Google Play Integrity API . v1

Instance Methods


Close httplib2 connections.

decodeIntegrityToken(packageName, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Decodes the integrity token and returns the token payload.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
decodeIntegrityToken(packageName, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Decodes the integrity token and returns the token payload.

  packageName: string,  Package name of the app the attached integrity token belongs to. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Request to decode the integrity token.
  "integrityToken": "A String", # Encoded integrity token.

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Response containing the decoded integrity payload.
  "tokenPayloadExternal": { # Contains basic app information and integrity signals like device attestation and licensing details. # Plain token payload generated from the decoded integrity token.
    "accountDetails": { # Contains the account information such as the licensing status for the user in the scope. # Required. Details about the Play Store account.
      "accountActivity": { # (Restricted Access) Contains a signal helping apps differentiating between likely genuine and likely non-genuine user traffic. # (Restricted Access) Details about the account activity for the user in the scope.
        "activityLevel": "A String", # Required. Indicates the activity level of the account.
      "appLicensingVerdict": "A String", # Required. Details about the licensing status of the user for the app in the scope.
    "appIntegrity": { # Contains the application integrity information. # Required. Details about the application integrity.
      "appRecognitionVerdict": "A String", # Required. Details about the app recognition verdict
      "certificateSha256Digest": [ # The SHA256 hash of the requesting app's signing certificates (base64 web-safe encoded). Set iff app_recognition_verdict != UNEVALUATED.
        "A String",
      "packageName": "A String", # Package name of the application under attestation. Set iff app_recognition_verdict != UNEVALUATED.
      "versionCode": "A String", # Version code of the application. Set iff app_recognition_verdict != UNEVALUATED.
    "deviceIntegrity": { # Contains the device attestation information. Next tag: 4 # Required. Details about the device integrity.
      "deviceRecognitionVerdict": [ # Details about the integrity of the device the app is running on.
        "A String",
      "recentDeviceActivity": { # Recent device activity can help developers identify devices that have exhibited hyperactive attestation activity, which could be a sign of an attack or token farming. # Details about the device activity of the device the app is running on.
        "deviceActivityLevel": "A String", # Required. Indicates the activity level of the device.
    "environmentDetails": { # Contains information about the environment Play Integrity API runs in, e.g. Play Protect verdict. # Details of the environment Play Integrity API runs in.
      "appAccessRiskVerdict": { # Contains signals about others apps on the device which could be used to access or control the requesting app. # The evaluation of the App Access Risk verdicts.
        "otherApps": "A String", # Required. App access risk verdict related to apps that are not installed by Google Play, and are not preloaded on the system image by the device manufacturer.
        "playOrSystemApps": "A String", # Required. App access risk verdict related to apps that are not installed by the Google Play Store, and are not preloaded on the system image by the device manufacturer.
      "playProtectVerdict": "A String", # The evaluation of Play Protect verdict.
    "requestDetails": { # Contains the integrity request information. # Required. Details about the integrity request.
      "nonce": "A String", # Nonce that was provided in the request (which is base64 web-safe no-wrap).
      "requestHash": "A String", # Request hash that was provided in the request.
      "requestPackageName": "A String", # Required. Application package name this attestation was requested for. Note: This field makes no guarantees or promises on the caller integrity. For details on application integrity, check application_integrity.
      "timestampMillis": "A String", # Required. Timestamp, in milliseconds, of the integrity application request.
    "testingDetails": { # Contains additional information generated for testing responses. # Indicates that this payload is generated for testing purposes and contains any additional data that is linked with testing status.
      "isTestingResponse": True or False, # Required. Indicates that the information contained in this payload is a testing response that is statically overridden for a tester.