Sensitive Data Protection (DLP) . locations . infoTypes

Instance Methods


Close httplib2 connections.

list(parent, filter=None, languageCode=None, locationId=None, x__xgafv=None)

Returns a list of the sensitive information types that the DLP API supports. See to learn more.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
list(parent, filter=None, languageCode=None, locationId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Returns a list of the sensitive information types that the DLP API supports. See to learn more.

  parent: string, The parent resource name. The format of this value is as follows: `locations/{location_id}` (required)
  filter: string, filter to only return infoTypes supported by certain parts of the API. Defaults to supported_by=INSPECT.
  languageCode: string, BCP-47 language code for localized infoType friendly names. If omitted, or if localized strings are not available, en-US strings will be returned.
  locationId: string, Deprecated. This field has no effect.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Response to the ListInfoTypes request.
  "infoTypes": [ # Set of sensitive infoTypes.
    { # InfoType description.
      "categories": [ # The category of the infoType.
        { # Classification of infoTypes to organize them according to geographic location, industry, and data type.
          "industryCategory": "A String", # The group of relevant businesses where this infoType is commonly used
          "locationCategory": "A String", # The region or country that issued the ID or document represented by the infoType.
          "typeCategory": "A String", # The class of identifiers where this infoType belongs
      "description": "A String", # Description of the infotype. Translated when language is provided in the request.
      "displayName": "A String", # Human readable form of the infoType name.
      "example": "A String", # A sample that is a true positive for this infoType.
      "name": "A String", # Internal name of the infoType.
      "sensitivityScore": { # Score is calculated from of all elements in the data profile. A higher level means the data is more sensitive. # The default sensitivity of the infoType.
        "score": "A String", # The sensitivity score applied to the resource.
      "supportedBy": [ # Which parts of the API supports this InfoType.
        "A String",
      "versions": [ # A list of available versions for the infotype.
        { # Details about each available version for an infotype.
          "description": "A String", # Description of the version.
          "version": "A String", # Name of the version