Identity Toolkit API . v1

Instance Methods


Close httplib2 connections.

getProjects(androidPackageName=None, clientId=None, delegatedProjectNumber=None, firebaseAppId=None, iosBundleId=None, projectNumber=None, returnDynamicLink=None, sha1Cert=None, x__xgafv=None)

Gets a project's public Identity Toolkit configuration. (Legacy) This method also supports authenticated calls from a developer to retrieve non-public configuration.


Retrieves public keys of the legacy Identity Toolkit token signer to enable third parties to verify the legacy ID token. For now the X509 pem cert is the only format supported.


Gets parameters needed for generating a reCAPTCHA challenge.


Retrieves the set of public keys of the session cookie JSON Web Token (JWT) signer that can be used to validate the session cookie created through createSessionCookie.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
getProjects(androidPackageName=None, clientId=None, delegatedProjectNumber=None, firebaseAppId=None, iosBundleId=None, projectNumber=None, returnDynamicLink=None, sha1Cert=None, x__xgafv=None)
Gets a project's public Identity Toolkit configuration. (Legacy) This method also supports authenticated calls from a developer to retrieve non-public configuration.

  androidPackageName: string, Android package name to check against the real android package name. If this field is provided, and sha1_cert_hash is not provided, the action will throw an error if this does not match the real android package name.
  clientId: string, The RP OAuth client ID. If set, a check will be performed to ensure that the OAuth client is valid for the retrieved project and the request rejected with a client error if not valid.
  delegatedProjectNumber: string, Project Number of the delegated project request. This field should only be used as part of the Firebase V1 migration.
  firebaseAppId: string, The Firebase app ID, for applications that use Firebase. This can be found in the Firebase console for your project. If set, a check will be performed to ensure that the app ID is valid for the retrieved project. If not valid, the request will be rejected with a client error.
  iosBundleId: string, iOS bundle id to check against the real ios bundle id. If this field is provided, the action will throw an error if this does not match the real iOS bundle id.
  projectNumber: string, Project number of the configuration to retrieve. This field is deprecated and should not be used by new integrations.
  returnDynamicLink: boolean, Whether dynamic link should be returned.
  sha1Cert: string, SHA-1 Android application cert hash. If set, a check will be performed to ensure that the cert hash is valid for the retrieved project and android_package_name.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Response message for GetProjectConfig.
  "allowPasswordUser": True or False, # Whether to allow password account sign up. This field is only returned for authenticated calls from a developer.
  "apiKey": "A String", # Google Cloud API key. This field is only returned for authenticated calls from a developer.
  "authorizedDomains": [ # Authorized domains for widget redirect.
    "A String",
  "changeEmailTemplate": { # Email template # Email template for change email. This field is only returned for authenticated calls from a developer.
    "body": "A String", # Email body
    "customized": True or False, # Whether the body or subject of the email is customized.
    "disabled": True or False, # Whether the template is disabled. If true, a default template will be used.
    "format": "A String", # Email body format
    "from": "A String", # From address of the email
    "fromDisplayName": "A String", # From display name
    "fromLocalPart": "A String", # Local part of From address
    "locale": "A String", # Value is in III language code format (e.g. "zh-CN", "es"). Both '-' and '_' separators are accepted.
    "replyTo": "A String", # Reply-to address
    "subject": "A String", # Subject of the email
  "dynamicLinksDomain": "A String", # The Firebase Dynamic Links domain used to construct links for redirects to native apps.
  "enableAnonymousUser": True or False, # Whether anonymous user is enabled. This field is only returned for authenticated calls from a developer.
  "idpConfig": [ # OAuth2 provider config. This field is only returned for authenticated calls from a developer.
    { # Config of an identity provider.
      "clientId": "A String", # OAuth2 client ID.
      "enabled": True or False, # True if allows the user to sign in with the provider.
      "experimentPercent": 42, # Percent of users who will be prompted/redirected federated login for this IdP
      "provider": "A String",
      "secret": "A String", # OAuth2 client secret.
      "whitelistedAudiences": [ # Whitelisted client IDs for audience check.
        "A String",
  "legacyResetPasswordTemplate": { # Email template # Reset password email template for legacy Firebase V1 app. This field is only returned for authenticated calls from a developer.
    "body": "A String", # Email body
    "customized": True or False, # Whether the body or subject of the email is customized.
    "disabled": True or False, # Whether the template is disabled. If true, a default template will be used.
    "format": "A String", # Email body format
    "from": "A String", # From address of the email
    "fromDisplayName": "A String", # From display name
    "fromLocalPart": "A String", # Local part of From address
    "locale": "A String", # Value is in III language code format (e.g. "zh-CN", "es"). Both '-' and '_' separators are accepted.
    "replyTo": "A String", # Reply-to address
    "subject": "A String", # Subject of the email
  "projectId": "A String", # The project id of the retrieved configuration.
  "resetPasswordTemplate": { # Email template # Email template for reset password. This field is only returned for authenticated calls from a developer.
    "body": "A String", # Email body
    "customized": True or False, # Whether the body or subject of the email is customized.
    "disabled": True or False, # Whether the template is disabled. If true, a default template will be used.
    "format": "A String", # Email body format
    "from": "A String", # From address of the email
    "fromDisplayName": "A String", # From display name
    "fromLocalPart": "A String", # Local part of From address
    "locale": "A String", # Value is in III language code format (e.g. "zh-CN", "es"). Both '-' and '_' separators are accepted.
    "replyTo": "A String", # Reply-to address
    "subject": "A String", # Subject of the email
  "revertSecondFactorAdditionTemplate": { # Email template # Email template for reverting second factor additions. This field is only returned for authenticated calls from a developer.
    "body": "A String", # Email body
    "customized": True or False, # Whether the body or subject of the email is customized.
    "disabled": True or False, # Whether the template is disabled. If true, a default template will be used.
    "format": "A String", # Email body format
    "from": "A String", # From address of the email
    "fromDisplayName": "A String", # From display name
    "fromLocalPart": "A String", # Local part of From address
    "locale": "A String", # Value is in III language code format (e.g. "zh-CN", "es"). Both '-' and '_' separators are accepted.
    "replyTo": "A String", # Reply-to address
    "subject": "A String", # Subject of the email
  "useEmailSending": True or False, # Whether to use email sending. This field is only returned for authenticated calls from a developer.
  "verifyEmailTemplate": { # Email template # Email template for verify email. This field is only returned for authenticated calls from a developer.
    "body": "A String", # Email body
    "customized": True or False, # Whether the body or subject of the email is customized.
    "disabled": True or False, # Whether the template is disabled. If true, a default template will be used.
    "format": "A String", # Email body format
    "from": "A String", # From address of the email
    "fromDisplayName": "A String", # From display name
    "fromLocalPart": "A String", # Local part of From address
    "locale": "A String", # Value is in III language code format (e.g. "zh-CN", "es"). Both '-' and '_' separators are accepted.
    "replyTo": "A String", # Reply-to address
    "subject": "A String", # Subject of the email
Retrieves public keys of the legacy Identity Toolkit token signer to enable third parties to verify the legacy ID token. For now the X509 pem cert is the only format supported.

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

  "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
Gets parameters needed for generating a reCAPTCHA challenge.

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Response message for GetRecaptchaParam.
  "kind": "A String",
  "producerProjectNumber": "A String", # The producer project number used to generate PIA tokens
  "recaptchaSiteKey": "A String", # The reCAPTCHA v2 site key used to invoke the reCAPTCHA service. Always present.
  "recaptchaStoken": "A String",
Retrieves the set of public keys of the session cookie JSON Web Token (JWT) signer that can be used to validate the session cookie created through createSessionCookie.

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Response message for GetSessionCookiePublicKeys.
  "keys": [ # Public keys of the session cookie signer, formatted as [JSON Web Keys (JWK)](
    { # Represents a public key of the session cookie signer, formatted as a [JSON Web Key (JWK)](
      "alg": "A String", # Signature algorithm.
      "e": "A String", # Exponent for the RSA public key, it is represented as the base64url encoding of the value's big endian representation.
      "kid": "A String", # Unique string to identify this key.
      "kty": "A String", # Key type.
      "n": "A String", # Modulus for the RSA public key, it is represented as the base64url encoding of the value's big endian representation.
      "use": "A String", # Key use.