
Middleware which adds a CredentialsWrapper object to the call options.

Middleware to add fixed headers to an API call.

Middleware which wraps the response in an OperationResponse object.

Middleware which filters the $options array.

Middleware which wraps the response in an PagedListResponses object.

Middleware that adds autopopulation functionality. This middlware is added iff auto population settings are present in the resource descriptor config for the rpc method in context.

Middleware which transforms $response into [$response, $metadata]

Middleware that adds retry functionality.


Middlewares must take a MiddlewareInterface as their first constructor argument {Google\ApiCore\Middleware\ResponseMetadataMiddleware}, which represents the next middleware in the chain. This next middleware MUST be invoked by this MiddlewareInterface, and the result must be returned as part of the __invoke method implementation.