot as the source. Use an image instead when you create VMs using the bulk insert method.
        "sourceSnapshotEncryptionKey": { # The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot.
          "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
          "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
          "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
          "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
          "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
        "storagePool": "A String", # The storage pool in which the new disk is created. You can provide this as a partial or full URL to the resource. For example, the following are valid values: - /storagePools/storagePool - projects/project/zones/zone/storagePools/storagePool - zones/zone/storagePools/storagePool
      "interface": "A String", # Specifies the disk interface to use for attaching this disk, which is either SCSI or NVME. For most machine types, the default is SCSI. Local SSDs can use either NVME or SCSI. In certain configurations, persistent disks can use NVMe. For more information, see About persistent disks.
      "kind": "compute#attachedDisk", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#attachedDisk for attached disks.
      "licenses": [ # [Output Only] Any valid publicly visible licenses.
        "A String",
      "locked": True or False, # [Output Only] Whether to indicate the attached disk is locked. The locked disk is not allowed to be detached from the instance, or to be used as the source of the snapshot creation, and the image creation. The instance with at least one locked attached disk is not allow to be used as source of machine image creation, instant snapshot creation, and not allowed to be deleted with --keep-disk parameter set to true for locked disks.
      "mode": "A String", # The mode in which to attach this disk, either READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY. If not specified, the default is to attach the disk in READ_WRITE mode.
      "savedState": "A String", # For LocalSSD disks on VM Instances in STOPPED or SUSPENDED state, this field is set to PRESERVED if the LocalSSD data has been saved to a persistent location by customer request. (see the discard_local_ssd option on Stop/Suspend). Read-only in the api.
      "shieldedInstanceInitialState": { # Initial State for shielded instance, these are public keys which are safe to store in public # [Output Only] shielded vm initial state stored on disk
        "dbs": [ # The Key Database (db).
            "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
            "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
        "dbxs": [ # The forbidden key database (dbx).
            "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
            "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
        "keks": [ # The Key Exchange Key (KEK).
            "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
            "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
        "pk": { # The Platform Key (PK).
          "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
          "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
      "source": "A String", # Specifies a valid partial or full URL to an existing Persistent Disk resource. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or disks.source is required. If desired, you can also attach existing non-root persistent disks using this property. This field is only applicable for persistent disks. Note that for InstanceTemplate, specify the disk name for zonal disk, and the URL for regional disk.
      "type": "A String", # Specifies the type of the disk, either SCRATCH or PERSISTENT. If not specified, the default is PERSISTENT.
      "userLicenses": [ # [Output Only] A list of user provided licenses. It represents a list of URLs to the license resource. Unlike regular licenses, user provided licenses can be modified after the disk is created.
        "A String",
  "displayDevice": { # A set of Display Device options # Enables display device for the instance.
    "enableDisplay": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Display enabled.
  "eraseWindowsVssSignature": True or False, # Specifies whether the disks restored from source snapshots or source machine image should erase Windows specific VSS signature.
  "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this resource, which is essentially a hash of the instance's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update the instance. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update the instance. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
  "guestAccelerators": [ # A list of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    { # A specification of the type and number of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
      "acceleratorCount": 42, # The number of the guest accelerator cards exposed to this instance.
      "acceleratorType": "A String", # Full or partial URL of the accelerator type resource to attach to this instance. For example: projects/my-project/zones/us-central1-c/acceleratorTypes/nvidia-tesla-p100 If you are creating an instance template, specify only the accelerator name. See GPUs on Compute Engine for a full list of accelerator types.
  "hostname": "A String", # Specifies the hostname of the instance. The specified hostname must be RFC1035 compliant. If hostname is not specified, the default hostname is [INSTANCE_NAME].c.[PROJECT_ID].internal when using the global DNS, and [INSTANCE_NAME].[ZONE].c.[PROJECT_ID].internal when using zonal DNS.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "instanceEncryptionKey": { # Encrypts suspended data for an instance with a customer-managed encryption key. If you are creating a new instance, this field will encrypt the local SSD and in-memory contents of the instance during the suspend operation. If you do not provide an encryption key when creating the instance, then the local SSD and in-memory contents will be encrypted using an automatically generated key during the suspend operation.
    "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
    "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
    "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
    "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
    "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
  "keyRevocationActionType": "A String", # KeyRevocationActionType of the instance. Supported options are "STOP" and "NONE". The default value is "NONE" if it is not specified.
  "kind": "compute#instance", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#instance for instances.
  "labelFingerprint": "A String", # A fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the label's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update labels. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change labels. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
  "labels": { # Labels to apply to this instance. These can be later modified by the setLabels method.
    "a_key": "A String",
  "lastStartTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last start timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
  "lastStopTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last stop timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
  "lastSuspendedTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last suspended timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
  "machineType": "A String", # Full or partial URL of the machine type resource to use for this instance, in the format: zones/zone/machineTypes/machine-type. This is provided by the client when the instance is created. For example, the following is a valid partial url to a predefined machine type: zones/us-central1-f/machineTypes/n1-standard-1 To create a custom machine type, provide a URL to a machine type in the following format, where CPUS is 1 or an even number up to 32 (2, 4, 6, ... 24, etc), and MEMORY is the total memory for this instance. Memory must be a multiple of 256 MB and must be supplied in MB (e.g. 5 GB of memory is 5120 MB): zones/zone/machineTypes/custom-CPUS-MEMORY For example: zones/us-central1-f/machineTypes/custom-4-5120 For a full list of restrictions, read the Specifications for custom machine types.
  "metadata": { # A metadata key/value entry. # The metadata key/value pairs assigned to this instance. This includes custom metadata and predefined keys.
    "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the metadata's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change metadata, otherwise the request will fail with error 412 conditionNotMet. To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve the resource.
    "items": [ # Array of key/value pairs. The total size of all keys and values must be less than 512 KB.
      { # Metadata
        "key": "A String", # Key for the metadata entry. Keys must conform to the following regexp: [a-zA-Z0-9-_]+, and be less than 128 bytes in length. This is reflected as part of a URL in the metadata server. Additionally, to avoid ambiguity, keys must not conflict with any other metadata keys for the project.
        "value": "A String", # Value for the metadata entry. These are free-form strings, and only have meaning as interpreted by the image running in the instance. The only restriction placed on values is that their size must be less than or equal to 262144 bytes (256 KiB).
    "kind": "compute#metadata", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#metadata for metadata.
  "minCpuPlatform": "A String", # Specifies a minimum CPU platform for the VM instance. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU platforms, such as minCpuPlatform: "Intel Haswell" or minCpuPlatform: "Intel Sandy Bridge".
  "name": "A String", # The name of the resource, provided by the client when initially creating the resource. The resource name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?` which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
  "networkInterfaces": [ # An array of network configurations for this instance. These specify how interfaces are configured to interact with other network services, such as connecting to the internet. Multiple interfaces are supported per instance.
    { # A network interface resource attached to an instance.
      "accessConfigs": [ # An array of configurations for this interface. Currently, only one access config, ONE_TO_ONE_NAT, is supported. If there are no accessConfigs specified, then this instance will have no external internet access.
        { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
          "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
          "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
          "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
          "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
          "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
          "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
          "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
          "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
          "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
          "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
      "aliasIpRanges": [ # An array of alias IP ranges for this network interface. You can only specify this field for network interfaces in VPC networks.
        { # An alias IP range attached to an instance's network interface.
          "ipCidrRange": "A String", # The IP alias ranges to allocate for this interface. This IP CIDR range must belong to the specified subnetwork and cannot contain IP addresses reserved by system or used by other network interfaces. This range may be a single IP address (such as, a netmask (such as /24) or a CIDR-formatted string (such as
          "subnetworkRangeName": "A String", # The name of a subnetwork secondary IP range from which to allocate an IP alias range. If not specified, the primary range of the subnetwork is used.
      "fingerprint": "A String", # Fingerprint hash of contents stored in this network interface. This field will be ignored when inserting an Instance or adding a NetworkInterface. An up-to-date fingerprint must be provided in order to update the NetworkInterface. The request will fail with error 400 Bad Request if the fingerprint is not provided, or 412 Precondition Failed if the fingerprint is out of date.
      "internalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # The prefix length of the primary internal IPv6 range.
      "ipv6AccessConfigs": [ # An array of IPv6 access configurations for this interface. Currently, only one IPv6 access config, DIRECT_IPV6, is supported. If there is no ipv6AccessConfig specified, then this instance will have no external IPv6 Internet access.
        { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
          "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
          "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
          "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
          "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
          "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
          "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
          "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
          "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
          "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
          "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
      "ipv6AccessType": "A String", # [Output Only] One of EXTERNAL, INTERNAL to indicate whether the IP can be accessed from the Internet. This field is always inherited from its subnetwork. Valid only if stackType is IPV4_IPV6.
      "ipv6Address": "A String", # An IPv6 internal network address for this network interface. To use a static internal IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an internal IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
      "kind": "compute#networkInterface", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#networkInterface for network interfaces.
      "name": "A String", # [Output Only] The name of the network interface, which is generated by the server. For a VM, the network interface uses the nicN naming format. Where N is a value between 0 and 7. The default interface value is nic0.
      "network": "A String", # URL of the VPC network resource for this instance. When creating an instance, if neither the network nor the subnetwork is specified, the default network global/networks/default is used. If the selected project doesn't have the default network, you must specify a network or subnet. If the network is not specified but the subnetwork is specified, the network is inferred. If you specify this property, you can specify the network as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - network - projects/project/global/networks/network - global/networks/default
      "networkAttachment": "A String", # The URL of the network attachment that this interface should connect to in the following format: projects/{project_number}/regions/{region_name}/networkAttachments/{network_attachment_name}.
      "networkIP": "A String", # An IPv4 internal IP address to assign to the instance for this network interface. If not specified by the user, an unused internal IP is assigned by the system.
      "nicType": "A String", # The type of vNIC to be used on this interface. This may be gVNIC or VirtioNet.
      "parentNicName": "A String", # Name of the parent network interface of a dynamic network interface.
      "queueCount": 42, # The networking queue count that's specified by users for the network interface. Both Rx and Tx queues will be set to this number. It'll be empty if not specified by the users.
      "stackType": "A String", # The stack type for this network interface. To assign only IPv4 addresses, use IPV4_ONLY. To assign both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, use IPV4_IPV6. If not specified, IPV4_ONLY is used. This field can be both set at instance creation and update network interface operations.
      "subnetwork": "A String", # The URL of the Subnetwork resource for this instance. If the network resource is in legacy mode, do not specify this field. If the network is in auto subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is optional. If the network is in custom subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is required. If you specify this field, you can specify the subnetwork as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - /subnetworks/subnetwork - regions/region/subnetworks/subnetwork
      "vlan": 42, # VLAN tag of a dynamic network interface, must be an integer in the range from 2 to 255 inclusively.
  "networkPerformanceConfig": {
    "totalEgressBandwidthTier": "A String",
  "params": { # Additional instance params. # Input only. [Input Only] Additional params passed with the request, but not persisted as part of resource payload.
    "resourceManagerTags": { # Resource manager tags to be bound to the instance. Tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format `tagKeys/{tag_key_id}`, and values are in the format `tagValues/456`. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
      "a_key": "A String",
  "partnerMetadata": { # Partner Metadata assigned to the instance. A map from a subdomain (namespace) to entries map.
    "a_key": {
      "entries": { # Map of a partner metadata that belong to the same subdomain. It accepts any value including google.protobuf.Struct.
        "a_key": "",
  "postKeyRevocationActionType": "A String", # PostKeyRevocationActionType of the instance.
  "privateIpv6GoogleAccess": "A String", # The private IPv6 google access type for the VM. If not specified, use INHERIT_FROM_SUBNETWORK as default.
  "reservationAffinity": { # Specifies the reservations that this instance can consume from. # Specifies the reservations that this instance can consume from.
    "consumeReservationType": "A String", # Specifies the type of reservation from which this instance can consume resources: ANY_RESERVATION (default), SPECIFIC_RESERVATION, or NO_RESERVATION. See Consuming reserved instances for examples.
    "key": "A String", # Corresponds to the label key of a reservation resource. To target a SPECIFIC_RESERVATION by name, specify as the key and specify the name of your reservation as its value.
    "values": [ # Corresponds to the label values of a reservation resource. This can be either a name to a reservation in the same project or "projects/different-project/reservations/some-reservation-name" to target a shared reservation in the same zone but in a different project.
      "A String",
  "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies applied to this instance.
    "A String",
  "resourceStatus": { # Contains output only fields. Use this sub-message for actual values set on Instance attributes as compared to the value requested by the user (intent) in their instance CRUD calls. # [Output Only] Specifies values set for instance attributes as compared to the values requested by user in the corresponding input only field.
    "physicalHost": "A String", # [Output Only] The precise location of your instance within the zone's data center, including the block, sub-block, and host. The field is formatted as follows: blockId/subBlockId/hostId.
    "physicalHostTopology": { # Represents the physical host topology of the host on which the VM is running. # [Output Only] A series of fields containing the global name of the Compute Engine cluster, as well as the ID of the block, sub-block, and host on which the running instance is located.
      "block": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the block in which the running instance is located. Instances within the same block experience low network latency.
      "cluster": "A String", # [Output Only] The global name of the Compute Engine cluster where the running instance is located.
      "host": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the host on which the running instance is located. Instances on the same host experience the lowest possible network latency.
      "subblock": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the sub-block in which the running instance is located. Instances in the same sub-block experience lower network latency than instances in the same block.
    "scheduling": {
      "availabilityDomain": 42, # Specifies the availability domain to place the instance in. The value must be a number between 1 and the number of availability domains specified in the spread placement policy attached to the instance.
      "terminationTimestamp": "A String", # Time in future when the instance will be terminated in RFC3339 text format.
    "shutdownDetails": { # [Output Only] Details about the instance stopping state.
      "maxDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years.
        "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
        "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
      "requestTimestamp": "A String",
      "stopState": "A String",
      "targetState": "A String",
    "upcomingMaintenance": { # Upcoming Maintenance notification information.
      "canReschedule": True or False, # Indicates if the maintenance can be customer triggered.
      "latestWindowStartTime": "A String", # The latest time for the planned maintenance window to start. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
      "maintenanceStatus": "A String",
      "type": "A String", # Defines the type of maintenance.
      "windowEndTime": "A String", # The time by which the maintenance disruption will be completed. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
      "windowStartTime": "A String", # The current start time of the maintenance window. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "satisfiesPzi": True or False, # [Output Only] Reserved for future use.
  "satisfiesPzs": True or False, # [Output Only] Reserved for future use.
  "scheduling": { # Sets the scheduling options for an Instance. # Sets the scheduling options for this instance.
    "automaticRestart": True or False, # Specifies whether the instance should be automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine (not terminated by a user). You can only set the automatic restart option for standard instances. Preemptible instances cannot be automatically restarted. By default, this is set to true so an instance is automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine.
    "availabilityDomain": 42, # Specifies the availability domain to place the instance in. The value must be a number between 1 and the number of availability domains specified in the spread placement policy attached to the instance.
    "gracefulShutdown": { # The configuration for gracefully shutting down the instance.
      "enabled": True or False, # Opts-in for graceful shutdown.
      "maxDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # The time allotted for the instance to gracefully shut down. If the graceful shutdown isn't complete after this time, then the instance transitions to the STOPPING state.
        "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
        "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
    "hostErrorTimeoutSeconds": 42, # Specify the time in seconds for host error detection, the value must be within the range of [90, 330] with the increment of 30, if unset, the default behavior of host error recovery will be used.
    "instanceTerminationAction": "A String", # Specifies the termination action for the instance.
    "localSsdRecoveryTimeout": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Specifies the maximum amount of time a Local Ssd Vm should wait while recovery of the Local Ssd state is attempted. Its value should be in between 0 and 168 hours with hour granularity and the default value being 1 hour.
      "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
      "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
    "locationHint": "A String", # An opaque location hint used to place the instance close to other resources. This field is for use by internal tools that use the public API.
    "maintenanceFreezeDurationHours": 42, # Specifies the number of hours after VM instance creation where the VM won't be scheduled for maintenance.
    "maintenanceInterval": "A String", # Specifies the frequency of planned maintenance events. The accepted values are: `PERIODIC`.
    "maxRunDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Specifies the max run duration for the given instance. If specified, the instance termination action will be performed at the end of the run duration.
      "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
      "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
    "minNodeCpus": 42, # The minimum number of virtual CPUs this instance will consume when running on a sole-tenant node.
    "nodeAffinities": [ # A set of node affinity and anti-affinity configurations. Refer to Configuring node affinity for more information. Overrides reservationAffinity.
      { # Node Affinity: the configuration of desired nodes onto which this Instance could be scheduled.
        "key": "A String", # Corresponds to the label key of Node resource.
        "operator": "A String", # Defines the operation of node selection. Valid operators are IN for affinity and NOT_IN for anti-affinity.
        "values": [ # Corresponds to the label values of Node resource.
          "A String",
    "onHostMaintenance": "A String", # Defines the maintenance behavior for this instance. For standard instances, the default behavior is MIGRATE. For preemptible instances, the default and only possible behavior is TERMINATE. For more information, see Set VM host maintenance policy.
    "onInstanceStopAction": { # Defines the behaviour for instances with the instance_termination_action STOP.
      "discardLocalSsd": True or False, # If true, the contents of any attached Local SSD disks will be discarded else, the Local SSD data will be preserved when the instance is stopped at the end of the run duration/termination time.
    "preemptible": True or False, # Defines whether the instance is preemptible. This can only be set during instance creation or while the instance is stopped and therefore, in a `TERMINATED` state. See Instance Life Cycle for more information on the possible instance states.
    "provisioningModel": "A String", # Specifies the provisioning model of the instance.
    "terminationTime": "A String", # Specifies the timestamp, when the instance will be terminated, in RFC3339 text format. If specified, the instance termination action will be performed at the termination time.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.
  "serviceAccounts": [ # A list of service accounts, with their specified scopes, authorized for this instance. Only one service account per VM instance is supported. Service accounts generate access tokens that can be accessed through the metadata server and used to authenticate applications on the instance. See Service Accounts for more information.
    { # A service account.
      "email": "A String", # Email address of the service account.
      "scopes": [ # The list of scopes to be made available for this service account.
        "A String",
  "shieldedInstanceConfig": { # A set of Shielded Instance options.
    "enableIntegrityMonitoring": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled. Enabled by default.
    "enableSecureBoot": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled. Disabled by default.
    "enableVtpm": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled. Enabled by default.
  "shieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy": { # The policy describes the baseline against which Instance boot integrity is measured.
    "updateAutoLearnPolicy": True or False, # Updates the integrity policy baseline using the measurements from the VM instance's most recent boot.
  "shieldedVmConfig": { # A set of Shielded VM options. # Deprecating, please use shielded_instance_config.
    "enableIntegrityMonitoring": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    "enableSecureBoot": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    "enableVtpm": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled.
  "shieldedVmIntegrityPolicy": { # The policy describes the baseline against which VM instance boot integrity is measured. # Deprecating, please use shielded_instance_integrity_policy.
    "updateAutoLearnPolicy": True or False, # Updates the integrity policy baseline using the measurements from the VM instance's most recent boot.
  "sourceMachineImage": "A String", # Source machine image
  "sourceMachineImageEncryptionKey": { # Source machine image encryption key when creating an instance from a machine image.
    "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
    "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
    "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
    "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
    "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
  "startRestricted": True or False, # [Output Only] Whether a VM has been restricted for start because Compute Engine has detected suspicious activity.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the instance. One of the following values: PROVISIONING, STAGING, RUNNING, STOPPING, SUSPENDING, SUSPENDED, REPAIRING, and TERMINATED. For more information about the status of the instance, see Instance life cycle.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable explanation of the status.
  "tags": { # A set of instance tags. # Tags to apply to this instance. Tags are used to identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls and are specified by the client during instance creation. The tags can be later modified by the setTags method. Each tag within the list must comply with RFC1035. Multiple tags can be specified via the 'tags.items' field.
    "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the tags' contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update tags. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change tags. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
    "items": [ # An array of tags. Each tag must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.
      "A String",
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] URL of the zone where the instance resides. You must specify this field as part of the HTTP request URL. It is not settable as a field in the request body.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  sourceInstanceTemplate: string, Specifies instance template to create the instance. This field is optional. It can be a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs to an instance template: - /global/instanceTemplates/instanceTemplate - projects/project/global/instanceTemplates/instanceTemplate - global/instanceTemplates/instanceTemplate 
  sourceMachineImage: string, Specifies the machine image to use to create the instance. This field is optional. It can be a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs to a machine image: - /machineImages/machineImage - projects/project/global/global/machineImages/machineImage - global/machineImages/machineImage 
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
list(project, zone, filter=None, maxResults=None, orderBy=None, pageToken=None, returnPartialSuccess=None, view=None, x__xgafv=None)
Retrieves the list of instances contained within the specified zone.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  filter: string, A filter expression that filters resources listed in the response. Most Compute resources support two types of filter expressions: expressions that support regular expressions and expressions that follow API improvement proposal AIP-160. These two types of filter expressions cannot be mixed in one request. If you want to use AIP-160, your expression must specify the field name, an operator, and the value that you want to use for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, or a boolean. The operator must be either `=`, `!=`, `>`, `<`, `<=`, `>=` or `:`. For example, if you are filtering Compute Engine instances, you can exclude instances named `example-instance` by specifying `name != example-instance`. The `:*` comparison can be used to test whether a key has been defined. For example, to find all objects with `owner` label use: ``` labels.owner:* ``` You can also filter nested fields. For example, you could specify `scheduling.automaticRestart = false` to include instances only if they are not scheduled for automatic restarts. You can use filtering on nested fields to filter based on resource labels. To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example: ``` (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") ``` By default, each expression is an `AND` expression. However, you can include `AND` and `OR` expressions explicitly. For example: ``` (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") OR (cpuPlatform = "Intel Broadwell") AND (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) ``` If you want to use a regular expression, use the `eq` (equal) or `ne` (not equal) operator against a single un-parenthesized expression with or without quotes or against multiple parenthesized expressions. Examples: `fieldname eq unquoted literal` `fieldname eq 'single quoted literal'` `fieldname eq "double quoted literal"` `(fieldname1 eq literal) (fieldname2 ne "literal")` The literal value is interpreted as a regular expression using Google RE2 library syntax. The literal value must match the entire field. For example, to filter for instances that do not end with name "instance", you would use `name ne .*instance`. You cannot combine constraints on multiple fields using regular expressions.
  maxResults: integer, The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available results is larger than `maxResults`, Compute Engine returns a `nextPageToken` that can be used to get the next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are `0` to `500`, inclusive. (Default: `500`)
  orderBy: string, Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order based on the resource name. You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using `orderBy="creationTimestamp desc"`. This sorts results based on the `creationTimestamp` field in reverse chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest operation is returned first. Currently, only sorting by `name` or `creationTimestamp desc` is supported.
  pageToken: string, Specifies a page token to use. Set `pageToken` to the `nextPageToken` returned by a previous list request to get the next page of results.
  returnPartialSuccess: boolean, Opt-in for partial success behavior which provides partial results in case of failure. The default value is false. For example, when partial success behavior is enabled, aggregatedList for a single zone scope either returns all resources in the zone or no resources, with an error code.
  view: string, View of the instance.
    Allowed values
      BASIC - Include everything except Partner Metadata.
      FULL - Include everything.
      INSTANCE_VIEW_UNSPECIFIED - The default / unset value. The API will default to the BASIC view.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Contains a list of instances.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.
  "items": [ # A list of Instance resources.
    { # Represents an Instance resource. An instance is a virtual machine that is hosted on Google Cloud Platform. For more information, read Virtual Machine Instances.
      "advancedMachineFeatures": { # Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features. Options that would traditionally be configured in a BIOS belong here. Features that require operating system support may have corresponding entries in the GuestOsFeatures of an Image (e.g., whether or not the OS in the Image supports nested virtualization being enabled or disabled). # Controls for advanced machine-related behavior features.
        "enableNestedVirtualization": True or False, # Whether to enable nested virtualization or not (default is false).
        "enableUefiNetworking": True or False, # Whether to enable UEFI networking for instance creation.
        "performanceMonitoringUnit": "A String", # Type of Performance Monitoring Unit requested on instance.
        "threadsPerCore": 42, # The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
        "turboMode": "A String", # Turbo frequency mode to use for the instance. Supported modes include: * ALL_CORE_MAX Using empty string or not setting this field will use the platform-specific default turbo mode.
        "visibleCoreCount": 42, # The number of physical cores to expose to an instance. Multiply by the number of threads per core to compute the total number of virtual CPUs to expose to the instance. If unset, the number of cores is inferred from the instance's nominal CPU count and the underlying platform's SMT width.
      "canIpForward": True or False, # Allows this instance to send and receive packets with non-matching destination or source IPs. This is required if you plan to use this instance to forward routes. For more information, see Enabling IP Forwarding .
      "confidentialInstanceConfig": { # A set of Confidential Instance options.
        "confidentialInstanceType": "A String", # Defines the type of technology used by the confidential instance.
        "enableConfidentialCompute": True or False, # Defines whether the instance should have confidential compute enabled.
      "cpuPlatform": "A String", # [Output Only] The CPU platform used by this instance.
      "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
      "deletionProtection": True or False, # Whether the resource should be protected against deletion.
      "description": "A String", # An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
      "disks": [ # Array of disks associated with this instance. Persistent disks must be created before you can assign them.
        { # An instance-attached disk resource.
          "architecture": "A String", # [Output Only] The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are ARM64 or X86_64.
          "autoDelete": True or False, # Specifies whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted (but not when the disk is detached from the instance).
          "boot": True or False, # Indicates that this is a boot disk. The virtual machine will use the first partition of the disk for its root filesystem.
          "deviceName": "A String", # Specifies a unique device name of your choice that is reflected into the /dev/disk/by-id/google-* tree of a Linux operating system running within the instance. This name can be used to reference the device for mounting, resizing, and so on, from within the instance. If not specified, the server chooses a default device name to apply to this disk, in the form persistent-disk-x, where x is a number assigned by Google Compute Engine. This field is only applicable for persistent disks.
          "diskEncryptionKey": { # Encrypts or decrypts a disk using a customer-supplied encryption key. If you are creating a new disk, this field encrypts the new disk using an encryption key that you provide. If you are attaching an existing disk that is already encrypted, this field decrypts the disk using the customer-supplied encryption key. If you encrypt a disk using a customer-supplied key, you must provide the same key again when you attempt to use this resource at a later time. For example, you must provide the key when you create a snapshot or an image from the disk or when you attach the disk to a virtual machine instance. If you do not provide an encryption key, then the disk will be encrypted using an automatically generated key and you do not need to provide a key to use the disk later. Note: Instance templates do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot use your own keys to encrypt disks in a managed instance group. You cannot create VMs that have disks with customer-supplied keys using the bulk insert method.
            "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
            "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
            "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
            "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
            "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
          "diskSizeGb": "A String", # The size of the disk in GB.
          "forceAttach": True or False, # [Input Only] Whether to force attach the regional disk even if it's currently attached to another instance. If you try to force attach a zonal disk to an instance, you will receive an error.
          "guestOsFeatures": [ # A list of features to enable on the guest operating system. Applicable only for bootable images. Read Enabling guest operating system features to see a list of available options.
            { # Guest OS features.
              "type": "A String", # The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE - TDX_CAPABLE - IDPF For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
          "index": 42, # [Output Only] A zero-based index to this disk, where 0 is reserved for the boot disk. If you have many disks attached to an instance, each disk would have a unique index number.
          "initializeParams": { # [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This field is persisted and returned for instanceTemplate and not returned in the context of instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both. # [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both.
            "architecture": "A String", # The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are arm64 or x86_64.
            "description": "A String", # An optional description. Provide this property when creating the disk.
            "diskName": "A String", # Specifies the disk name. If not specified, the default is to use the name of the instance. If a disk with the same name already exists in the given region, the existing disk is attached to the new instance and the new disk is not created.
            "diskSizeGb": "A String", # Specifies the size of the disk in base-2 GB. The size must be at least 10 GB. If you specify a sourceImage, which is required for boot disks, the default size is the size of the sourceImage. If you do not specify a sourceImage, the default disk size is 500 GB.
            "diskType": "A String", # Specifies the disk type to use to create the instance. If not specified, the default is pd-standard, specified using the full URL. For example: /diskTypes/pd-standard For a full list of acceptable values, see Persistent disk types. If you specify this field when creating a VM, you can provide either the full or partial URL. For example, the following values are valid: - /diskTypes/diskType - projects/project/zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType - zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType If you specify this field when creating or updating an instance template or all-instances configuration, specify the type of the disk, not the URL. For example: pd-standard.
            "enableConfidentialCompute": True or False, # Whether this disk is using confidential compute mode.
            "guestOsFeatures": [ # A list of features to enable on the guest operating system. Applicable only for bootable images. Read Enabling guest operating system features to see a list of available options. Guest OS features are applied by merging initializeParams.guestOsFeatures and disks.guestOsFeatures
              { # Guest OS features.
                "type": "A String", # The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE - TDX_CAPABLE - IDPF For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
            "labels": { # Labels to apply to this disk. These can be later modified by the disks.setLabels method. This field is only applicable for persistent disks.
              "a_key": "A String",
            "licenses": [ # A list of publicly visible licenses. Reserved for Google's use.
              "A String",
            "multiWriter": True or False, # Indicates whether or not the disk can be read/write attached to more than one instance.
            "onUpdateAction": "A String", # Specifies which action to take on instance update with this disk. Default is to use the existing disk.
            "provisionedIops": "A String", # Indicates how many IOPS to provision for the disk. This sets the number of I/O operations per second that the disk can handle. Values must be between 10,000 and 120,000. For more details, see the Extreme persistent disk documentation.
            "provisionedThroughput": "A String", # Indicates how much throughput to provision for the disk. This sets the number of throughput mb per second that the disk can handle. Values must greater than or equal to 1.
            "replicaZones": [ # Required for each regional disk associated with the instance. Specify the URLs of the zones where the disk should be replicated to. You must provide exactly two replica zones, and one zone must be the same as the instance zone.
              "A String",
            "resourceManagerTags": { # Resource manager tags to be bound to the disk. Tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format `tagKeys/{tag_key_id}`, and values are in the format `tagValues/456`. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
              "a_key": "A String",
            "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies applied to this disk for automatic snapshot creations. Specified using the full or partial URL. For instance template, specify only the resource policy name.
              "A String",
            "sourceImage": "A String", # The source image to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or disks.source is required. To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the image by its family name. For example, specify family/debian-9 to use the latest Debian 9 image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-9 Alternatively, use a specific version of a public operating system image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-9-stretch-vYYYYMMDD To create a disk with a custom image that you created, specify the image name in the following format: global/images/my-custom-image You can also specify a custom image by its image family, which returns the latest version of the image in that family. Replace the image name with family/family-name: global/images/family/my-image-family If the source image is deleted later, this field will not be set.
            "sourceImageEncryptionKey": { # The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image. Required if the source image is protected by a customer-supplied encryption key. InstanceTemplate and InstancePropertiesPatch do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot create disks for instances in a managed instance group if the source images are encrypted with your own keys.
              "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
              "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
              "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
              "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
              "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
            "sourceInstantSnapshot": "A String", # The source instant-snapshot to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or initializeParams.sourceInstantSnapshot initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with a snapshot that you created, specify the snapshot name in the following format: us-central1-a/instantSnapshots/my-backup If the source instant-snapshot is deleted later, this field will not be set.
            "sourceSnapshot": "A String", # The source snapshot to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with a snapshot that you created, specify the snapshot name in the following format: global/snapshots/my-backup If the source snapshot is deleted later, this field will not be set. Note: You cannot create VMs in bulk using a snapshot as the source. Use an image instead when you create VMs using the bulk insert method.
            "sourceSnapshotEncryptionKey": { # The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot.
              "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
              "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
              "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
              "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
              "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
            "storagePool": "A String", # The storage pool in which the new disk is created. You can provide this as a partial or full URL to the resource. For example, the following are valid values: - /storagePools/storagePool - projects/project/zones/zone/storagePools/storagePool - zones/zone/storagePools/storagePool
          "interface": "A String", # Specifies the disk interface to use for attaching this disk, which is either SCSI or NVME. For most machine types, the default is SCSI. Local SSDs can use either NVME or SCSI. In certain configurations, persistent disks can use NVMe. For more information, see About persistent disks.
          "kind": "compute#attachedDisk", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#attachedDisk for attached disks.
          "licenses": [ # [Output Only] Any valid publicly visible licenses.
            "A String",
          "locked": True or False, # [Output Only] Whether to indicate the attached disk is locked. The locked disk is not allowed to be detached from the instance, or to be used as the source of the snapshot creation, and the image creation. The instance with at least one locked attached disk is not allow to be used as source of machine image creation, instant snapshot creation, and not allowed to be deleted with --keep-disk parameter set to true for locked disks.
          "mode": "A String", # The mode in which to attach this disk, either READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY. If not specified, the default is to attach the disk in READ_WRITE mode.
          "savedState": "A String", # For LocalSSD disks on VM Instances in STOPPED or SUSPENDED state, this field is set to PRESERVED if the LocalSSD data has been saved to a persistent location by customer request. (see the discard_local_ssd option on Stop/Suspend). Read-only in the api.
          "shieldedInstanceInitialState": { # Initial State for shielded instance, these are public keys which are safe to store in public # [Output Only] shielded vm initial state stored on disk
            "dbs": [ # The Key Database (db).
                "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
                "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
            "dbxs": [ # The forbidden key database (dbx).
                "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
                "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
            "keks": [ # The Key Exchange Key (KEK).
                "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
                "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
            "pk": { # The Platform Key (PK).
              "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
              "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
          "source": "A String", # Specifies a valid partial or full URL to an existing Persistent Disk resource. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or disks.source is required. If desired, you can also attach existing non-root persistent disks using this property. This field is only applicable for persistent disks. Note that for InstanceTemplate, specify the disk name for zonal disk, and the URL for regional disk.
          "type": "A String", # Specifies the type of the disk, either SCRATCH or PERSISTENT. If not specified, the default is PERSISTENT.
          "userLicenses": [ # [Output Only] A list of user provided licenses. It represents a list of URLs to the license resource. Unlike regular licenses, user provided licenses can be modified after the disk is created.
            "A String",
      "displayDevice": { # A set of Display Device options # Enables display device for the instance.
        "enableDisplay": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Display enabled.
      "eraseWindowsVssSignature": True or False, # Specifies whether the disks restored from source snapshots or source machine image should erase Windows specific VSS signature.
      "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this resource, which is essentially a hash of the instance's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update the instance. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update the instance. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
      "guestAccelerators": [ # A list of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
        { # A specification of the type and number of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
          "acceleratorCount": 42, # The number of the guest accelerator cards exposed to this instance.
          "acceleratorType": "A String", # Full or partial URL of the accelerator type resource to attach to this instance. For example: projects/my-project/zones/us-central1-c/acceleratorTypes/nvidia-tesla-p100 If you are creating an instance template, specify only the accelerator name. See GPUs on Compute Engine for a full list of accelerator types.
      "hostname": "A String", # Specifies the hostname of the instance. The specified hostname must be RFC1035 compliant. If hostname is not specified, the default hostname is [INSTANCE_NAME].c.[PROJECT_ID].internal when using the global DNS, and [INSTANCE_NAME].[ZONE].c.[PROJECT_ID].internal when using zonal DNS.
      "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.
      "instanceEncryptionKey": { # Encrypts suspended data for an instance with a customer-managed encryption key. If you are creating a new instance, this field will encrypt the local SSD and in-memory contents of the instance during the suspend operation. If you do not provide an encryption key when creating the instance, then the local SSD and in-memory contents will be encrypted using an automatically generated key during the suspend operation.
        "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
        "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
        "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
        "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
        "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
      "keyRevocationActionType": "A String", # KeyRevocationActionType of the instance. Supported options are "STOP" and "NONE". The default value is "NONE" if it is not specified.
      "kind": "compute#instance", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#instance for instances.
      "labelFingerprint": "A String", # A fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the label's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update labels. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change labels. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
      "labels": { # Labels to apply to this instance. These can be later modified by the setLabels method.
        "a_key": "A String",
      "lastStartTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last start timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
      "lastStopTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last stop timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
      "lastSuspendedTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last suspended timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
      "machineType": "A String", # Full or partial URL of the machine type resource to use for this instance, in the format: zones/zone/machineTypes/machine-type. This is provided by the client when the instance is created. For example, the following is a valid partial url to a predefined machine type: zones/us-central1-f/machineTypes/n1-standard-1 To create a custom machine type, provide a URL to a machine type in the following format, where CPUS is 1 or an even number up to 32 (2, 4, 6, ... 24, etc), and MEMORY is the total memory for this instance. Memory must be a multiple of 256 MB and must be supplied in MB (e.g. 5 GB of memory is 5120 MB): zones/zone/machineTypes/custom-CPUS-MEMORY For example: zones/us-central1-f/machineTypes/custom-4-5120 For a full list of restrictions, read the Specifications for custom machine types.
      "metadata": { # A metadata key/value entry. # The metadata key/value pairs assigned to this instance. This includes custom metadata and predefined keys.
        "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the metadata's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change metadata, otherwise the request will fail with error 412 conditionNotMet. To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve the resource.
        "items": [ # Array of key/value pairs. The total size of all keys and values must be less than 512 KB.
          { # Metadata
            "key": "A String", # Key for the metadata entry. Keys must conform to the following regexp: [a-zA-Z0-9-_]+, and be less than 128 bytes in length. This is reflected as part of a URL in the metadata server. Additionally, to avoid ambiguity, keys must not conflict with any other metadata keys for the project.
            "value": "A String", # Value for the metadata entry. These are free-form strings, and only have meaning as interpreted by the image running in the instance. The only restriction placed on values is that their size must be less than or equal to 262144 bytes (256 KiB).
        "kind": "compute#metadata", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#metadata for metadata.
      "minCpuPlatform": "A String", # Specifies a minimum CPU platform for the VM instance. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU platforms, such as minCpuPlatform: "Intel Haswell" or minCpuPlatform: "Intel Sandy Bridge".
      "name": "A String", # The name of the resource, provided by the client when initially creating the resource. The resource name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?` which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
      "networkInterfaces": [ # An array of network configurations for this instance. These specify how interfaces are configured to interact with other network services, such as connecting to the internet. Multiple interfaces are supported per instance.
        { # A network interface resource attached to an instance.
          "accessConfigs": [ # An array of configurations for this interface. Currently, only one access config, ONE_TO_ONE_NAT, is supported. If there are no accessConfigs specified, then this instance will have no external internet access.
            { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
              "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
              "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
              "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
              "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
              "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
              "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
              "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
              "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
              "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
              "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
          "aliasIpRanges": [ # An array of alias IP ranges for this network interface. You can only specify this field for network interfaces in VPC networks.
            { # An alias IP range attached to an instance's network interface.
              "ipCidrRange": "A String", # The IP alias ranges to allocate for this interface. This IP CIDR range must belong to the specified subnetwork and cannot contain IP addresses reserved by system or used by other network interfaces. This range may be a single IP address (such as, a netmask (such as /24) or a CIDR-formatted string (such as
              "subnetworkRangeName": "A String", # The name of a subnetwork secondary IP range from which to allocate an IP alias range. If not specified, the primary range of the subnetwork is used.
          "fingerprint": "A String", # Fingerprint hash of contents stored in this network interface. This field will be ignored when inserting an Instance or adding a NetworkInterface. An up-to-date fingerprint must be provided in order to update the NetworkInterface. The request will fail with error 400 Bad Request if the fingerprint is not provided, or 412 Precondition Failed if the fingerprint is out of date.
          "internalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # The prefix length of the primary internal IPv6 range.
          "ipv6AccessConfigs": [ # An array of IPv6 access configurations for this interface. Currently, only one IPv6 access config, DIRECT_IPV6, is supported. If there is no ipv6AccessConfig specified, then this instance will have no external IPv6 Internet access.
            { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
              "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
              "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
              "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
              "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
              "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
              "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
              "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
              "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
              "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
              "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
          "ipv6AccessType": "A String", # [Output Only] One of EXTERNAL, INTERNAL to indicate whether the IP can be accessed from the Internet. This field is always inherited from its subnetwork. Valid only if stackType is IPV4_IPV6.
          "ipv6Address": "A String", # An IPv6 internal network address for this network interface. To use a static internal IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an internal IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
          "kind": "compute#networkInterface", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#networkInterface for network interfaces.
          "name": "A String", # [Output Only] The name of the network interface, which is generated by the server. For a VM, the network interface uses the nicN naming format. Where N is a value between 0 and 7. The default interface value is nic0.
          "network": "A String", # URL of the VPC network resource for this instance. When creating an instance, if neither the network nor the subnetwork is specified, the default network global/networks/default is used. If the selected project doesn't have the default network, you must specify a network or subnet. If the network is not specified but the subnetwork is specified, the network is inferred. If you specify this property, you can specify the network as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - network - projects/project/global/networks/network - global/networks/default
          "networkAttachment": "A String", # The URL of the network attachment that this interface should connect to in the following format: projects/{project_number}/regions/{region_name}/networkAttachments/{network_attachment_name}.
          "networkIP": "A String", # An IPv4 internal IP address to assign to the instance for this network interface. If not specified by the user, an unused internal IP is assigned by the system.
          "nicType": "A String", # The type of vNIC to be used on this interface. This may be gVNIC or VirtioNet.
          "parentNicName": "A String", # Name of the parent network interface of a dynamic network interface.
          "queueCount": 42, # The networking queue count that's specified by users for the network interface. Both Rx and Tx queues will be set to this number. It'll be empty if not specified by the users.
          "stackType": "A String", # The stack type for this network interface. To assign only IPv4 addresses, use IPV4_ONLY. To assign both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, use IPV4_IPV6. If not specified, IPV4_ONLY is used. This field can be both set at instance creation and update network interface operations.
          "subnetwork": "A String", # The URL of the Subnetwork resource for this instance. If the network resource is in legacy mode, do not specify this field. If the network is in auto subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is optional. If the network is in custom subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is required. If you specify this field, you can specify the subnetwork as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - /subnetworks/subnetwork - regions/region/subnetworks/subnetwork
          "vlan": 42, # VLAN tag of a dynamic network interface, must be an integer in the range from 2 to 255 inclusively.
      "networkPerformanceConfig": {
        "totalEgressBandwidthTier": "A String",
      "params": { # Additional instance params. # Input only. [Input Only] Additional params passed with the request, but not persisted as part of resource payload.
        "resourceManagerTags": { # Resource manager tags to be bound to the instance. Tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format `tagKeys/{tag_key_id}`, and values are in the format `tagValues/456`. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
          "a_key": "A String",
      "partnerMetadata": { # Partner Metadata assigned to the instance. A map from a subdomain (namespace) to entries map.
        "a_key": {
          "entries": { # Map of a partner metadata that belong to the same subdomain. It accepts any value including google.protobuf.Struct.
            "a_key": "",
      "postKeyRevocationActionType": "A String", # PostKeyRevocationActionType of the instance.
      "privateIpv6GoogleAccess": "A String", # The private IPv6 google access type for the VM. If not specified, use INHERIT_FROM_SUBNETWORK as default.
      "reservationAffinity": { # Specifies the reservations that this instance can consume from. # Specifies the reservations that this instance can consume from.
        "consumeReservationType": "A String", # Specifies the type of reservation from which this instance can consume resources: ANY_RESERVATION (default), SPECIFIC_RESERVATION, or NO_RESERVATION. See Consuming reserved instances for examples.
        "key": "A String", # Corresponds to the label key of a reservation resource. To target a SPECIFIC_RESERVATION by name, specify as the key and specify the name of your reservation as its value.
        "values": [ # Corresponds to the label values of a reservation resource. This can be either a name to a reservation in the same project or "projects/different-project/reservations/some-reservation-name" to target a shared reservation in the same zone but in a different project.
          "A String",
      "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies applied to this instance.
        "A String",
      "resourceStatus": { # Contains output only fields. Use this sub-message for actual values set on Instance attributes as compared to the value requested by the user (intent) in their instance CRUD calls. # [Output Only] Specifies values set for instance attributes as compared to the values requested by user in the corresponding input only field.
        "physicalHost": "A String", # [Output Only] The precise location of your instance within the zone's data center, including the block, sub-block, and host. The field is formatted as follows: blockId/subBlockId/hostId.
        "physicalHostTopology": { # Represents the physical host topology of the host on which the VM is running. # [Output Only] A series of fields containing the global name of the Compute Engine cluster, as well as the ID of the block, sub-block, and host on which the running instance is located.
          "block": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the block in which the running instance is located. Instances within the same block experience low network latency.
          "cluster": "A String", # [Output Only] The global name of the Compute Engine cluster where the running instance is located.
          "host": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the host on which the running instance is located. Instances on the same host experience the lowest possible network latency.
          "subblock": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the sub-block in which the running instance is located. Instances in the same sub-block experience lower network latency than instances in the same block.
        "scheduling": {
          "availabilityDomain": 42, # Specifies the availability domain to place the instance in. The value must be a number between 1 and the number of availability domains specified in the spread placement policy attached to the instance.
          "terminationTimestamp": "A String", # Time in future when the instance will be terminated in RFC3339 text format.
        "shutdownDetails": { # [Output Only] Details about the instance stopping state.
          "maxDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years.
            "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
            "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
          "requestTimestamp": "A String",
          "stopState": "A String",
          "targetState": "A String",
        "upcomingMaintenance": { # Upcoming Maintenance notification information.
          "canReschedule": True or False, # Indicates if the maintenance can be customer triggered.
          "latestWindowStartTime": "A String", # The latest time for the planned maintenance window to start. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
          "maintenanceStatus": "A String",
          "type": "A String", # Defines the type of maintenance.
          "windowEndTime": "A String", # The time by which the maintenance disruption will be completed. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
          "windowStartTime": "A String", # The current start time of the maintenance window. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
      "satisfiesPzi": True or False, # [Output Only] Reserved for future use.
      "satisfiesPzs": True or False, # [Output Only] Reserved for future use.
      "scheduling": { # Sets the scheduling options for an Instance. # Sets the scheduling options for this instance.
        "automaticRestart": True or False, # Specifies whether the instance should be automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine (not terminated by a user). You can only set the automatic restart option for standard instances. Preemptible instances cannot be automatically restarted. By default, this is set to true so an instance is automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine.
        "availabilityDomain": 42, # Specifies the availability domain to place the instance in. The value must be a number between 1 and the number of availability domains specified in the spread placement policy attached to the instance.
        "gracefulShutdown": { # The configuration for gracefully shutting down the instance.
          "enabled": True or False, # Opts-in for graceful shutdown.
          "maxDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # The time allotted for the instance to gracefully shut down. If the graceful shutdown isn't complete after this time, then the instance transitions to the STOPPING state.
            "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
            "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
        "hostErrorTimeoutSeconds": 42, # Specify the time in seconds for host error detection, the value must be within the range of [90, 330] with the increment of 30, if unset, the default behavior of host error recovery will be used.
        "instanceTerminationAction": "A String", # Specifies the termination action for the instance.
        "localSsdRecoveryTimeout": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Specifies the maximum amount of time a Local Ssd Vm should wait while recovery of the Local Ssd state is attempted. Its value should be in between 0 and 168 hours with hour granularity and the default value being 1 hour.
          "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
          "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
        "locationHint": "A String", # An opaque location hint used to place the instance close to other resources. This field is for use by internal tools that use the public API.
        "maintenanceFreezeDurationHours": 42, # Specifies the number of hours after VM instance creation where the VM won't be scheduled for maintenance.
        "maintenanceInterval": "A String", # Specifies the frequency of planned maintenance events. The accepted values are: `PERIODIC`.
        "maxRunDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Specifies the max run duration for the given instance. If specified, the instance termination action will be performed at the end of the run duration.
          "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
          "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
        "minNodeCpus": 42, # The minimum number of virtual CPUs this instance will consume when running on a sole-tenant node.
        "nodeAffinities": [ # A set of node affinity and anti-affinity configurations. Refer to Configuring node affinity for more information. Overrides reservationAffinity.
          { # Node Affinity: the configuration of desired nodes onto which this Instance could be scheduled.
            "key": "A String", # Corresponds to the label key of Node resource.
            "operator": "A String", # Defines the operation of node selection. Valid operators are IN for affinity and NOT_IN for anti-affinity.
            "values": [ # Corresponds to the label values of Node resource.
              "A String",
        "onHostMaintenance": "A String", # Defines the maintenance behavior for this instance. For standard instances, the default behavior is MIGRATE. For preemptible instances, the default and only possible behavior is TERMINATE. For more information, see Set VM host maintenance policy.
        "onInstanceStopAction": { # Defines the behaviour for instances with the instance_termination_action STOP.
          "discardLocalSsd": True or False, # If true, the contents of any attached Local SSD disks will be discarded else, the Local SSD data will be preserved when the instance is stopped at the end of the run duration/termination time.
        "preemptible": True or False, # Defines whether the instance is preemptible. This can only be set during instance creation or while the instance is stopped and therefore, in a `TERMINATED` state. See Instance Life Cycle for more information on the possible instance states.
        "provisioningModel": "A String", # Specifies the provisioning model of the instance.
        "terminationTime": "A String", # Specifies the timestamp, when the instance will be terminated, in RFC3339 text format. If specified, the instance termination action will be performed at the termination time.
      "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.
      "serviceAccounts": [ # A list of service accounts, with their specified scopes, authorized for this instance. Only one service account per VM instance is supported. Service accounts generate access tokens that can be accessed through the metadata server and used to authenticate applications on the instance. See Service Accounts for more information.
        { # A service account.
          "email": "A String", # Email address of the service account.
          "scopes": [ # The list of scopes to be made available for this service account.
            "A String",
      "shieldedInstanceConfig": { # A set of Shielded Instance options.
        "enableIntegrityMonitoring": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled. Enabled by default.
        "enableSecureBoot": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled. Disabled by default.
        "enableVtpm": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled. Enabled by default.
      "shieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy": { # The policy describes the baseline against which Instance boot integrity is measured.
        "updateAutoLearnPolicy": True or False, # Updates the integrity policy baseline using the measurements from the VM instance's most recent boot.
      "shieldedVmConfig": { # A set of Shielded VM options. # Deprecating, please use shielded_instance_config.
        "enableIntegrityMonitoring": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
        "enableSecureBoot": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
        "enableVtpm": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled.
      "shieldedVmIntegrityPolicy": { # The policy describes the baseline against which VM instance boot integrity is measured. # Deprecating, please use shielded_instance_integrity_policy.
        "updateAutoLearnPolicy": True or False, # Updates the integrity policy baseline using the measurements from the VM instance's most recent boot.
      "sourceMachineImage": "A String", # Source machine image
      "sourceMachineImageEncryptionKey": { # Source machine image encryption key when creating an instance from a machine image.
        "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
        "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
        "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
        "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
        "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
      "startRestricted": True or False, # [Output Only] Whether a VM has been restricted for start because Compute Engine has detected suspicious activity.
      "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the instance. One of the following values: PROVISIONING, STAGING, RUNNING, STOPPING, SUSPENDING, SUSPENDED, REPAIRING, and TERMINATED. For more information about the status of the instance, see Instance life cycle.
      "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable explanation of the status.
      "tags": { # A set of instance tags. # Tags to apply to this instance. Tags are used to identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls and are specified by the client during instance creation. The tags can be later modified by the setTags method. Each tag within the list must comply with RFC1035. Multiple tags can be specified via the 'tags.items' field.
        "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the tags' contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update tags. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change tags. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
        "items": [ # An array of tags. Each tag must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.
          "A String",
      "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] URL of the zone where the instance resides. You must specify this field as part of the HTTP request URL. It is not settable as a field in the request body.
  "kind": "compute#instanceList", # [Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#instanceList for lists of Instance resources.
  "nextPageToken": "A String", # [Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue paging through the results.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.
  "warning": { # [Output Only] Informational warning message.
    "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
    "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
        "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
        "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
    "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
listReferrers(project, zone, instance, filter=None, maxResults=None, orderBy=None, pageToken=None, returnPartialSuccess=None, x__xgafv=None)
Retrieves a list of resources that refer to the VM instance specified in the request. For example, if the VM instance is part of a managed or unmanaged instance group, the referrers list includes the instance group. For more information, read Viewing referrers to VM instances.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the target instance scoping this request, or '-' if the request should span over all instances in the container. (required)
  filter: string, A filter expression that filters resources listed in the response. Most Compute resources support two types of filter expressions: expressions that support regular expressions and expressions that follow API improvement proposal AIP-160. These two types of filter expressions cannot be mixed in one request. If you want to use AIP-160, your expression must specify the field name, an operator, and the value that you want to use for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, or a boolean. The operator must be either `=`, `!=`, `>`, `<`, `<=`, `>=` or `:`. For example, if you are filtering Compute Engine instances, you can exclude instances named `example-instance` by specifying `name != example-instance`. The `:*` comparison can be used to test whether a key has been defined. For example, to find all objects with `owner` label use: ``` labels.owner:* ``` You can also filter nested fields. For example, you could specify `scheduling.automaticRestart = false` to include instances only if they are not scheduled for automatic restarts. You can use filtering on nested fields to filter based on resource labels. To filter on multiple expressions, provide each separate expression within parentheses. For example: ``` (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") ``` By default, each expression is an `AND` expression. However, you can include `AND` and `OR` expressions explicitly. For example: ``` (cpuPlatform = "Intel Skylake") OR (cpuPlatform = "Intel Broadwell") AND (scheduling.automaticRestart = true) ``` If you want to use a regular expression, use the `eq` (equal) or `ne` (not equal) operator against a single un-parenthesized expression with or without quotes or against multiple parenthesized expressions. Examples: `fieldname eq unquoted literal` `fieldname eq 'single quoted literal'` `fieldname eq "double quoted literal"` `(fieldname1 eq literal) (fieldname2 ne "literal")` The literal value is interpreted as a regular expression using Google RE2 library syntax. The literal value must match the entire field. For example, to filter for instances that do not end with name "instance", you would use `name ne .*instance`. You cannot combine constraints on multiple fields using regular expressions.
  maxResults: integer, The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available results is larger than `maxResults`, Compute Engine returns a `nextPageToken` that can be used to get the next page of results in subsequent list requests. Acceptable values are `0` to `500`, inclusive. (Default: `500`)
  orderBy: string, Sorts list results by a certain order. By default, results are returned in alphanumerical order based on the resource name. You can also sort results in descending order based on the creation timestamp using `orderBy="creationTimestamp desc"`. This sorts results based on the `creationTimestamp` field in reverse chronological order (newest result first). Use this to sort resources like operations so that the newest operation is returned first. Currently, only sorting by `name` or `creationTimestamp desc` is supported.
  pageToken: string, Specifies a page token to use. Set `pageToken` to the `nextPageToken` returned by a previous list request to get the next page of results.
  returnPartialSuccess: boolean, Opt-in for partial success behavior which provides partial results in case of failure. The default value is false. For example, when partial success behavior is enabled, aggregatedList for a single zone scope either returns all resources in the zone or no resources, with an error code.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Contains a list of instance referrers.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the server.
  "items": [ # A list of Reference resources.
    { # Represents a reference to a resource.
      "kind": "compute#reference", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#reference for references.
      "referenceType": "A String", # A description of the reference type with no implied semantics. Possible values include: 1. MEMBER_OF
      "referrer": "A String", # URL of the resource which refers to the target.
      "target": "A String", # URL of the resource to which this reference points.
  "kind": "compute#instanceListReferrers", # [Output Only] Type of resource. Always compute#instanceListReferrers for lists of Instance referrers.
  "nextPageToken": "A String", # [Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the number of results is larger than maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have their own nextPageToken to continue paging through the results.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.
  "warning": { # [Output Only] Informational warning message.
    "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
    "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
        "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
        "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
    "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
Retrieves the next page of results.

          previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
          previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

          A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
          page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
Retrieves the next page of results.

          previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
          previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

          A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
          page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
patchPartnerMetadata(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Patches partner metadata of the specified instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Model definition of partner_metadata field. To be used in dedicated Partner Metadata methods and to be inlined in the Instance and InstanceTemplate resources.
  "fingerprint": "A String", # Instance-level hash to be used for optimistic locking.
  "partnerMetadata": { # Partner Metadata assigned to the instance. A map from a subdomain to entries map. Subdomain name must be compliant with RFC1035 definition. The total size of all keys and values must be less than 2MB. Subdomain '' is reserverd for instance's metadata.
    "a_key": {
      "entries": { # Map of a partner metadata that belong to the same subdomain. It accepts any value including google.protobuf.Struct.
        "a_key": "",

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
performMaintenance(project, zone, instance, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Perform a manual maintenance on the instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
removeResourcePolicies(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Removes resource policies from an instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, The instance name for this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

  "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies to be removed from this instance.
    "A String",

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
reportHostAsFaulty(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Mark the host as faulty and try to restart the instance on a new host.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

  "disruptionSchedule": "A String", # The disruption schedule for the VM. Default to IMMEDIATE.
  "faultReasons": [
      "behavior": "A String",
      "description": "A String",

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
reset(project, zone, instance, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Performs a reset on the instance. This is a hard reset. The VM does not do a graceful shutdown. For more information, see Resetting an instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
resume(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Resumes an instance that was suspended using the instances().suspend method.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance resource to resume. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

  "disks": [ # Array of disks associated with this instance that are protected with a customer-supplied encryption key. In order to resume the instance, the disk url and its corresponding key must be provided. If the disk is not protected with a customer-supplied encryption key it should not be specified.
      "diskEncryptionKey": { # Decrypts data associated with the disk with a customer-supplied encryption key.
        "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
        "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
        "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
        "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
        "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
      "source": "A String", # Specifies a valid partial or full URL to an existing Persistent Disk resource. This field is only applicable for persistent disks. For example: "source": "/compute/v1/projects/project_id/zones/zone/disks/ disk_name
  "instanceEncryptionKey": { # Decrypts data associated with an instance that is protected with a customer-supplied encryption key. If the instance you are starting is protected with a customer-supplied encryption key, the correct key must be provided otherwise the instance resume will not succeed.
    "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
    "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
    "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
    "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
    "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
sendDiagnosticInterrupt(project, zone, instance, x__xgafv=None)
Sends diagnostic interrupt to the instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format
setDeletionProtection(project, zone, resource, deletionProtection=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Sets deletion protection on the instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  resource: string, Name or id of the resource for this request. (required)
  deletionProtection: boolean, Whether the resource should be protected against deletion.
  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
setDiskAutoDelete(project, zone, instance, autoDelete, deviceName, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Sets the auto-delete flag for a disk attached to an instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, The instance name for this request. (required)
  autoDelete: boolean, Whether to auto-delete the disk when the instance is deleted. (required)
  deviceName: string, The device name of the disk to modify. Make a get() request on the instance to view currently attached disks and device names. (required)
  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
setIamPolicy(project, zone, resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  resource: string, Name or id of the resource for this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

  "bindings": [ # Flatten Policy to create a backwacd compatible wire-format. Deprecated. Use 'policy' to specify bindings.
    { # Associates `members`, or principals, with a `role`.
      "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner ==" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # The condition that is associated with this binding. If the condition evaluates to `true`, then this binding applies to the current request. If the condition evaluates to `false`, then this binding does not apply to the current request. However, a different role binding might grant the same role to one or more of the principals in this binding. To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the [IAM documentation](
        "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
        "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
        "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
        "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
      "members": [ # Specifies the principals requesting access for a Google Cloud resource. `members` can have the following values: * `allUsers`: A special identifier that represents anyone who is on the internet; with or without a Google account. * `allAuthenticatedUsers`: A special identifier that represents anyone who is authenticated with a Google account or a service account. Does not include identities that come from external identity providers (IdPs) through identity federation. * `user:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a specific Google account. For example, `` . * `serviceAccount:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a Google service account. For example, ``. * `serviceAccount:{projectid}[{namespace}/{kubernetes-sa}]`: An identifier for a [Kubernetes service account]( For example, `[my-namespace/my-kubernetes-sa]`. * `group:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a Google group. For example, ``. * `domain:{domain}`: The G Suite domain (primary) that represents all the users of that domain. For example, `` or ``. * `principal://{pool_id}/subject/{subject_attribute_value}`: A single identity in a workforce identity pool. * `principalSet://{pool_id}/group/{group_id}`: All workforce identities in a group. * `principalSet://{pool_id}/attribute.{attribute_name}/{attribute_value}`: All workforce identities with a specific attribute value. * `principalSet://{pool_id}/*`: All identities in a workforce identity pool. * `principal://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/subject/{subject_attribute_value}`: A single identity in a workload identity pool. * `principalSet://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/group/{group_id}`: A workload identity pool group. * `principalSet://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/attribute.{attribute_name}/{attribute_value}`: All identities in a workload identity pool with a certain attribute. * `principalSet://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/*`: All identities in a workload identity pool. * `deleted:user:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: An email address (plus unique identifier) representing a user that has been recently deleted. For example, ``. If the user is recovered, this value reverts to `user:{emailid}` and the recovered user retains the role in the binding. * `deleted:serviceAccount:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: An email address (plus unique identifier) representing a service account that has been recently deleted. For example, ``. If the service account is undeleted, this value reverts to `serviceAccount:{emailid}` and the undeleted service account retains the role in the binding. * `deleted:group:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: An email address (plus unique identifier) representing a Google group that has been recently deleted. For example, ``. If the group is recovered, this value reverts to `group:{emailid}` and the recovered group retains the role in the binding. * `deleted:principal://{pool_id}/subject/{subject_attribute_value}`: Deleted single identity in a workforce identity pool. For example, `deleted:principal://`.
        "A String",
      "role": "A String", # Role that is assigned to the list of `members`, or principals. For example, `roles/viewer`, `roles/editor`, or `roles/owner`. For an overview of the IAM roles and permissions, see the [IAM documentation]( For a list of the available pre-defined roles, see [here](
  "etag": "A String", # Flatten Policy to create a backward compatible wire-format. Deprecated. Use 'policy' to specify the etag.
  "policy": { # An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access controls for Google Cloud resources. A `Policy` is a collection of `bindings`. A `binding` binds one or more `members`, or principals, to a single `role`. Principals can be user accounts, service accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). A `role` is a named list of permissions; each `role` can be an IAM predefined role or a user-created custom role. For some types of Google Cloud resources, a `binding` can also specify a `condition`, which is a logical expression that allows access to a resource only if the expression evaluates to `true`. A condition can add constraints based on attributes of the request, the resource, or both. To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the [IAM documentation]( **JSON example:** ``` { "bindings": [ { "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", "members": [ "", "", "", "" ] }, { "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", "members": [ "" ], "condition": { "title": "expirable access", "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", "expression": "request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", } } ], "etag": "BwWWja0YfJA=", "version": 3 } ``` **YAML example:** ``` bindings: - members: - - - - role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin - members: - role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer condition: title: expirable access description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') etag: BwWWja0YfJA= version: 3 ``` For a description of IAM and its features, see the [IAM documentation]( # REQUIRED: The complete policy to be applied to the 'resource'. The size of the policy is limited to a few 10s of KB. An empty policy is in general a valid policy but certain services (like Projects) might reject them.
    "auditConfigs": [ # Specifies cloud audit logging configuration for this policy.
      { # Specifies the audit configuration for a service. The configuration determines which permission types are logged, and what identities, if any, are exempted from logging. An AuditConfig must have one or more AuditLogConfigs. If there are AuditConfigs for both `allServices` and a specific service, the union of the two AuditConfigs is used for that service: the log_types specified in each AuditConfig are enabled, and the exempted_members in each AuditLogConfig are exempted. Example Policy with multiple AuditConfigs: { "audit_configs": [ { "service": "allServices", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": [ "" ] }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" }, { "log_type": "ADMIN_READ" } ] }, { "service": "", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE", "exempted_members": [ "" ] } ] } ] } For sampleservice, this policy enables DATA_READ, DATA_WRITE and ADMIN_READ logging. It also exempts `` from DATA_READ logging, and `` from DATA_WRITE logging.
        "auditLogConfigs": [ # The configuration for logging of each type of permission.
          { # Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions. Example: { "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": [ "" ] }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" } ] } This enables 'DATA_READ' and 'DATA_WRITE' logging, while exempting from DATA_READ logging.
            "exemptedMembers": [ # Specifies the identities that do not cause logging for this type of permission. Follows the same format of Binding.members.
              "A String",
            "logType": "A String", # The log type that this config enables.
        "service": "A String", # Specifies a service that will be enabled for audit logging. For example, ``, ``. `allServices` is a special value that covers all services.
    "bindings": [ # Associates a list of `members`, or principals, with a `role`. Optionally, may specify a `condition` that determines how and when the `bindings` are applied. Each of the `bindings` must contain at least one principal. The `bindings` in a `Policy` can refer to up to 1,500 principals; up to 250 of these principals can be Google groups. Each occurrence of a principal counts towards these limits. For example, if the `bindings` grant 50 different roles to ``, and not to any other principal, then you can add another 1,450 principals to the `bindings` in the `Policy`.
      { # Associates `members`, or principals, with a `role`.
        "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner ==" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # The condition that is associated with this binding. If the condition evaluates to `true`, then this binding applies to the current request. If the condition evaluates to `false`, then this binding does not apply to the current request. However, a different role binding might grant the same role to one or more of the principals in this binding. To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the [IAM documentation](
          "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
          "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
          "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
          "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
        "members": [ # Specifies the principals requesting access for a Google Cloud resource. `members` can have the following values: * `allUsers`: A special identifier that represents anyone who is on the internet; with or without a Google account. * `allAuthenticatedUsers`: A special identifier that represents anyone who is authenticated with a Google account or a service account. Does not include identities that come from external identity providers (IdPs) through identity federation. * `user:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a specific Google account. For example, `` . * `serviceAccount:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a Google service account. For example, ``. * `serviceAccount:{projectid}[{namespace}/{kubernetes-sa}]`: An identifier for a [Kubernetes service account]( For example, `[my-namespace/my-kubernetes-sa]`. * `group:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a Google group. For example, ``. * `domain:{domain}`: The G Suite domain (primary) that represents all the users of that domain. For example, `` or ``. * `principal://{pool_id}/subject/{subject_attribute_value}`: A single identity in a workforce identity pool. * `principalSet://{pool_id}/group/{group_id}`: All workforce identities in a group. * `principalSet://{pool_id}/attribute.{attribute_name}/{attribute_value}`: All workforce identities with a specific attribute value. * `principalSet://{pool_id}/*`: All identities in a workforce identity pool. * `principal://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/subject/{subject_attribute_value}`: A single identity in a workload identity pool. * `principalSet://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/group/{group_id}`: A workload identity pool group. * `principalSet://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/attribute.{attribute_name}/{attribute_value}`: All identities in a workload identity pool with a certain attribute. * `principalSet://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/*`: All identities in a workload identity pool. * `deleted:user:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: An email address (plus unique identifier) representing a user that has been recently deleted. For example, ``. If the user is recovered, this value reverts to `user:{emailid}` and the recovered user retains the role in the binding. * `deleted:serviceAccount:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: An email address (plus unique identifier) representing a service account that has been recently deleted. For example, ``. If the service account is undeleted, this value reverts to `serviceAccount:{emailid}` and the undeleted service account retains the role in the binding. * `deleted:group:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: An email address (plus unique identifier) representing a Google group that has been recently deleted. For example, ``. If the group is recovered, this value reverts to `group:{emailid}` and the recovered group retains the role in the binding. * `deleted:principal://{pool_id}/subject/{subject_attribute_value}`: Deleted single identity in a workforce identity pool. For example, `deleted:principal://`.
          "A String",
        "role": "A String", # Role that is assigned to the list of `members`, or principals. For example, `roles/viewer`, `roles/editor`, or `roles/owner`. For an overview of the IAM roles and permissions, see the [IAM documentation]( For a list of the available pre-defined roles, see [here](
    "etag": "A String", # `etag` is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help prevent simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other. It is strongly suggested that systems make use of the `etag` in the read-modify-write cycle to perform policy updates in order to avoid race conditions: An `etag` is returned in the response to `getIamPolicy`, and systems are expected to put that etag in the request to `setIamPolicy` to ensure that their change will be applied to the same version of the policy. **Important:** If you use IAM Conditions, you must include the `etag` field whenever you call `setIamPolicy`. If you omit this field, then IAM allows you to overwrite a version `3` policy with a version `1` policy, and all of the conditions in the version `3` policy are lost.
    "version": 42, # Specifies the format of the policy. Valid values are `0`, `1`, and `3`. Requests that specify an invalid value are rejected. Any operation that affects conditional role bindings must specify version `3`. This requirement applies to the following operations: * Getting a policy that includes a conditional role binding * Adding a conditional role binding to a policy * Changing a conditional role binding in a policy * Removing any role binding, with or without a condition, from a policy that includes conditions **Important:** If you use IAM Conditions, you must include the `etag` field whenever you call `setIamPolicy`. If you omit this field, then IAM allows you to overwrite a version `3` policy with a version `1` policy, and all of the conditions in the version `3` policy are lost. If a policy does not include any conditions, operations on that policy may specify any valid version or leave the field unset. To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the [IAM documentation](

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access controls for Google Cloud resources. A `Policy` is a collection of `bindings`. A `binding` binds one or more `members`, or principals, to a single `role`. Principals can be user accounts, service accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). A `role` is a named list of permissions; each `role` can be an IAM predefined role or a user-created custom role. For some types of Google Cloud resources, a `binding` can also specify a `condition`, which is a logical expression that allows access to a resource only if the expression evaluates to `true`. A condition can add constraints based on attributes of the request, the resource, or both. To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the [IAM documentation]( **JSON example:** ``` { "bindings": [ { "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", "members": [ "", "", "", "" ] }, { "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", "members": [ "" ], "condition": { "title": "expirable access", "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", "expression": "request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", } } ], "etag": "BwWWja0YfJA=", "version": 3 } ``` **YAML example:** ``` bindings: - members: - - - - role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin - members: - role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer condition: title: expirable access description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') etag: BwWWja0YfJA= version: 3 ``` For a description of IAM and its features, see the [IAM documentation](
  "auditConfigs": [ # Specifies cloud audit logging configuration for this policy.
    { # Specifies the audit configuration for a service. The configuration determines which permission types are logged, and what identities, if any, are exempted from logging. An AuditConfig must have one or more AuditLogConfigs. If there are AuditConfigs for both `allServices` and a specific service, the union of the two AuditConfigs is used for that service: the log_types specified in each AuditConfig are enabled, and the exempted_members in each AuditLogConfig are exempted. Example Policy with multiple AuditConfigs: { "audit_configs": [ { "service": "allServices", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": [ "" ] }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" }, { "log_type": "ADMIN_READ" } ] }, { "service": "", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE", "exempted_members": [ "" ] } ] } ] } For sampleservice, this policy enables DATA_READ, DATA_WRITE and ADMIN_READ logging. It also exempts `` from DATA_READ logging, and `` from DATA_WRITE logging.
      "auditLogConfigs": [ # The configuration for logging of each type of permission.
        { # Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions. Example: { "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": [ "" ] }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" } ] } This enables 'DATA_READ' and 'DATA_WRITE' logging, while exempting from DATA_READ logging.
          "exemptedMembers": [ # Specifies the identities that do not cause logging for this type of permission. Follows the same format of Binding.members.
            "A String",
          "logType": "A String", # The log type that this config enables.
      "service": "A String", # Specifies a service that will be enabled for audit logging. For example, ``, ``. `allServices` is a special value that covers all services.
  "bindings": [ # Associates a list of `members`, or principals, with a `role`. Optionally, may specify a `condition` that determines how and when the `bindings` are applied. Each of the `bindings` must contain at least one principal. The `bindings` in a `Policy` can refer to up to 1,500 principals; up to 250 of these principals can be Google groups. Each occurrence of a principal counts towards these limits. For example, if the `bindings` grant 50 different roles to ``, and not to any other principal, then you can add another 1,450 principals to the `bindings` in the `Policy`.
    { # Associates `members`, or principals, with a `role`.
      "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner ==" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # The condition that is associated with this binding. If the condition evaluates to `true`, then this binding applies to the current request. If the condition evaluates to `false`, then this binding does not apply to the current request. However, a different role binding might grant the same role to one or more of the principals in this binding. To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the [IAM documentation](
        "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
        "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
        "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
        "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
      "members": [ # Specifies the principals requesting access for a Google Cloud resource. `members` can have the following values: * `allUsers`: A special identifier that represents anyone who is on the internet; with or without a Google account. * `allAuthenticatedUsers`: A special identifier that represents anyone who is authenticated with a Google account or a service account. Does not include identities that come from external identity providers (IdPs) through identity federation. * `user:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a specific Google account. For example, `` . * `serviceAccount:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a Google service account. For example, ``. * `serviceAccount:{projectid}[{namespace}/{kubernetes-sa}]`: An identifier for a [Kubernetes service account]( For example, `[my-namespace/my-kubernetes-sa]`. * `group:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a Google group. For example, ``. * `domain:{domain}`: The G Suite domain (primary) that represents all the users of that domain. For example, `` or ``. * `principal://{pool_id}/subject/{subject_attribute_value}`: A single identity in a workforce identity pool. * `principalSet://{pool_id}/group/{group_id}`: All workforce identities in a group. * `principalSet://{pool_id}/attribute.{attribute_name}/{attribute_value}`: All workforce identities with a specific attribute value. * `principalSet://{pool_id}/*`: All identities in a workforce identity pool. * `principal://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/subject/{subject_attribute_value}`: A single identity in a workload identity pool. * `principalSet://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/group/{group_id}`: A workload identity pool group. * `principalSet://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/attribute.{attribute_name}/{attribute_value}`: All identities in a workload identity pool with a certain attribute. * `principalSet://{project_number}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/{pool_id}/*`: All identities in a workload identity pool. * `deleted:user:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: An email address (plus unique identifier) representing a user that has been recently deleted. For example, ``. If the user is recovered, this value reverts to `user:{emailid}` and the recovered user retains the role in the binding. * `deleted:serviceAccount:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: An email address (plus unique identifier) representing a service account that has been recently deleted. For example, ``. If the service account is undeleted, this value reverts to `serviceAccount:{emailid}` and the undeleted service account retains the role in the binding. * `deleted:group:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: An email address (plus unique identifier) representing a Google group that has been recently deleted. For example, ``. If the group is recovered, this value reverts to `group:{emailid}` and the recovered group retains the role in the binding. * `deleted:principal://{pool_id}/subject/{subject_attribute_value}`: Deleted single identity in a workforce identity pool. For example, `deleted:principal://`.
        "A String",
      "role": "A String", # Role that is assigned to the list of `members`, or principals. For example, `roles/viewer`, `roles/editor`, or `roles/owner`. For an overview of the IAM roles and permissions, see the [IAM documentation]( For a list of the available pre-defined roles, see [here](
  "etag": "A String", # `etag` is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help prevent simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other. It is strongly suggested that systems make use of the `etag` in the read-modify-write cycle to perform policy updates in order to avoid race conditions: An `etag` is returned in the response to `getIamPolicy`, and systems are expected to put that etag in the request to `setIamPolicy` to ensure that their change will be applied to the same version of the policy. **Important:** If you use IAM Conditions, you must include the `etag` field whenever you call `setIamPolicy`. If you omit this field, then IAM allows you to overwrite a version `3` policy with a version `1` policy, and all of the conditions in the version `3` policy are lost.
  "version": 42, # Specifies the format of the policy. Valid values are `0`, `1`, and `3`. Requests that specify an invalid value are rejected. Any operation that affects conditional role bindings must specify version `3`. This requirement applies to the following operations: * Getting a policy that includes a conditional role binding * Adding a conditional role binding to a policy * Changing a conditional role binding in a policy * Removing any role binding, with or without a condition, from a policy that includes conditions **Important:** If you use IAM Conditions, you must include the `etag` field whenever you call `setIamPolicy`. If you omit this field, then IAM allows you to overwrite a version `3` policy with a version `1` policy, and all of the conditions in the version `3` policy are lost. If a policy does not include any conditions, operations on that policy may specify any valid version or leave the field unset. To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the [IAM documentation](
setLabels(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Sets labels on an instance. To learn more about labels, read the Labeling Resources documentation.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

  "labelFingerprint": "A String", # Fingerprint of the previous set of labels for this resource, used to prevent conflicts. Provide the latest fingerprint value when making a request to add or change labels.
  "labels": {
    "a_key": "A String",

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
setMachineResources(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Changes the number and/or type of accelerator for a stopped instance to the values specified in the request.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

  "guestAccelerators": [ # A list of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    { # A specification of the type and number of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
      "acceleratorCount": 42, # The number of the guest accelerator cards exposed to this instance.
      "acceleratorType": "A String", # Full or partial URL of the accelerator type resource to attach to this instance. For example: projects/my-project/zones/us-central1-c/acceleratorTypes/nvidia-tesla-p100 If you are creating an instance template, specify only the accelerator name. See GPUs on Compute Engine for a full list of accelerator types.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
setMachineType(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Changes the machine type for a stopped instance to the machine type specified in the request.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

  "machineType": "A String", # Full or partial URL of the machine type resource. See Machine Types for a full list of machine types. For example: zones/us-central1-f/machineTypes/n1-standard-1

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
setMetadata(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Sets metadata for the specified instance to the data included in the request.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # A metadata key/value entry.
  "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the metadata's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change metadata, otherwise the request will fail with error 412 conditionNotMet. To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve the resource.
  "items": [ # Array of key/value pairs. The total size of all keys and values must be less than 512 KB.
    { # Metadata
      "key": "A String", # Key for the metadata entry. Keys must conform to the following regexp: [a-zA-Z0-9-_]+, and be less than 128 bytes in length. This is reflected as part of a URL in the metadata server. Additionally, to avoid ambiguity, keys must not conflict with any other metadata keys for the project.
      "value": "A String", # Value for the metadata entry. These are free-form strings, and only have meaning as interpreted by the image running in the instance. The only restriction placed on values is that their size must be less than or equal to 262144 bytes (256 KiB).
  "kind": "compute#metadata", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#metadata for metadata.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
setMinCpuPlatform(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Changes the minimum CPU platform that this instance should use. This method can only be called on a stopped instance. For more information, read Specifying a Minimum CPU Platform.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

  "minCpuPlatform": "A String", # Minimum cpu/platform this instance should be started at.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
setName(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Sets name of an instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, The instance name for this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

  "currentName": "A String", # The current name of this resource, used to prevent conflicts. Provide the latest name when making a request to change name.
  "name": "A String", # The name to be applied to the instance. Needs to be RFC 1035 compliant.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
setScheduling(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Sets an instance's scheduling options. You can only call this method on a stopped instance, that is, a VM instance that is in a `TERMINATED` state. See Instance Life Cycle for more information on the possible instance states. For more information about setting scheduling options for a VM, see Set VM host maintenance policy.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Instance name for this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Sets the scheduling options for an Instance.
  "automaticRestart": True or False, # Specifies whether the instance should be automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine (not terminated by a user). You can only set the automatic restart option for standard instances. Preemptible instances cannot be automatically restarted. By default, this is set to true so an instance is automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine.
  "availabilityDomain": 42, # Specifies the availability domain to place the instance in. The value must be a number between 1 and the number of availability domains specified in the spread placement policy attached to the instance.
  "gracefulShutdown": { # The configuration for gracefully shutting down the instance.
    "enabled": True or False, # Opts-in for graceful shutdown.
    "maxDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # The time allotted for the instance to gracefully shut down. If the graceful shutdown isn't complete after this time, then the instance transitions to the STOPPING state.
      "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
      "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
  "hostErrorTimeoutSeconds": 42, # Specify the time in seconds for host error detection, the value must be within the range of [90, 330] with the increment of 30, if unset, the default behavior of host error recovery will be used.
  "instanceTerminationAction": "A String", # Specifies the termination action for the instance.
  "localSsdRecoveryTimeout": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Specifies the maximum amount of time a Local Ssd Vm should wait while recovery of the Local Ssd state is attempted. Its value should be in between 0 and 168 hours with hour granularity and the default value being 1 hour.
    "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
    "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
  "locationHint": "A String", # An opaque location hint used to place the instance close to other resources. This field is for use by internal tools that use the public API.
  "maintenanceFreezeDurationHours": 42, # Specifies the number of hours after VM instance creation where the VM won't be scheduled for maintenance.
  "maintenanceInterval": "A String", # Specifies the frequency of planned maintenance events. The accepted values are: `PERIODIC`.
  "maxRunDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Specifies the max run duration for the given instance. If specified, the instance termination action will be performed at the end of the run duration.
    "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
    "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
  "minNodeCpus": 42, # The minimum number of virtual CPUs this instance will consume when running on a sole-tenant node.
  "nodeAffinities": [ # A set of node affinity and anti-affinity configurations. Refer to Configuring node affinity for more information. Overrides reservationAffinity.
    { # Node Affinity: the configuration of desired nodes onto which this Instance could be scheduled.
      "key": "A String", # Corresponds to the label key of Node resource.
      "operator": "A String", # Defines the operation of node selection. Valid operators are IN for affinity and NOT_IN for anti-affinity.
      "values": [ # Corresponds to the label values of Node resource.
        "A String",
  "onHostMaintenance": "A String", # Defines the maintenance behavior for this instance. For standard instances, the default behavior is MIGRATE. For preemptible instances, the default and only possible behavior is TERMINATE. For more information, see Set VM host maintenance policy.
  "onInstanceStopAction": { # Defines the behaviour for instances with the instance_termination_action STOP.
    "discardLocalSsd": True or False, # If true, the contents of any attached Local SSD disks will be discarded else, the Local SSD data will be preserved when the instance is stopped at the end of the run duration/termination time.
  "preemptible": True or False, # Defines whether the instance is preemptible. This can only be set during instance creation or while the instance is stopped and therefore, in a `TERMINATED` state. See Instance Life Cycle for more information on the possible instance states.
  "provisioningModel": "A String", # Specifies the provisioning model of the instance.
  "terminationTime": "A String", # Specifies the timestamp, when the instance will be terminated, in RFC3339 text format. If specified, the instance termination action will be performed at the termination time.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
setSecurityPolicy(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Sets the Google Cloud Armor security policy for the specified instance. For more information, see Google Cloud Armor Overview

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, Name of the zone scoping this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the Instance resource to which the security policy should be set. The name should conform to RFC1035. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

  "networkInterfaces": [ # The network interfaces that the security policy will be applied to. Network interfaces use the nicN naming format. You can only set a security policy for network interfaces with an access config.
    "A String",
  "securityPolicy": "A String", # A full or partial URL to a security policy to add to this instance. If this field is set to an empty string it will remove the associated security policy.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
setServiceAccount(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Sets the service account on the instance. For more information, read Changing the service account and access scopes for an instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance resource to start. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

  "email": "A String", # Email address of the service account.
  "scopes": [ # The list of scopes to be made available for this service account.
    "A String",

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
setShieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Sets the Shielded Instance integrity policy for an instance. You can only use this method on a running instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name or id of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # The policy describes the baseline against which Instance boot integrity is measured.
  "updateAutoLearnPolicy": True or False, # Updates the integrity policy baseline using the measurements from the VM instance's most recent boot.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
setShieldedVmIntegrityPolicy(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Sets the Shielded VM integrity policy for a VM instance. You can only use this method on a running VM instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # The policy describes the baseline against which VM instance boot integrity is measured.
  "updateAutoLearnPolicy": True or False, # Updates the integrity policy baseline using the measurements from the VM instance's most recent boot.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
setTags(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Sets network tags for the specified instance to the data included in the request.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # A set of instance tags.
  "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the tags' contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update tags. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change tags. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
  "items": [ # An array of tags. Each tag must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.
    "A String",

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
simulateMaintenanceEvent(project, zone, instance, requestId=None, withExtendedNotifications=None, x__xgafv=None)
Simulates a host maintenance event on a VM. For more information, see Simulate a host maintenance event.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  withExtendedNotifications: boolean, Determines whether the customers receive notifications before migration. Only applicable to SF vms.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
start(project, zone, instance, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Starts an instance that was stopped using the instances().stop method. For more information, see Restart an instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance resource to start. (required)
  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
startWithEncryptionKey(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Starts an instance that was stopped using the instances().stop method. For more information, see Restart an instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance resource to start. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

  "disks": [ # Array of disks associated with this instance that are protected with a customer-supplied encryption key. In order to start the instance, the disk url and its corresponding key must be provided. If the disk is not protected with a customer-supplied encryption key it should not be specified.
      "diskEncryptionKey": { # Decrypts data associated with the disk with a customer-supplied encryption key.
        "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
        "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
        "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
        "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
        "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
      "source": "A String", # Specifies a valid partial or full URL to an existing Persistent Disk resource. This field is only applicable for persistent disks. For example: "source": "/compute/v1/projects/project_id/zones/zone/disks/ disk_name

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
stop(project, zone, instance, discardLocalSsd=None, noGracefulShutdown=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Stops a running instance, shutting it down cleanly, and allows you to restart the instance at a later time. Stopped instances do not incur VM usage charges while they are stopped. However, resources that the VM is using, such as persistent disks and static IP addresses, will continue to be charged until they are deleted. For more information, see Stopping an instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance resource to stop. (required)
  discardLocalSsd: boolean, This property is required if the instance has any attached Local SSD disks. If false, Local SSD data will be preserved when the instance is suspended. If true, the contents of any attached Local SSD disks will be discarded.
  noGracefulShutdown: boolean, If set to true, Graceful Shutdown is skipped.
  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
suspend(project, zone, instance, discardLocalSsd=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
This method suspends a running instance, saving its state to persistent storage, and allows you to resume the instance at a later time. Suspended instances have no compute costs (cores or RAM), and incur only storage charges for the saved VM memory and localSSD data. Any charged resources the virtual machine was using, such as persistent disks and static IP addresses, will continue to be charged while the instance is suspended. For more information, see Suspending and resuming an instance.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance resource to suspend. (required)
  discardLocalSsd: boolean, This property is required if the instance has any attached Local SSD disks. If false, Local SSD data will be preserved when the instance is suspended. If true, the contents of any attached Local SSD disks will be discarded.
  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
testIamPermissions(project, zone, resource, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  resource: string, Name or id of the resource for this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

  "permissions": [ # The set of permissions to check for the 'resource'. Permissions with wildcards (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed.
    "A String",

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

  "permissions": [ # A subset of `TestPermissionsRequest.permissions` that the caller is allowed.
    "A String",
update(project, zone, instance, body=None, minimalAction=None, mostDisruptiveAllowedAction=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Updates an instance only if the necessary resources are available. This method can update only a specific set of instance properties. See Updating a running instance for a list of updatable instance properties.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance resource to update. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Represents an Instance resource. An instance is a virtual machine that is hosted on Google Cloud Platform. For more information, read Virtual Machine Instances.
  "advancedMachineFeatures": { # Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features. Options that would traditionally be configured in a BIOS belong here. Features that require operating system support may have corresponding entries in the GuestOsFeatures of an Image (e.g., whether or not the OS in the Image supports nested virtualization being enabled or disabled). # Controls for advanced machine-related behavior features.
    "enableNestedVirtualization": True or False, # Whether to enable nested virtualization or not (default is false).
    "enableUefiNetworking": True or False, # Whether to enable UEFI networking for instance creation.
    "performanceMonitoringUnit": "A String", # Type of Performance Monitoring Unit requested on instance.
    "threadsPerCore": 42, # The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
    "turboMode": "A String", # Turbo frequency mode to use for the instance. Supported modes include: * ALL_CORE_MAX Using empty string or not setting this field will use the platform-specific default turbo mode.
    "visibleCoreCount": 42, # The number of physical cores to expose to an instance. Multiply by the number of threads per core to compute the total number of virtual CPUs to expose to the instance. If unset, the number of cores is inferred from the instance's nominal CPU count and the underlying platform's SMT width.
  "canIpForward": True or False, # Allows this instance to send and receive packets with non-matching destination or source IPs. This is required if you plan to use this instance to forward routes. For more information, see Enabling IP Forwarding .
  "confidentialInstanceConfig": { # A set of Confidential Instance options.
    "confidentialInstanceType": "A String", # Defines the type of technology used by the confidential instance.
    "enableConfidentialCompute": True or False, # Defines whether the instance should have confidential compute enabled.
  "cpuPlatform": "A String", # [Output Only] The CPU platform used by this instance.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
  "deletionProtection": True or False, # Whether the resource should be protected against deletion.
  "description": "A String", # An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
  "disks": [ # Array of disks associated with this instance. Persistent disks must be created before you can assign them.
    { # An instance-attached disk resource.
      "architecture": "A String", # [Output Only] The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are ARM64 or X86_64.
      "autoDelete": True or False, # Specifies whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted (but not when the disk is detached from the instance).
      "boot": True or False, # Indicates that this is a boot disk. The virtual machine will use the first partition of the disk for its root filesystem.
      "deviceName": "A String", # Specifies a unique device name of your choice that is reflected into the /dev/disk/by-id/google-* tree of a Linux operating system running within the instance. This name can be used to reference the device for mounting, resizing, and so on, from within the instance. If not specified, the server chooses a default device name to apply to this disk, in the form persistent-disk-x, where x is a number assigned by Google Compute Engine. This field is only applicable for persistent disks.
      "diskEncryptionKey": { # Encrypts or decrypts a disk using a customer-supplied encryption key. If you are creating a new disk, this field encrypts the new disk using an encryption key that you provide. If you are attaching an existing disk that is already encrypted, this field decrypts the disk using the customer-supplied encryption key. If you encrypt a disk using a customer-supplied key, you must provide the same key again when you attempt to use this resource at a later time. For example, you must provide the key when you create a snapshot or an image from the disk or when you attach the disk to a virtual machine instance. If you do not provide an encryption key, then the disk will be encrypted using an automatically generated key and you do not need to provide a key to use the disk later. Note: Instance templates do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot use your own keys to encrypt disks in a managed instance group. You cannot create VMs that have disks with customer-supplied keys using the bulk insert method.
        "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
        "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
        "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
        "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
        "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
      "diskSizeGb": "A String", # The size of the disk in GB.
      "forceAttach": True or False, # [Input Only] Whether to force attach the regional disk even if it's currently attached to another instance. If you try to force attach a zonal disk to an instance, you will receive an error.
      "guestOsFeatures": [ # A list of features to enable on the guest operating system. Applicable only for bootable images. Read Enabling guest operating system features to see a list of available options.
        { # Guest OS features.
          "type": "A String", # The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE - TDX_CAPABLE - IDPF For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
      "index": 42, # [Output Only] A zero-based index to this disk, where 0 is reserved for the boot disk. If you have many disks attached to an instance, each disk would have a unique index number.
      "initializeParams": { # [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This field is persisted and returned for instanceTemplate and not returned in the context of instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both. # [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both.
        "architecture": "A String", # The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are arm64 or x86_64.
        "description": "A String", # An optional description. Provide this property when creating the disk.
        "diskName": "A String", # Specifies the disk name. If not specified, the default is to use the name of the instance. If a disk with the same name already exists in the given region, the existing disk is attached to the new instance and the new disk is not created.
        "diskSizeGb": "A String", # Specifies the size of the disk in base-2 GB. The size must be at least 10 GB. If you specify a sourceImage, which is required for boot disks, the default size is the size of the sourceImage. If you do not specify a sourceImage, the default disk size is 500 GB.
        "diskType": "A String", # Specifies the disk type to use to create the instance. If not specified, the default is pd-standard, specified using the full URL. For example: /diskTypes/pd-standard For a full list of acceptable values, see Persistent disk types. If you specify this field when creating a VM, you can provide either the full or partial URL. For example, the following values are valid: - /diskTypes/diskType - projects/project/zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType - zones/zone/diskTypes/diskType If you specify this field when creating or updating an instance template or all-instances configuration, specify the type of the disk, not the URL. For example: pd-standard.
        "enableConfidentialCompute": True or False, # Whether this disk is using confidential compute mode.
        "guestOsFeatures": [ # A list of features to enable on the guest operating system. Applicable only for bootable images. Read Enabling guest operating system features to see a list of available options. Guest OS features are applied by merging initializeParams.guestOsFeatures and disks.guestOsFeatures
          { # Guest OS features.
            "type": "A String", # The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE - TDX_CAPABLE - IDPF For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
        "labels": { # Labels to apply to this disk. These can be later modified by the disks.setLabels method. This field is only applicable for persistent disks.
          "a_key": "A String",
        "licenses": [ # A list of publicly visible licenses. Reserved for Google's use.
          "A String",
        "multiWriter": True or False, # Indicates whether or not the disk can be read/write attached to more than one instance.
        "onUpdateAction": "A String", # Specifies which action to take on instance update with this disk. Default is to use the existing disk.
        "provisionedIops": "A String", # Indicates how many IOPS to provision for the disk. This sets the number of I/O operations per second that the disk can handle. Values must be between 10,000 and 120,000. For more details, see the Extreme persistent disk documentation.
        "provisionedThroughput": "A String", # Indicates how much throughput to provision for the disk. This sets the number of throughput mb per second that the disk can handle. Values must greater than or equal to 1.
        "replicaZones": [ # Required for each regional disk associated with the instance. Specify the URLs of the zones where the disk should be replicated to. You must provide exactly two replica zones, and one zone must be the same as the instance zone.
          "A String",
        "resourceManagerTags": { # Resource manager tags to be bound to the disk. Tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format `tagKeys/{tag_key_id}`, and values are in the format `tagValues/456`. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
          "a_key": "A String",
        "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies applied to this disk for automatic snapshot creations. Specified using the full or partial URL. For instance template, specify only the resource policy name.
          "A String",
        "sourceImage": "A String", # The source image to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or disks.source is required. To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the image by its family name. For example, specify family/debian-9 to use the latest Debian 9 image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-9 Alternatively, use a specific version of a public operating system image: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-9-stretch-vYYYYMMDD To create a disk with a custom image that you created, specify the image name in the following format: global/images/my-custom-image You can also specify a custom image by its image family, which returns the latest version of the image in that family. Replace the image name with family/family-name: global/images/family/my-image-family If the source image is deleted later, this field will not be set.
        "sourceImageEncryptionKey": { # The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image. Required if the source image is protected by a customer-supplied encryption key. InstanceTemplate and InstancePropertiesPatch do not store customer-supplied encryption keys, so you cannot create disks for instances in a managed instance group if the source images are encrypted with your own keys.
          "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
          "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
          "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
          "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
          "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
        "sourceInstantSnapshot": "A String", # The source instant-snapshot to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or initializeParams.sourceInstantSnapshot initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with a snapshot that you created, specify the snapshot name in the following format: us-central1-a/instantSnapshots/my-backup If the source instant-snapshot is deleted later, this field will not be set.
        "sourceSnapshot": "A String", # The source snapshot to create this disk. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or initializeParams.sourceImage or disks.source is required. To create a disk with a snapshot that you created, specify the snapshot name in the following format: global/snapshots/my-backup If the source snapshot is deleted later, this field will not be set. Note: You cannot create VMs in bulk using a snapshot as the source. Use an image instead when you create VMs using the bulk insert method.
        "sourceSnapshotEncryptionKey": { # The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot.
          "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
          "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
          "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
          "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
          "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
        "storagePool": "A String", # The storage pool in which the new disk is created. You can provide this as a partial or full URL to the resource. For example, the following are valid values: - /storagePools/storagePool - projects/project/zones/zone/storagePools/storagePool - zones/zone/storagePools/storagePool
      "interface": "A String", # Specifies the disk interface to use for attaching this disk, which is either SCSI or NVME. For most machine types, the default is SCSI. Local SSDs can use either NVME or SCSI. In certain configurations, persistent disks can use NVMe. For more information, see About persistent disks.
      "kind": "compute#attachedDisk", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#attachedDisk for attached disks.
      "licenses": [ # [Output Only] Any valid publicly visible licenses.
        "A String",
      "locked": True or False, # [Output Only] Whether to indicate the attached disk is locked. The locked disk is not allowed to be detached from the instance, or to be used as the source of the snapshot creation, and the image creation. The instance with at least one locked attached disk is not allow to be used as source of machine image creation, instant snapshot creation, and not allowed to be deleted with --keep-disk parameter set to true for locked disks.
      "mode": "A String", # The mode in which to attach this disk, either READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY. If not specified, the default is to attach the disk in READ_WRITE mode.
      "savedState": "A String", # For LocalSSD disks on VM Instances in STOPPED or SUSPENDED state, this field is set to PRESERVED if the LocalSSD data has been saved to a persistent location by customer request. (see the discard_local_ssd option on Stop/Suspend). Read-only in the api.
      "shieldedInstanceInitialState": { # Initial State for shielded instance, these are public keys which are safe to store in public # [Output Only] shielded vm initial state stored on disk
        "dbs": [ # The Key Database (db).
            "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
            "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
        "dbxs": [ # The forbidden key database (dbx).
            "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
            "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
        "keks": [ # The Key Exchange Key (KEK).
            "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
            "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
        "pk": { # The Platform Key (PK).
          "content": "A String", # The raw content in the secure keys file.
          "fileType": "A String", # The file type of source file.
      "source": "A String", # Specifies a valid partial or full URL to an existing Persistent Disk resource. When creating a new instance boot disk, one of initializeParams.sourceImage or initializeParams.sourceSnapshot or disks.source is required. If desired, you can also attach existing non-root persistent disks using this property. This field is only applicable for persistent disks. Note that for InstanceTemplate, specify the disk name for zonal disk, and the URL for regional disk.
      "type": "A String", # Specifies the type of the disk, either SCRATCH or PERSISTENT. If not specified, the default is PERSISTENT.
      "userLicenses": [ # [Output Only] A list of user provided licenses. It represents a list of URLs to the license resource. Unlike regular licenses, user provided licenses can be modified after the disk is created.
        "A String",
  "displayDevice": { # A set of Display Device options # Enables display device for the instance.
    "enableDisplay": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Display enabled.
  "eraseWindowsVssSignature": True or False, # Specifies whether the disks restored from source snapshots or source machine image should erase Windows specific VSS signature.
  "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this resource, which is essentially a hash of the instance's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update the instance. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update the instance. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
  "guestAccelerators": [ # A list of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    { # A specification of the type and number of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
      "acceleratorCount": 42, # The number of the guest accelerator cards exposed to this instance.
      "acceleratorType": "A String", # Full or partial URL of the accelerator type resource to attach to this instance. For example: projects/my-project/zones/us-central1-c/acceleratorTypes/nvidia-tesla-p100 If you are creating an instance template, specify only the accelerator name. See GPUs on Compute Engine for a full list of accelerator types.
  "hostname": "A String", # Specifies the hostname of the instance. The specified hostname must be RFC1035 compliant. If hostname is not specified, the default hostname is [INSTANCE_NAME].c.[PROJECT_ID].internal when using the global DNS, and [INSTANCE_NAME].[ZONE].c.[PROJECT_ID].internal when using zonal DNS.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "instanceEncryptionKey": { # Encrypts suspended data for an instance with a customer-managed encryption key. If you are creating a new instance, this field will encrypt the local SSD and in-memory contents of the instance during the suspend operation. If you do not provide an encryption key when creating the instance, then the local SSD and in-memory contents will be encrypted using an automatically generated key during the suspend operation.
    "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
    "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
    "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
    "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
    "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
  "keyRevocationActionType": "A String", # KeyRevocationActionType of the instance. Supported options are "STOP" and "NONE". The default value is "NONE" if it is not specified.
  "kind": "compute#instance", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#instance for instances.
  "labelFingerprint": "A String", # A fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the label's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update labels. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change labels. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
  "labels": { # Labels to apply to this instance. These can be later modified by the setLabels method.
    "a_key": "A String",
  "lastStartTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last start timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
  "lastStopTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last stop timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
  "lastSuspendedTimestamp": "A String", # [Output Only] Last suspended timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
  "machineType": "A String", # Full or partial URL of the machine type resource to use for this instance, in the format: zones/zone/machineTypes/machine-type. This is provided by the client when the instance is created. For example, the following is a valid partial url to a predefined machine type: zones/us-central1-f/machineTypes/n1-standard-1 To create a custom machine type, provide a URL to a machine type in the following format, where CPUS is 1 or an even number up to 32 (2, 4, 6, ... 24, etc), and MEMORY is the total memory for this instance. Memory must be a multiple of 256 MB and must be supplied in MB (e.g. 5 GB of memory is 5120 MB): zones/zone/machineTypes/custom-CPUS-MEMORY For example: zones/us-central1-f/machineTypes/custom-4-5120 For a full list of restrictions, read the Specifications for custom machine types.
  "metadata": { # A metadata key/value entry. # The metadata key/value pairs assigned to this instance. This includes custom metadata and predefined keys.
    "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the metadata's contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change metadata, otherwise the request will fail with error 412 conditionNotMet. To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve the resource.
    "items": [ # Array of key/value pairs. The total size of all keys and values must be less than 512 KB.
      { # Metadata
        "key": "A String", # Key for the metadata entry. Keys must conform to the following regexp: [a-zA-Z0-9-_]+, and be less than 128 bytes in length. This is reflected as part of a URL in the metadata server. Additionally, to avoid ambiguity, keys must not conflict with any other metadata keys for the project.
        "value": "A String", # Value for the metadata entry. These are free-form strings, and only have meaning as interpreted by the image running in the instance. The only restriction placed on values is that their size must be less than or equal to 262144 bytes (256 KiB).
    "kind": "compute#metadata", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#metadata for metadata.
  "minCpuPlatform": "A String", # Specifies a minimum CPU platform for the VM instance. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU platforms, such as minCpuPlatform: "Intel Haswell" or minCpuPlatform: "Intel Sandy Bridge".
  "name": "A String", # The name of the resource, provided by the client when initially creating the resource. The resource name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?` which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
  "networkInterfaces": [ # An array of network configurations for this instance. These specify how interfaces are configured to interact with other network services, such as connecting to the internet. Multiple interfaces are supported per instance.
    { # A network interface resource attached to an instance.
      "accessConfigs": [ # An array of configurations for this interface. Currently, only one access config, ONE_TO_ONE_NAT, is supported. If there are no accessConfigs specified, then this instance will have no external internet access.
        { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
          "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
          "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
          "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
          "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
          "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
          "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
          "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
          "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
          "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
          "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
      "aliasIpRanges": [ # An array of alias IP ranges for this network interface. You can only specify this field for network interfaces in VPC networks.
        { # An alias IP range attached to an instance's network interface.
          "ipCidrRange": "A String", # The IP alias ranges to allocate for this interface. This IP CIDR range must belong to the specified subnetwork and cannot contain IP addresses reserved by system or used by other network interfaces. This range may be a single IP address (such as, a netmask (such as /24) or a CIDR-formatted string (such as
          "subnetworkRangeName": "A String", # The name of a subnetwork secondary IP range from which to allocate an IP alias range. If not specified, the primary range of the subnetwork is used.
      "fingerprint": "A String", # Fingerprint hash of contents stored in this network interface. This field will be ignored when inserting an Instance or adding a NetworkInterface. An up-to-date fingerprint must be provided in order to update the NetworkInterface. The request will fail with error 400 Bad Request if the fingerprint is not provided, or 412 Precondition Failed if the fingerprint is out of date.
      "internalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # The prefix length of the primary internal IPv6 range.
      "ipv6AccessConfigs": [ # An array of IPv6 access configurations for this interface. Currently, only one IPv6 access config, DIRECT_IPV6, is supported. If there is no ipv6AccessConfig specified, then this instance will have no external IPv6 Internet access.
        { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
          "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
          "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
          "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
          "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
          "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
          "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
          "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
          "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
          "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
          "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
      "ipv6AccessType": "A String", # [Output Only] One of EXTERNAL, INTERNAL to indicate whether the IP can be accessed from the Internet. This field is always inherited from its subnetwork. Valid only if stackType is IPV4_IPV6.
      "ipv6Address": "A String", # An IPv6 internal network address for this network interface. To use a static internal IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an internal IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
      "kind": "compute#networkInterface", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#networkInterface for network interfaces.
      "name": "A String", # [Output Only] The name of the network interface, which is generated by the server. For a VM, the network interface uses the nicN naming format. Where N is a value between 0 and 7. The default interface value is nic0.
      "network": "A String", # URL of the VPC network resource for this instance. When creating an instance, if neither the network nor the subnetwork is specified, the default network global/networks/default is used. If the selected project doesn't have the default network, you must specify a network or subnet. If the network is not specified but the subnetwork is specified, the network is inferred. If you specify this property, you can specify the network as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - network - projects/project/global/networks/network - global/networks/default
      "networkAttachment": "A String", # The URL of the network attachment that this interface should connect to in the following format: projects/{project_number}/regions/{region_name}/networkAttachments/{network_attachment_name}.
      "networkIP": "A String", # An IPv4 internal IP address to assign to the instance for this network interface. If not specified by the user, an unused internal IP is assigned by the system.
      "nicType": "A String", # The type of vNIC to be used on this interface. This may be gVNIC or VirtioNet.
      "parentNicName": "A String", # Name of the parent network interface of a dynamic network interface.
      "queueCount": 42, # The networking queue count that's specified by users for the network interface. Both Rx and Tx queues will be set to this number. It'll be empty if not specified by the users.
      "stackType": "A String", # The stack type for this network interface. To assign only IPv4 addresses, use IPV4_ONLY. To assign both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, use IPV4_IPV6. If not specified, IPV4_ONLY is used. This field can be both set at instance creation and update network interface operations.
      "subnetwork": "A String", # The URL of the Subnetwork resource for this instance. If the network resource is in legacy mode, do not specify this field. If the network is in auto subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is optional. If the network is in custom subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is required. If you specify this field, you can specify the subnetwork as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - /subnetworks/subnetwork - regions/region/subnetworks/subnetwork
      "vlan": 42, # VLAN tag of a dynamic network interface, must be an integer in the range from 2 to 255 inclusively.
  "networkPerformanceConfig": {
    "totalEgressBandwidthTier": "A String",
  "params": { # Additional instance params. # Input only. [Input Only] Additional params passed with the request, but not persisted as part of resource payload.
    "resourceManagerTags": { # Resource manager tags to be bound to the instance. Tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format `tagKeys/{tag_key_id}`, and values are in the format `tagValues/456`. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
      "a_key": "A String",
  "partnerMetadata": { # Partner Metadata assigned to the instance. A map from a subdomain (namespace) to entries map.
    "a_key": {
      "entries": { # Map of a partner metadata that belong to the same subdomain. It accepts any value including google.protobuf.Struct.
        "a_key": "",
  "postKeyRevocationActionType": "A String", # PostKeyRevocationActionType of the instance.
  "privateIpv6GoogleAccess": "A String", # The private IPv6 google access type for the VM. If not specified, use INHERIT_FROM_SUBNETWORK as default.
  "reservationAffinity": { # Specifies the reservations that this instance can consume from. # Specifies the reservations that this instance can consume from.
    "consumeReservationType": "A String", # Specifies the type of reservation from which this instance can consume resources: ANY_RESERVATION (default), SPECIFIC_RESERVATION, or NO_RESERVATION. See Consuming reserved instances for examples.
    "key": "A String", # Corresponds to the label key of a reservation resource. To target a SPECIFIC_RESERVATION by name, specify as the key and specify the name of your reservation as its value.
    "values": [ # Corresponds to the label values of a reservation resource. This can be either a name to a reservation in the same project or "projects/different-project/reservations/some-reservation-name" to target a shared reservation in the same zone but in a different project.
      "A String",
  "resourcePolicies": [ # Resource policies applied to this instance.
    "A String",
  "resourceStatus": { # Contains output only fields. Use this sub-message for actual values set on Instance attributes as compared to the value requested by the user (intent) in their instance CRUD calls. # [Output Only] Specifies values set for instance attributes as compared to the values requested by user in the corresponding input only field.
    "physicalHost": "A String", # [Output Only] The precise location of your instance within the zone's data center, including the block, sub-block, and host. The field is formatted as follows: blockId/subBlockId/hostId.
    "physicalHostTopology": { # Represents the physical host topology of the host on which the VM is running. # [Output Only] A series of fields containing the global name of the Compute Engine cluster, as well as the ID of the block, sub-block, and host on which the running instance is located.
      "block": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the block in which the running instance is located. Instances within the same block experience low network latency.
      "cluster": "A String", # [Output Only] The global name of the Compute Engine cluster where the running instance is located.
      "host": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the host on which the running instance is located. Instances on the same host experience the lowest possible network latency.
      "subblock": "A String", # [Output Only] The ID of the sub-block in which the running instance is located. Instances in the same sub-block experience lower network latency than instances in the same block.
    "scheduling": {
      "availabilityDomain": 42, # Specifies the availability domain to place the instance in. The value must be a number between 1 and the number of availability domains specified in the spread placement policy attached to the instance.
      "terminationTimestamp": "A String", # Time in future when the instance will be terminated in RFC3339 text format.
    "shutdownDetails": { # [Output Only] Details about the instance stopping state.
      "maxDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years.
        "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
        "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
      "requestTimestamp": "A String",
      "stopState": "A String",
      "targetState": "A String",
    "upcomingMaintenance": { # Upcoming Maintenance notification information.
      "canReschedule": True or False, # Indicates if the maintenance can be customer triggered.
      "latestWindowStartTime": "A String", # The latest time for the planned maintenance window to start. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
      "maintenanceStatus": "A String",
      "type": "A String", # Defines the type of maintenance.
      "windowEndTime": "A String", # The time by which the maintenance disruption will be completed. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
      "windowStartTime": "A String", # The current start time of the maintenance window. This timestamp value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "satisfiesPzi": True or False, # [Output Only] Reserved for future use.
  "satisfiesPzs": True or False, # [Output Only] Reserved for future use.
  "scheduling": { # Sets the scheduling options for an Instance. # Sets the scheduling options for this instance.
    "automaticRestart": True or False, # Specifies whether the instance should be automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine (not terminated by a user). You can only set the automatic restart option for standard instances. Preemptible instances cannot be automatically restarted. By default, this is set to true so an instance is automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine.
    "availabilityDomain": 42, # Specifies the availability domain to place the instance in. The value must be a number between 1 and the number of availability domains specified in the spread placement policy attached to the instance.
    "gracefulShutdown": { # The configuration for gracefully shutting down the instance.
      "enabled": True or False, # Opts-in for graceful shutdown.
      "maxDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # The time allotted for the instance to gracefully shut down. If the graceful shutdown isn't complete after this time, then the instance transitions to the STOPPING state.
        "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
        "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
    "hostErrorTimeoutSeconds": 42, # Specify the time in seconds for host error detection, the value must be within the range of [90, 330] with the increment of 30, if unset, the default behavior of host error recovery will be used.
    "instanceTerminationAction": "A String", # Specifies the termination action for the instance.
    "localSsdRecoveryTimeout": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Specifies the maximum amount of time a Local Ssd Vm should wait while recovery of the Local Ssd state is attempted. Its value should be in between 0 and 168 hours with hour granularity and the default value being 1 hour.
      "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
      "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
    "locationHint": "A String", # An opaque location hint used to place the instance close to other resources. This field is for use by internal tools that use the public API.
    "maintenanceFreezeDurationHours": 42, # Specifies the number of hours after VM instance creation where the VM won't be scheduled for maintenance.
    "maintenanceInterval": "A String", # Specifies the frequency of planned maintenance events. The accepted values are: `PERIODIC`.
    "maxRunDuration": { # A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years. # Specifies the max run duration for the given instance. If specified, the instance termination action will be performed at the end of the run duration.
      "nanos": 42, # Span of time that's a fraction of a second at nanosecond resolution. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive `nanos` field. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
      "seconds": "A String", # Span of time at a resolution of a second. Must be from 0 to 315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
    "minNodeCpus": 42, # The minimum number of virtual CPUs this instance will consume when running on a sole-tenant node.
    "nodeAffinities": [ # A set of node affinity and anti-affinity configurations. Refer to Configuring node affinity for more information. Overrides reservationAffinity.
      { # Node Affinity: the configuration of desired nodes onto which this Instance could be scheduled.
        "key": "A String", # Corresponds to the label key of Node resource.
        "operator": "A String", # Defines the operation of node selection. Valid operators are IN for affinity and NOT_IN for anti-affinity.
        "values": [ # Corresponds to the label values of Node resource.
          "A String",
    "onHostMaintenance": "A String", # Defines the maintenance behavior for this instance. For standard instances, the default behavior is MIGRATE. For preemptible instances, the default and only possible behavior is TERMINATE. For more information, see Set VM host maintenance policy.
    "onInstanceStopAction": { # Defines the behaviour for instances with the instance_termination_action STOP.
      "discardLocalSsd": True or False, # If true, the contents of any attached Local SSD disks will be discarded else, the Local SSD data will be preserved when the instance is stopped at the end of the run duration/termination time.
    "preemptible": True or False, # Defines whether the instance is preemptible. This can only be set during instance creation or while the instance is stopped and therefore, in a `TERMINATED` state. See Instance Life Cycle for more information on the possible instance states.
    "provisioningModel": "A String", # Specifies the provisioning model of the instance.
    "terminationTime": "A String", # Specifies the timestamp, when the instance will be terminated, in RFC3339 text format. If specified, the instance termination action will be performed at the termination time.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource.
  "serviceAccounts": [ # A list of service accounts, with their specified scopes, authorized for this instance. Only one service account per VM instance is supported. Service accounts generate access tokens that can be accessed through the metadata server and used to authenticate applications on the instance. See Service Accounts for more information.
    { # A service account.
      "email": "A String", # Email address of the service account.
      "scopes": [ # The list of scopes to be made available for this service account.
        "A String",
  "shieldedInstanceConfig": { # A set of Shielded Instance options.
    "enableIntegrityMonitoring": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled. Enabled by default.
    "enableSecureBoot": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled. Disabled by default.
    "enableVtpm": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled. Enabled by default.
  "shieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy": { # The policy describes the baseline against which Instance boot integrity is measured.
    "updateAutoLearnPolicy": True or False, # Updates the integrity policy baseline using the measurements from the VM instance's most recent boot.
  "shieldedVmConfig": { # A set of Shielded VM options. # Deprecating, please use shielded_instance_config.
    "enableIntegrityMonitoring": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    "enableSecureBoot": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    "enableVtpm": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled.
  "shieldedVmIntegrityPolicy": { # The policy describes the baseline against which VM instance boot integrity is measured. # Deprecating, please use shielded_instance_integrity_policy.
    "updateAutoLearnPolicy": True or False, # Updates the integrity policy baseline using the measurements from the VM instance's most recent boot.
  "sourceMachineImage": "A String", # Source machine image
  "sourceMachineImageEncryptionKey": { # Source machine image encryption key when creating an instance from a machine image.
    "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key The fully-qualifed key name may be returned for resource GET requests. For example: "kmsKeyName": "projects/kms_project_id/locations/region/keyRings/ key_region/cryptoKeys/key /cryptoKeyVersions/1
    "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "A String", # The service account being used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine default service account is used. For example: "kmsKeyServiceAccount": "
    "rawKey": "A String", # Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rawKey": "SGVsbG8gZnJvbSBHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgUGxhdGZvcm0="
    "rsaEncryptedKey": "A String", # Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey. For example: "rsaEncryptedKey": "ieCx/NcW06PcT7Ep1X6LUTc/hLvUDYyzSZPPVCVPTVEohpeHASqC8uw5TzyO9U+Fka9JFH z0mBibXUInrC/jEk014kCK/NPjYgEMOyssZ4ZINPKxlUh2zn1bV+MCaTICrdmuSBTWlUUiFoD D6PYznLwh8ZNdaheCeZ8ewEXgFQ8V+sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" The key must meet the following requirements before you can provide it to Compute Engine: 1. The key is wrapped using a RSA public key certificate provided by Google. 2. After being wrapped, the key must be encoded in RFC 4648 base64 encoding. Gets the RSA public key certificate provided by Google at:
    "sha256": "A String", # [Output only] The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
  "startRestricted": True or False, # [Output Only] Whether a VM has been restricted for start because Compute Engine has detected suspicious activity.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the instance. One of the following values: PROVISIONING, STAGING, RUNNING, STOPPING, SUSPENDING, SUSPENDED, REPAIRING, and TERMINATED. For more information about the status of the instance, see Instance life cycle.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable explanation of the status.
  "tags": { # A set of instance tags. # Tags to apply to this instance. Tags are used to identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls and are specified by the client during instance creation. The tags can be later modified by the setTags method. Each tag within the list must comply with RFC1035. Multiple tags can be specified via the 'tags.items' field.
    "fingerprint": "A String", # Specifies a fingerprint for this request, which is essentially a hash of the tags' contents and used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update tags. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change tags. To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the instance.
    "items": [ # An array of tags. Each tag must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.
      "A String",
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] URL of the zone where the instance resides. You must specify this field as part of the HTTP request URL. It is not settable as a field in the request body.

  minimalAction: string, Specifies the action to take when updating an instance even if the updated properties do not require it. If not specified, then Compute Engine acts based on the minimum action that the updated properties require.
    Allowed values
      INVALID - 
      NO_EFFECT - No changes can be made to the instance.
      REFRESH - The instance will not restart.
      RESTART - The instance will restart.
  mostDisruptiveAllowedAction: string, Specifies the most disruptive action that can be taken on the instance as part of the update. Compute Engine returns an error if the instance properties require a more disruptive action as part of the instance update. Valid options from lowest to highest are NO_EFFECT, REFRESH, and RESTART.
    Allowed values
      INVALID - 
      NO_EFFECT - No changes can be made to the instance.
      REFRESH - The instance will not restart.
      RESTART - The instance will restart.
  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
updateAccessConfig(project, zone, instance, networkInterface, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Updates the specified access config from an instance's network interface with the data included in the request. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, The instance name for this request. (required)
  networkInterface: string, The name of the network interface where the access config is attached. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
  "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
  "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
  "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
  "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
  "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
  "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
  "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
  "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
  "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
  "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
updateDisplayDevice(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Updates the Display config for a VM instance. You can only use this method on a stopped VM instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # A set of Display Device options
  "enableDisplay": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Display enabled.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
updateNetworkInterface(project, zone, instance, networkInterface, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Updates an instance's network interface. This method can only update an interface's alias IP range and attached network. See Modifying alias IP ranges for an existing instance for instructions on changing alias IP ranges. See Migrating a VM between networks for instructions on migrating an interface. This method follows PATCH semantics.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, The instance name for this request. (required)
  networkInterface: string, The name of the network interface to update. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # A network interface resource attached to an instance.
  "accessConfigs": [ # An array of configurations for this interface. Currently, only one access config, ONE_TO_ONE_NAT, is supported. If there are no accessConfigs specified, then this instance will have no external internet access.
    { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
      "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
      "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
      "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
      "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
      "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
      "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
      "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
      "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
      "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
      "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
  "aliasIpRanges": [ # An array of alias IP ranges for this network interface. You can only specify this field for network interfaces in VPC networks.
    { # An alias IP range attached to an instance's network interface.
      "ipCidrRange": "A String", # The IP alias ranges to allocate for this interface. This IP CIDR range must belong to the specified subnetwork and cannot contain IP addresses reserved by system or used by other network interfaces. This range may be a single IP address (such as, a netmask (such as /24) or a CIDR-formatted string (such as
      "subnetworkRangeName": "A String", # The name of a subnetwork secondary IP range from which to allocate an IP alias range. If not specified, the primary range of the subnetwork is used.
  "fingerprint": "A String", # Fingerprint hash of contents stored in this network interface. This field will be ignored when inserting an Instance or adding a NetworkInterface. An up-to-date fingerprint must be provided in order to update the NetworkInterface. The request will fail with error 400 Bad Request if the fingerprint is not provided, or 412 Precondition Failed if the fingerprint is out of date.
  "internalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # The prefix length of the primary internal IPv6 range.
  "ipv6AccessConfigs": [ # An array of IPv6 access configurations for this interface. Currently, only one IPv6 access config, DIRECT_IPV6, is supported. If there is no ipv6AccessConfig specified, then this instance will have no external IPv6 Internet access.
    { # An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
      "externalIpv6": "A String", # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The first IPv6 address of the external IPv6 range associated with this instance, prefix length is stored in externalIpv6PrefixLength in ipv6AccessConfig. To use a static external IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an external IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
      "externalIpv6PrefixLength": 42, # Applies to ipv6AccessConfigs only. The prefix length of the external IPv6 range.
      "kind": "compute#accessConfig", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#accessConfig for access configs.
      "name": "A String", # The name of this access configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and recommended name is External NAT, but you can use any arbitrary string, such as My external IP or Network Access. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the recommend name is External IPv6.
      "natIP": "A String", # Applies to accessConfigs (IPv4) only. An external IP address associated with this instance. Specify an unused static external IP address available to the project or leave this field undefined to use an IP from a shared ephemeral IP address pool. If you specify a static external IP address, it must live in the same region as the zone of the instance.
      "networkTier": "A String", # This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
      "publicPtrDomainName": "A String", # The DNS domain name for the public PTR record. You can set this field only if the `setPublicPtr` field is enabled in accessConfig. If this field is unspecified in ipv6AccessConfig, a default PTR record will be created for first IP in associated external IPv6 range.
      "securityPolicy": "A String", # The resource URL for the security policy associated with this access config.
      "setPublicPtr": True or False, # Specifies whether a public DNS 'PTR' record should be created to map the external IP address of the instance to a DNS domain name. This field is not used in ipv6AccessConfig. A default PTR record will be created if the VM has external IPv6 range associated.
      "type": "A String", # The type of configuration. In accessConfigs (IPv4), the default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT. In ipv6AccessConfigs, the default and only option is DIRECT_IPV6.
  "ipv6AccessType": "A String", # [Output Only] One of EXTERNAL, INTERNAL to indicate whether the IP can be accessed from the Internet. This field is always inherited from its subnetwork. Valid only if stackType is IPV4_IPV6.
  "ipv6Address": "A String", # An IPv6 internal network address for this network interface. To use a static internal IP address, it must be unused and in the same region as the instance's zone. If not specified, Google Cloud will automatically assign an internal IPv6 address from the instance's subnetwork.
  "kind": "compute#networkInterface", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#networkInterface for network interfaces.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] The name of the network interface, which is generated by the server. For a VM, the network interface uses the nicN naming format. Where N is a value between 0 and 7. The default interface value is nic0.
  "network": "A String", # URL of the VPC network resource for this instance. When creating an instance, if neither the network nor the subnetwork is specified, the default network global/networks/default is used. If the selected project doesn't have the default network, you must specify a network or subnet. If the network is not specified but the subnetwork is specified, the network is inferred. If you specify this property, you can specify the network as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - network - projects/project/global/networks/network - global/networks/default
  "networkAttachment": "A String", # The URL of the network attachment that this interface should connect to in the following format: projects/{project_number}/regions/{region_name}/networkAttachments/{network_attachment_name}.
  "networkIP": "A String", # An IPv4 internal IP address to assign to the instance for this network interface. If not specified by the user, an unused internal IP is assigned by the system.
  "nicType": "A String", # The type of vNIC to be used on this interface. This may be gVNIC or VirtioNet.
  "parentNicName": "A String", # Name of the parent network interface of a dynamic network interface.
  "queueCount": 42, # The networking queue count that's specified by users for the network interface. Both Rx and Tx queues will be set to this number. It'll be empty if not specified by the users.
  "stackType": "A String", # The stack type for this network interface. To assign only IPv4 addresses, use IPV4_ONLY. To assign both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, use IPV4_IPV6. If not specified, IPV4_ONLY is used. This field can be both set at instance creation and update network interface operations.
  "subnetwork": "A String", # The URL of the Subnetwork resource for this instance. If the network resource is in legacy mode, do not specify this field. If the network is in auto subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is optional. If the network is in custom subnet mode, specifying the subnetwork is required. If you specify this field, you can specify the subnetwork as a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs: - /subnetworks/subnetwork - regions/region/subnetworks/subnetwork
  "vlan": 42, # VLAN tag of a dynamic network interface, must be an integer in the range from 2 to 255 inclusively.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
updateShieldedInstanceConfig(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Updates the Shielded Instance config for an instance. You can only use this method on a stopped instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name or id of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # A set of Shielded Instance options.
  "enableIntegrityMonitoring": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled. Enabled by default.
  "enableSecureBoot": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled. Disabled by default.
  "enableVtpm": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled. Enabled by default.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.
updateShieldedVmConfig(project, zone, instance, body=None, requestId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Updates the Shielded VM config for a VM instance. You can only use this method on a stopped VM instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.

  project: string, Project ID for this request. (required)
  zone: string, The name of the zone for this request. (required)
  instance: string, Name of the instance scoping this request. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # A set of Shielded VM options.
  "enableIntegrityMonitoring": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
  "enableSecureBoot": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
  "enableVtpm": True or False, # Defines whether the instance has the vTPM enabled.

  requestId: string, An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported ( 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/beta/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zoneOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources. Note that completed Operation resources have a limited retention period.
  "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The value of `requestId` if you provided it in the request. Not present otherwise.
  "creationTimestamp": "A String", # [Deprecated] This field is deprecated.
  "description": "A String", # [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which is set when the operation is created.
  "endTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "error": { # [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    "errors": [ # [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
        "code": "A String", # [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        "errorDetails": [ # [Output Only] An optional list of messages that contain the error details. There is a set of defined message types to use for providing details.The syntax depends on the error code. For example, QuotaExceededInfo will have details when the error code is QUOTA_EXCEEDED.
            "errorInfo": { # Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
              "domain": "A String", # The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "".
              "metadatas": { # Additional structured details about this error. Keys must match a regular expression of `a-z+` but should ideally be lowerCamelCase. Also, they must be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than `{"instanceLimit": "100/request"}`, should be returned as, `{"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}`, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "reason": "A String", # The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of `A-Z+[A-Z0-9]`, which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
            "help": { # Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
              "links": [ # URL(s) pointing to additional information on handling the current error.
                { # Describes a URL link.
                  "description": "A String", # Describes what the link offers.
                  "url": "A String", # The URL of the link.
            "localizedMessage": { # Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
              "locale": "A String", # The locale used following the specification defined at Examples are: "en-US", "fr-CH", "es-MX"
              "message": "A String", # The localized error message in the above locale.
            "quotaInfo": { # Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
              "dimensions": { # The map holding related quota dimensions.
                "a_key": "A String",
              "futureLimit": 3.14, # Future quota limit being rolled out. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limit": 3.14, # Current effective quota limit. The limit's unit depends on the quota type or metric.
              "limitName": "A String", # The name of the quota limit.
              "metricName": "A String", # The Compute Engine quota metric name.
              "rolloutStatus": "A String", # Rollout status of the future quota limit.
        "location": "A String", # [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused the error. This property is optional.
        "message": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
  "httpErrorMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as `NOT FOUND`.
  "httpErrorStatusCode": 42, # [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a `404` means the resource was not found.
  "id": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique identifier for the operation. This identifier is defined by the server.
  "insertTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "instancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata": {
    "perLocationStatus": { # Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "createdVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs successfully created so far.
        "deletedVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that got deleted during rollback.
        "failedToCreateVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs that started creating but encountered an error.
        "status": "A String", # [Output Only] Creation status of BulkInsert operation - information if the flow is rolling forward or rolling back.
        "targetVmCount": 42, # [Output Only] Count of VMs originally planned to be created.
  "kind": "compute#operation", # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always `compute#operation` for Operation resources.
  "name": "A String", # [Output Only] Name of the operation.
  "operationGroupId": "A String", # [Output Only] An ID that represents a group of operations, such as when a group of operations results from a `bulkInsert` API request.
  "operationType": "A String", # [Output Only] The type of operation, such as `insert`, `update`, or `delete`, and so on.
  "progress": 42, # [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as the operation progresses.
  "region": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing regional operations.
  "selfLink": "A String", # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
  "setCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata": { # [Output Only] If the operation is for projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata, this field will contain information on all underlying zonal actions and their state.
    "clientOperationId": "A String", # [Output Only] The client operation id.
    "perLocationOperations": { # [Output Only] Status information per location (location name is key). Example key: zones/us-central1-a
      "a_key": {
        "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # [Output Only] If state is `ABANDONED` or `FAILED`, this field is populated.
          "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
          "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
              "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
          "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
        "state": "A String", # [Output Only] Status of the action, which can be one of the following: `PROPAGATING`, `PROPAGATED`, `ABANDONED`, `FAILED`, or `DONE`.
  "startTime": "A String", # [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
  "status": "A String", # [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
  "statusMessage": "A String", # [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
  "targetId": "A String", # [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific incarnation of the target resource.
  "targetLink": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation modifies. For operations related to creating a snapshot, this points to the disk that the snapshot was created from.
  "user": "A String", # [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: `` or `alice_smith_identifier (global/workforcePools/example-com-us-employees)`.
  "warnings": [ # [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
      "code": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
      "data": [ # [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format. For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
          "key": "A String", # [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP forwarding).
          "value": "A String", # [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.
      "message": "A String", # [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
  "zone": "A String", # [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only applicable when performing per-zone operations.