ApplicationDefaultCredentials obtains the default credentials for authorizing a request to a Google service.

A cache item.

Simple in-memory cache implementation.

SystemV shared memory based CacheItemPool implementation.

CredentialsLoader contains the behaviour used to locate and find default credentials files on the file system.

AppIdentityCredentials supports authorization on Google App Engine.

GCECredentials supports authorization on Google Compute Engine.

Authenticates requests using IAM credentials.

Provides a set of credentials that will always return an empty access token.

ServiceAccountCredentials supports authorization using a Google service account.

Authenticates requests using Google's Service Account credentials via JWT Access.

Authenticates requests using User Refresh credentials.

A class to implement caching for any object implementing FetchAuthTokenInterface

An interface implemented by objects that can fetch auth tokens.

AuthTokenMiddleware is a Guzzle Middleware that adds an Authorization header provided by an object implementing FetchAuthTokenInterface.

ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware is a Guzzle Middleware that adds an Authorization header provided by a closure.

SimpleMiddleware is a Guzzle Middleware that implements Google's Simple API access.

OAuth2 supports authentication by OAuth2 2-legged flows.

AuthTokenSubscriber is a Guzzle Subscriber that adds an Authorization header provided by an object implementing FetchAuthTokenInterface.

ScopedAccessTokenSubscriber is a Guzzle Subscriber that adds an Authorization header provided by a closure.

SimpleSubscriber is a Guzzle Subscriber that implements Google's Simple API access.