Package googleapiclient :: Module errors
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Source Code for Module googleapiclient.errors

  1  # Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
  2  # 
  3  # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
  4  # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
  5  # You may obtain a copy of the License at 
  6  # 
  7  # 
  8  # 
  9  # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 10  # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
 11  # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
 12  # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 13  # limitations under the License. 
 15  """Errors for the library. 
 17  All exceptions defined by the library 
 18  should be defined in this file. 
 19  """ 
 20  from __future__ import absolute_import 
 22  __author__ = " (Joe Gregorio)" 
 24  import json 
 26  from googleapiclient import _helpers as util 
27 28 29 -class Error(Exception):
30 """Base error for this module.""" 31 32 pass
34 35 -class HttpError(Error):
36 """HTTP data was invalid or unexpected.""" 37 38 @util.positional(3)
39 - def __init__(self, resp, content, uri=None):
40 self.resp = resp 41 if not isinstance(content, bytes): 42 raise TypeError("HTTP content should be bytes") 43 self.content = content 44 self.uri = uri 45 self.error_details = ""
47 - def _get_reason(self):
48 """Calculate the reason for the error from the response content.""" 49 reason = self.resp.reason 50 try: 51 data = json.loads(self.content.decode("utf-8")) 52 if isinstance(data, dict): 53 reason = data["error"]["message"] 54 if "details" in data["error"]: 55 self.error_details = data["error"]["details"] 56 elif "detail" in data["error"]: 57 self.error_details = data["error"]["detail"] 58 elif isinstance(data, list) and len(data) > 0: 59 first_error = data[0] 60 reason = first_error["error"]["message"] 61 if "details" in first_error["error"]: 62 self.error_details = first_error["error"]["details"] 63 except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError): 64 pass 65 if reason is None: 66 reason = "" 67 return reason
69 - def __repr__(self):
70 reason = self._get_reason() 71 if self.error_details: 72 return '<HttpError %s when requesting %s returned "%s". Details: "%s">' % ( 73 self.resp.status, 74 self.uri, 75 reason.strip(), 76 self.error_details, 77 ) 78 elif self.uri: 79 return '<HttpError %s when requesting %s returned "%s">' % ( 80 self.resp.status, 81 self.uri, 82 self._get_reason().strip(), 83 ) 84 else: 85 return '<HttpError %s "%s">' % (self.resp.status, self._get_reason())
86 87 __str__ = __repr__
89 90 -class InvalidJsonError(Error):
91 """The JSON returned could not be parsed.""" 92 93 pass
95 96 -class UnknownFileType(Error):
97 """File type unknown or unexpected.""" 98 99 pass
101 102 -class UnknownLinkType(Error):
103 """Link type unknown or unexpected.""" 104 105 pass
107 108 -class UnknownApiNameOrVersion(Error):
109 """No API with that name and version exists.""" 110 111 pass
113 114 -class UnacceptableMimeTypeError(Error):
115 """That is an unacceptable mimetype for this operation.""" 116 117 pass
119 120 -class MediaUploadSizeError(Error):
121 """Media is larger than the method can accept.""" 122 123 pass
125 126 -class ResumableUploadError(HttpError):
127 """Error occurred during resumable upload.""" 128 129 pass
131 132 -class InvalidChunkSizeError(Error):
133 """The given chunksize is not valid.""" 134 135 pass
137 138 -class InvalidNotificationError(Error):
139 """The channel Notification is invalid.""" 140 141 pass
143 144 -class BatchError(HttpError):
145 """Error occurred during batch operations.""" 146 147 @util.positional(2)
148 - def __init__(self, reason, resp=None, content=None):
149 self.resp = resp 150 self.content = content 151 self.reason = reason
153 - def __repr__(self):
154 if getattr(self.resp, "status", None) is None: 155 return '<BatchError "%s">' % (self.reason) 156 else: 157 return '<BatchError %s "%s">' % (self.resp.status, self.reason)
158 159 __str__ = __repr__
161 162 -class UnexpectedMethodError(Error):
163 """Exception raised by RequestMockBuilder on unexpected calls.""" 164 165 @util.positional(1)
166 - def __init__(self, methodId=None):
167 """Constructor for an UnexpectedMethodError.""" 168 super(UnexpectedMethodError, self).__init__( 169 "Received unexpected call %s" % methodId 170 )
172 173 -class UnexpectedBodyError(Error):
174 """Exception raised by RequestMockBuilder on unexpected bodies.""" 175
176 - def __init__(self, expected, provided):
177 """Constructor for an UnexpectedMethodError.""" 178 super(UnexpectedBodyError, self).__init__( 179 "Expected: [%s] - Provided: [%s]" % (expected, provided) 180 )