

Wrapper around Google Access Tokens which provides convenience functions.

ApplicationDefaultCredentials obtains the default credentials for authorizing a request to a Google service.

CredentialsLoader contains the behaviour used to locate and find default credentials files on the file system.

A class to implement caching for any object implementing FetchAuthTokenInterface

A class to implement caching for calls to GCECredentials::onGce. This class is used automatically when you pass a Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface cache object to ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getCredentials.


Tools for using the IAM API.

OAuth2 supports authentication by OAuth2 2-legged flows.

Sign a string using a Service Account private key.

Provides shared methods for updating request metadata (request headers).


An interface implemented by objects that can fetch auth tokens.

An interface implemented by objects that can get quota projects.

An interface implemented by objects that can get universe domain for Google Cloud APIs.

Describes a Credentials object which supports fetching the project ID.

Describes a class which supports signing arbitrary strings.

Describes a Credentials object which supports updating request metadata (request headers).