Display & Video 360 API . advertisers . lineItems

Instance Methods


Returns the targetingTypes Resource.

bulkEditAssignedTargetingOptions(advertiserId, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Bulk edits targeting options under multiple line items. The operation will delete the assigned targeting options provided in BulkEditAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest.delete_requests and then create the assigned targeting options provided in BulkEditAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest.create_requests. Requests to this endpoint cannot be made concurrently with the following requests updating the same line item: * lineItems.bulkUpdate * lineItems.patch * assignedTargetingOptions.create * assignedTargetingOptions.delete YouTube & Partners line items cannot be created or updated using the API.

bulkListAssignedTargetingOptions(advertiserId, filter=None, lineItemIds=None, orderBy=None, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)

Lists assigned targeting options for multiple line items across targeting types.


Retrieves the next page of results.

bulkUpdate(advertiserId, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Updates multiple line items. Requests to this endpoint cannot be made concurrently with the following requests updating the same line item: * BulkEditAssignedTargetingOptions * UpdateLineItem * assignedTargetingOptions.create * assignedTargetingOptions.delete YouTube & Partners line items cannot be created or updated using the API.


Close httplib2 connections.

create(advertiserId, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Creates a new line item. Returns the newly created line item if successful. YouTube & Partners line items cannot be created or updated using the API.

delete(advertiserId, lineItemId, x__xgafv=None)

Deletes a line item. Returns error code `NOT_FOUND` if the line item does not exist. The line item should be archived first, i.e. set entity_status to `ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED`, to be able to delete it. YouTube & Partners line items cannot be created or updated using the API.

duplicate(advertiserId, lineItemId, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Duplicates a line item. Returns the ID of the created line item if successful. YouTube & Partners line items cannot be created or updated using the API. **This method regularly experiences high latency.** We recommend [increasing your default timeout](/display-video/api/guides/best-practices/timeouts#client_library_timeout) to avoid errors.

generateDefault(advertiserId, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Creates a new line item with settings (including targeting) inherited from the insertion order and an `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` entity_status. Returns the newly created line item if successful. There are default values based on the three fields: * The insertion order's insertion_order_type * The insertion order's automation_type * The given line_item_type YouTube & Partners line items cannot be created or updated using the API.

get(advertiserId, lineItemId, x__xgafv=None)

Gets a line item.

list(advertiserId, filter=None, orderBy=None, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)

Lists line items in an advertiser. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. If a filter by entity_status is not specified, line items with `ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED` will not be included in the results.


Retrieves the next page of results.

patch(advertiserId, lineItemId, body=None, updateMask=None, x__xgafv=None)

Updates an existing line item. Returns the updated line item if successful. Requests to this endpoint cannot be made concurrently with the following requests updating the same line item: * BulkEditAssignedTargetingOptions * BulkUpdateLineItems * assignedTargetingOptions.create * assignedTargetingOptions.delete YouTube & Partners line items cannot be created or updated using the API. **This method regularly experiences high latency.** We recommend [increasing your default timeout](/display-video/api/guides/best-practices/timeouts#client_library_timeout) to avoid errors.

Method Details

bulkEditAssignedTargetingOptions(advertiserId, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Bulk edits targeting options under multiple line items. The operation will delete the assigned targeting options provided in BulkEditAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest.delete_requests and then create the assigned targeting options provided in BulkEditAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest.create_requests. Requests to this endpoint cannot be made concurrently with the following requests updating the same line item: * lineItems.bulkUpdate * lineItems.patch * assignedTargetingOptions.create * assignedTargetingOptions.delete YouTube & Partners line items cannot be created or updated using the API.

  advertiserId: string, Required. The ID of the advertiser the line items belong to. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Request message for BulkEditLineItemsAssignedTargetingOptions.
    { # A request listing which assigned targeting options of a given targeting type should be created and added.
      "assignedTargetingOptions": [ # Required. The assigned targeting options to create and add.
        { # A single assigned targeting option, which defines the state of a targeting option for an entity with targeting settings.
          "ageRangeDetails": { # Represents a targetable age range. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AGE_RANGE`. # Age range details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AGE_RANGE`.
            "ageRange": "A String", # Required. The age range of an audience. We only support targeting a continuous age range of an audience. Thus, the age range represented in this field can be 1) targeted solely, or, 2) part of a larger continuous age range. The reach of a continuous age range targeting can be expanded by also targeting an audience of an unknown age.
          "appCategoryDetails": { # Details for assigned app category targeting option. This will be populated in the app_category_details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_APP_CATEGORY`. # App category details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_APP_CATEGORY`.
            "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the app category.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_APP_CATEGORY`.
          "appDetails": { # Details for assigned app targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_APP`. # App details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_APP`.
            "appId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the app. Android's Play store app uses bundle ID, for example `com.google.android.gm`. Apple's App store app ID uses 9 digit string, for example `422689480`.
            "appPlatform": "A String", # Indicates the platform of the targeted app. If this field is not specified, the app platform will be assumed to be mobile (i.e., Android or iOS), and we will derive the appropriate mobile platform from the app ID.
            "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the app.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
          "assignedTargetingOptionId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the assigned targeting option. The ID is only unique within a given resource and targeting type. It may be reused in other contexts.
          "assignedTargetingOptionIdAlias": "A String", # Output only. An alias for the assigned_targeting_option_id. This value can be used in place of `assignedTargetingOptionId` when retrieving or deleting existing targeting. This field will only be supported for all assigned targeting options of the following targeting types: * `TARGETING_TYPE_AGE_RANGE` * `TARGETING_TYPE_DEVICE_TYPE` * `TARGETING_TYPE_DIGITAL_CONTENT_LABEL_EXCLUSION` * `TARGETING_TYPE_ENVIRONMENT` * `TARGETING_TYPE_EXCHANGE` * `TARGETING_TYPE_GENDER` * `TARGETING_TYPE_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME` * `TARGETING_TYPE_NATIVE_CONTENT_POSITION` * `TARGETING_TYPE_OMID` * `TARGETING_TYPE_PARENTAL_STATUS` * `TARGETING_TYPE_SENSITIVE_CATEGORY_EXCLUSION` * `TARGETING_TYPE_VIDEO_PLAYER_SIZE` * `TARGETING_TYPE_VIEWABILITY` This field is also supported for line item assigned targeting options of the following targeting types: * `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_INSTREAM_POSITION` * `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_OUTSTREAM_POSITION`
          "audienceGroupDetails": { # Assigned audience group targeting option details. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AUDIENCE_GROUP`. The relation between each group is UNION, except for excluded_first_and_third_party_audience_group and excluded_google_audience_group, of which COMPLEMENT is used as an INTERSECTION with other groups. # Audience targeting details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AUDIENCE_GROUP`. You can only target one audience group option per resource.
            "excludedGoogleAudienceGroup": { # Details of Google audience group. All Google audience targeting settings are logically ‘OR’ of each other. # Optional. The Google audience ids of the excluded Google audience group. Used for negative targeting. The COMPLEMENT of the UNION of this group and other excluded audience groups is used as an INTERSECTION to any positive audience targeting. Only contains Affinity, In-market and Installed-apps type Google audiences. All items are logically ‘OR’ of each other.
              "settings": [ # Required. All Google audience targeting settings in Google audience group. Repeated settings with the same id will be ignored.
                { # Details of Google audience targeting setting.
                  "googleAudienceId": "A String", # Required. Google audience id of the Google audience targeting setting. This id is google_audience_id.
            "includedCombinedAudienceGroup": { # Details of combined audience group. All combined audience targeting settings are logically ‘OR’ of each other. # Optional. The combined audience ids of the included combined audience group. Contains combined audience ids only.
              "settings": [ # Required. All combined audience targeting settings in combined audience group. Repeated settings with the same id will be ignored. The number of combined audience settings should be no more than five, error will be thrown otherwise.
                { # Details of combined audience targeting setting.
                  "combinedAudienceId": "A String", # Required. Combined audience id of combined audience targeting setting. This id is combined_audience_id.
            "includedCustomListGroup": { # Details of custom list group. All custom list targeting settings are logically ‘OR’ of each other. # Optional. The custom list ids of the included custom list group. Contains custom list ids only.
              "settings": [ # Required. All custom list targeting settings in custom list group. Repeated settings with the same id will be ignored.
                { # Details of custom list targeting setting.
                  "customListId": "A String", # Required. Custom id of custom list targeting setting. This id is custom_list_id.
            "includedGoogleAudienceGroup": { # Details of Google audience group. All Google audience targeting settings are logically ‘OR’ of each other. # Optional. The Google audience ids of the included Google audience group. Contains Google audience ids only.
              "settings": [ # Required. All Google audience targeting settings in Google audience group. Repeated settings with the same id will be ignored.
                { # Details of Google audience targeting setting.
                  "googleAudienceId": "A String", # Required. Google audience id of the Google audience targeting setting. This id is google_audience_id.
          "audioContentTypeDetails": { # Details for audio content type assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the audio_content_type_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE`. Explicitly targeting all options is not supported. Remove all audio content type targeting options to achieve this effect. # Audio content type details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE`.
            "audioContentType": "A String", # Required. The audio content type.
          "authorizedSellerStatusDetails": { # Represents an assigned authorized seller status. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AUTHORIZED_SELLER_STATUS`. If a resource does not have an `TARGETING_TYPE_AUTHORIZED_SELLER_STATUS` assigned targeting option, it is using the "Authorized Direct Sellers and Resellers" option. # Authorized seller status details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AUTHORIZED_SELLER_STATUS`. You can only target one authorized seller status option per resource. If a resource doesn't have an authorized seller status option, all authorized sellers indicated as DIRECT or RESELLER in the ads.txt file are targeted by default.
            "authorizedSellerStatus": "A String", # Output only. The authorized seller status to target.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_AUTHORIZED_SELLER_STATUS`.
          "browserDetails": { # Details for assigned browser targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_BROWSER`. # Browser details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_BROWSER`.
            "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the browser.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted. All assigned browser targeting options on the same resource must have the same value for this field.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_BROWSER`.
          "businessChainDetails": { # Details for assigned Business chain targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_BUSINESS_CHAIN`. # Business chain details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_BUSINESS_CHAIN`.
            "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of a business chain, e.g. "KFC", "Chase Bank".
            "proximityRadiusAmount": 3.14, # Required. The radius of the area around the business chain that will be targeted. The units of the radius are specified by proximity_radius_unit. Must be 1 to 800 if unit is `DISTANCE_UNIT_KILOMETERS` and 1 to 500 if unit is `DISTANCE_UNIT_MILES`. The minimum increment for both cases is 0.1. Inputs will be rounded to the nearest acceptable value if it is too granular, e.g. 15.57 will become 15.6.
            "proximityRadiusUnit": "A String", # Required. The unit of distance by which the targeting radius is measured.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_BUSINESS_CHAIN`. Accepted business chain targeting option IDs can be retrieved using SearchTargetingOptions.
          "carrierAndIspDetails": { # Details for assigned carrier and ISP targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CARRIER_AND_ISP`. # Carrier and ISP details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CARRIER_AND_ISP`.
            "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the carrier or ISP.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted. All assigned carrier and ISP targeting options on the same resource must have the same value for this field.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_CARRIER_AND_ISP`.
          "categoryDetails": { # Assigned category targeting option details. This will be populated in the category_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CATEGORY`. # Category details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CATEGORY`. Targeting a category will also target its subcategories. If a category is excluded from targeting and a subcategory is included, the exclusion will take precedence.
            "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the category.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CATEGORY`.
          "channelDetails": { # Details for assigned channel targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL`. # Channel details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL`.
            "channelId": "A String", # Required. ID of the channel. Should refer to the channel ID field on a [Partner-owned channel](partners.channels#Channel.FIELDS.channel_id) or [advertiser-owned channel](advertisers.channels#Channel.FIELDS.channel_id) resource.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted. For advertiser level assigned targeting option, this field must be true.
          "contentDurationDetails": { # Details for content duration assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the content_duration_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_DURATION`. Explicitly targeting all options is not supported. Remove all content duration targeting options to achieve this effect. # Content duration details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_DURATION`.
            "contentDuration": "A String", # Output only. The content duration.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_DURATION`.
          "contentGenreDetails": { # Details for content genre assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the content_genre_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_GENRE`. Explicitly targeting all options is not supported. Remove all content genre targeting options to achieve this effect. # Content genre details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_GENRE`.
            "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the content genre.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_GENRE`.
          "contentInstreamPositionDetails": { # Assigned content instream position targeting option details. This will be populated in the content_instream_position_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_INSTREAM_POSITION`. # Content instream position details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_INSTREAM_POSITION`.
            "adType": "A String", # Output only. The ad type to target. Only applicable to insertion order targeting and new line items supporting the specified ad type will inherit this targeting option by default. Possible values are: * `AD_TYPE_VIDEO`, the setting will be inherited by new line item when line_item_type is `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT`. * `AD_TYPE_AUDIO`, the setting will be inherited by new line item when line_item_type is `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_AUDIO_DEFAULT`.
            "contentInstreamPosition": "A String", # Required. The content instream position for video or audio ads.
          "contentOutstreamPositionDetails": { # Assigned content outstream position targeting option details. This will be populated in the content_outstream_position_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_OUTSTREAM_POSITION`. # Content outstream position details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_OUTSTREAM_POSITION`.
            "adType": "A String", # Output only. The ad type to target. Only applicable to insertion order targeting and new line items supporting the specified ad type will inherit this targeting option by default. Possible values are: * `AD_TYPE_DISPLAY`, the setting will be inherited by new line item when line_item_type is `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT`. * `AD_TYPE_VIDEO`, the setting will be inherited by new line item when line_item_type is `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT`.
            "contentOutstreamPosition": "A String", # Required. The content outstream position.
          "contentStreamTypeDetails": { # Details for content stream type assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the content_stream_type_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_STREAM_TYPE`. Explicitly targeting all options is not supported. Remove all content stream type targeting options to achieve this effect. # Content duration details. This field will be populated when the TargetingType is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_STREAM_TYPE`.
            "contentStreamType": "A String", # Output only. The content stream type.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_STREAM_TYPE`.
          "dayAndTimeDetails": { # Representation of a segment of time defined on a specific day of the week and with a start and end time. The time represented by `start_hour` must be before the time represented by `end_hour`. # Day and time details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DAY_AND_TIME`.
            "dayOfWeek": "A String", # Required. The day of the week for this day and time targeting setting.
            "endHour": 42, # Required. The end hour for day and time targeting. Must be between 1 (1 hour after start of day) and 24 (end of day).
            "startHour": 42, # Required. The start hour for day and time targeting. Must be between 0 (start of day) and 23 (1 hour before end of day).
            "timeZoneResolution": "A String", # Required. The mechanism used to determine which timezone to use for this day and time targeting setting.
          "deviceMakeModelDetails": { # Assigned device make and model targeting option details. This will be populated in the device_make_model_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DEVICE_MAKE_MODEL`. # Device make and model details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DEVICE_MAKE_MODEL`.
            "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the device make and model.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DEVICE_MAKE_MODEL`.
          "deviceTypeDetails": { # Targeting details for device type. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DEVICE_TYPE`. # Device Type details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DEVICE_TYPE`.
            "deviceType": "A String", # Required. The display name of the device type.
            "youtubeAndPartnersBidMultiplier": 3.14, # Output only. Bid multiplier allows you to show your ads more or less frequently based on the device type. It will apply a multiplier on the original bid price. When this field is 0, it indicates this field is not applicable instead of multiplying 0 on the original bid price. For example, if the bid price without multiplier is $10.0 and the multiplier is 1.5 for Tablet, the resulting bid price for Tablet will be $15.0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners line items.
          "digitalContentLabelExclusionDetails": { # Targeting details for digital content label. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DIGITAL_CONTENT_LABEL_EXCLUSION`. # Digital content label details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DIGITAL_CONTENT_LABEL_EXCLUSION`. Digital content labels are targeting exclusions. Advertiser level digital content label exclusions, if set, are always applied in serving (even though they aren't visible in resource settings). Resource settings can exclude content labels in addition to advertiser exclusions, but can't override them. A line item won't serve if all the digital content labels are excluded.
            "excludedContentRatingTier": "A String", # Required. The display name of the digital content label rating tier to be EXCLUDED.
          "environmentDetails": { # Assigned environment targeting option details. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_ENVIRONMENT`. # Environment details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_ENVIRONMENT`.
            "environment": "A String", # Required. The serving environment.
          "exchangeDetails": { # Details for assigned exchange targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_EXCHANGE`. # Exchange details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_EXCHANGE`.
            "exchange": "A String", # Required. The enum value for the exchange.
          "genderDetails": { # Details for assigned gender targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_GENDER`. # Gender details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_GENDER`.
            "gender": "A String", # Required. The gender of the audience.
          "geoRegionDetails": { # Details for assigned geographic region targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_GEO_REGION`. # Geographic region details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_GEO_REGION`.
            "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the geographic region (e.g., "Ontario, Canada").
            "geoRegionType": "A String", # Output only. The type of geographic region targeting.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_GEO_REGION`.
          "householdIncomeDetails": { # Details for assigned household income targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME`. # Household income details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME`.
            "householdIncome": "A String", # Required. The household income of the audience.
          "inheritance": "A String", # Output only. The inheritance status of the assigned targeting option.
          "inventorySourceDetails": { # Targeting details for inventory source. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_INVENTORY_SOURCE`. # Inventory source details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_INVENTORY_SOURCE`.
            "inventorySourceId": "A String", # Required. ID of the inventory source. Should refer to the inventory_source_id field of an InventorySource resource.
          "inventorySourceGroupDetails": { # Targeting details for inventory source group. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_INVENTORY_SOURCE_GROUP`. # Inventory source group details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_INVENTORY_SOURCE_GROUP`.
            "inventorySourceGroupId": "A String", # Required. ID of the inventory source group. Should refer to the inventory_source_group_id field of an InventorySourceGroup resource.
          "keywordDetails": { # Details for assigned keyword targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_KEYWORD`. # Keyword details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_KEYWORD`. A maximum of 5000 direct negative keywords can be assigned to a resource. No limit on number of positive keywords that can be assigned.
            "keyword": "A String", # Required. The keyword, for example `car insurance`. Positive keyword cannot be offensive word. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 255 bytes. Maximum number of characters is 80. Maximum number of words is 10.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
          "languageDetails": { # Details for assigned language targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_LANGUAGE`. # Language details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_LANGUAGE`.
            "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the language (e.g., "French").
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted. All assigned language targeting options on the same resource must have the same value for this field.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_LANGUAGE`.
          "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name for this assigned targeting option.
          "nativeContentPositionDetails": { # Details for native content position assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the native_content_position_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_NATIVE_CONTENT_POSITION`. Explicitly targeting all options is not supported. Remove all native content position targeting options to achieve this effect. # Native content position details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_NATIVE_CONTENT_POSITION`.
            "contentPosition": "A String", # Required. The content position.
          "negativeKeywordListDetails": { # Targeting details for negative keyword list. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_NEGATIVE_KEYWORD_LIST`. # Keyword details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_NEGATIVE_KEYWORD_LIST`. A maximum of 4 negative keyword lists can be assigned to a resource.
            "negativeKeywordListId": "A String", # Required. ID of the negative keyword list. Should refer to the negative_keyword_list_id field of a NegativeKeywordList resource.
          "omidDetails": { # Represents a targetable Open Measurement enabled inventory type. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_OMID`. # Open Measurement enabled inventory details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_OMID`.
            "omid": "A String", # Required. The type of Open Measurement enabled inventory.
          "onScreenPositionDetails": { # On screen position targeting option details. This will be populated in the on_screen_position_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_ON_SCREEN_POSITION`. # On screen position details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_ON_SCREEN_POSITION`.
            "adType": "A String", # Output only. The ad type to target. Only applicable to insertion order targeting and new line items supporting the specified ad type will inherit this targeting option by default. Possible values are: * `AD_TYPE_DISPLAY`, the setting will be inherited by new line item when line_item_type is `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT`. * `AD_TYPE_VIDEO`, the setting will be inherited by new line item when line_item_type is `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT`.
            "onScreenPosition": "A String", # Output only. The on screen position.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_ON_SCREEN_POSITION`.
          "operatingSystemDetails": { # Assigned operating system targeting option details. This will be populated in the operating_system_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_OPERATING_SYSTEM`. # Operating system details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_OPERATING_SYSTEM`.
            "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the operating system.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting option ID populated in targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_OPERATING_SYSTEM`.
          "parentalStatusDetails": { # Details for assigned parental status targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_PARENTAL_STATUS`. # Parental status details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_PARENTAL_STATUS`.
            "parentalStatus": "A String", # Required. The parental status of the audience.
          "poiDetails": { # Details for assigned POI targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_POI`. # POI details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_POI`.
            "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of a POI, e.g. "Times Square", "Space Needle", followed by its full address if available.
            "latitude": 3.14, # Output only. Latitude of the POI rounding to 6th decimal place.
            "longitude": 3.14, # Output only. Longitude of the POI rounding to 6th decimal place.
            "proximityRadiusAmount": 3.14, # Required. The radius of the area around the POI that will be targeted. The units of the radius are specified by proximity_radius_unit. Must be 1 to 800 if unit is `DISTANCE_UNIT_KILOMETERS` and 1 to 500 if unit is `DISTANCE_UNIT_MILES`.
            "proximityRadiusUnit": "A String", # Required. The unit of distance by which the targeting radius is measured.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_POI`. Accepted POI targeting option IDs can be retrieved using `targetingTypes.targetingOptions.search`. If targeting a specific latitude/longitude coordinate removed from an address or POI name, you can generate the necessary targeting option ID by rounding the desired coordinate values to the 6th decimal place, removing the decimals, and concatenating the string values separated by a semicolon. For example, you can target the latitude/longitude pair of 40.7414691, -74.003387 using the targeting option ID "40741469;-74003387". **Upon** **creation, this field value will be updated to append a semicolon and** **alphanumerical hash value if only latitude/longitude coordinates are** **provided.**
          "proximityLocationListDetails": { # Targeting details for proximity location list. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_PROXIMITY_LOCATION_LIST`. # Proximity location list details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_PROXIMITY_LOCATION_LIST`.
            "proximityLocationListId": "A String", # Required. ID of the proximity location list. Should refer to the location_list_id field of a LocationList resource whose type is `TARGETING_LOCATION_TYPE_PROXIMITY`.
            "proximityRadius": 3.14, # Required. Radius expressed in the distance units set in proximity_radius_unit. This represents the size of the area around a chosen location that will be targeted. Radius should be between 1 and 500 miles or 800 kilometers.
            "proximityRadiusUnit": "A String", # Required. Radius distance units.
          "regionalLocationListDetails": { # Targeting details for regional location list. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_REGIONAL_LOCATION_LIST`. # Regional location list details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_REGIONAL_LOCATION_LIST`.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
            "regionalLocationListId": "A String", # Required. ID of the regional location list. Should refer to the location_list_id field of a LocationList resource whose type is `TARGETING_LOCATION_TYPE_REGIONAL`.
          "sensitiveCategoryExclusionDetails": { # Targeting details for sensitive category. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_SENSITIVE_CATEGORY_EXCLUSION`. # Sensitive category details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_SENSITIVE_CATEGORY_EXCLUSION`. Sensitive categories are targeting exclusions. Advertiser level sensitive category exclusions, if set, are always applied in serving (even though they aren't visible in resource settings). Resource settings can exclude sensitive categories in addition to advertiser exclusions, but can't override them.
            "excludedSensitiveCategory": "A String", # Required. An enum for the DV360 Sensitive category content classified to be EXCLUDED.
          "sessionPositionDetails": { # Details for session position assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the session_position_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_SESSION_POSITION`. # Session position details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_SESSION_POSITION`.
            "sessionPosition": "A String", # The position where the ad will show in a session.
          "subExchangeDetails": { # Details for assigned sub-exchange targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_SUB_EXCHANGE`. # Sub-exchange details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_SUB_EXCHANGE`.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_SUB_EXCHANGE`.
          "targetingType": "A String", # Output only. Identifies the type of this assigned targeting option.
          "thirdPartyVerifierDetails": { # Assigned third party verifier targeting option details. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_THIRD_PARTY_VERIFIER`. # Third party verification details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_THIRD_PARTY_VERIFIER`.
            "adloox": { # Details of Adloox brand safety settings. # Third party brand verifier -- Adloox.
              "excludedAdlooxCategories": [ # Adloox categories to exclude.
                "A String",
            "doubleVerify": { # Details of DoubleVerify settings. # Third party brand verifier -- DoubleVerify.
              "appStarRating": { # Details of DoubleVerify star ratings settings. # Avoid bidding on apps with the star ratings.
                "avoidInsufficientStarRating": True or False, # Avoid bidding on apps with insufficient star ratings.
                "avoidedStarRating": "A String", # Avoid bidding on apps with the star ratings.
              "avoidedAgeRatings": [ # Avoid bidding on apps with the age rating.
                "A String",
              "brandSafetyCategories": { # Settings for brand safety controls. # DV Brand Safety Controls.
                "avoidUnknownBrandSafetyCategory": True or False, # Unknown or unrateable.
                "avoidedHighSeverityCategories": [ # Brand safety high severity avoidance categories.
                  "A String",
                "avoidedMediumSeverityCategories": [ # Brand safety medium severity avoidance categories.
                  "A String",
              "customSegmentId": "A String", # The custom segment ID provided by DoubleVerify. The ID must start with "51" and consist of eight digits. Custom segment ID cannot be specified along with any of the following fields: * brand_safety_categories * avoided_age_ratings * app_star_rating * fraud_invalid_traffic
              "displayViewability": { # Details of DoubleVerify display viewability settings. # Display viewability settings (applicable to display line items only).
                "iab": "A String", # Target web and app inventory to maximize IAB viewable rate.
                "viewableDuring": "A String", # Target web and app inventory to maximize 100% viewable duration.
              "fraudInvalidTraffic": { # DoubleVerify Fraud & Invalid Traffic settings. # Avoid Sites and Apps with historical Fraud & IVT Rates.
                "avoidInsufficientOption": True or False, # Insufficient Historical Fraud & IVT Stats.
                "avoidedFraudOption": "A String", # Avoid Sites and Apps with historical Fraud & IVT.
              "videoViewability": { # Details of DoubleVerify video viewability settings. # Video viewability settings (applicable to video line items only).
                "playerImpressionRate": "A String", # Target inventory to maximize impressions with 400x300 or greater player size.
                "videoIab": "A String", # Target web inventory to maximize IAB viewable rate.
                "videoViewableRate": "A String", # Target web inventory to maximize fully viewable rate.
            "integralAdScience": { # Details of Integral Ad Science settings. # Third party brand verifier -- Integral Ad Science.
              "customSegmentId": [ # The custom segment ID provided by Integral Ad Science. The ID must be between `1000001` and `1999999` or `3000001` and `3999999`, inclusive.
                "A String",
              "displayViewability": "A String", # Display Viewability section (applicable to display line items only).
              "excludeUnrateable": True or False, # Brand Safety - **Unrateable**.
              "excludedAdFraudRisk": "A String", # Ad Fraud settings.
              "excludedAdultRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Adult content**.
              "excludedAlcoholRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Alcohol**.
              "excludedDrugsRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Drugs**.
              "excludedGamblingRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Gambling**.
              "excludedHateSpeechRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Hate speech**.
              "excludedIllegalDownloadsRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Illegal downloads**.
              "excludedOffensiveLanguageRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Offensive language**.
              "excludedViolenceRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Violence**.
              "traqScoreOption": "A String", # True advertising quality (applicable to Display line items only).
              "videoViewability": "A String", # Video Viewability Section (applicable to video line items only).
          "urlDetails": { # Details for assigned URL targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_URL`. # URL details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_URL`.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
            "url": "A String", # Required. The URL, for example `example.com`. DV360 supports two levels of subdirectory targeting, for example `www.example.com/one-subdirectory-level/second-level`, and five levels of subdomain targeting, for example `five.four.three.two.one.example.com`.
          "userRewardedContentDetails": { # User rewarded content targeting option details. This will be populated in the user_rewarded_content_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_USER_REWARDED_CONTENT`. # User rewarded content details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_USER_REWARDED_CONTENT`.
            "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_USER_REWARDED_CONTENT`.
            "userRewardedContent": "A String", # Output only. User rewarded content status for video ads.
          "videoPlayerSizeDetails": { # Video player size targeting option details. This will be populated in the video_player_size_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_VIDEO_PLAYER_SIZE`. Explicitly targeting all options is not supported. Remove all video player size targeting options to achieve this effect. # Video player size details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_VIDEO_PLAYER_SIZE`.
            "videoPlayerSize": "A String", # Required. The video player size.
          "viewabilityDetails": { # Assigned viewability targeting option details. This will be populated in the viewability_details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_VIEWABILITY`. # Viewability details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_VIEWABILITY`. You can only target one viewability option per resource.
            "viewability": "A String", # Required. The predicted viewability percentage.
          "youtubeChannelDetails": { # Details for YouTube channel assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the youtube_channel_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL`. # YouTube channel details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL`.
            "channelId": "A String", # The YouTube uploader channel id or the channel code of a YouTube channel.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
          "youtubeVideoDetails": { # Details for YouTube video assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the youtube_video_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_YOUTUBE_VIDEO`. # YouTube video details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_YOUTUBE_VIDEO`.
            "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
            "videoId": "A String", # YouTube video id as it appears on the YouTube watch page.
      "targetingType": "A String", # Required. Identifies the type of this assigned targeting option.
    { # A request listing which assigned targeting options of a given targeting type should be deleted.
      "assignedTargetingOptionIds": [ # Required. The assigned targeting option IDs to delete.
        "A String",
      "targetingType": "A String", # Required. Identifies the type of this assigned targeting option.
  "lineItemIds": [ # Required. The ID of the line items whose targeting is being updated.
    "A String",

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

  "errors": [ # The error information for each line item that failed to update.
    { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/errors).
      "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
      "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
          "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
      "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
  "failedLineItemIds": [ # Output only. The IDs of the line items which failed.
    "A String",
  "updatedLineItemIds": [ # Output only. The IDs of the line items which successfully updated.
    "A String",
bulkListAssignedTargetingOptions(advertiserId, filter=None, lineItemIds=None, orderBy=None, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)
Lists assigned targeting options for multiple line items across targeting types.

  advertiserId: string, Required. The ID of the advertiser the line items belongs to. (required)
  filter: string, Allows filtering by assigned targeting option fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by the logical operator `OR` on the same field. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * All fields must use the `EQUALS (=)` operator. Supported fields: * `targetingType` * `inheritance` Examples: * `AssignedTargetingOption` resources of targeting type `TARGETING_TYPE_PROXIMITY_LOCATION_LIST` or `TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL`: `targetingType="TARGETING_TYPE_PROXIMITY_LOCATION_LIST" OR targetingType="TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL"` * `AssignedTargetingOption` resources with inheritance status of `NOT_INHERITED` or `INHERITED_FROM_PARTNER`: `inheritance="NOT_INHERITED" OR inheritance="INHERITED_FROM_PARTNER"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters. Reference our [filter `LIST` requests](/display-video/api/guides/how-tos/filters) guide for more information.
  lineItemIds: string, Required. The IDs of the line items to list assigned targeting options for. (repeated)
  orderBy: string, Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `lineItemId` (default) * `assignedTargetingOption.targetingType` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `targetingType desc`.
  pageSize: integer, Requested page size. The size must be an integer between `1` and `5000`. If unspecified, the default is `5000`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.
  pageToken: string, A token that lets the client fetch the next page of results. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to the `BulkListAssignedTargetingOptions` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

  "lineItemAssignedTargetingOptions": [ # The list of wrapper objects, each providing an assigned targeting option and the line item it is assigned to. This list will be absent if empty.
    { # Wrapper object associating an assigned_targeting_option resource and the line item it is assigned to.
      "assignedTargetingOption": { # A single assigned targeting option, which defines the state of a targeting option for an entity with targeting settings. # The assigned targeting option resource.
        "ageRangeDetails": { # Represents a targetable age range. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AGE_RANGE`. # Age range details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AGE_RANGE`.
          "ageRange": "A String", # Required. The age range of an audience. We only support targeting a continuous age range of an audience. Thus, the age range represented in this field can be 1) targeted solely, or, 2) part of a larger continuous age range. The reach of a continuous age range targeting can be expanded by also targeting an audience of an unknown age.
        "appCategoryDetails": { # Details for assigned app category targeting option. This will be populated in the app_category_details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_APP_CATEGORY`. # App category details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_APP_CATEGORY`.
          "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the app category.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_APP_CATEGORY`.
        "appDetails": { # Details for assigned app targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_APP`. # App details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_APP`.
          "appId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the app. Android's Play store app uses bundle ID, for example `com.google.android.gm`. Apple's App store app ID uses 9 digit string, for example `422689480`.
          "appPlatform": "A String", # Indicates the platform of the targeted app. If this field is not specified, the app platform will be assumed to be mobile (i.e., Android or iOS), and we will derive the appropriate mobile platform from the app ID.
          "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the app.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
        "assignedTargetingOptionId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the assigned targeting option. The ID is only unique within a given resource and targeting type. It may be reused in other contexts.
        "assignedTargetingOptionIdAlias": "A String", # Output only. An alias for the assigned_targeting_option_id. This value can be used in place of `assignedTargetingOptionId` when retrieving or deleting existing targeting. This field will only be supported for all assigned targeting options of the following targeting types: * `TARGETING_TYPE_AGE_RANGE` * `TARGETING_TYPE_DEVICE_TYPE` * `TARGETING_TYPE_DIGITAL_CONTENT_LABEL_EXCLUSION` * `TARGETING_TYPE_ENVIRONMENT` * `TARGETING_TYPE_EXCHANGE` * `TARGETING_TYPE_GENDER` * `TARGETING_TYPE_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME` * `TARGETING_TYPE_NATIVE_CONTENT_POSITION` * `TARGETING_TYPE_OMID` * `TARGETING_TYPE_PARENTAL_STATUS` * `TARGETING_TYPE_SENSITIVE_CATEGORY_EXCLUSION` * `TARGETING_TYPE_VIDEO_PLAYER_SIZE` * `TARGETING_TYPE_VIEWABILITY` This field is also supported for line item assigned targeting options of the following targeting types: * `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_INSTREAM_POSITION` * `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_OUTSTREAM_POSITION`
        "audienceGroupDetails": { # Assigned audience group targeting option details. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AUDIENCE_GROUP`. The relation between each group is UNION, except for excluded_first_and_third_party_audience_group and excluded_google_audience_group, of which COMPLEMENT is used as an INTERSECTION with other groups. # Audience targeting details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AUDIENCE_GROUP`. You can only target one audience group option per resource.
          "excludedGoogleAudienceGroup": { # Details of Google audience group. All Google audience targeting settings are logically ‘OR’ of each other. # Optional. The Google audience ids of the excluded Google audience group. Used for negative targeting. The COMPLEMENT of the UNION of this group and other excluded audience groups is used as an INTERSECTION to any positive audience targeting. Only contains Affinity, In-market and Installed-apps type Google audiences. All items are logically ‘OR’ of each other.
            "settings": [ # Required. All Google audience targeting settings in Google audience group. Repeated settings with the same id will be ignored.
              { # Details of Google audience targeting setting.
                "googleAudienceId": "A String", # Required. Google audience id of the Google audience targeting setting. This id is google_audience_id.
          "includedCombinedAudienceGroup": { # Details of combined audience group. All combined audience targeting settings are logically ‘OR’ of each other. # Optional. The combined audience ids of the included combined audience group. Contains combined audience ids only.
            "settings": [ # Required. All combined audience targeting settings in combined audience group. Repeated settings with the same id will be ignored. The number of combined audience settings should be no more than five, error will be thrown otherwise.
              { # Details of combined audience targeting setting.
                "combinedAudienceId": "A String", # Required. Combined audience id of combined audience targeting setting. This id is combined_audience_id.
          "includedCustomListGroup": { # Details of custom list group. All custom list targeting settings are logically ‘OR’ of each other. # Optional. The custom list ids of the included custom list group. Contains custom list ids only.
            "settings": [ # Required. All custom list targeting settings in custom list group. Repeated settings with the same id will be ignored.
              { # Details of custom list targeting setting.
                "customListId": "A String", # Required. Custom id of custom list targeting setting. This id is custom_list_id.
          "includedGoogleAudienceGroup": { # Details of Google audience group. All Google audience targeting settings are logically ‘OR’ of each other. # Optional. The Google audience ids of the included Google audience group. Contains Google audience ids only.
            "settings": [ # Required. All Google audience targeting settings in Google audience group. Repeated settings with the same id will be ignored.
              { # Details of Google audience targeting setting.
                "googleAudienceId": "A String", # Required. Google audience id of the Google audience targeting setting. This id is google_audience_id.
        "audioContentTypeDetails": { # Details for audio content type assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the audio_content_type_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE`. Explicitly targeting all options is not supported. Remove all audio content type targeting options to achieve this effect. # Audio content type details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE`.
          "audioContentType": "A String", # Required. The audio content type.
        "authorizedSellerStatusDetails": { # Represents an assigned authorized seller status. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AUTHORIZED_SELLER_STATUS`. If a resource does not have an `TARGETING_TYPE_AUTHORIZED_SELLER_STATUS` assigned targeting option, it is using the "Authorized Direct Sellers and Resellers" option. # Authorized seller status details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_AUTHORIZED_SELLER_STATUS`. You can only target one authorized seller status option per resource. If a resource doesn't have an authorized seller status option, all authorized sellers indicated as DIRECT or RESELLER in the ads.txt file are targeted by default.
          "authorizedSellerStatus": "A String", # Output only. The authorized seller status to target.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_AUTHORIZED_SELLER_STATUS`.
        "browserDetails": { # Details for assigned browser targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_BROWSER`. # Browser details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_BROWSER`.
          "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the browser.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted. All assigned browser targeting options on the same resource must have the same value for this field.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_BROWSER`.
        "businessChainDetails": { # Details for assigned Business chain targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_BUSINESS_CHAIN`. # Business chain details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_BUSINESS_CHAIN`.
          "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of a business chain, e.g. "KFC", "Chase Bank".
          "proximityRadiusAmount": 3.14, # Required. The radius of the area around the business chain that will be targeted. The units of the radius are specified by proximity_radius_unit. Must be 1 to 800 if unit is `DISTANCE_UNIT_KILOMETERS` and 1 to 500 if unit is `DISTANCE_UNIT_MILES`. The minimum increment for both cases is 0.1. Inputs will be rounded to the nearest acceptable value if it is too granular, e.g. 15.57 will become 15.6.
          "proximityRadiusUnit": "A String", # Required. The unit of distance by which the targeting radius is measured.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_BUSINESS_CHAIN`. Accepted business chain targeting option IDs can be retrieved using SearchTargetingOptions.
        "carrierAndIspDetails": { # Details for assigned carrier and ISP targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CARRIER_AND_ISP`. # Carrier and ISP details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CARRIER_AND_ISP`.
          "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the carrier or ISP.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted. All assigned carrier and ISP targeting options on the same resource must have the same value for this field.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_CARRIER_AND_ISP`.
        "categoryDetails": { # Assigned category targeting option details. This will be populated in the category_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CATEGORY`. # Category details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CATEGORY`. Targeting a category will also target its subcategories. If a category is excluded from targeting and a subcategory is included, the exclusion will take precedence.
          "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the category.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CATEGORY`.
        "channelDetails": { # Details for assigned channel targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL`. # Channel details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL`.
          "channelId": "A String", # Required. ID of the channel. Should refer to the channel ID field on a [Partner-owned channel](partners.channels#Channel.FIELDS.channel_id) or [advertiser-owned channel](advertisers.channels#Channel.FIELDS.channel_id) resource.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted. For advertiser level assigned targeting option, this field must be true.
        "contentDurationDetails": { # Details for content duration assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the content_duration_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_DURATION`. Explicitly targeting all options is not supported. Remove all content duration targeting options to achieve this effect. # Content duration details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_DURATION`.
          "contentDuration": "A String", # Output only. The content duration.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_DURATION`.
        "contentGenreDetails": { # Details for content genre assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the content_genre_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_GENRE`. Explicitly targeting all options is not supported. Remove all content genre targeting options to achieve this effect. # Content genre details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_GENRE`.
          "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the content genre.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_GENRE`.
        "contentInstreamPositionDetails": { # Assigned content instream position targeting option details. This will be populated in the content_instream_position_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_INSTREAM_POSITION`. # Content instream position details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_INSTREAM_POSITION`.
          "adType": "A String", # Output only. The ad type to target. Only applicable to insertion order targeting and new line items supporting the specified ad type will inherit this targeting option by default. Possible values are: * `AD_TYPE_VIDEO`, the setting will be inherited by new line item when line_item_type is `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT`. * `AD_TYPE_AUDIO`, the setting will be inherited by new line item when line_item_type is `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_AUDIO_DEFAULT`.
          "contentInstreamPosition": "A String", # Required. The content instream position for video or audio ads.
        "contentOutstreamPositionDetails": { # Assigned content outstream position targeting option details. This will be populated in the content_outstream_position_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_OUTSTREAM_POSITION`. # Content outstream position details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_OUTSTREAM_POSITION`.
          "adType": "A String", # Output only. The ad type to target. Only applicable to insertion order targeting and new line items supporting the specified ad type will inherit this targeting option by default. Possible values are: * `AD_TYPE_DISPLAY`, the setting will be inherited by new line item when line_item_type is `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT`. * `AD_TYPE_VIDEO`, the setting will be inherited by new line item when line_item_type is `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT`.
          "contentOutstreamPosition": "A String", # Required. The content outstream position.
        "contentStreamTypeDetails": { # Details for content stream type assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the content_stream_type_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_STREAM_TYPE`. Explicitly targeting all options is not supported. Remove all content stream type targeting options to achieve this effect. # Content duration details. This field will be populated when the TargetingType is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_STREAM_TYPE`.
          "contentStreamType": "A String", # Output only. The content stream type.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_STREAM_TYPE`.
        "dayAndTimeDetails": { # Representation of a segment of time defined on a specific day of the week and with a start and end time. The time represented by `start_hour` must be before the time represented by `end_hour`. # Day and time details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DAY_AND_TIME`.
          "dayOfWeek": "A String", # Required. The day of the week for this day and time targeting setting.
          "endHour": 42, # Required. The end hour for day and time targeting. Must be between 1 (1 hour after start of day) and 24 (end of day).
          "startHour": 42, # Required. The start hour for day and time targeting. Must be between 0 (start of day) and 23 (1 hour before end of day).
          "timeZoneResolution": "A String", # Required. The mechanism used to determine which timezone to use for this day and time targeting setting.
        "deviceMakeModelDetails": { # Assigned device make and model targeting option details. This will be populated in the device_make_model_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DEVICE_MAKE_MODEL`. # Device make and model details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DEVICE_MAKE_MODEL`.
          "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the device make and model.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DEVICE_MAKE_MODEL`.
        "deviceTypeDetails": { # Targeting details for device type. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DEVICE_TYPE`. # Device Type details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DEVICE_TYPE`.
          "deviceType": "A String", # Required. The display name of the device type.
          "youtubeAndPartnersBidMultiplier": 3.14, # Output only. Bid multiplier allows you to show your ads more or less frequently based on the device type. It will apply a multiplier on the original bid price. When this field is 0, it indicates this field is not applicable instead of multiplying 0 on the original bid price. For example, if the bid price without multiplier is $10.0 and the multiplier is 1.5 for Tablet, the resulting bid price for Tablet will be $15.0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners line items.
        "digitalContentLabelExclusionDetails": { # Targeting details for digital content label. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DIGITAL_CONTENT_LABEL_EXCLUSION`. # Digital content label details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_DIGITAL_CONTENT_LABEL_EXCLUSION`. Digital content labels are targeting exclusions. Advertiser level digital content label exclusions, if set, are always applied in serving (even though they aren't visible in resource settings). Resource settings can exclude content labels in addition to advertiser exclusions, but can't override them. A line item won't serve if all the digital content labels are excluded.
          "excludedContentRatingTier": "A String", # Required. The display name of the digital content label rating tier to be EXCLUDED.
        "environmentDetails": { # Assigned environment targeting option details. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_ENVIRONMENT`. # Environment details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_ENVIRONMENT`.
          "environment": "A String", # Required. The serving environment.
        "exchangeDetails": { # Details for assigned exchange targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_EXCHANGE`. # Exchange details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_EXCHANGE`.
          "exchange": "A String", # Required. The enum value for the exchange.
        "genderDetails": { # Details for assigned gender targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_GENDER`. # Gender details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_GENDER`.
          "gender": "A String", # Required. The gender of the audience.
        "geoRegionDetails": { # Details for assigned geographic region targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_GEO_REGION`. # Geographic region details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_GEO_REGION`.
          "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the geographic region (e.g., "Ontario, Canada").
          "geoRegionType": "A String", # Output only. The type of geographic region targeting.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_GEO_REGION`.
        "householdIncomeDetails": { # Details for assigned household income targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME`. # Household income details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME`.
          "householdIncome": "A String", # Required. The household income of the audience.
        "inheritance": "A String", # Output only. The inheritance status of the assigned targeting option.
        "inventorySourceDetails": { # Targeting details for inventory source. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_INVENTORY_SOURCE`. # Inventory source details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_INVENTORY_SOURCE`.
          "inventorySourceId": "A String", # Required. ID of the inventory source. Should refer to the inventory_source_id field of an InventorySource resource.
        "inventorySourceGroupDetails": { # Targeting details for inventory source group. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_INVENTORY_SOURCE_GROUP`. # Inventory source group details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_INVENTORY_SOURCE_GROUP`.
          "inventorySourceGroupId": "A String", # Required. ID of the inventory source group. Should refer to the inventory_source_group_id field of an InventorySourceGroup resource.
        "keywordDetails": { # Details for assigned keyword targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_KEYWORD`. # Keyword details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_KEYWORD`. A maximum of 5000 direct negative keywords can be assigned to a resource. No limit on number of positive keywords that can be assigned.
          "keyword": "A String", # Required. The keyword, for example `car insurance`. Positive keyword cannot be offensive word. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 255 bytes. Maximum number of characters is 80. Maximum number of words is 10.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
        "languageDetails": { # Details for assigned language targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_LANGUAGE`. # Language details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_LANGUAGE`.
          "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the language (e.g., "French").
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted. All assigned language targeting options on the same resource must have the same value for this field.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_LANGUAGE`.
        "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name for this assigned targeting option.
        "nativeContentPositionDetails": { # Details for native content position assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the native_content_position_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_NATIVE_CONTENT_POSITION`. Explicitly targeting all options is not supported. Remove all native content position targeting options to achieve this effect. # Native content position details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_NATIVE_CONTENT_POSITION`.
          "contentPosition": "A String", # Required. The content position.
        "negativeKeywordListDetails": { # Targeting details for negative keyword list. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_NEGATIVE_KEYWORD_LIST`. # Keyword details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_NEGATIVE_KEYWORD_LIST`. A maximum of 4 negative keyword lists can be assigned to a resource.
          "negativeKeywordListId": "A String", # Required. ID of the negative keyword list. Should refer to the negative_keyword_list_id field of a NegativeKeywordList resource.
        "omidDetails": { # Represents a targetable Open Measurement enabled inventory type. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_OMID`. # Open Measurement enabled inventory details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_OMID`.
          "omid": "A String", # Required. The type of Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        "onScreenPositionDetails": { # On screen position targeting option details. This will be populated in the on_screen_position_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_ON_SCREEN_POSITION`. # On screen position details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_ON_SCREEN_POSITION`.
          "adType": "A String", # Output only. The ad type to target. Only applicable to insertion order targeting and new line items supporting the specified ad type will inherit this targeting option by default. Possible values are: * `AD_TYPE_DISPLAY`, the setting will be inherited by new line item when line_item_type is `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT`. * `AD_TYPE_VIDEO`, the setting will be inherited by new line item when line_item_type is `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT`.
          "onScreenPosition": "A String", # Output only. The on screen position.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_ON_SCREEN_POSITION`.
        "operatingSystemDetails": { # Assigned operating system targeting option details. This will be populated in the operating_system_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_OPERATING_SYSTEM`. # Operating system details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_OPERATING_SYSTEM`.
          "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of the operating system.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting option ID populated in targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_OPERATING_SYSTEM`.
        "parentalStatusDetails": { # Details for assigned parental status targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_PARENTAL_STATUS`. # Parental status details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_PARENTAL_STATUS`.
          "parentalStatus": "A String", # Required. The parental status of the audience.
        "poiDetails": { # Details for assigned POI targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_POI`. # POI details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_POI`.
          "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The display name of a POI, e.g. "Times Square", "Space Needle", followed by its full address if available.
          "latitude": 3.14, # Output only. Latitude of the POI rounding to 6th decimal place.
          "longitude": 3.14, # Output only. Longitude of the POI rounding to 6th decimal place.
          "proximityRadiusAmount": 3.14, # Required. The radius of the area around the POI that will be targeted. The units of the radius are specified by proximity_radius_unit. Must be 1 to 800 if unit is `DISTANCE_UNIT_KILOMETERS` and 1 to 500 if unit is `DISTANCE_UNIT_MILES`.
          "proximityRadiusUnit": "A String", # Required. The unit of distance by which the targeting radius is measured.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_POI`. Accepted POI targeting option IDs can be retrieved using `targetingTypes.targetingOptions.search`. If targeting a specific latitude/longitude coordinate removed from an address or POI name, you can generate the necessary targeting option ID by rounding the desired coordinate values to the 6th decimal place, removing the decimals, and concatenating the string values separated by a semicolon. For example, you can target the latitude/longitude pair of 40.7414691, -74.003387 using the targeting option ID "40741469;-74003387". **Upon** **creation, this field value will be updated to append a semicolon and** **alphanumerical hash value if only latitude/longitude coordinates are** **provided.**
        "proximityLocationListDetails": { # Targeting details for proximity location list. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_PROXIMITY_LOCATION_LIST`. # Proximity location list details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_PROXIMITY_LOCATION_LIST`.
          "proximityLocationListId": "A String", # Required. ID of the proximity location list. Should refer to the location_list_id field of a LocationList resource whose type is `TARGETING_LOCATION_TYPE_PROXIMITY`.
          "proximityRadius": 3.14, # Required. Radius expressed in the distance units set in proximity_radius_unit. This represents the size of the area around a chosen location that will be targeted. Radius should be between 1 and 500 miles or 800 kilometers.
          "proximityRadiusUnit": "A String", # Required. Radius distance units.
        "regionalLocationListDetails": { # Targeting details for regional location list. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_REGIONAL_LOCATION_LIST`. # Regional location list details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_REGIONAL_LOCATION_LIST`.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
          "regionalLocationListId": "A String", # Required. ID of the regional location list. Should refer to the location_list_id field of a LocationList resource whose type is `TARGETING_LOCATION_TYPE_REGIONAL`.
        "sensitiveCategoryExclusionDetails": { # Targeting details for sensitive category. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_SENSITIVE_CATEGORY_EXCLUSION`. # Sensitive category details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_SENSITIVE_CATEGORY_EXCLUSION`. Sensitive categories are targeting exclusions. Advertiser level sensitive category exclusions, if set, are always applied in serving (even though they aren't visible in resource settings). Resource settings can exclude sensitive categories in addition to advertiser exclusions, but can't override them.
          "excludedSensitiveCategory": "A String", # Required. An enum for the DV360 Sensitive category content classified to be EXCLUDED.
        "sessionPositionDetails": { # Details for session position assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the session_position_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_SESSION_POSITION`. # Session position details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_SESSION_POSITION`.
          "sessionPosition": "A String", # The position where the ad will show in a session.
        "subExchangeDetails": { # Details for assigned sub-exchange targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_SUB_EXCHANGE`. # Sub-exchange details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_SUB_EXCHANGE`.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id of a TargetingOption of type `TARGETING_TYPE_SUB_EXCHANGE`.
        "targetingType": "A String", # Output only. Identifies the type of this assigned targeting option.
        "thirdPartyVerifierDetails": { # Assigned third party verifier targeting option details. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_THIRD_PARTY_VERIFIER`. # Third party verification details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_THIRD_PARTY_VERIFIER`.
          "adloox": { # Details of Adloox brand safety settings. # Third party brand verifier -- Adloox.
            "excludedAdlooxCategories": [ # Adloox categories to exclude.
              "A String",
          "doubleVerify": { # Details of DoubleVerify settings. # Third party brand verifier -- DoubleVerify.
            "appStarRating": { # Details of DoubleVerify star ratings settings. # Avoid bidding on apps with the star ratings.
              "avoidInsufficientStarRating": True or False, # Avoid bidding on apps with insufficient star ratings.
              "avoidedStarRating": "A String", # Avoid bidding on apps with the star ratings.
            "avoidedAgeRatings": [ # Avoid bidding on apps with the age rating.
              "A String",
            "brandSafetyCategories": { # Settings for brand safety controls. # DV Brand Safety Controls.
              "avoidUnknownBrandSafetyCategory": True or False, # Unknown or unrateable.
              "avoidedHighSeverityCategories": [ # Brand safety high severity avoidance categories.
                "A String",
              "avoidedMediumSeverityCategories": [ # Brand safety medium severity avoidance categories.
                "A String",
            "customSegmentId": "A String", # The custom segment ID provided by DoubleVerify. The ID must start with "51" and consist of eight digits. Custom segment ID cannot be specified along with any of the following fields: * brand_safety_categories * avoided_age_ratings * app_star_rating * fraud_invalid_traffic
            "displayViewability": { # Details of DoubleVerify display viewability settings. # Display viewability settings (applicable to display line items only).
              "iab": "A String", # Target web and app inventory to maximize IAB viewable rate.
              "viewableDuring": "A String", # Target web and app inventory to maximize 100% viewable duration.
            "fraudInvalidTraffic": { # DoubleVerify Fraud & Invalid Traffic settings. # Avoid Sites and Apps with historical Fraud & IVT Rates.
              "avoidInsufficientOption": True or False, # Insufficient Historical Fraud & IVT Stats.
              "avoidedFraudOption": "A String", # Avoid Sites and Apps with historical Fraud & IVT.
            "videoViewability": { # Details of DoubleVerify video viewability settings. # Video viewability settings (applicable to video line items only).
              "playerImpressionRate": "A String", # Target inventory to maximize impressions with 400x300 or greater player size.
              "videoIab": "A String", # Target web inventory to maximize IAB viewable rate.
              "videoViewableRate": "A String", # Target web inventory to maximize fully viewable rate.
          "integralAdScience": { # Details of Integral Ad Science settings. # Third party brand verifier -- Integral Ad Science.
            "customSegmentId": [ # The custom segment ID provided by Integral Ad Science. The ID must be between `1000001` and `1999999` or `3000001` and `3999999`, inclusive.
              "A String",
            "displayViewability": "A String", # Display Viewability section (applicable to display line items only).
            "excludeUnrateable": True or False, # Brand Safety - **Unrateable**.
            "excludedAdFraudRisk": "A String", # Ad Fraud settings.
            "excludedAdultRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Adult content**.
            "excludedAlcoholRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Alcohol**.
            "excludedDrugsRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Drugs**.
            "excludedGamblingRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Gambling**.
            "excludedHateSpeechRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Hate speech**.
            "excludedIllegalDownloadsRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Illegal downloads**.
            "excludedOffensiveLanguageRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Offensive language**.
            "excludedViolenceRisk": "A String", # Brand Safety - **Violence**.
            "traqScoreOption": "A String", # True advertising quality (applicable to Display line items only).
            "videoViewability": "A String", # Video Viewability Section (applicable to video line items only).
        "urlDetails": { # Details for assigned URL targeting option. This will be populated in the details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_URL`. # URL details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_URL`.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
          "url": "A String", # Required. The URL, for example `example.com`. DV360 supports two levels of subdirectory targeting, for example `www.example.com/one-subdirectory-level/second-level`, and five levels of subdomain targeting, for example `five.four.three.two.one.example.com`.
        "userRewardedContentDetails": { # User rewarded content targeting option details. This will be populated in the user_rewarded_content_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_USER_REWARDED_CONTENT`. # User rewarded content details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_USER_REWARDED_CONTENT`.
          "targetingOptionId": "A String", # Required. The targeting_option_id field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_USER_REWARDED_CONTENT`.
          "userRewardedContent": "A String", # Output only. User rewarded content status for video ads.
        "videoPlayerSizeDetails": { # Video player size targeting option details. This will be populated in the video_player_size_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_VIDEO_PLAYER_SIZE`. Explicitly targeting all options is not supported. Remove all video player size targeting options to achieve this effect. # Video player size details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_VIDEO_PLAYER_SIZE`.
          "videoPlayerSize": "A String", # Required. The video player size.
        "viewabilityDetails": { # Assigned viewability targeting option details. This will be populated in the viewability_details field of an AssignedTargetingOption when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_VIEWABILITY`. # Viewability details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_VIEWABILITY`. You can only target one viewability option per resource.
          "viewability": "A String", # Required. The predicted viewability percentage.
        "youtubeChannelDetails": { # Details for YouTube channel assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the youtube_channel_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL`. # YouTube channel details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL`.
          "channelId": "A String", # The YouTube uploader channel id or the channel code of a YouTube channel.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
        "youtubeVideoDetails": { # Details for YouTube video assigned targeting option. This will be populated in the youtube_video_details field when targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_YOUTUBE_VIDEO`. # YouTube video details. This field will be populated when the targeting_type is `TARGETING_TYPE_YOUTUBE_VIDEO`.
          "negative": True or False, # Indicates if this option is being negatively targeted.
          "videoId": "A String", # YouTube video id as it appears on the YouTube watch page.
      "lineItemId": "A String", # The ID of the line item the assigned targeting option is assigned to.
  "nextPageToken": "A String", # A token identifying the next page of results. This value should be specified as the pageToken in a subsequent call to `BulkListAssignedTargetingOptions` to fetch the next page of results. This token will be absent if there are no more line_item_assigned_targeting_options to return.
Retrieves the next page of results.

          previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
          previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

          A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
          page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
bulkUpdate(advertiserId, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Updates multiple line items. Requests to this endpoint cannot be made concurrently with the following requests updating the same line item: * BulkEditAssignedTargetingOptions * UpdateLineItem * assignedTargetingOptions.create * assignedTargetingOptions.delete YouTube & Partners line items cannot be created or updated using the API.

  advertiserId: string, Required. The ID of the advertiser this line item belongs to. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Request message for LineItemService.BulkUpdateLineItems.
  "lineItemIds": [ # Required. IDs of line items to update.
    "A String",
  "targetLineItem": { # A single line item. # Required. A line item object containing the fields to be updated and the new values to assign to all line items specified in line_item_ids."
    "advertiserId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.
    "bidStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy. Bid strategy determines the bid price. # Required. The bidding strategy of the line item.
      "fixedBid": { # A strategy that uses a fixed bidding price. # A strategy that uses a fixed bid price.
        "bidAmountMicros": "A String", # The fixed bid amount, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For insertion order entity, bid_amount_micros should be set as 0. For line item entity, bid_amount_micros must be greater than or equal to billable unit of the given currency and smaller than or equal to the upper limit 1000000000. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
      "maximizeSpendAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize a specified performance goal while spending the full budget. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize to your performance goal while spending the full budget. At insertion order level, the markup_type of line items cannot be set to `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`. In addition, when performance_goal_type is one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_AV_VIEWED` , the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be either: * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT` * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT` , and when performance_goal_type is either: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CIVA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_IVO_TEN` the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT`.
        "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
        "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
        "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy tries to minimize while spending the full budget. `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` is not supported for this strategy.
        "raiseBidForDeals": True or False, # Whether the strategy takes deal floor prices into account.
      "performanceGoalAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. It is to be used only for a line item entity.
        "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
        "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. Not applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
        "performanceGoalAmountMicros": "A String", # Required. The performance goal the bidding strategy will attempt to meet or beat, in micros of the advertiser's currency or in micro of the ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend) value which is also based on advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency and smaller or equal to upper bounds. Each performance_goal_type has its upper bound: * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA`, upper bound is 10000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`, upper bound is 1000.00 and lower bound is 0.01. Example: If set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, the bid price will be based on the probability that each available impression will be viewable. For example, if viewable CPM target is $2 and an impression is 40% likely to be viewable, the bid price will be $0.80 CPM (40% of $2). For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency or ROAS value.
        "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy will try to meet or beat. For line item level usage, the value must be one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`.
    "budget": { # Settings that control how budget is allocated. # Required. The budget allocation setting of the line item.
      "budgetAllocationType": "A String", # Required. The type of the budget allocation. `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC` is only applicable when automatic budget allocation is enabled for the parent insertion order.
      "budgetUnit": "A String", # Output only. The budget unit specifies whether the budget is currency based or impression based. This value is inherited from the parent insertion order.
      "maxAmount": "A String", # The maximum budget amount the line item will spend. Must be greater than 0. When budget_allocation_type is: * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC`, this field is immutable and is set by the system. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_FIXED`, if budget_unit is: - `BUDGET_UNIT_CURRENCY`, this field represents maximum budget amount to spend, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. - `BUDGET_UNIT_IMPRESSIONS`, this field represents the maximum number of impressions to serve. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_UNLIMITED`, this field is not applicable and will be ignored by the system.
    "campaignId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the campaign that the line item belongs to.
    "conversionCounting": { # Settings that control how conversions are counted. All post-click conversions will be counted. A percentage value can be set for post-view conversions counting. # The conversion tracking setting of the line item. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, the floodlight_activity_configs field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      "floodlightActivityConfigs": [ # The Floodlight activity configs used to track conversions. The number of conversions counted is the sum of all of the conversions counted by all of the Floodlight activity IDs specified in this field. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, this field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
        { # Settings that control the behavior of a single Floodlight activity config.
          "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the Floodlight activity.
          "postClickLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been clicked in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
          "postViewLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been viewed in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
      "postViewCountPercentageMillis": "A String", # The percentage of post-view conversions to count, in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Must be between 0 and 100000 inclusive. For example, to track 50% of the post-click conversions, set a value of 50000.
    "creativeIds": [ # The IDs of the creatives associated with the line item.
      "A String",
    "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the line item. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
    "entityStatus": "A String", # Required. Controls whether or not the line item can spend its budget and bid on inventory. * For CreateLineItem method, only `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` is allowed. To activate a line item, use UpdateLineItem method and update the status to `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE` after creation. * A line item cannot be changed back to `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` status from any other status. * If the line item's parent insertion order is not active, the line item can't spend its budget even if its own status is `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE`.
    "excludeNewExchanges": True or False, # Whether to exclude new exchanges from automatically being targeted by the line item. This field is false by default.
    "flight": { # Settings that control the active duration of a line item. # Required. The start and end time of the line item's flight.
      "dateRange": { # A date range. # The flight start and end dates of the line item. They are resolved relative to the parent advertiser's time zone. * Required when flight_date_type is `LINE_ITEM_FLIGHT_DATE_TYPE_CUSTOM`. Output only otherwise. * When creating a new flight, both `start_date` and `end_date` must be in the future. * An existing flight with a `start_date` in the past has a mutable `end_date` but an immutable `start_date`. * `end_date` must be the `start_date` or later, both before the year 2037.
        "endDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The upper bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
          "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
          "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
          "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
        "startDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The lower bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
          "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
          "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
          "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
      "flightDateType": "A String", # Required. The type of the line item's flight dates.
    "frequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # Required. The impression frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_impressions field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
      "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
      "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
      "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
      "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
      "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.
    "insertionOrderId": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The unique ID of the insertion order that the line item belongs to.
    "integrationDetails": { # Integration details of an entry. # Integration details of the line item.
      "details": "A String", # Additional details of the entry in string format. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 1000 characters.
      "integrationCode": "A String", # An external identifier to be associated with the entry. The integration code will show up together with the entry in many places in the system, for example, reporting. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 500 characters.
    "lineItemId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the line item. Assigned by the system.
    "lineItemType": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The type of the line item.
    "mobileApp": { # A mobile app promoted by a mobile app install line item. # The mobile app promoted by the line item. This is applicable only when line_item_type is either `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL` or `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL`.
      "appId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the app provided by the platform store. Android apps are identified by the bundle ID used by Android's Play store, such as `com.google.android.gm`. iOS apps are identified by a nine-digit app ID used by Apple's App store, such as `422689480`.
      "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The app name.
      "platform": "A String", # Output only. The app platform.
      "publisher": "A String", # Output only. The app publisher.
    "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name of the line item.
    "pacing": { # Settings that control the rate at which a budget is spent. # Required. The budget spending speed setting of the line item.
      "dailyMaxImpressions": "A String", # Maximum number of impressions to serve every day. Applicable when the budget is impression based. Must be greater than 0.
      "dailyMaxMicros": "A String", # Maximum currency amount to spend every day in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the budget is currency based. Must be greater than 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the currency, set this field to 1500000. The value assigned will be rounded to whole billable units for the relevant currency by the following rules: any positive value less than a single billable unit will be rounded up to one billable unit and any value larger than a single billable unit will be rounded down to the nearest billable value. For example, if the currency's billable unit is 0.01, and this field is set to 10257770, it will round down to 10250000, a value of 10.25. If set to 505, it will round up to 10000, a value of 0.01.
      "pacingPeriod": "A String", # Required. The time period in which the pacing budget will be spent. When automatic budget allocation is enabled at the insertion order via automationType, this field is output only and defaults to `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT`.
      "pacingType": "A String", # Required. The type of pacing that defines how the budget amount will be spent across the pacing_period. `PACING_TYPE_ASAP` is not compatible with pacing_period `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT` for insertion orders.
    "partnerCosts": [ # The partner costs associated with the line item. If absent or empty in CreateLineItem method, the newly created line item will inherit partner costs from its parent insertion order.
      { # Settings that control a partner cost. A partner cost is any type of expense involved in running a campaign, other than the costs of purchasing impressions (which is called the media cost) and using third-party audience segment data (data fee). Some examples of partner costs include the fees for using DV360, a third-party ad server, or a third-party ad serving verification service.
        "costType": "A String", # Required. The type of the partner cost.
        "feeAmount": "A String", # The CPM fee amount in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_CPM_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the advertiser's currency, set this field to 1500000.
        "feePercentageMillis": "A String", # The media fee percentage in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_MEDIA_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example: 100 represents 0.1%.
        "feeType": "A String", # Required. The fee type for this partner cost.
        "invoiceType": "A String", # The invoice type for this partner cost. * Required when cost_type is one of: - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_ADLOOX` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DOUBLE_VERIFY` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`. * Output only for other types.
    "partnerRevenueModel": { # Settings that control how partner revenue is calculated. # Required. The partner revenue model setting of the line item.
      "markupAmount": "A String", # Required. The markup amount of the partner revenue model. Must be greater than or equal to 0. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`, this field represents the CPM markup in micros of advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001). * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_TOTAL_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the total media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001).
      "markupType": "A String", # Required. The markup type of the partner revenue model.
    "reservationType": "A String", # Output only. The reservation type of the line item.
    "targetingExpansion": { # Settings that control the [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. # The [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. This config is only applicable for display, video, or audio line items that use automated bidding and positively target eligible audience lists.
      "excludeFirstPartyAudience": True or False, # Whether to exclude first-party audiences from use in targeting expansion. This field was deprecated with the launch of [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859). This field will be set to `false`. If this field is set to `true` when deprecated, all positive first-party audience targeting assigned to this line item will be replaced with negative targeting of the same first-party audiences to ensure the continued exclusion of those audiences.
      "targetingExpansionLevel": "A String", # Required. Whether optimized targeting is turned on. This field supports the following values: * `NO_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned off * `LEAST_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned on If this field is set to any other value, it will automatically be set to `LEAST_EXPANSION`. `NO_EXPANSION` will be the default value for the field and will be automatically assigned if you do not set the field.
    "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The timestamp when the line item was last updated. Assigned by the system.
    "warningMessages": [ # Output only. The warning messages generated by the line item. These warnings do not block saving the line item, but some may block the line item from running.
      "A String",
    "youtubeAndPartnersSettings": { # Settings for YouTube and Partners line items. # Output only. Settings specific to YouTube and Partners line items.
      "biddingStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy for YouTube and Partners resources. # Required. The bidding strategy of the YouTube and Partners line item.
        "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaSource": "A String", # Output only. Source of the effective target CPA value for ad group.
        "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaValue": "A String", # Output only. The effective target CPA for ad group, in micros of advertiser's currency.
        "type": "A String", # The type of the bidding strategy.
        "value": "A String", # The value used by the bidding strategy. When the bidding strategy is assigned at the line item level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` When the bidding strategy is assigned at the ad group level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPV` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_RESERVE_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` If not using an applicable strategy, the value of this field will be 0.
      "contentCategory": "A String", # The kind of content on which the YouTube and Partners ads will be shown.
      "effectiveContentCategory": "A String", # Output only. The content category which takes effect when serving the line item. When content category is set in both line item and advertiser, the stricter one will take effect when serving the line item.
      "inventorySourceSettings": { # Settings that control what YouTube related inventories the YouTube and Partners line item will target. # Settings that control what YouTube and Partners inventories the line item will target.
        "includeGoogleTv": True or False, # Optional. Whether to target inventory in video apps available with Google TV.
        "includeYoutubeSearch": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on the YouTube search results page.
        "includeYoutubeVideoPartners": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on a collection of partner sites and apps that follow the same brand safety standards as YouTube.
        "includeYoutubeVideos": True or False, # Whether to target inventory of channels and videos on YouTube and YouTube videos embedded on other sites.
      "leadFormId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the form to generate leads.
      "linkedMerchantId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the merchant which is linked to the line item for product feed.
      "relatedVideoIds": [ # Optional. The IDs of the videos appear below the primary video ad when the ad is playing in the YouTube app on mobile devices.
        "A String",
      "targetFrequency": { # Setting that controls the average number of times the ads will show to the same person over a certain period of time. # Optional. The average number of times you want ads from this line item to show to the same person over a certain period of time.
        "targetCount": "A String", # The target number of times, on average, the ads will be shown to the same person in the timespan dictated by time_unit and time_unit_count.
        "timeUnit": "A String", # The unit of time in which the target frequency will be applied. The following time unit is applicable: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS`
        "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the target frequency will last. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be 1
      "thirdPartyMeasurementSettings": { # Settings that control what third-party vendors are measuring specific line item metrics. # Optional. The third-party measurement settings of the line item.
        "brandLiftVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand lift. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DYNATA` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
          { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
            "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
            "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
        "brandSafetyVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand safety. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_ZERF` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`
          { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
            "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
            "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
        "reachVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring reach. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_NIELSEN` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
          { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
            "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
            "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
        "viewabilityVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring viewability. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MOAT` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_TELEMETRY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MEETRICS`
          { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
            "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
            "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "videoAdSequenceSettings": { # Settings related to VideoAdSequence. # Optional. The settings related to VideoAdSequence.
        "minimumDuration": "A String", # The minimum time interval before the same user sees this sequence again.
        "steps": [ # The steps of which the sequence consists.
          { # The detail of a single step in a VideoAdSequence.
            "adGroupId": "A String", # The ID of the corresponding ad group of the step.
            "interactionType": "A String", # The interaction on the previous step that will lead the viewer to this step. The first step does not have interaction_type.
            "previousStepId": "A String", # The ID of the previous step. The first step does not have previous step.
            "stepId": "A String", # The ID of the step.
      "viewFrequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # The view frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_views field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
        "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
        "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
        "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
        "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
        "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.
  "updateMask": "A String", # Required. A field mask identifying which fields to update. Only the following fields are currently supported: * entityStatus

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Response message for LineItemService.BulkUpdateLineItems.
  "errors": [ # Errors returned by line items that failed to update.
    { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/errors).
      "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
      "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
          "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
      "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
  "failedLineItemIds": [ # The IDs of line items that failed to update.
    "A String",
  "skippedLineItemIds": [ # The IDs of line items that are skipped for updates. For example, unnecessary mutates that will result in effectively no changes to line items will be skipped and corresponding line item IDs can be tracked here.
    "A String",
  "updatedLineItemIds": [ # The IDs of successfully updated line items.
    "A String",
Close httplib2 connections.
create(advertiserId, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Creates a new line item. Returns the newly created line item if successful. YouTube & Partners line items cannot be created or updated using the API.

  advertiserId: string, Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # A single line item.
  "advertiserId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.
  "bidStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy. Bid strategy determines the bid price. # Required. The bidding strategy of the line item.
    "fixedBid": { # A strategy that uses a fixed bidding price. # A strategy that uses a fixed bid price.
      "bidAmountMicros": "A String", # The fixed bid amount, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For insertion order entity, bid_amount_micros should be set as 0. For line item entity, bid_amount_micros must be greater than or equal to billable unit of the given currency and smaller than or equal to the upper limit 1000000000. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
    "maximizeSpendAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize a specified performance goal while spending the full budget. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize to your performance goal while spending the full budget. At insertion order level, the markup_type of line items cannot be set to `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`. In addition, when performance_goal_type is one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_AV_VIEWED` , the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be either: * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT` * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT` , and when performance_goal_type is either: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CIVA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_IVO_TEN` the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT`.
      "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
      "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy tries to minimize while spending the full budget. `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` is not supported for this strategy.
      "raiseBidForDeals": True or False, # Whether the strategy takes deal floor prices into account.
    "performanceGoalAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. It is to be used only for a line item entity.
      "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. Not applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
      "performanceGoalAmountMicros": "A String", # Required. The performance goal the bidding strategy will attempt to meet or beat, in micros of the advertiser's currency or in micro of the ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend) value which is also based on advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency and smaller or equal to upper bounds. Each performance_goal_type has its upper bound: * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA`, upper bound is 10000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`, upper bound is 1000.00 and lower bound is 0.01. Example: If set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, the bid price will be based on the probability that each available impression will be viewable. For example, if viewable CPM target is $2 and an impression is 40% likely to be viewable, the bid price will be $0.80 CPM (40% of $2). For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency or ROAS value.
      "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy will try to meet or beat. For line item level usage, the value must be one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`.
  "budget": { # Settings that control how budget is allocated. # Required. The budget allocation setting of the line item.
    "budgetAllocationType": "A String", # Required. The type of the budget allocation. `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC` is only applicable when automatic budget allocation is enabled for the parent insertion order.
    "budgetUnit": "A String", # Output only. The budget unit specifies whether the budget is currency based or impression based. This value is inherited from the parent insertion order.
    "maxAmount": "A String", # The maximum budget amount the line item will spend. Must be greater than 0. When budget_allocation_type is: * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC`, this field is immutable and is set by the system. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_FIXED`, if budget_unit is: - `BUDGET_UNIT_CURRENCY`, this field represents maximum budget amount to spend, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. - `BUDGET_UNIT_IMPRESSIONS`, this field represents the maximum number of impressions to serve. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_UNLIMITED`, this field is not applicable and will be ignored by the system.
  "campaignId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the campaign that the line item belongs to.
  "conversionCounting": { # Settings that control how conversions are counted. All post-click conversions will be counted. A percentage value can be set for post-view conversions counting. # The conversion tracking setting of the line item. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, the floodlight_activity_configs field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
    "floodlightActivityConfigs": [ # The Floodlight activity configs used to track conversions. The number of conversions counted is the sum of all of the conversions counted by all of the Floodlight activity IDs specified in this field. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, this field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      { # Settings that control the behavior of a single Floodlight activity config.
        "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the Floodlight activity.
        "postClickLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been clicked in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
        "postViewLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been viewed in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
    "postViewCountPercentageMillis": "A String", # The percentage of post-view conversions to count, in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Must be between 0 and 100000 inclusive. For example, to track 50% of the post-click conversions, set a value of 50000.
  "creativeIds": [ # The IDs of the creatives associated with the line item.
    "A String",
  "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the line item. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
  "entityStatus": "A String", # Required. Controls whether or not the line item can spend its budget and bid on inventory. * For CreateLineItem method, only `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` is allowed. To activate a line item, use UpdateLineItem method and update the status to `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE` after creation. * A line item cannot be changed back to `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` status from any other status. * If the line item's parent insertion order is not active, the line item can't spend its budget even if its own status is `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE`.
  "excludeNewExchanges": True or False, # Whether to exclude new exchanges from automatically being targeted by the line item. This field is false by default.
  "flight": { # Settings that control the active duration of a line item. # Required. The start and end time of the line item's flight.
    "dateRange": { # A date range. # The flight start and end dates of the line item. They are resolved relative to the parent advertiser's time zone. * Required when flight_date_type is `LINE_ITEM_FLIGHT_DATE_TYPE_CUSTOM`. Output only otherwise. * When creating a new flight, both `start_date` and `end_date` must be in the future. * An existing flight with a `start_date` in the past has a mutable `end_date` but an immutable `start_date`. * `end_date` must be the `start_date` or later, both before the year 2037.
      "endDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The upper bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
        "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
        "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
        "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
      "startDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The lower bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
        "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
        "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
        "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    "flightDateType": "A String", # Required. The type of the line item's flight dates.
  "frequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # Required. The impression frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_impressions field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
    "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
    "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
    "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
    "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
    "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.
  "insertionOrderId": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The unique ID of the insertion order that the line item belongs to.
  "integrationDetails": { # Integration details of an entry. # Integration details of the line item.
    "details": "A String", # Additional details of the entry in string format. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 1000 characters.
    "integrationCode": "A String", # An external identifier to be associated with the entry. The integration code will show up together with the entry in many places in the system, for example, reporting. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 500 characters.
  "lineItemId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the line item. Assigned by the system.
  "lineItemType": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The type of the line item.
  "mobileApp": { # A mobile app promoted by a mobile app install line item. # The mobile app promoted by the line item. This is applicable only when line_item_type is either `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL` or `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL`.
    "appId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the app provided by the platform store. Android apps are identified by the bundle ID used by Android's Play store, such as `com.google.android.gm`. iOS apps are identified by a nine-digit app ID used by Apple's App store, such as `422689480`.
    "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The app name.
    "platform": "A String", # Output only. The app platform.
    "publisher": "A String", # Output only. The app publisher.
  "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name of the line item.
  "pacing": { # Settings that control the rate at which a budget is spent. # Required. The budget spending speed setting of the line item.
    "dailyMaxImpressions": "A String", # Maximum number of impressions to serve every day. Applicable when the budget is impression based. Must be greater than 0.
    "dailyMaxMicros": "A String", # Maximum currency amount to spend every day in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the budget is currency based. Must be greater than 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the currency, set this field to 1500000. The value assigned will be rounded to whole billable units for the relevant currency by the following rules: any positive value less than a single billable unit will be rounded up to one billable unit and any value larger than a single billable unit will be rounded down to the nearest billable value. For example, if the currency's billable unit is 0.01, and this field is set to 10257770, it will round down to 10250000, a value of 10.25. If set to 505, it will round up to 10000, a value of 0.01.
    "pacingPeriod": "A String", # Required. The time period in which the pacing budget will be spent. When automatic budget allocation is enabled at the insertion order via automationType, this field is output only and defaults to `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT`.
    "pacingType": "A String", # Required. The type of pacing that defines how the budget amount will be spent across the pacing_period. `PACING_TYPE_ASAP` is not compatible with pacing_period `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT` for insertion orders.
  "partnerCosts": [ # The partner costs associated with the line item. If absent or empty in CreateLineItem method, the newly created line item will inherit partner costs from its parent insertion order.
    { # Settings that control a partner cost. A partner cost is any type of expense involved in running a campaign, other than the costs of purchasing impressions (which is called the media cost) and using third-party audience segment data (data fee). Some examples of partner costs include the fees for using DV360, a third-party ad server, or a third-party ad serving verification service.
      "costType": "A String", # Required. The type of the partner cost.
      "feeAmount": "A String", # The CPM fee amount in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_CPM_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the advertiser's currency, set this field to 1500000.
      "feePercentageMillis": "A String", # The media fee percentage in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_MEDIA_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example: 100 represents 0.1%.
      "feeType": "A String", # Required. The fee type for this partner cost.
      "invoiceType": "A String", # The invoice type for this partner cost. * Required when cost_type is one of: - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_ADLOOX` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DOUBLE_VERIFY` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`. * Output only for other types.
  "partnerRevenueModel": { # Settings that control how partner revenue is calculated. # Required. The partner revenue model setting of the line item.
    "markupAmount": "A String", # Required. The markup amount of the partner revenue model. Must be greater than or equal to 0. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`, this field represents the CPM markup in micros of advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001). * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_TOTAL_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the total media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001).
    "markupType": "A String", # Required. The markup type of the partner revenue model.
  "reservationType": "A String", # Output only. The reservation type of the line item.
  "targetingExpansion": { # Settings that control the [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. # The [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. This config is only applicable for display, video, or audio line items that use automated bidding and positively target eligible audience lists.
    "excludeFirstPartyAudience": True or False, # Whether to exclude first-party audiences from use in targeting expansion. This field was deprecated with the launch of [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859). This field will be set to `false`. If this field is set to `true` when deprecated, all positive first-party audience targeting assigned to this line item will be replaced with negative targeting of the same first-party audiences to ensure the continued exclusion of those audiences.
    "targetingExpansionLevel": "A String", # Required. Whether optimized targeting is turned on. This field supports the following values: * `NO_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned off * `LEAST_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned on If this field is set to any other value, it will automatically be set to `LEAST_EXPANSION`. `NO_EXPANSION` will be the default value for the field and will be automatically assigned if you do not set the field.
  "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The timestamp when the line item was last updated. Assigned by the system.
  "warningMessages": [ # Output only. The warning messages generated by the line item. These warnings do not block saving the line item, but some may block the line item from running.
    "A String",
  "youtubeAndPartnersSettings": { # Settings for YouTube and Partners line items. # Output only. Settings specific to YouTube and Partners line items.
    "biddingStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy for YouTube and Partners resources. # Required. The bidding strategy of the YouTube and Partners line item.
      "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaSource": "A String", # Output only. Source of the effective target CPA value for ad group.
      "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaValue": "A String", # Output only. The effective target CPA for ad group, in micros of advertiser's currency.
      "type": "A String", # The type of the bidding strategy.
      "value": "A String", # The value used by the bidding strategy. When the bidding strategy is assigned at the line item level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` When the bidding strategy is assigned at the ad group level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPV` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_RESERVE_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` If not using an applicable strategy, the value of this field will be 0.
    "contentCategory": "A String", # The kind of content on which the YouTube and Partners ads will be shown.
    "effectiveContentCategory": "A String", # Output only. The content category which takes effect when serving the line item. When content category is set in both line item and advertiser, the stricter one will take effect when serving the line item.
    "inventorySourceSettings": { # Settings that control what YouTube related inventories the YouTube and Partners line item will target. # Settings that control what YouTube and Partners inventories the line item will target.
      "includeGoogleTv": True or False, # Optional. Whether to target inventory in video apps available with Google TV.
      "includeYoutubeSearch": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on the YouTube search results page.
      "includeYoutubeVideoPartners": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on a collection of partner sites and apps that follow the same brand safety standards as YouTube.
      "includeYoutubeVideos": True or False, # Whether to target inventory of channels and videos on YouTube and YouTube videos embedded on other sites.
    "leadFormId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the form to generate leads.
    "linkedMerchantId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the merchant which is linked to the line item for product feed.
    "relatedVideoIds": [ # Optional. The IDs of the videos appear below the primary video ad when the ad is playing in the YouTube app on mobile devices.
      "A String",
    "targetFrequency": { # Setting that controls the average number of times the ads will show to the same person over a certain period of time. # Optional. The average number of times you want ads from this line item to show to the same person over a certain period of time.
      "targetCount": "A String", # The target number of times, on average, the ads will be shown to the same person in the timespan dictated by time_unit and time_unit_count.
      "timeUnit": "A String", # The unit of time in which the target frequency will be applied. The following time unit is applicable: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS`
      "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the target frequency will last. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be 1
    "thirdPartyMeasurementSettings": { # Settings that control what third-party vendors are measuring specific line item metrics. # Optional. The third-party measurement settings of the line item.
      "brandLiftVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand lift. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DYNATA` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "brandSafetyVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand safety. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_ZERF` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "reachVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring reach. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_NIELSEN` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "viewabilityVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring viewability. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MOAT` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_TELEMETRY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MEETRICS`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
    "videoAdSequenceSettings": { # Settings related to VideoAdSequence. # Optional. The settings related to VideoAdSequence.
      "minimumDuration": "A String", # The minimum time interval before the same user sees this sequence again.
      "steps": [ # The steps of which the sequence consists.
        { # The detail of a single step in a VideoAdSequence.
          "adGroupId": "A String", # The ID of the corresponding ad group of the step.
          "interactionType": "A String", # The interaction on the previous step that will lead the viewer to this step. The first step does not have interaction_type.
          "previousStepId": "A String", # The ID of the previous step. The first step does not have previous step.
          "stepId": "A String", # The ID of the step.
    "viewFrequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # The view frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_views field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
      "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
      "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
      "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
      "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
      "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # A single line item.
  "advertiserId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.
  "bidStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy. Bid strategy determines the bid price. # Required. The bidding strategy of the line item.
    "fixedBid": { # A strategy that uses a fixed bidding price. # A strategy that uses a fixed bid price.
      "bidAmountMicros": "A String", # The fixed bid amount, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For insertion order entity, bid_amount_micros should be set as 0. For line item entity, bid_amount_micros must be greater than or equal to billable unit of the given currency and smaller than or equal to the upper limit 1000000000. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
    "maximizeSpendAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize a specified performance goal while spending the full budget. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize to your performance goal while spending the full budget. At insertion order level, the markup_type of line items cannot be set to `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`. In addition, when performance_goal_type is one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_AV_VIEWED` , the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be either: * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT` * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT` , and when performance_goal_type is either: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CIVA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_IVO_TEN` the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT`.
      "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
      "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy tries to minimize while spending the full budget. `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` is not supported for this strategy.
      "raiseBidForDeals": True or False, # Whether the strategy takes deal floor prices into account.
    "performanceGoalAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. It is to be used only for a line item entity.
      "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. Not applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
      "performanceGoalAmountMicros": "A String", # Required. The performance goal the bidding strategy will attempt to meet or beat, in micros of the advertiser's currency or in micro of the ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend) value which is also based on advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency and smaller or equal to upper bounds. Each performance_goal_type has its upper bound: * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA`, upper bound is 10000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`, upper bound is 1000.00 and lower bound is 0.01. Example: If set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, the bid price will be based on the probability that each available impression will be viewable. For example, if viewable CPM target is $2 and an impression is 40% likely to be viewable, the bid price will be $0.80 CPM (40% of $2). For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency or ROAS value.
      "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy will try to meet or beat. For line item level usage, the value must be one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`.
  "budget": { # Settings that control how budget is allocated. # Required. The budget allocation setting of the line item.
    "budgetAllocationType": "A String", # Required. The type of the budget allocation. `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC` is only applicable when automatic budget allocation is enabled for the parent insertion order.
    "budgetUnit": "A String", # Output only. The budget unit specifies whether the budget is currency based or impression based. This value is inherited from the parent insertion order.
    "maxAmount": "A String", # The maximum budget amount the line item will spend. Must be greater than 0. When budget_allocation_type is: * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC`, this field is immutable and is set by the system. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_FIXED`, if budget_unit is: - `BUDGET_UNIT_CURRENCY`, this field represents maximum budget amount to spend, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. - `BUDGET_UNIT_IMPRESSIONS`, this field represents the maximum number of impressions to serve. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_UNLIMITED`, this field is not applicable and will be ignored by the system.
  "campaignId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the campaign that the line item belongs to.
  "conversionCounting": { # Settings that control how conversions are counted. All post-click conversions will be counted. A percentage value can be set for post-view conversions counting. # The conversion tracking setting of the line item. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, the floodlight_activity_configs field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
    "floodlightActivityConfigs": [ # The Floodlight activity configs used to track conversions. The number of conversions counted is the sum of all of the conversions counted by all of the Floodlight activity IDs specified in this field. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, this field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      { # Settings that control the behavior of a single Floodlight activity config.
        "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the Floodlight activity.
        "postClickLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been clicked in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
        "postViewLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been viewed in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
    "postViewCountPercentageMillis": "A String", # The percentage of post-view conversions to count, in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Must be between 0 and 100000 inclusive. For example, to track 50% of the post-click conversions, set a value of 50000.
  "creativeIds": [ # The IDs of the creatives associated with the line item.
    "A String",
  "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the line item. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
  "entityStatus": "A String", # Required. Controls whether or not the line item can spend its budget and bid on inventory. * For CreateLineItem method, only `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` is allowed. To activate a line item, use UpdateLineItem method and update the status to `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE` after creation. * A line item cannot be changed back to `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` status from any other status. * If the line item's parent insertion order is not active, the line item can't spend its budget even if its own status is `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE`.
  "excludeNewExchanges": True or False, # Whether to exclude new exchanges from automatically being targeted by the line item. This field is false by default.
  "flight": { # Settings that control the active duration of a line item. # Required. The start and end time of the line item's flight.
    "dateRange": { # A date range. # The flight start and end dates of the line item. They are resolved relative to the parent advertiser's time zone. * Required when flight_date_type is `LINE_ITEM_FLIGHT_DATE_TYPE_CUSTOM`. Output only otherwise. * When creating a new flight, both `start_date` and `end_date` must be in the future. * An existing flight with a `start_date` in the past has a mutable `end_date` but an immutable `start_date`. * `end_date` must be the `start_date` or later, both before the year 2037.
      "endDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The upper bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
        "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
        "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
        "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
      "startDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The lower bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
        "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
        "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
        "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    "flightDateType": "A String", # Required. The type of the line item's flight dates.
  "frequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # Required. The impression frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_impressions field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
    "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
    "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
    "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
    "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
    "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.
  "insertionOrderId": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The unique ID of the insertion order that the line item belongs to.
  "integrationDetails": { # Integration details of an entry. # Integration details of the line item.
    "details": "A String", # Additional details of the entry in string format. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 1000 characters.
    "integrationCode": "A String", # An external identifier to be associated with the entry. The integration code will show up together with the entry in many places in the system, for example, reporting. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 500 characters.
  "lineItemId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the line item. Assigned by the system.
  "lineItemType": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The type of the line item.
  "mobileApp": { # A mobile app promoted by a mobile app install line item. # The mobile app promoted by the line item. This is applicable only when line_item_type is either `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL` or `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL`.
    "appId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the app provided by the platform store. Android apps are identified by the bundle ID used by Android's Play store, such as `com.google.android.gm`. iOS apps are identified by a nine-digit app ID used by Apple's App store, such as `422689480`.
    "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The app name.
    "platform": "A String", # Output only. The app platform.
    "publisher": "A String", # Output only. The app publisher.
  "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name of the line item.
  "pacing": { # Settings that control the rate at which a budget is spent. # Required. The budget spending speed setting of the line item.
    "dailyMaxImpressions": "A String", # Maximum number of impressions to serve every day. Applicable when the budget is impression based. Must be greater than 0.
    "dailyMaxMicros": "A String", # Maximum currency amount to spend every day in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the budget is currency based. Must be greater than 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the currency, set this field to 1500000. The value assigned will be rounded to whole billable units for the relevant currency by the following rules: any positive value less than a single billable unit will be rounded up to one billable unit and any value larger than a single billable unit will be rounded down to the nearest billable value. For example, if the currency's billable unit is 0.01, and this field is set to 10257770, it will round down to 10250000, a value of 10.25. If set to 505, it will round up to 10000, a value of 0.01.
    "pacingPeriod": "A String", # Required. The time period in which the pacing budget will be spent. When automatic budget allocation is enabled at the insertion order via automationType, this field is output only and defaults to `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT`.
    "pacingType": "A String", # Required. The type of pacing that defines how the budget amount will be spent across the pacing_period. `PACING_TYPE_ASAP` is not compatible with pacing_period `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT` for insertion orders.
  "partnerCosts": [ # The partner costs associated with the line item. If absent or empty in CreateLineItem method, the newly created line item will inherit partner costs from its parent insertion order.
    { # Settings that control a partner cost. A partner cost is any type of expense involved in running a campaign, other than the costs of purchasing impressions (which is called the media cost) and using third-party audience segment data (data fee). Some examples of partner costs include the fees for using DV360, a third-party ad server, or a third-party ad serving verification service.
      "costType": "A String", # Required. The type of the partner cost.
      "feeAmount": "A String", # The CPM fee amount in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_CPM_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the advertiser's currency, set this field to 1500000.
      "feePercentageMillis": "A String", # The media fee percentage in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_MEDIA_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example: 100 represents 0.1%.
      "feeType": "A String", # Required. The fee type for this partner cost.
      "invoiceType": "A String", # The invoice type for this partner cost. * Required when cost_type is one of: - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_ADLOOX` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DOUBLE_VERIFY` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`. * Output only for other types.
  "partnerRevenueModel": { # Settings that control how partner revenue is calculated. # Required. The partner revenue model setting of the line item.
    "markupAmount": "A String", # Required. The markup amount of the partner revenue model. Must be greater than or equal to 0. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`, this field represents the CPM markup in micros of advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001). * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_TOTAL_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the total media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001).
    "markupType": "A String", # Required. The markup type of the partner revenue model.
  "reservationType": "A String", # Output only. The reservation type of the line item.
  "targetingExpansion": { # Settings that control the [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. # The [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. This config is only applicable for display, video, or audio line items that use automated bidding and positively target eligible audience lists.
    "excludeFirstPartyAudience": True or False, # Whether to exclude first-party audiences from use in targeting expansion. This field was deprecated with the launch of [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859). This field will be set to `false`. If this field is set to `true` when deprecated, all positive first-party audience targeting assigned to this line item will be replaced with negative targeting of the same first-party audiences to ensure the continued exclusion of those audiences.
    "targetingExpansionLevel": "A String", # Required. Whether optimized targeting is turned on. This field supports the following values: * `NO_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned off * `LEAST_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned on If this field is set to any other value, it will automatically be set to `LEAST_EXPANSION`. `NO_EXPANSION` will be the default value for the field and will be automatically assigned if you do not set the field.
  "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The timestamp when the line item was last updated. Assigned by the system.
  "warningMessages": [ # Output only. The warning messages generated by the line item. These warnings do not block saving the line item, but some may block the line item from running.
    "A String",
  "youtubeAndPartnersSettings": { # Settings for YouTube and Partners line items. # Output only. Settings specific to YouTube and Partners line items.
    "biddingStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy for YouTube and Partners resources. # Required. The bidding strategy of the YouTube and Partners line item.
      "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaSource": "A String", # Output only. Source of the effective target CPA value for ad group.
      "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaValue": "A String", # Output only. The effective target CPA for ad group, in micros of advertiser's currency.
      "type": "A String", # The type of the bidding strategy.
      "value": "A String", # The value used by the bidding strategy. When the bidding strategy is assigned at the line item level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` When the bidding strategy is assigned at the ad group level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPV` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_RESERVE_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` If not using an applicable strategy, the value of this field will be 0.
    "contentCategory": "A String", # The kind of content on which the YouTube and Partners ads will be shown.
    "effectiveContentCategory": "A String", # Output only. The content category which takes effect when serving the line item. When content category is set in both line item and advertiser, the stricter one will take effect when serving the line item.
    "inventorySourceSettings": { # Settings that control what YouTube related inventories the YouTube and Partners line item will target. # Settings that control what YouTube and Partners inventories the line item will target.
      "includeGoogleTv": True or False, # Optional. Whether to target inventory in video apps available with Google TV.
      "includeYoutubeSearch": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on the YouTube search results page.
      "includeYoutubeVideoPartners": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on a collection of partner sites and apps that follow the same brand safety standards as YouTube.
      "includeYoutubeVideos": True or False, # Whether to target inventory of channels and videos on YouTube and YouTube videos embedded on other sites.
    "leadFormId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the form to generate leads.
    "linkedMerchantId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the merchant which is linked to the line item for product feed.
    "relatedVideoIds": [ # Optional. The IDs of the videos appear below the primary video ad when the ad is playing in the YouTube app on mobile devices.
      "A String",
    "targetFrequency": { # Setting that controls the average number of times the ads will show to the same person over a certain period of time. # Optional. The average number of times you want ads from this line item to show to the same person over a certain period of time.
      "targetCount": "A String", # The target number of times, on average, the ads will be shown to the same person in the timespan dictated by time_unit and time_unit_count.
      "timeUnit": "A String", # The unit of time in which the target frequency will be applied. The following time unit is applicable: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS`
      "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the target frequency will last. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be 1
    "thirdPartyMeasurementSettings": { # Settings that control what third-party vendors are measuring specific line item metrics. # Optional. The third-party measurement settings of the line item.
      "brandLiftVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand lift. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DYNATA` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "brandSafetyVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand safety. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_ZERF` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "reachVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring reach. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_NIELSEN` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "viewabilityVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring viewability. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MOAT` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_TELEMETRY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MEETRICS`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
    "videoAdSequenceSettings": { # Settings related to VideoAdSequence. # Optional. The settings related to VideoAdSequence.
      "minimumDuration": "A String", # The minimum time interval before the same user sees this sequence again.
      "steps": [ # The steps of which the sequence consists.
        { # The detail of a single step in a VideoAdSequence.
          "adGroupId": "A String", # The ID of the corresponding ad group of the step.
          "interactionType": "A String", # The interaction on the previous step that will lead the viewer to this step. The first step does not have interaction_type.
          "previousStepId": "A String", # The ID of the previous step. The first step does not have previous step.
          "stepId": "A String", # The ID of the step.
    "viewFrequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # The view frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_views field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
      "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
      "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
      "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
      "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
      "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.
delete(advertiserId, lineItemId, x__xgafv=None)
Deletes a line item. Returns error code `NOT_FOUND` if the line item does not exist. The line item should be archived first, i.e. set entity_status to `ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED`, to be able to delete it. YouTube & Partners line items cannot be created or updated using the API.

  advertiserId: string, The ID of the advertiser this line item belongs to. (required)
  lineItemId: string, The ID of the line item to delete. (required)
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); }
duplicate(advertiserId, lineItemId, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Duplicates a line item. Returns the ID of the created line item if successful. YouTube & Partners line items cannot be created or updated using the API. **This method regularly experiences high latency.** We recommend [increasing your default timeout](/display-video/api/guides/best-practices/timeouts#client_library_timeout) to avoid errors.

  advertiserId: string, Required. The ID of the advertiser this line item belongs to. (required)
  lineItemId: string, Required. The ID of the line item to duplicate. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Request message for LineItemService.DuplicateLineItem.
  "targetDisplayName": "A String", # The display name of the new line item. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

  "duplicateLineItemId": "A String", # The ID of the created line item.
generateDefault(advertiserId, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Creates a new line item with settings (including targeting) inherited from the insertion order and an `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` entity_status. Returns the newly created line item if successful. There are default values based on the three fields: * The insertion order's insertion_order_type * The insertion order's automation_type * The given line_item_type YouTube & Partners line items cannot be created or updated using the API.

  advertiserId: string, Required. The ID of the advertiser this line item belongs to. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Request message for LineItemService.GenerateDefaultLineItem.
  "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the line item. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
  "insertionOrderId": "A String", # Required. The unique ID of the insertion order that the line item belongs to.
  "lineItemType": "A String", # Required. The type of the line item.
  "mobileApp": { # A mobile app promoted by a mobile app install line item. # The mobile app promoted by the line item. This is applicable only when line_item_type is either `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL` or `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL`.
    "appId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the app provided by the platform store. Android apps are identified by the bundle ID used by Android's Play store, such as `com.google.android.gm`. iOS apps are identified by a nine-digit app ID used by Apple's App store, such as `422689480`.
    "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The app name.
    "platform": "A String", # Output only. The app platform.
    "publisher": "A String", # Output only. The app publisher.

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # A single line item.
  "advertiserId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.
  "bidStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy. Bid strategy determines the bid price. # Required. The bidding strategy of the line item.
    "fixedBid": { # A strategy that uses a fixed bidding price. # A strategy that uses a fixed bid price.
      "bidAmountMicros": "A String", # The fixed bid amount, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For insertion order entity, bid_amount_micros should be set as 0. For line item entity, bid_amount_micros must be greater than or equal to billable unit of the given currency and smaller than or equal to the upper limit 1000000000. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
    "maximizeSpendAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize a specified performance goal while spending the full budget. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize to your performance goal while spending the full budget. At insertion order level, the markup_type of line items cannot be set to `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`. In addition, when performance_goal_type is one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_AV_VIEWED` , the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be either: * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT` * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT` , and when performance_goal_type is either: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CIVA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_IVO_TEN` the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT`.
      "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
      "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy tries to minimize while spending the full budget. `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` is not supported for this strategy.
      "raiseBidForDeals": True or False, # Whether the strategy takes deal floor prices into account.
    "performanceGoalAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. It is to be used only for a line item entity.
      "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. Not applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
      "performanceGoalAmountMicros": "A String", # Required. The performance goal the bidding strategy will attempt to meet or beat, in micros of the advertiser's currency or in micro of the ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend) value which is also based on advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency and smaller or equal to upper bounds. Each performance_goal_type has its upper bound: * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA`, upper bound is 10000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`, upper bound is 1000.00 and lower bound is 0.01. Example: If set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, the bid price will be based on the probability that each available impression will be viewable. For example, if viewable CPM target is $2 and an impression is 40% likely to be viewable, the bid price will be $0.80 CPM (40% of $2). For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency or ROAS value.
      "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy will try to meet or beat. For line item level usage, the value must be one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`.
  "budget": { # Settings that control how budget is allocated. # Required. The budget allocation setting of the line item.
    "budgetAllocationType": "A String", # Required. The type of the budget allocation. `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC` is only applicable when automatic budget allocation is enabled for the parent insertion order.
    "budgetUnit": "A String", # Output only. The budget unit specifies whether the budget is currency based or impression based. This value is inherited from the parent insertion order.
    "maxAmount": "A String", # The maximum budget amount the line item will spend. Must be greater than 0. When budget_allocation_type is: * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC`, this field is immutable and is set by the system. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_FIXED`, if budget_unit is: - `BUDGET_UNIT_CURRENCY`, this field represents maximum budget amount to spend, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. - `BUDGET_UNIT_IMPRESSIONS`, this field represents the maximum number of impressions to serve. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_UNLIMITED`, this field is not applicable and will be ignored by the system.
  "campaignId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the campaign that the line item belongs to.
  "conversionCounting": { # Settings that control how conversions are counted. All post-click conversions will be counted. A percentage value can be set for post-view conversions counting. # The conversion tracking setting of the line item. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, the floodlight_activity_configs field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
    "floodlightActivityConfigs": [ # The Floodlight activity configs used to track conversions. The number of conversions counted is the sum of all of the conversions counted by all of the Floodlight activity IDs specified in this field. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, this field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      { # Settings that control the behavior of a single Floodlight activity config.
        "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the Floodlight activity.
        "postClickLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been clicked in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
        "postViewLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been viewed in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
    "postViewCountPercentageMillis": "A String", # The percentage of post-view conversions to count, in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Must be between 0 and 100000 inclusive. For example, to track 50% of the post-click conversions, set a value of 50000.
  "creativeIds": [ # The IDs of the creatives associated with the line item.
    "A String",
  "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the line item. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
  "entityStatus": "A String", # Required. Controls whether or not the line item can spend its budget and bid on inventory. * For CreateLineItem method, only `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` is allowed. To activate a line item, use UpdateLineItem method and update the status to `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE` after creation. * A line item cannot be changed back to `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` status from any other status. * If the line item's parent insertion order is not active, the line item can't spend its budget even if its own status is `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE`.
  "excludeNewExchanges": True or False, # Whether to exclude new exchanges from automatically being targeted by the line item. This field is false by default.
  "flight": { # Settings that control the active duration of a line item. # Required. The start and end time of the line item's flight.
    "dateRange": { # A date range. # The flight start and end dates of the line item. They are resolved relative to the parent advertiser's time zone. * Required when flight_date_type is `LINE_ITEM_FLIGHT_DATE_TYPE_CUSTOM`. Output only otherwise. * When creating a new flight, both `start_date` and `end_date` must be in the future. * An existing flight with a `start_date` in the past has a mutable `end_date` but an immutable `start_date`. * `end_date` must be the `start_date` or later, both before the year 2037.
      "endDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The upper bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
        "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
        "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
        "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
      "startDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The lower bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
        "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
        "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
        "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    "flightDateType": "A String", # Required. The type of the line item's flight dates.
  "frequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # Required. The impression frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_impressions field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
    "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
    "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
    "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
    "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
    "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.
  "insertionOrderId": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The unique ID of the insertion order that the line item belongs to.
  "integrationDetails": { # Integration details of an entry. # Integration details of the line item.
    "details": "A String", # Additional details of the entry in string format. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 1000 characters.
    "integrationCode": "A String", # An external identifier to be associated with the entry. The integration code will show up together with the entry in many places in the system, for example, reporting. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 500 characters.
  "lineItemId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the line item. Assigned by the system.
  "lineItemType": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The type of the line item.
  "mobileApp": { # A mobile app promoted by a mobile app install line item. # The mobile app promoted by the line item. This is applicable only when line_item_type is either `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL` or `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL`.
    "appId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the app provided by the platform store. Android apps are identified by the bundle ID used by Android's Play store, such as `com.google.android.gm`. iOS apps are identified by a nine-digit app ID used by Apple's App store, such as `422689480`.
    "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The app name.
    "platform": "A String", # Output only. The app platform.
    "publisher": "A String", # Output only. The app publisher.
  "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name of the line item.
  "pacing": { # Settings that control the rate at which a budget is spent. # Required. The budget spending speed setting of the line item.
    "dailyMaxImpressions": "A String", # Maximum number of impressions to serve every day. Applicable when the budget is impression based. Must be greater than 0.
    "dailyMaxMicros": "A String", # Maximum currency amount to spend every day in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the budget is currency based. Must be greater than 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the currency, set this field to 1500000. The value assigned will be rounded to whole billable units for the relevant currency by the following rules: any positive value less than a single billable unit will be rounded up to one billable unit and any value larger than a single billable unit will be rounded down to the nearest billable value. For example, if the currency's billable unit is 0.01, and this field is set to 10257770, it will round down to 10250000, a value of 10.25. If set to 505, it will round up to 10000, a value of 0.01.
    "pacingPeriod": "A String", # Required. The time period in which the pacing budget will be spent. When automatic budget allocation is enabled at the insertion order via automationType, this field is output only and defaults to `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT`.
    "pacingType": "A String", # Required. The type of pacing that defines how the budget amount will be spent across the pacing_period. `PACING_TYPE_ASAP` is not compatible with pacing_period `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT` for insertion orders.
  "partnerCosts": [ # The partner costs associated with the line item. If absent or empty in CreateLineItem method, the newly created line item will inherit partner costs from its parent insertion order.
    { # Settings that control a partner cost. A partner cost is any type of expense involved in running a campaign, other than the costs of purchasing impressions (which is called the media cost) and using third-party audience segment data (data fee). Some examples of partner costs include the fees for using DV360, a third-party ad server, or a third-party ad serving verification service.
      "costType": "A String", # Required. The type of the partner cost.
      "feeAmount": "A String", # The CPM fee amount in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_CPM_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the advertiser's currency, set this field to 1500000.
      "feePercentageMillis": "A String", # The media fee percentage in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_MEDIA_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example: 100 represents 0.1%.
      "feeType": "A String", # Required. The fee type for this partner cost.
      "invoiceType": "A String", # The invoice type for this partner cost. * Required when cost_type is one of: - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_ADLOOX` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DOUBLE_VERIFY` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`. * Output only for other types.
  "partnerRevenueModel": { # Settings that control how partner revenue is calculated. # Required. The partner revenue model setting of the line item.
    "markupAmount": "A String", # Required. The markup amount of the partner revenue model. Must be greater than or equal to 0. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`, this field represents the CPM markup in micros of advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001). * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_TOTAL_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the total media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001).
    "markupType": "A String", # Required. The markup type of the partner revenue model.
  "reservationType": "A String", # Output only. The reservation type of the line item.
  "targetingExpansion": { # Settings that control the [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. # The [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. This config is only applicable for display, video, or audio line items that use automated bidding and positively target eligible audience lists.
    "excludeFirstPartyAudience": True or False, # Whether to exclude first-party audiences from use in targeting expansion. This field was deprecated with the launch of [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859). This field will be set to `false`. If this field is set to `true` when deprecated, all positive first-party audience targeting assigned to this line item will be replaced with negative targeting of the same first-party audiences to ensure the continued exclusion of those audiences.
    "targetingExpansionLevel": "A String", # Required. Whether optimized targeting is turned on. This field supports the following values: * `NO_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned off * `LEAST_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned on If this field is set to any other value, it will automatically be set to `LEAST_EXPANSION`. `NO_EXPANSION` will be the default value for the field and will be automatically assigned if you do not set the field.
  "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The timestamp when the line item was last updated. Assigned by the system.
  "warningMessages": [ # Output only. The warning messages generated by the line item. These warnings do not block saving the line item, but some may block the line item from running.
    "A String",
  "youtubeAndPartnersSettings": { # Settings for YouTube and Partners line items. # Output only. Settings specific to YouTube and Partners line items.
    "biddingStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy for YouTube and Partners resources. # Required. The bidding strategy of the YouTube and Partners line item.
      "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaSource": "A String", # Output only. Source of the effective target CPA value for ad group.
      "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaValue": "A String", # Output only. The effective target CPA for ad group, in micros of advertiser's currency.
      "type": "A String", # The type of the bidding strategy.
      "value": "A String", # The value used by the bidding strategy. When the bidding strategy is assigned at the line item level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` When the bidding strategy is assigned at the ad group level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPV` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_RESERVE_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` If not using an applicable strategy, the value of this field will be 0.
    "contentCategory": "A String", # The kind of content on which the YouTube and Partners ads will be shown.
    "effectiveContentCategory": "A String", # Output only. The content category which takes effect when serving the line item. When content category is set in both line item and advertiser, the stricter one will take effect when serving the line item.
    "inventorySourceSettings": { # Settings that control what YouTube related inventories the YouTube and Partners line item will target. # Settings that control what YouTube and Partners inventories the line item will target.
      "includeGoogleTv": True or False, # Optional. Whether to target inventory in video apps available with Google TV.
      "includeYoutubeSearch": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on the YouTube search results page.
      "includeYoutubeVideoPartners": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on a collection of partner sites and apps that follow the same brand safety standards as YouTube.
      "includeYoutubeVideos": True or False, # Whether to target inventory of channels and videos on YouTube and YouTube videos embedded on other sites.
    "leadFormId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the form to generate leads.
    "linkedMerchantId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the merchant which is linked to the line item for product feed.
    "relatedVideoIds": [ # Optional. The IDs of the videos appear below the primary video ad when the ad is playing in the YouTube app on mobile devices.
      "A String",
    "targetFrequency": { # Setting that controls the average number of times the ads will show to the same person over a certain period of time. # Optional. The average number of times you want ads from this line item to show to the same person over a certain period of time.
      "targetCount": "A String", # The target number of times, on average, the ads will be shown to the same person in the timespan dictated by time_unit and time_unit_count.
      "timeUnit": "A String", # The unit of time in which the target frequency will be applied. The following time unit is applicable: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS`
      "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the target frequency will last. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be 1
    "thirdPartyMeasurementSettings": { # Settings that control what third-party vendors are measuring specific line item metrics. # Optional. The third-party measurement settings of the line item.
      "brandLiftVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand lift. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DYNATA` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "brandSafetyVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand safety. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_ZERF` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "reachVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring reach. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_NIELSEN` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "viewabilityVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring viewability. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MOAT` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_TELEMETRY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MEETRICS`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
    "videoAdSequenceSettings": { # Settings related to VideoAdSequence. # Optional. The settings related to VideoAdSequence.
      "minimumDuration": "A String", # The minimum time interval before the same user sees this sequence again.
      "steps": [ # The steps of which the sequence consists.
        { # The detail of a single step in a VideoAdSequence.
          "adGroupId": "A String", # The ID of the corresponding ad group of the step.
          "interactionType": "A String", # The interaction on the previous step that will lead the viewer to this step. The first step does not have interaction_type.
          "previousStepId": "A String", # The ID of the previous step. The first step does not have previous step.
          "stepId": "A String", # The ID of the step.
    "viewFrequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # The view frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_views field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
      "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
      "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
      "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
      "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
      "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.
get(advertiserId, lineItemId, x__xgafv=None)
Gets a line item.

  advertiserId: string, Required. The ID of the advertiser this line item belongs to. (required)
  lineItemId: string, Required. The ID of the line item to fetch. (required)
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # A single line item.
  "advertiserId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.
  "bidStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy. Bid strategy determines the bid price. # Required. The bidding strategy of the line item.
    "fixedBid": { # A strategy that uses a fixed bidding price. # A strategy that uses a fixed bid price.
      "bidAmountMicros": "A String", # The fixed bid amount, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For insertion order entity, bid_amount_micros should be set as 0. For line item entity, bid_amount_micros must be greater than or equal to billable unit of the given currency and smaller than or equal to the upper limit 1000000000. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
    "maximizeSpendAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize a specified performance goal while spending the full budget. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize to your performance goal while spending the full budget. At insertion order level, the markup_type of line items cannot be set to `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`. In addition, when performance_goal_type is one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_AV_VIEWED` , the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be either: * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT` * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT` , and when performance_goal_type is either: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CIVA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_IVO_TEN` the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT`.
      "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
      "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy tries to minimize while spending the full budget. `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` is not supported for this strategy.
      "raiseBidForDeals": True or False, # Whether the strategy takes deal floor prices into account.
    "performanceGoalAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. It is to be used only for a line item entity.
      "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. Not applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
      "performanceGoalAmountMicros": "A String", # Required. The performance goal the bidding strategy will attempt to meet or beat, in micros of the advertiser's currency or in micro of the ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend) value which is also based on advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency and smaller or equal to upper bounds. Each performance_goal_type has its upper bound: * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA`, upper bound is 10000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`, upper bound is 1000.00 and lower bound is 0.01. Example: If set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, the bid price will be based on the probability that each available impression will be viewable. For example, if viewable CPM target is $2 and an impression is 40% likely to be viewable, the bid price will be $0.80 CPM (40% of $2). For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency or ROAS value.
      "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy will try to meet or beat. For line item level usage, the value must be one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`.
  "budget": { # Settings that control how budget is allocated. # Required. The budget allocation setting of the line item.
    "budgetAllocationType": "A String", # Required. The type of the budget allocation. `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC` is only applicable when automatic budget allocation is enabled for the parent insertion order.
    "budgetUnit": "A String", # Output only. The budget unit specifies whether the budget is currency based or impression based. This value is inherited from the parent insertion order.
    "maxAmount": "A String", # The maximum budget amount the line item will spend. Must be greater than 0. When budget_allocation_type is: * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC`, this field is immutable and is set by the system. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_FIXED`, if budget_unit is: - `BUDGET_UNIT_CURRENCY`, this field represents maximum budget amount to spend, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. - `BUDGET_UNIT_IMPRESSIONS`, this field represents the maximum number of impressions to serve. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_UNLIMITED`, this field is not applicable and will be ignored by the system.
  "campaignId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the campaign that the line item belongs to.
  "conversionCounting": { # Settings that control how conversions are counted. All post-click conversions will be counted. A percentage value can be set for post-view conversions counting. # The conversion tracking setting of the line item. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, the floodlight_activity_configs field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
    "floodlightActivityConfigs": [ # The Floodlight activity configs used to track conversions. The number of conversions counted is the sum of all of the conversions counted by all of the Floodlight activity IDs specified in this field. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, this field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      { # Settings that control the behavior of a single Floodlight activity config.
        "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the Floodlight activity.
        "postClickLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been clicked in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
        "postViewLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been viewed in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
    "postViewCountPercentageMillis": "A String", # The percentage of post-view conversions to count, in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Must be between 0 and 100000 inclusive. For example, to track 50% of the post-click conversions, set a value of 50000.
  "creativeIds": [ # The IDs of the creatives associated with the line item.
    "A String",
  "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the line item. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
  "entityStatus": "A String", # Required. Controls whether or not the line item can spend its budget and bid on inventory. * For CreateLineItem method, only `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` is allowed. To activate a line item, use UpdateLineItem method and update the status to `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE` after creation. * A line item cannot be changed back to `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` status from any other status. * If the line item's parent insertion order is not active, the line item can't spend its budget even if its own status is `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE`.
  "excludeNewExchanges": True or False, # Whether to exclude new exchanges from automatically being targeted by the line item. This field is false by default.
  "flight": { # Settings that control the active duration of a line item. # Required. The start and end time of the line item's flight.
    "dateRange": { # A date range. # The flight start and end dates of the line item. They are resolved relative to the parent advertiser's time zone. * Required when flight_date_type is `LINE_ITEM_FLIGHT_DATE_TYPE_CUSTOM`. Output only otherwise. * When creating a new flight, both `start_date` and `end_date` must be in the future. * An existing flight with a `start_date` in the past has a mutable `end_date` but an immutable `start_date`. * `end_date` must be the `start_date` or later, both before the year 2037.
      "endDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The upper bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
        "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
        "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
        "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
      "startDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The lower bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
        "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
        "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
        "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    "flightDateType": "A String", # Required. The type of the line item's flight dates.
  "frequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # Required. The impression frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_impressions field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
    "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
    "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
    "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
    "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
    "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.
  "insertionOrderId": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The unique ID of the insertion order that the line item belongs to.
  "integrationDetails": { # Integration details of an entry. # Integration details of the line item.
    "details": "A String", # Additional details of the entry in string format. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 1000 characters.
    "integrationCode": "A String", # An external identifier to be associated with the entry. The integration code will show up together with the entry in many places in the system, for example, reporting. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 500 characters.
  "lineItemId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the line item. Assigned by the system.
  "lineItemType": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The type of the line item.
  "mobileApp": { # A mobile app promoted by a mobile app install line item. # The mobile app promoted by the line item. This is applicable only when line_item_type is either `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL` or `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL`.
    "appId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the app provided by the platform store. Android apps are identified by the bundle ID used by Android's Play store, such as `com.google.android.gm`. iOS apps are identified by a nine-digit app ID used by Apple's App store, such as `422689480`.
    "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The app name.
    "platform": "A String", # Output only. The app platform.
    "publisher": "A String", # Output only. The app publisher.
  "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name of the line item.
  "pacing": { # Settings that control the rate at which a budget is spent. # Required. The budget spending speed setting of the line item.
    "dailyMaxImpressions": "A String", # Maximum number of impressions to serve every day. Applicable when the budget is impression based. Must be greater than 0.
    "dailyMaxMicros": "A String", # Maximum currency amount to spend every day in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the budget is currency based. Must be greater than 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the currency, set this field to 1500000. The value assigned will be rounded to whole billable units for the relevant currency by the following rules: any positive value less than a single billable unit will be rounded up to one billable unit and any value larger than a single billable unit will be rounded down to the nearest billable value. For example, if the currency's billable unit is 0.01, and this field is set to 10257770, it will round down to 10250000, a value of 10.25. If set to 505, it will round up to 10000, a value of 0.01.
    "pacingPeriod": "A String", # Required. The time period in which the pacing budget will be spent. When automatic budget allocation is enabled at the insertion order via automationType, this field is output only and defaults to `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT`.
    "pacingType": "A String", # Required. The type of pacing that defines how the budget amount will be spent across the pacing_period. `PACING_TYPE_ASAP` is not compatible with pacing_period `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT` for insertion orders.
  "partnerCosts": [ # The partner costs associated with the line item. If absent or empty in CreateLineItem method, the newly created line item will inherit partner costs from its parent insertion order.
    { # Settings that control a partner cost. A partner cost is any type of expense involved in running a campaign, other than the costs of purchasing impressions (which is called the media cost) and using third-party audience segment data (data fee). Some examples of partner costs include the fees for using DV360, a third-party ad server, or a third-party ad serving verification service.
      "costType": "A String", # Required. The type of the partner cost.
      "feeAmount": "A String", # The CPM fee amount in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_CPM_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the advertiser's currency, set this field to 1500000.
      "feePercentageMillis": "A String", # The media fee percentage in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_MEDIA_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example: 100 represents 0.1%.
      "feeType": "A String", # Required. The fee type for this partner cost.
      "invoiceType": "A String", # The invoice type for this partner cost. * Required when cost_type is one of: - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_ADLOOX` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DOUBLE_VERIFY` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`. * Output only for other types.
  "partnerRevenueModel": { # Settings that control how partner revenue is calculated. # Required. The partner revenue model setting of the line item.
    "markupAmount": "A String", # Required. The markup amount of the partner revenue model. Must be greater than or equal to 0. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`, this field represents the CPM markup in micros of advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001). * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_TOTAL_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the total media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001).
    "markupType": "A String", # Required. The markup type of the partner revenue model.
  "reservationType": "A String", # Output only. The reservation type of the line item.
  "targetingExpansion": { # Settings that control the [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. # The [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. This config is only applicable for display, video, or audio line items that use automated bidding and positively target eligible audience lists.
    "excludeFirstPartyAudience": True or False, # Whether to exclude first-party audiences from use in targeting expansion. This field was deprecated with the launch of [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859). This field will be set to `false`. If this field is set to `true` when deprecated, all positive first-party audience targeting assigned to this line item will be replaced with negative targeting of the same first-party audiences to ensure the continued exclusion of those audiences.
    "targetingExpansionLevel": "A String", # Required. Whether optimized targeting is turned on. This field supports the following values: * `NO_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned off * `LEAST_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned on If this field is set to any other value, it will automatically be set to `LEAST_EXPANSION`. `NO_EXPANSION` will be the default value for the field and will be automatically assigned if you do not set the field.
  "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The timestamp when the line item was last updated. Assigned by the system.
  "warningMessages": [ # Output only. The warning messages generated by the line item. These warnings do not block saving the line item, but some may block the line item from running.
    "A String",
  "youtubeAndPartnersSettings": { # Settings for YouTube and Partners line items. # Output only. Settings specific to YouTube and Partners line items.
    "biddingStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy for YouTube and Partners resources. # Required. The bidding strategy of the YouTube and Partners line item.
      "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaSource": "A String", # Output only. Source of the effective target CPA value for ad group.
      "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaValue": "A String", # Output only. The effective target CPA for ad group, in micros of advertiser's currency.
      "type": "A String", # The type of the bidding strategy.
      "value": "A String", # The value used by the bidding strategy. When the bidding strategy is assigned at the line item level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` When the bidding strategy is assigned at the ad group level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPV` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_RESERVE_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` If not using an applicable strategy, the value of this field will be 0.
    "contentCategory": "A String", # The kind of content on which the YouTube and Partners ads will be shown.
    "effectiveContentCategory": "A String", # Output only. The content category which takes effect when serving the line item. When content category is set in both line item and advertiser, the stricter one will take effect when serving the line item.
    "inventorySourceSettings": { # Settings that control what YouTube related inventories the YouTube and Partners line item will target. # Settings that control what YouTube and Partners inventories the line item will target.
      "includeGoogleTv": True or False, # Optional. Whether to target inventory in video apps available with Google TV.
      "includeYoutubeSearch": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on the YouTube search results page.
      "includeYoutubeVideoPartners": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on a collection of partner sites and apps that follow the same brand safety standards as YouTube.
      "includeYoutubeVideos": True or False, # Whether to target inventory of channels and videos on YouTube and YouTube videos embedded on other sites.
    "leadFormId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the form to generate leads.
    "linkedMerchantId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the merchant which is linked to the line item for product feed.
    "relatedVideoIds": [ # Optional. The IDs of the videos appear below the primary video ad when the ad is playing in the YouTube app on mobile devices.
      "A String",
    "targetFrequency": { # Setting that controls the average number of times the ads will show to the same person over a certain period of time. # Optional. The average number of times you want ads from this line item to show to the same person over a certain period of time.
      "targetCount": "A String", # The target number of times, on average, the ads will be shown to the same person in the timespan dictated by time_unit and time_unit_count.
      "timeUnit": "A String", # The unit of time in which the target frequency will be applied. The following time unit is applicable: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS`
      "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the target frequency will last. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be 1
    "thirdPartyMeasurementSettings": { # Settings that control what third-party vendors are measuring specific line item metrics. # Optional. The third-party measurement settings of the line item.
      "brandLiftVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand lift. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DYNATA` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "brandSafetyVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand safety. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_ZERF` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "reachVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring reach. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_NIELSEN` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "viewabilityVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring viewability. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MOAT` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_TELEMETRY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MEETRICS`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
    "videoAdSequenceSettings": { # Settings related to VideoAdSequence. # Optional. The settings related to VideoAdSequence.
      "minimumDuration": "A String", # The minimum time interval before the same user sees this sequence again.
      "steps": [ # The steps of which the sequence consists.
        { # The detail of a single step in a VideoAdSequence.
          "adGroupId": "A String", # The ID of the corresponding ad group of the step.
          "interactionType": "A String", # The interaction on the previous step that will lead the viewer to this step. The first step does not have interaction_type.
          "previousStepId": "A String", # The ID of the previous step. The first step does not have previous step.
          "stepId": "A String", # The ID of the step.
    "viewFrequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # The view frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_views field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
      "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
      "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
      "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
      "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
      "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.
list(advertiserId, filter=None, orderBy=None, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)
Lists line items in an advertiser. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. If a filter by entity_status is not specified, line items with `ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED` will not be included in the results.

  advertiserId: string, Required. The ID of the advertiser to list line items for. (required)
  filter: string, Allows filtering by line item fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The `updateTime` field must use the `GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO (>=)` or `LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO (<=)` operators. * All other fields must use the `EQUALS (=)` operator. Supported fields: * `campaignId` * `displayName` * `entityStatus` * `insertionOrderId` * `lineItemId` * `lineItemType` * `updateTime` (input in ISO 8601 format, or `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ`) Examples: * All line items under an insertion order: `insertionOrderId="1234"` * All `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE` or `ENTITY_STATUS_PAUSED` and `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT` line items under an advertiser: `(entityStatus="ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE" OR entityStatus="ENTITY_STATUS_PAUSED") AND lineItemType="LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT"` * All line items with an update time less than or equal to 2020-11-04T18:54:47Z (format of ISO 8601): `updateTime<="2020-11-04T18:54:47Z"` * All line items with an update time greater than or equal to 2020-11-04T18:54:47Z (format of ISO 8601): `updateTime>="2020-11-04T18:54:47Z"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters. Reference our [filter `LIST` requests](/display-video/api/guides/how-tos/filters) guide for more information.
  orderBy: string, Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `displayName` (default) * `entityStatus` * `updateTime` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `displayName desc`.
  pageSize: integer, Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `200`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.
  pageToken: string, A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListLineItems` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

  "lineItems": [ # The list of line items. This list will be absent if empty.
    { # A single line item.
      "advertiserId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.
      "bidStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy. Bid strategy determines the bid price. # Required. The bidding strategy of the line item.
        "fixedBid": { # A strategy that uses a fixed bidding price. # A strategy that uses a fixed bid price.
          "bidAmountMicros": "A String", # The fixed bid amount, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For insertion order entity, bid_amount_micros should be set as 0. For line item entity, bid_amount_micros must be greater than or equal to billable unit of the given currency and smaller than or equal to the upper limit 1000000000. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
        "maximizeSpendAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize a specified performance goal while spending the full budget. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize to your performance goal while spending the full budget. At insertion order level, the markup_type of line items cannot be set to `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`. In addition, when performance_goal_type is one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_AV_VIEWED` , the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be either: * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT` * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT` , and when performance_goal_type is either: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CIVA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_IVO_TEN` the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT`.
          "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
          "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
          "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy tries to minimize while spending the full budget. `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` is not supported for this strategy.
          "raiseBidForDeals": True or False, # Whether the strategy takes deal floor prices into account.
        "performanceGoalAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. It is to be used only for a line item entity.
          "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
          "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. Not applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
          "performanceGoalAmountMicros": "A String", # Required. The performance goal the bidding strategy will attempt to meet or beat, in micros of the advertiser's currency or in micro of the ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend) value which is also based on advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency and smaller or equal to upper bounds. Each performance_goal_type has its upper bound: * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA`, upper bound is 10000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`, upper bound is 1000.00 and lower bound is 0.01. Example: If set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, the bid price will be based on the probability that each available impression will be viewable. For example, if viewable CPM target is $2 and an impression is 40% likely to be viewable, the bid price will be $0.80 CPM (40% of $2). For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency or ROAS value.
          "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy will try to meet or beat. For line item level usage, the value must be one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`.
      "budget": { # Settings that control how budget is allocated. # Required. The budget allocation setting of the line item.
        "budgetAllocationType": "A String", # Required. The type of the budget allocation. `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC` is only applicable when automatic budget allocation is enabled for the parent insertion order.
        "budgetUnit": "A String", # Output only. The budget unit specifies whether the budget is currency based or impression based. This value is inherited from the parent insertion order.
        "maxAmount": "A String", # The maximum budget amount the line item will spend. Must be greater than 0. When budget_allocation_type is: * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC`, this field is immutable and is set by the system. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_FIXED`, if budget_unit is: - `BUDGET_UNIT_CURRENCY`, this field represents maximum budget amount to spend, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. - `BUDGET_UNIT_IMPRESSIONS`, this field represents the maximum number of impressions to serve. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_UNLIMITED`, this field is not applicable and will be ignored by the system.
      "campaignId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the campaign that the line item belongs to.
      "conversionCounting": { # Settings that control how conversions are counted. All post-click conversions will be counted. A percentage value can be set for post-view conversions counting. # The conversion tracking setting of the line item. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, the floodlight_activity_configs field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
        "floodlightActivityConfigs": [ # The Floodlight activity configs used to track conversions. The number of conversions counted is the sum of all of the conversions counted by all of the Floodlight activity IDs specified in this field. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, this field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
          { # Settings that control the behavior of a single Floodlight activity config.
            "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the Floodlight activity.
            "postClickLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been clicked in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
            "postViewLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been viewed in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
        "postViewCountPercentageMillis": "A String", # The percentage of post-view conversions to count, in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Must be between 0 and 100000 inclusive. For example, to track 50% of the post-click conversions, set a value of 50000.
      "creativeIds": [ # The IDs of the creatives associated with the line item.
        "A String",
      "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the line item. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
      "entityStatus": "A String", # Required. Controls whether or not the line item can spend its budget and bid on inventory. * For CreateLineItem method, only `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` is allowed. To activate a line item, use UpdateLineItem method and update the status to `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE` after creation. * A line item cannot be changed back to `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` status from any other status. * If the line item's parent insertion order is not active, the line item can't spend its budget even if its own status is `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE`.
      "excludeNewExchanges": True or False, # Whether to exclude new exchanges from automatically being targeted by the line item. This field is false by default.
      "flight": { # Settings that control the active duration of a line item. # Required. The start and end time of the line item's flight.
        "dateRange": { # A date range. # The flight start and end dates of the line item. They are resolved relative to the parent advertiser's time zone. * Required when flight_date_type is `LINE_ITEM_FLIGHT_DATE_TYPE_CUSTOM`. Output only otherwise. * When creating a new flight, both `start_date` and `end_date` must be in the future. * An existing flight with a `start_date` in the past has a mutable `end_date` but an immutable `start_date`. * `end_date` must be the `start_date` or later, both before the year 2037.
          "endDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The upper bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
            "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
            "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
            "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
          "startDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The lower bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
            "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
            "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
            "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
        "flightDateType": "A String", # Required. The type of the line item's flight dates.
      "frequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # Required. The impression frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_impressions field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
        "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
        "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
        "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
        "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
        "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.
      "insertionOrderId": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The unique ID of the insertion order that the line item belongs to.
      "integrationDetails": { # Integration details of an entry. # Integration details of the line item.
        "details": "A String", # Additional details of the entry in string format. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 1000 characters.
        "integrationCode": "A String", # An external identifier to be associated with the entry. The integration code will show up together with the entry in many places in the system, for example, reporting. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 500 characters.
      "lineItemId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the line item. Assigned by the system.
      "lineItemType": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The type of the line item.
      "mobileApp": { # A mobile app promoted by a mobile app install line item. # The mobile app promoted by the line item. This is applicable only when line_item_type is either `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL` or `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL`.
        "appId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the app provided by the platform store. Android apps are identified by the bundle ID used by Android's Play store, such as `com.google.android.gm`. iOS apps are identified by a nine-digit app ID used by Apple's App store, such as `422689480`.
        "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The app name.
        "platform": "A String", # Output only. The app platform.
        "publisher": "A String", # Output only. The app publisher.
      "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name of the line item.
      "pacing": { # Settings that control the rate at which a budget is spent. # Required. The budget spending speed setting of the line item.
        "dailyMaxImpressions": "A String", # Maximum number of impressions to serve every day. Applicable when the budget is impression based. Must be greater than 0.
        "dailyMaxMicros": "A String", # Maximum currency amount to spend every day in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the budget is currency based. Must be greater than 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the currency, set this field to 1500000. The value assigned will be rounded to whole billable units for the relevant currency by the following rules: any positive value less than a single billable unit will be rounded up to one billable unit and any value larger than a single billable unit will be rounded down to the nearest billable value. For example, if the currency's billable unit is 0.01, and this field is set to 10257770, it will round down to 10250000, a value of 10.25. If set to 505, it will round up to 10000, a value of 0.01.
        "pacingPeriod": "A String", # Required. The time period in which the pacing budget will be spent. When automatic budget allocation is enabled at the insertion order via automationType, this field is output only and defaults to `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT`.
        "pacingType": "A String", # Required. The type of pacing that defines how the budget amount will be spent across the pacing_period. `PACING_TYPE_ASAP` is not compatible with pacing_period `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT` for insertion orders.
      "partnerCosts": [ # The partner costs associated with the line item. If absent or empty in CreateLineItem method, the newly created line item will inherit partner costs from its parent insertion order.
        { # Settings that control a partner cost. A partner cost is any type of expense involved in running a campaign, other than the costs of purchasing impressions (which is called the media cost) and using third-party audience segment data (data fee). Some examples of partner costs include the fees for using DV360, a third-party ad server, or a third-party ad serving verification service.
          "costType": "A String", # Required. The type of the partner cost.
          "feeAmount": "A String", # The CPM fee amount in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_CPM_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the advertiser's currency, set this field to 1500000.
          "feePercentageMillis": "A String", # The media fee percentage in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_MEDIA_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example: 100 represents 0.1%.
          "feeType": "A String", # Required. The fee type for this partner cost.
          "invoiceType": "A String", # The invoice type for this partner cost. * Required when cost_type is one of: - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_ADLOOX` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DOUBLE_VERIFY` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`. * Output only for other types.
      "partnerRevenueModel": { # Settings that control how partner revenue is calculated. # Required. The partner revenue model setting of the line item.
        "markupAmount": "A String", # Required. The markup amount of the partner revenue model. Must be greater than or equal to 0. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`, this field represents the CPM markup in micros of advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001). * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_TOTAL_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the total media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001).
        "markupType": "A String", # Required. The markup type of the partner revenue model.
      "reservationType": "A String", # Output only. The reservation type of the line item.
      "targetingExpansion": { # Settings that control the [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. # The [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. This config is only applicable for display, video, or audio line items that use automated bidding and positively target eligible audience lists.
        "excludeFirstPartyAudience": True or False, # Whether to exclude first-party audiences from use in targeting expansion. This field was deprecated with the launch of [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859). This field will be set to `false`. If this field is set to `true` when deprecated, all positive first-party audience targeting assigned to this line item will be replaced with negative targeting of the same first-party audiences to ensure the continued exclusion of those audiences.
        "targetingExpansionLevel": "A String", # Required. Whether optimized targeting is turned on. This field supports the following values: * `NO_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned off * `LEAST_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned on If this field is set to any other value, it will automatically be set to `LEAST_EXPANSION`. `NO_EXPANSION` will be the default value for the field and will be automatically assigned if you do not set the field.
      "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The timestamp when the line item was last updated. Assigned by the system.
      "warningMessages": [ # Output only. The warning messages generated by the line item. These warnings do not block saving the line item, but some may block the line item from running.
        "A String",
      "youtubeAndPartnersSettings": { # Settings for YouTube and Partners line items. # Output only. Settings specific to YouTube and Partners line items.
        "biddingStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy for YouTube and Partners resources. # Required. The bidding strategy of the YouTube and Partners line item.
          "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaSource": "A String", # Output only. Source of the effective target CPA value for ad group.
          "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaValue": "A String", # Output only. The effective target CPA for ad group, in micros of advertiser's currency.
          "type": "A String", # The type of the bidding strategy.
          "value": "A String", # The value used by the bidding strategy. When the bidding strategy is assigned at the line item level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` When the bidding strategy is assigned at the ad group level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPV` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_RESERVE_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` If not using an applicable strategy, the value of this field will be 0.
        "contentCategory": "A String", # The kind of content on which the YouTube and Partners ads will be shown.
        "effectiveContentCategory": "A String", # Output only. The content category which takes effect when serving the line item. When content category is set in both line item and advertiser, the stricter one will take effect when serving the line item.
        "inventorySourceSettings": { # Settings that control what YouTube related inventories the YouTube and Partners line item will target. # Settings that control what YouTube and Partners inventories the line item will target.
          "includeGoogleTv": True or False, # Optional. Whether to target inventory in video apps available with Google TV.
          "includeYoutubeSearch": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on the YouTube search results page.
          "includeYoutubeVideoPartners": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on a collection of partner sites and apps that follow the same brand safety standards as YouTube.
          "includeYoutubeVideos": True or False, # Whether to target inventory of channels and videos on YouTube and YouTube videos embedded on other sites.
        "leadFormId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the form to generate leads.
        "linkedMerchantId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the merchant which is linked to the line item for product feed.
        "relatedVideoIds": [ # Optional. The IDs of the videos appear below the primary video ad when the ad is playing in the YouTube app on mobile devices.
          "A String",
        "targetFrequency": { # Setting that controls the average number of times the ads will show to the same person over a certain period of time. # Optional. The average number of times you want ads from this line item to show to the same person over a certain period of time.
          "targetCount": "A String", # The target number of times, on average, the ads will be shown to the same person in the timespan dictated by time_unit and time_unit_count.
          "timeUnit": "A String", # The unit of time in which the target frequency will be applied. The following time unit is applicable: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS`
          "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the target frequency will last. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be 1
        "thirdPartyMeasurementSettings": { # Settings that control what third-party vendors are measuring specific line item metrics. # Optional. The third-party measurement settings of the line item.
          "brandLiftVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand lift. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DYNATA` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
            { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
              "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
              "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
          "brandSafetyVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand safety. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_ZERF` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`
            { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
              "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
              "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
          "reachVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring reach. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_NIELSEN` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
            { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
              "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
              "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
          "viewabilityVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring viewability. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MOAT` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_TELEMETRY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MEETRICS`
            { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
              "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
              "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
        "videoAdSequenceSettings": { # Settings related to VideoAdSequence. # Optional. The settings related to VideoAdSequence.
          "minimumDuration": "A String", # The minimum time interval before the same user sees this sequence again.
          "steps": [ # The steps of which the sequence consists.
            { # The detail of a single step in a VideoAdSequence.
              "adGroupId": "A String", # The ID of the corresponding ad group of the step.
              "interactionType": "A String", # The interaction on the previous step that will lead the viewer to this step. The first step does not have interaction_type.
              "previousStepId": "A String", # The ID of the previous step. The first step does not have previous step.
              "stepId": "A String", # The ID of the step.
        "viewFrequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # The view frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_views field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
          "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
          "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
          "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
          "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
          "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.
  "nextPageToken": "A String", # A token to retrieve the next page of results. Pass this value in the page_token field in the subsequent call to `ListLineItems` method to retrieve the next page of results.
Retrieves the next page of results.

          previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
          previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

          A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
          page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
patch(advertiserId, lineItemId, body=None, updateMask=None, x__xgafv=None)
Updates an existing line item. Returns the updated line item if successful. Requests to this endpoint cannot be made concurrently with the following requests updating the same line item: * BulkEditAssignedTargetingOptions * BulkUpdateLineItems * assignedTargetingOptions.create * assignedTargetingOptions.delete YouTube & Partners line items cannot be created or updated using the API. **This method regularly experiences high latency.** We recommend [increasing your default timeout](/display-video/api/guides/best-practices/timeouts#client_library_timeout) to avoid errors.

  advertiserId: string, Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to. (required)
  lineItemId: string, Output only. The unique ID of the line item. Assigned by the system. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # A single line item.
  "advertiserId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.
  "bidStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy. Bid strategy determines the bid price. # Required. The bidding strategy of the line item.
    "fixedBid": { # A strategy that uses a fixed bidding price. # A strategy that uses a fixed bid price.
      "bidAmountMicros": "A String", # The fixed bid amount, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For insertion order entity, bid_amount_micros should be set as 0. For line item entity, bid_amount_micros must be greater than or equal to billable unit of the given currency and smaller than or equal to the upper limit 1000000000. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
    "maximizeSpendAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize a specified performance goal while spending the full budget. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize to your performance goal while spending the full budget. At insertion order level, the markup_type of line items cannot be set to `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`. In addition, when performance_goal_type is one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_AV_VIEWED` , the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be either: * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT` * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT` , and when performance_goal_type is either: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CIVA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_IVO_TEN` the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT`.
      "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
      "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy tries to minimize while spending the full budget. `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` is not supported for this strategy.
      "raiseBidForDeals": True or False, # Whether the strategy takes deal floor prices into account.
    "performanceGoalAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. It is to be used only for a line item entity.
      "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. Not applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
      "performanceGoalAmountMicros": "A String", # Required. The performance goal the bidding strategy will attempt to meet or beat, in micros of the advertiser's currency or in micro of the ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend) value which is also based on advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency and smaller or equal to upper bounds. Each performance_goal_type has its upper bound: * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA`, upper bound is 10000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`, upper bound is 1000.00 and lower bound is 0.01. Example: If set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, the bid price will be based on the probability that each available impression will be viewable. For example, if viewable CPM target is $2 and an impression is 40% likely to be viewable, the bid price will be $0.80 CPM (40% of $2). For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency or ROAS value.
      "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy will try to meet or beat. For line item level usage, the value must be one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`.
  "budget": { # Settings that control how budget is allocated. # Required. The budget allocation setting of the line item.
    "budgetAllocationType": "A String", # Required. The type of the budget allocation. `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC` is only applicable when automatic budget allocation is enabled for the parent insertion order.
    "budgetUnit": "A String", # Output only. The budget unit specifies whether the budget is currency based or impression based. This value is inherited from the parent insertion order.
    "maxAmount": "A String", # The maximum budget amount the line item will spend. Must be greater than 0. When budget_allocation_type is: * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC`, this field is immutable and is set by the system. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_FIXED`, if budget_unit is: - `BUDGET_UNIT_CURRENCY`, this field represents maximum budget amount to spend, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. - `BUDGET_UNIT_IMPRESSIONS`, this field represents the maximum number of impressions to serve. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_UNLIMITED`, this field is not applicable and will be ignored by the system.
  "campaignId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the campaign that the line item belongs to.
  "conversionCounting": { # Settings that control how conversions are counted. All post-click conversions will be counted. A percentage value can be set for post-view conversions counting. # The conversion tracking setting of the line item. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, the floodlight_activity_configs field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
    "floodlightActivityConfigs": [ # The Floodlight activity configs used to track conversions. The number of conversions counted is the sum of all of the conversions counted by all of the Floodlight activity IDs specified in this field. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, this field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      { # Settings that control the behavior of a single Floodlight activity config.
        "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the Floodlight activity.
        "postClickLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been clicked in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
        "postViewLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been viewed in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
    "postViewCountPercentageMillis": "A String", # The percentage of post-view conversions to count, in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Must be between 0 and 100000 inclusive. For example, to track 50% of the post-click conversions, set a value of 50000.
  "creativeIds": [ # The IDs of the creatives associated with the line item.
    "A String",
  "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the line item. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
  "entityStatus": "A String", # Required. Controls whether or not the line item can spend its budget and bid on inventory. * For CreateLineItem method, only `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` is allowed. To activate a line item, use UpdateLineItem method and update the status to `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE` after creation. * A line item cannot be changed back to `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` status from any other status. * If the line item's parent insertion order is not active, the line item can't spend its budget even if its own status is `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE`.
  "excludeNewExchanges": True or False, # Whether to exclude new exchanges from automatically being targeted by the line item. This field is false by default.
  "flight": { # Settings that control the active duration of a line item. # Required. The start and end time of the line item's flight.
    "dateRange": { # A date range. # The flight start and end dates of the line item. They are resolved relative to the parent advertiser's time zone. * Required when flight_date_type is `LINE_ITEM_FLIGHT_DATE_TYPE_CUSTOM`. Output only otherwise. * When creating a new flight, both `start_date` and `end_date` must be in the future. * An existing flight with a `start_date` in the past has a mutable `end_date` but an immutable `start_date`. * `end_date` must be the `start_date` or later, both before the year 2037.
      "endDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The upper bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
        "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
        "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
        "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
      "startDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The lower bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
        "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
        "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
        "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    "flightDateType": "A String", # Required. The type of the line item's flight dates.
  "frequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # Required. The impression frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_impressions field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
    "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
    "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
    "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
    "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
    "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.
  "insertionOrderId": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The unique ID of the insertion order that the line item belongs to.
  "integrationDetails": { # Integration details of an entry. # Integration details of the line item.
    "details": "A String", # Additional details of the entry in string format. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 1000 characters.
    "integrationCode": "A String", # An external identifier to be associated with the entry. The integration code will show up together with the entry in many places in the system, for example, reporting. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 500 characters.
  "lineItemId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the line item. Assigned by the system.
  "lineItemType": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The type of the line item.
  "mobileApp": { # A mobile app promoted by a mobile app install line item. # The mobile app promoted by the line item. This is applicable only when line_item_type is either `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL` or `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL`.
    "appId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the app provided by the platform store. Android apps are identified by the bundle ID used by Android's Play store, such as `com.google.android.gm`. iOS apps are identified by a nine-digit app ID used by Apple's App store, such as `422689480`.
    "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The app name.
    "platform": "A String", # Output only. The app platform.
    "publisher": "A String", # Output only. The app publisher.
  "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name of the line item.
  "pacing": { # Settings that control the rate at which a budget is spent. # Required. The budget spending speed setting of the line item.
    "dailyMaxImpressions": "A String", # Maximum number of impressions to serve every day. Applicable when the budget is impression based. Must be greater than 0.
    "dailyMaxMicros": "A String", # Maximum currency amount to spend every day in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the budget is currency based. Must be greater than 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the currency, set this field to 1500000. The value assigned will be rounded to whole billable units for the relevant currency by the following rules: any positive value less than a single billable unit will be rounded up to one billable unit and any value larger than a single billable unit will be rounded down to the nearest billable value. For example, if the currency's billable unit is 0.01, and this field is set to 10257770, it will round down to 10250000, a value of 10.25. If set to 505, it will round up to 10000, a value of 0.01.
    "pacingPeriod": "A String", # Required. The time period in which the pacing budget will be spent. When automatic budget allocation is enabled at the insertion order via automationType, this field is output only and defaults to `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT`.
    "pacingType": "A String", # Required. The type of pacing that defines how the budget amount will be spent across the pacing_period. `PACING_TYPE_ASAP` is not compatible with pacing_period `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT` for insertion orders.
  "partnerCosts": [ # The partner costs associated with the line item. If absent or empty in CreateLineItem method, the newly created line item will inherit partner costs from its parent insertion order.
    { # Settings that control a partner cost. A partner cost is any type of expense involved in running a campaign, other than the costs of purchasing impressions (which is called the media cost) and using third-party audience segment data (data fee). Some examples of partner costs include the fees for using DV360, a third-party ad server, or a third-party ad serving verification service.
      "costType": "A String", # Required. The type of the partner cost.
      "feeAmount": "A String", # The CPM fee amount in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_CPM_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the advertiser's currency, set this field to 1500000.
      "feePercentageMillis": "A String", # The media fee percentage in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_MEDIA_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example: 100 represents 0.1%.
      "feeType": "A String", # Required. The fee type for this partner cost.
      "invoiceType": "A String", # The invoice type for this partner cost. * Required when cost_type is one of: - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_ADLOOX` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DOUBLE_VERIFY` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`. * Output only for other types.
  "partnerRevenueModel": { # Settings that control how partner revenue is calculated. # Required. The partner revenue model setting of the line item.
    "markupAmount": "A String", # Required. The markup amount of the partner revenue model. Must be greater than or equal to 0. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`, this field represents the CPM markup in micros of advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001). * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_TOTAL_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the total media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001).
    "markupType": "A String", # Required. The markup type of the partner revenue model.
  "reservationType": "A String", # Output only. The reservation type of the line item.
  "targetingExpansion": { # Settings that control the [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. # The [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. This config is only applicable for display, video, or audio line items that use automated bidding and positively target eligible audience lists.
    "excludeFirstPartyAudience": True or False, # Whether to exclude first-party audiences from use in targeting expansion. This field was deprecated with the launch of [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859). This field will be set to `false`. If this field is set to `true` when deprecated, all positive first-party audience targeting assigned to this line item will be replaced with negative targeting of the same first-party audiences to ensure the continued exclusion of those audiences.
    "targetingExpansionLevel": "A String", # Required. Whether optimized targeting is turned on. This field supports the following values: * `NO_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned off * `LEAST_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned on If this field is set to any other value, it will automatically be set to `LEAST_EXPANSION`. `NO_EXPANSION` will be the default value for the field and will be automatically assigned if you do not set the field.
  "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The timestamp when the line item was last updated. Assigned by the system.
  "warningMessages": [ # Output only. The warning messages generated by the line item. These warnings do not block saving the line item, but some may block the line item from running.
    "A String",
  "youtubeAndPartnersSettings": { # Settings for YouTube and Partners line items. # Output only. Settings specific to YouTube and Partners line items.
    "biddingStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy for YouTube and Partners resources. # Required. The bidding strategy of the YouTube and Partners line item.
      "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaSource": "A String", # Output only. Source of the effective target CPA value for ad group.
      "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaValue": "A String", # Output only. The effective target CPA for ad group, in micros of advertiser's currency.
      "type": "A String", # The type of the bidding strategy.
      "value": "A String", # The value used by the bidding strategy. When the bidding strategy is assigned at the line item level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` When the bidding strategy is assigned at the ad group level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPV` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_RESERVE_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` If not using an applicable strategy, the value of this field will be 0.
    "contentCategory": "A String", # The kind of content on which the YouTube and Partners ads will be shown.
    "effectiveContentCategory": "A String", # Output only. The content category which takes effect when serving the line item. When content category is set in both line item and advertiser, the stricter one will take effect when serving the line item.
    "inventorySourceSettings": { # Settings that control what YouTube related inventories the YouTube and Partners line item will target. # Settings that control what YouTube and Partners inventories the line item will target.
      "includeGoogleTv": True or False, # Optional. Whether to target inventory in video apps available with Google TV.
      "includeYoutubeSearch": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on the YouTube search results page.
      "includeYoutubeVideoPartners": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on a collection of partner sites and apps that follow the same brand safety standards as YouTube.
      "includeYoutubeVideos": True or False, # Whether to target inventory of channels and videos on YouTube and YouTube videos embedded on other sites.
    "leadFormId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the form to generate leads.
    "linkedMerchantId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the merchant which is linked to the line item for product feed.
    "relatedVideoIds": [ # Optional. The IDs of the videos appear below the primary video ad when the ad is playing in the YouTube app on mobile devices.
      "A String",
    "targetFrequency": { # Setting that controls the average number of times the ads will show to the same person over a certain period of time. # Optional. The average number of times you want ads from this line item to show to the same person over a certain period of time.
      "targetCount": "A String", # The target number of times, on average, the ads will be shown to the same person in the timespan dictated by time_unit and time_unit_count.
      "timeUnit": "A String", # The unit of time in which the target frequency will be applied. The following time unit is applicable: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS`
      "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the target frequency will last. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be 1
    "thirdPartyMeasurementSettings": { # Settings that control what third-party vendors are measuring specific line item metrics. # Optional. The third-party measurement settings of the line item.
      "brandLiftVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand lift. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DYNATA` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "brandSafetyVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand safety. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_ZERF` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "reachVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring reach. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_NIELSEN` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "viewabilityVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring viewability. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MOAT` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_TELEMETRY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MEETRICS`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
    "videoAdSequenceSettings": { # Settings related to VideoAdSequence. # Optional. The settings related to VideoAdSequence.
      "minimumDuration": "A String", # The minimum time interval before the same user sees this sequence again.
      "steps": [ # The steps of which the sequence consists.
        { # The detail of a single step in a VideoAdSequence.
          "adGroupId": "A String", # The ID of the corresponding ad group of the step.
          "interactionType": "A String", # The interaction on the previous step that will lead the viewer to this step. The first step does not have interaction_type.
          "previousStepId": "A String", # The ID of the previous step. The first step does not have previous step.
          "stepId": "A String", # The ID of the step.
    "viewFrequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # The view frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_views field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
      "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
      "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
      "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
      "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
      "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.

  updateMask: string, Required. The mask to control which fields to update.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # A single line item.
  "advertiserId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.
  "bidStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy. Bid strategy determines the bid price. # Required. The bidding strategy of the line item.
    "fixedBid": { # A strategy that uses a fixed bidding price. # A strategy that uses a fixed bid price.
      "bidAmountMicros": "A String", # The fixed bid amount, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For insertion order entity, bid_amount_micros should be set as 0. For line item entity, bid_amount_micros must be greater than or equal to billable unit of the given currency and smaller than or equal to the upper limit 1000000000. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
    "maximizeSpendAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize a specified performance goal while spending the full budget. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize to your performance goal while spending the full budget. At insertion order level, the markup_type of line items cannot be set to `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`. In addition, when performance_goal_type is one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_AV_VIEWED` , the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be either: * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT` * `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT` , and when performance_goal_type is either: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CIVA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_IVO_TEN` the line_item_type of the insertion order line items must be `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_DEFAULT`.
      "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
      "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy tries to minimize while spending the full budget. `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` is not supported for this strategy.
      "raiseBidForDeals": True or False, # Whether the strategy takes deal floor prices into account.
    "performanceGoalAutoBid": { # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. # A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal. It is to be used only for a line item entity.
      "customBiddingAlgorithmId": "A String", # The ID of the Custom Bidding Algorithm used by this strategy. Only applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, assigning a custom bidding algorithm that uses floodlight activities not identified in floodlightActivityConfigs will return an error. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      "maxAverageCpmBidAmountMicros": "A String", # The maximum average CPM that may be bid, in micros of the advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency. Not applicable when performance_goal_type is set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency.
      "performanceGoalAmountMicros": "A String", # Required. The performance goal the bidding strategy will attempt to meet or beat, in micros of the advertiser's currency or in micro of the ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend) value which is also based on advertiser's currency. Must be greater than or equal to a billable unit of the given currency and smaller or equal to upper bounds. Each performance_goal_type has its upper bound: * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA`, upper bound is 10000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, upper bound is 1000.00 USD. * when performance_goal_type is `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`, upper bound is 1000.00 and lower bound is 0.01. Example: If set to `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM`, the bid price will be based on the probability that each available impression will be viewable. For example, if viewable CPM target is $2 and an impression is 40% likely to be viewable, the bid price will be $0.80 CPM (40% of $2). For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency or ROAS value.
      "performanceGoalType": "A String", # Required. The type of the performance goal that the bidding strategy will try to meet or beat. For line item level usage, the value must be one of: * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPA` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CPC` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM` * `BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CUSTOM_ALGO`.
  "budget": { # Settings that control how budget is allocated. # Required. The budget allocation setting of the line item.
    "budgetAllocationType": "A String", # Required. The type of the budget allocation. `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC` is only applicable when automatic budget allocation is enabled for the parent insertion order.
    "budgetUnit": "A String", # Output only. The budget unit specifies whether the budget is currency based or impression based. This value is inherited from the parent insertion order.
    "maxAmount": "A String", # The maximum budget amount the line item will spend. Must be greater than 0. When budget_allocation_type is: * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_AUTOMATIC`, this field is immutable and is set by the system. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_FIXED`, if budget_unit is: - `BUDGET_UNIT_CURRENCY`, this field represents maximum budget amount to spend, in micros of the advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. - `BUDGET_UNIT_IMPRESSIONS`, this field represents the maximum number of impressions to serve. * `LINE_ITEM_BUDGET_ALLOCATION_TYPE_UNLIMITED`, this field is not applicable and will be ignored by the system.
  "campaignId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the campaign that the line item belongs to.
  "conversionCounting": { # Settings that control how conversions are counted. All post-click conversions will be counted. A percentage value can be set for post-view conversions counting. # The conversion tracking setting of the line item. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, the floodlight_activity_configs field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
    "floodlightActivityConfigs": [ # The Floodlight activity configs used to track conversions. The number of conversions counted is the sum of all of the conversions counted by all of the Floodlight activity IDs specified in this field. *Warning*: Starting **April 1, 2025**, this field will no longer be writable while a custom bidding algorithm is assigned to the line item. If you set this field and assign a custom bidding algorithm in the same request, the floodlight activities must match the ones used by the custom bidding algorithm. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.custom_bidding_floodlight).
      { # Settings that control the behavior of a single Floodlight activity config.
        "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the Floodlight activity.
        "postClickLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been clicked in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
        "postViewLookbackWindowDays": 42, # Required. The number of days after an ad has been viewed in which a conversion may be counted. Must be between 0 and 90 inclusive.
    "postViewCountPercentageMillis": "A String", # The percentage of post-view conversions to count, in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Must be between 0 and 100000 inclusive. For example, to track 50% of the post-click conversions, set a value of 50000.
  "creativeIds": [ # The IDs of the creatives associated with the line item.
    "A String",
  "displayName": "A String", # Required. The display name of the line item. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
  "entityStatus": "A String", # Required. Controls whether or not the line item can spend its budget and bid on inventory. * For CreateLineItem method, only `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` is allowed. To activate a line item, use UpdateLineItem method and update the status to `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE` after creation. * A line item cannot be changed back to `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` status from any other status. * If the line item's parent insertion order is not active, the line item can't spend its budget even if its own status is `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE`.
  "excludeNewExchanges": True or False, # Whether to exclude new exchanges from automatically being targeted by the line item. This field is false by default.
  "flight": { # Settings that control the active duration of a line item. # Required. The start and end time of the line item's flight.
    "dateRange": { # A date range. # The flight start and end dates of the line item. They are resolved relative to the parent advertiser's time zone. * Required when flight_date_type is `LINE_ITEM_FLIGHT_DATE_TYPE_CUSTOM`. Output only otherwise. * When creating a new flight, both `start_date` and `end_date` must be in the future. * An existing flight with a `start_date` in the past has a mutable `end_date` but an immutable `start_date`. * `end_date` must be the `start_date` or later, both before the year 2037.
      "endDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The upper bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
        "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
        "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
        "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
      "startDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # The lower bound of the date range, inclusive. Must specify a positive value for `year`, `month`, and `day`.
        "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
        "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
        "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    "flightDateType": "A String", # Required. The type of the line item's flight dates.
  "frequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # Required. The impression frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_impressions field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
    "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
    "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
    "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
    "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
    "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.
  "insertionOrderId": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The unique ID of the insertion order that the line item belongs to.
  "integrationDetails": { # Integration details of an entry. # Integration details of the line item.
    "details": "A String", # Additional details of the entry in string format. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 1000 characters.
    "integrationCode": "A String", # An external identifier to be associated with the entry. The integration code will show up together with the entry in many places in the system, for example, reporting. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 500 characters.
  "lineItemId": "A String", # Output only. The unique ID of the line item. Assigned by the system.
  "lineItemType": "A String", # Required. Immutable. The type of the line item.
  "mobileApp": { # A mobile app promoted by a mobile app install line item. # The mobile app promoted by the line item. This is applicable only when line_item_type is either `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL` or `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_VIDEO_MOBILE_APP_INSTALL`.
    "appId": "A String", # Required. The ID of the app provided by the platform store. Android apps are identified by the bundle ID used by Android's Play store, such as `com.google.android.gm`. iOS apps are identified by a nine-digit app ID used by Apple's App store, such as `422689480`.
    "displayName": "A String", # Output only. The app name.
    "platform": "A String", # Output only. The app platform.
    "publisher": "A String", # Output only. The app publisher.
  "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name of the line item.
  "pacing": { # Settings that control the rate at which a budget is spent. # Required. The budget spending speed setting of the line item.
    "dailyMaxImpressions": "A String", # Maximum number of impressions to serve every day. Applicable when the budget is impression based. Must be greater than 0.
    "dailyMaxMicros": "A String", # Maximum currency amount to spend every day in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the budget is currency based. Must be greater than 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the currency, set this field to 1500000. The value assigned will be rounded to whole billable units for the relevant currency by the following rules: any positive value less than a single billable unit will be rounded up to one billable unit and any value larger than a single billable unit will be rounded down to the nearest billable value. For example, if the currency's billable unit is 0.01, and this field is set to 10257770, it will round down to 10250000, a value of 10.25. If set to 505, it will round up to 10000, a value of 0.01.
    "pacingPeriod": "A String", # Required. The time period in which the pacing budget will be spent. When automatic budget allocation is enabled at the insertion order via automationType, this field is output only and defaults to `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT`.
    "pacingType": "A String", # Required. The type of pacing that defines how the budget amount will be spent across the pacing_period. `PACING_TYPE_ASAP` is not compatible with pacing_period `PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT` for insertion orders.
  "partnerCosts": [ # The partner costs associated with the line item. If absent or empty in CreateLineItem method, the newly created line item will inherit partner costs from its parent insertion order.
    { # Settings that control a partner cost. A partner cost is any type of expense involved in running a campaign, other than the costs of purchasing impressions (which is called the media cost) and using third-party audience segment data (data fee). Some examples of partner costs include the fees for using DV360, a third-party ad server, or a third-party ad serving verification service.
      "costType": "A String", # Required. The type of the partner cost.
      "feeAmount": "A String", # The CPM fee amount in micros of advertiser's currency. Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_CPM_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the advertiser's currency, set this field to 1500000.
      "feePercentageMillis": "A String", # The media fee percentage in millis (1/1000 of a percent). Applicable when the fee_type is `PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_MEDIA_FEE`. Must be greater than or equal to 0. For example: 100 represents 0.1%.
      "feeType": "A String", # Required. The fee type for this partner cost.
      "invoiceType": "A String", # The invoice type for this partner cost. * Required when cost_type is one of: - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_ADLOOX` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DOUBLE_VERIFY` - `PARTNER_COST_TYPE_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`. * Output only for other types.
  "partnerRevenueModel": { # Settings that control how partner revenue is calculated. # Required. The partner revenue model setting of the line item.
    "markupAmount": "A String", # Required. The markup amount of the partner revenue model. Must be greater than or equal to 0. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_CPM`, this field represents the CPM markup in micros of advertiser's currency. For example, 1500000 represents 1.5 standard units of the currency. * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001). * When the markup_type is set to be `PARTNER_REVENUE_MODEL_MARKUP_TYPE_TOTAL_MEDIA_COST_MARKUP`, this field represents the total media cost percent markup in millis. For example, 100 represents 0.1% (decimal 0.001).
    "markupType": "A String", # Required. The markup type of the partner revenue model.
  "reservationType": "A String", # Output only. The reservation type of the line item.
  "targetingExpansion": { # Settings that control the [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. # The [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item. This config is only applicable for display, video, or audio line items that use automated bidding and positively target eligible audience lists.
    "excludeFirstPartyAudience": True or False, # Whether to exclude first-party audiences from use in targeting expansion. This field was deprecated with the launch of [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859). This field will be set to `false`. If this field is set to `true` when deprecated, all positive first-party audience targeting assigned to this line item will be replaced with negative targeting of the same first-party audiences to ensure the continued exclusion of those audiences.
    "targetingExpansionLevel": "A String", # Required. Whether optimized targeting is turned on. This field supports the following values: * `NO_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned off * `LEAST_EXPANSION`: optimized targeting is turned on If this field is set to any other value, it will automatically be set to `LEAST_EXPANSION`. `NO_EXPANSION` will be the default value for the field and will be automatically assigned if you do not set the field.
  "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The timestamp when the line item was last updated. Assigned by the system.
  "warningMessages": [ # Output only. The warning messages generated by the line item. These warnings do not block saving the line item, but some may block the line item from running.
    "A String",
  "youtubeAndPartnersSettings": { # Settings for YouTube and Partners line items. # Output only. Settings specific to YouTube and Partners line items.
    "biddingStrategy": { # Settings that control the bid strategy for YouTube and Partners resources. # Required. The bidding strategy of the YouTube and Partners line item.
      "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaSource": "A String", # Output only. Source of the effective target CPA value for ad group.
      "adGroupEffectiveTargetCpaValue": "A String", # Output only. The effective target CPA for ad group, in micros of advertiser's currency.
      "type": "A String", # The type of the bidding strategy.
      "value": "A String", # The value used by the bidding strategy. When the bidding strategy is assigned at the line item level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` When the bidding strategy is assigned at the ad group level, this field is only applicable for the following strategy types: * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_MANUAL_CPV` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPA` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_RESERVE_CPM` * `YOUTUBE_AND_PARTNERS_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TYPE_TARGET_ROAS` If not using an applicable strategy, the value of this field will be 0.
    "contentCategory": "A String", # The kind of content on which the YouTube and Partners ads will be shown.
    "effectiveContentCategory": "A String", # Output only. The content category which takes effect when serving the line item. When content category is set in both line item and advertiser, the stricter one will take effect when serving the line item.
    "inventorySourceSettings": { # Settings that control what YouTube related inventories the YouTube and Partners line item will target. # Settings that control what YouTube and Partners inventories the line item will target.
      "includeGoogleTv": True or False, # Optional. Whether to target inventory in video apps available with Google TV.
      "includeYoutubeSearch": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on the YouTube search results page.
      "includeYoutubeVideoPartners": True or False, # Whether to target inventory on a collection of partner sites and apps that follow the same brand safety standards as YouTube.
      "includeYoutubeVideos": True or False, # Whether to target inventory of channels and videos on YouTube and YouTube videos embedded on other sites.
    "leadFormId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the form to generate leads.
    "linkedMerchantId": "A String", # Optional. The ID of the merchant which is linked to the line item for product feed.
    "relatedVideoIds": [ # Optional. The IDs of the videos appear below the primary video ad when the ad is playing in the YouTube app on mobile devices.
      "A String",
    "targetFrequency": { # Setting that controls the average number of times the ads will show to the same person over a certain period of time. # Optional. The average number of times you want ads from this line item to show to the same person over a certain period of time.
      "targetCount": "A String", # The target number of times, on average, the ads will be shown to the same person in the timespan dictated by time_unit and time_unit_count.
      "timeUnit": "A String", # The unit of time in which the target frequency will be applied. The following time unit is applicable: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS`
      "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the target frequency will last. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be 1
    "thirdPartyMeasurementSettings": { # Settings that control what third-party vendors are measuring specific line item metrics. # Optional. The third-party measurement settings of the line item.
      "brandLiftVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand lift. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DYNATA` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "brandSafetyVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring brand safety. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_ZERF` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "reachVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring reach. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_NIELSEN` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_KANTAR`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
      "viewabilityVendorConfigs": [ # The third-party vendors measuring viewability. The following third-party vendors are applicable: * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MOAT` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_DOUBLE_VERIFY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_COMSCORE` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_TELEMETRY` * `THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR_MEETRICS`
        { # Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
          "placementId": "A String", # The ID used by the platform of the third-party vendor to identify the line item.
          "vendor": "A String", # The third-party measurement vendor.
    "videoAdSequenceSettings": { # Settings related to VideoAdSequence. # Optional. The settings related to VideoAdSequence.
      "minimumDuration": "A String", # The minimum time interval before the same user sees this sequence again.
      "steps": [ # The steps of which the sequence consists.
        { # The detail of a single step in a VideoAdSequence.
          "adGroupId": "A String", # The ID of the corresponding ad group of the step.
          "interactionType": "A String", # The interaction on the previous step that will lead the viewer to this step. The first step does not have interaction_type.
          "previousStepId": "A String", # The ID of the previous step. The first step does not have previous step.
          "stepId": "A String", # The ID of the step.
    "viewFrequencyCap": { # Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period. # The view frequency cap settings of the line item. The max_views field in this settings object must be used if assigning a limited cap. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap)
      "maxImpressions": 42, # The maximum number of times a user may be shown the same ad during this period. Must be greater than 0. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_views is not set.
      "maxViews": 42, # Optional. The maximum number of times a user may click-through or fully view an ad during this period until it is no longer served to them. Must be greater than 0. Only applicable to YouTube and Partners resources. Required when unlimited is `false` and max_impressions is not set.
      "timeUnit": "A String", # The time unit in which the frequency cap will be applied. Required when unlimited is `false`. *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
      "timeUnitCount": 42, # The number of time_unit the frequency cap will last. Required when unlimited is `false`. The following restrictions apply based on the value of time_unit: * `TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME` - this field is output only and will default to 1 * `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS` - must be between 1 and 2 * `TIME_UNIT_WEEKS` - must be between 1 and 4 * `TIME_UNIT_DAYS` - must be between 1 and 6 * `TIME_UNIT_HOURS` - must be between 1 and 23 * `TIME_UNIT_MINUTES` - must be between 1 and 59 *Warning*: On **February 28, 2025**, frequency cap time periods greater than 30 days will no longer be accepted. This field will no longer accept the value 2 if the value of time_unit is `TIME_UNIT_MONTHS`. [Read more about this announced change](/display-video/api/deprecations#features.lifetime_frequency_cap).
      "unlimited": True or False, # Whether unlimited frequency capping is applied. When this field is set to `true`, the remaining frequency cap fields are not applicable.