A datatype containing media content.

Exactly one field within a Part should be set, representing the specific type of content being conveyed. Using multiple fields within the same Part instance is considered invalid.

interface Part {
    codeExecutionResult?: CodeExecutionResult;
    executableCode?: ExecutableCode;
    fileData?: FileData;
    functionCall?: FunctionCall;
    functionResponse?: FunctionResponse;
    inlineData?: Blob;
    text?: string;
    thought?: boolean;
    videoMetadata?: VideoMetadata;


codeExecutionResult?: CodeExecutionResult

Optional. Result of executing the [ExecutableCode].

executableCode?: ExecutableCode

Optional. Code generated by the model that is meant to be executed.

fileData?: FileData

Optional. URI based data.

functionCall?: FunctionCall

Optional. A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [FunctionDeclaration.name] with the parameters and their values.

functionResponse?: FunctionResponse

Optional. The result output of a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [FunctionDeclaration.name] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function call. It is used as context to the model.

inlineData?: Blob

Optional. Inlined bytes data.

text?: string

Optional. Text part (can be code).

thought?: boolean

Indicates if the part is thought from the model.

videoMetadata?: VideoMetadata

Metadata for a given video.