
The google-cloud-cpp public API

This document describes what constitutes google-cloud-cpp’s public API.

As this project follows Google’s OSS Library Breaking Change Policy, any breaking changes in the public API require increasing the major version number in the library.

While we take commercially reasonable efforts to prevent breaks in the public API, it is possible that backwards incompatible changes go undetected and, therefore, undocumented. We apologize if this is the case and welcome feedback or bug reports to rectify the problem.

We make no guarantees and make no effort to maintain compatibility for any functions, classes, libraries, files, targets or any other artifact that is not explicitly included in the public API.

Note that this document has no bearing on the Google Cloud Platform deprecation policy described at

Previous versions of the library will remain available on the GitHub Releases page. In many cases, you will be able to use an older version even if a newer version has changes that you are unable (or do not have time) to adopt.

We think this document covers all interface points. If we missed something please file a GitHub issue.

Public API Overview

The public API includes:

The public API excludes:

We are also talking only about API stability – the ABI is subject to change without notice. You should not assume that binary artifacts (e.g. static libraries, shared objects, dynamically loaded libraries, object files) created with one version of the library are usable with newer/older versions of the library. The ABI may, and does, change on “minor revisions”.


We request that our customers adhere to the following guidelines to avoid accidentally depending on parts of the library we do not consider to be part of the public API and therefore may change (including removal) without notice:

Beyond the C++ API

Applications developers interact with a C++ library through more than just the C++ symbols and headers. They also need to reference the name of the library in their build scripts. Depending on the build system they use this may be a CMake target, a Bazel rule, a pkg-config module, or just the name of some object in the file system.

As with the C++ API, we try to avoid breaking changes to these interface points. We treat breaking changes to these interface points like any other breaking change.

Experimental Libraries

From time to time we add libraries to google-cloud-cpp to validate new designs, expose experimental (or otherwise not generally available) GCP features, or simply because a library is not yet complete. Such libraries will have experimental in their CMake target and Bazel rule names. The README file for these libraries will also document that they are experimental. Such libraries are subject to change, including removal, without notice. This includes, but it is not limited to, all their symbols, pre-processor macros, files, targets, rules, and installed artifacts.

Bazel rules

Only the rules exported at the top-level directory are intended for customer use, e.g.,//:spanner. Experimental rules have experimental in their name, e.g. //:experimental-logging. As previously stated, experimental rules are subject to change or removal without notice.

CMake targets and packages

Only CMake packages starting with the google_cloud_cpp_ prefix are intended for customer use. Only targets starting with google-cloud-cpp::, are intended for customer use. Experimental targets have experimental in their name (e.g. google-cloud-cpp::experimental-logging). As previously stated, experimental targets are subject to change or removal without notice.

pkg-config modules

Only modules starting with google_cloud_cpp_ are intended for customer use.

Unsupported use cases

We try to provide stable names for the previously described mechanisms:

It is certainly possible to use the library using other approaches. While these may work, we may accidentally break these from time to time. Examples of such, and the recommended alternatives, include:

Environment Variables

Environment variables referenced in our documentation come with the same guarantees as our public APIs. That is, we are committed to supporting their behavior unless the behavior affects experimental components, or the environment variable itself is experimental.

Telemetry Data

The library can be configured to produce telemetry data, such as logs or traces. We make no guarantees around the contents of such data. For example, we may change the format of our logs, or the names of our spans without notice.

The APIs to programmatically enable logging and tracing have the same guarantees as any other public APIs in our libraries.

Documentation and Comments

The documentation (and its links) is intended for human consumption and not third party websites, or automation (such as scripts scraping the contents). The contents and links of our documentation may change without notice.