Policy Simulator API . organizations . locations . orgPolicyViolationsPreviews

Instance Methods


Returns the operations Resource.


Returns the orgPolicyViolations Resource.


Close httplib2 connections.

create(parent, body=None, orgPolicyViolationsPreviewId=None, x__xgafv=None)

CreateOrgPolicyViolationsPreview creates an OrgPolicyViolationsPreview for the proposed changes in the provided OrgPolicyViolationsPreview.OrgPolicyOverlay. The changes to OrgPolicy are specified by this `OrgPolicyOverlay`. The resources to scan are inferred from these specified changes.

generate(parent, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

GenerateOrgPolicyViolationsPreview generates an OrgPolicyViolationsPreview for the proposed changes in the provided OrgPolicyViolationsPreview.OrgPolicyOverlay. The changes to OrgPolicy are specified by this `OrgPolicyOverlay`. The resources to scan are inferred from these specified changes.

get(name, x__xgafv=None)

GetOrgPolicyViolationsPreview gets the specified OrgPolicyViolationsPreview. Each OrgPolicyViolationsPreview is available for at least 7 days.

list(parent, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)

ListOrgPolicyViolationsPreviews lists each OrgPolicyViolationsPreview in an organization. Each OrgPolicyViolationsPreview is available for at least 7 days.


Retrieves the next page of results.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
create(parent, body=None, orgPolicyViolationsPreviewId=None, x__xgafv=None)
CreateOrgPolicyViolationsPreview creates an OrgPolicyViolationsPreview for the proposed changes in the provided OrgPolicyViolationsPreview.OrgPolicyOverlay. The changes to OrgPolicy are specified by this `OrgPolicyOverlay`. The resources to scan are inferred from these specified changes.

  parent: string, Required. The organization under which this OrgPolicyViolationsPreview will be created. Example: `organizations/my-example-org/locations/global` (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # OrgPolicyViolationsPreview is a resource providing a preview of the violations that will exist if an OrgPolicy change is made. The list of violations are modeled as child resources and retrieved via a ListOrgPolicyViolations API call. There are potentially more OrgPolicyViolations than could fit in an embedded field. Thus, the use of a child resource instead of a field.
  "createTime": "A String", # Output only. Time when this `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview` was created.
  "customConstraints": [ # Output only. The names of the constraints against which all `OrgPolicyViolations` were evaluated. If `OrgPolicyOverlay` only contains `PolicyOverlay` then it contains the name of the configured custom constraint, applicable to the specified policies. Otherwise it contains the name of the constraint specified in `CustomConstraintOverlay`. Format: `organizations/{organization_id}/customConstraints/{custom_constraint_id}` Example: `organizations/123/customConstraints/custom.createOnlyE2TypeVms`
    "A String",
  "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name of the `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview`. It has the following format: `organizations/{organization}/locations/{location}/orgPolicyViolationsPreviews/{orgPolicyViolationsPreview}` Example: `organizations/my-example-org/locations/global/orgPolicyViolationsPreviews/506a5f7f`
  "overlay": { # The proposed changes to OrgPolicy. # Required. The proposed changes we are previewing violations for.
    "customConstraints": [ # Optional. The OrgPolicy CustomConstraint changes to preview violations for. Any existing CustomConstraints with the same name will be overridden in the simulation. That is, violations will be determined as if all custom constraints in the overlay were instantiated. Only a single custom_constraint is supported in the overlay at a time. For evaluating multiple constraints, multiple `GenerateOrgPolicyViolationsPreview` requests are made, where each request evaluates a single constraint.
      { # A change to an OrgPolicy custom constraint.
        "customConstraint": { # A custom constraint defined by customers which can *only* be applied to the given resource types and organization. By creating a custom constraint, customers can apply policies of this custom constraint. *Creating a custom constraint itself does NOT apply any policy enforcement*. # Optional. The new or updated custom constraint.
          "actionType": "A String", # Allow or deny type.
          "condition": "A String", # A Common Expression Language (CEL) condition which is used in the evaluation of the constraint. For example: `resource.instanceName.matches("[production|test]_.*_(\d)+")` or, `resource.management.auto_upgrade == true` The max length of the condition is 1000 characters.
          "description": "A String", # Detailed information about this custom policy constraint. The max length of the description is 2000 characters.
          "displayName": "A String", # One line display name for the UI. The max length of the display_name is 200 characters.
          "methodTypes": [ # All the operations being applied for this constraint.
            "A String",
          "name": "A String", # Immutable. Name of the constraint. This is unique within the organization. Format of the name should be * `organizations/{organization_id}/customConstraints/{custom_constraint_id}` Example: `organizations/123/customConstraints/custom.createOnlyE2TypeVms` The max length is 70 characters and the minimum length is 1. Note that the prefix `organizations/{organization_id}/customConstraints/` is not counted.
          "resourceTypes": [ # Immutable. The resource instance type on which this policy applies. Format will be of the form : `/` Example: * `compute.googleapis.com/Instance`.
            "A String",
          "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The last time this custom constraint was updated. This represents the last time that the `CreateCustomConstraint` or `UpdateCustomConstraint` methods were called.
        "customConstraintParent": "A String", # Optional. Resource the constraint is attached to. Example: "organization/987654"
    "policies": [ # Optional. The OrgPolicy changes to preview violations for. Any existing OrgPolicies with the same name will be overridden in the simulation. That is, violations will be determined as if all policies in the overlay were created or updated.
      { # A change to an OrgPolicy.
        "policy": { # Defines an organization policy which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Optional. The new or updated OrgPolicy.
          "alternate": { # Similar to PolicySpec but with an extra 'launch' field for launch reference. The PolicySpec here is specific for dry-run. # Deprecated.
            "launch": "A String", # Reference to the launch that will be used while audit logging and to control the launch. Should be set only in the alternate policy.
            "spec": { # Defines a Google Cloud policy specification which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Specify constraint for configurations of Google Cloud resources.
              "etag": "A String", # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the policySpec, used for concurrency control. This field is ignored if used in a `CreatePolicy` request. When the policy is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListPolicies` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current policySpec to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the policy is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset.
              "inheritFromParent": True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this policy. If `inherit_from_parent` is true, policy rules set higher up in the hierarchy (up to the closest root) are inherited and present in the effective policy. If it is false, then no rules are inherited, and this policy becomes the new root for evaluation. This field can be set only for policies which configure list constraints.
              "reset": True or False, # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific constraint at this resource. This field can be set in policies for either list or boolean constraints. If set, `rules` must be empty and `inherit_from_parent` must be set to false.
              "rules": [ # In policies for boolean constraints, the following requirements apply: - There must be one and only one policy rule where condition is unset. - Boolean policy rules with conditions must set `enforced` to the opposite of the policy rule without a condition. - During policy evaluation, policy rules with conditions that are true for a target resource take precedence.
                { # A rule used to express this policy.
                  "allowAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are allowed. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                  "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at https://github.com/google/cel-spec. Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner == request.auth.claims.email" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # A condition which determines whether this rule is used in the evaluation of the policy. When set, the `expression` field in the `Expr' must include from 1 to 10 subexpressions, joined by the "||" or "&&" operators. Each subexpression must be of the form "resource.matchTag('/tag_key_short_name, 'tag_value_short_name')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/key_id', 'tagValues/value_id')". where key_name and value_name are the resource names for Label Keys and Values. These names are available from the Tag Manager Service. An example expression is: "resource.matchTag('123456789/environment, 'prod')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123', 'tagValues/456')".
                    "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
                    "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
                    "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
                    "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
                  "denyAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are denied. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                  "enforce": True or False, # If `true`, then the policy is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. This field can be set only in policies for boolean constraints.
                  "parameters": { # Optional. Required for managed constraints if parameters are defined. Passes parameter values when policy enforcement is enabled. Ensure that parameter value types match those defined in the constraint definition. For example: { "allowedLocations" : ["us-east1", "us-west1"], "allowAll" : true }
                    "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
                  "values": { # A message that holds specific allowed and denied values. This message can define specific values and subtrees of the Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a ":". Values prefixed with "is:" are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - `projects/` (for example, `projects/tokyo-rain-123`) - `folders/` (for example, `folders/1234`) - `organizations/` (for example, `organizations/1234`) The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. # List of values to be used for this policy rule. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                    "allowedValues": [ # List of values allowed at this resource.
                      "A String",
                    "deniedValues": [ # List of values denied at this resource.
                      "A String",
              "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The time stamp this was previously updated. This represents the last time a call to `CreatePolicy` or `UpdatePolicy` was made for that policy.
          "dryRunSpec": { # Defines a Google Cloud policy specification which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Dry-run policy. Audit-only policy, can be used to monitor how the policy would have impacted the existing and future resources if it's enforced.
            "etag": "A String", # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the policySpec, used for concurrency control. This field is ignored if used in a `CreatePolicy` request. When the policy is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListPolicies` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current policySpec to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the policy is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset.
            "inheritFromParent": True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this policy. If `inherit_from_parent` is true, policy rules set higher up in the hierarchy (up to the closest root) are inherited and present in the effective policy. If it is false, then no rules are inherited, and this policy becomes the new root for evaluation. This field can be set only for policies which configure list constraints.
            "reset": True or False, # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific constraint at this resource. This field can be set in policies for either list or boolean constraints. If set, `rules` must be empty and `inherit_from_parent` must be set to false.
            "rules": [ # In policies for boolean constraints, the following requirements apply: - There must be one and only one policy rule where condition is unset. - Boolean policy rules with conditions must set `enforced` to the opposite of the policy rule without a condition. - During policy evaluation, policy rules with conditions that are true for a target resource take precedence.
              { # A rule used to express this policy.
                "allowAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are allowed. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at https://github.com/google/cel-spec. Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner == request.auth.claims.email" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # A condition which determines whether this rule is used in the evaluation of the policy. When set, the `expression` field in the `Expr' must include from 1 to 10 subexpressions, joined by the "||" or "&&" operators. Each subexpression must be of the form "resource.matchTag('/tag_key_short_name, 'tag_value_short_name')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/key_id', 'tagValues/value_id')". where key_name and value_name are the resource names for Label Keys and Values. These names are available from the Tag Manager Service. An example expression is: "resource.matchTag('123456789/environment, 'prod')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123', 'tagValues/456')".
                  "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
                  "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
                  "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
                  "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
                "denyAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are denied. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                "enforce": True or False, # If `true`, then the policy is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. This field can be set only in policies for boolean constraints.
                "parameters": { # Optional. Required for managed constraints if parameters are defined. Passes parameter values when policy enforcement is enabled. Ensure that parameter value types match those defined in the constraint definition. For example: { "allowedLocations" : ["us-east1", "us-west1"], "allowAll" : true }
                  "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
                "values": { # A message that holds specific allowed and denied values. This message can define specific values and subtrees of the Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a ":". Values prefixed with "is:" are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - `projects/` (for example, `projects/tokyo-rain-123`) - `folders/` (for example, `folders/1234`) - `organizations/` (for example, `organizations/1234`) The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. # List of values to be used for this policy rule. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                  "allowedValues": [ # List of values allowed at this resource.
                    "A String",
                  "deniedValues": [ # List of values denied at this resource.
                    "A String",
            "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The time stamp this was previously updated. This represents the last time a call to `CreatePolicy` or `UpdatePolicy` was made for that policy.
          "etag": "A String", # Optional. An opaque tag indicating the current state of the policy, used for concurrency control. This 'etag' is computed by the server based on the value of other fields, and may be sent on update and delete requests to ensure the client has an up-to-date value before proceeding.
          "name": "A String", # Immutable. The resource name of the policy. Must be one of the following forms, where `constraint_name` is the name of the constraint which this policy configures: * `projects/{project_number}/policies/{constraint_name}` * `folders/{folder_id}/policies/{constraint_name}` * `organizations/{organization_id}/policies/{constraint_name}` For example, `projects/123/policies/compute.disableSerialPortAccess`. Note: `projects/{project_id}/policies/{constraint_name}` is also an acceptable name for API requests, but responses will return the name using the equivalent project number.
          "spec": { # Defines a Google Cloud policy specification which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Basic information about the organization policy.
            "etag": "A String", # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the policySpec, used for concurrency control. This field is ignored if used in a `CreatePolicy` request. When the policy is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListPolicies` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current policySpec to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the policy is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset.
            "inheritFromParent": True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this policy. If `inherit_from_parent` is true, policy rules set higher up in the hierarchy (up to the closest root) are inherited and present in the effective policy. If it is false, then no rules are inherited, and this policy becomes the new root for evaluation. This field can be set only for policies which configure list constraints.
            "reset": True or False, # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific constraint at this resource. This field can be set in policies for either list or boolean constraints. If set, `rules` must be empty and `inherit_from_parent` must be set to false.
            "rules": [ # In policies for boolean constraints, the following requirements apply: - There must be one and only one policy rule where condition is unset. - Boolean policy rules with conditions must set `enforced` to the opposite of the policy rule without a condition. - During policy evaluation, policy rules with conditions that are true for a target resource take precedence.
              { # A rule used to express this policy.
                "allowAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are allowed. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at https://github.com/google/cel-spec. Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner == request.auth.claims.email" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # A condition which determines whether this rule is used in the evaluation of the policy. When set, the `expression` field in the `Expr' must include from 1 to 10 subexpressions, joined by the "||" or "&&" operators. Each subexpression must be of the form "resource.matchTag('/tag_key_short_name, 'tag_value_short_name')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/key_id', 'tagValues/value_id')". where key_name and value_name are the resource names for Label Keys and Values. These names are available from the Tag Manager Service. An example expression is: "resource.matchTag('123456789/environment, 'prod')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123', 'tagValues/456')".
                  "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
                  "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
                  "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
                  "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
                "denyAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are denied. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                "enforce": True or False, # If `true`, then the policy is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. This field can be set only in policies for boolean constraints.
                "parameters": { # Optional. Required for managed constraints if parameters are defined. Passes parameter values when policy enforcement is enabled. Ensure that parameter value types match those defined in the constraint definition. For example: { "allowedLocations" : ["us-east1", "us-west1"], "allowAll" : true }
                  "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
                "values": { # A message that holds specific allowed and denied values. This message can define specific values and subtrees of the Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a ":". Values prefixed with "is:" are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - `projects/` (for example, `projects/tokyo-rain-123`) - `folders/` (for example, `folders/1234`) - `organizations/` (for example, `organizations/1234`) The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. # List of values to be used for this policy rule. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                  "allowedValues": [ # List of values allowed at this resource.
                    "A String",
                  "deniedValues": [ # List of values denied at this resource.
                    "A String",
            "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The time stamp this was previously updated. This represents the last time a call to `CreatePolicy` or `UpdatePolicy` was made for that policy.
        "policyParent": "A String", # Optional. The parent of the policy we are attaching to. Example: "projects/123456"
  "resourceCounts": { # A summary of the state of all resources scanned for compliance with the changed OrgPolicy. # Output only. A summary of the state of all resources scanned for compliance with the changed OrgPolicy.
    "compliant": 42, # Output only. Number of scanned resources with zero violations.
    "errors": 42, # Output only. Number of resources that returned an error when scanned.
    "noncompliant": 42, # Output only. Number of scanned resources with at least one violation.
    "scanned": 42, # Output only. Number of resources checked for compliance. Must equal: unenforced + noncompliant + compliant + error
    "unenforced": 42, # Output only. Number of resources where the constraint was not enforced, i.e. the Policy set `enforced: false` for that resource.
  "state": "A String", # Output only. The state of the `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview`.
  "violationsCount": 42, # Output only. The number of OrgPolicyViolations in this `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview`. This count may differ from `resource_summary.noncompliant_count` because each OrgPolicyViolation is specific to a resource **and** constraint. If there are multiple constraints being evaluated (i.e. multiple policies in the overlay), a single resource may violate multiple constraints.

  orgPolicyViolationsPreviewId: string, Optional. An optional user-specified ID for the OrgPolicyViolationsPreview. If not provided, a random ID will be generated.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
  "done": True or False, # If the value is `false`, it means the operation is still in progress. If `true`, the operation is completed, and either `error` or `response` is available.
  "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/errors). # The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation.
    "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
    "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
        "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
    "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
  "metadata": { # Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains progress information and common metadata such as create time. Some services might not provide such metadata. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any.
    "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
  "name": "A String", # The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same service that originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP mapping, the `name` should be a resource name ending with `operations/{unique_id}`.
  "response": { # The normal, successful response of the operation. If the original method returns no data on success, such as `Delete`, the response is `google.protobuf.Empty`. If the original method is standard `Get`/`Create`/`Update`, the response should be the resource. For other methods, the response should have the type `XxxResponse`, where `Xxx` is the original method name. For example, if the original method name is `TakeSnapshot()`, the inferred response type is `TakeSnapshotResponse`.
    "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
generate(parent, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
GenerateOrgPolicyViolationsPreview generates an OrgPolicyViolationsPreview for the proposed changes in the provided OrgPolicyViolationsPreview.OrgPolicyOverlay. The changes to OrgPolicy are specified by this `OrgPolicyOverlay`. The resources to scan are inferred from these specified changes.

  parent: string, Required. The organization under which this OrgPolicyViolationsPreview will be created. Example: `organizations/my-example-org/locations/global` (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # OrgPolicyViolationsPreview is a resource providing a preview of the violations that will exist if an OrgPolicy change is made. The list of violations are modeled as child resources and retrieved via a ListOrgPolicyViolations API call. There are potentially more OrgPolicyViolations than could fit in an embedded field. Thus, the use of a child resource instead of a field.
  "createTime": "A String", # Output only. Time when this `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview` was created.
  "customConstraints": [ # Output only. The names of the constraints against which all `OrgPolicyViolations` were evaluated. If `OrgPolicyOverlay` only contains `PolicyOverlay` then it contains the name of the configured custom constraint, applicable to the specified policies. Otherwise it contains the name of the constraint specified in `CustomConstraintOverlay`. Format: `organizations/{organization_id}/customConstraints/{custom_constraint_id}` Example: `organizations/123/customConstraints/custom.createOnlyE2TypeVms`
    "A String",
  "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name of the `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview`. It has the following format: `organizations/{organization}/locations/{location}/orgPolicyViolationsPreviews/{orgPolicyViolationsPreview}` Example: `organizations/my-example-org/locations/global/orgPolicyViolationsPreviews/506a5f7f`
  "overlay": { # The proposed changes to OrgPolicy. # Required. The proposed changes we are previewing violations for.
    "customConstraints": [ # Optional. The OrgPolicy CustomConstraint changes to preview violations for. Any existing CustomConstraints with the same name will be overridden in the simulation. That is, violations will be determined as if all custom constraints in the overlay were instantiated. Only a single custom_constraint is supported in the overlay at a time. For evaluating multiple constraints, multiple `GenerateOrgPolicyViolationsPreview` requests are made, where each request evaluates a single constraint.
      { # A change to an OrgPolicy custom constraint.
        "customConstraint": { # A custom constraint defined by customers which can *only* be applied to the given resource types and organization. By creating a custom constraint, customers can apply policies of this custom constraint. *Creating a custom constraint itself does NOT apply any policy enforcement*. # Optional. The new or updated custom constraint.
          "actionType": "A String", # Allow or deny type.
          "condition": "A String", # A Common Expression Language (CEL) condition which is used in the evaluation of the constraint. For example: `resource.instanceName.matches("[production|test]_.*_(\d)+")` or, `resource.management.auto_upgrade == true` The max length of the condition is 1000 characters.
          "description": "A String", # Detailed information about this custom policy constraint. The max length of the description is 2000 characters.
          "displayName": "A String", # One line display name for the UI. The max length of the display_name is 200 characters.
          "methodTypes": [ # All the operations being applied for this constraint.
            "A String",
          "name": "A String", # Immutable. Name of the constraint. This is unique within the organization. Format of the name should be * `organizations/{organization_id}/customConstraints/{custom_constraint_id}` Example: `organizations/123/customConstraints/custom.createOnlyE2TypeVms` The max length is 70 characters and the minimum length is 1. Note that the prefix `organizations/{organization_id}/customConstraints/` is not counted.
          "resourceTypes": [ # Immutable. The resource instance type on which this policy applies. Format will be of the form : `/` Example: * `compute.googleapis.com/Instance`.
            "A String",
          "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The last time this custom constraint was updated. This represents the last time that the `CreateCustomConstraint` or `UpdateCustomConstraint` methods were called.
        "customConstraintParent": "A String", # Optional. Resource the constraint is attached to. Example: "organization/987654"
    "policies": [ # Optional. The OrgPolicy changes to preview violations for. Any existing OrgPolicies with the same name will be overridden in the simulation. That is, violations will be determined as if all policies in the overlay were created or updated.
      { # A change to an OrgPolicy.
        "policy": { # Defines an organization policy which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Optional. The new or updated OrgPolicy.
          "alternate": { # Similar to PolicySpec but with an extra 'launch' field for launch reference. The PolicySpec here is specific for dry-run. # Deprecated.
            "launch": "A String", # Reference to the launch that will be used while audit logging and to control the launch. Should be set only in the alternate policy.
            "spec": { # Defines a Google Cloud policy specification which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Specify constraint for configurations of Google Cloud resources.
              "etag": "A String", # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the policySpec, used for concurrency control. This field is ignored if used in a `CreatePolicy` request. When the policy is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListPolicies` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current policySpec to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the policy is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset.
              "inheritFromParent": True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this policy. If `inherit_from_parent` is true, policy rules set higher up in the hierarchy (up to the closest root) are inherited and present in the effective policy. If it is false, then no rules are inherited, and this policy becomes the new root for evaluation. This field can be set only for policies which configure list constraints.
              "reset": True or False, # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific constraint at this resource. This field can be set in policies for either list or boolean constraints. If set, `rules` must be empty and `inherit_from_parent` must be set to false.
              "rules": [ # In policies for boolean constraints, the following requirements apply: - There must be one and only one policy rule where condition is unset. - Boolean policy rules with conditions must set `enforced` to the opposite of the policy rule without a condition. - During policy evaluation, policy rules with conditions that are true for a target resource take precedence.
                { # A rule used to express this policy.
                  "allowAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are allowed. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                  "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at https://github.com/google/cel-spec. Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner == request.auth.claims.email" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # A condition which determines whether this rule is used in the evaluation of the policy. When set, the `expression` field in the `Expr' must include from 1 to 10 subexpressions, joined by the "||" or "&&" operators. Each subexpression must be of the form "resource.matchTag('/tag_key_short_name, 'tag_value_short_name')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/key_id', 'tagValues/value_id')". where key_name and value_name are the resource names for Label Keys and Values. These names are available from the Tag Manager Service. An example expression is: "resource.matchTag('123456789/environment, 'prod')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123', 'tagValues/456')".
                    "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
                    "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
                    "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
                    "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
                  "denyAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are denied. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                  "enforce": True or False, # If `true`, then the policy is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. This field can be set only in policies for boolean constraints.
                  "parameters": { # Optional. Required for managed constraints if parameters are defined. Passes parameter values when policy enforcement is enabled. Ensure that parameter value types match those defined in the constraint definition. For example: { "allowedLocations" : ["us-east1", "us-west1"], "allowAll" : true }
                    "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
                  "values": { # A message that holds specific allowed and denied values. This message can define specific values and subtrees of the Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a ":". Values prefixed with "is:" are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - `projects/` (for example, `projects/tokyo-rain-123`) - `folders/` (for example, `folders/1234`) - `organizations/` (for example, `organizations/1234`) The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. # List of values to be used for this policy rule. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                    "allowedValues": [ # List of values allowed at this resource.
                      "A String",
                    "deniedValues": [ # List of values denied at this resource.
                      "A String",
              "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The time stamp this was previously updated. This represents the last time a call to `CreatePolicy` or `UpdatePolicy` was made for that policy.
          "dryRunSpec": { # Defines a Google Cloud policy specification which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Dry-run policy. Audit-only policy, can be used to monitor how the policy would have impacted the existing and future resources if it's enforced.
            "etag": "A String", # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the policySpec, used for concurrency control. This field is ignored if used in a `CreatePolicy` request. When the policy is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListPolicies` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current policySpec to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the policy is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset.
            "inheritFromParent": True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this policy. If `inherit_from_parent` is true, policy rules set higher up in the hierarchy (up to the closest root) are inherited and present in the effective policy. If it is false, then no rules are inherited, and this policy becomes the new root for evaluation. This field can be set only for policies which configure list constraints.
            "reset": True or False, # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific constraint at this resource. This field can be set in policies for either list or boolean constraints. If set, `rules` must be empty and `inherit_from_parent` must be set to false.
            "rules": [ # In policies for boolean constraints, the following requirements apply: - There must be one and only one policy rule where condition is unset. - Boolean policy rules with conditions must set `enforced` to the opposite of the policy rule without a condition. - During policy evaluation, policy rules with conditions that are true for a target resource take precedence.
              { # A rule used to express this policy.
                "allowAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are allowed. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at https://github.com/google/cel-spec. Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner == request.auth.claims.email" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # A condition which determines whether this rule is used in the evaluation of the policy. When set, the `expression` field in the `Expr' must include from 1 to 10 subexpressions, joined by the "||" or "&&" operators. Each subexpression must be of the form "resource.matchTag('/tag_key_short_name, 'tag_value_short_name')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/key_id', 'tagValues/value_id')". where key_name and value_name are the resource names for Label Keys and Values. These names are available from the Tag Manager Service. An example expression is: "resource.matchTag('123456789/environment, 'prod')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123', 'tagValues/456')".
                  "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
                  "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
                  "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
                  "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
                "denyAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are denied. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                "enforce": True or False, # If `true`, then the policy is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. This field can be set only in policies for boolean constraints.
                "parameters": { # Optional. Required for managed constraints if parameters are defined. Passes parameter values when policy enforcement is enabled. Ensure that parameter value types match those defined in the constraint definition. For example: { "allowedLocations" : ["us-east1", "us-west1"], "allowAll" : true }
                  "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
                "values": { # A message that holds specific allowed and denied values. This message can define specific values and subtrees of the Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a ":". Values prefixed with "is:" are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - `projects/` (for example, `projects/tokyo-rain-123`) - `folders/` (for example, `folders/1234`) - `organizations/` (for example, `organizations/1234`) The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. # List of values to be used for this policy rule. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                  "allowedValues": [ # List of values allowed at this resource.
                    "A String",
                  "deniedValues": [ # List of values denied at this resource.
                    "A String",
            "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The time stamp this was previously updated. This represents the last time a call to `CreatePolicy` or `UpdatePolicy` was made for that policy.
          "etag": "A String", # Optional. An opaque tag indicating the current state of the policy, used for concurrency control. This 'etag' is computed by the server based on the value of other fields, and may be sent on update and delete requests to ensure the client has an up-to-date value before proceeding.
          "name": "A String", # Immutable. The resource name of the policy. Must be one of the following forms, where `constraint_name` is the name of the constraint which this policy configures: * `projects/{project_number}/policies/{constraint_name}` * `folders/{folder_id}/policies/{constraint_name}` * `organizations/{organization_id}/policies/{constraint_name}` For example, `projects/123/policies/compute.disableSerialPortAccess`. Note: `projects/{project_id}/policies/{constraint_name}` is also an acceptable name for API requests, but responses will return the name using the equivalent project number.
          "spec": { # Defines a Google Cloud policy specification which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Basic information about the organization policy.
            "etag": "A String", # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the policySpec, used for concurrency control. This field is ignored if used in a `CreatePolicy` request. When the policy is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListPolicies` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current policySpec to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the policy is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset.
            "inheritFromParent": True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this policy. If `inherit_from_parent` is true, policy rules set higher up in the hierarchy (up to the closest root) are inherited and present in the effective policy. If it is false, then no rules are inherited, and this policy becomes the new root for evaluation. This field can be set only for policies which configure list constraints.
            "reset": True or False, # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific constraint at this resource. This field can be set in policies for either list or boolean constraints. If set, `rules` must be empty and `inherit_from_parent` must be set to false.
            "rules": [ # In policies for boolean constraints, the following requirements apply: - There must be one and only one policy rule where condition is unset. - Boolean policy rules with conditions must set `enforced` to the opposite of the policy rule without a condition. - During policy evaluation, policy rules with conditions that are true for a target resource take precedence.
              { # A rule used to express this policy.
                "allowAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are allowed. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at https://github.com/google/cel-spec. Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner == request.auth.claims.email" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # A condition which determines whether this rule is used in the evaluation of the policy. When set, the `expression` field in the `Expr' must include from 1 to 10 subexpressions, joined by the "||" or "&&" operators. Each subexpression must be of the form "resource.matchTag('/tag_key_short_name, 'tag_value_short_name')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/key_id', 'tagValues/value_id')". where key_name and value_name are the resource names for Label Keys and Values. These names are available from the Tag Manager Service. An example expression is: "resource.matchTag('123456789/environment, 'prod')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123', 'tagValues/456')".
                  "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
                  "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
                  "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
                  "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
                "denyAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are denied. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                "enforce": True or False, # If `true`, then the policy is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. This field can be set only in policies for boolean constraints.
                "parameters": { # Optional. Required for managed constraints if parameters are defined. Passes parameter values when policy enforcement is enabled. Ensure that parameter value types match those defined in the constraint definition. For example: { "allowedLocations" : ["us-east1", "us-west1"], "allowAll" : true }
                  "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
                "values": { # A message that holds specific allowed and denied values. This message can define specific values and subtrees of the Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a ":". Values prefixed with "is:" are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - `projects/` (for example, `projects/tokyo-rain-123`) - `folders/` (for example, `folders/1234`) - `organizations/` (for example, `organizations/1234`) The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. # List of values to be used for this policy rule. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                  "allowedValues": [ # List of values allowed at this resource.
                    "A String",
                  "deniedValues": [ # List of values denied at this resource.
                    "A String",
            "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The time stamp this was previously updated. This represents the last time a call to `CreatePolicy` or `UpdatePolicy` was made for that policy.
        "policyParent": "A String", # Optional. The parent of the policy we are attaching to. Example: "projects/123456"
  "resourceCounts": { # A summary of the state of all resources scanned for compliance with the changed OrgPolicy. # Output only. A summary of the state of all resources scanned for compliance with the changed OrgPolicy.
    "compliant": 42, # Output only. Number of scanned resources with zero violations.
    "errors": 42, # Output only. Number of resources that returned an error when scanned.
    "noncompliant": 42, # Output only. Number of scanned resources with at least one violation.
    "scanned": 42, # Output only. Number of resources checked for compliance. Must equal: unenforced + noncompliant + compliant + error
    "unenforced": 42, # Output only. Number of resources where the constraint was not enforced, i.e. the Policy set `enforced: false` for that resource.
  "state": "A String", # Output only. The state of the `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview`.
  "violationsCount": 42, # Output only. The number of OrgPolicyViolations in this `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview`. This count may differ from `resource_summary.noncompliant_count` because each OrgPolicyViolation is specific to a resource **and** constraint. If there are multiple constraints being evaluated (i.e. multiple policies in the overlay), a single resource may violate multiple constraints.

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
  "done": True or False, # If the value is `false`, it means the operation is still in progress. If `true`, the operation is completed, and either `error` or `response` is available.
  "error": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/errors). # The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation.
    "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
    "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
        "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
    "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
  "metadata": { # Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains progress information and common metadata such as create time. Some services might not provide such metadata. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any.
    "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
  "name": "A String", # The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same service that originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP mapping, the `name` should be a resource name ending with `operations/{unique_id}`.
  "response": { # The normal, successful response of the operation. If the original method returns no data on success, such as `Delete`, the response is `google.protobuf.Empty`. If the original method is standard `Get`/`Create`/`Update`, the response should be the resource. For other methods, the response should have the type `XxxResponse`, where `Xxx` is the original method name. For example, if the original method name is `TakeSnapshot()`, the inferred response type is `TakeSnapshotResponse`.
    "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
get(name, x__xgafv=None)
GetOrgPolicyViolationsPreview gets the specified OrgPolicyViolationsPreview. Each OrgPolicyViolationsPreview is available for at least 7 days.

  name: string, Required. The name of the OrgPolicyViolationsPreview to get. (required)
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # OrgPolicyViolationsPreview is a resource providing a preview of the violations that will exist if an OrgPolicy change is made. The list of violations are modeled as child resources and retrieved via a ListOrgPolicyViolations API call. There are potentially more OrgPolicyViolations than could fit in an embedded field. Thus, the use of a child resource instead of a field.
  "createTime": "A String", # Output only. Time when this `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview` was created.
  "customConstraints": [ # Output only. The names of the constraints against which all `OrgPolicyViolations` were evaluated. If `OrgPolicyOverlay` only contains `PolicyOverlay` then it contains the name of the configured custom constraint, applicable to the specified policies. Otherwise it contains the name of the constraint specified in `CustomConstraintOverlay`. Format: `organizations/{organization_id}/customConstraints/{custom_constraint_id}` Example: `organizations/123/customConstraints/custom.createOnlyE2TypeVms`
    "A String",
  "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name of the `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview`. It has the following format: `organizations/{organization}/locations/{location}/orgPolicyViolationsPreviews/{orgPolicyViolationsPreview}` Example: `organizations/my-example-org/locations/global/orgPolicyViolationsPreviews/506a5f7f`
  "overlay": { # The proposed changes to OrgPolicy. # Required. The proposed changes we are previewing violations for.
    "customConstraints": [ # Optional. The OrgPolicy CustomConstraint changes to preview violations for. Any existing CustomConstraints with the same name will be overridden in the simulation. That is, violations will be determined as if all custom constraints in the overlay were instantiated. Only a single custom_constraint is supported in the overlay at a time. For evaluating multiple constraints, multiple `GenerateOrgPolicyViolationsPreview` requests are made, where each request evaluates a single constraint.
      { # A change to an OrgPolicy custom constraint.
        "customConstraint": { # A custom constraint defined by customers which can *only* be applied to the given resource types and organization. By creating a custom constraint, customers can apply policies of this custom constraint. *Creating a custom constraint itself does NOT apply any policy enforcement*. # Optional. The new or updated custom constraint.
          "actionType": "A String", # Allow or deny type.
          "condition": "A String", # A Common Expression Language (CEL) condition which is used in the evaluation of the constraint. For example: `resource.instanceName.matches("[production|test]_.*_(\d)+")` or, `resource.management.auto_upgrade == true` The max length of the condition is 1000 characters.
          "description": "A String", # Detailed information about this custom policy constraint. The max length of the description is 2000 characters.
          "displayName": "A String", # One line display name for the UI. The max length of the display_name is 200 characters.
          "methodTypes": [ # All the operations being applied for this constraint.
            "A String",
          "name": "A String", # Immutable. Name of the constraint. This is unique within the organization. Format of the name should be * `organizations/{organization_id}/customConstraints/{custom_constraint_id}` Example: `organizations/123/customConstraints/custom.createOnlyE2TypeVms` The max length is 70 characters and the minimum length is 1. Note that the prefix `organizations/{organization_id}/customConstraints/` is not counted.
          "resourceTypes": [ # Immutable. The resource instance type on which this policy applies. Format will be of the form : `/` Example: * `compute.googleapis.com/Instance`.
            "A String",
          "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The last time this custom constraint was updated. This represents the last time that the `CreateCustomConstraint` or `UpdateCustomConstraint` methods were called.
        "customConstraintParent": "A String", # Optional. Resource the constraint is attached to. Example: "organization/987654"
    "policies": [ # Optional. The OrgPolicy changes to preview violations for. Any existing OrgPolicies with the same name will be overridden in the simulation. That is, violations will be determined as if all policies in the overlay were created or updated.
      { # A change to an OrgPolicy.
        "policy": { # Defines an organization policy which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Optional. The new or updated OrgPolicy.
          "alternate": { # Similar to PolicySpec but with an extra 'launch' field for launch reference. The PolicySpec here is specific for dry-run. # Deprecated.
            "launch": "A String", # Reference to the launch that will be used while audit logging and to control the launch. Should be set only in the alternate policy.
            "spec": { # Defines a Google Cloud policy specification which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Specify constraint for configurations of Google Cloud resources.
              "etag": "A String", # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the policySpec, used for concurrency control. This field is ignored if used in a `CreatePolicy` request. When the policy is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListPolicies` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current policySpec to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the policy is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset.
              "inheritFromParent": True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this policy. If `inherit_from_parent` is true, policy rules set higher up in the hierarchy (up to the closest root) are inherited and present in the effective policy. If it is false, then no rules are inherited, and this policy becomes the new root for evaluation. This field can be set only for policies which configure list constraints.
              "reset": True or False, # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific constraint at this resource. This field can be set in policies for either list or boolean constraints. If set, `rules` must be empty and `inherit_from_parent` must be set to false.
              "rules": [ # In policies for boolean constraints, the following requirements apply: - There must be one and only one policy rule where condition is unset. - Boolean policy rules with conditions must set `enforced` to the opposite of the policy rule without a condition. - During policy evaluation, policy rules with conditions that are true for a target resource take precedence.
                { # A rule used to express this policy.
                  "allowAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are allowed. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                  "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at https://github.com/google/cel-spec. Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner == request.auth.claims.email" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # A condition which determines whether this rule is used in the evaluation of the policy. When set, the `expression` field in the `Expr' must include from 1 to 10 subexpressions, joined by the "||" or "&&" operators. Each subexpression must be of the form "resource.matchTag('/tag_key_short_name, 'tag_value_short_name')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/key_id', 'tagValues/value_id')". where key_name and value_name are the resource names for Label Keys and Values. These names are available from the Tag Manager Service. An example expression is: "resource.matchTag('123456789/environment, 'prod')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123', 'tagValues/456')".
                    "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
                    "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
                    "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
                    "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
                  "denyAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are denied. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                  "enforce": True or False, # If `true`, then the policy is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. This field can be set only in policies for boolean constraints.
                  "parameters": { # Optional. Required for managed constraints if parameters are defined. Passes parameter values when policy enforcement is enabled. Ensure that parameter value types match those defined in the constraint definition. For example: { "allowedLocations" : ["us-east1", "us-west1"], "allowAll" : true }
                    "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
                  "values": { # A message that holds specific allowed and denied values. This message can define specific values and subtrees of the Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a ":". Values prefixed with "is:" are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - `projects/` (for example, `projects/tokyo-rain-123`) - `folders/` (for example, `folders/1234`) - `organizations/` (for example, `organizations/1234`) The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. # List of values to be used for this policy rule. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                    "allowedValues": [ # List of values allowed at this resource.
                      "A String",
                    "deniedValues": [ # List of values denied at this resource.
                      "A String",
              "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The time stamp this was previously updated. This represents the last time a call to `CreatePolicy` or `UpdatePolicy` was made for that policy.
          "dryRunSpec": { # Defines a Google Cloud policy specification which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Dry-run policy. Audit-only policy, can be used to monitor how the policy would have impacted the existing and future resources if it's enforced.
            "etag": "A String", # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the policySpec, used for concurrency control. This field is ignored if used in a `CreatePolicy` request. When the policy is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListPolicies` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current policySpec to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the policy is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset.
            "inheritFromParent": True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this policy. If `inherit_from_parent` is true, policy rules set higher up in the hierarchy (up to the closest root) are inherited and present in the effective policy. If it is false, then no rules are inherited, and this policy becomes the new root for evaluation. This field can be set only for policies which configure list constraints.
            "reset": True or False, # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific constraint at this resource. This field can be set in policies for either list or boolean constraints. If set, `rules` must be empty and `inherit_from_parent` must be set to false.
            "rules": [ # In policies for boolean constraints, the following requirements apply: - There must be one and only one policy rule where condition is unset. - Boolean policy rules with conditions must set `enforced` to the opposite of the policy rule without a condition. - During policy evaluation, policy rules with conditions that are true for a target resource take precedence.
              { # A rule used to express this policy.
                "allowAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are allowed. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at https://github.com/google/cel-spec. Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner == request.auth.claims.email" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # A condition which determines whether this rule is used in the evaluation of the policy. When set, the `expression` field in the `Expr' must include from 1 to 10 subexpressions, joined by the "||" or "&&" operators. Each subexpression must be of the form "resource.matchTag('/tag_key_short_name, 'tag_value_short_name')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/key_id', 'tagValues/value_id')". where key_name and value_name are the resource names for Label Keys and Values. These names are available from the Tag Manager Service. An example expression is: "resource.matchTag('123456789/environment, 'prod')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123', 'tagValues/456')".
                  "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
                  "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
                  "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
                  "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
                "denyAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are denied. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                "enforce": True or False, # If `true`, then the policy is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. This field can be set only in policies for boolean constraints.
                "parameters": { # Optional. Required for managed constraints if parameters are defined. Passes parameter values when policy enforcement is enabled. Ensure that parameter value types match those defined in the constraint definition. For example: { "allowedLocations" : ["us-east1", "us-west1"], "allowAll" : true }
                  "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
                "values": { # A message that holds specific allowed and denied values. This message can define specific values and subtrees of the Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a ":". Values prefixed with "is:" are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - `projects/` (for example, `projects/tokyo-rain-123`) - `folders/` (for example, `folders/1234`) - `organizations/` (for example, `organizations/1234`) The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. # List of values to be used for this policy rule. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                  "allowedValues": [ # List of values allowed at this resource.
                    "A String",
                  "deniedValues": [ # List of values denied at this resource.
                    "A String",
            "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The time stamp this was previously updated. This represents the last time a call to `CreatePolicy` or `UpdatePolicy` was made for that policy.
          "etag": "A String", # Optional. An opaque tag indicating the current state of the policy, used for concurrency control. This 'etag' is computed by the server based on the value of other fields, and may be sent on update and delete requests to ensure the client has an up-to-date value before proceeding.
          "name": "A String", # Immutable. The resource name of the policy. Must be one of the following forms, where `constraint_name` is the name of the constraint which this policy configures: * `projects/{project_number}/policies/{constraint_name}` * `folders/{folder_id}/policies/{constraint_name}` * `organizations/{organization_id}/policies/{constraint_name}` For example, `projects/123/policies/compute.disableSerialPortAccess`. Note: `projects/{project_id}/policies/{constraint_name}` is also an acceptable name for API requests, but responses will return the name using the equivalent project number.
          "spec": { # Defines a Google Cloud policy specification which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Basic information about the organization policy.
            "etag": "A String", # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the policySpec, used for concurrency control. This field is ignored if used in a `CreatePolicy` request. When the policy is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListPolicies` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current policySpec to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the policy is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset.
            "inheritFromParent": True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this policy. If `inherit_from_parent` is true, policy rules set higher up in the hierarchy (up to the closest root) are inherited and present in the effective policy. If it is false, then no rules are inherited, and this policy becomes the new root for evaluation. This field can be set only for policies which configure list constraints.
            "reset": True or False, # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific constraint at this resource. This field can be set in policies for either list or boolean constraints. If set, `rules` must be empty and `inherit_from_parent` must be set to false.
            "rules": [ # In policies for boolean constraints, the following requirements apply: - There must be one and only one policy rule where condition is unset. - Boolean policy rules with conditions must set `enforced` to the opposite of the policy rule without a condition. - During policy evaluation, policy rules with conditions that are true for a target resource take precedence.
              { # A rule used to express this policy.
                "allowAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are allowed. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at https://github.com/google/cel-spec. Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner == request.auth.claims.email" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # A condition which determines whether this rule is used in the evaluation of the policy. When set, the `expression` field in the `Expr' must include from 1 to 10 subexpressions, joined by the "||" or "&&" operators. Each subexpression must be of the form "resource.matchTag('/tag_key_short_name, 'tag_value_short_name')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/key_id', 'tagValues/value_id')". where key_name and value_name are the resource names for Label Keys and Values. These names are available from the Tag Manager Service. An example expression is: "resource.matchTag('123456789/environment, 'prod')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123', 'tagValues/456')".
                  "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
                  "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
                  "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
                  "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
                "denyAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are denied. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                "enforce": True or False, # If `true`, then the policy is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. This field can be set only in policies for boolean constraints.
                "parameters": { # Optional. Required for managed constraints if parameters are defined. Passes parameter values when policy enforcement is enabled. Ensure that parameter value types match those defined in the constraint definition. For example: { "allowedLocations" : ["us-east1", "us-west1"], "allowAll" : true }
                  "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
                "values": { # A message that holds specific allowed and denied values. This message can define specific values and subtrees of the Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a ":". Values prefixed with "is:" are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - `projects/` (for example, `projects/tokyo-rain-123`) - `folders/` (for example, `folders/1234`) - `organizations/` (for example, `organizations/1234`) The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. # List of values to be used for this policy rule. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                  "allowedValues": [ # List of values allowed at this resource.
                    "A String",
                  "deniedValues": [ # List of values denied at this resource.
                    "A String",
            "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The time stamp this was previously updated. This represents the last time a call to `CreatePolicy` or `UpdatePolicy` was made for that policy.
        "policyParent": "A String", # Optional. The parent of the policy we are attaching to. Example: "projects/123456"
  "resourceCounts": { # A summary of the state of all resources scanned for compliance with the changed OrgPolicy. # Output only. A summary of the state of all resources scanned for compliance with the changed OrgPolicy.
    "compliant": 42, # Output only. Number of scanned resources with zero violations.
    "errors": 42, # Output only. Number of resources that returned an error when scanned.
    "noncompliant": 42, # Output only. Number of scanned resources with at least one violation.
    "scanned": 42, # Output only. Number of resources checked for compliance. Must equal: unenforced + noncompliant + compliant + error
    "unenforced": 42, # Output only. Number of resources where the constraint was not enforced, i.e. the Policy set `enforced: false` for that resource.
  "state": "A String", # Output only. The state of the `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview`.
  "violationsCount": 42, # Output only. The number of OrgPolicyViolations in this `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview`. This count may differ from `resource_summary.noncompliant_count` because each OrgPolicyViolation is specific to a resource **and** constraint. If there are multiple constraints being evaluated (i.e. multiple policies in the overlay), a single resource may violate multiple constraints.
list(parent, pageSize=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)
ListOrgPolicyViolationsPreviews lists each OrgPolicyViolationsPreview in an organization. Each OrgPolicyViolationsPreview is available for at least 7 days.

  parent: string, Required. The parent the violations are scoped to. Format: `organizations/{organization}/locations/{location}` Example: `organizations/my-example-org/locations/global` (required)
  pageSize: integer, Optional. The maximum number of items to return. The service may return fewer than this value. If unspecified, at most 5 items will be returned. The maximum value is 10; values above 10 will be coerced to 10.
  pageToken: string, Optional. A page token, received from a previous call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters must match the call that provided the page token.
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # ListOrgPolicyViolationsPreviewsResponse is the response message for OrgPolicyViolationsPreviewService.ListOrgPolicyViolationsPreviews.
  "nextPageToken": "A String", # A token that you can use to retrieve the next page of results. If this field is omitted, there are no subsequent pages.
  "orgPolicyViolationsPreviews": [ # The list of OrgPolicyViolationsPreview
    { # OrgPolicyViolationsPreview is a resource providing a preview of the violations that will exist if an OrgPolicy change is made. The list of violations are modeled as child resources and retrieved via a ListOrgPolicyViolations API call. There are potentially more OrgPolicyViolations than could fit in an embedded field. Thus, the use of a child resource instead of a field.
      "createTime": "A String", # Output only. Time when this `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview` was created.
      "customConstraints": [ # Output only. The names of the constraints against which all `OrgPolicyViolations` were evaluated. If `OrgPolicyOverlay` only contains `PolicyOverlay` then it contains the name of the configured custom constraint, applicable to the specified policies. Otherwise it contains the name of the constraint specified in `CustomConstraintOverlay`. Format: `organizations/{organization_id}/customConstraints/{custom_constraint_id}` Example: `organizations/123/customConstraints/custom.createOnlyE2TypeVms`
        "A String",
      "name": "A String", # Output only. The resource name of the `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview`. It has the following format: `organizations/{organization}/locations/{location}/orgPolicyViolationsPreviews/{orgPolicyViolationsPreview}` Example: `organizations/my-example-org/locations/global/orgPolicyViolationsPreviews/506a5f7f`
      "overlay": { # The proposed changes to OrgPolicy. # Required. The proposed changes we are previewing violations for.
        "customConstraints": [ # Optional. The OrgPolicy CustomConstraint changes to preview violations for. Any existing CustomConstraints with the same name will be overridden in the simulation. That is, violations will be determined as if all custom constraints in the overlay were instantiated. Only a single custom_constraint is supported in the overlay at a time. For evaluating multiple constraints, multiple `GenerateOrgPolicyViolationsPreview` requests are made, where each request evaluates a single constraint.
          { # A change to an OrgPolicy custom constraint.
            "customConstraint": { # A custom constraint defined by customers which can *only* be applied to the given resource types and organization. By creating a custom constraint, customers can apply policies of this custom constraint. *Creating a custom constraint itself does NOT apply any policy enforcement*. # Optional. The new or updated custom constraint.
              "actionType": "A String", # Allow or deny type.
              "condition": "A String", # A Common Expression Language (CEL) condition which is used in the evaluation of the constraint. For example: `resource.instanceName.matches("[production|test]_.*_(\d)+")` or, `resource.management.auto_upgrade == true` The max length of the condition is 1000 characters.
              "description": "A String", # Detailed information about this custom policy constraint. The max length of the description is 2000 characters.
              "displayName": "A String", # One line display name for the UI. The max length of the display_name is 200 characters.
              "methodTypes": [ # All the operations being applied for this constraint.
                "A String",
              "name": "A String", # Immutable. Name of the constraint. This is unique within the organization. Format of the name should be * `organizations/{organization_id}/customConstraints/{custom_constraint_id}` Example: `organizations/123/customConstraints/custom.createOnlyE2TypeVms` The max length is 70 characters and the minimum length is 1. Note that the prefix `organizations/{organization_id}/customConstraints/` is not counted.
              "resourceTypes": [ # Immutable. The resource instance type on which this policy applies. Format will be of the form : `/` Example: * `compute.googleapis.com/Instance`.
                "A String",
              "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The last time this custom constraint was updated. This represents the last time that the `CreateCustomConstraint` or `UpdateCustomConstraint` methods were called.
            "customConstraintParent": "A String", # Optional. Resource the constraint is attached to. Example: "organization/987654"
        "policies": [ # Optional. The OrgPolicy changes to preview violations for. Any existing OrgPolicies with the same name will be overridden in the simulation. That is, violations will be determined as if all policies in the overlay were created or updated.
          { # A change to an OrgPolicy.
            "policy": { # Defines an organization policy which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Optional. The new or updated OrgPolicy.
              "alternate": { # Similar to PolicySpec but with an extra 'launch' field for launch reference. The PolicySpec here is specific for dry-run. # Deprecated.
                "launch": "A String", # Reference to the launch that will be used while audit logging and to control the launch. Should be set only in the alternate policy.
                "spec": { # Defines a Google Cloud policy specification which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Specify constraint for configurations of Google Cloud resources.
                  "etag": "A String", # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the policySpec, used for concurrency control. This field is ignored if used in a `CreatePolicy` request. When the policy is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListPolicies` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current policySpec to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the policy is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset.
                  "inheritFromParent": True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this policy. If `inherit_from_parent` is true, policy rules set higher up in the hierarchy (up to the closest root) are inherited and present in the effective policy. If it is false, then no rules are inherited, and this policy becomes the new root for evaluation. This field can be set only for policies which configure list constraints.
                  "reset": True or False, # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific constraint at this resource. This field can be set in policies for either list or boolean constraints. If set, `rules` must be empty and `inherit_from_parent` must be set to false.
                  "rules": [ # In policies for boolean constraints, the following requirements apply: - There must be one and only one policy rule where condition is unset. - Boolean policy rules with conditions must set `enforced` to the opposite of the policy rule without a condition. - During policy evaluation, policy rules with conditions that are true for a target resource take precedence.
                    { # A rule used to express this policy.
                      "allowAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are allowed. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                      "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at https://github.com/google/cel-spec. Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner == request.auth.claims.email" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # A condition which determines whether this rule is used in the evaluation of the policy. When set, the `expression` field in the `Expr' must include from 1 to 10 subexpressions, joined by the "||" or "&&" operators. Each subexpression must be of the form "resource.matchTag('/tag_key_short_name, 'tag_value_short_name')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/key_id', 'tagValues/value_id')". where key_name and value_name are the resource names for Label Keys and Values. These names are available from the Tag Manager Service. An example expression is: "resource.matchTag('123456789/environment, 'prod')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123', 'tagValues/456')".
                        "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
                        "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
                        "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
                        "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
                      "denyAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are denied. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                      "enforce": True or False, # If `true`, then the policy is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. This field can be set only in policies for boolean constraints.
                      "parameters": { # Optional. Required for managed constraints if parameters are defined. Passes parameter values when policy enforcement is enabled. Ensure that parameter value types match those defined in the constraint definition. For example: { "allowedLocations" : ["us-east1", "us-west1"], "allowAll" : true }
                        "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
                      "values": { # A message that holds specific allowed and denied values. This message can define specific values and subtrees of the Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a ":". Values prefixed with "is:" are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - `projects/` (for example, `projects/tokyo-rain-123`) - `folders/` (for example, `folders/1234`) - `organizations/` (for example, `organizations/1234`) The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. # List of values to be used for this policy rule. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                        "allowedValues": [ # List of values allowed at this resource.
                          "A String",
                        "deniedValues": [ # List of values denied at this resource.
                          "A String",
                  "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The time stamp this was previously updated. This represents the last time a call to `CreatePolicy` or `UpdatePolicy` was made for that policy.
              "dryRunSpec": { # Defines a Google Cloud policy specification which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Dry-run policy. Audit-only policy, can be used to monitor how the policy would have impacted the existing and future resources if it's enforced.
                "etag": "A String", # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the policySpec, used for concurrency control. This field is ignored if used in a `CreatePolicy` request. When the policy is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListPolicies` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current policySpec to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the policy is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset.
                "inheritFromParent": True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this policy. If `inherit_from_parent` is true, policy rules set higher up in the hierarchy (up to the closest root) are inherited and present in the effective policy. If it is false, then no rules are inherited, and this policy becomes the new root for evaluation. This field can be set only for policies which configure list constraints.
                "reset": True or False, # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific constraint at this resource. This field can be set in policies for either list or boolean constraints. If set, `rules` must be empty and `inherit_from_parent` must be set to false.
                "rules": [ # In policies for boolean constraints, the following requirements apply: - There must be one and only one policy rule where condition is unset. - Boolean policy rules with conditions must set `enforced` to the opposite of the policy rule without a condition. - During policy evaluation, policy rules with conditions that are true for a target resource take precedence.
                  { # A rule used to express this policy.
                    "allowAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are allowed. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                    "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at https://github.com/google/cel-spec. Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner == request.auth.claims.email" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # A condition which determines whether this rule is used in the evaluation of the policy. When set, the `expression` field in the `Expr' must include from 1 to 10 subexpressions, joined by the "||" or "&&" operators. Each subexpression must be of the form "resource.matchTag('/tag_key_short_name, 'tag_value_short_name')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/key_id', 'tagValues/value_id')". where key_name and value_name are the resource names for Label Keys and Values. These names are available from the Tag Manager Service. An example expression is: "resource.matchTag('123456789/environment, 'prod')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123', 'tagValues/456')".
                      "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
                      "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
                      "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
                      "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
                    "denyAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are denied. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                    "enforce": True or False, # If `true`, then the policy is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. This field can be set only in policies for boolean constraints.
                    "parameters": { # Optional. Required for managed constraints if parameters are defined. Passes parameter values when policy enforcement is enabled. Ensure that parameter value types match those defined in the constraint definition. For example: { "allowedLocations" : ["us-east1", "us-west1"], "allowAll" : true }
                      "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
                    "values": { # A message that holds specific allowed and denied values. This message can define specific values and subtrees of the Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a ":". Values prefixed with "is:" are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - `projects/` (for example, `projects/tokyo-rain-123`) - `folders/` (for example, `folders/1234`) - `organizations/` (for example, `organizations/1234`) The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. # List of values to be used for this policy rule. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                      "allowedValues": [ # List of values allowed at this resource.
                        "A String",
                      "deniedValues": [ # List of values denied at this resource.
                        "A String",
                "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The time stamp this was previously updated. This represents the last time a call to `CreatePolicy` or `UpdatePolicy` was made for that policy.
              "etag": "A String", # Optional. An opaque tag indicating the current state of the policy, used for concurrency control. This 'etag' is computed by the server based on the value of other fields, and may be sent on update and delete requests to ensure the client has an up-to-date value before proceeding.
              "name": "A String", # Immutable. The resource name of the policy. Must be one of the following forms, where `constraint_name` is the name of the constraint which this policy configures: * `projects/{project_number}/policies/{constraint_name}` * `folders/{folder_id}/policies/{constraint_name}` * `organizations/{organization_id}/policies/{constraint_name}` For example, `projects/123/policies/compute.disableSerialPortAccess`. Note: `projects/{project_id}/policies/{constraint_name}` is also an acceptable name for API requests, but responses will return the name using the equivalent project number.
              "spec": { # Defines a Google Cloud policy specification which is used to specify constraints for configurations of Google Cloud resources. # Basic information about the organization policy.
                "etag": "A String", # An opaque tag indicating the current version of the policySpec, used for concurrency control. This field is ignored if used in a `CreatePolicy` request. When the policy is returned from either a `GetPolicy` or a `ListPolicies` request, this `etag` indicates the version of the current policySpec to use when executing a read-modify-write loop. When the policy is returned from a `GetEffectivePolicy` request, the `etag` will be unset.
                "inheritFromParent": True or False, # Determines the inheritance behavior for this policy. If `inherit_from_parent` is true, policy rules set higher up in the hierarchy (up to the closest root) are inherited and present in the effective policy. If it is false, then no rules are inherited, and this policy becomes the new root for evaluation. This field can be set only for policies which configure list constraints.
                "reset": True or False, # Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the `constraint_default` enforcement behavior of the specific constraint at this resource. This field can be set in policies for either list or boolean constraints. If set, `rules` must be empty and `inherit_from_parent` must be set to false.
                "rules": [ # In policies for boolean constraints, the following requirements apply: - There must be one and only one policy rule where condition is unset. - Boolean policy rules with conditions must set `enforced` to the opposite of the policy rule without a condition. - During policy evaluation, policy rules with conditions that are true for a target resource take precedence.
                  { # A rule used to express this policy.
                    "allowAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are allowed. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                    "condition": { # Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at https://github.com/google/cel-spec. Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner == request.auth.claims.email" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information. # A condition which determines whether this rule is used in the evaluation of the policy. When set, the `expression` field in the `Expr' must include from 1 to 10 subexpressions, joined by the "||" or "&&" operators. Each subexpression must be of the form "resource.matchTag('/tag_key_short_name, 'tag_value_short_name')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/key_id', 'tagValues/value_id')". where key_name and value_name are the resource names for Label Keys and Values. These names are available from the Tag Manager Service. An example expression is: "resource.matchTag('123456789/environment, 'prod')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123', 'tagValues/456')".
                      "description": "A String", # Optional. Description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.
                      "expression": "A String", # Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax.
                      "location": "A String", # Optional. String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.
                      "title": "A String", # Optional. Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.
                    "denyAll": True or False, # Setting this to true means that all values are denied. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                    "enforce": True or False, # If `true`, then the policy is enforced. If `false`, then any configuration is acceptable. This field can be set only in policies for boolean constraints.
                    "parameters": { # Optional. Required for managed constraints if parameters are defined. Passes parameter values when policy enforcement is enabled. Ensure that parameter value types match those defined in the constraint definition. For example: { "allowedLocations" : ["us-east1", "us-west1"], "allowAll" : true }
                      "a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
                    "values": { # A message that holds specific allowed and denied values. This message can define specific values and subtrees of the Resource Manager resource hierarchy (`Organizations`, `Folders`, `Projects`) that are allowed or denied. This is achieved by using the `under:` and optional `is:` prefixes. The `under:` prefix is used to denote resource subtree values. The `is:` prefix is used to denote specific values, and is required only if the value contains a ":". Values prefixed with "is:" are treated the same as values with no prefix. Ancestry subtrees must be in one of the following formats: - `projects/` (for example, `projects/tokyo-rain-123`) - `folders/` (for example, `folders/1234`) - `organizations/` (for example, `organizations/1234`) The `supports_under` field of the associated `Constraint` defines whether ancestry prefixes can be used. # List of values to be used for this policy rule. This field can be set only in policies for list constraints.
                      "allowedValues": [ # List of values allowed at this resource.
                        "A String",
                      "deniedValues": [ # List of values denied at this resource.
                        "A String",
                "updateTime": "A String", # Output only. The time stamp this was previously updated. This represents the last time a call to `CreatePolicy` or `UpdatePolicy` was made for that policy.
            "policyParent": "A String", # Optional. The parent of the policy we are attaching to. Example: "projects/123456"
      "resourceCounts": { # A summary of the state of all resources scanned for compliance with the changed OrgPolicy. # Output only. A summary of the state of all resources scanned for compliance with the changed OrgPolicy.
        "compliant": 42, # Output only. Number of scanned resources with zero violations.
        "errors": 42, # Output only. Number of resources that returned an error when scanned.
        "noncompliant": 42, # Output only. Number of scanned resources with at least one violation.
        "scanned": 42, # Output only. Number of resources checked for compliance. Must equal: unenforced + noncompliant + compliant + error
        "unenforced": 42, # Output only. Number of resources where the constraint was not enforced, i.e. the Policy set `enforced: false` for that resource.
      "state": "A String", # Output only. The state of the `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview`.
      "violationsCount": 42, # Output only. The number of OrgPolicyViolations in this `OrgPolicyViolationsPreview`. This count may differ from `resource_summary.noncompliant_count` because each OrgPolicyViolation is specific to a resource **and** constraint. If there are multiple constraints being evaluated (i.e. multiple policies in the overlay), a single resource may violate multiple constraints.
Retrieves the next page of results.

          previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
          previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

          A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
          page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.