Content API for Shopping . regions

Instance Methods


Close httplib2 connections.

create(merchantId, body=None, regionId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Creates a region definition in your Merchant Center account.

delete(merchantId, regionId, x__xgafv=None)

Deletes a region definition from your Merchant Center account.

get(merchantId, regionId, x__xgafv=None)

Retrieves a region defined in your Merchant Center account.

list(merchantId, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)

Lists the regions in your Merchant Center account.


Retrieves the next page of results.

patch(merchantId, regionId, body=None, updateMask=None, x__xgafv=None)

Updates a region definition in your Merchant Center account.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
create(merchantId, body=None, regionId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Creates a region definition in your Merchant Center account.

  merchantId: string, Required. The id of the merchant for which to create region definition. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Represents a geographic region that you can use as a target with both the `RegionalInventory` and `ShippingSettings` services. You can define regions as collections of either postal codes or, in some countries, using predefined geotargets.
  "displayName": "A String", # The display name of the region.
  "geotargetArea": { # A list of geotargets that defines the region area. # A list of geotargets that defines the region area.
    "geotargetCriteriaIds": [ # Required. A non-empty list of [location IDs]( They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
      "A String",
  "merchantId": "A String", # Output only. Immutable. Merchant that owns the region.
  "postalCodeArea": { # A list of postal codes that defines the region area. Note: All regions defined using postal codes are accessible via the account's `ShippingSettings.postalCodeGroups` resource. # A list of postal codes that defines the region area.
    "postalCodes": [ # Required. A range of postal codes.
      { # A range of postal codes that defines the region area.
        "begin": "A String", # Required. A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive lower bound of the range defining the area. Examples values: "94108", "9410*", "9*".
        "end": "A String", # Optional. A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive upper bound of the range defining the area. It must have the same length as postalCodeRangeBegin: if postalCodeRangeBegin is a postal code then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a postal code too; if postalCodeRangeBegin is a pattern then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a pattern with the same prefix length. Optional: if not set, then the area is defined as being all the postal codes matching postalCodeRangeBegin.
    "regionCode": "A String", # Required. CLDR territory code or the country the postal code group applies to.
  "regionId": "A String", # Output only. Immutable. The ID uniquely identifying each region.
  "regionalInventoryEligible": True or False, # Output only. Indicates if the region is eligible to use in the Regional Inventory configuration.
  "shippingEligible": True or False, # Output only. Indicates if the region is eligible to use in the Shipping Services configuration.

  regionId: string, Required. The id of the region to create.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents a geographic region that you can use as a target with both the `RegionalInventory` and `ShippingSettings` services. You can define regions as collections of either postal codes or, in some countries, using predefined geotargets.
  "displayName": "A String", # The display name of the region.
  "geotargetArea": { # A list of geotargets that defines the region area. # A list of geotargets that defines the region area.
    "geotargetCriteriaIds": [ # Required. A non-empty list of [location IDs]( They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
      "A String",
  "merchantId": "A String", # Output only. Immutable. Merchant that owns the region.
  "postalCodeArea": { # A list of postal codes that defines the region area. Note: All regions defined using postal codes are accessible via the account's `ShippingSettings.postalCodeGroups` resource. # A list of postal codes that defines the region area.
    "postalCodes": [ # Required. A range of postal codes.
      { # A range of postal codes that defines the region area.
        "begin": "A String", # Required. A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive lower bound of the range defining the area. Examples values: "94108", "9410*", "9*".
        "end": "A String", # Optional. A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive upper bound of the range defining the area. It must have the same length as postalCodeRangeBegin: if postalCodeRangeBegin is a postal code then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a postal code too; if postalCodeRangeBegin is a pattern then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a pattern with the same prefix length. Optional: if not set, then the area is defined as being all the postal codes matching postalCodeRangeBegin.
    "regionCode": "A String", # Required. CLDR territory code or the country the postal code group applies to.
  "regionId": "A String", # Output only. Immutable. The ID uniquely identifying each region.
  "regionalInventoryEligible": True or False, # Output only. Indicates if the region is eligible to use in the Regional Inventory configuration.
  "shippingEligible": True or False, # Output only. Indicates if the region is eligible to use in the Shipping Services configuration.
delete(merchantId, regionId, x__xgafv=None)
Deletes a region definition from your Merchant Center account.

  merchantId: string, Required. The id of the merchant for which to delete region definition. (required)
  regionId: string, Required. The id of the region to delete. (required)
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format
get(merchantId, regionId, x__xgafv=None)
Retrieves a region defined in your Merchant Center account.

  merchantId: string, Required. The id of the merchant for which to retrieve region definition. (required)
  regionId: string, Required. The id of the region to retrieve. (required)
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents a geographic region that you can use as a target with both the `RegionalInventory` and `ShippingSettings` services. You can define regions as collections of either postal codes or, in some countries, using predefined geotargets.
  "displayName": "A String", # The display name of the region.
  "geotargetArea": { # A list of geotargets that defines the region area. # A list of geotargets that defines the region area.
    "geotargetCriteriaIds": [ # Required. A non-empty list of [location IDs]( They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
      "A String",
  "merchantId": "A String", # Output only. Immutable. Merchant that owns the region.
  "postalCodeArea": { # A list of postal codes that defines the region area. Note: All regions defined using postal codes are accessible via the account's `ShippingSettings.postalCodeGroups` resource. # A list of postal codes that defines the region area.
    "postalCodes": [ # Required. A range of postal codes.
      { # A range of postal codes that defines the region area.
        "begin": "A String", # Required. A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive lower bound of the range defining the area. Examples values: "94108", "9410*", "9*".
        "end": "A String", # Optional. A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive upper bound of the range defining the area. It must have the same length as postalCodeRangeBegin: if postalCodeRangeBegin is a postal code then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a postal code too; if postalCodeRangeBegin is a pattern then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a pattern with the same prefix length. Optional: if not set, then the area is defined as being all the postal codes matching postalCodeRangeBegin.
    "regionCode": "A String", # Required. CLDR territory code or the country the postal code group applies to.
  "regionId": "A String", # Output only. Immutable. The ID uniquely identifying each region.
  "regionalInventoryEligible": True or False, # Output only. Indicates if the region is eligible to use in the Regional Inventory configuration.
  "shippingEligible": True or False, # Output only. Indicates if the region is eligible to use in the Shipping Services configuration.
list(merchantId, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)
Lists the regions in your Merchant Center account.

  merchantId: string, Required. The id of the merchant for which to list region definitions. (required)
  pageSize: integer, The maximum number of regions to return. The service may return fewer than this value. If unspecified, at most 50 rules will be returned. The maximum value is 1000; values above 1000 will be coerced to 1000.
  pageToken: string, A page token, received from a previous `ListRegions` call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided to `ListRegions` must match the call that provided the page token.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Response message for the `ListRegions` method.
  "nextPageToken": "A String", # A token, which can be sent as `page_token` to retrieve the next page. If this field is omitted, there are no subsequent pages.
  "regions": [ # The regions from the specified merchant.
    { # Represents a geographic region that you can use as a target with both the `RegionalInventory` and `ShippingSettings` services. You can define regions as collections of either postal codes or, in some countries, using predefined geotargets.
      "displayName": "A String", # The display name of the region.
      "geotargetArea": { # A list of geotargets that defines the region area. # A list of geotargets that defines the region area.
        "geotargetCriteriaIds": [ # Required. A non-empty list of [location IDs]( They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
          "A String",
      "merchantId": "A String", # Output only. Immutable. Merchant that owns the region.
      "postalCodeArea": { # A list of postal codes that defines the region area. Note: All regions defined using postal codes are accessible via the account's `ShippingSettings.postalCodeGroups` resource. # A list of postal codes that defines the region area.
        "postalCodes": [ # Required. A range of postal codes.
          { # A range of postal codes that defines the region area.
            "begin": "A String", # Required. A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive lower bound of the range defining the area. Examples values: "94108", "9410*", "9*".
            "end": "A String", # Optional. A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive upper bound of the range defining the area. It must have the same length as postalCodeRangeBegin: if postalCodeRangeBegin is a postal code then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a postal code too; if postalCodeRangeBegin is a pattern then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a pattern with the same prefix length. Optional: if not set, then the area is defined as being all the postal codes matching postalCodeRangeBegin.
        "regionCode": "A String", # Required. CLDR territory code or the country the postal code group applies to.
      "regionId": "A String", # Output only. Immutable. The ID uniquely identifying each region.
      "regionalInventoryEligible": True or False, # Output only. Indicates if the region is eligible to use in the Regional Inventory configuration.
      "shippingEligible": True or False, # Output only. Indicates if the region is eligible to use in the Shipping Services configuration.
Retrieves the next page of results.

          previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
          previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

          A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
          page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
patch(merchantId, regionId, body=None, updateMask=None, x__xgafv=None)
Updates a region definition in your Merchant Center account.

  merchantId: string, Required. The id of the merchant for which to update region definition. (required)
  regionId: string, Required. The id of the region to update. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Represents a geographic region that you can use as a target with both the `RegionalInventory` and `ShippingSettings` services. You can define regions as collections of either postal codes or, in some countries, using predefined geotargets.
  "displayName": "A String", # The display name of the region.
  "geotargetArea": { # A list of geotargets that defines the region area. # A list of geotargets that defines the region area.
    "geotargetCriteriaIds": [ # Required. A non-empty list of [location IDs]( They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
      "A String",
  "merchantId": "A String", # Output only. Immutable. Merchant that owns the region.
  "postalCodeArea": { # A list of postal codes that defines the region area. Note: All regions defined using postal codes are accessible via the account's `ShippingSettings.postalCodeGroups` resource. # A list of postal codes that defines the region area.
    "postalCodes": [ # Required. A range of postal codes.
      { # A range of postal codes that defines the region area.
        "begin": "A String", # Required. A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive lower bound of the range defining the area. Examples values: "94108", "9410*", "9*".
        "end": "A String", # Optional. A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive upper bound of the range defining the area. It must have the same length as postalCodeRangeBegin: if postalCodeRangeBegin is a postal code then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a postal code too; if postalCodeRangeBegin is a pattern then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a pattern with the same prefix length. Optional: if not set, then the area is defined as being all the postal codes matching postalCodeRangeBegin.
    "regionCode": "A String", # Required. CLDR territory code or the country the postal code group applies to.
  "regionId": "A String", # Output only. Immutable. The ID uniquely identifying each region.
  "regionalInventoryEligible": True or False, # Output only. Indicates if the region is eligible to use in the Regional Inventory configuration.
  "shippingEligible": True or False, # Output only. Indicates if the region is eligible to use in the Shipping Services configuration.

  updateMask: string, Optional. The comma-separated field mask indicating the fields to update. Example: `"displayName,postalCodeArea.regionCode"`.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents a geographic region that you can use as a target with both the `RegionalInventory` and `ShippingSettings` services. You can define regions as collections of either postal codes or, in some countries, using predefined geotargets.
  "displayName": "A String", # The display name of the region.
  "geotargetArea": { # A list of geotargets that defines the region area. # A list of geotargets that defines the region area.
    "geotargetCriteriaIds": [ # Required. A non-empty list of [location IDs]( They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
      "A String",
  "merchantId": "A String", # Output only. Immutable. Merchant that owns the region.
  "postalCodeArea": { # A list of postal codes that defines the region area. Note: All regions defined using postal codes are accessible via the account's `ShippingSettings.postalCodeGroups` resource. # A list of postal codes that defines the region area.
    "postalCodes": [ # Required. A range of postal codes.
      { # A range of postal codes that defines the region area.
        "begin": "A String", # Required. A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive lower bound of the range defining the area. Examples values: "94108", "9410*", "9*".
        "end": "A String", # Optional. A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive upper bound of the range defining the area. It must have the same length as postalCodeRangeBegin: if postalCodeRangeBegin is a postal code then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a postal code too; if postalCodeRangeBegin is a pattern then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a pattern with the same prefix length. Optional: if not set, then the area is defined as being all the postal codes matching postalCodeRangeBegin.
    "regionCode": "A String", # Required. CLDR territory code or the country the postal code group applies to.
  "regionId": "A String", # Output only. Immutable. The ID uniquely identifying each region.
  "regionalInventoryEligible": True or False, # Output only. Indicates if the region is eligible to use in the Regional Inventory configuration.
  "shippingEligible": True or False, # Output only. Indicates if the region is eligible to use in the Shipping Services configuration.