access(name, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain high level information corresponding to a single Spark Application.
accessEnvironmentInfo(name, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain environment details for a Spark Application
accessJob(name, jobId=None, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain data corresponding to a spark job for a Spark Application.
accessSqlPlan(name, executionId=None, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain Spark Plan Graph for a Spark Application SQL execution. Limits the number of clusters returned as part of the graph to 10000.
Obtain data corresponding to a particular SQL Query for a Spark Application.
Obtain data corresponding to a spark stage attempt for a Spark Application.
accessStageRddGraph(name, parent=None, stageId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain RDD operation graph for a Spark Application Stage. Limits the number of clusters returned as part of the graph to 10000.
Close httplib2 connections.
Obtain high level information and list of Spark Applications corresponding to a batch
Obtain executor summary with respect to a spark stage attempt.
Retrieves the next page of results.
Obtain data corresponding to executors for a Spark Application.
Retrieves the next page of results.
searchJobs(name, jobStatus=None, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain list of spark jobs corresponding to a Spark Application.
Retrieves the next page of results.
Obtain data corresponding to SQL Queries for a Spark Application.
Retrieves the next page of results.
Obtain data corresponding to tasks for a spark stage attempt for a Spark Application.
Retrieves the next page of results.
Obtain data corresponding to a spark stage attempts for a Spark Application.
Retrieves the next page of results.
Obtain data corresponding to stages for a Spark Application.
Retrieves the next page of results.
Retrieves the next page of results.
summarizeExecutors(name, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain summary of Executor Summary for a Spark Application
summarizeJobs(name, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain summary of Jobs for a Spark Application
summarizeStageAttemptTasks(name, parent=None, stageAttemptId=None, stageId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain summary of Tasks for a Spark Application Stage Attempt
summarizeStages(name, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain summary of Stages for a Spark Application
write(name, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Write wrapper objects from dataplane to spanner
access(name, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain high level information corresponding to a single Spark Application. Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # A summary of Spark Application "application": { # High level information corresponding to an application. # Output only. High level information corresponding to an application. "applicationContextIngestionStatus": "A String", "applicationId": "A String", "attempts": [ { # Specific attempt of an application. "appSparkVersion": "A String", "attemptId": "A String", "completed": True or False, "durationMillis": "A String", "endTime": "A String", "lastUpdated": "A String", "sparkUser": "A String", "startTime": "A String", }, ], "coresGranted": 42, "coresPerExecutor": 42, "maxCores": 42, "memoryPerExecutorMb": 42, "name": "A String", "quantileDataStatus": "A String", }, }
accessEnvironmentInfo(name, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain environment details for a Spark Application Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # Environment details of a Saprk Application. "applicationEnvironmentInfo": { # Details about the Environment that the application is running in. # Details about the Environment that the application is running in. "classpathEntries": { "a_key": "A String", }, "hadoopProperties": { "a_key": "A String", }, "metricsProperties": { "a_key": "A String", }, "resourceProfiles": [ { # Resource profile that contains information about all the resources required by executors and tasks. "executorResources": { "a_key": { # Resources used per executor used by the application. "amount": "A String", "discoveryScript": "A String", "resourceName": "A String", "vendor": "A String", }, }, "resourceProfileId": 42, "taskResources": { "a_key": { # Resources used per task created by the application. "amount": 3.14, "resourceName": "A String", }, }, }, ], "runtime": { "javaHome": "A String", "javaVersion": "A String", "scalaVersion": "A String", }, "sparkProperties": { "a_key": "A String", }, "systemProperties": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, }
accessJob(name, jobId=None, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain data corresponding to a spark job for a Spark Application. Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) jobId: string, Required. Job ID to fetch data for. parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # Details of a particular job associated with Spark Application "jobData": { # Data corresponding to a spark job. # Output only. Data corresponding to a spark job. "completionTime": "A String", "description": "A String", "jobGroup": "A String", "jobId": "A String", "killTasksSummary": { "a_key": 42, }, "name": "A String", "numActiveStages": 42, "numActiveTasks": 42, "numCompletedIndices": 42, "numCompletedStages": 42, "numCompletedTasks": 42, "numFailedStages": 42, "numFailedTasks": 42, "numKilledTasks": 42, "numSkippedStages": 42, "numSkippedTasks": 42, "numTasks": 42, "skippedStages": [ 42, ], "sqlExecutionId": "A String", "stageIds": [ "A String", ], "status": "A String", "submissionTime": "A String", }, }
accessSqlPlan(name, executionId=None, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain Spark Plan Graph for a Spark Application SQL execution. Limits the number of clusters returned as part of the graph to 10000. Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) executionId: string, Required. Execution ID parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # SparkPlanGraph for a Spark Application execution limited to maximum 10000 clusters. "sparkPlanGraph": { # A graph used for storing information of an executionPlan of DataFrame. # SparkPlanGraph for a Spark Application execution. "edges": [ { # Represents a directed edge in the spark plan tree from child to parent. "fromId": "A String", "toId": "A String", }, ], "executionId": "A String", "nodes": [ { # Wrapper user to represent either a node or a cluster. "cluster": { # Represents a tree of spark plan. "desc": "A String", "metrics": [ { # Metrics related to SQL execution. "accumulatorId": "A String", "metricType": "A String", "name": "A String", }, ], "name": "A String", "nodes": [ # Object with schema name: SparkPlanGraphNodeWrapper ], "sparkPlanGraphClusterId": "A String", }, "node": { # Represents a node in the spark plan tree. "desc": "A String", "metrics": [ { # Metrics related to SQL execution. "accumulatorId": "A String", "metricType": "A String", "name": "A String", }, ], "name": "A String", "sparkPlanGraphNodeId": "A String", }, }, ], }, }
accessSqlQuery(name, details=None, executionId=None, parent=None, planDescription=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain data corresponding to a particular SQL Query for a Spark Application. Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) details: boolean, Optional. Lists/ hides details of Spark plan nodes. True is set to list and false to hide. executionId: string, Required. Execution ID parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. planDescription: boolean, Optional. Enables/ disables physical plan description on demand x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # Details of a query for a Spark Application "executionData": { # SQL Execution Data # SQL Execution Data "completionTime": "A String", "description": "A String", "details": "A String", "errorMessage": "A String", "executionId": "A String", "jobs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "metricValues": { "a_key": "A String", }, "metricValuesIsNull": True or False, "metrics": [ { # Metrics related to SQL execution. "accumulatorId": "A String", "metricType": "A String", "name": "A String", }, ], "modifiedConfigs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "physicalPlanDescription": "A String", "rootExecutionId": "A String", "stages": [ "A String", ], "submissionTime": "A String", }, }
accessStageAttempt(name, parent=None, stageAttemptId=None, stageId=None, summaryMetricsMask=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain data corresponding to a spark stage attempt for a Spark Application. Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. stageAttemptId: integer, Required. Stage Attempt ID stageId: string, Required. Stage ID summaryMetricsMask: string, Optional. The list of summary metrics fields to include. Empty list will default to skip all summary metrics fields. Example, if the response should include TaskQuantileMetrics, the request should have task_quantile_metrics in summary_metrics_mask field x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # Stage Attempt for a Stage of a Spark Application "stageData": { # Data corresponding to a stage. # Output only. Data corresponding to a stage. "accumulatorUpdates": [ { "accumullableInfoId": "A String", "name": "A String", "update": "A String", "value": "A String", }, ], "completionTime": "A String", "description": "A String", "details": "A String", "executorMetricsDistributions": { "diskBytesSpilled": [ 3.14, ], "failedTasks": [ 3.14, ], "inputBytes": [ 3.14, ], "inputRecords": [ 3.14, ], "killedTasks": [ 3.14, ], "memoryBytesSpilled": [ 3.14, ], "outputBytes": [ 3.14, ], "outputRecords": [ 3.14, ], "peakMemoryMetrics": { "executorMetrics": [ { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, ], "quantiles": [ 3.14, ], }, "quantiles": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleRead": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleReadRecords": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleWrite": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleWriteRecords": [ 3.14, ], "succeededTasks": [ 3.14, ], "taskTimeMillis": [ 3.14, ], }, "executorSummary": { "a_key": { # Executor resources consumed by a stage. "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorId": "A String", "failedTasks": 42, "inputBytes": "A String", "inputRecords": "A String", "isExcludedForStage": True or False, "killedTasks": 42, "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "outputBytes": "A String", "outputRecords": "A String", "peakMemoryMetrics": { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, "shuffleRead": "A String", "shuffleReadRecords": "A String", "shuffleWrite": "A String", "shuffleWriteRecords": "A String", "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "succeededTasks": 42, "taskTimeMillis": "A String", }, }, "failureReason": "A String", "firstTaskLaunchedTime": "A String", "isShufflePushEnabled": True or False, "jobIds": [ "A String", ], "killedTasksSummary": { "a_key": 42, }, "locality": { "a_key": "A String", }, "name": "A String", "numActiveTasks": 42, "numCompleteTasks": 42, "numCompletedIndices": 42, "numFailedTasks": 42, "numKilledTasks": 42, "numTasks": 42, "parentStageIds": [ "A String", ], "peakExecutorMetrics": { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, "rddIds": [ "A String", ], "resourceProfileId": 42, "schedulingPool": "A String", "shuffleMergersCount": 42, "speculationSummary": { # Details of the speculation task when speculative execution is enabled. "numActiveTasks": 42, "numCompletedTasks": 42, "numFailedTasks": 42, "numKilledTasks": 42, "numTasks": 42, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", }, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "stageMetrics": { # Stage Level Aggregated Metrics "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeTimeMillis": "A String", "executorRunTimeMillis": "A String", "jvmGcTimeMillis": "A String", "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "peakExecutionMemoryBytes": "A String", "resultSerializationTimeMillis": "A String", "resultSize": "A String", "stageInputMetrics": { # Metrics about the input read by the stage. "bytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", }, "stageOutputMetrics": { # Metrics about the output written by the stage. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", }, "stageShuffleReadMetrics": { # Shuffle data read for the stage. "bytesRead": "A String", "fetchWaitTimeMillis": "A String", "localBlocksFetched": "A String", "localBytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", "remoteBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteBytesRead": "A String", "remoteBytesReadToDisk": "A String", "remoteReqsDuration": "A String", "stageShufflePushReadMetrics": { "corruptMergedBlockChunks": "A String", "localMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "localMergedBytesRead": "A String", "localMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "mergedFetchFallbackCount": "A String", "remoteMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedBytesRead": "A String", "remoteMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedReqsDuration": "A String", }, }, "stageShuffleWriteMetrics": { # Shuffle data written for the stage. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", "writeTimeNanos": "A String", }, }, "status": "A String", "submissionTime": "A String", "taskQuantileMetrics": { # Summary metrics fields. These are included in response only if present in summary_metrics_mask field in request "diskBytesSpilled": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "durationMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorCpuTimeNanos": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorDeserializeCpuTimeNanos": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorDeserializeTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorRunTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "gettingResultTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "inputMetrics": { "bytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "recordsRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "jvmGcTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "memoryBytesSpilled": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "outputMetrics": { "bytesWritten": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "recordsWritten": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "peakExecutionMemoryBytes": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "resultSerializationTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "resultSize": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "schedulerDelayMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "shuffleReadMetrics": { "fetchWaitTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "readBytes": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "readRecords": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteBytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteBytesReadToDisk": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteReqsDuration": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "shufflePushReadMetrics": { "corruptMergedBlockChunks": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localMergedBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localMergedBytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localMergedChunksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "mergedFetchFallbackCount": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedBytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedChunksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedReqsDuration": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "totalBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "shuffleWriteMetrics": { "writeBytes": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "writeRecords": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "writeTimeNanos": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, }, "tasks": { "a_key": { # Data corresponding to tasks created by spark. "accumulatorUpdates": [ { "accumullableInfoId": "A String", "name": "A String", "update": "A String", "value": "A String", }, ], "attempt": 42, "durationMillis": "A String", "errorMessage": "A String", "executorId": "A String", "executorLogs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "gettingResultTimeMillis": "A String", "hasMetrics": True or False, "host": "A String", "index": 42, "launchTime": "A String", "partitionId": 42, "resultFetchStart": "A String", "schedulerDelayMillis": "A String", "speculative": True or False, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "status": "A String", "taskId": "A String", "taskLocality": "A String", "taskMetrics": { # Executor Task Metrics "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeTimeMillis": "A String", "executorRunTimeMillis": "A String", "inputMetrics": { # Metrics about the input data read by the task. "bytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", }, "jvmGcTimeMillis": "A String", "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "outputMetrics": { # Metrics about the data written by the task. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", }, "peakExecutionMemoryBytes": "A String", "resultSerializationTimeMillis": "A String", "resultSize": "A String", "shuffleReadMetrics": { # Shuffle data read by the task. "fetchWaitTimeMillis": "A String", "localBlocksFetched": "A String", "localBytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", "remoteBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteBytesRead": "A String", "remoteBytesReadToDisk": "A String", "remoteReqsDuration": "A String", "shufflePushReadMetrics": { "corruptMergedBlockChunks": "A String", "localMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "localMergedBytesRead": "A String", "localMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "mergedFetchFallbackCount": "A String", "remoteMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedBytesRead": "A String", "remoteMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedReqsDuration": "A String", }, }, "shuffleWriteMetrics": { # Shuffle data written by task. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", "writeTimeNanos": "A String", }, }, }, }, }, }
accessStageRddGraph(name, parent=None, stageId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain RDD operation graph for a Spark Application Stage. Limits the number of clusters returned as part of the graph to 10000. Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. stageId: string, Required. Stage ID x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # RDD operation graph for a Spark Application Stage limited to maximum 10000 clusters. "rddOperationGraph": { # Graph representing RDD dependencies. Consists of edges and a root cluster. # RDD operation graph for a Spark Application Stage. "edges": [ { # A directed edge representing dependency between two RDDs. "fromId": 42, "toId": 42, }, ], "incomingEdges": [ { # A directed edge representing dependency between two RDDs. "fromId": 42, "toId": 42, }, ], "outgoingEdges": [ { # A directed edge representing dependency between two RDDs. "fromId": 42, "toId": 42, }, ], "rootCluster": { # A grouping of nodes representing higher level constructs (stage, job etc.). "childClusters": [ # Object with schema name: RddOperationCluster ], "childNodes": [ { # A node in the RDD operation graph. Corresponds to a single RDD. "barrier": True or False, "cached": True or False, "callsite": "A String", "name": "A String", "nodeId": 42, "outputDeterministicLevel": "A String", }, ], "name": "A String", "rddClusterId": "A String", }, "stageId": "A String", }, }
Close httplib2 connections.
search(parent, applicationStatus=None, maxEndTime=None, maxTime=None, minEndTime=None, minTime=None, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain high level information and list of Spark Applications corresponding to a batch Args: parent: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID" (required) applicationStatus: string, Optional. Search only applications in the chosen state. Allowed values APPLICATION_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED - APPLICATION_STATUS_RUNNING - APPLICATION_STATUS_COMPLETED - maxEndTime: string, Optional. Latest end timestamp to list. maxTime: string, Optional. Latest start timestamp to list. minEndTime: string, Optional. Earliest end timestamp to list. minTime: string, Optional. Earliest start timestamp to list. pageSize: integer, Optional. Maximum number of applications to return in each response. The service may return fewer than this. The default page size is 10; the maximum page size is 100. pageToken: string, Optional. A page token received from a previous SearchSessionSparkApplications call. Provide this token to retrieve the subsequent page. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # A list of summary of Spark Applications "nextPageToken": "A String", # This token is included in the response if there are more results to fetch. To fetch additional results, provide this value as the page_token in a subsequent SearchSessionSparkApplicationsRequest. "sparkApplications": [ # Output only. High level information corresponding to an application. { # A summary of Spark Application "application": { # High level information corresponding to an application. # Output only. High level information corresponding to an application. "applicationContextIngestionStatus": "A String", "applicationId": "A String", "attempts": [ { # Specific attempt of an application. "appSparkVersion": "A String", "attemptId": "A String", "completed": True or False, "durationMillis": "A String", "endTime": "A String", "lastUpdated": "A String", "sparkUser": "A String", "startTime": "A String", }, ], "coresGranted": 42, "coresPerExecutor": 42, "maxCores": 42, "memoryPerExecutorMb": 42, "name": "A String", "quantileDataStatus": "A String", }, "name": "A String", # Identifier. Name of the spark application }, ], }
searchExecutorStageSummary(name, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, parent=None, stageAttemptId=None, stageId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain executor summary with respect to a spark stage attempt. Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) pageSize: integer, Optional. Maximum number of executors to return in each response. The service may return fewer than this. The default page size is 10; the maximum page size is 100. pageToken: string, Optional. A page token received from a previous SearchSessionSparkApplicationExecutorStageSummary call. Provide this token to retrieve the subsequent page. parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. stageAttemptId: integer, Required. Stage Attempt ID stageId: string, Required. Stage ID x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # List of Executors associated with a Spark Application Stage. "nextPageToken": "A String", # This token is included in the response if there are more results to fetch. To fetch additional results, provide this value as the page_token in a subsequent SearchSessionSparkApplicationExecutorStageSummaryRequest. "sparkApplicationStageExecutors": [ # Details about executors used by the application stage. { # Executor resources consumed by a stage. "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorId": "A String", "failedTasks": 42, "inputBytes": "A String", "inputRecords": "A String", "isExcludedForStage": True or False, "killedTasks": 42, "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "outputBytes": "A String", "outputRecords": "A String", "peakMemoryMetrics": { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, "shuffleRead": "A String", "shuffleReadRecords": "A String", "shuffleWrite": "A String", "shuffleWriteRecords": "A String", "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "succeededTasks": 42, "taskTimeMillis": "A String", }, ], }
Retrieves the next page of results. Args: previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required) previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required) Returns: A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
searchExecutors(name, executorStatus=None, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain data corresponding to executors for a Spark Application. Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) executorStatus: string, Optional. Filter to select whether active/ dead or all executors should be selected. Allowed values EXECUTOR_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED - EXECUTOR_STATUS_ACTIVE - EXECUTOR_STATUS_DEAD - pageSize: integer, Optional. Maximum number of executors to return in each response. The service may return fewer than this. The default page size is 10; the maximum page size is 100. pageToken: string, Optional. A page token received from a previous SearchSessionSparkApplicationExecutors call. Provide this token to retrieve the subsequent page. parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # List of Executors associated with a Spark Application. "nextPageToken": "A String", # This token is included in the response if there are more results to fetch. To fetch additional results, provide this value as the page_token in a subsequent SearchSessionSparkApplicationExecutorsRequest. "sparkApplicationExecutors": [ # Details about executors used by the application. { # Details about executors used by the application. "activeTasks": 42, "addTime": "A String", "attributes": { "a_key": "A String", }, "completedTasks": 42, "diskUsed": "A String", "excludedInStages": [ "A String", ], "executorId": "A String", "executorLogs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "failedTasks": 42, "hostPort": "A String", "isActive": True or False, "isExcluded": True or False, "maxMemory": "A String", "maxTasks": 42, "memoryMetrics": { "totalOffHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "totalOnHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "usedOffHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "usedOnHeapStorageMemory": "A String", }, "memoryUsed": "A String", "peakMemoryMetrics": { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, "rddBlocks": 42, "removeReason": "A String", "removeTime": "A String", "resourceProfileId": 42, "resources": { "a_key": { "addresses": [ "A String", ], "name": "A String", }, }, "totalCores": 42, "totalDurationMillis": "A String", "totalGcTimeMillis": "A String", "totalInputBytes": "A String", "totalShuffleRead": "A String", "totalShuffleWrite": "A String", "totalTasks": 42, }, ], }
Retrieves the next page of results. Args: previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required) previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required) Returns: A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
searchJobs(name, jobStatus=None, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain list of spark jobs corresponding to a Spark Application. Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) jobStatus: string, Optional. List only jobs in the specific state. Allowed values JOB_EXECUTION_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED - JOB_EXECUTION_STATUS_RUNNING - JOB_EXECUTION_STATUS_SUCCEEDED - JOB_EXECUTION_STATUS_FAILED - JOB_EXECUTION_STATUS_UNKNOWN - pageSize: integer, Optional. Maximum number of jobs to return in each response. The service may return fewer than this. The default page size is 10; the maximum page size is 100. pageToken: string, Optional. A page token received from a previous SearchSessionSparkApplicationJobs call. Provide this token to retrieve the subsequent page. parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # A list of Jobs associated with a Spark Application. "nextPageToken": "A String", # This token is included in the response if there are more results to fetch. To fetch additional results, provide this value as the page_token in a subsequent SearchSessionSparkApplicationJobsRequest. "sparkApplicationJobs": [ # Output only. Data corresponding to a spark job. { # Data corresponding to a spark job. "completionTime": "A String", "description": "A String", "jobGroup": "A String", "jobId": "A String", "killTasksSummary": { "a_key": 42, }, "name": "A String", "numActiveStages": 42, "numActiveTasks": 42, "numCompletedIndices": 42, "numCompletedStages": 42, "numCompletedTasks": 42, "numFailedStages": 42, "numFailedTasks": 42, "numKilledTasks": 42, "numSkippedStages": 42, "numSkippedTasks": 42, "numTasks": 42, "skippedStages": [ 42, ], "sqlExecutionId": "A String", "stageIds": [ "A String", ], "status": "A String", "submissionTime": "A String", }, ], }
Retrieves the next page of results. Args: previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required) previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required) Returns: A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
searchSqlQueries(name, details=None, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, parent=None, planDescription=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain data corresponding to SQL Queries for a Spark Application. Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) details: boolean, Optional. Lists/ hides details of Spark plan nodes. True is set to list and false to hide. pageSize: integer, Optional. Maximum number of queries to return in each response. The service may return fewer than this. The default page size is 10; the maximum page size is 100. pageToken: string, Optional. A page token received from a previous SearchSessionSparkApplicationSqlQueries call. Provide this token to retrieve the subsequent page. parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. planDescription: boolean, Optional. Enables/ disables physical plan description on demand x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # List of all queries for a Spark Application. "nextPageToken": "A String", # This token is included in the response if there are more results to fetch. To fetch additional results, provide this value as the page_token in a subsequent SearchSessionSparkApplicationSqlQueriesRequest. "sparkApplicationSqlQueries": [ # Output only. SQL Execution Data { # SQL Execution Data "completionTime": "A String", "description": "A String", "details": "A String", "errorMessage": "A String", "executionId": "A String", "jobs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "metricValues": { "a_key": "A String", }, "metricValuesIsNull": True or False, "metrics": [ { # Metrics related to SQL execution. "accumulatorId": "A String", "metricType": "A String", "name": "A String", }, ], "modifiedConfigs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "physicalPlanDescription": "A String", "rootExecutionId": "A String", "stages": [ "A String", ], "submissionTime": "A String", }, ], }
Retrieves the next page of results. Args: previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required) previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required) Returns: A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
searchStageAttemptTasks(name, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, parent=None, sortRuntime=None, stageAttemptId=None, stageId=None, taskStatus=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain data corresponding to tasks for a spark stage attempt for a Spark Application. Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) pageSize: integer, Optional. Maximum number of tasks to return in each response. The service may return fewer than this. The default page size is 10; the maximum page size is 100. pageToken: string, Optional. A page token received from a previous SearchSessionSparkApplicationStageAttemptTasks call. Provide this token to retrieve the subsequent page. parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. sortRuntime: boolean, Optional. Sort the tasks by runtime. stageAttemptId: integer, Optional. Stage Attempt ID stageId: string, Optional. Stage ID taskStatus: string, Optional. List only tasks in the state. Allowed values TASK_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED - TASK_STATUS_RUNNING - TASK_STATUS_SUCCESS - TASK_STATUS_FAILED - TASK_STATUS_KILLED - TASK_STATUS_PENDING - x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # List of tasks for a stage of a Spark Application "nextPageToken": "A String", # This token is included in the response if there are more results to fetch. To fetch additional results, provide this value as the page_token in a subsequent SearchSessionSparkApplicationStageAttemptTasksRequest. "sparkApplicationStageAttemptTasks": [ # Output only. Data corresponding to tasks created by spark. { # Data corresponding to tasks created by spark. "accumulatorUpdates": [ { "accumullableInfoId": "A String", "name": "A String", "update": "A String", "value": "A String", }, ], "attempt": 42, "durationMillis": "A String", "errorMessage": "A String", "executorId": "A String", "executorLogs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "gettingResultTimeMillis": "A String", "hasMetrics": True or False, "host": "A String", "index": 42, "launchTime": "A String", "partitionId": 42, "resultFetchStart": "A String", "schedulerDelayMillis": "A String", "speculative": True or False, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "status": "A String", "taskId": "A String", "taskLocality": "A String", "taskMetrics": { # Executor Task Metrics "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeTimeMillis": "A String", "executorRunTimeMillis": "A String", "inputMetrics": { # Metrics about the input data read by the task. "bytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", }, "jvmGcTimeMillis": "A String", "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "outputMetrics": { # Metrics about the data written by the task. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", }, "peakExecutionMemoryBytes": "A String", "resultSerializationTimeMillis": "A String", "resultSize": "A String", "shuffleReadMetrics": { # Shuffle data read by the task. "fetchWaitTimeMillis": "A String", "localBlocksFetched": "A String", "localBytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", "remoteBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteBytesRead": "A String", "remoteBytesReadToDisk": "A String", "remoteReqsDuration": "A String", "shufflePushReadMetrics": { "corruptMergedBlockChunks": "A String", "localMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "localMergedBytesRead": "A String", "localMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "mergedFetchFallbackCount": "A String", "remoteMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedBytesRead": "A String", "remoteMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedReqsDuration": "A String", }, }, "shuffleWriteMetrics": { # Shuffle data written by task. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", "writeTimeNanos": "A String", }, }, }, ], }
Retrieves the next page of results. Args: previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required) previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required) Returns: A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
searchStageAttempts(name, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, parent=None, stageId=None, summaryMetricsMask=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain data corresponding to a spark stage attempts for a Spark Application. Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) pageSize: integer, Optional. Maximum number of stage attempts (paging based on stage_attempt_id) to return in each response. The service may return fewer than this. The default page size is 10; the maximum page size is 100. pageToken: string, Optional. A page token received from a previous SearchSessionSparkApplicationStageAttempts call. Provide this token to retrieve the subsequent page. parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. stageId: string, Required. Stage ID for which attempts are to be fetched summaryMetricsMask: string, Optional. The list of summary metrics fields to include. Empty list will default to skip all summary metrics fields. Example, if the response should include TaskQuantileMetrics, the request should have task_quantile_metrics in summary_metrics_mask field x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # A list of Stage Attempts for a Stage of a Spark Application. "nextPageToken": "A String", # This token is included in the response if there are more results to fetch. To fetch additional results, provide this value as the page_token in a subsequent SearchSessionSparkApplicationStageAttemptsRequest. "sparkApplicationStageAttempts": [ # Output only. Data corresponding to a stage attempts { # Data corresponding to a stage. "accumulatorUpdates": [ { "accumullableInfoId": "A String", "name": "A String", "update": "A String", "value": "A String", }, ], "completionTime": "A String", "description": "A String", "details": "A String", "executorMetricsDistributions": { "diskBytesSpilled": [ 3.14, ], "failedTasks": [ 3.14, ], "inputBytes": [ 3.14, ], "inputRecords": [ 3.14, ], "killedTasks": [ 3.14, ], "memoryBytesSpilled": [ 3.14, ], "outputBytes": [ 3.14, ], "outputRecords": [ 3.14, ], "peakMemoryMetrics": { "executorMetrics": [ { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, ], "quantiles": [ 3.14, ], }, "quantiles": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleRead": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleReadRecords": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleWrite": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleWriteRecords": [ 3.14, ], "succeededTasks": [ 3.14, ], "taskTimeMillis": [ 3.14, ], }, "executorSummary": { "a_key": { # Executor resources consumed by a stage. "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorId": "A String", "failedTasks": 42, "inputBytes": "A String", "inputRecords": "A String", "isExcludedForStage": True or False, "killedTasks": 42, "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "outputBytes": "A String", "outputRecords": "A String", "peakMemoryMetrics": { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, "shuffleRead": "A String", "shuffleReadRecords": "A String", "shuffleWrite": "A String", "shuffleWriteRecords": "A String", "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "succeededTasks": 42, "taskTimeMillis": "A String", }, }, "failureReason": "A String", "firstTaskLaunchedTime": "A String", "isShufflePushEnabled": True or False, "jobIds": [ "A String", ], "killedTasksSummary": { "a_key": 42, }, "locality": { "a_key": "A String", }, "name": "A String", "numActiveTasks": 42, "numCompleteTasks": 42, "numCompletedIndices": 42, "numFailedTasks": 42, "numKilledTasks": 42, "numTasks": 42, "parentStageIds": [ "A String", ], "peakExecutorMetrics": { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, "rddIds": [ "A String", ], "resourceProfileId": 42, "schedulingPool": "A String", "shuffleMergersCount": 42, "speculationSummary": { # Details of the speculation task when speculative execution is enabled. "numActiveTasks": 42, "numCompletedTasks": 42, "numFailedTasks": 42, "numKilledTasks": 42, "numTasks": 42, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", }, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "stageMetrics": { # Stage Level Aggregated Metrics "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeTimeMillis": "A String", "executorRunTimeMillis": "A String", "jvmGcTimeMillis": "A String", "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "peakExecutionMemoryBytes": "A String", "resultSerializationTimeMillis": "A String", "resultSize": "A String", "stageInputMetrics": { # Metrics about the input read by the stage. "bytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", }, "stageOutputMetrics": { # Metrics about the output written by the stage. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", }, "stageShuffleReadMetrics": { # Shuffle data read for the stage. "bytesRead": "A String", "fetchWaitTimeMillis": "A String", "localBlocksFetched": "A String", "localBytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", "remoteBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteBytesRead": "A String", "remoteBytesReadToDisk": "A String", "remoteReqsDuration": "A String", "stageShufflePushReadMetrics": { "corruptMergedBlockChunks": "A String", "localMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "localMergedBytesRead": "A String", "localMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "mergedFetchFallbackCount": "A String", "remoteMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedBytesRead": "A String", "remoteMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedReqsDuration": "A String", }, }, "stageShuffleWriteMetrics": { # Shuffle data written for the stage. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", "writeTimeNanos": "A String", }, }, "status": "A String", "submissionTime": "A String", "taskQuantileMetrics": { # Summary metrics fields. These are included in response only if present in summary_metrics_mask field in request "diskBytesSpilled": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "durationMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorCpuTimeNanos": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorDeserializeCpuTimeNanos": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorDeserializeTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorRunTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "gettingResultTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "inputMetrics": { "bytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "recordsRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "jvmGcTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "memoryBytesSpilled": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "outputMetrics": { "bytesWritten": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "recordsWritten": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "peakExecutionMemoryBytes": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "resultSerializationTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "resultSize": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "schedulerDelayMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "shuffleReadMetrics": { "fetchWaitTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "readBytes": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "readRecords": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteBytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteBytesReadToDisk": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteReqsDuration": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "shufflePushReadMetrics": { "corruptMergedBlockChunks": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localMergedBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localMergedBytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localMergedChunksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "mergedFetchFallbackCount": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedBytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedChunksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedReqsDuration": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "totalBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "shuffleWriteMetrics": { "writeBytes": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "writeRecords": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "writeTimeNanos": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, }, "tasks": { "a_key": { # Data corresponding to tasks created by spark. "accumulatorUpdates": [ { "accumullableInfoId": "A String", "name": "A String", "update": "A String", "value": "A String", }, ], "attempt": 42, "durationMillis": "A String", "errorMessage": "A String", "executorId": "A String", "executorLogs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "gettingResultTimeMillis": "A String", "hasMetrics": True or False, "host": "A String", "index": 42, "launchTime": "A String", "partitionId": 42, "resultFetchStart": "A String", "schedulerDelayMillis": "A String", "speculative": True or False, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "status": "A String", "taskId": "A String", "taskLocality": "A String", "taskMetrics": { # Executor Task Metrics "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeTimeMillis": "A String", "executorRunTimeMillis": "A String", "inputMetrics": { # Metrics about the input data read by the task. "bytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", }, "jvmGcTimeMillis": "A String", "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "outputMetrics": { # Metrics about the data written by the task. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", }, "peakExecutionMemoryBytes": "A String", "resultSerializationTimeMillis": "A String", "resultSize": "A String", "shuffleReadMetrics": { # Shuffle data read by the task. "fetchWaitTimeMillis": "A String", "localBlocksFetched": "A String", "localBytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", "remoteBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteBytesRead": "A String", "remoteBytesReadToDisk": "A String", "remoteReqsDuration": "A String", "shufflePushReadMetrics": { "corruptMergedBlockChunks": "A String", "localMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "localMergedBytesRead": "A String", "localMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "mergedFetchFallbackCount": "A String", "remoteMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedBytesRead": "A String", "remoteMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedReqsDuration": "A String", }, }, "shuffleWriteMetrics": { # Shuffle data written by task. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", "writeTimeNanos": "A String", }, }, }, }, }, ], }
Retrieves the next page of results. Args: previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required) previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required) Returns: A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
searchStages(name, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, parent=None, stageStatus=None, summaryMetricsMask=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain data corresponding to stages for a Spark Application. Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) pageSize: integer, Optional. Maximum number of stages (paging based on stage_id) to return in each response. The service may return fewer than this. The default page size is 10; the maximum page size is 100. pageToken: string, Optional. A page token received from a previous SearchSessionSparkApplicationStages call. Provide this token to retrieve the subsequent page. parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. stageStatus: string, Optional. List only stages in the given state. Allowed values STAGE_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED - STAGE_STATUS_ACTIVE - STAGE_STATUS_COMPLETE - STAGE_STATUS_FAILED - STAGE_STATUS_PENDING - STAGE_STATUS_SKIPPED - summaryMetricsMask: string, Optional. The list of summary metrics fields to include. Empty list will default to skip all summary metrics fields. Example, if the response should include TaskQuantileMetrics, the request should have task_quantile_metrics in summary_metrics_mask field x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # A list of stages associated with a Spark Application. "nextPageToken": "A String", # This token is included in the response if there are more results to fetch. To fetch additional results, provide this value as the page_token in a subsequent SearchSessionSparkApplicationStages. "sparkApplicationStages": [ # Output only. Data corresponding to a stage. { # Data corresponding to a stage. "accumulatorUpdates": [ { "accumullableInfoId": "A String", "name": "A String", "update": "A String", "value": "A String", }, ], "completionTime": "A String", "description": "A String", "details": "A String", "executorMetricsDistributions": { "diskBytesSpilled": [ 3.14, ], "failedTasks": [ 3.14, ], "inputBytes": [ 3.14, ], "inputRecords": [ 3.14, ], "killedTasks": [ 3.14, ], "memoryBytesSpilled": [ 3.14, ], "outputBytes": [ 3.14, ], "outputRecords": [ 3.14, ], "peakMemoryMetrics": { "executorMetrics": [ { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, ], "quantiles": [ 3.14, ], }, "quantiles": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleRead": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleReadRecords": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleWrite": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleWriteRecords": [ 3.14, ], "succeededTasks": [ 3.14, ], "taskTimeMillis": [ 3.14, ], }, "executorSummary": { "a_key": { # Executor resources consumed by a stage. "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorId": "A String", "failedTasks": 42, "inputBytes": "A String", "inputRecords": "A String", "isExcludedForStage": True or False, "killedTasks": 42, "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "outputBytes": "A String", "outputRecords": "A String", "peakMemoryMetrics": { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, "shuffleRead": "A String", "shuffleReadRecords": "A String", "shuffleWrite": "A String", "shuffleWriteRecords": "A String", "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "succeededTasks": 42, "taskTimeMillis": "A String", }, }, "failureReason": "A String", "firstTaskLaunchedTime": "A String", "isShufflePushEnabled": True or False, "jobIds": [ "A String", ], "killedTasksSummary": { "a_key": 42, }, "locality": { "a_key": "A String", }, "name": "A String", "numActiveTasks": 42, "numCompleteTasks": 42, "numCompletedIndices": 42, "numFailedTasks": 42, "numKilledTasks": 42, "numTasks": 42, "parentStageIds": [ "A String", ], "peakExecutorMetrics": { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, "rddIds": [ "A String", ], "resourceProfileId": 42, "schedulingPool": "A String", "shuffleMergersCount": 42, "speculationSummary": { # Details of the speculation task when speculative execution is enabled. "numActiveTasks": 42, "numCompletedTasks": 42, "numFailedTasks": 42, "numKilledTasks": 42, "numTasks": 42, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", }, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "stageMetrics": { # Stage Level Aggregated Metrics "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeTimeMillis": "A String", "executorRunTimeMillis": "A String", "jvmGcTimeMillis": "A String", "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "peakExecutionMemoryBytes": "A String", "resultSerializationTimeMillis": "A String", "resultSize": "A String", "stageInputMetrics": { # Metrics about the input read by the stage. "bytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", }, "stageOutputMetrics": { # Metrics about the output written by the stage. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", }, "stageShuffleReadMetrics": { # Shuffle data read for the stage. "bytesRead": "A String", "fetchWaitTimeMillis": "A String", "localBlocksFetched": "A String", "localBytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", "remoteBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteBytesRead": "A String", "remoteBytesReadToDisk": "A String", "remoteReqsDuration": "A String", "stageShufflePushReadMetrics": { "corruptMergedBlockChunks": "A String", "localMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "localMergedBytesRead": "A String", "localMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "mergedFetchFallbackCount": "A String", "remoteMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedBytesRead": "A String", "remoteMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedReqsDuration": "A String", }, }, "stageShuffleWriteMetrics": { # Shuffle data written for the stage. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", "writeTimeNanos": "A String", }, }, "status": "A String", "submissionTime": "A String", "taskQuantileMetrics": { # Summary metrics fields. These are included in response only if present in summary_metrics_mask field in request "diskBytesSpilled": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "durationMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorCpuTimeNanos": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorDeserializeCpuTimeNanos": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorDeserializeTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorRunTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "gettingResultTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "inputMetrics": { "bytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "recordsRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "jvmGcTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "memoryBytesSpilled": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "outputMetrics": { "bytesWritten": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "recordsWritten": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "peakExecutionMemoryBytes": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "resultSerializationTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "resultSize": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "schedulerDelayMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "shuffleReadMetrics": { "fetchWaitTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "readBytes": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "readRecords": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteBytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteBytesReadToDisk": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteReqsDuration": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "shufflePushReadMetrics": { "corruptMergedBlockChunks": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localMergedBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localMergedBytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localMergedChunksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "mergedFetchFallbackCount": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedBytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedChunksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedReqsDuration": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "totalBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "shuffleWriteMetrics": { "writeBytes": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "writeRecords": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "writeTimeNanos": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, }, "tasks": { "a_key": { # Data corresponding to tasks created by spark. "accumulatorUpdates": [ { "accumullableInfoId": "A String", "name": "A String", "update": "A String", "value": "A String", }, ], "attempt": 42, "durationMillis": "A String", "errorMessage": "A String", "executorId": "A String", "executorLogs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "gettingResultTimeMillis": "A String", "hasMetrics": True or False, "host": "A String", "index": 42, "launchTime": "A String", "partitionId": 42, "resultFetchStart": "A String", "schedulerDelayMillis": "A String", "speculative": True or False, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "status": "A String", "taskId": "A String", "taskLocality": "A String", "taskMetrics": { # Executor Task Metrics "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeTimeMillis": "A String", "executorRunTimeMillis": "A String", "inputMetrics": { # Metrics about the input data read by the task. "bytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", }, "jvmGcTimeMillis": "A String", "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "outputMetrics": { # Metrics about the data written by the task. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", }, "peakExecutionMemoryBytes": "A String", "resultSerializationTimeMillis": "A String", "resultSize": "A String", "shuffleReadMetrics": { # Shuffle data read by the task. "fetchWaitTimeMillis": "A String", "localBlocksFetched": "A String", "localBytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", "remoteBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteBytesRead": "A String", "remoteBytesReadToDisk": "A String", "remoteReqsDuration": "A String", "shufflePushReadMetrics": { "corruptMergedBlockChunks": "A String", "localMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "localMergedBytesRead": "A String", "localMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "mergedFetchFallbackCount": "A String", "remoteMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedBytesRead": "A String", "remoteMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedReqsDuration": "A String", }, }, "shuffleWriteMetrics": { # Shuffle data written by task. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", "writeTimeNanos": "A String", }, }, }, }, }, ], }
Retrieves the next page of results. Args: previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required) previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required) Returns: A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
Retrieves the next page of results. Args: previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required) previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required) Returns: A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
summarizeExecutors(name, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain summary of Executor Summary for a Spark Application Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # Consolidated summary of executors for a Spark Application. "activeExecutorSummary": { # Consolidated summary about executors used by the application. # Consolidated summary for active executors. "activeTasks": 42, "completedTasks": 42, "count": 42, "diskUsed": "A String", "failedTasks": 42, "isExcluded": 42, "maxMemory": "A String", "memoryMetrics": { "totalOffHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "totalOnHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "usedOffHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "usedOnHeapStorageMemory": "A String", }, "memoryUsed": "A String", "rddBlocks": 42, "totalCores": 42, "totalDurationMillis": "A String", "totalGcTimeMillis": "A String", "totalInputBytes": "A String", "totalShuffleRead": "A String", "totalShuffleWrite": "A String", "totalTasks": 42, }, "applicationId": "A String", # Spark Application Id "deadExecutorSummary": { # Consolidated summary about executors used by the application. # Consolidated summary for dead executors. "activeTasks": 42, "completedTasks": 42, "count": 42, "diskUsed": "A String", "failedTasks": 42, "isExcluded": 42, "maxMemory": "A String", "memoryMetrics": { "totalOffHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "totalOnHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "usedOffHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "usedOnHeapStorageMemory": "A String", }, "memoryUsed": "A String", "rddBlocks": 42, "totalCores": 42, "totalDurationMillis": "A String", "totalGcTimeMillis": "A String", "totalInputBytes": "A String", "totalShuffleRead": "A String", "totalShuffleWrite": "A String", "totalTasks": 42, }, "totalExecutorSummary": { # Consolidated summary about executors used by the application. # Overall consolidated summary for all executors. "activeTasks": 42, "completedTasks": 42, "count": 42, "diskUsed": "A String", "failedTasks": 42, "isExcluded": 42, "maxMemory": "A String", "memoryMetrics": { "totalOffHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "totalOnHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "usedOffHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "usedOnHeapStorageMemory": "A String", }, "memoryUsed": "A String", "rddBlocks": 42, "totalCores": 42, "totalDurationMillis": "A String", "totalGcTimeMillis": "A String", "totalInputBytes": "A String", "totalShuffleRead": "A String", "totalShuffleWrite": "A String", "totalTasks": 42, }, }
summarizeJobs(name, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain summary of Jobs for a Spark Application Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # Summary of a Spark Application jobs. "jobsSummary": { # Data related to Jobs page summary # Summary of a Spark Application Jobs "activeJobs": 42, # Number of active jobs "applicationId": "A String", # Spark Application Id "attempts": [ # Attempts info { # Specific attempt of an application. "appSparkVersion": "A String", "attemptId": "A String", "completed": True or False, "durationMillis": "A String", "endTime": "A String", "lastUpdated": "A String", "sparkUser": "A String", "startTime": "A String", }, ], "completedJobs": 42, # Number of completed jobs "failedJobs": 42, # Number of failed jobs "schedulingMode": "A String", # Spark Scheduling mode }, }
summarizeStageAttemptTasks(name, parent=None, stageAttemptId=None, stageId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain summary of Tasks for a Spark Application Stage Attempt Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. stageAttemptId: integer, Required. Stage Attempt ID stageId: string, Required. Stage ID x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # Summary of tasks for a Spark Application stage attempt. "stageAttemptTasksSummary": { # Data related to tasks summary for a Spark Stage Attempt # Summary of tasks for a Spark Application Stage Attempt "applicationId": "A String", "numFailedTasks": 42, "numKilledTasks": 42, "numPendingTasks": 42, "numRunningTasks": 42, "numSuccessTasks": 42, "numTasks": 42, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", }, }
summarizeStages(name, parent=None, x__xgafv=None)
Obtain summary of Stages for a Spark Application Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the session to retrieve in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) parent: string, Required. Parent (Session) resource reference. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # Summary of a Spark Application stages. "stagesSummary": { # Data related to Stages page summary # Summary of a Spark Application Stages "applicationId": "A String", "numActiveStages": 42, "numCompletedStages": 42, "numFailedStages": 42, "numPendingStages": 42, "numSkippedStages": 42, }, }
write(name, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Write wrapper objects from dataplane to spanner Args: name: string, Required. The fully qualified name of the spark application to write data about in the format "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/DATAPROC_REGION/sessions/SESSION_ID/sparkApplications/APPLICATION_ID" (required) body: object, The request body. The object takes the form of: { # Write Spark Application data to internal storage systems "parent": "A String", # Required. Parent (Batch) resource reference. "sparkWrapperObjects": [ # Required. The batch of spark application context objects sent for ingestion. { # Outer message that contains the data obtained from spark listener, packaged with information that is required to process it. "appSummary": { "numCompletedJobs": 42, "numCompletedStages": 42, }, "applicationEnvironmentInfo": { # Details about the Environment that the application is running in. "classpathEntries": { "a_key": "A String", }, "hadoopProperties": { "a_key": "A String", }, "metricsProperties": { "a_key": "A String", }, "resourceProfiles": [ { # Resource profile that contains information about all the resources required by executors and tasks. "executorResources": { "a_key": { # Resources used per executor used by the application. "amount": "A String", "discoveryScript": "A String", "resourceName": "A String", "vendor": "A String", }, }, "resourceProfileId": 42, "taskResources": { "a_key": { # Resources used per task created by the application. "amount": 3.14, "resourceName": "A String", }, }, }, ], "runtime": { "javaHome": "A String", "javaVersion": "A String", "scalaVersion": "A String", }, "sparkProperties": { "a_key": "A String", }, "systemProperties": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, "applicationId": "A String", # Application Id created by Spark. "applicationInfo": { # High level information corresponding to an application. "applicationContextIngestionStatus": "A String", "applicationId": "A String", "attempts": [ { # Specific attempt of an application. "appSparkVersion": "A String", "attemptId": "A String", "completed": True or False, "durationMillis": "A String", "endTime": "A String", "lastUpdated": "A String", "sparkUser": "A String", "startTime": "A String", }, ], "coresGranted": 42, "coresPerExecutor": 42, "maxCores": 42, "memoryPerExecutorMb": 42, "name": "A String", "quantileDataStatus": "A String", }, "eventTimestamp": "A String", # VM Timestamp associated with the data object. "executorStageSummary": { # Executor resources consumed by a stage. "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorId": "A String", "failedTasks": 42, "inputBytes": "A String", "inputRecords": "A String", "isExcludedForStage": True or False, "killedTasks": 42, "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "outputBytes": "A String", "outputRecords": "A String", "peakMemoryMetrics": { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, "shuffleRead": "A String", "shuffleReadRecords": "A String", "shuffleWrite": "A String", "shuffleWriteRecords": "A String", "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "succeededTasks": 42, "taskTimeMillis": "A String", }, "executorSummary": { # Details about executors used by the application. "activeTasks": 42, "addTime": "A String", "attributes": { "a_key": "A String", }, "completedTasks": 42, "diskUsed": "A String", "excludedInStages": [ "A String", ], "executorId": "A String", "executorLogs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "failedTasks": 42, "hostPort": "A String", "isActive": True or False, "isExcluded": True or False, "maxMemory": "A String", "maxTasks": 42, "memoryMetrics": { "totalOffHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "totalOnHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "usedOffHeapStorageMemory": "A String", "usedOnHeapStorageMemory": "A String", }, "memoryUsed": "A String", "peakMemoryMetrics": { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, "rddBlocks": 42, "removeReason": "A String", "removeTime": "A String", "resourceProfileId": 42, "resources": { "a_key": { "addresses": [ "A String", ], "name": "A String", }, }, "totalCores": 42, "totalDurationMillis": "A String", "totalGcTimeMillis": "A String", "totalInputBytes": "A String", "totalShuffleRead": "A String", "totalShuffleWrite": "A String", "totalTasks": 42, }, "jobData": { # Data corresponding to a spark job. "completionTime": "A String", "description": "A String", "jobGroup": "A String", "jobId": "A String", "killTasksSummary": { "a_key": 42, }, "name": "A String", "numActiveStages": 42, "numActiveTasks": 42, "numCompletedIndices": 42, "numCompletedStages": 42, "numCompletedTasks": 42, "numFailedStages": 42, "numFailedTasks": 42, "numKilledTasks": 42, "numSkippedStages": 42, "numSkippedTasks": 42, "numTasks": 42, "skippedStages": [ 42, ], "sqlExecutionId": "A String", "stageIds": [ "A String", ], "status": "A String", "submissionTime": "A String", }, "poolData": { # Pool Data "name": "A String", "stageIds": [ "A String", ], }, "processSummary": { # Process Summary "addTime": "A String", "hostPort": "A String", "isActive": True or False, "processId": "A String", "processLogs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "removeTime": "A String", "totalCores": 42, }, "rddOperationGraph": { # Graph representing RDD dependencies. Consists of edges and a root cluster. "edges": [ { # A directed edge representing dependency between two RDDs. "fromId": 42, "toId": 42, }, ], "incomingEdges": [ { # A directed edge representing dependency between two RDDs. "fromId": 42, "toId": 42, }, ], "outgoingEdges": [ { # A directed edge representing dependency between two RDDs. "fromId": 42, "toId": 42, }, ], "rootCluster": { # A grouping of nodes representing higher level constructs (stage, job etc.). "childClusters": [ # Object with schema name: RddOperationCluster ], "childNodes": [ { # A node in the RDD operation graph. Corresponds to a single RDD. "barrier": True or False, "cached": True or False, "callsite": "A String", "name": "A String", "nodeId": 42, "outputDeterministicLevel": "A String", }, ], "name": "A String", "rddClusterId": "A String", }, "stageId": "A String", }, "rddStorageInfo": { # Overall data about RDD storage. "dataDistribution": [ { # Details about RDD usage. "address": "A String", "diskUsed": "A String", "memoryRemaining": "A String", "memoryUsed": "A String", "offHeapMemoryRemaining": "A String", "offHeapMemoryUsed": "A String", "onHeapMemoryRemaining": "A String", "onHeapMemoryUsed": "A String", }, ], "diskUsed": "A String", "memoryUsed": "A String", "name": "A String", "numCachedPartitions": 42, "numPartitions": 42, "partitions": [ { # Information about RDD partitions. "blockName": "A String", "diskUsed": "A String", "executors": [ "A String", ], "memoryUsed": "A String", "storageLevel": "A String", }, ], "rddStorageId": 42, "storageLevel": "A String", }, "resourceProfileInfo": { # Resource profile that contains information about all the resources required by executors and tasks. "executorResources": { "a_key": { # Resources used per executor used by the application. "amount": "A String", "discoveryScript": "A String", "resourceName": "A String", "vendor": "A String", }, }, "resourceProfileId": 42, "taskResources": { "a_key": { # Resources used per task created by the application. "amount": 3.14, "resourceName": "A String", }, }, }, "sparkPlanGraph": { # A graph used for storing information of an executionPlan of DataFrame. "edges": [ { # Represents a directed edge in the spark plan tree from child to parent. "fromId": "A String", "toId": "A String", }, ], "executionId": "A String", "nodes": [ { # Wrapper user to represent either a node or a cluster. "cluster": { # Represents a tree of spark plan. "desc": "A String", "metrics": [ { # Metrics related to SQL execution. "accumulatorId": "A String", "metricType": "A String", "name": "A String", }, ], "name": "A String", "nodes": [ # Object with schema name: SparkPlanGraphNodeWrapper ], "sparkPlanGraphClusterId": "A String", }, "node": { # Represents a node in the spark plan tree. "desc": "A String", "metrics": [ { # Metrics related to SQL execution. "accumulatorId": "A String", "metricType": "A String", "name": "A String", }, ], "name": "A String", "sparkPlanGraphNodeId": "A String", }, }, ], }, "speculationStageSummary": { # Details of the speculation task when speculative execution is enabled. "numActiveTasks": 42, "numCompletedTasks": 42, "numFailedTasks": 42, "numKilledTasks": 42, "numTasks": 42, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", }, "sqlExecutionUiData": { # SQL Execution Data "completionTime": "A String", "description": "A String", "details": "A String", "errorMessage": "A String", "executionId": "A String", "jobs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "metricValues": { "a_key": "A String", }, "metricValuesIsNull": True or False, "metrics": [ { # Metrics related to SQL execution. "accumulatorId": "A String", "metricType": "A String", "name": "A String", }, ], "modifiedConfigs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "physicalPlanDescription": "A String", "rootExecutionId": "A String", "stages": [ "A String", ], "submissionTime": "A String", }, "stageData": { # Data corresponding to a stage. "accumulatorUpdates": [ { "accumullableInfoId": "A String", "name": "A String", "update": "A String", "value": "A String", }, ], "completionTime": "A String", "description": "A String", "details": "A String", "executorMetricsDistributions": { "diskBytesSpilled": [ 3.14, ], "failedTasks": [ 3.14, ], "inputBytes": [ 3.14, ], "inputRecords": [ 3.14, ], "killedTasks": [ 3.14, ], "memoryBytesSpilled": [ 3.14, ], "outputBytes": [ 3.14, ], "outputRecords": [ 3.14, ], "peakMemoryMetrics": { "executorMetrics": [ { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, ], "quantiles": [ 3.14, ], }, "quantiles": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleRead": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleReadRecords": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleWrite": [ 3.14, ], "shuffleWriteRecords": [ 3.14, ], "succeededTasks": [ 3.14, ], "taskTimeMillis": [ 3.14, ], }, "executorSummary": { "a_key": { # Executor resources consumed by a stage. "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorId": "A String", "failedTasks": 42, "inputBytes": "A String", "inputRecords": "A String", "isExcludedForStage": True or False, "killedTasks": 42, "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "outputBytes": "A String", "outputRecords": "A String", "peakMemoryMetrics": { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, "shuffleRead": "A String", "shuffleReadRecords": "A String", "shuffleWrite": "A String", "shuffleWriteRecords": "A String", "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "succeededTasks": 42, "taskTimeMillis": "A String", }, }, "failureReason": "A String", "firstTaskLaunchedTime": "A String", "isShufflePushEnabled": True or False, "jobIds": [ "A String", ], "killedTasksSummary": { "a_key": 42, }, "locality": { "a_key": "A String", }, "name": "A String", "numActiveTasks": 42, "numCompleteTasks": 42, "numCompletedIndices": 42, "numFailedTasks": 42, "numKilledTasks": 42, "numTasks": 42, "parentStageIds": [ "A String", ], "peakExecutorMetrics": { "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, }, "rddIds": [ "A String", ], "resourceProfileId": 42, "schedulingPool": "A String", "shuffleMergersCount": 42, "speculationSummary": { # Details of the speculation task when speculative execution is enabled. "numActiveTasks": 42, "numCompletedTasks": 42, "numFailedTasks": 42, "numKilledTasks": 42, "numTasks": 42, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", }, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "stageMetrics": { # Stage Level Aggregated Metrics "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeTimeMillis": "A String", "executorRunTimeMillis": "A String", "jvmGcTimeMillis": "A String", "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "peakExecutionMemoryBytes": "A String", "resultSerializationTimeMillis": "A String", "resultSize": "A String", "stageInputMetrics": { # Metrics about the input read by the stage. "bytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", }, "stageOutputMetrics": { # Metrics about the output written by the stage. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", }, "stageShuffleReadMetrics": { # Shuffle data read for the stage. "bytesRead": "A String", "fetchWaitTimeMillis": "A String", "localBlocksFetched": "A String", "localBytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", "remoteBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteBytesRead": "A String", "remoteBytesReadToDisk": "A String", "remoteReqsDuration": "A String", "stageShufflePushReadMetrics": { "corruptMergedBlockChunks": "A String", "localMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "localMergedBytesRead": "A String", "localMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "mergedFetchFallbackCount": "A String", "remoteMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedBytesRead": "A String", "remoteMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedReqsDuration": "A String", }, }, "stageShuffleWriteMetrics": { # Shuffle data written for the stage. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", "writeTimeNanos": "A String", }, }, "status": "A String", "submissionTime": "A String", "taskQuantileMetrics": { # Summary metrics fields. These are included in response only if present in summary_metrics_mask field in request "diskBytesSpilled": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "durationMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorCpuTimeNanos": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorDeserializeCpuTimeNanos": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorDeserializeTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "executorRunTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "gettingResultTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "inputMetrics": { "bytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "recordsRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "jvmGcTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "memoryBytesSpilled": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "outputMetrics": { "bytesWritten": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "recordsWritten": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "peakExecutionMemoryBytes": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "resultSerializationTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "resultSize": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "schedulerDelayMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "shuffleReadMetrics": { "fetchWaitTimeMillis": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "readBytes": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "readRecords": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteBytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteBytesReadToDisk": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteReqsDuration": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "shufflePushReadMetrics": { "corruptMergedBlockChunks": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localMergedBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localMergedBytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "localMergedChunksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "mergedFetchFallbackCount": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedBytesRead": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedChunksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "remoteMergedReqsDuration": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "totalBlocksFetched": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, "shuffleWriteMetrics": { "writeBytes": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "writeRecords": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, "writeTimeNanos": { # Quantile metrics data related to Tasks. Units can be seconds, bytes, milliseconds, etc depending on the message type. "count": "A String", "maximum": "A String", "minimum": "A String", "percentile25": "A String", "percentile50": "A String", "percentile75": "A String", "sum": "A String", }, }, }, "tasks": { "a_key": { # Data corresponding to tasks created by spark. "accumulatorUpdates": [ { "accumullableInfoId": "A String", "name": "A String", "update": "A String", "value": "A String", }, ], "attempt": 42, "durationMillis": "A String", "errorMessage": "A String", "executorId": "A String", "executorLogs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "gettingResultTimeMillis": "A String", "hasMetrics": True or False, "host": "A String", "index": 42, "launchTime": "A String", "partitionId": 42, "resultFetchStart": "A String", "schedulerDelayMillis": "A String", "speculative": True or False, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "status": "A String", "taskId": "A String", "taskLocality": "A String", "taskMetrics": { # Executor Task Metrics "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeTimeMillis": "A String", "executorRunTimeMillis": "A String", "inputMetrics": { # Metrics about the input data read by the task. "bytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", }, "jvmGcTimeMillis": "A String", "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "outputMetrics": { # Metrics about the data written by the task. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", }, "peakExecutionMemoryBytes": "A String", "resultSerializationTimeMillis": "A String", "resultSize": "A String", "shuffleReadMetrics": { # Shuffle data read by the task. "fetchWaitTimeMillis": "A String", "localBlocksFetched": "A String", "localBytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", "remoteBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteBytesRead": "A String", "remoteBytesReadToDisk": "A String", "remoteReqsDuration": "A String", "shufflePushReadMetrics": { "corruptMergedBlockChunks": "A String", "localMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "localMergedBytesRead": "A String", "localMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "mergedFetchFallbackCount": "A String", "remoteMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedBytesRead": "A String", "remoteMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedReqsDuration": "A String", }, }, "shuffleWriteMetrics": { # Shuffle data written by task. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", "writeTimeNanos": "A String", }, }, }, }, }, "streamBlockData": { # Stream Block Data. "deserialized": True or False, "diskSize": "A String", "executorId": "A String", "hostPort": "A String", "memSize": "A String", "name": "A String", "storageLevel": "A String", "useDisk": True or False, "useMemory": True or False, }, "streamingQueryData": { # Streaming "endTimestamp": "A String", "exception": "A String", "isActive": True or False, "name": "A String", "runId": "A String", "startTimestamp": "A String", "streamingQueryId": "A String", }, "streamingQueryProgress": { "batchDuration": "A String", "batchId": "A String", "durationMillis": { "a_key": "A String", }, "eventTime": { "a_key": "A String", }, "name": "A String", "observedMetrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, "runId": "A String", "sink": { "description": "A String", "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, "numOutputRows": "A String", }, "sources": [ { "description": "A String", "endOffset": "A String", "inputRowsPerSecond": 3.14, "latestOffset": "A String", "metrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, "numInputRows": "A String", "processedRowsPerSecond": 3.14, "startOffset": "A String", }, ], "stateOperators": [ { "allRemovalsTimeMs": "A String", "allUpdatesTimeMs": "A String", "commitTimeMs": "A String", "customMetrics": { "a_key": "A String", }, "memoryUsedBytes": "A String", "numRowsDroppedByWatermark": "A String", "numRowsRemoved": "A String", "numRowsTotal": "A String", "numRowsUpdated": "A String", "numShufflePartitions": "A String", "numStateStoreInstances": "A String", "operatorName": "A String", }, ], "streamingQueryProgressId": "A String", "timestamp": "A String", }, "taskData": { # Data corresponding to tasks created by spark. "accumulatorUpdates": [ { "accumullableInfoId": "A String", "name": "A String", "update": "A String", "value": "A String", }, ], "attempt": 42, "durationMillis": "A String", "errorMessage": "A String", "executorId": "A String", "executorLogs": { "a_key": "A String", }, "gettingResultTimeMillis": "A String", "hasMetrics": True or False, "host": "A String", "index": 42, "launchTime": "A String", "partitionId": 42, "resultFetchStart": "A String", "schedulerDelayMillis": "A String", "speculative": True or False, "stageAttemptId": 42, "stageId": "A String", "status": "A String", "taskId": "A String", "taskLocality": "A String", "taskMetrics": { # Executor Task Metrics "diskBytesSpilled": "A String", "executorCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeCpuTimeNanos": "A String", "executorDeserializeTimeMillis": "A String", "executorRunTimeMillis": "A String", "inputMetrics": { # Metrics about the input data read by the task. "bytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", }, "jvmGcTimeMillis": "A String", "memoryBytesSpilled": "A String", "outputMetrics": { # Metrics about the data written by the task. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", }, "peakExecutionMemoryBytes": "A String", "resultSerializationTimeMillis": "A String", "resultSize": "A String", "shuffleReadMetrics": { # Shuffle data read by the task. "fetchWaitTimeMillis": "A String", "localBlocksFetched": "A String", "localBytesRead": "A String", "recordsRead": "A String", "remoteBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteBytesRead": "A String", "remoteBytesReadToDisk": "A String", "remoteReqsDuration": "A String", "shufflePushReadMetrics": { "corruptMergedBlockChunks": "A String", "localMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "localMergedBytesRead": "A String", "localMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "mergedFetchFallbackCount": "A String", "remoteMergedBlocksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedBytesRead": "A String", "remoteMergedChunksFetched": "A String", "remoteMergedReqsDuration": "A String", }, }, "shuffleWriteMetrics": { # Shuffle data written by task. "bytesWritten": "A String", "recordsWritten": "A String", "writeTimeNanos": "A String", }, }, }, }, ], } x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # Response returned as an acknowledgement of receipt of data. }