class InsecureCredentials implements FetchAuthTokenInterface (View source)

Provides a set of credentials that will always return an empty access token.

This is useful for APIs which do not require authentication, for local service emulators, and for testing.


fetchAuthToken(callable $httpHandler = null)

Fetches the auth token. In this case it returns an empty string.


Returns the cache key. In this case it returns a null value, disabling caching.


Fetches the last received token. In this case, it returns the same empty string auth token.


array fetchAuthToken(callable $httpHandler = null)

Fetches the auth token. In this case it returns an empty string.


callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request

Return Value

array a hash of auth tokens

string getCacheKey()

Returns the cache key. In this case it returns a null value, disabling caching.

Return Value

string a key that may be used to cache the auth token.

null|array getLastReceivedToken()

Fetches the last received token. In this case, it returns the same empty string auth token.

Return Value

null|array { The last received access token.

@type string $access_token The access token string.
@type int $expires_at The time the token expires as a UNIX timestamp.
