CSS API . accounts . cssProductInputs

Instance Methods


Close httplib2 connections.

delete(name, supplementalFeedId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Deletes a CSS Product input from your CSS Center account. After a delete it may take several minutes until the input is no longer available.

insert(parent, body=None, feedId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Uploads a CssProductInput to your CSS Center account. If an input with the same contentLanguage, identity, feedLabel and feedId already exists, this method replaces that entry. After inserting, updating, or deleting a CSS Product input, it may take several minutes before the processed CSS Product can be retrieved.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
delete(name, supplementalFeedId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Deletes a CSS Product input from your CSS Center account. After a delete it may take several minutes until the input is no longer available.

  name: string, Required. The name of the CSS product input resource to delete. Format: accounts/{account}/cssProductInputs/{css_product_input} (required)
  supplementalFeedId: string, The Content API Supplemental Feed ID. The field must not be set if the action applies to a primary feed. If the field is set, then product action applies to a supplemental feed instead of primary Content API feed.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); }
insert(parent, body=None, feedId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Uploads a CssProductInput to your CSS Center account. If an input with the same contentLanguage, identity, feedLabel and feedId already exists, this method replaces that entry. After inserting, updating, or deleting a CSS Product input, it may take several minutes before the processed CSS Product can be retrieved.

  parent: string, Required. The account where this CSS Product will be inserted. Format: accounts/{account} (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # This resource represents input data you submit for a CSS Product, not the processed CSS Product that you see in CSS Center, in Shopping Ads, or across Google surfaces.
  "attributes": { # Attributes for CSS Product. # A list of CSS Product attributes.
    "additionalImageLinks": [ # Additional URL of images of the item.
      "A String",
    "adult": True or False, # Set to true if the item is targeted towards adults.
    "ageGroup": "A String", # Target age group of the item.
    "brand": "A String", # Product Related Attributes.[14-36] Brand of the item.
    "certifications": [ # A list of certificates claimed by the CSS for the given product.
      { # The certification for the product. Use the this attribute to describe certifications, such as energy efficiency ratings, associated with a product.
        "authority": "A String", # The authority or certification body responsible for issuing the certification. At this time, the most common value is "EC" or “European_Commission” for energy labels in the EU.
        "code": "A String", # The code of the certification. For example, for the EPREL certificate with the link https://eprel.ec.europa.eu/screen/product/dishwashers2019/123456 the code is 123456. The code is required for European Energy Labels.
        "name": "A String", # The name of the certification. At this time, the most common value is "EPREL", which represents energy efficiency certifications in the EU European Registry for Energy Labeling (EPREL) database.
    "color": "A String", # Color of the item.
    "cppAdsRedirect": "A String", # Allows advertisers to override the item URL when the product is shown within the context of Product Ads.
    "cppLink": "A String", # URL directly linking to your the Product Detail Page of the CSS.
    "cppMobileLink": "A String", # URL for the mobile-optimized version of the Product Detail Page of the CSS.
    "customLabel0": "A String", # Custom label 0 for custom grouping of items in a Shopping campaign.
    "customLabel1": "A String", # Custom label 1 for custom grouping of items in a Shopping campaign.
    "customLabel2": "A String", # Custom label 2 for custom grouping of items in a Shopping campaign.
    "customLabel3": "A String", # Custom label 3 for custom grouping of items in a Shopping campaign.
    "customLabel4": "A String", # Custom label 4 for custom grouping of items in a Shopping campaign.
    "description": "A String", # Description of the item.
    "excludedDestinations": [ # The list of destinations to exclude for this target (corresponds to unchecked check boxes in Merchant Center).
      "A String",
    "expirationDate": "A String", # Date on which the item should expire, as specified upon insertion, in [ISO 8601](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) format. The actual expiration date is exposed in `productstatuses` as [googleExpirationDate](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324499) and might be earlier if `expirationDate` is too far in the future. Note: It may take 2+ days from the expiration date for the item to actually get deleted.
    "gender": "A String", # Target gender of the item.
    "googleProductCategory": "A String", # Google's category of the item (see [Google product taxonomy](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/1705911)). When querying products, this field will contain the user provided value. There is currently no way to get back the auto assigned google product categories through the API.
    "gtin": "A String", # Global Trade Item Number ([GTIN](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/188494#gtin)) of the item.
    "headlineOfferCondition": "A String", # Condition of the headline offer.
    "headlineOfferInstallment": { # A message that represents installment. # Number and amount of installments to pay for an item.
      "amount": { # The price represented as a number and currency. # The amount the buyer has to pay per month.
        "amountMicros": "A String", # The price represented as a number in micros (1 million micros is an equivalent to one's currency standard unit, for example, 1 USD = 1000000 micros).
        "currencyCode": "A String", # The currency of the price using three-letter acronyms according to [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
      "downpayment": { # The price represented as a number and currency. # The up-front down payment amount the buyer has to pay.
        "amountMicros": "A String", # The price represented as a number in micros (1 million micros is an equivalent to one's currency standard unit, for example, 1 USD = 1000000 micros).
        "currencyCode": "A String", # The currency of the price using three-letter acronyms according to [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
      "months": "A String", # The number of installments the buyer has to pay.
    "headlineOfferLink": "A String", # Link to the headline offer.
    "headlineOfferMobileLink": "A String", # Mobile Link to the headline offer.
    "headlineOfferPrice": { # The price represented as a number and currency. # Headline Price of the aggregate offer.
      "amountMicros": "A String", # The price represented as a number in micros (1 million micros is an equivalent to one's currency standard unit, for example, 1 USD = 1000000 micros).
      "currencyCode": "A String", # The currency of the price using three-letter acronyms according to [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
    "headlineOfferShippingPrice": { # The price represented as a number and currency. # Headline Price of the aggregate offer.
      "amountMicros": "A String", # The price represented as a number in micros (1 million micros is an equivalent to one's currency standard unit, for example, 1 USD = 1000000 micros).
      "currencyCode": "A String", # The currency of the price using three-letter acronyms according to [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
    "headlineOfferSubscriptionCost": { # The SubscriptionCost of the product. # Number of periods (months or years) and amount of payment per period for an item with an associated subscription contract.
      "amount": { # The price represented as a number and currency. # The amount the buyer has to pay per subscription period.
        "amountMicros": "A String", # The price represented as a number in micros (1 million micros is an equivalent to one's currency standard unit, for example, 1 USD = 1000000 micros).
        "currencyCode": "A String", # The currency of the price using three-letter acronyms according to [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
      "period": "A String", # The type of subscription period. Supported values are: * "`month`" * "`year`"
      "periodLength": "A String", # The number of subscription periods the buyer has to pay.
    "highPrice": { # The price represented as a number and currency. # High Price of the aggregate offer.
      "amountMicros": "A String", # The price represented as a number in micros (1 million micros is an equivalent to one's currency standard unit, for example, 1 USD = 1000000 micros).
      "currencyCode": "A String", # The currency of the price using three-letter acronyms according to [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
    "imageLink": "A String", # URL of an image of the item.
    "includedDestinations": [ # The list of destinations to include for this target (corresponds to checked check boxes in Merchant Center). Default destinations are always included unless provided in `excludedDestinations`.
      "A String",
    "isBundle": True or False, # Whether the item is a merchant-defined bundle. A bundle is a custom grouping of different products sold by a merchant for a single price.
    "itemGroupId": "A String", # Shared identifier for all variants of the same product.
    "lowPrice": { # The price represented as a number and currency. # Low Price of the aggregate offer.
      "amountMicros": "A String", # The price represented as a number in micros (1 million micros is an equivalent to one's currency standard unit, for example, 1 USD = 1000000 micros).
      "currencyCode": "A String", # The currency of the price using three-letter acronyms according to [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
    "material": "A String", # The material of which the item is made.
    "mpn": "A String", # Manufacturer Part Number ([MPN](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/188494#mpn)) of the item.
    "multipack": "A String", # The number of identical products in a merchant-defined multipack.
    "numberOfOffers": "A String", # The number of aggregate offers.
    "pattern": "A String", # The item's pattern (e.g. polka dots).
    "pause": "A String", # Publication of this item will be temporarily paused.
    "productDetails": [ # Technical specification or additional product details.
      { # The product details.
        "attributeName": "A String", # The name of the product detail.
        "attributeValue": "A String", # The value of the product detail.
        "sectionName": "A String", # The section header used to group a set of product details.
    "productHeight": { # The dimension of the product. # The height of the product in the units provided. The value must be between 0 (exclusive) and 3000 (inclusive).
      "unit": "A String", # Required. The dimension units. Acceptable values are: * "`in`" * "`cm`"
      "value": 3.14, # Required. The dimension value represented as a number. The value can have a maximum precision of four decimal places.
    "productHighlights": [ # Bullet points describing the most relevant highlights of a product.
      "A String",
    "productLength": { # The dimension of the product. # The length of the product in the units provided. The value must be between 0 (exclusive) and 3000 (inclusive).
      "unit": "A String", # Required. The dimension units. Acceptable values are: * "`in`" * "`cm`"
      "value": 3.14, # Required. The dimension value represented as a number. The value can have a maximum precision of four decimal places.
    "productTypes": [ # Categories of the item (formatted as in [products data specification](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324406)).
      "A String",
    "productWeight": { # The weight of the product. # The weight of the product in the units provided. The value must be between 0 (exclusive) and 2000 (inclusive).
      "unit": "A String", # Required. The weight unit. Acceptable values are: * "`g`" * "`kg`" * "`oz`" * "`lb`"
      "value": 3.14, # Required. The weight represented as a number. The weight can have a maximum precision of four decimal places.
    "productWidth": { # The dimension of the product. # The width of the product in the units provided. The value must be between 0 (exclusive) and 3000 (inclusive).
      "unit": "A String", # Required. The dimension units. Acceptable values are: * "`in`" * "`cm`"
      "value": 3.14, # Required. The dimension value represented as a number. The value can have a maximum precision of four decimal places.
    "size": "A String", # Size of the item. Only one value is allowed. For variants with different sizes, insert a separate product for each size with the same `itemGroupId` value (see [https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324492](size definition)).
    "sizeSystem": "A String", # System in which the size is specified. Recommended for apparel items.
    "sizeTypes": [ # The cut of the item. It can be used to represent combined size types for apparel items. Maximum two of size types can be provided (see [https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324497](size type)).
      "A String",
    "title": "A String", # Title of the item.
  "contentLanguage": "A String", # Required. The two-letter [ISO 639-1](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1) language code for the CSS Product.
  "customAttributes": [ # A list of custom (CSS-provided) attributes. It can also be used for submitting any attribute of the feed specification in its generic form (for example: `{ "name": "size type", "value": "regular" }`). This is useful for submitting attributes not explicitly exposed by the API, such as additional attributes used for Buy on Google.
    { # A message that represents custom attributes. Exactly one of `value` or `group_values` must not be empty.
      "groupValues": [ # Subattributes within this attribute group. If `group_values` is not empty, `value` must be empty.
        # Object with schema name: CustomAttribute
      "name": "A String", # The name of the attribute.
      "value": "A String", # The value of the attribute. If `value` is not empty, `group_values` must be empty.
  "feedLabel": "A String", # Required. The [feed label](https://developers.google.com/shopping-content/guides/products/feed-labels) for the CSS Product. Feed Label is synonymous to "target country" and hence should always be a valid region code. For example: 'DE' for Germany, 'FR' for France.
  "finalName": "A String", # Output only. The name of the processed CSS Product. Format: `accounts/{account}/cssProducts/{css_product}` "
  "freshnessTime": "A String", # Represents the existing version (freshness) of the CSS Product, which can be used to preserve the right order when multiple updates are done at the same time. This field must not be set to the future time. If set, the update is prevented if a newer version of the item already exists in our system (that is the last update time of the existing CSS products is later than the freshness time set in the update). If the update happens, the last update time is then set to this freshness time. If not set, the update will not be prevented and the last update time will default to when this request was received by the CSS API. If the operation is prevented, the aborted exception will be thrown.
  "name": "A String", # The name of the CSS Product input. Format: `accounts/{account}/cssProductInputs/{css_product_input}`
  "rawProvidedId": "A String", # Required. Your unique identifier for the CSS Product. This is the same for the CSS Product input and processed CSS Product. We only allow ids with alphanumerics, underscores and dashes. See the [products feed specification](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/188494#id) for details.

  feedId: string, Required. The primary or supplemental feed id. If CSS Product already exists and feed id provided is different, then the CSS Product will be moved to a new feed. Note: For now, CSSs do not need to provide feed ids as we create feeds on the fly. We do not have supplemental feed support for CSS Products yet.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # This resource represents input data you submit for a CSS Product, not the processed CSS Product that you see in CSS Center, in Shopping Ads, or across Google surfaces.
  "attributes": { # Attributes for CSS Product. # A list of CSS Product attributes.
    "additionalImageLinks": [ # Additional URL of images of the item.
      "A String",
    "adult": True or False, # Set to true if the item is targeted towards adults.
    "ageGroup": "A String", # Target age group of the item.
    "brand": "A String", # Product Related Attributes.[14-36] Brand of the item.
    "certifications": [ # A list of certificates claimed by the CSS for the given product.
      { # The certification for the product. Use the this attribute to describe certifications, such as energy efficiency ratings, associated with a product.
        "authority": "A String", # The authority or certification body responsible for issuing the certification. At this time, the most common value is "EC" or “European_Commission” for energy labels in the EU.
        "code": "A String", # The code of the certification. For example, for the EPREL certificate with the link https://eprel.ec.europa.eu/screen/product/dishwashers2019/123456 the code is 123456. The code is required for European Energy Labels.
        "name": "A String", # The name of the certification. At this time, the most common value is "EPREL", which represents energy efficiency certifications in the EU European Registry for Energy Labeling (EPREL) database.
    "color": "A String", # Color of the item.
    "cppAdsRedirect": "A String", # Allows advertisers to override the item URL when the product is shown within the context of Product Ads.
    "cppLink": "A String", # URL directly linking to your the Product Detail Page of the CSS.
    "cppMobileLink": "A String", # URL for the mobile-optimized version of the Product Detail Page of the CSS.
    "customLabel0": "A String", # Custom label 0 for custom grouping of items in a Shopping campaign.
    "customLabel1": "A String", # Custom label 1 for custom grouping of items in a Shopping campaign.
    "customLabel2": "A String", # Custom label 2 for custom grouping of items in a Shopping campaign.
    "customLabel3": "A String", # Custom label 3 for custom grouping of items in a Shopping campaign.
    "customLabel4": "A String", # Custom label 4 for custom grouping of items in a Shopping campaign.
    "description": "A String", # Description of the item.
    "excludedDestinations": [ # The list of destinations to exclude for this target (corresponds to unchecked check boxes in Merchant Center).
      "A String",
    "expirationDate": "A String", # Date on which the item should expire, as specified upon insertion, in [ISO 8601](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) format. The actual expiration date is exposed in `productstatuses` as [googleExpirationDate](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324499) and might be earlier if `expirationDate` is too far in the future. Note: It may take 2+ days from the expiration date for the item to actually get deleted.
    "gender": "A String", # Target gender of the item.
    "googleProductCategory": "A String", # Google's category of the item (see [Google product taxonomy](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/1705911)). When querying products, this field will contain the user provided value. There is currently no way to get back the auto assigned google product categories through the API.
    "gtin": "A String", # Global Trade Item Number ([GTIN](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/188494#gtin)) of the item.
    "headlineOfferCondition": "A String", # Condition of the headline offer.
    "headlineOfferInstallment": { # A message that represents installment. # Number and amount of installments to pay for an item.
      "amount": { # The price represented as a number and currency. # The amount the buyer has to pay per month.
        "amountMicros": "A String", # The price represented as a number in micros (1 million micros is an equivalent to one's currency standard unit, for example, 1 USD = 1000000 micros).
        "currencyCode": "A String", # The currency of the price using three-letter acronyms according to [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
      "downpayment": { # The price represented as a number and currency. # The up-front down payment amount the buyer has to pay.
        "amountMicros": "A String", # The price represented as a number in micros (1 million micros is an equivalent to one's currency standard unit, for example, 1 USD = 1000000 micros).
        "currencyCode": "A String", # The currency of the price using three-letter acronyms according to [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
      "months": "A String", # The number of installments the buyer has to pay.
    "headlineOfferLink": "A String", # Link to the headline offer.
    "headlineOfferMobileLink": "A String", # Mobile Link to the headline offer.
    "headlineOfferPrice": { # The price represented as a number and currency. # Headline Price of the aggregate offer.
      "amountMicros": "A String", # The price represented as a number in micros (1 million micros is an equivalent to one's currency standard unit, for example, 1 USD = 1000000 micros).
      "currencyCode": "A String", # The currency of the price using three-letter acronyms according to [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
    "headlineOfferShippingPrice": { # The price represented as a number and currency. # Headline Price of the aggregate offer.
      "amountMicros": "A String", # The price represented as a number in micros (1 million micros is an equivalent to one's currency standard unit, for example, 1 USD = 1000000 micros).
      "currencyCode": "A String", # The currency of the price using three-letter acronyms according to [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
    "headlineOfferSubscriptionCost": { # The SubscriptionCost of the product. # Number of periods (months or years) and amount of payment per period for an item with an associated subscription contract.
      "amount": { # The price represented as a number and currency. # The amount the buyer has to pay per subscription period.
        "amountMicros": "A String", # The price represented as a number in micros (1 million micros is an equivalent to one's currency standard unit, for example, 1 USD = 1000000 micros).
        "currencyCode": "A String", # The currency of the price using three-letter acronyms according to [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
      "period": "A String", # The type of subscription period. Supported values are: * "`month`" * "`year`"
      "periodLength": "A String", # The number of subscription periods the buyer has to pay.
    "highPrice": { # The price represented as a number and currency. # High Price of the aggregate offer.
      "amountMicros": "A String", # The price represented as a number in micros (1 million micros is an equivalent to one's currency standard unit, for example, 1 USD = 1000000 micros).
      "currencyCode": "A String", # The currency of the price using three-letter acronyms according to [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
    "imageLink": "A String", # URL of an image of the item.
    "includedDestinations": [ # The list of destinations to include for this target (corresponds to checked check boxes in Merchant Center). Default destinations are always included unless provided in `excludedDestinations`.
      "A String",
    "isBundle": True or False, # Whether the item is a merchant-defined bundle. A bundle is a custom grouping of different products sold by a merchant for a single price.
    "itemGroupId": "A String", # Shared identifier for all variants of the same product.
    "lowPrice": { # The price represented as a number and currency. # Low Price of the aggregate offer.
      "amountMicros": "A String", # The price represented as a number in micros (1 million micros is an equivalent to one's currency standard unit, for example, 1 USD = 1000000 micros).
      "currencyCode": "A String", # The currency of the price using three-letter acronyms according to [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
    "material": "A String", # The material of which the item is made.
    "mpn": "A String", # Manufacturer Part Number ([MPN](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/188494#mpn)) of the item.
    "multipack": "A String", # The number of identical products in a merchant-defined multipack.
    "numberOfOffers": "A String", # The number of aggregate offers.
    "pattern": "A String", # The item's pattern (e.g. polka dots).
    "pause": "A String", # Publication of this item will be temporarily paused.
    "productDetails": [ # Technical specification or additional product details.
      { # The product details.
        "attributeName": "A String", # The name of the product detail.
        "attributeValue": "A String", # The value of the product detail.
        "sectionName": "A String", # The section header used to group a set of product details.
    "productHeight": { # The dimension of the product. # The height of the product in the units provided. The value must be between 0 (exclusive) and 3000 (inclusive).
      "unit": "A String", # Required. The dimension units. Acceptable values are: * "`in`" * "`cm`"
      "value": 3.14, # Required. The dimension value represented as a number. The value can have a maximum precision of four decimal places.
    "productHighlights": [ # Bullet points describing the most relevant highlights of a product.
      "A String",
    "productLength": { # The dimension of the product. # The length of the product in the units provided. The value must be between 0 (exclusive) and 3000 (inclusive).
      "unit": "A String", # Required. The dimension units. Acceptable values are: * "`in`" * "`cm`"
      "value": 3.14, # Required. The dimension value represented as a number. The value can have a maximum precision of four decimal places.
    "productTypes": [ # Categories of the item (formatted as in [products data specification](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324406)).
      "A String",
    "productWeight": { # The weight of the product. # The weight of the product in the units provided. The value must be between 0 (exclusive) and 2000 (inclusive).
      "unit": "A String", # Required. The weight unit. Acceptable values are: * "`g`" * "`kg`" * "`oz`" * "`lb`"
      "value": 3.14, # Required. The weight represented as a number. The weight can have a maximum precision of four decimal places.
    "productWidth": { # The dimension of the product. # The width of the product in the units provided. The value must be between 0 (exclusive) and 3000 (inclusive).
      "unit": "A String", # Required. The dimension units. Acceptable values are: * "`in`" * "`cm`"
      "value": 3.14, # Required. The dimension value represented as a number. The value can have a maximum precision of four decimal places.
    "size": "A String", # Size of the item. Only one value is allowed. For variants with different sizes, insert a separate product for each size with the same `itemGroupId` value (see [https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324492](size definition)).
    "sizeSystem": "A String", # System in which the size is specified. Recommended for apparel items.
    "sizeTypes": [ # The cut of the item. It can be used to represent combined size types for apparel items. Maximum two of size types can be provided (see [https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324497](size type)).
      "A String",
    "title": "A String", # Title of the item.
  "contentLanguage": "A String", # Required. The two-letter [ISO 639-1](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1) language code for the CSS Product.
  "customAttributes": [ # A list of custom (CSS-provided) attributes. It can also be used for submitting any attribute of the feed specification in its generic form (for example: `{ "name": "size type", "value": "regular" }`). This is useful for submitting attributes not explicitly exposed by the API, such as additional attributes used for Buy on Google.
    { # A message that represents custom attributes. Exactly one of `value` or `group_values` must not be empty.
      "groupValues": [ # Subattributes within this attribute group. If `group_values` is not empty, `value` must be empty.
        # Object with schema name: CustomAttribute
      "name": "A String", # The name of the attribute.
      "value": "A String", # The value of the attribute. If `value` is not empty, `group_values` must be empty.
  "feedLabel": "A String", # Required. The [feed label](https://developers.google.com/shopping-content/guides/products/feed-labels) for the CSS Product. Feed Label is synonymous to "target country" and hence should always be a valid region code. For example: 'DE' for Germany, 'FR' for France.
  "finalName": "A String", # Output only. The name of the processed CSS Product. Format: `accounts/{account}/cssProducts/{css_product}` "
  "freshnessTime": "A String", # Represents the existing version (freshness) of the CSS Product, which can be used to preserve the right order when multiple updates are done at the same time. This field must not be set to the future time. If set, the update is prevented if a newer version of the item already exists in our system (that is the last update time of the existing CSS products is later than the freshness time set in the update). If the update happens, the last update time is then set to this freshness time. If not set, the update will not be prevented and the last update time will default to when this request was received by the CSS API. If the operation is prevented, the aborted exception will be thrown.
  "name": "A String", # The name of the CSS Product input. Format: `accounts/{account}/cssProductInputs/{css_product_input}`
  "rawProvidedId": "A String", # Required. Your unique identifier for the CSS Product. This is the same for the CSS Product input and processed CSS Product. We only allow ids with alphanumerics, underscores and dashes. See the [products feed specification](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/188494#id) for details.