Close httplib2 connections.
get(name, view=None, x__xgafv=None)
Gets the details of an error frame.
list(parent, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, view=None, x__xgafv=None)
Lists all error frames in a given source and location.
Retrieves the next page of results.
Close httplib2 connections.
get(name, view=None, x__xgafv=None)
Gets the details of an error frame. Args: name: string, Required. The name of the frame to retrieve. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/sources/{source}/errorFrames/{error_frame} (required) view: string, Optional. An optional view mode to control the level of details for the frame. The default is a basic frame view. Allowed values ERROR_FRAME_VIEW_UNSPECIFIED - Value is unset. The system will fallback to the default value. ERROR_FRAME_VIEW_BASIC - Include basic frame data, but not the full contents. ERROR_FRAME_VIEW_FULL - Include everything. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # Message representing a frame which failed to be processed due to an error. "ingestionTime": "A String", # Output only. Frame ingestion time. "name": "A String", # Output only. The identifier of the ErrorFrame. "originalFrame": { # Contains data reported from an inventory source on an asset. # Output only. The frame that was originally reported. "attributes": { # Generic asset attributes. "a_key": "A String", }, "collectionType": "A String", # Optional. Frame collection type, if not specified the collection type will be based on the source type of the source the frame was reported on. "labels": { # Labels as key value pairs. "a_key": "A String", }, "machineDetails": { # Details of a machine. # Asset information specific for virtual machines. "architecture": { # Details of the machine architecture. # Architecture details (vendor, CPU architecture). "bios": { # Details about the BIOS. # BIOS Details. "biosName": "A String", # BIOS name. This fields is deprecated. Please use the `id` field instead. "id": "A String", # BIOS ID. "manufacturer": "A String", # BIOS manufacturer. "releaseDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # BIOS release date. "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant. "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day. "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year. }, "smbiosUuid": "A String", # SMBIOS UUID. "version": "A String", # BIOS version. }, "cpuArchitecture": "A String", # CPU architecture, e.g., "x64-based PC", "x86_64", "i686" etc. "cpuName": "A String", # CPU name, e.g., "Intel Xeon E5-2690", "AMD EPYC 7571" etc. "cpuSocketCount": 42, # Number of processor sockets allocated to the machine. "cpuThreadCount": 42, # Deprecated: use MachineDetails.core_count instead. Number of CPU threads allocated to the machine. "firmwareType": "A String", # Firmware type. "hyperthreading": "A String", # CPU hyper-threading support. "vendor": "A String", # Hardware vendor. }, "coreCount": 42, # Number of logical CPU cores in the machine. Must be non-negative. "createTime": "A String", # Machine creation time. "disks": { # Details of machine disks. # Disk details. "disks": { # VM disks. # List of disks. "entries": [ # Disk entries. { # Single disk entry. "capacityBytes": "A String", # Disk capacity. "diskLabel": "A String", # Disk label. "diskLabelType": "A String", # Disk label type (e.g. BIOS/GPT) "freeBytes": "A String", # Disk free space. "hwAddress": "A String", # Disk hardware address (e.g. 0:1 for SCSI). "interfaceType": "A String", # Disks interface type. "partitions": { # Disk partition list. # Partition layout. "entries": [ # Partition entries. { # Disk Partition details. "capacityBytes": "A String", # Partition capacity. "fileSystem": "A String", # Partition file system. "freeBytes": "A String", # Partition free space. "mountPoint": "A String", # Mount pount (Linux/Windows) or drive letter (Windows). "subPartitions": # Object with schema name: DiskPartitionList # Sub-partitions. "type": "A String", # Partition type. "uuid": "A String", # Partition UUID. }, ], }, "vmware": { # VMware disk config details. # VMware disk details. "backingType": "A String", # VMDK backing type. "rdmCompatibility": "A String", # RDM compatibility mode. "shared": True or False, # Is VMDK shared with other VMs. "vmdkMode": "A String", # VMDK disk mode. }, }, ], }, "totalCapacityBytes": "A String", # Disk total Capacity. "totalFreeBytes": "A String", # Total disk free space. }, "guestOs": { # Information from Guest-level collections. # Guest OS information. "config": { # Guest OS config information. # OS and app configuration. "fstab": { # Fstab content. # Mount list (Linux fstab). "entries": [ # Fstab entries. { # Single fstab entry. "file": "A String", # The mount point for the filesystem. "freq": 42, # Used by dump to determine which filesystems need to be dumped. "mntops": "A String", # Mount options associated with the filesystem. "passno": 42, # Used by the fsck(8) program to determine the order in which filesystem checks are done at reboot time. "spec": "A String", # The block special device or remote filesystem to be mounted. "vfstype": "A String", # The type of the filesystem. }, ], }, "hosts": { # Hosts content. # Hosts file (/etc/hosts). "entries": [ # Hosts entries. { # Single /etc/hosts entry. "hostNames": [ # List of host names / aliases. "A String", ], "ip": "A String", # IP (raw, IPv4/6 agnostic). }, ], }, "issue": "A String", # OS issue (typically /etc/issue in Linux). "nfsExports": { # NFS exports. # NFS exports. "entries": [ # NFS export entries. { # NFS export. "exportDirectory": "A String", # The directory being exported. "hosts": [ # The hosts or networks to which the export is being shared. "A String", ], }, ], }, "selinuxMode": "A String", # Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) mode. }, "family": "A String", # What family the OS belong to, if known. "osName": "A String", # The name of the operating system. "runtime": { # Guest OS runtime information. # Runtime information. "domain": "A String", # Domain, e.g. c.stratozone-development.internal. "installedApps": { # Guest installed application list. # Installed applications information. "entries": [ # Application entries. { # Guest installed application information. "applicationName": "A String", # Installed application name. "installTime": "A String", # The time when the application was installed. "licenses": [ # License strings associated with the installed application. "A String", ], "path": "A String", # Source path. "vendor": "A String", # Installed application vendor. "version": "A String", # Installed application version. }, ], }, "lastBootTime": "A String", # Last time the OS was booted. "machineName": "A String", # Machine name. "network": { # Runtime networking information. # Runtime network information (connections, ports). "connections": { # Network connection list. # Network connections. "entries": [ # Network connection entries. { "localIpAddress": "A String", # Local IP address. "localPort": 42, # Local port. "pid": "A String", # Process ID. "processName": "A String", # Process or service name. "protocol": "A String", # Connection protocol (e.g. TCP/UDP). "remoteIpAddress": "A String", # Remote IP address. "remotePort": 42, # Remote port. "state": "A String", # Network connection state. }, ], }, "scanTime": "A String", # Time of the last network scan. }, "openFileList": { # Open file list. # Open files information. "entries": [ # Open file details entries. { # Open file Information. "command": "A String", # Opened file command. "filePath": "A String", # Opened file file path. "fileType": "A String", # Opened file file type. "user": "A String", # Opened file user. }, ], }, "processes": { # List of running guest OS processes. # Running processes. "entries": [ # Running process entries. { # Guest OS running process details. "attributes": { # Process extended attributes. "a_key": "A String", }, "cmdline": "A String", # Process full command line. "exePath": "A String", # Process binary path. "pid": "A String", # Process ID. "user": "A String", # User running the process. }, ], }, "services": { # List of running guest OS services. # Running background services. "entries": [ # Running service entries. { # Guest OS running service details. "cmdline": "A String", # Service command line. "exePath": "A String", # Service binary path. "pid": "A String", # Service pid. "serviceName": "A String", # Service name. "startMode": "A String", # Service start mode (OS-agnostic). "state": "A String", # Service state (OS-agnostic). }, ], }, }, "version": "A String", # The version of the operating system. }, "machineName": "A String", # Machine name. "memoryMb": 42, # The amount of memory in the machine. Must be non-negative. "network": { # Details of network adapters and settings. # Network details. "adapters": { # List of network adapters. # List of network adapters. "entries": [ # Network adapter entries. { # Details of network adapter. "adapterType": "A String", # Network adapter type (e.g. VMXNET3). "addresses": { # List of allocated/assigned network addresses. # NetworkAddressList "entries": [ # Network address entries. { # Details of network address. "assignment": "A String", # Whether DHCP is used to assign addresses. "bcast": "A String", # Broadcast address. "fqdn": "A String", # Fully qualified domain name. "ipAddress": "A String", # Assigned or configured IP Address. "subnetMask": "A String", # Subnet mask. }, ], }, "macAddress": "A String", # MAC address. }, ], }, "primaryIpAddress": "A String", # The primary IP address of the machine. "primaryMacAddress": "A String", # MAC address of the machine. This property is used to uniqly identify the machine. "publicIpAddress": "A String", # The public IP address of the machine. }, "platform": { # Information about the platform. # Platform specific information. "awsEc2Details": { # AWS EC2 specific details. # AWS EC2 specific details. "hyperthreading": "A String", # Optional. Whether the machine is hyperthreaded. "location": "A String", # The location of the machine in the AWS format. "machineTypeLabel": "A String", # AWS platform's machine type label. }, "azureVmDetails": { # Azure VM specific details. # Azure VM specific details. "hyperthreading": "A String", # Whether the machine is hyperthreaded. "location": "A String", # The location of the machine in the Azure format. "machineTypeLabel": "A String", # Azure platform's machine type label. "provisioningState": "A String", # Azure platform's provisioning state. }, "genericDetails": { # Generic platform details. # Generic platform details. "hyperthreading": "A String", # Whether the machine is hyperthreaded. "location": "A String", # Free text representation of the machine location. The format of this field should not be relied on. Different VMs in the same location may have different string values for this field. }, "physicalDetails": { # Platform specific details for Physical Machines. # Physical machines platform details. "hyperthreading": "A String", # Whether the machine is hyperthreaded. "location": "A String", # Free text representation of the machine location. The format of this field should not be relied on. Different machines in the same location may have different string values for this field. }, "vmwareDetails": { # VMware specific details. # VMware specific details. "esxHyperthreading": "A String", # Whether the ESX is hyperthreaded. "esxVersion": "A String", # ESX version. "osid": "A String", # VMware os enum - "vcenterFolder": "A String", # Folder name in vCenter where asset resides. "vcenterUri": "A String", # vCenter URI used in collection. "vcenterVersion": "A String", # vCenter version. "vcenterVmId": "A String", # vCenter VM ID. }, }, "powerState": "A String", # Power state of the machine. "uuid": "A String", # Machine unique identifier. }, "performanceSamples": [ # Asset performance data samples. Samples that are from more than 40 days ago or after tomorrow are ignored. { # Performance data sample. "cpu": { # CPU usage sample. # CPU usage sample. "utilizedPercentage": 3.14, # Percentage of total CPU capacity utilized. Must be in the interval [0, 100]. On most systems can be calculated using 100 - idle percentage. }, "disk": { # Disk usage sample. Values are across all disks. # Disk usage sample. "averageIops": 3.14, # Average IOPS sampled over a short window. Must be non-negative. }, "memory": { # Memory usage sample. # Memory usage sample. "utilizedPercentage": 3.14, # Percentage of system memory utilized. Must be in the interval [0, 100]. }, "network": { # Network usage sample. Values are across all network interfaces. # Network usage sample. "averageEgressBps": 3.14, # Average network egress in B/s sampled over a short window. Must be non-negative. "averageIngressBps": 3.14, # Average network ingress in B/s sampled over a short window. Must be non-negative. }, "sampleTime": "A String", # Time the sample was collected. If omitted, the frame report time will be used. }, ], "reportTime": "A String", # The time the data was reported. "traceToken": "A String", # Optional. Trace token is optionally provided to assist with debugging and traceability. }, "violations": [ # Output only. All the violations that were detected for the frame. { # A resource that contains a single violation of a reported `AssetFrame` resource. "field": "A String", # The field of the original frame where the violation occurred. "violation": "A String", # A message describing the violation. }, ], }
list(parent, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, view=None, x__xgafv=None)
Lists all error frames in a given source and location. Args: parent: string, Required. Parent value (the source) for `ListErrorFramesRequest`. (required) pageSize: integer, Requested page size. Server may return fewer items than requested. If unspecified, server will pick an appropriate default. pageToken: string, A token identifying a page of results the server should return. view: string, Optional. An optional view mode to control the level of details of each error frame. The default is a BASIC frame view. Allowed values ERROR_FRAME_VIEW_UNSPECIFIED - Value is unset. The system will fallback to the default value. ERROR_FRAME_VIEW_BASIC - Include basic frame data, but not the full contents. ERROR_FRAME_VIEW_FULL - Include everything. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # A response for listing error frames. "errorFrames": [ # The list of error frames. { # Message representing a frame which failed to be processed due to an error. "ingestionTime": "A String", # Output only. Frame ingestion time. "name": "A String", # Output only. The identifier of the ErrorFrame. "originalFrame": { # Contains data reported from an inventory source on an asset. # Output only. The frame that was originally reported. "attributes": { # Generic asset attributes. "a_key": "A String", }, "collectionType": "A String", # Optional. Frame collection type, if not specified the collection type will be based on the source type of the source the frame was reported on. "labels": { # Labels as key value pairs. "a_key": "A String", }, "machineDetails": { # Details of a machine. # Asset information specific for virtual machines. "architecture": { # Details of the machine architecture. # Architecture details (vendor, CPU architecture). "bios": { # Details about the BIOS. # BIOS Details. "biosName": "A String", # BIOS name. This fields is deprecated. Please use the `id` field instead. "id": "A String", # BIOS ID. "manufacturer": "A String", # BIOS manufacturer. "releaseDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp # BIOS release date. "day": 42, # Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant. "month": 42, # Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day. "year": 42, # Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year. }, "smbiosUuid": "A String", # SMBIOS UUID. "version": "A String", # BIOS version. }, "cpuArchitecture": "A String", # CPU architecture, e.g., "x64-based PC", "x86_64", "i686" etc. "cpuName": "A String", # CPU name, e.g., "Intel Xeon E5-2690", "AMD EPYC 7571" etc. "cpuSocketCount": 42, # Number of processor sockets allocated to the machine. "cpuThreadCount": 42, # Deprecated: use MachineDetails.core_count instead. Number of CPU threads allocated to the machine. "firmwareType": "A String", # Firmware type. "hyperthreading": "A String", # CPU hyper-threading support. "vendor": "A String", # Hardware vendor. }, "coreCount": 42, # Number of logical CPU cores in the machine. Must be non-negative. "createTime": "A String", # Machine creation time. "disks": { # Details of machine disks. # Disk details. "disks": { # VM disks. # List of disks. "entries": [ # Disk entries. { # Single disk entry. "capacityBytes": "A String", # Disk capacity. "diskLabel": "A String", # Disk label. "diskLabelType": "A String", # Disk label type (e.g. BIOS/GPT) "freeBytes": "A String", # Disk free space. "hwAddress": "A String", # Disk hardware address (e.g. 0:1 for SCSI). "interfaceType": "A String", # Disks interface type. "partitions": { # Disk partition list. # Partition layout. "entries": [ # Partition entries. { # Disk Partition details. "capacityBytes": "A String", # Partition capacity. "fileSystem": "A String", # Partition file system. "freeBytes": "A String", # Partition free space. "mountPoint": "A String", # Mount pount (Linux/Windows) or drive letter (Windows). "subPartitions": # Object with schema name: DiskPartitionList # Sub-partitions. "type": "A String", # Partition type. "uuid": "A String", # Partition UUID. }, ], }, "vmware": { # VMware disk config details. # VMware disk details. "backingType": "A String", # VMDK backing type. "rdmCompatibility": "A String", # RDM compatibility mode. "shared": True or False, # Is VMDK shared with other VMs. "vmdkMode": "A String", # VMDK disk mode. }, }, ], }, "totalCapacityBytes": "A String", # Disk total Capacity. "totalFreeBytes": "A String", # Total disk free space. }, "guestOs": { # Information from Guest-level collections. # Guest OS information. "config": { # Guest OS config information. # OS and app configuration. "fstab": { # Fstab content. # Mount list (Linux fstab). "entries": [ # Fstab entries. { # Single fstab entry. "file": "A String", # The mount point for the filesystem. "freq": 42, # Used by dump to determine which filesystems need to be dumped. "mntops": "A String", # Mount options associated with the filesystem. "passno": 42, # Used by the fsck(8) program to determine the order in which filesystem checks are done at reboot time. "spec": "A String", # The block special device or remote filesystem to be mounted. "vfstype": "A String", # The type of the filesystem. }, ], }, "hosts": { # Hosts content. # Hosts file (/etc/hosts). "entries": [ # Hosts entries. { # Single /etc/hosts entry. "hostNames": [ # List of host names / aliases. "A String", ], "ip": "A String", # IP (raw, IPv4/6 agnostic). }, ], }, "issue": "A String", # OS issue (typically /etc/issue in Linux). "nfsExports": { # NFS exports. # NFS exports. "entries": [ # NFS export entries. { # NFS export. "exportDirectory": "A String", # The directory being exported. "hosts": [ # The hosts or networks to which the export is being shared. "A String", ], }, ], }, "selinuxMode": "A String", # Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) mode. }, "family": "A String", # What family the OS belong to, if known. "osName": "A String", # The name of the operating system. "runtime": { # Guest OS runtime information. # Runtime information. "domain": "A String", # Domain, e.g. c.stratozone-development.internal. "installedApps": { # Guest installed application list. # Installed applications information. "entries": [ # Application entries. { # Guest installed application information. "applicationName": "A String", # Installed application name. "installTime": "A String", # The time when the application was installed. "licenses": [ # License strings associated with the installed application. "A String", ], "path": "A String", # Source path. "vendor": "A String", # Installed application vendor. "version": "A String", # Installed application version. }, ], }, "lastBootTime": "A String", # Last time the OS was booted. "machineName": "A String", # Machine name. "network": { # Runtime networking information. # Runtime network information (connections, ports). "connections": { # Network connection list. # Network connections. "entries": [ # Network connection entries. { "localIpAddress": "A String", # Local IP address. "localPort": 42, # Local port. "pid": "A String", # Process ID. "processName": "A String", # Process or service name. "protocol": "A String", # Connection protocol (e.g. TCP/UDP). "remoteIpAddress": "A String", # Remote IP address. "remotePort": 42, # Remote port. "state": "A String", # Network connection state. }, ], }, "scanTime": "A String", # Time of the last network scan. }, "openFileList": { # Open file list. # Open files information. "entries": [ # Open file details entries. { # Open file Information. "command": "A String", # Opened file command. "filePath": "A String", # Opened file file path. "fileType": "A String", # Opened file file type. "user": "A String", # Opened file user. }, ], }, "processes": { # List of running guest OS processes. # Running processes. "entries": [ # Running process entries. { # Guest OS running process details. "attributes": { # Process extended attributes. "a_key": "A String", }, "cmdline": "A String", # Process full command line. "exePath": "A String", # Process binary path. "pid": "A String", # Process ID. "user": "A String", # User running the process. }, ], }, "services": { # List of running guest OS services. # Running background services. "entries": [ # Running service entries. { # Guest OS running service details. "cmdline": "A String", # Service command line. "exePath": "A String", # Service binary path. "pid": "A String", # Service pid. "serviceName": "A String", # Service name. "startMode": "A String", # Service start mode (OS-agnostic). "state": "A String", # Service state (OS-agnostic). }, ], }, }, "version": "A String", # The version of the operating system. }, "machineName": "A String", # Machine name. "memoryMb": 42, # The amount of memory in the machine. Must be non-negative. "network": { # Details of network adapters and settings. # Network details. "adapters": { # List of network adapters. # List of network adapters. "entries": [ # Network adapter entries. { # Details of network adapter. "adapterType": "A String", # Network adapter type (e.g. VMXNET3). "addresses": { # List of allocated/assigned network addresses. # NetworkAddressList "entries": [ # Network address entries. { # Details of network address. "assignment": "A String", # Whether DHCP is used to assign addresses. "bcast": "A String", # Broadcast address. "fqdn": "A String", # Fully qualified domain name. "ipAddress": "A String", # Assigned or configured IP Address. "subnetMask": "A String", # Subnet mask. }, ], }, "macAddress": "A String", # MAC address. }, ], }, "primaryIpAddress": "A String", # The primary IP address of the machine. "primaryMacAddress": "A String", # MAC address of the machine. This property is used to uniqly identify the machine. "publicIpAddress": "A String", # The public IP address of the machine. }, "platform": { # Information about the platform. # Platform specific information. "awsEc2Details": { # AWS EC2 specific details. # AWS EC2 specific details. "hyperthreading": "A String", # Optional. Whether the machine is hyperthreaded. "location": "A String", # The location of the machine in the AWS format. "machineTypeLabel": "A String", # AWS platform's machine type label. }, "azureVmDetails": { # Azure VM specific details. # Azure VM specific details. "hyperthreading": "A String", # Whether the machine is hyperthreaded. "location": "A String", # The location of the machine in the Azure format. "machineTypeLabel": "A String", # Azure platform's machine type label. "provisioningState": "A String", # Azure platform's provisioning state. }, "genericDetails": { # Generic platform details. # Generic platform details. "hyperthreading": "A String", # Whether the machine is hyperthreaded. "location": "A String", # Free text representation of the machine location. The format of this field should not be relied on. Different VMs in the same location may have different string values for this field. }, "physicalDetails": { # Platform specific details for Physical Machines. # Physical machines platform details. "hyperthreading": "A String", # Whether the machine is hyperthreaded. "location": "A String", # Free text representation of the machine location. The format of this field should not be relied on. Different machines in the same location may have different string values for this field. }, "vmwareDetails": { # VMware specific details. # VMware specific details. "esxHyperthreading": "A String", # Whether the ESX is hyperthreaded. "esxVersion": "A String", # ESX version. "osid": "A String", # VMware os enum - "vcenterFolder": "A String", # Folder name in vCenter where asset resides. "vcenterUri": "A String", # vCenter URI used in collection. "vcenterVersion": "A String", # vCenter version. "vcenterVmId": "A String", # vCenter VM ID. }, }, "powerState": "A String", # Power state of the machine. "uuid": "A String", # Machine unique identifier. }, "performanceSamples": [ # Asset performance data samples. Samples that are from more than 40 days ago or after tomorrow are ignored. { # Performance data sample. "cpu": { # CPU usage sample. # CPU usage sample. "utilizedPercentage": 3.14, # Percentage of total CPU capacity utilized. Must be in the interval [0, 100]. On most systems can be calculated using 100 - idle percentage. }, "disk": { # Disk usage sample. Values are across all disks. # Disk usage sample. "averageIops": 3.14, # Average IOPS sampled over a short window. Must be non-negative. }, "memory": { # Memory usage sample. # Memory usage sample. "utilizedPercentage": 3.14, # Percentage of system memory utilized. Must be in the interval [0, 100]. }, "network": { # Network usage sample. Values are across all network interfaces. # Network usage sample. "averageEgressBps": 3.14, # Average network egress in B/s sampled over a short window. Must be non-negative. "averageIngressBps": 3.14, # Average network ingress in B/s sampled over a short window. Must be non-negative. }, "sampleTime": "A String", # Time the sample was collected. If omitted, the frame report time will be used. }, ], "reportTime": "A String", # The time the data was reported. "traceToken": "A String", # Optional. Trace token is optionally provided to assist with debugging and traceability. }, "violations": [ # Output only. All the violations that were detected for the frame. { # A resource that contains a single violation of a reported `AssetFrame` resource. "field": "A String", # The field of the original frame where the violation occurred. "violation": "A String", # A message describing the violation. }, ], }, ], "nextPageToken": "A String", # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. "unreachable": [ # Locations that could not be reached. "A String", ], }
Retrieves the next page of results. Args: previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required) previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required) Returns: A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.