AccessTokenClass in namespace Google\Auth

Wrapper around Google Access Tokens which provides convenience functions.

ApplicationDefaultCredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth

ApplicationDefaultCredentials obtains the default credentials for authorizing a request to a Google service.

AppIdentityCredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth\Credentials

AppIdentityCredentials supports authorization on Google App Engine.

$ ServiceAccountCredentials#authProperty in class ServiceAccountCredentials

The OAuth2 instance used to conduct authorization.

$ ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials#authProperty in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials

The OAuth2 instance used to conduct authorization.

$ UserRefreshCredentials#authProperty in class UserRefreshCredentials

The OAuth2 instance used to conduct authorization.

Guzzle5HttpHandler::async() — Method in class Guzzle5HttpHandler

Accepts a PSR-7 request and an array of options and returns a PromiseInterface

Guzzle6HttpHandler::async() — Method in class Guzzle6HttpHandler

Accepts a PSR-7 request and an array of options and returns a PromiseInterface

AuthTokenMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\Auth\Middleware

AuthTokenMiddleware is a Guzzle Middleware that adds an Authorization header provided by an object implementing FetchAuthTokenInterface.

AuthTokenSubscriberClass in namespace Google\Auth\Subscriber

AuthTokenSubscriber is a Guzzle Subscriber that adds an Authorization header provided by an object implementing FetchAuthTokenInterface.


HttpHandlerFactory::build() — Method in class HttpHandlerFactory

Builds out a default http handler for the installed version of guzzle.

OAuth2::buildFullAuthorizationUri() — Method in class OAuth2

Builds the authorization Uri that the user should be redirected to.


AccessToken::callJwtStatic() — Method in class AccessToken

Provide a hook to mock calls to the JWT static methods.

CacheTraitClass in namespace Google\Auth
MemoryCacheItemPool::clear() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
MemoryCacheItemPool::commit() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
SysVCacheItemPool::clear() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
SysVCacheItemPool::commit() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
CredentialsLoaderClass in namespace Google\Auth

CredentialsLoader contains the behaviour used to locate and find default credentials files on the file system.


MemoryCacheItemPool::deleteItem() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
MemoryCacheItemPool::deleteItems() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
SysVCacheItemPool::deleteItem() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
SysVCacheItemPool::deleteItems() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool


Item::expiresAt() — Method in class Item
Item::expiresAfter() — Method in class Item


CredentialsLoader::fromEnv() — Method in class CredentialsLoader

Load a JSON key from the path specified in the environment.

CredentialsLoader::fromWellKnownFile() — Method in class CredentialsLoader

Load a JSON key from a well known path.

AppIdentityCredentials::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials

Implements FetchAuthTokenInterface#fetchAuthToken.

GCECredentials::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class GCECredentials

Implements FetchAuthTokenInterface#fetchAuthToken.

InsecureCredentials::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class InsecureCredentials

Fetches the auth token. In this case it returns an empty string.

ServiceAccountCredentials::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class ServiceAccountCredentials
ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials

Implements FetchAuthTokenInterface#fetchAuthToken.

UserRefreshCredentials::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class UserRefreshCredentials
FetchAuthTokenCacheClass in namespace Google\Auth

A class to implement caching for any object implementing FetchAuthTokenInterface

FetchAuthTokenCache::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache

Implements FetchAuthTokenInterface#fetchAuthToken.

FetchAuthTokenInterfaceClass in namespace Google\Auth

An interface implemented by objects that can fetch auth tokens.

FetchAuthTokenInterface::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenInterface

Fetches the auth tokens based on the current state.

OAuth2::fetchAuthToken() — Method in class OAuth2

Fetches the auth tokens based on the current state.


ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getSubscriber() — Method in class ApplicationDefaultCredentials

Obtains an AuthTokenSubscriber that uses the default FetchAuthTokenInterface implementation to use in this environment.

ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getMiddleware() — Method in class ApplicationDefaultCredentials

Obtains an AuthTokenMiddleware that uses the default FetchAuthTokenInterface implementation to use in this environment.

ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getCredentials() — Method in class ApplicationDefaultCredentials

Obtains the default FetchAuthTokenInterface implementation to use in this environment.

Item::getKey() — Method in class Item
Item::get() — Method in class Item
MemoryCacheItemPool::getItem() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
MemoryCacheItemPool::getItems() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
SysVCacheItemPool::getItem() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
SysVCacheItemPool::getItems() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
CredentialsLoader::getUpdateMetadataFunc() — Method in class CredentialsLoader

export a callback function which updates runtime metadata.

AppIdentityCredentials::getClientName() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials

Get the client name from AppIdentityService.

AppIdentityCredentials::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials
AppIdentityCredentials::getCacheKey() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials

Caching is handled by the underlying AppIdentityService, return empty string to prevent caching.

GCECredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth\Credentials

GCECredentials supports authorization on Google Compute Engine.

GCECredentials::getTokenUri() — Method in class GCECredentials

The full uri for accessing the default token.

GCECredentials::getClientNameUri() — Method in class GCECredentials

The full uri for accessing the default service account.

GCECredentials::getCacheKey() — Method in class GCECredentials
GCECredentials::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class GCECredentials
GCECredentials::getClientName() — Method in class GCECredentials

Get the client name from GCE metadata.

IAMCredentials::getUpdateMetadataFunc() — Method in class IAMCredentials

export a callback function which updates runtime metadata.

InsecureCredentials::getCacheKey() — Method in class InsecureCredentials

Returns the cache key. In this case it returns a null value, disabling caching.

InsecureCredentials::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class InsecureCredentials

Fetches the last received token. In this case, it returns the same empty string auth token.

ServiceAccountCredentials::getCacheKey() — Method in class ServiceAccountCredentials
ServiceAccountCredentials::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class ServiceAccountCredentials
ServiceAccountCredentials::getClientName() — Method in class ServiceAccountCredentials

Get the client name from the keyfile.

ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials::getCacheKey() — Method in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials
ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials
ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials::getClientName() — Method in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials

Get the client name from the keyfile.

UserRefreshCredentials::getCacheKey() — Method in class UserRefreshCredentials
UserRefreshCredentials::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class UserRefreshCredentials
FetchAuthTokenCache::getCacheKey() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache
FetchAuthTokenCache::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache
FetchAuthTokenCache::getClientName() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache

Get the client name from the fetcher.

FetchAuthTokenInterface::getCacheKey() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenInterface

Obtains a key that can used to cache the results of #fetchAuthToken.

FetchAuthTokenInterface::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenInterface

Returns an associative array with the token and expiration time.

Guzzle5HttpHandlerClass in namespace Google\Auth\HttpHandler
Guzzle6HttpHandlerClass in namespace Google\Auth\HttpHandler
HttpClientCache::getHttpClient() — Method in class HttpClientCache

Get the stored HTTP Client, or null.

OAuth2::generateCredentialsRequest() — Method in class OAuth2

Generates a request for token credentials.

OAuth2::getCacheKey() — Method in class OAuth2

Obtains a key that can used to cache the results of #fetchAuthToken.

OAuth2::getAuthorizationUri() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of authenticating the end-user and obtaining authorization.

OAuth2::getTokenCredentialUri() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of issuing tokens and refreshing expired tokens.

OAuth2::getRedirectUri() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the redirection URI used in the initial request.

OAuth2::getScope() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the scope of the access requests as a space-delimited String.

OAuth2::getGrantType() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the current grant type.

OAuth2::getState() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets an arbitrary string designed to allow the client to maintain state.

OAuth2::getCode() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the authorization code issued to this client.

OAuth2::getUsername() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the resource owner's username.

OAuth2::getPassword() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the resource owner's password.

OAuth2::getClientId() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets a unique identifier issued to the client to identify itself to the authorization server.

OAuth2::getClientSecret() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets a shared symmetric secret issued by the authorization server, which is used to authenticate the client.

OAuth2::getIssuer() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the Issuer ID when using assertion profile.

OAuth2::getSub() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the target sub when issuing assertions.

OAuth2::getAudience() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the target audience when issuing assertions.

OAuth2::getSigningKey() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the signing key when using an assertion profile.

OAuth2::getSigningAlgorithm() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the signing algorithm when using an assertion profile.

OAuth2::getExtensionParams() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the set of parameters used by extension when using an extension grant type.

OAuth2::getExpiry() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the number of seconds assertions are valid for.

OAuth2::getExpiresIn() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the lifetime of the access token in seconds.

OAuth2::getExpiresAt() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the time the current access token expires at.

OAuth2::getIssuedAt() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the time the current access token was issued at.

OAuth2::getAccessToken() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the current access token.

OAuth2::getIdToken() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the current ID token.

OAuth2::getRefreshToken() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the refresh token associated with the current access token.

OAuth2::getAdditionalClaims() — Method in class OAuth2

Gets the additional claims to be included in the JWT token.

OAuth2::getLastReceivedToken() — Method in class OAuth2

The expiration of the last received token.

SignBlobInterface::getClientName() — Method in class SignBlobInterface

Returns the current Client Name.

AuthTokenSubscriber::getEvents() — Method in class AuthTokenSubscriber
ScopedAccessTokenSubscriber::getEvents() — Method in class ScopedAccessTokenSubscriber
SimpleSubscriber::getEvents() — Method in class SimpleSubscriber


MemoryCacheItemPool::hasItem() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
SysVCacheItemPool::hasItem() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
HttpClientCacheClass in namespace Google\Auth\HttpHandler

Stores an HTTP Client in order to prevent multiple instantiations.

HttpHandlerFactoryClass in namespace Google\Auth\HttpHandler


InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Google\Auth\Cache
ItemClass in namespace Google\Auth\Cache

A cache item.

Item::isHit() — Method in class Item
IAMCredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth\Credentials

Authenticates requests using IAM credentials.

InsecureCredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth\Credentials

Provides a set of credentials that will always return an empty access token.

IamClass in namespace Google\Auth

Tools for using the IAM API.

OAuth2::isExpired() — Method in class OAuth2

Returns true if the acccess token has expired.


$ OAuth2#knownSigningAlgorithmsProperty in class OAuth2

TODO: determine known methods from the keys of JWT::methods.

$ OAuth2#knownGrantTypesProperty in class OAuth2

The well known grant types.


$ AppIdentityCredentials#lastReceivedTokenProperty in class AppIdentityCredentials

Result of fetchAuthToken.

$ GCECredentials#lastReceivedTokenProperty in class GCECredentials

Result of fetchAuthToken.


MemoryCacheItemPoolClass in namespace Google\Auth\Cache

Simple in-memory cache implementation.

CredentialsLoader::makeCredentials() — Method in class CredentialsLoader

Create a new Credentials instance.

CredentialsLoader::makeHttpClient() — Method in class CredentialsLoader

Create an authorized HTTP Client from an instance of FetchAuthTokenInterface.

CredentialsLoader::makeInsecureCredentials() — Method in class CredentialsLoader

Create a new instance of InsecureCredentials.


AppIdentityCredentials::onAppEngine() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials

Determines if this an App Engine instance, by accessing the SERVER_SOFTWARE environment variable (prod) or the APPENGINE_RUNTIME environment variable (dev).

GCECredentials::onAppEngineFlexible() — Method in class GCECredentials

Determines if this an App Engine Flexible instance, by accessing the GAE_INSTANCE environment variable.

GCECredentials::onGce() — Method in class GCECredentials

Determines if this a GCE instance, by accessing the expected metadata host.

OAuth2Class in namespace Google\Auth

OAuth2 supports authentication by OAuth2 2-legged flows.

AuthTokenSubscriber::onBefore() — Method in class AuthTokenSubscriber

Updates the request with an Authorization header when auth is 'fetched_auth_token'.

ScopedAccessTokenSubscriber::onBefore() — Method in class ScopedAccessTokenSubscriber

Updates the request with an Authorization header when auth is 'scoped'.

SimpleSubscriber::onBefore() — Method in class SimpleSubscriber

Updates the request query with the developer key if auth is set to simple.


OAuth2::parseTokenResponse() — Method in class OAuth2

Parses the fetched tokens.


AccessToken::revoke() — Method in class AccessToken

Revoke an OAuth2 access token or refresh token. This method will revoke the current access token, if a token isn't provided.


Item::set() — Method in class Item
MemoryCacheItemPool::save() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
MemoryCacheItemPool::saveDeferred() — Method in class MemoryCacheItemPool
SysVCacheItemPoolClass in namespace Google\Auth\Cache

SystemV shared memory based CacheItemPool implementation.

SysVCacheItemPool::save() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
SysVCacheItemPool::saveDeferred() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool
AppIdentityCredentials::signBlob() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials

Sign a string using AppIdentityService.

GCECredentials::signBlob() — Method in class GCECredentials

Sign a string using the default service account private key.

ServiceAccountCredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth\Credentials

ServiceAccountCredentials supports authorization using a Google service account.

ServiceAccountCredentials::setSub() — Method in class ServiceAccountCredentials
ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth\Credentials

Authenticates requests using Google's Service Account credentials via JWT Access.

FetchAuthTokenCache::signBlob() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache

Sign a blob using the fetcher.

HttpClientCache::setHttpClient() — Method in class HttpClientCache

Cache an HTTP Client for later calls.

Iam::signBlob() — Method in class Iam

Sign a string using the IAM signBlob API.

ScopedAccessTokenMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\Auth\Middleware

ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware is a Guzzle Middleware that adds an Authorization header provided by a closure.

SimpleMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\Auth\Middleware

SimpleMiddleware is a Guzzle Middleware that implements Google's Simple API access.

OAuth2::setAuthorizationUri() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of authenticating the end-user and obtaining authorization.

OAuth2::setTokenCredentialUri() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of issuing tokens and refreshing expired tokens.

OAuth2::setRedirectUri() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the redirection URI used in the initial request.

OAuth2::setScope() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the scope of the access request, expressed either as an Array or as a space-delimited String.

OAuth2::setGrantType() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the current grant type.

OAuth2::setState() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets an arbitrary string designed to allow the client to maintain state.

OAuth2::setCode() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the authorization code issued to this client.

OAuth2::setUsername() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the resource owner's username.

OAuth2::setPassword() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the resource owner's password.

OAuth2::setClientId() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets a unique identifier issued to the client to identify itself to the authorization server.

OAuth2::setClientSecret() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets a shared symmetric secret issued by the authorization server, which is used to authenticate the client.

OAuth2::setIssuer() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the Issuer ID when using assertion profile.

OAuth2::setSub() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the target sub when issuing assertions.

OAuth2::setAudience() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the target audience when issuing assertions.

OAuth2::setSigningKey() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the signing key when using an assertion profile.

OAuth2::setSigningAlgorithm() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the signing algorithm when using an assertion profile.

OAuth2::setExtensionParams() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the set of parameters used by extension when using an extension grant type.

OAuth2::setExpiry() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the number of seconds assertions are valid for.

OAuth2::setExpiresIn() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the lifetime of the access token in seconds.

OAuth2::setExpiresAt() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the time the current access token expires at.

OAuth2::setIssuedAt() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the time the current access token was issued at.

OAuth2::setAccessToken() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the current access token.

OAuth2::setIdToken() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the current ID token.

OAuth2::setRefreshToken() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets the refresh token associated with the current access token.

OAuth2::setAdditionalClaims() — Method in class OAuth2

Sets additional claims to be included in the JWT token

ServiceAccountSignerTraitClass in namespace Google\Auth

Sign a string using a Service Account private key.

ServiceAccountSignerTrait::signBlob() — Method in class ServiceAccountSignerTrait

Sign a string using the service account private key.

SignBlobInterfaceClass in namespace Google\Auth

Describes a class which supports signing arbitrary strings.

SignBlobInterface::signBlob() — Method in class SignBlobInterface

Sign a string using the method which is best for a given credentials type.

ScopedAccessTokenSubscriberClass in namespace Google\Auth\Subscriber

ScopedAccessTokenSubscriber is a Guzzle Subscriber that adds an Authorization header provided by a closure.

SimpleSubscriberClass in namespace Google\Auth\Subscriber

SimpleSubscriber is a Guzzle Subscriber that implements Google's Simple API access.


OAuth2::toJwt() — Method in class OAuth2

Obtains the encoded jwt from the instance data.


CredentialsLoader::updateMetadata() — Method in class CredentialsLoader

Updates metadata with the authorization token.

IAMCredentials::updateMetadata() — Method in class IAMCredentials

Updates metadata with the appropriate header metadata.

ServiceAccountCredentials::updateMetadata() — Method in class ServiceAccountCredentials

Updates metadata with the authorization token.

ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials::updateMetadata() — Method in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials

Updates metadata with the authorization token.

UserRefreshCredentialsClass in namespace Google\Auth\Credentials

Authenticates requests using User Refresh credentials.

OAuth2::updateToken() — Method in class OAuth2

Updates an OAuth 2.0 client.


AccessToken::verify() — Method in class AccessToken

Verifies an id token and returns the authenticated apiLoginTicket.

OAuth2::verifyIdToken() — Method in class OAuth2

Verifies the idToken if present.


AccessToken::__construct() — Method in class AccessToken
Item::__construct() — Method in class Item
SysVCacheItemPool::__construct() — Method in class SysVCacheItemPool

Create a SystemV shared memory based CacheItemPool.

AppIdentityCredentials::__construct() — Method in class AppIdentityCredentials
GCECredentials::__construct() — Method in class GCECredentials
IAMCredentials::__construct() — Method in class IAMCredentials
ServiceAccountCredentials::__construct() — Method in class ServiceAccountCredentials

Create a new ServiceAccountCredentials.

ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials::__construct() — Method in class ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials

Create a new ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials.

UserRefreshCredentials::__construct() — Method in class UserRefreshCredentials

Create a new UserRefreshCredentials.

FetchAuthTokenCache::__construct() — Method in class FetchAuthTokenCache
Guzzle5HttpHandler::__construct() — Method in class Guzzle5HttpHandler
Guzzle5HttpHandler::__invoke() — Method in class Guzzle5HttpHandler

Accepts a PSR-7 Request and an array of options and returns a PSR-7 response.

Guzzle6HttpHandler::__construct() — Method in class Guzzle6HttpHandler
Guzzle6HttpHandler::__invoke() — Method in class Guzzle6HttpHandler

Accepts a PSR-7 request and an array of options and returns a PSR-7 response.

Iam::__construct() — Method in class Iam
AuthTokenMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class AuthTokenMiddleware

Creates a new AuthTokenMiddleware.

AuthTokenMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class AuthTokenMiddleware

Updates the request with an Authorization header when auth is 'google_auth'.

ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware

Creates a new ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware.

ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware

Updates the request with an Authorization header when auth is 'scoped'.

SimpleMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class SimpleMiddleware

Create a new Simple plugin.

SimpleMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class SimpleMiddleware

Updates the request query with the developer key if auth is set to simple.

OAuth2::__construct() — Method in class OAuth2

Create a new OAuthCredentials.

AuthTokenSubscriber::__construct() — Method in class AuthTokenSubscriber

Creates a new AuthTokenSubscriber.

ScopedAccessTokenSubscriber::__construct() — Method in class ScopedAccessTokenSubscriber

Creates a new ScopedAccessTokenSubscriber.

SimpleSubscriber::__construct() — Method in class SimpleSubscriber

Create a new Simple plugin.