Workload Manager API . projects . locations . insights

Instance Methods


Close httplib2 connections.

writeInsight(location, body=None, x__xgafv=None)

Write the data insights to workload manager data warehouse.

Method Details

Close httplib2 connections.
writeInsight(location, body=None, x__xgafv=None)
Write the data insights to workload manager data warehouse.

  location: string, Required. The GCP location. The format is: projects/{project}/locations/{location}. (required)
  body: object, The request body.
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Request for sending the data insights.
  "agentVersion": "A String", # Optional. The agent version collected this data point.
  "insight": { # A presentation of host resource usage where the workload runs. # Required. The metrics data details.
    "instanceId": "A String", # Required. The instance id where the insight is generated from
    "sapDiscovery": { # The schema of SAP system discovery data. # The insights data for SAP system discovery. This is a copy of SAP System proto and should get updated whenever that one changes.
      "applicationLayer": { # Message describing the system component. # Optional. An SAP system may run without an application layer.
        "applicationProperties": { # A set of properties describing an SAP Application layer. # Optional. The component is a SAP application.
          "abap": True or False, # Optional. Deprecated: ApplicationType now tells you whether this is ABAP or Java.
          "appInstanceNumber": "A String", # Optional. Instance number of the SAP application instance.
          "applicationType": "A String", # Required. Type of the application. Netweaver, etc.
          "ascsInstanceNumber": "A String", # Optional. Instance number of the ASCS instance.
          "ascsUri": "A String", # Optional. Resource URI of the recognized ASCS host of the application.
          "ersInstanceNumber": "A String", # Optional. Instance number of the ERS instance.
          "kernelVersion": "A String", # Optional. Kernel version for Netweaver running in the system.
          "nfsUri": "A String", # Optional. Resource URI of the recognized shared NFS of the application. May be empty if the application server has only a single node.
        "databaseProperties": { # A set of properties describing an SAP Database layer. # Optional. The component is a SAP database.
          "databaseSid": "A String", # Optional. SID of the system database.
          "databaseType": "A String", # Required. Type of the database. HANA, DB2, etc.
          "databaseVersion": "A String", # Optional. The version of the database software running in the system.
          "instanceNumber": "A String", # Optional. Instance number of the SAP instance.
          "landscapeId": "A String", # Optional. Landscape ID from the HANA nameserver.
          "primaryInstanceUri": "A String", # Required. URI of the recognized primary instance of the database.
          "sharedNfsUri": "A String", # Optional. URI of the recognized shared NFS of the database. May be empty if the database has only a single node.
        "haHosts": [ # Optional. A list of host URIs that are part of the HA configuration if present. An empty list indicates the component is not configured for HA.
          "A String",
        "hostProject": "A String", # Required. Pantheon Project in which the resources reside.
        "region": "A String", # Optional. The region this component's resources are primarily located in.
        "replicationSites": [ # Optional. A list of replication sites used in Disaster Recovery (DR) configurations.
          { # A replication site used in Disaster Recovery (DR) configurations.
            "component": # Object with schema name: SapDiscoveryComponent # Optional. The system component for the site.
            "sourceSite": "A String", # Optional. The name of the source site from which this one replicates.
        "resources": [ # Optional. The resources in a component.
          { # Message describing a resource.
            "instanceProperties": { # A set of properties only present for an instance type resource # Optional. A set of properties only applying to instance type resources.
              "appInstances": [ # Optional. App server instances on the host
                { # Fields to describe an SAP application server instance.
                  "name": "A String", # Optional. Instance name of the SAP application instance.
                  "number": "A String", # Optional. Instance number of the SAP application instance.
              "clusterInstances": [ # Optional. A list of instance URIs that are part of a cluster with this one.
                "A String",
              "diskMounts": [ # Optional. Disk mounts on the instance.
                { # Disk mount on the instance.
                  "mountPoint": "A String", # Optional. Filesystem mount point.
                  "name": "A String", # Optional. Name of the disk.
              "instanceNumber": "A String", # Optional. The VM's instance number.
              "instanceRole": "A String", # Optional. Bitmask of instance role, a resource may have multiple roles at once.
              "isDrSite": True or False, # Optional. Instance is part of a DR site.
              "virtualHostname": "A String", # Optional. A virtual hostname of the instance if it has one.
            "relatedResources": [ # Optional. A list of resource URIs related to this resource.
              "A String",
            "resourceKind": "A String", # Required. ComputeInstance, ComputeDisk, VPC, Bare Metal server, etc.
            "resourceType": "A String", # Required. The type of this resource.
            "resourceUri": "A String", # Required. URI of the resource, includes project, location, and name.
            "updateTime": "A String", # Required. Unix timestamp of when this resource last had its discovery data updated.
        "sid": "A String", # Optional. The SAP identifier, used by the SAP software and helps differentiate systems for customers.
        "topologyType": "A String", # Optional. The detected topology of the component.
      "databaseLayer": { # Message describing the system component. # Required. An SAP System must have a database.
        "applicationProperties": { # A set of properties describing an SAP Application layer. # Optional. The component is a SAP application.
          "abap": True or False, # Optional. Deprecated: ApplicationType now tells you whether this is ABAP or Java.
          "appInstanceNumber": "A String", # Optional. Instance number of the SAP application instance.
          "applicationType": "A String", # Required. Type of the application. Netweaver, etc.
          "ascsInstanceNumber": "A String", # Optional. Instance number of the ASCS instance.
          "ascsUri": "A String", # Optional. Resource URI of the recognized ASCS host of the application.
          "ersInstanceNumber": "A String", # Optional. Instance number of the ERS instance.
          "kernelVersion": "A String", # Optional. Kernel version for Netweaver running in the system.
          "nfsUri": "A String", # Optional. Resource URI of the recognized shared NFS of the application. May be empty if the application server has only a single node.
        "databaseProperties": { # A set of properties describing an SAP Database layer. # Optional. The component is a SAP database.
          "databaseSid": "A String", # Optional. SID of the system database.
          "databaseType": "A String", # Required. Type of the database. HANA, DB2, etc.
          "databaseVersion": "A String", # Optional. The version of the database software running in the system.
          "instanceNumber": "A String", # Optional. Instance number of the SAP instance.
          "landscapeId": "A String", # Optional. Landscape ID from the HANA nameserver.
          "primaryInstanceUri": "A String", # Required. URI of the recognized primary instance of the database.
          "sharedNfsUri": "A String", # Optional. URI of the recognized shared NFS of the database. May be empty if the database has only a single node.
        "haHosts": [ # Optional. A list of host URIs that are part of the HA configuration if present. An empty list indicates the component is not configured for HA.
          "A String",
        "hostProject": "A String", # Required. Pantheon Project in which the resources reside.
        "region": "A String", # Optional. The region this component's resources are primarily located in.
        "replicationSites": [ # Optional. A list of replication sites used in Disaster Recovery (DR) configurations.
          { # A replication site used in Disaster Recovery (DR) configurations.
            "component": # Object with schema name: SapDiscoveryComponent # Optional. The system component for the site.
            "sourceSite": "A String", # Optional. The name of the source site from which this one replicates.
        "resources": [ # Optional. The resources in a component.
          { # Message describing a resource.
            "instanceProperties": { # A set of properties only present for an instance type resource # Optional. A set of properties only applying to instance type resources.
              "appInstances": [ # Optional. App server instances on the host
                { # Fields to describe an SAP application server instance.
                  "name": "A String", # Optional. Instance name of the SAP application instance.
                  "number": "A String", # Optional. Instance number of the SAP application instance.
              "clusterInstances": [ # Optional. A list of instance URIs that are part of a cluster with this one.
                "A String",
              "diskMounts": [ # Optional. Disk mounts on the instance.
                { # Disk mount on the instance.
                  "mountPoint": "A String", # Optional. Filesystem mount point.
                  "name": "A String", # Optional. Name of the disk.
              "instanceNumber": "A String", # Optional. The VM's instance number.
              "instanceRole": "A String", # Optional. Bitmask of instance role, a resource may have multiple roles at once.
              "isDrSite": True or False, # Optional. Instance is part of a DR site.
              "virtualHostname": "A String", # Optional. A virtual hostname of the instance if it has one.
            "relatedResources": [ # Optional. A list of resource URIs related to this resource.
              "A String",
            "resourceKind": "A String", # Required. ComputeInstance, ComputeDisk, VPC, Bare Metal server, etc.
            "resourceType": "A String", # Required. The type of this resource.
            "resourceUri": "A String", # Required. URI of the resource, includes project, location, and name.
            "updateTime": "A String", # Required. Unix timestamp of when this resource last had its discovery data updated.
        "sid": "A String", # Optional. The SAP identifier, used by the SAP software and helps differentiate systems for customers.
        "topologyType": "A String", # Optional. The detected topology of the component.
      "metadata": { # Message describing SAP discovery system metadata # Optional. The metadata for SAP system discovery data.
        "customerRegion": "A String", # Optional. Customer region string for customer's use. Does not represent GCP region.
        "definedSystem": "A String", # Optional. Customer defined, something like "E-commerce pre prod"
        "environmentType": "A String", # Optional. Should be "prod", "QA", "dev", "staging", etc.
        "sapProduct": "A String", # Optional. This SAP product name
      "projectNumber": "A String", # Optional. The GCP project number that this SapSystem belongs to.
      "systemId": "A String", # Output only. A combination of database SID, database instance URI and tenant DB name to make a unique identifier per-system.
      "updateTime": "A String", # Required. Unix timestamp this system has been updated last.
      "useDrReconciliation": True or False, # Optional. Whether to use DR reconciliation or not.
      "workloadProperties": { # A set of properties describing an SAP workload. # Optional. The properties of the workload.
        "productVersions": [ # Optional. List of SAP Products and their versions running on the system.
          { # A product name and version.
            "name": "A String", # Optional. Name of the product.
            "version": "A String", # Optional. Version of the product.
        "softwareComponentVersions": [ # Optional. A list of SAP software components and their versions running on the system.
          { # A SAP software component name, version, and type.
            "extVersion": "A String", # Optional. The component's minor version.
            "name": "A String", # Optional. Name of the component.
            "type": "A String", # Optional. The component's type.
            "version": "A String", # Optional. The component's major version.
    "sapValidation": { # A presentation of SAP workload insight. The schema of SAP workloads validation related data. # The insights data for the SAP workload validation.
      "projectId": "A String", # Required. The project_id of the cloud project that the Insight data comes from.
      "validationDetails": [ # Optional. A list of SAP validation metrics data.
        { # Message describing the SAP validation metrics.
          "details": { # Optional. The pairs of metrics data: field name & field value.
            "a_key": "A String",
          "isPresent": True or False, # Optional. Was there a SAP system detected for this validation type.
          "sapValidationType": "A String", # Optional. The SAP system that the validation data is from.
      "zone": "A String", # Optional. The zone of the instance that the Insight data comes from.
    "sentTime": "A String", # Output only. [Output only] Create time stamp
    "sqlserverValidation": { # A presentation of SQLServer workload insight. The schema of SqlServer workloads validation related data. # The insights data for the sqlserver workload validation.
      "agentVersion": "A String", # Optional. The agent version collected this data point
      "instance": "A String", # Required. The instance_name of the instance that the Insight data comes from. According to field names should not use the _name suffix unless the field would be ambiguous without it.
      "projectId": "A String", # Required. The project_id of the cloud project that the Insight data comes from.
      "validationDetails": [ # Optional. A list of SqlServer validation metrics data.
        { # Message describing the Sqlserver validation metrics.
          "details": [ # Required. Details wraps map that represents collected data names and values.
            { # Message containing collected data names and values.
              "fields": { # Required. Collected data is in format.
                "a_key": "A String",
          "type": "A String", # Optional. The Sqlserver system that the validation data is from.
    "torsoValidation": { # The schema of torso workload validation data. # The insights data for workload validation of torso workloads.
      "agentVersion": "A String", # Required. agent_version lists the version of the agent that collected this data.
      "instanceName": "A String", # Required. instance_name lists the human readable name of the instance that the data comes from.
      "projectId": "A String", # Required. project_id lists the human readable cloud project that the data comes from.
      "validationDetails": { # Required. validation_details contains the pairs of validation data: field name & field value.
        "a_key": "A String",
      "workloadType": "A String", # Required. workload_type specifies the type of torso workload.
  "requestId": "A String", # Optional. An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed. The server will guarantee that for at least 60 minutes since the first request. For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments. The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).

  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # The response for write insights request.