AgentHeaderClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Class containing functions used to build the Agent header.

ApiExceptionClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Represents an exception thrown during an RPC.

ApiStatusClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
ArrayTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Provides basic array helper methods.

GapicClientTrait::addMiddleware() — Method in class GapicClientTrait

Add a middleware to the call stack by providing a callable which will be invoked at the start of each call, and will return an instance of {MiddlewareInterface} when invoked.

AbsoluteResourceTemplateClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\ResourceTemplate

Represents an absolute resource template, meaning that it will always contain a leading slash, and may contain a trailing verb (":").

GeneratedTest::assertProtobufEquals() — Method in class GeneratedTest
MockStubTrait::addResponse() — Method in class MockStubTrait

Add a response object, and an optional status, to the list of responses to be returned via _simpleRequest.

ProtobufGPBEmptyComparator::accepts() — Method in class ProtobufGPBEmptyComparator

Returns whether the comparator can compare two values.

ProtobufGPBEmptyComparator::assertEquals() — Method in class ProtobufGPBEmptyComparator

Asserts that two values are equal.

ProtobufMessageComparator::accepts() — Method in class ProtobufMessageComparator

Returns whether the comparator can compare two values.

ProtobufMessageComparator::assertEquals() — Method in class ProtobufMessageComparator

Asserts that two values are equal.


AgentHeader::buildAgentHeader() — Method in class AgentHeader
BidiStreamClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

BidiStream is the response object from a gRPC bidirectional streaming API call.

CredentialsWrapper::build() — Method in class CredentialsWrapper

Factory method to create a CredentialsWrapper from an array of options.

RequestBuilder::build() — Method in class RequestBuilder
$ MockRequestBody#bytes_valueProperty in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.BytesValue bytes_value = 5;

GrpcFallbackTransport::build() — Method in class GrpcFallbackTransport

Builds a GrpcFallbackTransport.

GrpcTransport::build() — Method in class GrpcTransport

Builds a GrpcTransport.

RestTransport::build() — Method in class RestTransport

Builds a RestTransport.

UriTrait::buildUriWithQuery() — Method in class UriTrait


ApiException::createFromStdClass() — Method in class ApiException
ApiException::createFromApiResponse() — Method in class ApiException
ApiException::createFromRestApiResponse() — Method in class ApiException

For REST-based responses, the metadata does not need to be decoded.

ApiException::createFromRpcStatus() — Method in class ApiException
ApiException::createFromRequestException() — Method in class ApiException

Creates an ApiException from a GuzzleHttp RequestException.

BidiStream::closeWrite() — Method in class BidiStream

Inform the server that no more requests will be written. The write() function cannot be called after closeWrite() is called.

BidiStream::closeWriteAndReadAll() — Method in class BidiStream

Call closeWrite(), and read all responses from the server, until the streaming call is completed. Throws an ApiException if the streaming call failed.

CallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Contains information necessary to manage a network request.

ClientOptionsTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Common functions used to work with various clients.

ClientStreamClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

ClientStream is the response object from a gRPC client streaming API call.

CredentialsWrapperClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

The CredentialsWrapper object provides a wrapper around a FetchAuthTokenInterface.

CredentialsWrapper::checkUniverseDomain() — Method in class CredentialsWrapper

Verify that the expected universe domain matches the universe domain from the credentials.

GapicClientTrait::close() — Method in class GapicClientTrait

Initiates an orderly shutdown in which preexisting calls continue but new calls are immediately cancelled.

InsecureCredentialsWrapper::checkUniverseDomain() — Method in class InsecureCredentialsWrapper

Verify that the expected universe domain matches the universe domain from the credentials.

CredentialsWrapperMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware

Middleware which adds a CredentialsWrapper object to the call options.

OperationResponse::cancel() — Method in class OperationResponse

Cancel the long-running operation.

CallOptionsClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Options

The CallOptions class provides typing to the associative array of options passed to transport RPC methods. See {TransportInterface::startUnaryCall()}, {@see TransportInterface::startBidiStreamingCall()}, {TransportInterface::startClientStreamingCall()}, and {TransportInterface::startServerStreamingCall()}.

ClientOptionsClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Options

The ClientOptions class adds typing to the associative array of options passed into each API client constructor. To use this class directly, pass the result of {ClientOptions::toArray} to the client constructor:

PageStreamingDescriptor::createFromFields() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
RetrySettings::constructDefault() — Method in class RetrySettings
ServerStreamingCallInterface::cancel() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallInterface

Cancels the call.

MockRequestBody::clearNestedMessage() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::clearBytesValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::clearDurationValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::clearFieldMask() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::clearInt64Value() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::clearListValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::clearStringValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::clearStructValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::clearTimestampValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::clearValueValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
$ MockStatus#codeProperty in class MockStatus
MockStubTrait::create() — Method in class MockStubTrait
MockStubTrait::createWithResponseSequence() — Method in class MockStubTrait

Creates a sequence such that the responses are returned in order.

MockTransport::close() — Method in class MockTransport

Closes the connection, if one exists.

ForwardingCall::cancel() — Method in class ForwardingCall

Cancels the call.

ServerStreamingCallWrapper::cancel() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallWrapper

Cancels the call.

HttpUnaryTransportTrait::close() — Method in class HttpUnaryTransportTrait
JsonStreamDecoder::close() — Method in class JsonStreamDecoder

Closes the underlying stream. If the stream is actively being decoded, an exception will not be thrown due to the interruption.

RestServerStreamingCall::cancel() — Method in class RestServerStreamingCall

Cancels the call.

TransportInterface::close() — Method in class TransportInterface

Closes the connection, if one exists.


OperationResponse::delete() — Method in class OperationResponse

Delete the long-running operation.

Serializer::decodeMessage() — Method in class Serializer

Decode PHP array into the specified protobuf message

Serializer::decodeMetadata() — Method in class Serializer

Decode metadata received from gRPC status object

Serializer::decodeAnyMessages() — Method in class Serializer

Decode an array of Any messages into a printable PHP array.

$ MockRequestBody#duration_valueProperty in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Duration duration_value = 6;

$ MockStatus#detailsProperty in class MockStatus
SerializationTrait::deserializeMessage() — Method in class SerializationTrait
JsonStreamDecoder::decode() — Method in class JsonStreamDecoder

Begins decoding the configured response stream. It is a generator which yields messages of the given decode type from the stream until the stream completes. Throws an Exception if the stream is closed before the closing byte is read or if it encounters an error while decoding a message.


Page::expandToFixedSizeCollection() — Method in class Page

Returns a collection of elements with a fixed size set by the collectionSize parameter. The collection will only contain fewer than collectionSize elements if there are no more pages to be retrieved from the server.

PagedListResponse::expandToFixedSizeCollection() — Method in class PagedListResponse

Returns a collection of elements with a fixed size set by the collectionSize parameter. The collection will only contain fewer than collectionSize elements if there are no more pages to be retrieved from the server.

Serializer::encodeMessage() — Method in class Serializer

Encode protobuf message as a PHP array

$ ProtobufMessageComparator#exporterProperty in class ProtobufMessageComparator


FixedSizeCollectionClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

A collection of elements retrieved using one or more API calls. The collection will attempt to retrieve a fixed number of elements, and will make API calls until that fixed number is reached, or there are no more elements to retrieve.

FixedHeaderMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware

Middleware to add fixed headers to an API call.

$ MockRequestBody#field_maskProperty in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.FieldMask field_mask = 7;

ForwardingCallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport\Grpc

Class ForwardingCall wraps a \Grpc\AbstractCall.

ForwardingServerStreamingCallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport\Grpc

Class ForwardingServerStreamingCall wraps a \Grpc\ServerStreamingCall.

ForwardingUnaryCallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport\Grpc

Class ForwardingUnaryCall wraps a \Grpc\UnaryCall.


ApiException::getStatus() — Method in class ApiException
ApiException::getReason() — Method in class ApiException

Returns the reason in ErrorInfo for an exception, or null if there is no ErrorInfo.

ApiException::getDomain() — Method in class ApiException

Returns the domain in ErrorInfo for an exception, or null if there is no ErrorInfo.

ApiException::getErrorInfoMetadata() — Method in class ApiException

Returns the metadata in ErrorInfo for an exception, or null if there is no ErrorInfo.

ApiException::getBasicMessage() — Method in class ApiException
ApiException::getMetadata() — Method in class ApiException
BidiStream::getBidiStreamingCall() — Method in class BidiStream

Return the underlying gRPC call object

Call::getMethod() — Method in class Call
Call::getCallType() — Method in class Call
Call::getDecodeType() — Method in class Call
Call::getMessage() — Method in class Call
Call::getDescriptor() — Method in class Call
ClientStream::getClientStreamingCall() — Method in class ClientStream

Return the underlying gRPC call object

CredentialsWrapper::getQuotaProject() — Method in class CredentialsWrapper
CredentialsWrapper::getProjectId() — Method in class CredentialsWrapper
CredentialsWrapper::getBearerString() — Method in class CredentialsWrapper
CredentialsWrapper::getAuthorizationHeaderCallback() — Method in class CredentialsWrapper
FixedSizeCollection::getCollectionSize() — Method in class FixedSizeCollection

Returns the number of elements in the collection. This will be equal to the collectionSize parameter used at construction unless there are no elements remaining to be retrieved.

FixedSizeCollection::getNextPageToken() — Method in class FixedSizeCollection

Returns a page token that can be passed into the API list method to retrieve additional elements.

FixedSizeCollection::getNextCollection() — Method in class FixedSizeCollection

Retrieves the next FixedSizeCollection using one or more API calls.

FixedSizeCollection::getIterator() — Method in class FixedSizeCollection

Returns an iterator over the elements of the collection.

GPBLabelClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Container class for Protobuf label constants. See FieldDescriptorProto.Label in https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto

GPBTypeClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Container class for Protobuf type constants. See FieldDescriptorProto.Type in https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto

GapicClientTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Common functions used to work with various clients.

GrpcSupportTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Provides helper methods for gRPC support.

InsecureCredentialsWrapper::getAuthorizationHeaderCallback() — Method in class InsecureCredentialsWrapper
RetryMiddleware::getCurrentTimeMs() — Method in class RetryMiddleware
OperationResponse::getName() — Method in class OperationResponse

Get the formatted name of the operation

OperationResponse::getResult() — Method in class OperationResponse

Return the result of the operation. If operationSucceeded() is false, return null.

OperationResponse::getError() — Method in class OperationResponse

If the operation failed, return the status. If operationFailed() is false, return null.

OperationResponse::getDescriptorOptions() — Method in class OperationResponse

Get an array containing the values of 'operationReturnType', 'metadataReturnType', and the polling options initialPollDelayMillis, pollDelayMultiplier, maxPollDelayMillis, and totalPollTimeoutMillis. The array can be passed as the $options argument to the constructor when creating another OperationResponse object.

OperationResponse::getLastProtoResponse() — Method in class OperationResponse
OperationResponse::getOperationsClient() — Method in class OperationResponse
OperationResponse::getMetadata() — Method in class OperationResponse

Get the metadata returned with the last proto response. If a metadata type was provided, then the return value will be of that type - otherwise, the return value will be of type Any. If no metadata object is available, returns null.

GrpcFallbackTransportOptionsClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Options\TransportOptions

The GrpcFallbackTransportOptions class provides typing to the associative array of options used to configure {\Google\ApiCore\Transport\GrpcFallbackTransport}.

GrpcTransportOptionsClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Options\TransportOptions

The GrpcTransportOptions class provides typing to the associative array of options used to configure {\Google\ApiCore\Transport\GrpcTransport}.

Page::getNextPageToken() — Method in class Page

Returns the next page token from the response.

Page::getNextPage() — Method in class Page

Retrieves the next Page object using the next page token.

Page::getPageElementCount() — Method in class Page

Return the number of elements in the response.

Page::getIterator() — Method in class Page

Return an iterator over the elements in the response.

Page::getRequestObject() — Method in class Page

Gets the request object used to generate the Page.

Page::getResponseObject() — Method in class Page

Gets the API response object.

PageStreamingDescriptor::getRequestPageTokenGetMethod() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PageStreamingDescriptor::getRequestPageSizeGetMethod() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PageStreamingDescriptor::getResponsePageTokenGetMethod() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PageStreamingDescriptor::getResourcesGetMethod() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PageStreamingDescriptor::getRequestPageTokenSetMethod() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PageStreamingDescriptor::getRequestPageSizeSetMethod() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PagedListResponse::getIterator() — Method in class PagedListResponse

Returns an iterator over the full list of elements. If the API response contains a (non-empty) next page token, then the PagedListResponse object will make calls to the underlying API to retrieve additional elements as required.

PagedListResponse::getPage() — Method in class PagedListResponse

Return the current page of results.

PollingTrait::getCurrentTimeMillis() — Method in class PollingTrait

Protected to allow overriding for tests

RequestParamsHeaderDescriptor::getHeader() — Method in class RequestParamsHeaderDescriptor

Returns an associative array that contains request params header metadata.

Segment::getSegmentType() — Method in class Segment
Segment::getKey() — Method in class Segment
Segment::getValue() — Method in class Segment
Segment::getTemplate() — Method in class Segment
Segment::getSeparator() — Method in class Segment
RetrySettings::getNoRetriesRpcTimeoutMillis() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getRetryableCodes() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getInitialRetryDelayMillis() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getRetryDelayMultiplier() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getMaxRetryDelayMillis() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getInitialRpcTimeoutMillis() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getRpcTimeoutMultiplier() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getMaxRpcTimeoutMillis() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getTotalTimeoutMillis() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getMaxRetries() — Method in class RetrySettings
RetrySettings::getRetryFunction() — Method in class RetrySettings
Serializer::getGetter() — Method in class Serializer
Serializer::getSetter() — Method in class Serializer
ServerStream::getServerStreamingCall() — Method in class ServerStream

Return the underlying call object.

ServerStreamingCallInterface::getStatus() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallInterface

Return the status of the server stream.

ServerStreamingCallInterface::getMetadata() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallInterface
ServerStreamingCallInterface::getTrailingMetadata() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallInterface
ServerStreamingCallInterface::getPeer() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallInterface
GeneratedTestClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
MockBidiStreamingCall::getStatus() — Method in class MockBidiStreamingCall
MockGrpcTransport::getRequestArguments() — Method in class MockGrpcTransport
MockRequest::getPageToken() — Method in class MockRequest

Generated from protobuf field string page_token = 1;

MockRequest::getPageSize() — Method in class MockRequest

Generated from protobuf field uint64 page_size = 2;

MockRequestBody::getName() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field string name = 1;

MockRequestBody::getNumber() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field uint64 number = 2;

MockRequestBody::getRepeatedField() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field repeated string repeated_field = 3;

MockRequestBody::getNestedMessage() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.apicore.testing.MockRequestBody nested_message = 4;

MockRequestBody::getBytesValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.BytesValue bytes_value = 5;

MockRequestBody::getBytesValueUnwrapped() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Returns the unboxed value from getBytesValue()

MockRequestBody::getDurationValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Duration duration_value = 6;

MockRequestBody::getFieldMask() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.FieldMask field_mask = 7;

MockRequestBody::getInt64Value() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Int64Value int64_value = 8;

MockRequestBody::getInt64ValueUnwrapped() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Returns the unboxed value from getInt64Value()

MockRequestBody::getListValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.ListValue list_value = 9;

MockRequestBody::getStringValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.StringValue string_value = 10;

MockRequestBody::getStringValueUnwrapped() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Returns the unboxed value from getStringValue()

MockRequestBody::getStructValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Struct struct_value = 11;

MockRequestBody::getTimestampValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp_value = 12;

MockRequestBody::getValueValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Value value_value = 13;

MockRequestBody::getField1() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field string field_1 = 14;

MockRequestBody::getField2() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field string field_2 = 15;

MockRequestBody::getField3() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field string field_3 = 16;

MockRequestBody::getOneofField() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockResponse::getName() — Method in class MockResponse

Generated from protobuf field string name = 1;

MockResponse::getNumber() — Method in class MockResponse

Generated from protobuf field uint64 number = 2;

MockResponse::getResourcesList() — Method in class MockResponse

Generated from protobuf field repeated string resources_list = 3;

MockResponse::getNextPageToken() — Method in class MockResponse

Generated from protobuf field string next_page_token = 4;

MockResponse::getResourcesMap() — Method in class MockResponse

Generated from protobuf field map<string, string> resources_map = 5;

MockServerStreamingCall::getStatus() — Method in class MockServerStreamingCall
MockStubTrait::getReceivedCallCount() — Method in class MockStubTrait
ReceivedRequest::getArray() — Method in class ReceivedRequest
ReceivedRequest::getFuncCall() — Method in class ReceivedRequest
ReceivedRequest::getRequestObject() — Method in class ReceivedRequest
ReceivedRequest::getMetadata() — Method in class ReceivedRequest
ReceivedRequest::getOptions() — Method in class ReceivedRequest
GrpcFallbackTransportClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport

A transport that sends protobuf over HTTP 1.1 that can be used when full gRPC support is not available.

GrpcTransportClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport

A gRPC based transport implementation.

ForwardingCall::getMetadata() — Method in class ForwardingCall
ForwardingCall::getTrailingMetadata() — Method in class ForwardingCall
ForwardingCall::getPeer() — Method in class ForwardingCall
ForwardingServerStreamingCall::getStatus() — Method in class ForwardingServerStreamingCall

Wait for the server to send the status, and return it.

ServerStreamingCallWrapper::getStatus() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallWrapper

Return the status of the server stream.

ServerStreamingCallWrapper::getMetadata() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallWrapper
ServerStreamingCallWrapper::getTrailingMetadata() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallWrapper
ServerStreamingCallWrapper::getPeer() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallWrapper
RestServerStreamingCall::getStatus() — Method in class RestServerStreamingCall

Return the status of the server stream. If the call has not been started this will be null.

RestServerStreamingCall::getMetadata() — Method in class RestServerStreamingCall
RestServerStreamingCall::getTrailingMetadata() — Method in class RestServerStreamingCall

The Rest transport does not support trailing metadata. This is a passthrough to getMetadata().

RestServerStreamingCall::getPeer() — Method in class RestServerStreamingCall
Version::getApiCoreVersion() — Method in class Version


FixedSizeCollection::hasNextCollection() — Method in class FixedSizeCollection

Returns true if there are more elements that can be retrieved from the API.

Page::hasNextPage() — Method in class Page

Returns true if there are more pages that can be retrieved from the API.

MockRequestBody::hasNestedMessage() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::hasBytesValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::hasDurationValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::hasFieldMask() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::hasInt64Value() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::hasListValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::hasStringValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::hasStructValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::hasTimestampValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::hasValueValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::hasField1() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::hasField2() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockRequestBody::hasField3() — Method in class MockRequestBody
HttpUnaryTransportTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport

A trait for shared functionality between transports that support only unary RPCs using simple HTTP requests.


ApiStatus::isValidStatus() — Method in class ApiStatus
FixedSizeCollection::iterateCollections() — Method in class FixedSizeCollection

Returns an iterator over FixedSizeCollections, starting with this and making API calls as required until all of the elements have been retrieved.

InsecureCredentialsWrapperClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

For connect to emulator.

OperationResponse::isDone() — Method in class OperationResponse

Check whether the operation has completed.

Page::iteratePages() — Method in class Page

Return an iterator over Page objects, beginning with this object.

PagedListResponse::iterateAllElements() — Method in class PagedListResponse

Returns an iterator over the full list of elements. If the API response contains a (non-empty) next page token, then the PagedListResponse object will make calls to the underlying API to retrieve additional elements as required.

PagedListResponse::iteratePages() — Method in class PagedListResponse

Returns an iterator over pages of results. The pages are retrieved lazily from the underlying API.

PagedListResponse::iterateFixedSizeCollections() — Method in class PagedListResponse

Returns an iterator over fixed size collections of results.

$ MockRequestBody#int64_valueProperty in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Int64Value int64_value = 8;

MockStubTrait::isExhausted() — Method in class MockStubTrait
$ ForwardingCall#innerCallProperty in class ForwardingCall
$ ForwardingServerStreamingCall#innerCallProperty in class ForwardingServerStreamingCall
$ ForwardingUnaryCall#innerCallProperty in class ForwardingUnaryCall
UnaryInterceptorInterface::interceptUnaryUnary() — Method in class UnaryInterceptorInterface


JsonStreamDecoderClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport\Rest


RetrySettings::load() — Method in class RetrySettings

Constructs an array mapping method names to CallSettings.

RetrySettings::logicalTimeout() — Method in class RetrySettings

Creates an associative array of the {\Google\ApiCore\RetrySettings} timeout fields configured with the given timeout specified in the $timeout parameter interpreted as a logical timeout.

Serializer::loadKnownMetadataTypes() — Method in class Serializer
$ MockRequestBody#list_valueProperty in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.ListValue list_value = 9;


MiddlewareInterfaceClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware

Middlewares must take a MiddlewareInterface as their first constructor argument {Google\ApiCore\Middleware\ResponseMetadataMiddleware}, which represents the next middleware in the chain. This next middleware MUST be invoked by this MiddlewareInterface, and the result must be returned as part of the __invoke method implementation.

PathTemplate::matches() — Method in class PathTemplate

Check if $path matches a resource string.

PathTemplate::match() — Method in class PathTemplate

Matches a fully qualified path template string.

AbsoluteResourceTemplate::matches() — Method in class AbsoluteResourceTemplate
AbsoluteResourceTemplate::match() — Method in class AbsoluteResourceTemplate
RelativeResourceTemplate::matches() — Method in class RelativeResourceTemplate
RelativeResourceTemplate::match() — Method in class RelativeResourceTemplate
ResourceTemplateInterface::matches() — Method in class ResourceTemplateInterface

Check if $path matches a resource string.

ResourceTemplateInterface::match() — Method in class ResourceTemplateInterface

Matches a given $path to a resource template, and returns an array of bindings between wildcards / variables in the template and values in the path. If $path does not match the template, then a ValidationException is thrown.

Segment::matches() — Method in class Segment

Checks if $value matches this Segment.

MessageAwareArrayComparatorClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
MessageAwareExporterClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
MockBidiStreamingCallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing

The MockBidiStreamingCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\BidiStreamingCall class (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/BidiStreamingCall.php)

MockClientStreamingCallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing

The MockClientStreamingCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\ClientStreamingCall class (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/ClientStreamingCall.php)

MockGrpcTransportClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
MockRequestClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing

Generated from protobuf message google.apicore.testing.MockRequest

MockRequestBodyClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing

Generated from protobuf message google.apicore.testing.MockRequestBody

MockResponseClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing

Generated from protobuf message google.apicore.testing.MockResponse

MockServerStreamingCallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing

The MockServerStreamingCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\ServerStreamingCall class (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/ServerStreamingCall.php)

MockStatusClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
$ MockStatus#metadataProperty in class MockStatus
MockStubTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing

The MockStubTrait is used by generated mock stub classes which extent \Grpc\BaseStub (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/BaseStub.php) It provides functionality to add responses, get received calls, and overrides the _simpleRequest method so that the elements of $responses are returned instead of making a call to the API.

MockTransportClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
MockUnaryCallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing

The MockUnaryCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\UnaryCall class (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/UnaryCall.php)


$ MockRequestBody#nameProperty in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field string name = 1;

$ MockRequestBody#numberProperty in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field uint64 number = 2;

$ MockRequestBody#nested_messageProperty in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.apicore.testing.MockRequestBody nested_message = 4;

$ MockResponse#nameProperty in class MockResponse

Generated from protobuf field string name = 1;

$ MockResponse#numberProperty in class MockResponse

Generated from protobuf field uint64 number = 2;

$ MockResponse#next_page_tokenProperty in class MockResponse

Generated from protobuf field string next_page_token = 4;


OperationsMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware

Middleware which wraps the response in an OperationResponse object.

OptionsFilterMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware

Middleware which filters the $options array.

OperationResponseClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Response object from a long running API method.

OperationResponse::operationSucceeded() — Method in class OperationResponse

Check whether the operation completed successfully. If the operation is not complete, or if the operation failed, return false.

OperationResponse::operationFailed() — Method in class OperationResponse

Check whether the operation failed. If the operation is not complete, or if the operation succeeded, return false.

OptionsTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Options

Trait implemented by any class representing an associative array of PHP options.

OptionsTrait::offsetExists() — Method in class OptionsTrait
OptionsTrait::offsetGet() — Method in class OptionsTrait
OptionsTrait::offsetSet() — Method in class OptionsTrait
OptionsTrait::offsetUnset() — Method in class OptionsTrait
$ MockRequestBody#oneof_fieldProperty in class MockRequestBody


PagedMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware

Middleware which wraps the response in an PagedListResponses object.

OperationResponse::pollUntilComplete() — Method in class OperationResponse

Poll the server in a loop until the operation is complete.

PageClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

A Page object wraps an API list method response and provides methods to retrieve additional pages using the page token.

PageStreamingDescriptorClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Holds the description information used for page streaming.

PagedListResponseClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Response object for paged results from a list API method

PathTemplateClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Represents a path template.

PollingTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
RequestBuilder::pathExists() — Method in class RequestBuilder
ParserClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\ResourceTemplate

Collection of methods for parsing Segments.

Parser::parseSegments() — Method in class Parser

Parses a path into an array of segments.

MockBidiStreamingCall::popReceivedCalls() — Method in class MockBidiStreamingCall

Return a list of calls made to write(), and clear $receivedFuncCalls.

MockClientStreamingCall::popReceivedCalls() — Method in class MockClientStreamingCall

Return a list of calls made to write(), and clear $receivedFuncCalls.

$ MockRequest#page_tokenProperty in class MockRequest

Generated from protobuf field string page_token = 1;

$ MockRequest#page_sizeProperty in class MockRequest

Generated from protobuf field uint64 page_size = 2;

MockStubTrait::popReceivedCalls() — Method in class MockStubTrait

Return a list of calls made to _simpleRequest, and clear $receivedFuncCalls.

MockStubTrait::popCallObjects() — Method in class MockStubTrait
ProtobufGPBEmptyComparatorClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
ProtobufMessageComparatorClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing


AgentHeader::readGapicVersionFromFile() — Method in class AgentHeader

Reads the gapic version string from a VERSION file. In order to determine the file location, this method follows this procedure:

  • accepts a class name $callingClass
  • identifies the file defining that class
  • searches up the directory structure for the 'src' directory
  • looks in the directory above 'src' for a file named VERSION
ApiStatus::rpcCodeFromStatus() — Method in class ApiStatus
ApiStatus::rpcCodeFromHttpStatusCode() — Method in class ApiStatus

Maps HTTP status codes to Google\Rpc\Code codes.

BidiStream::read() — Method in class BidiStream

Read the next response from the server. Returns null if the streaming call completed successfully. Throws an ApiException if the streaming call failed.

ClientStream::readResponse() — Method in class ClientStream

Read the response from the server, completing the streaming call.

RequestAutoPopulationMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware

Middleware that adds autopopulation functionality. This middlware is added iff auto population settings are present in the resource descriptor config for the rpc method in context.

ResponseMetadataMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware

Middleware which transforms $response into [$response, $metadata]

RetryMiddlewareClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Middleware

Middleware that adds retry functionality.

OperationResponse::reload() — Method in class OperationResponse

Reload the status of the operation with a request to the service.

RestTransportOptionsClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Options\TransportOptions

The RestTransportOptions class provides typing to the associative array of options used to configure {\Google\ApiCore\Transport\RestTransport}.

PageStreamingDescriptor::requestHasPageSizeField() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PathTemplate::render() — Method in class PathTemplate

Renders a path template using the provided bindings.

RequestBuilderClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Builds a PSR-7 request from a set of request information.

RequestParamsHeaderDescriptorClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Encapsulates request params header metadata.

ResourceHelperTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Provides functionality for loading a resource name template map from a descriptor config, retrieving a PathTemplate, and parsing values using registered templates.

AbsoluteResourceTemplate::render() — Method in class AbsoluteResourceTemplate
RelativeResourceTemplateClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\ResourceTemplate

Represents a relative resource template, meaning that it will never contain a leading slash or trailing verb (":").

RelativeResourceTemplate::render() — Method in class RelativeResourceTemplate
ResourceTemplateInterfaceClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\ResourceTemplate

Represents a resource template that may or may not contain a leading slash, and if a leading slash is present may contain a trailing verb (":"). (Note that a trailing verb without a leading slash is not permitted).

ResourceTemplateInterface::render() — Method in class ResourceTemplateInterface

Renders a resource template using the provided bindings.

RetrySettingsClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

The RetrySettings class is used to configure retrying and timeouts for RPCs.

RetrySettings::retriesEnabled() — Method in class RetrySettings
ServerStream::readAll() — Method in class ServerStream

A generator which yields results from the server until the streaming call completes. Throws an ApiException if the streaming call failed.

ServerStreamingCallInterface::responses() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallInterface
MockBidiStreamingCall::read() — Method in class MockBidiStreamingCall
MockServerStreamingCall::responses() — Method in class MockServerStreamingCall
ReceivedRequestClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing

Class ReceivedRequest used to hold the function name and request object of a call make to a mock gRPC stub.

ForwardingServerStreamingCall::responses() — Method in class ForwardingServerStreamingCall
ServerStreamingCallWrapper::responses() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallWrapper
RestTransportClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport

A REST based transport implementation.

RestServerStreamingCallClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport\Rest

Class RestServerStreamingCall implements \Google\ApiCore\ServerStreamingCallInterface.

RestServerStreamingCall::responses() — Method in class RestServerStreamingCall
Version::readVersionFile() — Method in class Version

Reads a VERSION file and returns the contents. If the file does not exist, returns "".


ApiStatus::statusFromRpcCode() — Method in class ApiStatus
CallOptions::setHeaders() — Method in class CallOptions
CallOptions::setTimeoutMillis() — Method in class CallOptions
CallOptions::setTransportOptions() — Method in class CallOptions
CallOptions::setTransportSpecificOptions() — Method in class CallOptions
CallOptions::setRetrySettings() — Method in class CallOptions
ClientOptions::setApiEndpoint() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::setDisableRetries() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::setClientConfig() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::setCredentials() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::setCredentialsConfig() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::setTransport() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::setTransportConfig() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::setVersionFile() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::setServiceName() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::setLibName() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::setLibVersion() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::setGapicVersion() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::setClientCertSource() — Method in class ClientOptions
ClientOptions::setUniverseDomain() — Method in class ClientOptions
TransportOptions::setGrpc() — Method in class TransportOptions
TransportOptions::setGrpcFallback() — Method in class TransportOptions
TransportOptions::setRest() — Method in class TransportOptions
GrpcFallbackTransportOptions::setHttpHandler() — Method in class GrpcFallbackTransportOptions
GrpcFallbackTransportOptions::setClientCertSource() — Method in class GrpcFallbackTransportOptions
GrpcTransportOptions::setStubOpts() — Method in class GrpcTransportOptions
GrpcTransportOptions::setChannel() — Method in class GrpcTransportOptions
GrpcTransportOptions::setInterceptors() — Method in class GrpcTransportOptions
GrpcTransportOptions::setClientCertSource() — Method in class GrpcTransportOptions
RestTransportOptions::setHttpHandler() — Method in class RestTransportOptions
RestTransportOptions::setClientCertSource() — Method in class RestTransportOptions
RestTransportOptions::setRestClientConfigPath() — Method in class RestTransportOptions
PollingTrait::sleepMillis() — Method in class PollingTrait

Protected to allow overriding for tests

SegmentClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\ResourceTemplate

Represents a segment in a resource template. This is used internally by RelativeResourceTemplate, but is not intended for public use and may change without notice.

SerializerClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Collection of methods to help with serialization of protobuf objects

Serializer::serializeToJson() — Method in class Serializer
Serializer::serializeToPhpArray() — Method in class Serializer
ServerStreamClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

ServerStream is the response object from a server streaming API call.

ServerStreamingCallInterfaceClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
ServerStreamingCallInterface::start() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallInterface

Start the call.

ServerStreamingCallInterface::setCallCredentials() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallInterface

Set the CallCredentials for the underlying Call.

ServiceAddressTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Provides helper methods for service address handling.

MessageAwareExporter::shortenedExport() — Method in class MessageAwareExporter

Exports a value into a single-line string

MockRequest::setPageToken() — Method in class MockRequest

Generated from protobuf field string page_token = 1;

MockRequest::setPageSize() — Method in class MockRequest

Generated from protobuf field uint64 page_size = 2;

$ MockRequestBody#string_valueProperty in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.StringValue string_value = 10;

$ MockRequestBody#struct_valueProperty in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Struct struct_value = 11;

MockRequestBody::setName() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field string name = 1;

MockRequestBody::setNumber() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field uint64 number = 2;

MockRequestBody::setRepeatedField() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field repeated string repeated_field = 3;

MockRequestBody::setNestedMessage() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.apicore.testing.MockRequestBody nested_message = 4;

MockRequestBody::setBytesValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.BytesValue bytes_value = 5;

MockRequestBody::setBytesValueUnwrapped() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Sets the field by wrapping a primitive type in a Google\Protobuf\BytesValue object.

MockRequestBody::setDurationValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Duration duration_value = 6;

MockRequestBody::setFieldMask() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.FieldMask field_mask = 7;

MockRequestBody::setInt64Value() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Int64Value int64_value = 8;

MockRequestBody::setInt64ValueUnwrapped() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Sets the field by wrapping a primitive type in a Google\Protobuf\Int64Value object.

MockRequestBody::setListValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.ListValue list_value = 9;

MockRequestBody::setStringValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.StringValue string_value = 10;

MockRequestBody::setStringValueUnwrapped() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Sets the field by wrapping a primitive type in a Google\Protobuf\StringValue object.

MockRequestBody::setStructValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Struct struct_value = 11;

MockRequestBody::setTimestampValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp_value = 12;

MockRequestBody::setValueValue() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Value value_value = 13;

MockRequestBody::setField1() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field string field_1 = 14;

MockRequestBody::setField2() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field string field_2 = 15;

MockRequestBody::setField3() — Method in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field string field_3 = 16;

MockResponse::setName() — Method in class MockResponse

Generated from protobuf field string name = 1;

MockResponse::setNumber() — Method in class MockResponse

Generated from protobuf field uint64 number = 2;

MockResponse::setResourcesList() — Method in class MockResponse

Generated from protobuf field repeated string resources_list = 3;

MockResponse::setNextPageToken() — Method in class MockResponse

Generated from protobuf field string next_page_token = 4;

MockResponse::setResourcesMap() — Method in class MockResponse

Generated from protobuf field map<string, string> resources_map = 5;

MockStubTrait::stripStatusFromResponses() — Method in class MockStubTrait
MockStubTrait::setStreamingStatus() — Method in class MockStubTrait

Set the status object to be used when creating streaming calls.

MockTransport::setAgentHeaderDescriptor() — Method in class MockTransport
MockTransport::startUnaryCall() — Method in class MockTransport

Returns a promise used to execute network requests.

MockTransport::startBidiStreamingCall() — Method in class MockTransport

Starts a bidi streaming call.

MockTransport::startClientStreamingCall() — Method in class MockTransport

Starts a client streaming call.

MockTransport::startServerStreamingCall() — Method in class MockTransport

Starts a server streaming call.

SerializationTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Testing
GrpcFallbackTransport::startUnaryCall() — Method in class GrpcFallbackTransport

Returns a promise used to execute network requests.

GrpcTransport::startBidiStreamingCall() — Method in class GrpcTransport

Starts a bidi streaming call.

GrpcTransport::startClientStreamingCall() — Method in class GrpcTransport

Starts a client streaming call.

GrpcTransport::startServerStreamingCall() — Method in class GrpcTransport

Starts a server streaming call.

GrpcTransport::startUnaryCall() — Method in class GrpcTransport

Returns a promise used to execute network requests.

ServerStreamingCallWrapperClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport\Grpc

Class ServerStreamingCallWrapper implements \Google\ApiCore\ServerStreamingCallInterface.

ServerStreamingCallWrapper::start() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallWrapper

Start the call.

ServerStreamingCallWrapper::setCallCredentials() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallWrapper

Set the CallCredentials for the underlying Call.

HttpUnaryTransportTrait::startClientStreamingCall() — Method in class HttpUnaryTransportTrait
HttpUnaryTransportTrait::startServerStreamingCall() — Method in class HttpUnaryTransportTrait
HttpUnaryTransportTrait::startBidiStreamingCall() — Method in class HttpUnaryTransportTrait
RestTransport::startUnaryCall() — Method in class RestTransport

Returns a promise used to execute network requests.

RestTransport::startServerStreamingCall() — Method in class RestTransport

Starts a server streaming call.

RestServerStreamingCall::start() — Method in class RestServerStreamingCall

Start the call.

RestServerStreamingCall::setCallCredentials() — Method in class RestServerStreamingCall

For the REST transport this is a no-op.

TransportInterface::startBidiStreamingCall() — Method in class TransportInterface

Starts a bidi streaming call.

TransportInterface::startClientStreamingCall() — Method in class TransportInterface

Starts a client streaming call.

TransportInterface::startServerStreamingCall() — Method in class TransportInterface

Starts a server streaming call.

TransportInterface::startUnaryCall() — Method in class TransportInterface

Returns a promise used to execute network requests.


OptionsTrait::toArray() — Method in class OptionsTrait
TransportOptionsClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Options
Serializer::toSnakeCase() — Method in class Serializer

Convert string from camelCase to snake_case

Serializer::toCamelCase() — Method in class Serializer

Convert string from snake_case to camelCase

$ MockRequestBody#timestamp_valueProperty in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp_value = 12;

TransportInterfaceClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport


UnaryInterceptorInterfaceClass in namespace Google\ApiCore\Transport\Grpc

Temporary class to support an interceptor-like interface until gRPC interceptor support is available.

UriTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

Provides a light wrapper around often used URI related functions.


$ MockRequestBody#value_valueProperty in class MockRequestBody

Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Value value_value = 13;

ValidationExceptionClass in namespace Google\ApiCore

ValidationException represents a local error (i.e. not during an RPC call).

ValidationTraitClass in namespace Google\ApiCore
ValidationTrait::validate() — Method in class ValidationTrait
ValidationTrait::validateNotNull() — Method in class ValidationTrait
VersionClass in namespace Google\ApiCore


BidiStream::write() — Method in class BidiStream

Write request to the server.

BidiStream::writeAll() — Method in class BidiStream

Write all requests in $requests.

Call::withMessage() — Method in class Call
ClientStream::write() — Method in class ClientStream

Write request to the server.

ClientStream::writeAllAndReadResponse() — Method in class ClientStream

Write all data in $dataArray and read the response from the server, completing the streaming call.

RetrySettings::with() — Method in class RetrySettings

Creates a new instance of RetrySettings that updates the settings in the existing instance with the settings specified in the $settings parameter.

MockBidiStreamingCall::write() — Method in class MockBidiStreamingCall

Save the request object, to be retrieved via getReceivedCalls()

MockBidiStreamingCall::writesDone() — Method in class MockBidiStreamingCall

Set writesDone to true

MockClientStreamingCall::wait() — Method in class MockClientStreamingCall

Immediately return the preset response object and status.

MockClientStreamingCall::write() — Method in class MockClientStreamingCall

Save the request object, to be retrieved via getReceivedCalls()

MockUnaryCall::wait() — Method in class MockUnaryCall

Immediately return the preset response object and status.

ForwardingUnaryCall::wait() — Method in class ForwardingUnaryCall

Wait for the server to respond with data and a status.


ApiException::__construct() — Method in class ApiException

ApiException constructor.

ApiException::__toString() — Method in class ApiException

String representation of ApiException

BidiStream::__construct() — Method in class BidiStream

BidiStream constructor.

Call::__construct() — Method in class Call
ClientStream::__construct() — Method in class ClientStream

ClientStream constructor.

CredentialsWrapper::__construct() — Method in class CredentialsWrapper

CredentialsWrapper constructor.

FixedSizeCollection::__construct() — Method in class FixedSizeCollection

FixedSizeCollection constructor.

InsecureCredentialsWrapper::__construct() — Method in class InsecureCredentialsWrapper

CredentialsWrapper constructor.

CredentialsWrapperMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class CredentialsWrapperMiddleware
CredentialsWrapperMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class CredentialsWrapperMiddleware

Modify or observe the API call request and response.

FixedHeaderMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class FixedHeaderMiddleware
FixedHeaderMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class FixedHeaderMiddleware

Modify or observe the API call request and response.

MiddlewareInterface::__invoke() — Method in class MiddlewareInterface

Modify or observe the API call request and response.

OperationsMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class OperationsMiddleware
OperationsMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class OperationsMiddleware

Modify or observe the API call request and response.

OptionsFilterMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class OptionsFilterMiddleware
OptionsFilterMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class OptionsFilterMiddleware

Modify or observe the API call request and response.

PagedMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class PagedMiddleware
PagedMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class PagedMiddleware

Modify or observe the API call request and response.

RequestAutoPopulationMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class RequestAutoPopulationMiddleware
RequestAutoPopulationMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class RequestAutoPopulationMiddleware
ResponseMetadataMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class ResponseMetadataMiddleware
ResponseMetadataMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class ResponseMetadataMiddleware

Modify or observe the API call request and response.

RetryMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class RetryMiddleware
RetryMiddleware::__invoke() — Method in class RetryMiddleware
OperationResponse::__construct() — Method in class OperationResponse

OperationResponse constructor.

CallOptions::__construct() — Method in class CallOptions
ClientOptions::__construct() — Method in class ClientOptions
TransportOptions::__construct() — Method in class TransportOptions
GrpcFallbackTransportOptions::__construct() — Method in class GrpcFallbackTransportOptions
GrpcTransportOptions::__construct() — Method in class GrpcTransportOptions
RestTransportOptions::__construct() — Method in class RestTransportOptions
Page::__construct() — Method in class Page

Page constructor.

PageStreamingDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class PageStreamingDescriptor
PagedListResponse::__construct() — Method in class PagedListResponse

PagedListResponse constructor.

PathTemplate::__construct() — Method in class PathTemplate

PathTemplate constructor.

PathTemplate::__toString() — Method in class PathTemplate
RequestBuilder::__construct() — Method in class RequestBuilder
RequestParamsHeaderDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class RequestParamsHeaderDescriptor

RequestParamsHeaderDescriptor constructor.

AbsoluteResourceTemplate::__construct() — Method in class AbsoluteResourceTemplate

AbsoluteResourceTemplate constructor.

AbsoluteResourceTemplate::__toString() — Method in class AbsoluteResourceTemplate
RelativeResourceTemplate::__construct() — Method in class RelativeResourceTemplate

RelativeResourceTemplate constructor.

RelativeResourceTemplate::__toString() — Method in class RelativeResourceTemplate
ResourceTemplateInterface::__toString() — Method in class ResourceTemplateInterface
Segment::__construct() — Method in class Segment

Segment constructor.

Segment::__toString() — Method in class Segment
RetrySettings::__construct() — Method in class RetrySettings

Constructs an instance.

Serializer::__construct() — Method in class Serializer

Serializer constructor.

ServerStream::__construct() — Method in class ServerStream

ServerStream constructor.

MessageAwareArrayComparator::__construct() — Method in class MessageAwareArrayComparator
MockBidiStreamingCall::__construct() — Method in class MockBidiStreamingCall

MockBidiStreamingCall constructor.

MockClientStreamingCall::__construct() — Method in class MockClientStreamingCall

MockClientStreamingCall constructor.

MockGrpcTransport::__construct() — Method in class MockGrpcTransport
MockGrpcTransport::_simpleRequest() — Method in class MockGrpcTransport
MockGrpcTransport::_clientStreamRequest() — Method in class MockGrpcTransport
MockGrpcTransport::_serverStreamRequest() — Method in class MockGrpcTransport
MockGrpcTransport::_bidiRequest() — Method in class MockGrpcTransport
MockRequest::__construct() — Method in class MockRequest
MockRequestBody::__construct() — Method in class MockRequestBody
MockResponse::__construct() — Method in class MockResponse
MockServerStreamingCall::__construct() — Method in class MockServerStreamingCall

MockServerStreamingCall constructor.

MockStatus::__construct() — Method in class MockStatus
MockStubTrait::__construct() — Method in class MockStubTrait
MockStubTrait::_simpleRequest() — Method in class MockStubTrait

Overrides the _simpleRequest method in \Grpc\BaseStub (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/BaseStub.php) Returns a MockUnaryCall object that will return the first item from $responses

MockStubTrait::_clientStreamRequest() — Method in class MockStubTrait

Overrides the _clientStreamRequest method in \Grpc\BaseStub (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/BaseStub.php) Returns a MockClientStreamingCall object that will return the first item from $responses

MockStubTrait::_serverStreamRequest() — Method in class MockStubTrait

Overrides the _serverStreamRequest method in \Grpc\BaseStub (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/BaseStub.php) Returns a MockServerStreamingCall object that will stream items from $responses, and return a final status of $serverStreamingStatus.

MockStubTrait::_bidiRequest() — Method in class MockStubTrait

Overrides the _bidiRequest method in \Grpc\BaseStub (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/php/lib/Grpc/BaseStub.php) Returns a MockBidiStreamingCall object that will stream items from $responses, and return a final status of $serverStreamingStatus.

MockTransport::__call() — Method in class MockTransport
MockUnaryCall::__construct() — Method in class MockUnaryCall

MockUnaryCall constructor.

ProtobufMessageComparator::__construct() — Method in class ProtobufMessageComparator
ReceivedRequest::__construct() — Method in class ReceivedRequest
GrpcFallbackTransport::__construct() — Method in class GrpcFallbackTransport
GrpcTransport::__construct() — Method in class GrpcTransport
ForwardingCall::__construct() — Method in class ForwardingCall

ForwardingCall constructor.

ServerStreamingCallWrapper::__construct() — Method in class ServerStreamingCallWrapper
RestTransport::__construct() — Method in class RestTransport
JsonStreamDecoder::__construct() — Method in class JsonStreamDecoder

JsonStreamDecoder is a HTTP-JSON response stream decoder for JSON-ecoded protobuf messages. The response stream must be a JSON array, where the first byte is the opening of the array (i.e. '['), and the last byte is the closing of the array (i.e. ']'). Each array item must be a JSON object and comma separated.

RestServerStreamingCall::__construct() — Method in class RestServerStreamingCall