Connectors API . projects . locations . global_ . customConnectors . customConnectorVersions

Instance Methods


Close httplib2 connections.

create(parent, body=None, customConnectorVersionId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Creates a new CustomConnectorVersion in a given project and location.

get(name, x__xgafv=None)

Gets details of a single CustomConnectorVersion.

list(parent, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)

List CustomConnectorVersions in a given project


Retrieves the next page of results.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
create(parent, body=None, customConnectorVersionId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Creates a new CustomConnectorVersion in a given project and location.

  parent: string, Required. Parent resource of the CreateCustomConnector, of the form: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/customConnectors/{custom_connector}` (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # CustomConnectorVersion indicates a specific version of a connector.
  "authConfig": { # AuthConfig defines details of a authentication type. # Optional. Authentication config for accessing connector facade/ proxy. This is used only when enable_backend_destination_config is true.
    "additionalVariables": [ # List containing additional auth configs.
      { # ConfigVariable represents a configuration variable present in a Connection. or AuthConfig.
        "boolValue": True or False, # Value is a bool.
        "encryptionKeyValue": { # Encryption Key value. # Value is a Encryption Key.
          "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The [KMS key name] with which the content of the Operation is encrypted. The expected format: `projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/*`. Will be empty string if google managed.
          "type": "A String", # Type.
        "intValue": "A String", # Value is an integer
        "key": "A String", # Key of the config variable.
        "secretValue": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Value is a secret.
          "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
        "stringValue": "A String", # Value is a string.
    "authKey": "A String", # Identifier key for auth config
    "authType": "A String", # The type of authentication configured.
    "oauth2AuthCodeFlow": { # Parameters to support Oauth 2.0 Auth Code Grant Authentication. See for more details. # Oauth2AuthCodeFlow.
      "authCode": "A String", # Authorization code to be exchanged for access and refresh tokens.
      "authUri": "A String", # Auth URL for Authorization Code Flow
      "clientId": "A String", # Client ID for user-provided OAuth app.
      "clientSecret": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Client secret for user-provided OAuth app.
        "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
      "enablePkce": True or False, # Whether to enable PKCE when the user performs the auth code flow.
      "pkceVerifier": "A String", # PKCE verifier to be used during the auth code exchange.
      "redirectUri": "A String", # Redirect URI to be provided during the auth code exchange.
      "scopes": [ # Scopes the connection will request when the user performs the auth code flow.
        "A String",
    "oauth2AuthCodeFlowGoogleManaged": { # Parameters to support Oauth 2.0 Auth Code Grant Authentication using Google Provided OAuth Client. See for more details. # Oauth2AuthCodeFlowGoogleManaged.
      "authCode": "A String", # Optional. Authorization code to be exchanged for access and refresh tokens.
      "redirectUri": "A String", # Optional. Redirect URI to be provided during the auth code exchange.
      "scopes": [ # Required. Scopes the connection will request when the user performs the auth code flow.
        "A String",
    "oauth2ClientCredentials": { # Parameters to support Oauth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant Authentication. See for more details. # Oauth2ClientCredentials.
      "clientId": "A String", # The client identifier.
      "clientSecret": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Secret version reference containing the client secret.
        "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
    "oauth2JwtBearer": { # Parameters to support JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for Oauth 2.0 Authorization Grant based authentication. See for more details. # Oauth2JwtBearer.
      "clientKey": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Secret version reference containing a PKCS#8 PEM-encoded private key associated with the Client Certificate. This private key will be used to sign JWTs used for the jwt-bearer authorization grant. Specified in the form as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
        "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
      "jwtClaims": { # JWT claims used for the jwt-bearer authorization grant. # JwtClaims providers fields to generate the token.
        "audience": "A String", # Value for the "aud" claim.
        "issuer": "A String", # Value for the "iss" claim.
        "subject": "A String", # Value for the "sub" claim.
    "sshPublicKey": { # Parameters to support Ssh public key Authentication. # SSH Public Key.
      "certType": "A String", # Format of SSH Client cert.
      "sshClientCert": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # SSH Client Cert. It should contain both public and private key.
        "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
      "sshClientCertPass": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Password (passphrase) for ssh client certificate if it has one.
        "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
      "username": "A String", # The user account used to authenticate.
    "userPassword": { # Parameters to support Username and Password Authentication. # UserPassword.
      "password": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Secret version reference containing the password.
        "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
      "username": "A String", # Username.
  "backendVariableTemplates": [ # Optional. Backend variables config templates. This translates to additional variable templates in connection.
    { # ConfigVariableTemplate provides metadata about a `ConfigVariable` that is used in a Connection.
      "authorizationCodeLink": { # This configuration captures the details required to render an authorization link for the OAuth Authorization Code Flow. # Optional. Authorization code link options. To be populated if `ValueType` is `AUTHORIZATION_CODE`
        "clientId": "A String", # Optional. The client ID assigned to the Google Cloud Connectors OAuth app for the connector data source.
        "clientSecret": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Optional. The client secret assigned to the Google Cloud Connectors OAuth app for the connector data source.
          "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
        "enablePkce": True or False, # Optional. Whether to enable PKCE for the auth code flow.
        "omitQueryParams": True or False, # Optional. Omit query params from the redirect URI.
        "scopes": [ # Optional. The scopes for which the user will authorize Google Cloud Connectors on the connector data source.
          "A String",
        "uri": "A String", # Optional. The base URI the user must click to trigger the authorization code login flow.
      "description": "A String", # Optional. Description.
      "displayName": "A String", # Optional. Display name of the parameter.
      "enumOptions": [ # Optional. Enum options. To be populated if `ValueType` is `ENUM`
        { # EnumOption definition
          "displayName": "A String", # Optional. Display name of the option.
          "id": "A String", # Optional. Id of the option.
      "enumSource": "A String", # Optional. enum source denotes the source of api to fill the enum options
      "isAdvanced": True or False, # Optional. Indicates if current template is part of advanced settings
      "key": "A String", # Optional. Key of the config variable.
      "locationType": "A String", # Optional. Location Tyep denotes where this value should be sent in BYOC connections.
      "multipleSelectConfig": { # MultipleSelectConfig represents the multiple options for a config variable. # Optional. MultipleSelectConfig represents the multiple options for a config variable.
        "allowCustomValues": True or False, # Optional. Allow custom values.
        "multipleSelectOptions": [ # Required. Multiple select options.
          { # MultiplSelecteOption represents the single option for a config variable.
            "description": "A String", # Optional. Value of the option.
            "displayName": "A String", # Required. Display name of the option.
            "key": "A String", # Required. Key of the option.
            "preselected": True or False, # Optional. Indicates if the option is preselected.
        "valueSeparator": "A String", # Required. Value separator. Only "," can be used for OAuth auth code flow scope field.
      "required": True or False, # Optional. Flag represents that this `ConfigVariable` must be provided for a connection.
      "requiredCondition": { # Struct for representing boolean expressions. # Optional. Condition under which a field would be required. The condition can be represented in the form of a logical expression.
        "fieldComparisons": [ # Optional. A list of fields to be compared.
          { # Field that needs to be compared.
            "boolValue": True or False, # Boolean value
            "comparator": "A String", # Optional. Comparator to use for comparing the field value.
            "intValue": "A String", # Integer value
            "key": "A String", # Optional. Key of the field.
            "stringValue": "A String", # String value
        "logicalExpressions": [ # Optional. A list of nested conditions to be compared.
          # Object with schema name: LogicalExpression
        "logicalOperator": "A String", # Optional. The logical operator to use between the fields and conditions.
      "roleGrant": { # This configuration defines all the Cloud IAM roles that needs to be granted to a particular Google Cloud resource for the selected principal like service account. These configurations will let UI display to customers what IAM roles need to be granted by them. Or these configurations can be used by the UI to render a 'grant' button to do the same on behalf of the user. # Optional. Role grant configuration for the config variable.
        "helperTextTemplate": "A String", # Optional. Template that UI can use to provide helper text to customers.
        "principal": "A String", # Optional. Prinicipal/Identity for whom the role need to assigned.
        "resource": { # Resource definition # Optional. Resource on which the roles needs to be granted for the principal.
          "pathTemplate": "A String", # Optional. Template to uniquely represent a Google Cloud resource in a format IAM expects This is a template that can have references to other values provided in the config variable template.
          "type": "A String", # Optional. Different types of resource supported.
        "roles": [ # Optional. List of roles that need to be granted.
          "A String",
      "state": "A String", # Output only. State of the config variable.
      "validationRegex": "A String", # Optional. Regular expression in RE2 syntax used for validating the `value` of a `ConfigVariable`.
      "valueType": "A String", # Optional. Type of the parameter: string, int, bool etc. consider custom type for the benefit for the validation.
  "createTime": "A String", # Output only. Created time.
  "destinationConfigs": [ # Optional. Destination config(s) for accessing connector facade/ proxy. This is used only when enable_backend_destination_config is true.
    { # Define the Connectors target endpoint.
      "destinations": [ # The destinations for the key.
          "host": "A String", # For publicly routable host.
          "port": 42, # The port is the target port number that is accepted by the destination.
          "serviceAttachment": "A String", # PSC service attachments. Format: projects/*/regions/*/serviceAttachments/*
      "key": "A String", # The key is the destination identifier that is supported by the Connector.
  "enableBackendDestinationConfig": True or False, # Optional. When enabled, the connector will be a facade/ proxy, and connects to the destination provided during connection creation.
  "labels": { # Optional. Resource labels to represent user-provided metadata. Refer to cloud documentation on labels for more details.
    "a_key": "A String",
  "name": "A String", # Output only. Identifier. Resource name of the Version. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/customConnectors/{custom_connector}/customConnectorVersions/{custom_connector_version}
  "partnerMetadata": { # Partner metadata details. This will be populated when publishing the custom connector as a partner connector version. On publishing, parntner connector version will be created using the fields in PartnerMetadata. # Optional. Partner metadata details. This should be populated only when publishing the custom connector to partner connector.
    "acceptGcpTos": True or False, # Required. Whether the user has accepted the Google Cloud Platform Terms of Service ( and the Google Cloud Marketplace Terms of Service (
    "additionalComments": "A String", # Optional. Additional comments for the submission.
    "confirmPartnerRequirements": True or False, # Required. Confirmation that connector meets all applicable requirements mentioned in the Partner Connector Publishing requirements list and Partner onboardiong requirements list (
    "demoUri": "A String", # Required. Public URL for the demo video.
    "hasDynamicSpecUri": True or False, # Output only. Has dynamic open api spec uri.
    "integrationTemplates": "A String", # Required. Integration example templates for the custom connector.
    "localSpecPath": "A String", # Output only. Local spec path. Required if has_dynamic_spec_uri is true.
    "marketplaceProduct": "A String", # Optional. Marketplace product name.
    "marketplaceProductId": "A String", # Required. Marketplace product ID.
    "marketplaceProductProjectId": "A String", # Optional. Marketplace product project ID.
    "marketplaceProductUri": "A String", # Optional. Marketplace product URL.
    "partner": "A String", # Required. Partner name.
    "partnerConnectorDisplayName": "A String", # Required. Partner connector display name.
    "publishRequestTime": "A String", # Output only. Publish request time.
    "targetApplication": "A String", # Required. Target application for which partner connector is built.
    "targetCustomerSegment": "A String", # Required. Target customer segment for the partner connector.
    "useCases": "A String", # Required. Details about partner connector use cases.
  "publishStatus": { # Publish status of a custom connector. # Output only. Publish status of a custom connector.
    "publishState": "A String", # Output only. Publish state of the custom connector.
    "publishTime": "A String", # Output only. Publish time.
    "publishedAs": "A String", # Output only. Partner connector name. Will be set on the custom connector. Format: providers/partner/connectors//versions/
    "publishedSource": "A String", # Output only. Custom connector name. Will be set on the partner connector. Format: providers/customconnectors/connectors//versions/
  "serviceAccount": "A String", # Optional. Service account used by runtime plane to access auth config secrets.
  "specLocation": "A String", # Optional. Location of the custom connector spec. The location can be either a public url like `` Or a Google Cloud Storage location like `gs:///`
  "specServerUrls": [ # Output only. Server URLs parsed from the spec.
    "A String",
  "state": "A String", # Output only. State of the custom connector version.
  "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. Updated time.

  customConnectorVersionId: string, Required. Identifier to assign to the CreateCustomConnectorVersion. Must be unique within scope of the parent resource.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
  "done": True or False, # If the value is `false`, it means the operation is still in progress. If `true`, the operation is completed, and either `error` or `response` is available.
  "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( # The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation.
    "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
    "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
        "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
    "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
  "metadata": { # Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains progress information and common metadata such as create time. Some services might not provide such metadata. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any.
    "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
  "name": "A String", # The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same service that originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP mapping, the `name` should be a resource name ending with `operations/{unique_id}`.
  "response": { # The normal, successful response of the operation. If the original method returns no data on success, such as `Delete`, the response is `google.protobuf.Empty`. If the original method is standard `Get`/`Create`/`Update`, the response should be the resource. For other methods, the response should have the type `XxxResponse`, where `Xxx` is the original method name. For example, if the original method name is `TakeSnapshot()`, the inferred response type is `TakeSnapshotResponse`.
    "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
get(name, x__xgafv=None)
Gets details of a single CustomConnectorVersion.

  name: string, Required. Resource name of the form: `projects/*/locations/{location}/customConnectors/*/customConnectorVersions/*` (required)
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # CustomConnectorVersion indicates a specific version of a connector.
  "authConfig": { # AuthConfig defines details of a authentication type. # Optional. Authentication config for accessing connector facade/ proxy. This is used only when enable_backend_destination_config is true.
    "additionalVariables": [ # List containing additional auth configs.
      { # ConfigVariable represents a configuration variable present in a Connection. or AuthConfig.
        "boolValue": True or False, # Value is a bool.
        "encryptionKeyValue": { # Encryption Key value. # Value is a Encryption Key.
          "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The [KMS key name] with which the content of the Operation is encrypted. The expected format: `projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/*`. Will be empty string if google managed.
          "type": "A String", # Type.
        "intValue": "A String", # Value is an integer
        "key": "A String", # Key of the config variable.
        "secretValue": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Value is a secret.
          "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
        "stringValue": "A String", # Value is a string.
    "authKey": "A String", # Identifier key for auth config
    "authType": "A String", # The type of authentication configured.
    "oauth2AuthCodeFlow": { # Parameters to support Oauth 2.0 Auth Code Grant Authentication. See for more details. # Oauth2AuthCodeFlow.
      "authCode": "A String", # Authorization code to be exchanged for access and refresh tokens.
      "authUri": "A String", # Auth URL for Authorization Code Flow
      "clientId": "A String", # Client ID for user-provided OAuth app.
      "clientSecret": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Client secret for user-provided OAuth app.
        "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
      "enablePkce": True or False, # Whether to enable PKCE when the user performs the auth code flow.
      "pkceVerifier": "A String", # PKCE verifier to be used during the auth code exchange.
      "redirectUri": "A String", # Redirect URI to be provided during the auth code exchange.
      "scopes": [ # Scopes the connection will request when the user performs the auth code flow.
        "A String",
    "oauth2AuthCodeFlowGoogleManaged": { # Parameters to support Oauth 2.0 Auth Code Grant Authentication using Google Provided OAuth Client. See for more details. # Oauth2AuthCodeFlowGoogleManaged.
      "authCode": "A String", # Optional. Authorization code to be exchanged for access and refresh tokens.
      "redirectUri": "A String", # Optional. Redirect URI to be provided during the auth code exchange.
      "scopes": [ # Required. Scopes the connection will request when the user performs the auth code flow.
        "A String",
    "oauth2ClientCredentials": { # Parameters to support Oauth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant Authentication. See for more details. # Oauth2ClientCredentials.
      "clientId": "A String", # The client identifier.
      "clientSecret": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Secret version reference containing the client secret.
        "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
    "oauth2JwtBearer": { # Parameters to support JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for Oauth 2.0 Authorization Grant based authentication. See for more details. # Oauth2JwtBearer.
      "clientKey": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Secret version reference containing a PKCS#8 PEM-encoded private key associated with the Client Certificate. This private key will be used to sign JWTs used for the jwt-bearer authorization grant. Specified in the form as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
        "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
      "jwtClaims": { # JWT claims used for the jwt-bearer authorization grant. # JwtClaims providers fields to generate the token.
        "audience": "A String", # Value for the "aud" claim.
        "issuer": "A String", # Value for the "iss" claim.
        "subject": "A String", # Value for the "sub" claim.
    "sshPublicKey": { # Parameters to support Ssh public key Authentication. # SSH Public Key.
      "certType": "A String", # Format of SSH Client cert.
      "sshClientCert": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # SSH Client Cert. It should contain both public and private key.
        "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
      "sshClientCertPass": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Password (passphrase) for ssh client certificate if it has one.
        "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
      "username": "A String", # The user account used to authenticate.
    "userPassword": { # Parameters to support Username and Password Authentication. # UserPassword.
      "password": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Secret version reference containing the password.
        "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
      "username": "A String", # Username.
  "backendVariableTemplates": [ # Optional. Backend variables config templates. This translates to additional variable templates in connection.
    { # ConfigVariableTemplate provides metadata about a `ConfigVariable` that is used in a Connection.
      "authorizationCodeLink": { # This configuration captures the details required to render an authorization link for the OAuth Authorization Code Flow. # Optional. Authorization code link options. To be populated if `ValueType` is `AUTHORIZATION_CODE`
        "clientId": "A String", # Optional. The client ID assigned to the Google Cloud Connectors OAuth app for the connector data source.
        "clientSecret": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Optional. The client secret assigned to the Google Cloud Connectors OAuth app for the connector data source.
          "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
        "enablePkce": True or False, # Optional. Whether to enable PKCE for the auth code flow.
        "omitQueryParams": True or False, # Optional. Omit query params from the redirect URI.
        "scopes": [ # Optional. The scopes for which the user will authorize Google Cloud Connectors on the connector data source.
          "A String",
        "uri": "A String", # Optional. The base URI the user must click to trigger the authorization code login flow.
      "description": "A String", # Optional. Description.
      "displayName": "A String", # Optional. Display name of the parameter.
      "enumOptions": [ # Optional. Enum options. To be populated if `ValueType` is `ENUM`
        { # EnumOption definition
          "displayName": "A String", # Optional. Display name of the option.
          "id": "A String", # Optional. Id of the option.
      "enumSource": "A String", # Optional. enum source denotes the source of api to fill the enum options
      "isAdvanced": True or False, # Optional. Indicates if current template is part of advanced settings
      "key": "A String", # Optional. Key of the config variable.
      "locationType": "A String", # Optional. Location Tyep denotes where this value should be sent in BYOC connections.
      "multipleSelectConfig": { # MultipleSelectConfig represents the multiple options for a config variable. # Optional. MultipleSelectConfig represents the multiple options for a config variable.
        "allowCustomValues": True or False, # Optional. Allow custom values.
        "multipleSelectOptions": [ # Required. Multiple select options.
          { # MultiplSelecteOption represents the single option for a config variable.
            "description": "A String", # Optional. Value of the option.
            "displayName": "A String", # Required. Display name of the option.
            "key": "A String", # Required. Key of the option.
            "preselected": True or False, # Optional. Indicates if the option is preselected.
        "valueSeparator": "A String", # Required. Value separator. Only "," can be used for OAuth auth code flow scope field.
      "required": True or False, # Optional. Flag represents that this `ConfigVariable` must be provided for a connection.
      "requiredCondition": { # Struct for representing boolean expressions. # Optional. Condition under which a field would be required. The condition can be represented in the form of a logical expression.
        "fieldComparisons": [ # Optional. A list of fields to be compared.
          { # Field that needs to be compared.
            "boolValue": True or False, # Boolean value
            "comparator": "A String", # Optional. Comparator to use for comparing the field value.
            "intValue": "A String", # Integer value
            "key": "A String", # Optional. Key of the field.
            "stringValue": "A String", # String value
        "logicalExpressions": [ # Optional. A list of nested conditions to be compared.
          # Object with schema name: LogicalExpression
        "logicalOperator": "A String", # Optional. The logical operator to use between the fields and conditions.
      "roleGrant": { # This configuration defines all the Cloud IAM roles that needs to be granted to a particular Google Cloud resource for the selected principal like service account. These configurations will let UI display to customers what IAM roles need to be granted by them. Or these configurations can be used by the UI to render a 'grant' button to do the same on behalf of the user. # Optional. Role grant configuration for the config variable.
        "helperTextTemplate": "A String", # Optional. Template that UI can use to provide helper text to customers.
        "principal": "A String", # Optional. Prinicipal/Identity for whom the role need to assigned.
        "resource": { # Resource definition # Optional. Resource on which the roles needs to be granted for the principal.
          "pathTemplate": "A String", # Optional. Template to uniquely represent a Google Cloud resource in a format IAM expects This is a template that can have references to other values provided in the config variable template.
          "type": "A String", # Optional. Different types of resource supported.
        "roles": [ # Optional. List of roles that need to be granted.
          "A String",
      "state": "A String", # Output only. State of the config variable.
      "validationRegex": "A String", # Optional. Regular expression in RE2 syntax used for validating the `value` of a `ConfigVariable`.
      "valueType": "A String", # Optional. Type of the parameter: string, int, bool etc. consider custom type for the benefit for the validation.
  "createTime": "A String", # Output only. Created time.
  "destinationConfigs": [ # Optional. Destination config(s) for accessing connector facade/ proxy. This is used only when enable_backend_destination_config is true.
    { # Define the Connectors target endpoint.
      "destinations": [ # The destinations for the key.
          "host": "A String", # For publicly routable host.
          "port": 42, # The port is the target port number that is accepted by the destination.
          "serviceAttachment": "A String", # PSC service attachments. Format: projects/*/regions/*/serviceAttachments/*
      "key": "A String", # The key is the destination identifier that is supported by the Connector.
  "enableBackendDestinationConfig": True or False, # Optional. When enabled, the connector will be a facade/ proxy, and connects to the destination provided during connection creation.
  "labels": { # Optional. Resource labels to represent user-provided metadata. Refer to cloud documentation on labels for more details.
    "a_key": "A String",
  "name": "A String", # Output only. Identifier. Resource name of the Version. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/customConnectors/{custom_connector}/customConnectorVersions/{custom_connector_version}
  "partnerMetadata": { # Partner metadata details. This will be populated when publishing the custom connector as a partner connector version. On publishing, parntner connector version will be created using the fields in PartnerMetadata. # Optional. Partner metadata details. This should be populated only when publishing the custom connector to partner connector.
    "acceptGcpTos": True or False, # Required. Whether the user has accepted the Google Cloud Platform Terms of Service ( and the Google Cloud Marketplace Terms of Service (
    "additionalComments": "A String", # Optional. Additional comments for the submission.
    "confirmPartnerRequirements": True or False, # Required. Confirmation that connector meets all applicable requirements mentioned in the Partner Connector Publishing requirements list and Partner onboardiong requirements list (
    "demoUri": "A String", # Required. Public URL for the demo video.
    "hasDynamicSpecUri": True or False, # Output only. Has dynamic open api spec uri.
    "integrationTemplates": "A String", # Required. Integration example templates for the custom connector.
    "localSpecPath": "A String", # Output only. Local spec path. Required if has_dynamic_spec_uri is true.
    "marketplaceProduct": "A String", # Optional. Marketplace product name.
    "marketplaceProductId": "A String", # Required. Marketplace product ID.
    "marketplaceProductProjectId": "A String", # Optional. Marketplace product project ID.
    "marketplaceProductUri": "A String", # Optional. Marketplace product URL.
    "partner": "A String", # Required. Partner name.
    "partnerConnectorDisplayName": "A String", # Required. Partner connector display name.
    "publishRequestTime": "A String", # Output only. Publish request time.
    "targetApplication": "A String", # Required. Target application for which partner connector is built.
    "targetCustomerSegment": "A String", # Required. Target customer segment for the partner connector.
    "useCases": "A String", # Required. Details about partner connector use cases.
  "publishStatus": { # Publish status of a custom connector. # Output only. Publish status of a custom connector.
    "publishState": "A String", # Output only. Publish state of the custom connector.
    "publishTime": "A String", # Output only. Publish time.
    "publishedAs": "A String", # Output only. Partner connector name. Will be set on the custom connector. Format: providers/partner/connectors//versions/
    "publishedSource": "A String", # Output only. Custom connector name. Will be set on the partner connector. Format: providers/customconnectors/connectors//versions/
  "serviceAccount": "A String", # Optional. Service account used by runtime plane to access auth config secrets.
  "specLocation": "A String", # Optional. Location of the custom connector spec. The location can be either a public url like `` Or a Google Cloud Storage location like `gs:///`
  "specServerUrls": [ # Output only. Server URLs parsed from the spec.
    "A String",
  "state": "A String", # Output only. State of the custom connector version.
  "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. Updated time.
list(parent, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)
List CustomConnectorVersions in a given project

  parent: string, Required. Parent resource of the connectors, of the form: `projects/*/locations/{location}/customConnectors/*/customConnectorVersions/*` (required)
  pageSize: integer, Page size.
  pageToken: string, Page token.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Response message for Connectors.ListCustomConnectorVersions.
  "customConnectorVersions": [ # A list of connector versions.
    { # CustomConnectorVersion indicates a specific version of a connector.
      "authConfig": { # AuthConfig defines details of a authentication type. # Optional. Authentication config for accessing connector facade/ proxy. This is used only when enable_backend_destination_config is true.
        "additionalVariables": [ # List containing additional auth configs.
          { # ConfigVariable represents a configuration variable present in a Connection. or AuthConfig.
            "boolValue": True or False, # Value is a bool.
            "encryptionKeyValue": { # Encryption Key value. # Value is a Encryption Key.
              "kmsKeyName": "A String", # The [KMS key name] with which the content of the Operation is encrypted. The expected format: `projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/*`. Will be empty string if google managed.
              "type": "A String", # Type.
            "intValue": "A String", # Value is an integer
            "key": "A String", # Key of the config variable.
            "secretValue": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Value is a secret.
              "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
            "stringValue": "A String", # Value is a string.
        "authKey": "A String", # Identifier key for auth config
        "authType": "A String", # The type of authentication configured.
        "oauth2AuthCodeFlow": { # Parameters to support Oauth 2.0 Auth Code Grant Authentication. See for more details. # Oauth2AuthCodeFlow.
          "authCode": "A String", # Authorization code to be exchanged for access and refresh tokens.
          "authUri": "A String", # Auth URL for Authorization Code Flow
          "clientId": "A String", # Client ID for user-provided OAuth app.
          "clientSecret": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Client secret for user-provided OAuth app.
            "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
          "enablePkce": True or False, # Whether to enable PKCE when the user performs the auth code flow.
          "pkceVerifier": "A String", # PKCE verifier to be used during the auth code exchange.
          "redirectUri": "A String", # Redirect URI to be provided during the auth code exchange.
          "scopes": [ # Scopes the connection will request when the user performs the auth code flow.
            "A String",
        "oauth2AuthCodeFlowGoogleManaged": { # Parameters to support Oauth 2.0 Auth Code Grant Authentication using Google Provided OAuth Client. See for more details. # Oauth2AuthCodeFlowGoogleManaged.
          "authCode": "A String", # Optional. Authorization code to be exchanged for access and refresh tokens.
          "redirectUri": "A String", # Optional. Redirect URI to be provided during the auth code exchange.
          "scopes": [ # Required. Scopes the connection will request when the user performs the auth code flow.
            "A String",
        "oauth2ClientCredentials": { # Parameters to support Oauth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant Authentication. See for more details. # Oauth2ClientCredentials.
          "clientId": "A String", # The client identifier.
          "clientSecret": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Secret version reference containing the client secret.
            "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
        "oauth2JwtBearer": { # Parameters to support JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for Oauth 2.0 Authorization Grant based authentication. See for more details. # Oauth2JwtBearer.
          "clientKey": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Secret version reference containing a PKCS#8 PEM-encoded private key associated with the Client Certificate. This private key will be used to sign JWTs used for the jwt-bearer authorization grant. Specified in the form as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
            "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
          "jwtClaims": { # JWT claims used for the jwt-bearer authorization grant. # JwtClaims providers fields to generate the token.
            "audience": "A String", # Value for the "aud" claim.
            "issuer": "A String", # Value for the "iss" claim.
            "subject": "A String", # Value for the "sub" claim.
        "sshPublicKey": { # Parameters to support Ssh public key Authentication. # SSH Public Key.
          "certType": "A String", # Format of SSH Client cert.
          "sshClientCert": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # SSH Client Cert. It should contain both public and private key.
            "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
          "sshClientCertPass": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Password (passphrase) for ssh client certificate if it has one.
            "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
          "username": "A String", # The user account used to authenticate.
        "userPassword": { # Parameters to support Username and Password Authentication. # UserPassword.
          "password": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Secret version reference containing the password.
            "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
          "username": "A String", # Username.
      "backendVariableTemplates": [ # Optional. Backend variables config templates. This translates to additional variable templates in connection.
        { # ConfigVariableTemplate provides metadata about a `ConfigVariable` that is used in a Connection.
          "authorizationCodeLink": { # This configuration captures the details required to render an authorization link for the OAuth Authorization Code Flow. # Optional. Authorization code link options. To be populated if `ValueType` is `AUTHORIZATION_CODE`
            "clientId": "A String", # Optional. The client ID assigned to the Google Cloud Connectors OAuth app for the connector data source.
            "clientSecret": { # Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager. # Optional. The client secret assigned to the Google Cloud Connectors OAuth app for the connector data source.
              "secretVersion": "A String", # The resource name of the secret version in the format, format as: `projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*`.
            "enablePkce": True or False, # Optional. Whether to enable PKCE for the auth code flow.
            "omitQueryParams": True or False, # Optional. Omit query params from the redirect URI.
            "scopes": [ # Optional. The scopes for which the user will authorize Google Cloud Connectors on the connector data source.
              "A String",
            "uri": "A String", # Optional. The base URI the user must click to trigger the authorization code login flow.
          "description": "A String", # Optional. Description.
          "displayName": "A String", # Optional. Display name of the parameter.
          "enumOptions": [ # Optional. Enum options. To be populated if `ValueType` is `ENUM`
            { # EnumOption definition
              "displayName": "A String", # Optional. Display name of the option.
              "id": "A String", # Optional. Id of the option.
          "enumSource": "A String", # Optional. enum source denotes the source of api to fill the enum options
          "isAdvanced": True or False, # Optional. Indicates if current template is part of advanced settings
          "key": "A String", # Optional. Key of the config variable.
          "locationType": "A String", # Optional. Location Tyep denotes where this value should be sent in BYOC connections.
          "multipleSelectConfig": { # MultipleSelectConfig represents the multiple options for a config variable. # Optional. MultipleSelectConfig represents the multiple options for a config variable.
            "allowCustomValues": True or False, # Optional. Allow custom values.
            "multipleSelectOptions": [ # Required. Multiple select options.
              { # MultiplSelecteOption represents the single option for a config variable.
                "description": "A String", # Optional. Value of the option.
                "displayName": "A String", # Required. Display name of the option.
                "key": "A String", # Required. Key of the option.
                "preselected": True or False, # Optional. Indicates if the option is preselected.
            "valueSeparator": "A String", # Required. Value separator. Only "," can be used for OAuth auth code flow scope field.
          "required": True or False, # Optional. Flag represents that this `ConfigVariable` must be provided for a connection.
          "requiredCondition": { # Struct for representing boolean expressions. # Optional. Condition under which a field would be required. The condition can be represented in the form of a logical expression.
            "fieldComparisons": [ # Optional. A list of fields to be compared.
              { # Field that needs to be compared.
                "boolValue": True or False, # Boolean value
                "comparator": "A String", # Optional. Comparator to use for comparing the field value.
                "intValue": "A String", # Integer value
                "key": "A String", # Optional. Key of the field.
                "stringValue": "A String", # String value
            "logicalExpressions": [ # Optional. A list of nested conditions to be compared.
              # Object with schema name: LogicalExpression
            "logicalOperator": "A String", # Optional. The logical operator to use between the fields and conditions.
          "roleGrant": { # This configuration defines all the Cloud IAM roles that needs to be granted to a particular Google Cloud resource for the selected principal like service account. These configurations will let UI display to customers what IAM roles need to be granted by them. Or these configurations can be used by the UI to render a 'grant' button to do the same on behalf of the user. # Optional. Role grant configuration for the config variable.
            "helperTextTemplate": "A String", # Optional. Template that UI can use to provide helper text to customers.
            "principal": "A String", # Optional. Prinicipal/Identity for whom the role need to assigned.
            "resource": { # Resource definition # Optional. Resource on which the roles needs to be granted for the principal.
              "pathTemplate": "A String", # Optional. Template to uniquely represent a Google Cloud resource in a format IAM expects This is a template that can have references to other values provided in the config variable template.
              "type": "A String", # Optional. Different types of resource supported.
            "roles": [ # Optional. List of roles that need to be granted.
              "A String",
          "state": "A String", # Output only. State of the config variable.
          "validationRegex": "A String", # Optional. Regular expression in RE2 syntax used for validating the `value` of a `ConfigVariable`.
          "valueType": "A String", # Optional. Type of the parameter: string, int, bool etc. consider custom type for the benefit for the validation.
      "createTime": "A String", # Output only. Created time.
      "destinationConfigs": [ # Optional. Destination config(s) for accessing connector facade/ proxy. This is used only when enable_backend_destination_config is true.
        { # Define the Connectors target endpoint.
          "destinations": [ # The destinations for the key.
              "host": "A String", # For publicly routable host.
              "port": 42, # The port is the target port number that is accepted by the destination.
              "serviceAttachment": "A String", # PSC service attachments. Format: projects/*/regions/*/serviceAttachments/*
          "key": "A String", # The key is the destination identifier that is supported by the Connector.
      "enableBackendDestinationConfig": True or False, # Optional. When enabled, the connector will be a facade/ proxy, and connects to the destination provided during connection creation.
      "labels": { # Optional. Resource labels to represent user-provided metadata. Refer to cloud documentation on labels for more details.
        "a_key": "A String",
      "name": "A String", # Output only. Identifier. Resource name of the Version. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/customConnectors/{custom_connector}/customConnectorVersions/{custom_connector_version}
      "partnerMetadata": { # Partner metadata details. This will be populated when publishing the custom connector as a partner connector version. On publishing, parntner connector version will be created using the fields in PartnerMetadata. # Optional. Partner metadata details. This should be populated only when publishing the custom connector to partner connector.
        "acceptGcpTos": True or False, # Required. Whether the user has accepted the Google Cloud Platform Terms of Service ( and the Google Cloud Marketplace Terms of Service (
        "additionalComments": "A String", # Optional. Additional comments for the submission.
        "confirmPartnerRequirements": True or False, # Required. Confirmation that connector meets all applicable requirements mentioned in the Partner Connector Publishing requirements list and Partner onboardiong requirements list (
        "demoUri": "A String", # Required. Public URL for the demo video.
        "hasDynamicSpecUri": True or False, # Output only. Has dynamic open api spec uri.
        "integrationTemplates": "A String", # Required. Integration example templates for the custom connector.
        "localSpecPath": "A String", # Output only. Local spec path. Required if has_dynamic_spec_uri is true.
        "marketplaceProduct": "A String", # Optional. Marketplace product name.
        "marketplaceProductId": "A String", # Required. Marketplace product ID.
        "marketplaceProductProjectId": "A String", # Optional. Marketplace product project ID.
        "marketplaceProductUri": "A String", # Optional. Marketplace product URL.
        "partner": "A String", # Required. Partner name.
        "partnerConnectorDisplayName": "A String", # Required. Partner connector display name.
        "publishRequestTime": "A String", # Output only. Publish request time.
        "targetApplication": "A String", # Required. Target application for which partner connector is built.
        "targetCustomerSegment": "A String", # Required. Target customer segment for the partner connector.
        "useCases": "A String", # Required. Details about partner connector use cases.
      "publishStatus": { # Publish status of a custom connector. # Output only. Publish status of a custom connector.
        "publishState": "A String", # Output only. Publish state of the custom connector.
        "publishTime": "A String", # Output only. Publish time.
        "publishedAs": "A String", # Output only. Partner connector name. Will be set on the custom connector. Format: providers/partner/connectors//versions/
        "publishedSource": "A String", # Output only. Custom connector name. Will be set on the partner connector. Format: providers/customconnectors/connectors//versions/
      "serviceAccount": "A String", # Optional. Service account used by runtime plane to access auth config secrets.
      "specLocation": "A String", # Optional. Location of the custom connector spec. The location can be either a public url like `` Or a Google Cloud Storage location like `gs:///`
      "specServerUrls": [ # Output only. Server URLs parsed from the spec.
        "A String",
      "state": "A String", # Output only. State of the custom connector version.
      "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. Updated time.
  "nextPageToken": "A String", # Next page token.
  "unreachable": [ # Locations that could not be reached.
    "A String",
Retrieves the next page of results.

          previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
          previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

          A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
          page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.