AccessTokenClass in namespace Google\Auth
Wrapper around Google Access Tokens which provides convenience functions.
ApplicationDefaultCredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth
ApplicationDefaultCredentials obtains the default credentials for authorizing a request to a Google service.
AppIdentityCredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth\Credentials
$ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials#authProperty in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials
The OAuth2 instance used to conduct authorization.
$UserRefreshCredentials#authProperty in class UserRefreshCredentials
The OAuth2 instance used to conduct authorization.
Guzzle6HttpHandler::async() — Method in class Guzzle6HttpHandler
Accepts a PSR-7 request and an array of options and returns a PromiseInterface
AuthTokenMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\Auth\Middleware
AuthTokenMiddleware is a Guzzle Middleware that adds an Authorization header provided by an object implementing FetchAuthTokenInterface.


HttpHandlerFactory::build() — Method in class HttpHandlerFactory
Builds out a default http handler for the installed version of guzzle.


AccessToken::callJwtStatic() — Method in class AccessToken
Provide a hook to mock calls to the JWT static methods.
AccessToken::callSimpleJwtDecode() — Method in class AccessToken
Provide a hook to mock calls to the JWT static methods.
CacheTraitClass in namespace Google\Auth
Item::currentTime() — Method in class Item
MemoryCacheItemPool::clear() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
Deletes all items in the pool.
MemoryCacheItemPool::commit() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
Persists any deferred cache items.
SysVCacheItemPool::clear() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
Deletes all items in the pool.
SysVCacheItemPool::commit() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
Persists any deferred cache items.
CredentialsLoaderClass in namespace Google\Auth
CredentialsLoader contains the behaviour used to locate and find default credentials files on the file system.


MemoryCacheItemPool::deleteItem() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
Removes the item from the pool.
MemoryCacheItemPool::deleteItems() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
Removes multiple items from the pool.
SysVCacheItemPool::deleteItem() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
Removes the item from the pool.
SysVCacheItemPool::deleteItems() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
Removes multiple items from the pool.


Item::expiresAt() — Method in class Item
Sets the expiration time for this cache item.
Item::expiresAfter() — Method in class Item
Sets the expiration time for this cache item.
ExternalAccountCredentialSourceInterfaceClass in namespace Google\Auth


CredentialsLoader::fromEnv() — Method in class CredentialsLoader
Load a JSON key from the path specified in the environment.
CredentialsLoader::fromWellKnownFile() — Method in class CredentialsLoader
Load a JSON key from a well known path.
AppIdentityCredentials::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials
Implements FetchAuthTokenInterface#fetchAuthToken.
ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials
InsecureCredentials::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class InsecureCredentials
Fetches the auth token. In this case it returns an empty string.
ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials
Implements FetchAuthTokenInterface#fetchAuthToken.
UserRefreshCredentials::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class UserRefreshCredentials
ExternalAccountCredentialSourceInterface::fetchSubjectToken() — Method in class ExternalAccountCredentialSourceInterface
FetchAuthTokenCacheClass in namespace Google\Auth
A class to implement caching for any object implementing FetchAuthTokenInterface
FetchAuthTokenCache::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache
Implements FetchAuthTokenInterface#fetchAuthToken.
FetchAuthTokenInterfaceClass in namespace Google\Auth
An interface implemented by objects that can fetch auth tokens.
FetchAuthTokenInterface::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenInterface
Fetches the auth tokens based on the current state.


ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getSubscriber() — Method in class ApplicationDefaultCredentials
ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getMiddleware() — Method in class ApplicationDefaultCredentials
Obtains an AuthTokenMiddleware that uses the default FetchAuthTokenInterface implementation to use in this environment.
ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getCredentials() — Method in class ApplicationDefaultCredentials
Obtains the default FetchAuthTokenInterface implementation to use in this environment.
ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getIdTokenMiddleware() — Method in class ApplicationDefaultCredentials
Obtains an AuthTokenMiddleware which will fetch an ID token to use in the Authorization header. The middleware is configured with the default FetchAuthTokenInterface implementation to use in this environment.
ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getProxyIdTokenMiddleware() — Method in class ApplicationDefaultCredentials
Obtains an ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware which will fetch an ID token to use in the Authorization header. The middleware is configured with the default FetchAuthTokenInterface implementation to use in this environment.
ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getIdTokenCredentials() — Method in class ApplicationDefaultCredentials
Obtains the default FetchAuthTokenInterface implementation to use in this environment, configured with a $targetAudience for fetching an ID token.
Item::getKey() — Method in class Item
Returns the key for the current cache item.
Item::get() — Method in class Item
Retrieves the value of the item from the cache associated with this object's key.
MemoryCacheItemPool::getItem() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
Returns a Cache Item representing the specified key.
MemoryCacheItemPool::getItems() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
Returns a traversable set of cache items.
SysVCacheItemPool::getItem() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
SysVCacheItemPool::getItems() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
CredentialsLoader::getDefaultClientCertSource() — Method in class CredentialsLoader
Gets a callable which returns the default device certification.
CredentialsLoader::getUniverseDomain() — Method in class CredentialsLoader
Get the universe domain from the credential. Defaults to "googleapis.com" for all credential types which do not support universe domain.
AppIdentityCredentials::getProjectId() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials
Get the project ID from AppIdentityService.
AppIdentityCredentials::getClientName() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials
Get the client name from AppIdentityService.
AppIdentityCredentials::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials
AppIdentityCredentials::getCacheKey() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials
Caching is handled by the underlying AppIdentityService, return empty string to prevent caching.
IAMCredentials::getUpdateMetadataFunc() — Method in class IAMCredentials
export a callback function which updates runtime metadata.
ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials::getClientName() — Method in class ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials
Get the client name from the keyfile
ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials::getCacheKey() — Method in class ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials
ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials
InsecureCredentials::getCacheKey() — Method in class InsecureCredentials
Returns the cache key. In this case it returns a null value, disabling caching.
InsecureCredentials::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class InsecureCredentials
Fetches the last received token. In this case, it returns the same empty string auth token.
ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials::getCacheKey() — Method in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials
ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials
ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials::getProjectId() — Method in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials
Get the project ID from the service account keyfile.
ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials::getClientName() — Method in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials
Get the client name from the keyfile.
ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials::getQuotaProject() — Method in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials
Get the quota project used for this API request
UserRefreshCredentials::getCacheKey() — Method in class UserRefreshCredentials
UserRefreshCredentials::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class UserRefreshCredentials
UserRefreshCredentials::getQuotaProject() — Method in class UserRefreshCredentials
Get the quota project used for this API request
UserRefreshCredentials::getGrantedScope() — Method in class UserRefreshCredentials
Get the granted scopes (if they exist) for the last fetched token.
FetchAuthTokenCache::getFetcher() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache
FetchAuthTokenCache::getCacheKey() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache
FetchAuthTokenCache::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache
FetchAuthTokenCache::getClientName() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache
Get the client name from the fetcher.
FetchAuthTokenCache::getQuotaProject() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache
Get the quota project used for this API request from the credentials fetcher.
FetchAuthTokenCache::getProjectId() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache
Get the project ID.
FetchAuthTokenCache::getUniverseDomain() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache
Get the universe domain from the credential. This should always return a string, and default to "googleapis.com" if no universe domain is configured.
FetchAuthTokenInterface::getCacheKey() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenInterface
Obtains a key that can used to cache the results of #fetchAuthToken.
FetchAuthTokenInterface::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenInterface
Returns an associative array with the token and expiration time.
GCECacheClass in namespace Google\Auth
A class to implement caching for calls to GCECredentials::onGce. This class is used automatically when you pass a Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface cache object to ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getCredentials.
GetQuotaProjectInterfaceClass in namespace Google\Auth
An interface implemented by objects that can get quota projects.
GetQuotaProjectInterface::getQuotaProject() — Method in class GetQuotaProjectInterface
Get the quota project used for this API request
GetUniverseDomainInterfaceClass in namespace Google\Auth
An interface implemented by objects that can get universe domain for Google Cloud APIs.
GetUniverseDomainInterface::getUniverseDomain() — Method in class GetUniverseDomainInterface
Get the universe domain from the credential. This should always return a string, and default to "googleapis.com" if no universe domain is configured.
Guzzle6HttpHandlerClass in namespace Google\Auth\HttpHandler
Guzzle7HttpHandlerClass in namespace Google\Auth\HttpHandler
HttpClientCache::getHttpClient() — Method in class HttpClientCache
Get the stored HTTP Client, or null.
ProjectIdProviderInterface::getProjectId() — Method in class ProjectIdProviderInterface
Get the project ID.
SignBlobInterface::getClientName() — Method in class SignBlobInterface
Returns the current Client Name.
UpdateMetadataTrait::getUpdateMetadataFunc() — Method in class UpdateMetadataTrait
export a callback function which updates runtime metadata.


MemoryCacheItemPool::hasItem() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
Confirms if the cache contains specified cache item.
SysVCacheItemPool::hasItem() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
Confirms if the cache contains specified cache item.
HttpClientCacheClass in namespace Google\Auth\HttpHandler
Stores an HTTP Client in order to prevent multiple instantiations.
HttpHandlerFactoryClass in namespace Google\Auth\HttpHandler


InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Google\Auth\Cache
ItemClass in namespace Google\Auth\Cache
A cache item.
Item::isHit() — Method in class Item
Confirms if the cache item lookup resulted in a cache hit.
IAMCredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth\Credentials
Authenticates requests using IAM credentials.
ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth\Credentials
$ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials#impersonatedServiceAccountNameProperty in class ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials
InsecureCredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth\Credentials
Provides a set of credentials that will always return an empty access token.
IamSignerTraitClass in namespace Google\Auth


$AppIdentityCredentials#lastReceivedTokenProperty in class AppIdentityCredentials
Result of fetchAuthToken.


MemoryCacheItemPoolClass in namespace Google\Auth\Cache
Simple in-memory cache implementation.
CredentialsLoader::makeCredentials() — Method in class CredentialsLoader
Create a new Credentials instance.
CredentialsLoader::makeHttpClient() — Method in class CredentialsLoader
Create an authorized HTTP Client from an instance of FetchAuthTokenInterface.
CredentialsLoader::makeInsecureCredentials() — Method in class CredentialsLoader
Create a new instance of InsecureCredentials.


AppIdentityCredentials::onAppEngine() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials
Determines if this an App Engine instance, by accessing the SERVER_SOFTWARE environment variable (prod) or the APPENGINE_RUNTIME environment variable (dev).
GCECache::onGce() — Method in class GCECache
Caches the result of onGce so the metadata server is not called multiple times.


$ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials#projectIdProperty in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials
ProxyAuthTokenMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\Auth\Middleware
ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware is a Guzzle Middleware that adds an Authorization header provided by an object implementing FetchAuthTokenInterface.
ProjectIdProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Google\Auth
Describes a Credentials object which supports fetching the project ID.


CredentialsLoader::quotaProjectFromEnv() — Method in class CredentialsLoader
Fetch a quota project from the environment variable GOOGLE_CLOUD_QUOTA_PROJECT. Return null if GOOGLE_CLOUD_QUOTA_PROJECT is not specified.
$ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials#quotaProjectProperty in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials
The quota project associated with the JSON credentials
$UserRefreshCredentials#quotaProjectProperty in class UserRefreshCredentials
The quota project associated with the JSON credentials


AccessToken::revoke() — Method in class AccessToken
Revoke an OAuth2 access token or refresh token. This method will revoke the current access token, if a token isn't provided.


Item::set() — Method in class Item
Sets the value represented by this cache item.
MemoryCacheItemPool::save() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
Persists a cache item immediately.
MemoryCacheItemPool::saveDeferred() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
Sets a cache item to be persisted later.
SysVCacheItemPoolClass in namespace Google\Auth\Cache
SystemV shared memory based CacheItemPool implementation.
SysVCacheItemPool::save() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
Persists a cache item immediately.
SysVCacheItemPool::saveDeferred() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
Sets a cache item to be persisted later.
CredentialsLoader::shouldLoadClientCertSource() — Method in class CredentialsLoader
Determines whether or not the default device certificate should be loaded.
AppIdentityCredentials::signBlob() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials
Sign a string using AppIdentityService.
$ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials#sourceCredentialsProperty in class ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials
ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth\Credentials
Authenticates requests using Google's Service Account credentials via JWT Access.
FetchAuthTokenCache::signBlob() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache
Sign a blob using the fetcher.
HttpClientCache::setHttpClient() — Method in class HttpClientCache
Cache an HTTP Client for later calls.
IamSignerTrait::signBlob() — Method in class IamSignerTrait
Sign a string using the default service account private key.
ScopedAccessTokenMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\Auth\Middleware
ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware is a Guzzle Middleware that adds an Authorization header provided by a closure.
SimpleMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\Auth\Middleware
SimpleMiddleware is a Guzzle Middleware that implements Google's Simple API access.
ServiceAccountSignerTraitClass in namespace Google\Auth
Sign a string using a Service Account private key.
ServiceAccountSignerTrait::signBlob() — Method in class ServiceAccountSignerTrait
Sign a string using the service account private key.
SignBlobInterfaceClass in namespace Google\Auth
Describes a class which supports signing arbitrary strings.
SignBlobInterface::signBlob() — Method in class SignBlobInterface
Sign a string using the method which is best for a given credentials type.


IAMCredentials::updateMetadata() — Method in class IAMCredentials
Updates metadata with the appropriate header metadata.
ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials::updateMetadata() — Method in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials
Updates metadata with the authorization token.
UserRefreshCredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth\Credentials
Authenticates requests using User Refresh credentials.
FetchAuthTokenCache::updateMetadata() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache
Updates metadata with the authorization token.
UpdateMetadataInterfaceClass in namespace Google\Auth
Describes a Credentials object which supports updating request metadata (request headers).
UpdateMetadataInterface::updateMetadata() — Method in class UpdateMetadataInterface
Updates metadata with the authorization token.
UpdateMetadataTraitClass in namespace Google\Auth
Provides shared methods for updating request metadata (request headers).
UpdateMetadataTrait::updateMetadata() — Method in class UpdateMetadataTrait
Updates metadata with the authorization token.


AccessToken::verify() — Method in class AccessToken
Verifies an id token and returns the authenticated apiLoginTicket.


AccessToken::__construct() — Method in class AccessToken
Item::__construct() — Method in class Item
SysVCacheItemPool::__construct() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
Create a SystemV shared memory based CacheItemPool.
AppIdentityCredentials::__construct() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials
IAMCredentials::__construct() — Method in class IAMCredentials
ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials::__construct() — Method in class ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials
Instantiate an instance of ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials from a credentials file that has be created with the --impersonated-service-account flag.
ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials::__construct() — Method in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials
Create a new ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials.
UserRefreshCredentials::__construct() — Method in class UserRefreshCredentials
Create a new UserRefreshCredentials.
FetchAuthTokenCache::__construct() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache
GCECache::__construct() — Method in class GCECache
Guzzle6HttpHandler::__construct() — Method in class Guzzle6HttpHandler
Guzzle6HttpHandler::__invoke() — Method in class Guzzle6HttpHandler
Accepts a PSR-7 request and an array of options and returns a PSR-7 response.
AuthTokenMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class AuthTokenMiddleware
Creates a new AuthTokenMiddleware.
AuthTokenMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class AuthTokenMiddleware
Updates the request with an Authorization header when auth is 'google_auth'.
ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware
Creates a new ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware.
ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware
Updates the request with an Authorization header when auth is 'google_auth'.
ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware
Creates a new ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware.
ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware
Updates the request with an Authorization header when auth is 'scoped'.
SimpleMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class SimpleMiddleware
Create a new Simple plugin.
SimpleMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class SimpleMiddleware
Updates the request query with the developer key if auth is set to simple.